• Member Since 15th May, 2018
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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


Cadance journeys out to the Pie family farm to get a lesson in earth pony magic.

Honorable Mention in the May 2021 Original Pairings Contest.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 41 )

I think the fact that Cadance didn't just smack Twilight there is proof that she handled things more gracefully than I would have.

That was a really cute story! I'm glad that Shining Armor took it so well and that nopony got hurt. It is quite an interesting pairing, and you pulled it off well!

God, I'm loving the dynamic between Cadance and Limestone, and the way it's changed over the course of this chapter does a really great job of making the passage of time feel tangible.

Oh, this was fantastic. I love how supportive Shining Armor was of Cadance's crush on Limestone. Shining is a Certified Good Boy, which is great. And then the way Limestone made her own feelings for Cadance known with that heart-shaped crystal left me with a smile as wide as Cadance's. Bookending the whole thing with Cadance and Twilight once again, but this time with their positions reversed was so satisfying. This worked so much better than I was expecting, and I desperately want to see more Limestone and Cadance shipping now. Great work!

Thank you so much, wish!! You were able to pick up on so many of the little things I tried to sow into this story, which is just so so satisfying :twilightsmile: Glad you enjoyed it!

This is one of my new favorites of yours. Every character's personality and interactions just felt true in a way that's hard to describe.

I think my favorite part of this chapter is that Limestone really doesn't understand princesses at all.

But learning something new to shut up a younger sibling? That she understands.

Should've gone to the rock farm, Twilight.

That was great! I love your character dynamics and you nailed each and every single one had its place: I loved Shining and how supportive and understanding he was while still bantering with Cadance, and Mauds appearance was also incredible. Fantastic stuff, this was truly a great piece!

Thank you so much, Red!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story, as well as it's side characters-- it was super fun to write, and I'm so happy I was able to get it published in time! Good luck to you with your entries, and thanks a bunch for reading (as well as your edits - u da man) :twilightsmile:

I liked this. It was a really good look at earth pony magic, Cadence being grumpy was a great way to start off, and the uncertainty around Maud was a nice touch. But Limestone never quite felt like Limestone to me, and some of the choices of which events to show and which not to could have better served the arc, I think. It never really gave much insight into what each of them saw in the other.

I am tempted to say it might be better as a story of Cadence discovering her earth pony side than of her finding love. It is definitely the best look at rock farming I've ever read, and I particularly liked Limestone's insistence that earth pony methods are more about hooves-on experience than studying.

Ah, I see part of the issue.

The Element of Honesty everyone.

I'm quite enjoying the descriptions of rock farming here. And Maud's being very herself! (Glad to see it's not just Pinkie who can read her moods, too.)

Shining really is the best husband for Cadence. :yay:

i alwase love seeing the princess of love finding love where ever she may go.

Worldbuilding is difficult, but when done well, it's so rewarding to see. It's one of the key reasons why fandoms exist around shows like Friendship is Magic and Avatar. For MLP, though, for every moment of interesting worldbuilding, it felt like there was always an equal number of missed opportunities. The concept of rock farming is one such area.

Why is it called a rock farm instead of a quarry? Mines are shown multiple times in the universe, so we know that rocks and minerals are mined. Why do the Pies work on a farm with tilled land?

The show didn't give you much to work with on this one, and yet you took the breadcrumbs the show gave you and ran with it in a direction that I wouldn't have thought of. And you managed to relate this concept back to the characters in a way that helped us to see them each grow as individuals as they grew together.

Also, your book-ending here was solid. I related to Cadance at the beginning, and smiled when I saw what was going on with Twilight once the story reached its end.

Congratulations on winning Most Creative Plot in the May Pairing Contest!

Thank you so much!! It's so rewarding as an author to hear that those elements you're most proud of stood out to readers. I approached this story from the tagline concept--an alicorn trying to train in earth pony magic--and had to do the world building from there, which was pretty challenging! Overall, though, I'm happy with the way this story turned out, and I'm thrilled to be recognized. You guys do great work! Can't wait for next year!

Oh, this was delightful. Earth pony magic, non-Pinkie Pie sister dynamics, Shining being a supportive husband, the bookends...

Seriously, I loved everything about this story. Congrats on the HM and thank you for it.

