• Member Since 9th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday


A frustrated writer who just wants people to like their stories.


When Twilight first saw her, she thought the mare was beautiful, and she couldn't help but be attracted to her. When she got to know her more, she began to realize that the mare was somepony she connected with and loved. But as date after date went by, the mare got more and more nervous, as Celestia struggled to figure out how she would break the facade to the mare she had grown to love.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 199 )

That was really Good looking forward to more


i chuckled at the summary xD i'll read this later!

Fantastic! looking forward to more!

As many stories I've read of celly x twi or even incognito celly i barely haven't read one where she hides her identify like this

Really felt the frustration of work and keeping a part of yourself secret.

The flow was great till celly started talking to the librarian.

The librarian section was kind of abrupt, and made me think it was moon dancer. Same with when twi just came up and asked her out and left. You'd think with celly looking at twi and her group, some one would have noticed and either went to confront her or get sucked I to a conversationwhen getting a drink from the bar

I'll subscribe to the story to see where it goes

I'm curious if Twi's friends noticed her glancing at Sunny, and decided to dare her to ask Sunny out. Would defiantly be something along lines of Rainbow or Pinkie... maybe even Rarity. Hilarious if 'Drunk-Shy' shouted at her to go as well... Anyway for the date, it would be hard on Celestia to continue to date Twi, without showing who she is, at some point it would come out. Though... I wonder if somehow her friends knew it was Celestia and did'nt say anything. -.- Knowing Pinkie's, 'Pinkie SenseTM' she'll know all along.



Thanks everyone, glad you like it! Watch out cause there's going to be more soon :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the review, really appreciate it! I guess I may have ruined the pacing a bit towards the end, but I'll keep on working on it to make the story flow better. Thanks again for the comment! :pinkiehappy:

Oh, it happened somewhat like that. :raritywink:

A few grammar oddities but beyond that I really did enjoy this.
Excited to see what happens next.
Hope the wait for it isn't long.

Other than that all I have to say is thanks, thanks for letting us read this. Lol

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you like the story! Don't worry, the wait shouldn't be too long. The next chapter is being worked on right now, and should be good in a day or two. :pinkiehappy:

When it’s chapter one and I’m already asking, “What can go wrong?” that means I’m going to tracking this.

I have seen fics with similar plots and ideas, but it is the first time that I have seen a fic that involves these two characters in the way you have written it.:raritystarry:

You have my attention.:raritywink:

“Oh Celestia, I forgot to ask for her name!”

Don’t worry Twi, you’re doing just fine.

Her lunch with Celestia should be interesting!

Royal Canterlot Voice with a Hangover?
That can not be fun.

Twilight Sparkle is a never-ending well-spring of amusement....

I'm sure Celestia's gonna have some fun with Twilight during their lunch. Wonder if Twilight would be brave enough to mention how she asked a pony out for a date, while drunk, without even knowing her name. Celestia would be happy knowing the drunkenness only gave Twi courage to ask, confirming she did like 'Sunny.' I have a feeling that Celestia might get jealous of herself. =x

There's nothing like a nice easy read to relax after a hard day at work...

...Um, I mean, if I'm not drinking or dating, reading about it is the next best thing, right? :twistnerd::twilightblush:

... I'm not quite sure what to say? It's not bad, but the writing is just a bit off, and I can't exactly place why. Just with everything being in the past tense, it comes across as passive I guess? Like this is a dry retelling, without a whole lot of enthusiasm. There's also a few parts where tenses get mixed in odd ways. Sorry for not being more clear.

For example, just the other day, me and Fluttershy were sent to the Smokey Mountains.”

I assume this takes place in very late season 5.

“You mean the seminar scheduled for next month?” Celestia asked.

The seminar means the time before Starlight did it, right? :trixieshiftright: That mean she still somewhere... spying on Twilight, right? I wonder if she will show up in a latter chapter for more 'drama.'

Liking this story so far!

I'm a little confused as to why Celestia didn't tell Luna the truth.

Thanks everyone! I'm glad you're liking it so far. :pinkiehappy:

She is indeed hehe :raritywink:

Thank you for the review, I really appreciate it! I'll do my best to work on the tory more and make it read better! :twilightsmile:

You got it right! :pinkiehappy: Don't worry, we'll see Glim Glam later on. :raritywink:

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it!

If Celestia wants to be close to her sister she should tell her about her date.

