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Moving this to the top, because apparently, people can't read all the way down:

To Whom It May concern, this is canon divergent, and the circumstances in this fic are but the best delivery for the situation that I wish to create. It is not an accusation fic, and those elements will be nothing but background to the primary events of the story. if you added it to one of those collections, please remove it.

He groaned as he woke, and he opened his eyes to the same dirt road he’d fallen asleep aside. Maybe it was the crying, or just the situation hitting him in full force, but Spike woke up exhausted, not even wanting to move an inch from his sleeping position under the tree. He layed in the grass, eyes half lidded, but awake, and he stared at the ground next to him, watching a band of ants trailing along to their anthill. He flinched as he felt a ladybug of all things land on his nose. He stared at it angrily, and given the reason he was out here, he felt it was well deserved. A twist of good birthday luck spurred on an instinct that he didn’t even know he had and a power that he didn’t even know he had turned his happy birthday and the next few days into the worst bad luck he’d ever experienced.

And if this ladybug was meant to represent good luck like ponies said it did, he really could’ve used it two days ago.

Still, his anger crumbled to pieces at a thought that he’d shied away from, because he wanted to believe more than anything that it wasn’t true, he had every reason to think it wasn’t true, but still, it cropped up, like an annoyingly persistent weed that the farmer of his field of thoughts had to tend to and yank up every few minutes.

Even if he hadn’t known this would happen, he could’ve stopped it. He could’ve stopped taking things, stopped trying to build a hoard and now what? He didn’t and he was paying the price for greed. What was the word Twilight used? Avarice. It was Avarice he’d had, and now he was paying the price.

It was all his fault, and he was stuck with the results.

Ponykind knows so little about dragons, and the Greed Growth incident came unexpectedly because of that. Spike, having the terrible magnitude of incident come crashing down on him, runs away from Ponyville, along the way meeting an eccentric Satyr, and encountering the Changelings, as well as whole cabal of powerful deities. Hoping to improve the condition of the Changeling Hive, and wanting a reason to stay away from the Ponies who know so little, and have so much to fear, he finds himself psuedo-adopted by the Changeling Queen. With new powers, a whole host of issues and conflicts to resolve, and friends to try and help from a distance, Spike's hands are more than full, especially with trying to stop Queen Chrysalis from starting a war.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 66 )
Comment posted by The Great Derpsby deleted Sep 4th, 2021

Looks like we found ourselves a new twilight.

Comment posted by KingReptarAlmighty deleted Sep 4th, 2021

She's stressed. She'll catch up eventually, pretty soon actually, but if you've ever caused a large mess, you've seen how parents act. They get real aggressive and generally hurt your feelings, even if it was an accident, but they usually come around and try to make amends, it's usually because you stressed them out in the moment and they needed to vent.

Comment posted by EdmeDeStrange deleted May 21st, 2021


Comment posted by Mystic Sunrise deleted Sep 4th, 2021

Honestly, I would have just brushed off anything twilight said. You also mentioned something it being the main 6’s fault, how is that?

Comment posted by KingReptarAlmighty deleted Sep 4th, 2021

No, I mentioned how old they were to make a guess at how old Spike was. Unless there was something in the story that I forgot to cut out.

Edit: On the topic of brushing it off, Spike already felt pretty trash, and that's basically either his mom or his big sister that he's known forever, and they're pretty inseparable for most of the series. That'd be pretty hard to brush off.

Oh. I guess you might have edited out.

I guess that’s a good point.

Comment posted by The Great Derpsby deleted Sep 4th, 2021
Comment posted by KingReptarAlmighty deleted Sep 4th, 2021
Comment posted by The Great Derpsby deleted Sep 4th, 2021
Comment posted by KingReptarAlmighty deleted Sep 4th, 2021

Honestly I don’t think twilight is THAT angry at spike I don’t think she meant to say those horrible things she’s probably upset that he didn’t come home is more than likely worried sick and is spending all day and night looking for him

Absolutely she is. I got plans for that, don't worry.