Hello, a review to your story has been posted. I hope you find it helpful. :raritywink:

This was super cute, and it’s nice to see Cadance given the spotlight of being frustrated about something outside of her kingdom or family.
Also Shining is such a good husband. Great work on this

This is what's called proper romance.

This is what's called a good story.

This is what we call the perfect thing I needed right before bed.

Holy crap, everything about this story was amazing. In the start, I could really feel Cadance's frustration at Twilight and the want to show her up and beat the little sister. This is also understood by Limestone, which, I could see that she understood too because of family dynamics. Of course, it's not just because she wants to prove Twilight wrong, she also goes to the rock farm because of pure curiosity, which I can understand too.

And heck, was Limestone written well. We didn't get to see much of her in the show, and this I feel was an amazing representation of her character and what you thought to be. I loved the subtle references as Cadance slowly grew attracted to Limestone, and it really gave me the romantic feel because it wasn't rushed or forced.

When Maud came along, I feel like Cadance did the right thing, even if it wasn't for her, to let them have their sisterly time. Family is very important, and I think Cadance understands that reaaaaaally well. I also liked how you made Limestone sorta like Cadance back, and their relationship visibly grew over the days they spent together(ALSO SUPPORTIVE SHINING ARMOR OMG)

Although, I feel as if even though the romance part of this story was nice, it wasn't really necessary for the story to flourish. It'd do just well without the romance, but it was a nice addition! Thanks for writing this beautiful story, you've earned an upvote, a favorite, and a follow from me.

Howdy, hi

I continue to be just absolutely gobsmacked by the quality of your writing. The characterization of everyone in this is so good and I enjoy the back and forth between all of the characters.

The buildup with the seed planting and eventual harvest of Cadance's feelings for Limestone were just so amazing and I love the slow burn of their romance which is impressive. The pacing was just on point and I just love love love all the characters in this.

Also, thank you I have finally broken my bad Shining Armour fic streak.

Thank you very much for this amazing work mushroom!

Absolutely everything about this story is wonderful.

The dynamic with Limestone and Cadance works surprisingly well. Limestone cares less about who Cadance is, and more about what and why she's on the farm. The first meeting is just so indicative of who Limestone is, her why should I care? attitude, her simple knowledge that she attempts to disperse as wisdom to Cadance, even though both of them know she's reaching for it. Limestone is just so well done here, in every aspect.

Speaking of sounding smart, the way you describe how the rocks are actually formed and the earth pony process sounds way smarter than I could probably comprehend, but it's also explained in such depth. It really makes me feel like I'm learning with Cadance. One line from Limestone stuck out, how ponies think rocks are stubborn, but that they just need the right push. It's the best line of the story to me, and it seems to be a metaphor for Limestone and Cadance, both separately and together.

When Limestone tells Cadance to feel her quartz instead, I got all giddy because I knew what was happening. It's just adorable, and it ties the whole story together. The slow progression from mentor and student to friends chatting during a days work is subtle, but perfect. I also love how Limestone says I think you're ready, because in my eyes, she means it as if she, herself, is ready.

Couple of lighting round things I like. Shining is an actually good character here, and him knowing what he was signing up for was a great moment, if only for it's funny seeing Cadance be clueless. Maud and Limestone have such a good chemistry, and it's something that could only come from years of being close, which you presented perfectly.

I could ramble for so much longer about how good this was, and how many small details there are just tucked into this, but I'm gonna cut it here and say this was wonderful. There are a few minor grammar issues scattered here and there, but the story as a whole makes up for it. Bravo!

I have to say bit of a shaky start. There're a few things that leave me with questions, but I suppose future chapters will clarify some things. Still, I find the interactions between Limestone and Cadence very amusing.

A few grammatical errors, but this is a solid chapter. Some of the questions I had form the start are explained, and again, Cadence and Limestone's interactions only keep getting better. Surprised to see Maud appear, but it gave a nice twist to the situation.

Also the twist with Shining and Cadence being already at the farm was funny.

Let's see how it all ends.

Ok, this was the perfect resolution. I love you handling of Shinning's feelings over the whole thing, and that he gave the small push Cadence needed to realize what her feeling were. And the last interaction between her and Limestone was a surprise I wasn't expecting.

