• Published 29th Jul 2021
  • 750 Views, 42 Comments

Pom's Chapter — A Novelization of a Story That Doesn't Yet Exist - AIPomgeon

An adventure detailing Pom's unwilling journey through Foenum for the Prophet's Key.

  • ...

Chapter 5 — Alone

Pom backs into the wall, frantically feeling around the rubble for any kind of opening she could squeeze through. There's nothing. No escape.

The dragon looks on as Pom scrambles, silently waiting for her to calm down. Upon realizing she's well and truly trapped with her, however, Pom begins to let out a scream. The dragon barely allows it to escape her lips, though.

A trail of fire marks the path taken by the dragon as she dashes toward Pom, the flames on her body roaring as she kicks off the ground. She stuffs her hoof in Pom's mouth and, in a hushed whisper, says "How many times must I tell you not to scream?! I cannot speak for you, lamb, but I'd like to survive at least the next few hours before starvation kicks in." Pom squirms desperate to escape her, but without missing a beat the dragon places her other hoof on the small of Pom's back, leveraging both of them onto their hind legs.

"If. You Scream. It will. Attract. The predators." hisses the dragon.

Pom squirms harder, trying to say something but unable to produce more than a muffled cry.

"I will let you speak but you must not scream." the dragon says, moving her hoof from Pom's mouth to her shoulder.

"Hot, it's hoooooot!" squeals Pom.

"What's hot? I don't—oh. Of course." the dragon says, before inhaling slowly and reducing her flames to embers. "I had forgotten my training and the temperatures outsiders can handle before feeling uncomfortable. Is this better, lamb?"

Not answering, Pom continues trying to escape, making weak, unintelligible noises of panic. The dragon maintains her grasp and gripes, "It can't be that hot, lamb. Right now you could touch my flames and not be burnt." Seeing Pom continue her panicked behavior, though, the dragon sighs and lets go of her, who bumps into the same wall and hugs it as tightly as possible.

"Are you going to cry now?" exclaims the dragon. "Quit acting like a baby, I did not even hit you that time. If something is wrong, tell me."

"..." Pom refuses to even look in the direction of the dragon, shutting her eyes and thinking of home, wishing she had never gone on this journey.

"Come, speak to me." the dragon says, stepping closer; Pom looks back upon the sound of the dragon's step, and starts audibly crying at thought. The dragon groans, retreating to where she was. "Even when we did fight I didn't hit you that hard. You have no reason to act so afraid of me; I am your greatest ally and the best protection you could possibly have. What is wrong, lamb?"


"Fine, I shall wait until you have calmed down." she says, sitting on her haunches, staring at Pom. Patiently. With those predator's eyes.

Minutes pass.

"Are you ready to speak now?"


More minutes pass.

"Lamb, why are you so insistent on silence? Do you believe I can steal your voice?"


"Come, don't ignore me."

Even more minutes pass.

"There is unnaturally potent fear behind those eyes, it is unhealthy for you to hold it in. Why won't you let me help you by telling me what's wrong?"


The dragon has grown restless, pacing around the room, nearly stalking, before she finally snaps. "You are the most incorrigible person I've ever met. Do you know that? If you had listened to me in the first place, lamb, we would not be trapped here, but now that we are you won't even entertain me with a dialogue. What did I do to you besides protect you and save your life?!"

Pom sits there in continued silence, watching the dragon. By this point her panic-induced shaking has reduced to a light shiver and a lump of anxiety in her throat, and her body has relaxed enough for her to lie flat. She has accepted the situation, or at least has come to terms with the way she's going to die. Despite this, Pom still winces as the dragon suddenly approaches by several feet.

"At least, at least tell me your name. So I can stop calling you 'lamb.'" the dragon haggles, hooves at her temples. "Give me that much, I am going to go insane soon."

Pom looks to the floor, then up at the dragon, then back to the floor. For a moment she opens her mouth, but thinks better of it and closes it.

"Come on. It's several sentences at most. ...I will go first, should that help you."

Straightening up, the dragon approaches even more, to Pom's barely audible dismay, before she bows two yards away. "I am Tianhuo, Captain of the Royal Guard of Her Royal Highness the Longestma's Huoshan Empire."

Pom does her best to swallow the lump in her throat. Without looking up she meekly utters her excuse for an introduction.


"Pom what?" Tianhuo asks.


"Your name is Pom Pom?"

"Just... Pom." she says, placing your head to the ground.

"You only go by Pom? You do not have a title?"


Exasperated Tianhuo exclaims, "Why was it so hard to utter that one syllable, Pom? You've wasted my time and yours." Pom lets out a high-pitched whimper at the berating. Tianhuo rolls her eyes. "Stop crying already. I have not harmed you at all since we awoke. Even now my presence is benevolent, allowing you to see in the darkness. Do you act this way toward all strangers, Pom?"

"P-Please stop yelling at me..."

"I have not yelled at you once. Are all sheep so sensitive and weak that raising one's voice is all it takes to turn them into a puddle of tears and self-pity?"


"I'm not yelling at you!" Tianhuo yells. Pom buries her head beneath her hooves, wishing this would all go away. Tianhuo lays flat on the ground across from her, legs splayed, and lets out a sigh of annoyance.