I read the original, so im actually exited for whats to come. Also, just to know, does "J******" appear and the concept of the original (with spike and all that happens) still happens? Just curious. Also in one of the paragraphs, kip says he looks 13 and later, in another paragraph, spike says that kip thought he was 14, was that a mistake? Anyways, i can't wait to read what happens next.

That was in fact a mistake. I back tracked and thought I fixed it. I should go back and edit that, but right now Ch. 2 is almost done, so I'm gonna try and finish that before making my edits. Also, yes, that all happens, I'm just trying to slow down. The last version crammed everything into like 3 chapters. I need some breathing room, so I'm gonna pad it out with more relationship stuff.

I actually don’t mind the shorter chapters.

I wonder if the princesses are mad at Twilight for her actions.

Ok, so far so good. Keep it coming.

“No, that’s not it at all. I yelled at Spike over a mess that didn’t even take as long as I thought it would to clean up, even without Celestia. I know he hates when people are upset with him, we had this same problem only three months ago! I really messed up Dash.” Twilight felt absolutely crushed, and either the Elements were projecting her emotions to her friends, or they had excellent timing, because both Applejack and Fluttershy woke up pretty immediately.

Why those two?

Unless he was sleeping or eating, the dragon was always willing to help if you asked, be it trimming the leaves of the plants in the Green Room, cleaning dishes, or just reorganizing the bookshelves, he was always willing to help if you asked for it, and he seemed to lack much else to do, other than sit and watch the Pictolith.

The what?

“Achtung. Ak-toong. Isn’t that Pferman?”

What does that mean?

“I’ll try.” She closed her eyes, and felt the familiar spark of magic envelop her horn, and she focused on the one magic signature so thoroughly ingrained in her mind that she couldn’t forget it if she tried. She gasped, and her eyes flew open in shock.

A return pulse.

She took off at a run.

Why is it working now?

Keep it up, you're doing excellent.

“See, like that. He knows a lot, and I want to learn more about dragons, without being around so many ponies that if something goes wrong I could really hurt a lot of people or mess a lot of stuff up.” Spike hugged Twilight, before tapping on her horn and blowing a small jet of the purple-green mist he used to send letters. “There, now you’re directly connected to my letter channel. I’ll write to you every week, just like how you write Celestia, alright?” Twilight’s face showed her confliction, but after a few seconds she wiped her eyes and pulled the dragon into a tight hug.

He can do that?

“Telling the others is not gonna be a fun time.” Twilight groaned.

“Tell me about it. What do you think Rainbow Dash is gonna think?” Applejack cringed.

What’s so bad?

I thought Spike wouldn't encounter Twilight & her friends until later.

Okay, this is a very different turn of events. Im interested to see how this goes. So far so good.


What does that mean?

Which one? In any case, Achtung is a german word, typically translated to "watch out" or "Look out" as used in the song title Achtung Baby. In typical MLP fashion, place names are horse puns or horse related. Horse in german is Pferd. Pferd+Germany = Pfermany, and they speak Pferman.

I wanted him to meet with them now because I hate overdrawing things through circumstance. The tracking spell failed because he was in Kipkirui's Pocket Dimension house. Now he wasn't and he's in a forest like down the street from Ponyville, or less than a few hours away, and Twilight and Applejack were already there looking. Tracking Spell works, he's walking, they're running, and they're within a few hundred feet of each other. I'm not gonna come up with some ridiculous reason for them to not meet up now, it would just seem unsatisfying.


He can do that?

Probably not but this story isn't supposed to be one hundred percent canon.

Fair enough. It's just that the description mentioned the Changelings & I speculated Spike wouldn't see the main six until later during Canterlot Wedding.

Well, he won't see ALL of them again until the wedding. For now it's just Twilight and Applejack.

Authors note response: Nah its good, sorry you hated making this.