The characterization of everypony was perfect, even if at first I thought it was a bit flimsy. And on top of that, I really like this explanation of how the rock farm, and the farmer themselves, work. Very interesting and "logical" for the world of Equestria.

The one question that I was left with, that I might just have missed ti somehow, if what made Cadence decide on the rock farm to begin wit?

Overall, this is a great story with great characters.

Great job.

i am already in love with this story. i have so much to say here!

With that, Twilight slid out of the breakfast nook, being sure to ruffle her wings as she did.

Cadance ground her teeth as Twilight all but floated across the room on a cloud of superiority.

"I'll see you tomorrow, big sis," she said, adding a rather condescending pat on the head.

It took me a while to figure out just why I resented the canon Princess Cadance so much. It was at first the fact that her existence was the first cheapening of the significance of alicornhood (the two immortal Goddesses that are needed to ensure the planet's daily cycle and then.... Twilight's foalsitter/future sister-in-law?), and the obvious fact that it was a toy company wanting a pretty pink Alicorn Princess in a fairytale romance to push plastic onto little girls. But it was also that she just didn't ever have an arc not related to being a wife or mother, so to me that is all she was: the perfect wife and mother.

So it is always refreshing to see her depicted with an actual personality and flaws and conflict with other characters! And setting this up while also setting up the worldbuilding premise of alicorns and having to discover the various tribes' magics in a single conversation was a delight.

Arriving at the Pie family rock farm wasn't unlike being dropped off at the edge of the world itself.

Just the way you introduce the scene change with this really lends an art to it that i truly envy, and i am definitely taking notes for my own future work.

Despite the sinking feeling which tugged at her chest (as well as the eerie echoes of chain gang chanting which rattled about in her mind), Cadance climbed the creaking porch steps and stood before the beat-up screen door. She searched for a doorbell, but turned up nothing, and settled for tapping gently on the warped wood of the door's frame.

Your description work in general is top-notch, feeling like every word was chosen very deliberately to reïnforce the mood and atmosphere. Vivid, and not a word wasted. Yet another thing I have to take notes on.

Cadance narrowed her eyes. "I'm Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire," she announced, as royal and poised as she could muster. "I'm here to--"

"Well, who are you to me?"

A great illustration of how status is relative to context (and how different the context Cadance now finds herself is), and none better for this than Limestone Pie, who is one of my favorite canon characters for the same reasons Cadance is one of my least favorites. Disagreeable beyond a fault or need for social niceties, and a strongly held set of wants different from what the average pony cares about, illustrated by:

"Name's Limestone," the mare said, pushing open the screen door and stepping into the porch. "Pinkie Pie never has any drama, so this oughta be good. Fill me in."

My heart aches in jealousy of how well you draw Limestone here. Every line of hers feels just so very much her, without veering into caricature. And the exchange between her and Cadance just feels so very lived-in and natural. Amazing stuff.

Limestone put a hoof to Cadance's mouth. "Hey. Patience is a big part of earth pony magic," she said. "So be patient. Come back tomorrow."

And I absolutely loved this mental image. A single line that itself encapsulates all of the things I remarked on above.

"And yet you came back!" Limestone exclaimed. "Shows resilience. It'll make you a good earth pony."

Really loved this line, and your illustration of earthpony culture in general. Makes me want to tear out the guts of my worldbuilding just to incorporate it.

Limestone arched a brow in her direction. "Oh. You want, like, that academic stuff," said muttered. "Too bad Maud isn't here. Finally put that rocktorate to good use."

Cadance didn't know how to respond to that.

And yes, the perfect level of absurdist magical realism for an extension of the canon show. Also, a mention of Maud! I love her.

She scoffed. "You really don't listen, do you, Princess?" She laughed to herself, a harsh and cackling sound. "Just because I don't know all that geology garbage doesn't mean I don't know how it works. What, you think all farmers are botanists? You think all metalworkers are chemists? All doctors are biologists?"

It is interesting that if anything this illustrates Cadance and Twilight are more similar than Cadance would like to admit! Really adds another layer to their exchange in the first chapter. This pleases me greatly.

