• Published 23rd Aug 2021
  • 929 Views, 41 Comments

The Journal of John Smith - reedman

A man ends up in Equestria after messing with something he bought off the deep web. He keeps a journal of his activities.

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Day 7

Author's Note:

Wrote myself into a corner last chapter. Hoping to fix it in this one.

Also, I hope the longer chapter makes up for the hiatus.

Having a hot breakfast waved in front of your nose is a great way to wake up. They even got scrambled eggs! Can't write too much. So hungry.


Applejack was surprised I finished off the plate that fast. It was a big meal. She got a good laugh when I told her this cooking would've lured me in good back when she was hunting me. Her grandma cooks like this all the time. All the time! My own granny can't cook this good. The meal certainly made up for the crick in my neck from sleeping in a chair.

Saw Princess Luna in my dreams last night. Gave her an update. Told her about the Apple family claiming her sister's bounty. Said she looked forward to meeting me. She also mentioned to be careful of desperate ponies, as some have been dreaming about how rich they would be when they capture me.

Applejack was gonna head out to get Lyra and Zecora. They're already here. Turns out the two had a little sleepover at Lyra's place so they could get here early. Glad they're here. I was snuggled on sight. I don't mind. This week has been stressful.


Welp. I hate Twilight again. I had shown the letter she wrote to Lyra. She checked it with her magic. Me suddenly forgiving Twilight for making this the worst week of my life was a huge red flag to Lyra.

Now I find out it was enchanted. The letter was freaking enchanted. We weren't sure what it was specifically. This is infuriating. Rather than actually try to apologize, she thinks she can use magic to cheat her way into my good graces.

I just can't right now.


After a bit of a magical once over from Lyra, I wondered if I should take a bath or something. I was going to be meeting a princess today. A sniff and a "pee-yew" from Applebloom sealed the deal. I was lead to a bathtub. My left foot was propped up. Despite all of them offering, I insisted on bathing myself. Not totally helpless.

A rough start to the morning. I'm just gonna relax in this water for a minute and not think.


Clothes are back on and I'm ready to go. Lyra, Zecora, Applejack and Big Mac were going over the plan while I was bathing. It's gonna be a bodyguard setup. Two in the front, two in the back. My friends would be in the front to handle any ponies walking up. The farmers would be at the back of me, heads on a swivel. Any ponies trying to nab me would have to answer to these four. One with magic, one with the reputation of being scary, and two farmers that seemed to be pretty tough. Yeah I feel safe. I wonder if the president feels like this.

Applebloom still wanted to go. Bless her little heart. If she's anything like my cousin from down south, she'll still follow after being told no. Seems Applejack knew this and told granny to watch her. A part of me hopes she's just being an overprotective sister. Though the desperation I saw a couple days ago said otherwise.

I hope things aren't gonna get violent. We just have to get from one end of Ponyville to the other. Then it's a train ride up a mountain. After that, it's a walk to a castle. Just like last time. Though I have no invisibility potion this time. Hopefully no Twilight capturing me either. Bodyguards are a nice change.


So the sun was already up as we were leaving the farm. A few ponies were already milling about. Some were still very dedicated to the bounties on me. According to Applejack, most of the hunters left were either desperate for the bits, or hired by a pony from Canterlot. Rich folk that want something with little understanding of why it's important. I guess greed is universal.

Our first encounter wasn't too bad. It was that yellow pegasus that was with Twilight a few days ago. Her name's Fluttershy. She was less scared of me when I told her I didn't eat ponies. She didn't mind the fish and eggs I've been eating. Turns out she catches fish for a bear she's friends with. Cool. She had to run some errands, so our conversation was short. She was nice.

The second encounter was less fun. A group of four stallions saw me and ran my way. Luckily, none of them were unicorns. One was levitated, and the other three were scared off by my two new bodyguards. You'd only have the occasional pony charge with a giant net after that. The addition of two tough apple farmers really helped with these ponies.

One pony from the local paper snapped a picture of me before rattling off questions to us. Do I eat ponies? What bounty is the group claiming on me? There was more stuff, but Zecora threatened to turn him into a frog if he didn't leave. None of us know if she can actually do that. Not a bluff worth calling.