Oh Celestia, you idiot. It's your SISTER, your closest confidant and conspirator, that misses you dearly. You just blew her for a date, that's bad enough, but then you went and lied about it. Had you been truthful she'd be joyous for you and help you in your date, and then bound over grilling you for all details - that you'd give because, again, it's your SISTER.

This is going to bite back so hard...

Interesting. I only hope their won’t be a standard liar revealed moment for the climax.

I question the line about being experts. Especially with Rarity’s track record.

Outright lies rarely get the job done. All she had to do was say she already had dinner plans that evening.

> You’re white fur


Next chapter,

> constant inquires


> alicron’s

Is that bigger than unicron?

> me and Fluttershy were sent

"Fluttershy and I"

Curious, Sunny managed to pear a bit through the large arching door


whose ponies she immediately realized


as well as the steady sway of her body as she shot there


Twilgiht took a deep breath,


healthy amount of glances at you throughout the pass hour. You’re white fur;

past; Your

Twilight asked her a question made her heart stop a beat for a second.

as written, these are two contradicting measurements of time. Different ways to rewrite it are: "heart stop beating for a second", "heart stop for a beat", "heart stop for a second", "heart skip a beat", "heart stopped beating and she died. The end.", etc.

She was always either too bust or uninterested to do dates

being too busty usually helps with getting dates, so I'm guessing you meant "too busy" :P

It hurt her to know that Twilight never excitement of such social actions


She respected Twilgiht too much to jsut say yes out of pity

Twilight; just

Shaking her head a giggling at this


The first chapter is pretty dense with typos and spelling mistakes, and there is also an overabundance of commas that I know are incorrect. Consistently using commas correctly has always been my weakness so I won't write corrections, but hopefully someone else can chime in on that.

Overall, it is not bad and I am still interested enough to put the story to my watch list and wait for it to be completed before reading the rest.

First two small things maybe take a look at:

Taking her sit at the other end of the, Celestia couldn’t help but give a slight frown when she saw the distance between her and Twilight.


At that moment Celestia felt her hear tear, knowing that she was being forced to choose between Twilight and Luna.

Just trying to help. :)
Several others seemed to have mentioned it's bad lying to Luna, she'd probably be happy for her, but I suppose Luna doesn't know Celestia sneaks out to bars. Really hope Celestia opens up to her at some point. Seems that Twilight wasn't the only one distracted about date tonight, unfortunately it just looked odd to Twilight, Twilight also lying to Celestia seems kind of off to me. Wonder if she's just embarrassed or worried Celestia would think a 'proper' princess wouldn't do a casual date. This being Canterlot, Twilight should know that a date with Princess Twilight Sparkle will probably hit news and be seen by Celestia anyway... Need to see more and all of this resolved. Hope to see more soon. :)


ok no really this is good , really looking foreward?to the next chapter!

Hope you still plan on updating this.
Would be a shame to leave it as is.

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten this story yet! Hehe, life has just been interfering a bit, but rest assured, the next chapter is currently 40% done. :twilightsmile:

Ah life.
No worries though. Do what you need to do. We will still be here to read whenever next one is posted.

Hope everything is going well though.

Update soon?

This has been a great story so far, hope you’re able to update it soon.

did you seriously stop updating before the date?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im tracking and favoriting this story no hate.

This story had so much potential. Sad to see it die like this.

I plan to get the next chapter out at the start of sem break, which is at the end of month. I wanted to get one out during the Christmas break, but all the papers I had to submit and the upcoming exams prevented me from finishing the chapter. A rough progress estimate would be that Chapter 4 is around 80 to 90 percecnt complete, so just a little bit more and its done. Anyways...sorry about the nearly year long delay, I know that's no excuse, but this story ain't dead yet. :twilightsheepish:

Staring at them one by one, she soon saw the frightened and concerned looks on her friend’s faces, and this sight was enough to lessen her anger. Slowly, the alicron’s intense breathing started to become calmer, as her whole body deflated in shame and guilt.


Looking up, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Rarity. And its okay, girls, you can ask me questions, I’m okay now. Besides, it’ll probably help me out how much of a fool I made myself last night.”

There are multiple things that this could be changed to.

“Just a date?” Twilight said, turning towards Pinkie Pie, eyes wide and gaze shaky. “This isn’t just any date, this is my first every date! I don’t even know what to do. What if I do something bad? What if we run out of conversation material? How am I even supposed to act in a date? I don’t have previous experience to go by, and it’s too late to study upon it now... Or is it? Maybe if I cancel my lunch with Celestia then I would have enough time to read-”


Yay! An update!!!

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