“Here,” she said at last, tossing a pouch onto the ground in front of Cadance’s hooves. “You’re on rose quartz. ‘Cause you’re pink.”

Yes, she is pink, isn't she?

“Right,” Limestone said. “The seed is the book, and we’re the parent reading the book, and the rest of the dirt is the foal we’re reading to. Make sense?”

Again, the worldbuilding just feels so lived-in, complete with its own idiosyncratic metaphors for how it works. Especially little flourishes like:

“Sure. Whatever. Just don’t breathe it in, okay?” Limestone advised. “That stuff’s a little… highly toxic. Only if it gets in your mouth, lungs, or ears, though.”

Shining leaned over to give his wife a soft and tender kiss on the cheek. “Hey. Do what you need to do. I’m glad you’re getting a bit of a vacation from the palace.”

Cadance pressed into Shining Armor’s side for an extra moment before pulling away. “It’s stupid.”

“Not any stupider than the Sibling Supreme.”

How many times am I going to use the words "lived-in"? I don't know, man. Just great stuff.

“Cute,” came another voice, and Shining and cadance were pulled out of their private moment.

Agh, a typo! But a great line and interaction between these two relationships of Cadance. I'm thinking a word to myself here that I won't repeat, but again, status relative to context! Just great characterization.

A remarkable, electric feeling which coursed through not her horn, not her wings, but her very bones. It wasn’t quite as overwhelming as she would have expected it to be; rather, it reminded her of her first time truly taking flight. Or her first time casting an effective spell. A feeling of understanding, of… for lack of a better word, rightness.

Absolutely delightful. I love to see it.

Surely that was why she felt as if she'd been punched in the sternum, right?


Limestone nodded. "Crystals are organized molecules. They're gonna feel a lot less chaotic compared to the dirt and even other stones," she explained. "What else? You might have to close your eyes."

This buildup with LImestone is so beautiful and makes me want to rip to pieces every romantic sequence I have ever planned on writing. It is of course very thematic and Literature that for Cadance this is happening at the same time as discovery of a new facet of the world, but wow, just the depth and richness and thoroughness with which you illustrate the idea of rock farming. I loved it so much. It says a lot that I can't tell which part I loved more.

A hoof flew up to the bun at the back of Cadance's head, and she laughed breathlessly. "Oh, I just-- y'know, I thought it was… practical."

"Looks nice," Limestone said.

Cadance flushed a dark pink. "Thank you."

I can't let this pass without telling you how much I loved it. I love stuff like this so much.

"Yes. I'm her sister," Maud said, without a hint of comedic intent.

Or… perhaps that was sarcasm?

That is what is so wonderful about Maud. I love her.

"Exactly," the pair said in unison.

Yes, how technical conversation feels to an outsider!

There was a word for this feeling, she thought.

But she couldn't say it.

And yes. Ugh. I love it.

She used her hooves for air quote, and then dropped them on the table with a groan.

Loving this conversation so far but just want to interject with how I find ponies using hooves to air-quote to be the cutest thing ever and am very glad to see people writing it in their work. Also the mental image of Cadance doing it is great.

"Lookin' good," he said, and tapped her gently on the nose. "Go get her, Princess."

And this illustration of Shining Armor being mature and perceptive and supportive is really great! A very refreshing change of pace from how these conversations (and Shining Armor characterizations) usually go.

Just like she loved the way Limestone looked at her. Not like a princess. Like a student, or a friend-- even a frustrating or difficult one. Just as a pony. As the things she did, not the title she carried.

Interesting, isn't it? Since Cadance grew up in Canterlot as a teenaged alicorn, Limestone was probably the first mare she ever had this sort of relationship with, and she immediately falls in love with her. A lot I could say about this!

Patience is a big part of earth pony magic, she had said. So be patient.

And this sequence. More worldbuilding, illustrating the character arc's end, just beautiful and perfect.

She looked over at Limestone, whose face was practically beet red.

“I, uh… I meant what I said,” she mumbled. “About patience. It’s… important.”

Cadance broke into a smile so wide it made her cheeks ache.


“Well, as it turns out, the original earth pony settlers did not, in fact, keep in touch with their magic through bulk composting.” Her fake smile dissolved into a deep grimace. “And ‘earth pony traditions’ may have been Applejack’s clever term for ‘chores’ all along.”

