• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
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Hobbyist writer, I also write non MLP stories at http://www.fanfiction.net/~Greatazuredragon


In a desperate attempt to escape the Elements cleansing light, the Nightmare found herself drifting in the void between dimensions after a failed blind teleportation. For how long she remained there she did not know, until, finally, a chance to escape appeared as a strange Shard pierced through the void heading to an unknown destination. Unwilling to let such an opportunity pass, the Nightmare fused herself with it.

On Earth Bet, Taylor Hebert was experiencing what could rightfully be called the worst day of her life, before suddenly discovering that she now possessed strange powers, right alongside an odd megalomaniacal voice in the back of her mind.

This is a MLP:FiM x Worm crossover, in which in an attempt to escape the effects of the Elements the Nightmare abandoned Luna and ended up lost in the void between dimensions. Where she then proceeded to hijack the Queen Administrator Shard and so ended up as Taylor’s power. Meaning that Taylor now has all the powers of the Queen of the Night, up to and including a voice in her head that thinks that World Domination is a perfectly acceptable life goal.

So let’s see how Earth Bet will deal with the Queen of Escalation and the Queen of the Night joining forces, shall we?

Beta Reader: The amazing Emtu!

Featured!: 09/25/2021 - 09/27/2021

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 347 )

The source of super powers in the Worm-verse.


They are these sort of aliens computers that attach to a member of a species, normally during an extremly traumatic event and use them to gather data on the use of a granted ability. The thing is that the shards think that the best way to get data is through combat so they push their hosts into fighting. This combined with the trauma as you might suspect leads to a very unstable individual.

Due to this and the culture when superpowers (the granted abilities) appeared has lead to a culture of heroes and villians dressing up in spandix

unfortunaltey due to the method of gaining powers, the world this takes place in is one step away from falling apart as the majority of people that get powers become or are treated as villians either due to personaility, the trauma or the effects of the powers being granted with multiple examples of where people have gained powers but have then killed everyone around them as they dont know how to control them instantly.

What series is Worm exactly? A book, comic book, video game series etc?

Hey, so you did write this. Most excellent.

“No, no, no, no!” she frantically repeated, not even listening to the lavender unicorn’s words as she swiftly gathered her own power to teleport to safety. She attempted to flee with all her being despite knowing that the moment of inaction caused by her rising fear would mean that the spell would not be ready in time.

Frankly, if you're determined to get ahead in this line of work, but you haven't mastered the art of reflexive teleportation, you're just not doing it right. A lot of McGuffins are single-use, if you can DODGE! then you're set.

All for nothing, a strong hit to the back of my head, alongside my already spinning mind due to the smell and the retching, proved too much, strength leaving my arms as I was forcefully stuffed into the small metal box and the pile of rotting garbage.

“That’s where a pathetic weakling like you belongs, Hebert!” Sophia’s voice crowed in triumph as the locker door was violently slammed shut, trapping me in the darkness.

You know that's something I never understood. Everyone knows that triggers are caused by nearly-lethally traumatic events, so why would you do something like this to someone you hate and run the risk of having someone with a bitter vendetta against you acquire superpowers? It's literally Russian roulette.

That particular inescapable fact had led her to grow personally acquainted with several different new emotions, the fact that she was feeling them directly without the need of a host was something that would have filled her with wonder if not for her current situation and which emotions exactly she had grown familiar with.

She now knew what fear tasted like, she now knew the chilling grasp of despair, and above all else, she now knew the all-encompassing colors of rage and fury as if an old friend.

Oh good, now she's capable of a personal grudge. Before she was just doing her Nightmare thing, now she's willing to go out of her way to settle the score. It's amazing what unadulterated spite can carry you through, very tenacious emotion that.

“What the fuck? What the hell just hap… no…” Sophia’s voice came next, the confusion and incredulity clear in her tone doing nothing to calm the rising anger I could feel coursing through my veins.

Ya done goofed.

Just in case it wasn’t obvious by this point, what with Taylor bursting out of a metal locker in righteous fury right in front of a few dozen witnesses, I will be going the AU route from the start with this story in regards to Canon Worm.

I will still use a few developments from Canon, but most of them will be changed by the butterfly effect. For not only will Taylor’s civilian identity be known right from her Trigger Event, but she will also be active way earlier than in Canon, where she spent months after her Trigger recovering, training, and making her costume before finally going out as a Cape for the first time and stumbling upon Lung.