Pom peeks at Tianhuo for a moment, then re-bury her head.

"Pom, please look at me." Tianhuo's voice is low and calm, matching the embers produced by her body. Slowly and reluctantly, Pom looks up toward the dragon.

"I promise I will not yell at you any longer. It was not yelling in my eyes, but I recognize your sensitivity, and I will try to keep my voice calm. But you have to stop crying."

Freezing for a moment, Pom nods, trying her best to maintain eye contact.

"Alright, Pom.

"Why are you so afraid?"

Pom breaks eye contact, shuddering under her breath.
"Is it because we fought? If I were to apologize, would you be okay?... I can tell by your body language it's more than that. I want to understand you, Pom. If I am to save Foenum, I must know how to interact with the people I am saving. You're the first person I've saved, so I must start with you."

"You're... terrifying."

"Am I? Tell me more. I'm aware I may be exotic."

"Y... yer one of them."

"Tell me more. Have you had a bad experience with a longma?"

"You're a, a p-p-..." Pom stops, too afraid to say it directly.

"I have to know what you mean to say, Pom. Please, I'm what? A pr—" Tianhuo stops. Her eyes widen and her flames flair a bit. "Pom, no, I am not a predator! You insult me with the comparison!"

Pom shrinks, whimpering "you said ye wouldn't yell."

"Do not deflect from what you just accused of me! I saved you when I could have escaped! I didn't need to stop you from riling up the Hold! You thankless, thoughtless coward, how dare you!" Tianhuo stands over, teeth clenched, waves of heat washing over Pom as her mane becomes a wildfire. Pom closes her eyes, preparing to be hit.

Instead of any blow, however, Pom feels the heat recede, and opens her eyes to see Tianhuo walking away and pacing angrily. After a few laps she stomps the ground once, and then begins breathing deeply. Tianhuo takes a stance, slowly breathing in and out, and calms herself. Her flames subside, and she looks at Pom, still visibly upset but containing it well.

"Under Honored Mother's name I promise you I am not a predator. That you really see me... Pom, look at me. I am not a predator."

The tension could be cut with a knife as they stare at each other. The longma remains in her stance, watching Pom intently; nothing further is said from her, but it's clear she expects a response.

It takes time for Pom to gather the nerve to say it.

"You have their eyes."

Pom hears a restrained gasp. For the first time yet Tianhuo is the one to break eye contact. She falls quiet, before opening her eyes and looking to the floor: Pom is able to read genuine hurt in them.

"I, like all longma, inherited the eyes of Honored Mother. Until this moment it was, like the rest of the temple that is my body, a source of pride. I had never imagined someone could use them to attack me like this."

"I'm sorry..."

There is a pause.

"Who's Honored Mother?"

Tianhuo tilts her head, a flash of intrigue breaching her expression. "You do not know?" Pom shakes her head.

The longma smiles a bit. "Then I shall tell you."

The cavern is still, no sounds audible besides the light crackling of Tianhuo's fire and what seems to be some kind of scraping from outside the cave-in. Suddenly, everything goes dark. Pom jumps up, startled and unsure if Tianhuo is alright. Moments later, the longma re-ignites, now standing an inch from her face. Pom backs away but she touches Pom's hoof with her own and says, "do not be afraid. You will not be burned. Sit, child, as I tell you of my people."

After a moment of hesitation Pom lies, and Tianhuo follows suit. She crosses her legs over Pom's own, before asking "am I correct in thinking my flames are calm enough? Speak up if it is still too much for you."

"It's fine," Pom says. She can still easily feel the heat, and her instinct tells her to back away from it, but it's enough for Pom to bear and she does. Tianhuo inhales, and then begins.

"Many suns ago, when predators and prey inhabited the same lands, the great volcano was home to two siblings. Mighty dragons they were, and they laid claim to all they could see. The volcano and the surrounding islands were their playground, and their hunger so insatiable that none dared approach.
"That is until one day, when a lone traveler crossed the sea. A stallion he was, humble but brave, determined to find new lands past the edge of the map. He held no stock in 'Here There Be Dragons,' the fool he was.
"It was the sister dragon who first caught eye of the stallion and his vessel. The force of her wings parted the seas as she snatched his boat in her grasp, plucking him out and crushing it in her grip."

Tianhuo raises her voice by an octave to portray the dragon, speaking with a booming tone and raising her head high. It reminds Pom of the way the town elder would pass folk tales onto her and the other children of Baaah, speaking with an exaggerated swagger to make the characters larger than life and amuse the kids. Here it seems to be done entirely seriously, though. "'You have entered my divine presence, and have sealed your fate. Would you like to be engulfed in flame, or would you prefer to be eaten?' says the dragon."

To portray the stallion, Tianhuo drops her voice and delivers her lines with a poshness one might expect from Reine. "'Truthfully, I would like neither.' says the stallion.
"'Would you like to be crushed within my claws, then? Or thrown out to sea where you shall drown?' says the dragon.
"'I again would not like either of those.' says the stallion.
"'If you would prefer, then, I could drop you into the volcano, as a sacrifice to myself.' says the dragon.
"'I would prefer that not to happen,' says the stallion."