Cadance giggled. “Smart girl,” she said, sipping her own coffee. “Now that you mentioned it, I thought you smelled a bit like apple cores.”

And ending it where we began, with a reversal of the original situation! Love the understated comedy here.

This is one of the best fics I have ever read. I love it so much. I may also be very biased because the choice of characters is somehow also very perfectly suited for me and my complexes. But beyond that, ugh. I loved everything about this. Thank you so much for writing it. Going to end the comment here before it becomes an incoherent and gooey mess.

"Y'know, I feel like I'm really getting in touch with my earth pony magic," Twilight said wistfully, running her hoof in circles around the rim of her coffee mug. "Just… really grounded."


Cadance ground her teeth as Twilight all but floated across the room on a cloud of superiority.
"I'll see you tomorrow, big sis," she said, adding a rather condescending pat on the head.
Cadance growled under her breath.
It wasn't until Twilight was gone that Cadance thought to shout, "I was an alicorn way before you, y'know!"

I do so adore sisterly banter, hehe.

"To make your annoying younger sister shut up?"
"Well… sister-in-law, but--"
"Deal," Limestone said, getting to her hooves. "We start now. Drop your stuff on the porch."

Ah, solidarity. If there's one thing we older siblings can attest to, it's that younger siblings just won't shut up.

“Right,” Limestone said. “The seed is the book, and we’re the parent reading the book, and the rest of the dirt is the foal we’re reading to. Make sense?”
Cadance cocked her head, looking out at the sea of tiny holes in the dirt. “So… we’re teaching the dirt how to turn into crystals?”

I love this piece of worldbuilding. It makes so much sense! I love what you're doing with earthpony magic here. This chapter's great overall. Again - I'm impressed by the thought you put behind the magic here. Rock-farming suddenly doesn't sound so ridiculous. As a matter of fact, it's perfectly organic, going by their association with the earth beneath.


"You're the princess of love," Shining Armor said simply. "I knew what I was signing up for. Even if you didn't, I guess."
Cadance smiled. She felt about ready to burst into tears, if she was honest.
"C'mere." Shining waved his wife in closer.
Cadance rushed in for a hug, which Shining Armor gladly gave. When they pulled apart, Shining quickly licked his hoof and tucked back a few stray hairs. Cadance leaned lovingly into his touch.
"Lookin' good," he said, and tapped her gently on the nose. "Go get her, Princess."

Open marriages work so well with these two, dawww.

I love this story. I didn't expect so much worldbuilding to be woven in and yet, here we are. Earthpony worldbuilding, who're always so underrated. The banter and dialogue from everyone was pitch-perfect, and Cadance's realisation and Shining's support and Limestone's reactions were all just so, so on point.

Thank you.

There's always so much to appreciate about your writing and this one was no exception. You have a fantastic knack for writing characters who I never pictured being together, yet it seems so obvious in hindsight, and every single time it leaves me with a smile on my face. I mean Cadance and Limestone? How do you even think of that?

Seriously, you pull it off so well. I really loved how you handled each of the characters. Cadance genuinely feels relatable here and Limestone is adorable in every regard. You touched on the idea of how sometimes we can't explain things we just know inherently and I think this is a great idea especially with the Princess of Love.

This was absolutely great, fantastic work as always!

This was a really nice story, and it was interesting seeing how rock farming works. Cadance being so frustrated is something I generally don't see in stories, and it was handled well here. Limestone was characterized well too. Their friendship was developed well. It being romantic, or at least Limestone being on board right away, did feel a bit sudden, but that isn't really a problem.

Very sweet and wholesome, and of course I like anything that concerns Earth Pony magic. Very considered explanations for how and why it works, and of course anything with Limestone is A+ material in my books.:pinkiesmile: Thank you for writing.

I fear I don't have much to say that wasn't said by other (smarter) people before me. But I wanted to show my appreciation anyway, so...
It was lovely.

Thank you.

I've always been a bit of a fan of the idea that the princess and prince of love would have an open relationship. Love in all its forms and all that. But this was an interesting new take. I like just how open and understanding Shining is about it, almost more than Cadance at first. Very well done.

Nice. Funny that AJ was messing with Twi.

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