Ponies that had given up on the bounty or not interested in the first place were staring at me. Some said I don't look all that scary. Some wondered if I really ate meat. I didn't mind the staring. At least things weren't as bad as I initially thought they would be. A lot less ponies attacking me.

I jokingly told Lyra that it's a good thing these other ponies don't know about scratchies. She agreed they would be all over me if they did. Zecora asked what that was. Applejack had heard it from Twilight once, but wasn't too sure on it. I explained it. Big Mac got a chuckle out of his sister's face going bright red. My zebra friend went equally red in the face. I told them when things were less stressful, I would give them both some. I didn't hear them say no.


As Lyra gets the tickets, I think about something. Getting to the train Twilight-free was an enjoyable change of pace. I'm still upset about her enchanting the letter to trick me into forgiving her. According to Applejack, she has a history of trying to magic her way out of all her problems. Surprised she hasn't shown her face. Zecora shared the same thought. Either way, I'm glad my goal is in sight. This has been the most stressful week of my life. Princess Celestia is (hopefully) gonna make all my problems go away.

We have some good seats. A few ponies eye me down. Though two certain apple farmers scare them off with harsh stares. Big Mac and Lyra are across from me. I'm sat between Applejack and Zecora. They're both staring at my hands while their cheeks are a shade of red. I did promise them scratchies. Lyra's look says it all. She knows what's about to happen.


It lasted the entire train ride. The 'golden scratch spot' is scary powerful on ponies. The 'tough as can be' Applejack would not stop nuzzling me as I scratched. Zecora was barely rhyming whenever she spoke. Big Mac had to remind his sister about the bounty as we exited the train. I had a laugh when she almost reconsidered keeping me around instead. All Zecora said was something to Lyra. It was along the lines of "After receiving such a scratch, I understand why by his side you would latch."

Applejack brought up how she felt bad for Spike. I asked why, but was cut off. Some fancy looking stallion walked up with his entourage. Blue hair and a tiny blue mustache. His name was actually Fancy Pants. According to Lyra, he had put up the third highest bounty on me. Fifteen thousand bits. One of his entourage was carrying a massive sack. He told both Applejack and Big Mac that the bits were theirs right now if they hoofed me over. I was nervous for a moment before she laughed. I brought up that she was going to claim Princess Celestia's bounty on me. Couldn't help myself. Said that his offer was as small as his mustache. That got some quiet chuckles from his own entourage.


The castle is finally in sight. We had to deal with a few more rich ponies making last second offers. I saw one of them with a freaking collar ready for me. Do I look like a dog? A couple days ago I would've looked as dirty as one, but still. I think one rich mare offered five thousand bits and a butler. Seriously?

Right before we got to the castle entrance, we had one more pony come up. Brown stallion with black hair slicked back. He gave off car salesman vibes. It was Filthy Rich. The stallion that put up twenty five thousand bits on me. Turns out he wanted me as an exotic pet for his daughter. Applejack was sticking with the princess' offer. He offered to pay sixty thousand bits. I'm glad these farmers have a sense of honor above all. The offer was rejected.

We left with his jaw dropped.


That was a lot of guards with pointy spears. They're not fans of alien creatures. At least the captain knew I was coming and had the soldiers stand down. Had to walk across this massive courtyard. The castle is massive though. Like insanely massive. It was a bit of a walk to get where the guards were leading us. Both princesses were waiting for us. The captain said his sister was waiting for me too. Lyra and Zecora looked angry at that statement. I wonder why.

Oh. That's why.

Twilight is the captain's sister.


Not the best first impression. Yelling at who I later learned was Princess Celestia's prized pupil. Furious for her trying to cheat her way into forgiveness rather than earn it. Luckily, the princess was on my side for that one. Celestia said she could dismiss Twilight from the castle if I wanted. I think the enchantment from the letter was still lingering. I felt bad for yelling at her in front of two princesses, her brother, and friends. Okay it might be a tinge genuine. I told the princess the nerd(didn't call her that out loud) could stay, but she was not forgiven. Most of this week's misery was her fault to begin with.