Pom interrupts. "Um, I know this is an important fairy tale for your people, but it seems a bit—"

"It's not a fairy tale, lamb. This history has been passed down from generation to generation since the events first transpired. Every word is true, every longma knows it word-for-word, and it must be told accurately to preserve the story for those who come after us."

"Sorry..." Pom sighs, expecting this to last a long time.

Tianhuo continues.

"'You are very picky for someone who is my prey.' says the dragon. 'If none of these are okay, how would you wish to die?'
"'I would like to live.' says the stallion.
"The dragon is taken aback by the stallion's boldness, and grins. 'You wish to live, but I have already destroyed your ship. Where would you live if you cannot return home?' says the dragon.
"'There are islands over there. I could live on one of those, if it is alright with you.' says the stallion.
"'There are no animals on that island, fool. You would starve to death. Is that how you wish to die?' says the dragon.
"'Am I permitted to stay on the island if I survive?' says the stallion.
"'Hmm... very well. I shall watch you closely, however, and if you try to escape I shall destroy you. Stay on the island if you like, but if I see any sort of ship... well, you know what I will do.' says the dragon.
"The stallion nods. 'Perfect. Do we have a deal?'
"The dragon stares at the stallion for quite some time, before nodding her head in approval. She takes him to the nearest island and flies away, expecting to next see him starving and begging for mercy.
"The dragon sleeps, and the next day returns to the island. To her amazement, the stallion is happy and full, surrounded by plants.
"'How are you still alive?' the dragon roars.
"'I planted these crops I found on the island. They will feed me, and then I will replant the seeds to grow more.' says the stallion."

Pom interrupts a second time. "Sorry, sorry, but are ye sure this isn't a folk tale instead of real history? I don't know any plants that grow that fast, and if he was using salt water tae—"

Tianhuo snaps at the lamb. "It is not a folk tale, it's what actually happened! The stallion was just that good! Stop interrupting, the best part is coming."


"'Very clever! But a storm is coming, and you lack the hide to weather it.' says the dragon, flying away.
"That night, the area is ravaged by harsh winds and rain. The dragon returns the next day, laughing all the way, only to find the stallion happy and well-rested.
"'You look at though the storm never happened! What is your trick this time?' the dragon roars.
"'I built a shelter to prepare for the storm. If you had not told me, I would not have finished it in time. Thank you for your hospitality.' says the stallion.
"'You have a great many tricks! But soon you will realize your true downfall, and I will be victorious.' says the dragon, flying away.
"The dragon does not return the next day. She does not return the day after that, or the day after that, or the day after that.
"But she does return the day after that. The stallion is sad, but becomes happy once more upon seeing the dragon.
"'Well? Have you learned why you cannot survive on this island?' says the dragon.
"'I have.' says the stallion.
"'And what is that?' says the dragon.
"'I am alone here.' says the stallion.
The dragon cackles, grinning with glee. "'Then have you now changed your mind? Is this not where you want to die?'
"'You are right. I would like to live... on the volcano, with you.' says the stallion.
"'WHAT?' roars the dragon."

As she shouts that last line Tianhuo's mane and wings flare, causing Pom to recoil.

Clearing her throat, Tianhuo interrupts herself. "I apologize Pom, that is part of the oral tradition. This is normally told from one longma to another, so the sudden heat is not an issue for us. The story is best told with these dramatic flares but I will, for your courtesy, leave the flaring out of the rest of the story."

"Ye could'a warned me first at least," whines Pom.

"'I can bring the seeds to the volcano, and build a new house, and live just like here. But I will also have you to keep me company.' says the stallion.
"The dragon realizes how boring her life had been until the stallion arrived. A being much lesser than her, but possessing knowledge, bravery and tenacity unmatched!
"The dragon accepts, and flies away, with the stallion. The plants bloom in the volcanic soil, and a new house is built, and the two talk every day. Not all is well, though."

Bringing her voice as low as she can, Tianhuo bellows the next line." 'He is not fit to live on our volcano! He is prey, we are predator!' the brother dragon roars.
"'He has proven his courage and value to me, and shall stay with me for as long as he wants.' says the sister dragon.
"The brother dragon flies away in a fit of rage. The sister dragon and stallion continue to grow close to each other until, one day, they realize they have both fallen in love.
"They confess to each other, and soon after the first longma is born. Possesing the strength and will of our Honored Mother, as well as the good nature and lifestyle of our Honored Father, we are the greatest of both predator and prey. You must live up to your heritage now, and serve the Empress to make Huoshan the greatest Empire in Foenum."

Tianhuo bows, finally finished.

"That last line wasn't for me, right?" Pom asks.

"It was not. I forgot to leave it out."

"So longma are half-dragon and half-horse... which means you ARE a predator..."

"I am not." Tianhuo insists, clearly annoyed. Pom wants to rise and avoid the but Tianhuo taps her hoof to stop her. The two continue to sit with their forelegs crossed, the longma intent not to let Pom slip away to the corner just yet.

"But... I mean, you are. Ye just came out and said so. It was in the tale."

"Stop insulting my people's history by comparing it to fairy tales. And we are only half-predator, as I said."

"Right, I mean, right, but, uh... which half?"