This all sounds amazing. Nightmare's gonna burn the school down, and Taylor's gonna help. You gotta love it when ostensible villains just up and fling a gigantic ethical mess into center stage where no one can ignore it.

Its a Web-novel.
Basically a desconstruction of Marvel and other super hero settings. In which super powers come from alien biological-supercomputers, though most people on the setting don't know that. And most powers are awakened through trauma, and so the number of vilains is far greater than heroes.
Its quite good, if a bit grim-dark at times. I myself tend to like the fanfics about it, since there are some really good ones and most aren't as grim-dark as the original.


Frankly, if you're determined to get ahead in this line of work, but you haven't mastered the art of reflexive teleportation, you're just not doing it right. A lot of McGuffins are single-use, if you can DODGE! then you're set.

Yeah, incredibly few people ever seen to heed Abridged Piccolo's wise words. DODGE! :trollestia:

Happy to hear you liked the intro.

Thank you very much for answering my question, I really appreciate it. :) I'll have to take a look into the web novel itself.

No problem.
Its good, if quite long and a bit dark at times.
But the setting is really interesting.

I remember you talking about this! I've never read Worm, but I've read plenty of crossovers, so I know the general gist of it. I'm currently reading a similar fic where it's the God Emperor of Mankind who's riding shotgun in her mind and giving her powers, so I'll be sure to check this out.

You might want to think about also posting this to Spacebattles or Sufficient Velocity, AFAIK those are the fanfic hubs of the Worm fandom. I followed A Friend in Need from there to Fimfiction in the first place.

… Well this is interesting, not many people know worm here, do they?

… wow, the two of them are in Sync… I wonder how long it will take for them to notice each other… let’s see here…
Will Taylor
a. Unleash a storm of lightning
b. Flee
c. Break down and cry
d. Summon minnions
e. Unleash a psyonic shockwave
f. Pull off an impression of sombra

Thanks! And I plan to try and make it friendly to those who aren't deep into Worm, so no worries.
I'll consider it. I'm also posting this at FF.net, but I never posted anything in either SV or SB.

No worries, whatever you decide! I just wanted to let you know about them if you didn't already.


… Well this is interesting, not many people know worm here, do they?

Not many Worm x MLP crossovers to get the knowledge around.
And the good ones that do exist, like

A Friend in Need

are dormant, so yeah.
And you will have the answer to some of those questions very soon. :raritywink:

Oh no, something tells me this version of Taylor isn't going to have the restraint to not get instant revenge, and is going to be seen as a villain by the PRT right off the bat. I can't wait to see where this goes.


I seem to recall there's some laity for things that happen as a direct consequence of a trigger, given how much trauma is inevitably wound up in the event. More interesting though, if Nightmare forces Sophia to blow her identity in the midst of a cellphone-infested high school that would be gas.

I'm currently reading a similar fic where it's the God Emperor of Mankind who's riding shotgun in her mind and giving her powers, so I'll be sure to check this out.

Oh, a 40K crossover? Mind sharing a link?


I think she's gonna kick that locker door right across the hallway, march through the crowd until she finds Sophia, and have a right proper punchup. Amusingly, she's so purely mad right now that the locker trauma is probably going to be forgotten instead of sinking in like it did before.

She already launched the locker door
And about that link,
… I think This: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12485917/1/Empress-Ascendant is it

Yeah, but this time the collateral damage could include several students and a member of the Wards. And keep in mind, this is Nightmare Moon influencing her, I doubt she's going to be Lawful Good.

And 10989740 is correct, Empress Ascendant is indeed the fic I was referring to.

Indeed. :eeyup:
She already did ltoss the door away. But yeah, Taylor os nit seeing straight right now. And tge consequences will be something to see.
The fact that after calming down and realizing her new 'companion' Taylor will think that she 'cracked' and Nightmare Moon is a figment of her imagination will also not help. :trollestia:


Honestly. While i understand why Taylor acts the way she does in most stories, there is something to be said for a therapeutic beat down.

… For some reason I think it was glory girl
… so she has super strength, a motion teleport, can manipulate her shadow, can fire off (Called it) Lightning, … did I miss anything?

Did you have a backlog of chapters for this?

I am beyond amazed by this. So much praise i wish to give, yet i lack the words to even haphazardly express my interest, joy and excitement after reading these first two chapters!:raritystarry:

A crossover between Worm and MLP? Sign me the heck up! One of the best villains in MLP gets a fantastic showing right at the beginning and Taylor Hebert is her host? Such juicy and delicious words i've not read in months! :pinkiecrazy:


Here's a funny Worm/MLP fix. It hasn't updated in a while but it's still a great read.