After my emotional outburst, some business had to be handled. Applejack walked up to the princess, bowed, and claimed the bounty on me. It was like music to my ears. The bits would be sent to the Apple Family Farm. I thanked Applejack and Big Mac for all their help. They said if I was sticking around, I was welcome at the farm anytime. Noted for more of Granny Smith's cooking.

Princess Celestia made me nervous for a moment when she told a pony to go and announce that the human had been captured and now belonged to her. She reassured me it was a formality, and to get the others to drop their bounties. A notion I am glad for. As we walk down the hall, I wondered if she read any of the things Twilight wrote about me while in the hospital. She keeps glancing at my hands. The last ruler I gave scratchies didn't end real well. Though being a Royal Scratcher in this castle wouldn't suck as much.

Lyra and Zecora are chatting with Princess Luna. I'm being walked to a room where there's a seamstress who agreed to fashion me some new clothes. Hey it's that white pony with the purple hair that called me filthy. Rarity was her name. It's gonna be hard to write and get measured at the same time.


That was embarassing. My hoodie and shirt were yanked off. "Accurate measurements" Rarity said. Being in my underwear in front of a princess was enough to make my face red. Celestia took the crystal and said she would give it back after she had it analyzed. She left with a smirk. Was she checking me out? No way. Maybe I was seeing things.

Despite the fashionista's protests, I put my pants on. She didn't want me "wearing those unwashed things you call clothes". First of all, rude. Second, okay she's not wrong on the unwashed part. The last time they were cleaned was by the changelings. I wonder how Chrysalis was doing, besides being mad at me.

Rarity's had to redo the clothes a couple times. Never made bipedal clothes before and wanted them perfect. She was on attempt number three when I got a visitor in the room. It was Spike. He looked mad. I asked why.

Poor little guy. Ever since he got back from our trip in the forest, he was helping Twilight with research on scratchies. Basically, she's kept him on scratch duty for the past few days. So that explains why Applejack felt bad for him. I feel a little bad too. This whole "scratchies" mess is my own doing. Lyra gets some blame too though.

Rarity has some fast turnover. Clothes look fancier than my own. Way fancier. Pants look like they need a tuxedo to match. Shirt is a nice button-up. Looks more expensive than anything I own. Putting them on is incredible. It feels like I'm being hugged by a cloud. They're so soft! I told her she did an amazing job. I could never afford anything this nice. She said the clothes were free. She wanted to make up for a harsh first impression.

Before I left, she asked the question I knew a lot of ponies would ask. She asked about scratchies. I gave Spike the "help me out bro" stare. He gave me a wink. He told Rarity that he could show her what scratchies were. Given the smiles he had looking at her when he came in, I think the two of us are on good terms now.


Lyra and Zecora liked the new outfit. Old clothes are in a sack. Princess Celestia is off with Twilight going over the crystal. Not a fan of her being so close to my ticket home. If she's as smart as I've been told before, not many choices for getting the best results.

Now I get my chance to talk to Princess Luna. We're eye level, just like in my dreams. Wow that sounds creepy. She's happy to finally meet me in person. The feeling is mutual. Told her I'm glad the worst is behind me. She talked about how despite her concern for my safety, she couldn't help but be excited at my adventure. Told her I wrote it all down in my journal. She asked if she could read it. She will after I finish this part. I could use a writing break.


Right as I got the journal back, Princess Celestia was taking a break from the crystal. It was time for lunch. I was asked to join, along with Zecora and Lyra. Twilight wouldn't be joining, as she was still going over the crystal. I'm glad I get to have a meal with two princesses. Another first for me. Man this table looks fancy. Sitting by Princess Celestia is kinda cool. Now that I have a moment to take her in visually, I realize she's a bit taller than me. Kind of intimidating when every other pony has been my height or shorter.

Princess Luna was sat across from me. She mentioned how exciting of a read my journal was. Though it was sparse on details in some parts. I mentioned that a chunk of the writing was done in small spurts. Mostly detailing my thoughts rather than the world around me. She said I should consider getting copies made for publication. My adventure would make for an interesting story. Princess Celestia chimed in. Said that it would also serve as a way for them to understand Equestria from an alien's perspective. Definitely something to think about.