Tianhuo cocks her head. "I don't understand the question."

"I mean, what parts of the predator? Ye don't... eat people, right?"

"You must be trying to offend me at this point. Of course we do not! Did you miss the part where the stallion grew the crops? We are herbivores, and those crops are so rich in nutrients that it can entirely supply our diet, and largely does."

"Oh. Okay..." There is a pause before Pom whispers, "Can ye eat people? If ye were starving, and there's not anything else tae eat—"

"I am not going to eat you, nor should I. Our stomachs have long ago ceased to properly digest meat."

"I'll take yer word." says Pom.

"It is about time you've listened to me."

"So what about the other dragon?"

"The brother? We... it is considered bad luck to discuss the brother. And this would be the worst place in Foenum to push that luck."

"Why not cut it outta the story then? He didn't really do anything."

"He is important. Very much so."


"Did you not just hear me?" Tianhuo glares.

"Sorry, I just wanna know."

Tianhuo thinks for a moment, before leaning in and whispering. "You have likely heard of him. He became... The Devourer. And he is with us."

Lowering her own voice Pom asks, "whaddya mean?"

Tianhuo winces before asking "You actually do not know where we are, do you? What that door was?"

Pom shakes her head.

"No wonder you tempted faith so brazenly. Do not scream, Pom."


"Do not scream. Promise me you shall not scream after I tell you this."


Tianhuo's eyes narrow. As if it were a guttural expletive, she says with disgust, "We are at the point of banishment. The land where the predators were banished was ripped from its roots and buried beneath the earth itself, so none may stumble upon it.
"We are at the doorway to the Hold."


Before Pom has the opportunity to do anything Tianhuo presses her hooves down on Pom's. "Do not scream. It is a miracle they were not riled up by your previous actions. The seal is breaking and the doorway is beginning to reform. Predators have already slipped through it. If you give them more incentive to, they will redouble their efforts to get out."

Pom holds her breath, shaking. Tiny sounds leak from her throat but, perhaps only due to the counterbalancing fear of what Tianhuo may do to stop an outburst, Pom refrains from both screaming and flailing about in panic. Tianhuo nods approvingly, and then orders: "Now exhale. Slowly."

Pom lets out a single uneven breath. Shaking her head, Tianhuo touches a hoof to Pom chin, bringing them back to eye-level.

"Slowly inhale. Do as I do." Tianhuo takes a steady, very deep breath, filling her lungs to capacity over ten seconds. Pom follows along best she can.


More than five seconds pass, and Pom begins to struggle with it.

"Now slowly, exhale."

Relief washes over Pom as she lets it out.

Tianhuo repeats this with Pom for several minutes. At the end of it Pom feels... okay. Like a dampener was placed in her mind to keep her body from panicking.

"You look surprised, Pom; if this is your first encounter with breathing exercises it's no wonder you're so anxious. You would do well to learn meditation some day."

The sheep and longma sit in silence. It's not quite the good kind of silence, that of two friends enjoying each other's company, but still a far cry from earlier where Pom was too terrified to speak or even look at Tianhuo. Occasionally the silence is broken by the barking of one of the pups on the other side of the cave-in, but otherwise things are entirely calm.

Eventually Pom develops a bit of curiosity.

"Say, um, would it be..." She's not quite sure how to phrase it without it sounding weird.

"It is alright, Pom, whatever it is."

"Oh, um, 'kay, thanks." Pom says, and with some trepidation puts her hoof directly against the embers coming from Tianhuo's neck. The rest of her body tenses up, but it's ultimately just somewhat warm and completely bearable, even as the flames lick her. Pom holds it in place; Tianhuo looks on with bewilderment, before becoming aware of how she looks and trying to resume a neutral look. Pom thinks she saw a hint of amusement as the expression changed, but only for a moment.

"Does it hurt?" asks Pom.

"Does what hurt? You're the one touching the flame, I should be asking you."

"Uh, it actually doesn't." Pom wafts her leg back and forth a little bit, still grappling with the sensation a bit.

"We are trained to control our flames at will nearly from birth. If I couldn't make it palatable—even for one as soft as you—I would have never rose to the position of Captain."
"What I meant tae ask was, does the fire hurt you? When ye make it really hot."

"What a silly question, it is a part of us."


There's an awful rumble above the ceiling. Pom covers her head with a panicked "eep!" but nothing falls, the rumbling fading after a few seconds.

"What do ye think that was?" Pom gets the nerve to ask when things seem calm.

"It may be the predators moving about, trying to find us." says Tianhuo. "When we escape from here, you should expect a fight."

"H... How are we gonna get out of this? I fell down a hole. How'd ye get in?"

"I flew down the hole that had appeared."

"Oh..." Pom looks down with disappointment.

"Fear not, lamb. I will not leave here without you, and your dogs."

Pom moves toward the wall that formed from the cave-in. On the other side she can clearly hear Tuft chipping away bit by bit, trying his hardest to save her.

"He is quite persistent, isn't he?" Tianhuo muses. "One of the dogs has been doing that since before you woke up."

"Yeah, that has tae be Tuft. He cannae do much but he loves tae dig." Lying down by the noise Pom sighs. "Hope I see him soon..."