This chapter got me excited. I read the original so i know what to come.

The town was incredible. It was jaw-droppingly huge, and while Spike had had expectations based on the size of Kipkirui’s house, this literally exceeded every single one. Aside from the sheer size of the interior, it was designed so intricately, and yet so naturally that it looked as if it could’ve grown that way. The interior walls were composed of titanic, jutting shards of amethyst glittery and free of imperfections, but deliberately rounded out so as to not have any chance of cutting someone. There were ring-shaped floors far below the entrance floor, and floors far above it, all of which had multiple bridges leading into the center area, sort of like a wheel, where intricately carved crystal platforms seemed to be teleporting people to different stores and floors. The exterior edge was lined with a few shops and other buildings built into the walls, but the bridges and the interior edge of the ring-shaped main platforms were lined with residential houses, which he began to realize were deliberately built on crystal platforms so you could look into the space above. The entrance floor lacked the residential buildings, having only the crystal platforms. He was in a perpetual state of awe as his eyes caught more and more details, and he only snapped out of it when he saw Kipkirui staring at him.

And this is in the forest?

“I’m really sorry.” Kipkirui sighed, and blinked before suddenly changing directions.

“We’re on the wrong floor. The magic shop’s a floor up.” He didn’t acknowledge Spike’s apology, and Spike sort of understood why. He just didn’t want to think about it anymore.


There was a central podium on the platform, and it projected a screen of magic similar to the Pictolith back at Kipkirui’s house. He couldn’t see what was on it, he was quite a bit too short. At around half of Kipkirui’s height, spines included, he was far below the eye level of the screen, which was around Kipkirui’s chest height.

His spines add to his height?

“Heads up, you should probably try to not look around while this happens.” Kipkirui said. He could tell that Kipkirui was pressing something on it, when the world sort of swirled. Like if you started turning and from the ground up, it stopped turning, making the whole space look twisted. Then, suddenly it bounced back to normal, and Spike felt very, very nauseous. He fell to the ground, fighting back heaves while Kipkirui sank down, patting him on the back reassuringly. When he finally stopped feeling like he was immediately going to throw up if he opened his mouth, he had one thing and one thing only to say.

What just happened?

“I hated every part of that.” Kipkirui nodded, looking remorseful. In his defense, he had warned Spike, but Spike still scowled at him slightly.

You live and learn.

Unfortunately, after that, he wasn’t able to find much else he would’ve been interested in, or that he didn’t find the price too egregious to ask for. He preferred hardbacks, and those ran high.

What are hardbacks?

Unfortunately, after that, he wasn’t able to find much else he would’ve been interested in, or that he didn’t find the price too egregious to ask for. He preferred hardbacks, and those ran high. He was going to just ask for the seven that he had, when something caught his eye. A remarkably thick book, entitled Legends of Old Deities, Heroes, and Monsters .

Is that gonna be important?

I’m sorry, but I am so confused.

Yeah we're in that wheelhouse. Alright, here's how it goes.

The greek gods do exist, most of the stories about them were written by random mortals and the gods usually didn't intervene because they like the drama.

They left their mark on the world in the form of nature magic, primarily harnessed by Satyrs and Zebras.

The gods are mostly active, but they do relegate some of their duties to mortals because it makes their jobs easier. Gods take on "Apprentices" and give them power in exchange for service, like a Warlock from dnd. Kipkirui is one such apprentice, serving the nature gods, Demeter and Pan, as well as Apollo.

Spike's gonna meet a god and...

Well that part is telling. Wait for the next chapter to see.

I know that some of that, but it’s just a lot to take in.

Yikes. Now I’m starting to feel sorry for him. Also, is any of this going to be important?

Well, interesting start. And that satyr is very friendly. The cynic in me assumes it's a cover for something.

Why do I feel this will end horribly?

That can only end well.

Well, that was surprising. Now I wonder how the rest of the events in the description play out.

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