Wow this food looks good. I got a slab of tuna with garlic and onion on a huge bed of rice. Twilight told the princesses about my omnivore diet. So the princess did see the notes she took on me. Celestia had some fish caught and stored just for me to eat. She also has some eggs for me to eat at breakfast. Turns out I have a guestroom being set up for me. It beats the couch-hopping I've been doing. I admitted that I'll miss sleeping at Zecora's place. She was the first friend I made in this alien world. Despite a rough first meeting with Lyra, she was the second friend I made. She laughed when I said that some distance from me might help with her scratchies addiction.

I really need to stop saying the "S" word out loud. Princess Luna just read my journal where I mentioned the multitude of times I did it. Princess Celestia read Twilight's notes on it. I have two princesses staring at my hands as I finish my lunch. I tried to mention the effect it had on other ponies. Hoped the addiction aspect would change their minds. Nope. The royal sisters were arguing over who would go first as I finished my rice. "A condition for staying in the castle" they suddenly decided.

Me and my big mouth.


Not as bad as I expected. I chose who went first for them since the arguing had no ending in sight. Luna got to go first because she was the princess who met me first. She of course stuck her tongue out at her older sister as we left the table. Zecora and Lyra were chatting up a slightly grumpy Celestia as the dark blue princess walked me up to my guest room. Well, I sat on her back backwards as she walked me. She told me a healer was being summoned to fix up my foot. Awesome.

The guards walking with us went wide-eyed as I scratched away. She was really soft. My fingers really dug in. Went straight for the golden spot. I'd rather not describe the noises she made. Let's just say they were not ladylike in the slightest. Her wings twitched a few times. I think I heard a hoof hitting the floor a couple times. Have they never been scratched in this spot before? Then again, the only other creature with fingers I met was a dragon.

So the scratching continued after we got in my temporary room. The guards are waiting outside the door. She wanted to wait for the healer to get up here before leaving. I know the real reason. I hope the sibling rivalry doesn't get worse because of this. I'm sure it'll be fine.


The healer got here. Good. Gotta keep my fingers relaxed. Big sister is up next. Luna wasn't a fan of the scratching being over. Told her my fingers and I would be here until we could figure out the crystal. She jokingly said she would sabotage their efforts to keep me around. At least I think she was joking.

This healer is a unicorn mare, and she is very good at her job. I barely had time to mention that the original wrap job Nurse Redheart did. Foot was glowing and wraps were gone. Got up to walk on my left foot for the first time in a week. Feels so good. No more walking with a cane. I thanked the unicorn. She accepted my thanks, and left. I learned from Luna that she had a train to Manehattan that was waiting on her specifically. Explained her rush.

This bed is crazy soft. I'm gonna sleep as deep as the ocean on this thing. Almost tempted to take a nap. Princess Celestia's voice coming from the doorway shot that idea down. I watched as a now grumpy Luna walked to the door, and a certain big sister now sticking her tongue out this time. Coulda sworn Twilight told me these two were centuries old. They act childish towards each other. Maybe it's an immortal thing. That, or them just being sisters. Luna said she would certainly be back. She just didn't want to watch her sister receiving scratchies while she didn't.

Princess Celestia sat on the bed right next to me. She was happy to finally meet me, and was glad my foot is better. I was glad to not be running or hiding anymore. As I scratched her back, I asked how the crystal research was going. They know the crystal was very old. Belonged to some pony named Starswirl. As for how it got to Earth, she said that answer was probably lost to time. I wondered what the plan was for me and asked. Being a long-term guest until they can get me home seems to be the plan.

Princess Celestia asked if I was okay. I still looked worried I guess. I was distressed some rich pony still wanted a pet human, despite being claimed by their ruler. I was assured that as far as the public was concerned, I was hers. Not the biggest fan of belonging to a pony princess, but whatever keeps those weird rich ponies off my back. She also assured me that I was free to go where I please. I would have a guard walk with me of course. As soon as I had a way home, I could leave when I felt ready.

I shifted my scratching to the ever-loved golden spot. Her wings twitched just like her sister's. As she tilted her head back, she asked me to scratch deeper. In the off-chance this journal ends up as a published book, I'd rather not comment on how much effort I had to put into scratching the whole area above the base of her tail. I will say, I had to use all ten fingers. Nor will I comment on the noises she made that were heard through the castle. I will not speak on the guards bursting in when they heard "groans of a beast". Her highness was far too scratch satisfied to be embarrassed.