"Ye said I'm the first person ye saved, right?"

"Correct, Pom. My instructions were to firstly check if The Hold was where the Empire believed it to be, report back if it is so—and it is so, so I shall—and then investigate the ruins of Huacaya for further clues.
"I traveled by boat from Huoshan to the Islands, then to Reine. What an awful place that is, far too cold; I left immediately, and then stumbled upon you."

"Och. I must be a bad first impression." groans Pom.

"Not at all, you have been a very interesting impression. I am curious how you got here, though, Pom."

Those two archeologists and their shady ethics shouldn't get mentioned right now. "I just fell," Pom lies.

The longma, looking concerned, follows up with "Hm. What will you do after escaping this?"


What is my goal?, Pom thinks to herself. Is she just going to go where Hoofstrong's daughter already is? And that's where Tianhuo's going. What if the Key is somewhere else? And the elephant in the room: Why should she even do it? She never asked for this, and it's caused nothing but trouble. The only things stopping her from turning tail are Big Mama, Big Papa, the logistics of how to get out of this cave, how to get back to Baaah, where Baaah even is relative to the prairie, Tianhuo probably not accepting that answer in the first place...

Better not to fake it. "Dinnae know."

"Come, lamb. Your military would not send their champion without a clue. Or at least I'd pray not, for your people's sake."


There's a pause as Tianhuo seems not to understand what Pom just said. Upon getting it, the longma stares like Pom had just admitted to killing her parents. "By Honored Mother, tell me you're joking. You have no kind of trained forces?"

"No?" Pom says nervously.

Tianhuo's eyes widen in shock. "Are you all stupid?!"


"What if you're attacked?"

"By who?"

"Anyone! And they'd win. Since you haven't a military."

"Is that why Huoshan has one? Yer goin' tae attack us?!" You back away.

"Of course not! Our people are trained for self-defense and personal pride." Tianhuo steps forward.

"Defense from who?"


"Lass, I think yer people are too anxious." Pom shakes her head. "No one's gonna attack ye."

"It is amusing that you'd call us anxious, little lamb. We are not in the slightest, but if we were at least it is going toward our actual survival. Were Huoshan to attack Baaah—and we have no interest, but if we were—what would or could the Sheeple do about it?"

A hoof taps Pom's chin as she considers it. "Well, we have a big gate. An' anyone who got in would have tae fight the sheepdogs. You had a hard time with just mine didn't ye?"

"I did not. Were we to fight again I'd be prepared, it was merely the surprise of a sudden 7-on-1 battle that gave them the edge."

Pom's mouth opens to question that statement, and Tinhuo leans in expectantly. After a moment Pom thinks better; let's not fight right now. "Aye, 'twas probably surprising."

"I do have to question why you seem so much comfortable around them, full-blooded predators, than you do me."

"Well..." She's not sure if she should really reveal this to a stranger. Maybe it won't hurt? "The Sheeple dinnae know they're predators. At least most of 'em. I only found out by accident."

"The more you reveal about the Sheeple the more I suspect you might be playing a practical joke on me."

"Are we that pathetic?"

"Perhaps the wrong word, Pom. But I can't understand their priorities, or yours. Do you all just prance about idyllically, not a care in the world, uncaring of what lies outside?"

Pom lets out another "Well..." in hesitation. "Yeah. We do. I used tae, until I was chosen." Resting her head Pom grieves, "I wanna go back tae that."

"You should stop the self-pity. Though you may resent it, the life ahead of you will be much more fulfilling than frolicking among the flowers."

"Ha'e ye ever tried frolicking?"

"No, but I know it'd be a waste of my time."

"What do the longma do when yer not fighting and training?"

"What would you have us do, lamb?"

Pom offers a shrug. "Anything that makes ye happy. Ye need tae play sometimes, Tian."

"Serving the Empress and doing what is needed makes me happy. Having been chosen by Her Majesty makes me the happiest being in all of Foenum." Tianhuo's eyes light up as she says this, and Pom can almost look past the reptillian stare the longma can't help but always give. "If I had spent my youth playing with puppies, I never would have achieved my rank or been acknowledged in this way."

"Maybe I should'a played more, then, and I'd not be here."

"But you would not have met me."

Pom says nothing.

"Surely at this point you're not still afraid of me, are you? It's a great opportunity for us to have crossed paths."

"Why's 'at?" asks Pom.

"Because I can train you, and make up for your people's negligence."

Pom's instinct to avoid combat immediately overrides all possible actions. "No, please, you dinnae have tae. Ye really don't."

"You should face your fears instead of running from them. I'm being generous in my offer, you won't find another in Foenum who could teach you as well as I."

"I really don't wanna. Please, Tian, 's nice and all for ye to offer but—"

"No buts, Pom. You've already shown me your potential, and I'm going to see it realized, for Foenum's sake."

"No! I'm not a fighter."

"You proved that a falsehood when I struck your dog. You acted on instinct."

"That was different! I had tae protect him!"

"Maternal instinct," Tianhuo corrects herself. "If you could, and you should, learn to feel this about all of Foenum, then with a bit of guidance to direct your strikes you'll become a valuable ally."

Pom shakes her head to the point of dizziness. The thought of having to fight with Tianhuo on purpose, continually, maybe for weeks or even months, churns her stomach. Pom bleats out excuse after excuse, plea after plea, until she is snapped to reality by Tianhuo grabbing hold of her head with two hooves and forcing her to meet her gaze. Her cold, sharp gaze.

"Pom. Foenum is about to become a very dangerous world if the Key is not quickly found. I have the strength to save Foenum, no doubt in my heart, but I do not know if I have the time. Both of us were chosen for this, but only one of us was given the tools needed for the task. I am going to prepare you as the Sheeple did not, so you do not get yourself killed. Were I not looking for the Hold, and did not cross paths with you, it may have already happened."

Pom's attention span diminishes as the speech continues, eaten away by her fear and anxiety. Hitting a boiling point, Pom's will isn't strong enough to hold herself there and her body involuntarily squirms out of Tianhuo's grasp, creating a body length of distance between the two of them.

"I— is my form THAT revolting to you?" Tianhuo bites her upper lip but cannot hide the offense taken by Pom's action.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"You do not need to accept my help. I will assist you out of the cave, and you will never have to see me again."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean tae. It was—"

"—instinct. It's admirable for you to try, but I recognize your true feelings."

"I promise I dinnae mean it."

"Stop." Tianhuo gets up, turns around and sits facing away. "You're wasting your time and mine."

Neither Pom nor Tianhuo say anything. Why am I such a coward? Pom laments, tapping her hooves against the dirt floor, trying to think of any way to take what she did back and show she's unafraid.

Nothing comes. Maybe it's because Pom is afraid. She doesn't want to be, she tries so hrd not to be, she knows Tianhuo is not a monster. But something in her brain, or in her body, isn't listening to any of that.

Tuft's clawing and scratching, uninterrupted since Pom woke, stop. Pom rushes to the source of the noise to see what's wrong, but it's too dark.

"Tian, c'mere."

"I asked you not to waste my time."

"Something might be wrong with my pup. Please, I need a light."

"Well, if I can be useful in some way." Tianhuo grumpily walks past Pom, giving a nasty side-eye as she does so. So unfortunate that Tianhuo's most readable expression yet has to be so negative, and that Pom is the cause of it.

Tianhuo illuminates a small hole upon reaching the wall. Crouching down she sticks her head through the hole, "Let us see—EUCH!" before recoiling. Moments later Woof, with great difficulty, squeezes his head through the hole. His body follows with less difficulty.

"Oh, my boy!" Pom lights up, hugging and petting the pup. "Och, ye must'a been so worried about me aye?"

Genius strikes Pom as Woof bounces around the room. She call him over, whispering into his ear, and with a yap he follows her plan. Woof tackles Tianhuo, nearly knocking her over, before she regains footing and amplifies her flames. "Is this a sucker punch?!" she shouts at the pup.

"No, no!" Pom cries, putting herself between the two. "He just wants tae play with ye."

"I do not believe that for a second. His owner is right there to cater to him, he'd have no interest in me."

"But he does, look!" Woof paws at Tian's leg for pets, yapping repeatedly.

"Tell him to quiet himself, before his barking alerts the predators." Tianhuo commands of Pom.

"Ye gotta give him pats first."

"I don't know your game, lamb, but do not jeopardize our lives over it!" she hisses.

"Just, just give him a pet, please?"

Rolling her eyes Tianhuo rests on her haunches and slides a hoof against the dog's fur. Panting, Woof leans the weight of his body into the longma, pawing for more.

"Is he trying to mark me as his territory?" she asks, confounded.

"No, he—oh, Tian, that's not what marking is at all... he likes ye, Tian."


"Do ye need a reason tae like someone?"

"I would say so."

"Ye've not done anything tae make him not like ye."

"I knocked him unconscious."

"Aye, but... I guess it's not enough, so he still likes he."

"I cannot pretend to understand it."

"Oy, stop staring at him and pet him more." Pom asks. Woof rubs his head against Tianhuo's chest, whining for attention.

"Fine, if it will prevent him from starting up again."

Tianhuo lightly taps Woof's head a few times, an awkward motion. "I know he's just a pup but ye can be a little rougher than that," suggests Pom.

"This is not my job, I wouldn't know that."

"'s okay, he's not too picky." Pom smiles watching Tianhuo a bit more into it, Woof soaking up the attention from the stranger. This goes on for a few minutes, Tianhuo gradually seeming to enjoy it, at least enough for it to show in her body language.

"Tian, I gotta talk tae ye about something."

Expression going sombre, Tianhuo diverts attention from the pup. "Let's get it over with, then."

"You are scary. I cannae lie about that. Just, the way you look, and the fire and all."

"I expected you to try and apologize, not whatever this is." she quips.

"I am apologizing. Yer scary, but I know yer a good person, aye? And I ha'e tae get used tae who ye are, 'cause it's just who ye are. And that's okay. I'm sorry I've been so inconsiderate just because I was scared. If it happens again, know I like ye too, no matter what I do, and I'm glad yer willing tae help me and Foenum."

Tianhuo thinks Pom's words over as she continues petting Woof. "So, this is a confirmation that you're accepting my training?"