I asked if she needed anything else. There was a brief silence where she probably considered keeping me around. She said she had to go check on Twilight's progress. The guards left after she did.


I've done nothing for the past few hours. I love it. Zecora and Lyra had gone home awhile ago. The promised to come back tomorrow. Right now there was nothing to do. It's great. No ponies chasing me around. No bounties on me. For the first time, I'm happy to be bored.


Being summoned for dinner. Feels cool to be summoned for dinner. Table was sparse. The two princesses and me. I asked about Twilight. I know she was still in the castle. Celestia told me she's still doing research on the crystal. That was around lunch. It just became nighttime. I asked if she's taken any breaks. Nope. She refuses to do anything until she can figure out how to send me home. Going over every book on crystals and teleportation she can find.

The dedication won't make me forgive her, but I can respect the effort she's putting in to try.

Dinner was good. Tuna fillets. Desert was delicious too. Chocolate cake! Luna made a comment about it being a miracle that a cake survived the castle's cake bandit. Celestia shot a dirty look to her sister. I commented that whoever is snatching them, must be very stressed out. Nothing wrong with taking a few bites of cake to quell the nerves. The looks they kept giving each other made for a good laugh.


Couldn't sleep. The softest bed I'll ever experience. Can't sleep a wink. Still thinking about Twilight spending the entire afternoon trying to help with the crystal. Surely she had to have gone home to sleep. Why does the thought of her slaving away over hundreds of books refuse to let me sleep? Is it guilt? No. I'm mad at her. She made this week something that's ingrained into my mind forever.

I asked the night guard outside if Twilight was still here in the castle. He said yes. She never left. I asked him to take me to her. I'll see her, be reminded why I'm mad, then be able to sleep. Simple.


Wow. She's surrounded by walls of books. Scribbled notes everywhere. Spike's out cold on a pile of discarded paper. Twilight's barely keeping her head up reading two books at the same time. She's mumbling about using the crystal to draw a wormhole to tunnel back to Earth. She follows up to herself by telling herself that would be too unstable.

Not forgiving her, but she needs sleep. I tapped her on the back. She barely noticed as her head dips for a minute. This was painful to watch. I closed the books. I told her it's time for bed. She said no because she's close to helping John. She's so exhausted she didn't recognize me. I doubted she'd have the energy to walk. The guard was a unicorn. I asked if he could carry her up to my room if I carried Spike.

So now she's sleeping in my bed along with that dragon. I'm still a little mad, but I'm not a monster. She needed some sleep. She'll get rested, and she'll start again tomorrow.

I'm still mad though. I have no bed now.


Princess Luna came by my room when she sensed I wasn't sleeping. Told her what I did. She asked if I was still genuinely mad at Twilight. If I still felt rage towards her. I admitted that seeing her with all those books and notes was a sight. Especially that all of it was for helping me. Though enchanting the letter to make me forgive her destroyed any chance she had at forgiveness. While Luna didn't know Twilight as well as her sister did, she knows of Twilight's escapades. She sat with me in the hallway. She told me everything.

Every source of evil vanquished. Every feat she accomplished. Every friendship she made. She's more than just a nerd it seems. She's a young mare that wants to make a difference in the world. Sometimes, her quest for knowledge can give her tunnel vision. The idea of a cage wasn't to contain me for experiments. It was her trying to keep the outside world from hurting a creature she barely understood. The bounty wasn't her trying to get what she wanted when I ran away. It was a concerned pony that wanted an alien to be where she thought he would be safe from a scary new world. All this time, she was trying to help me.

In her weird, kinda twisted way.


Luna had to get up and leave as she had nightly duties. She offered me her room for the night. She had a guard escort me. The conversation the princess and I had was unexpected. I knew that Twilight was famous and respected by ponies all over. I never knew why. All I know now is that I jumped conclusions at the first sight of danger.

This doesn't mean she's forgiven. At least not in full. She made her choices. I still have a lot to think over. Her and I are gonna have to talk tomorrow.