"Can we talk about the other parts I said first?" asks Pom.

"I accept your apology, Pom." Tianhuo rushes the words. "Now, we are going to train together?"

She's really gonna make me do this? With a sigh Pom answers, "Aye."

"Very well. When I return from Huoshan, we'll meet and begin. We'll begin with merely a few hours per day, to ease you into the routine."

"'Just' a few?'" Pom asks, already regretting her decision.

"One does not become skilled by practicing half-heartedly. And you have a long way to go."

It's another hour or so before Tuft breaks through the wall enough for the other three pups to fit. Tianhuo spends this time monologuing about the work ethics of Honored Father, discipline being the hoe needed to cultivate the something, Pom nodding along nervously as it happens. It's better that there's no hostility between them, but the more Tianhuo gushes about the upcoming training the more Pom fears it will kill her before the predators even get the chance.

Tuft tugs at his owner, sufficiently pleased with his handiwork. It seems like the hole is wide enough for Pom to finally fit—though whether Tianhuo will be able to is another story, with her wider frame. Pom pushes her forehooves through, then her neck, and wiggles her body across. The ground isn't quite even and Pom starts to have trouble moving, and asks for help from the pups still inside the cave. Pom expected one of them to give a push; what she didn't expect was Tianhuo to kick her in the rear with a back hoof, sending Pom sliding out the other side, her momentum only stopped by Big Mama waiting for her.

"Good tae see ye, lass," Pom says even though it's still pitch-black.

The darkness is abruptedly cut off as Tianhuo's neck pokes through the hole, startling Pom as she jumps away, though the longma is too preoccupied to notice. She tries her hardest to get through, but is entirely stuck.

"You should back out, Tian, and start with yer legs first."

"Could have told me that first, lamb." she grunts, trying to get back through. It's just as futile as moving forward, though.

"Oh no! Hang on Tian, I'll figure out something." shouts Pom. She looks left, and right, and in that couple seconds is able to think of absolutely nothing. Instead of waiting longer for a better idea, Pom grabs hold of Tianhuo's neck and pulls, Woof barking excitedly at the action.

"Ack, stop that!"

"I dinnae know what else tae do!"

"Well stop doing this, before I'm decapitated!"

"Hang on, hang on, pups! Tae me!" Pom shouts to the trio on the other side. Tianhuo's eyes suddenly shrink; from across the wall Pom can hear barking and slamming.

"Call off the dogs!" Tianhuo demands. "This is humiliating!"

"We're getting ye out soon, Tian, just hold on!" Pom continues to pull, and the dogs continue to push, and inch by inch Tianhuo seems to budge. Eventually it's enough for her to pull her forelimbs out, and she starts pulling herself forward as well. With a final scream, possibly just to motivate herself, Tianhuo's entire body gets through. She struggles to her hooves, before looking Pom in the eyes and saying "Tell no one of this."

"We're almost out, let's not worry about that. We just need tae find the exit."

"It shall not be that easy."

"Why's that?"

Tianhuo points at a singular pair of red eyes at the opposite end of the cave.

"Oh." Pom says.

"Yes. 'Oh.'"

"In fairness tae me, yer the one who screamed."

The pair of eyes darts forward, the predator stepping into Tianhuo's light and revealing itself as a gigantic serpent. Pom looks around in panic, thinking of what her dogs should do. Without coming to a conclusion, though, Tianhuo rockets into the snake, knocking it out with a single kick.

The longma turns back toward Pom. "Follow my directions if you wish to make it out of here alive."

"I can do that!" Pom stutters.

Tianhuo flies to the underground meadow. It's no longer empty; meeting her there are two, three, four, too many predators. All of them converge on her, chasing her when she dodges to the right, then again to the left. Pom and her flock of dogs enter the room, ignored by the horde, when Tianhuo shouts "NOW!" and goes into a specific tunnel, different than the one they had entered. Pom dashes after her, followed by her dogs, them followed by the corralled predators.

Pom cannot even see Tianhuo as they rush through the twisting cave, having to follow the orange glow left by her. There are as many branching paths as where Pom first came from, almost all of them containing a red glare or several. Pom only looks back to make sure none of her dogs are lost; all of them can keep up, thankfully, and none of them have been picked off.

There's a crash up ahead. Pom fears Tianhuo hit a dead end, running even faster to try and protect her—as redundant as that would be—but the reality of the situation is much better. Tianhuo bashed through a metal door, letting in blinding sunlight. Pom stops running to cover her eyes, and is then pushed through the exit by the dogs behind, tumbling several yards past the exit. The dogs all barely squeeze through in time; the predators aren't so lucky, as they all hit the entrance together, clogging it. The neck of a serpent propels out from the cave—only to stop, the rest of its body knotted within the mess of predators. It snaps at Pom ineffectually before Tianhuo knocks it unconscious. The longma helps Pom up and motions her away from the pile.

Pom takes in her surroundings, seeing that they exited through what looks like a cellar door, a mass of broken chains and several padlocks surrounding it. There are no buildings next to it, nothing at all. Whoever did this must have known about The Hold.

"Come Pom, let us escape before they come to." Tianhuo instructs.



"We cannae leave this place like this. There are cattle nearby, it's not safe for them."

"Cattlekind, as I am told, go where the please. They wouldn't listen to your warnings even if you told them what was near."

"Then we have to close this off!"

"Why are you now so brave?" Tianhuo asks.

"I'm not, but even I know this is dangerous! 'tis my fault any of this happened, I have tae block this off or something."

"Respectable. Well, let us see what we can find."

Tianhuo flies high, scanning the area, and quickly descends. "In that direction is a large rock. The two larger dogs of yours should have the strength to roll it into the entrance and block it off. It isn't perfect, but I feel predators were already escaping this cavern before the chains were broken."

Thinking of the abandoned tools by the dig site, Pom can't help but agree. She instructs Mama and Papa to follow the longma, and after a few minutes they roll the rock to the door. A couple predators had regained their senses and had begun pushing past their brethren... only to double back when they see the rock rolling toward them. It rolls several dozen feet into the cavebefore it gets stuck, blocking off the path from anyone foolish enough to find it.

"Okay, that's good. Yeah." Pom says.

Then she faints.

"Wake, Pom. I have let you sleep long enough."

Pom awakens, with a shiver, on Papa's back. She's already back in Reine, accompanied by Tianhuo, the other dogs, and several deerfolk guards looking on edge at the strange posse they're escorting.

"Why're we here?"

"This is where we say goodbye for now, little one." Tianhuo says. "I must return to Huoshan and impart my findings."

"Yer going already?"

"I cannot afford to waste time, especially after seeing how close the predators really are to fully escaping. It was good to meet you, and I promise it won't be long before we can begin our training."


"Do not be sad, Pom. Your dogs will be able to protect you until I can give you the skills you need to protect yourself. And I am sure I don't need to tell you I can protect myself as well."

"W-... Wait! Everybody stop!"

The entire group stops. The guards look on annoyedly as Tianhuo asks "what is so important, Pom?"

"Yer better at fighting than me, and know a lot more what tae look for."

"That is self-evident, yes." Tianhuo says.

"Let me go tae Huoshan and tell them about the Hold."

"You?! Pom, you have not even learned to fully accept one longma, as much as you try. Am I to trust you to go to a nation comprised only of my people, to not turn tail and run without delivering the message?"

"I'll do it! I want to be helpful! I dinnae wanna just run into danger, and I know I cannae just abandon the quest either... no matter how much I want to. Please, Tian. Let me give the message, so ye can spend that time finding the Key!"

The two guards whisper to each other, darting back and forth between Pom, her flock, and Tianhuo. At one point the female guard stamps the ground once, looks back at them all, then stamps the ground seven times. The male guard agrees, then approaches. "You should let the lamb go. We have too many odd sights in Reine, and she's the cause of most of them right now."

"You stay out of this." Tianhuo threatens, and the guard retreats to his companion. "Pom, are you sure you can be trusted with such an important task? It's not a straight shot to Huoshan. First you will have to visit the Goatani isles, the only port that travels to Huoshan, and then transfer boats. If you do want to run away you'll have nowhere to go. But I also cannot have you run in the first place—"

"I won't run away!" Pom shouts. "I can do this, and I will, I promise on my pups. If ye dinnae trust me, take one of 'em until I come back."

"You... do not need to do that. I have no interest in holding your dogs hostage. The upkeep alone ensures that."

Tianhuo steps toward the guards, plucking a notepad a pen from one of their uniform pockets. "Hey!" the guard shouts, before Tianhuo gives them a glare and they step back in line. Tianhuo scribbles something down on a paper already in her possession, passing it along to Pom.

"Place this in an envelope and give it to a soldier. They will take it to the Empress, and your task will be complete. You shall meet me at the height of the Huacaya Mountains afterward. And we shall begin our training."

Tianhuo returns the writing utensils to the guard, who quickly declines. "Sorry, I'd rather not catch your mouth germs. I don't know where you've been."

Tianhuo places a hoof on Pom's shoulder. "Board the S.S. Hoofstrong, and after arriving find the Landracegeder which will take you to Huoshan. I must warn you, Pom, I have been very patient with you and accepting of your faux pas. By entering the Longma Empire, you will be expected to behave a certain way, and may be severely punished should you offend the people. Do you understand?"

"I think I do... can you tell me what you mean by 'faux pas?'"

"There's not nearly enough time to explain. The Hoofstrong leaves in less than ten minutes."


"I entrust this task to you, Pom. Do not betray that trust. I will be seeing you soon."

Tianhuo flies away. "And we will train!" she shouts down as she leaves.
"Hey! This is a no-fly zone!" the guard shouts at the longma after she's already out of earshot. He then turns to Pom. "You get to your ship before it leaves, so Reine can get back to normal already. At this rate we're going to see a unicorn here if things aren't settled."

"Sorry, I just need to find an envelope and I can—"

The second guard, who had disappeared for a moment, returns, her sprite shoving an fresh envelope into Pom's face. "Please, just go." she says.

"ᛚᛟᚢᚫᛚᚱᛖᛞᛟ" says the sprite.

"Thank ye for the kindness," Pom says, clumsily stuffing the paper in the envelope, then sticking it in her collar for safekeeping. Gathering her dogs, Pom hurrie to the ports.