I'm betting she'll also have the power to read people's minds or invade their dreams.


You know that's something I never understood. Everyone knows that triggers are caused by nearly-lethally traumatic events, so why would you do something like this to someone you hate and run the risk of having someone with a bitter vendetta against you acquire superpowers? It's literally Russian roulette.

To be fair, the odds of any individual person actually getting powers after experiencing trauma is somewhat akin to winning the lottery. (unless you're the child of a parahuman, in which case your odds are way higher, but still not guaranteed)

The vast majority of muggles just get regular trauma and no superpowers, so it probably wouldn't have been much of a factor in Sophia's decision-making. (or that of most supervillains for that matter)

It's worth mentioning that everything you've been told so far about them, including the initial stuff in the description and the term "Shard", is a major spoiler for Worm that nobody finds out in-universe until pretty close to the end of it. We're approaching Jekyll and Hyde territory where it doesn't even appear on the various "Rosebud was the name of his sled" lists because too few people read the original to realize it was even supposed to be a twist.

FYeah, those are her powers, for now that is. :raritywink:
And i had a small backlog, yes. Only three chapters though, the last of which won't be long in coming.
Happy to hear you enjoyed the story so far. :heart:
Yeah, that one and The Power of Epona are both really good. Pity neither has been updated in quite some time.
A Friend in Need is also awesome, but once again, no updates.
Same logic why people keep bullying others in countries where its fairly easy to buy guns. No one ever expects such situations to happen to them.
True. Just like Cauldron being a thing. Reader's are only suposed to learn about the super powered incompetent version of the iluminati way later in the story, but thanks to fanfics most people know about them from the start. :derpytongue2:

Rubbing my hands with glee, waiting to see what comes next.


To be fair, the odds of any individual person actually getting powers after experiencing trauma is somewhat akin to winning the lottery. (unless you're the child of a parahuman, in which case your odds are way higher, but still not guaranteed)

The vast majority of muggles just get regular trauma and no superpowers, so it probably wouldn't have been much of a factor in Sophia's decision-making. (or that of most supervillains for that matter)

Also, Sophia is a psychotic, grandiose, and impulsive moron. She acts the way she does because she believes herself to be above others and can't imagine someone pulling the rug out from under her. The inability to think long term is a common trait of people with personality disorders.


Honestly. While i understand why Taylor acts the way she does in most stories, there is something to be said for a therapeutic beat down.

Personally, I think not beating up her bullies is not the right approach. The "rise above" mentality can be good in some circumstances, but not when you are dealing with people who abuse you and feel justified in doing so. Taylor beating up Emma is the only way someone like her can really learn.


Same logic why people keep bullying others in countries where its fairly easy to buy guns. No one ever expects such situations to happen to them.

In addition to this, the consequences to the actual bully aren't any worse than that, seeing as many abilities will be a far less painful death than getting shot.


It's Earth Bet, not Beth.

My guess is Queen of the Night vs. Collateral Damage Barbie

I don't know if you're planning to pair tay-tay with anyone in this fic, but if you need any suggestions, my favorite ships in the worm fleet are pillbug, punchbuggy, smugbug, and silkworm.

Didn't expect to find a Worm crossover, but I'm glad I did.

Best of luck to dear old Collateral Damage Barbie, she's going to need it.

Bruh... thanks for the heads-up. :trollestia:
Not sure yet to be honest. :scootangel:
Glad you liked the story so far.
As for who exactly picked up a fight? Well, you will have the answer very soon. :raritywink:

Can you guess which characters each of the ships I mentioned involves?

So we've seen nightmare tay-tay go carrie on people. But will she also go freddy on people as well?

punchbuggy is clearly Taylor x Glory Girl, and Smugbug is obviously Taylor x Tattletale, one of the other two has got to be Panacea, but I don't know which, and the last one I have no idea.

There's one called Sol Invictus where taylor can turn into celestia

Pillbug is Panacea. Silkworm is Parian. Another pairing is Wolfspider which is Bitch/Hellhound.

Also, just a heads up, but I uploaded the next chapter. :scootangel:

… I kind of want to see this from the protectorate’s perspective
… also… must form
… Is the entire protectorate here?
… well conn foam will not work any more

Her oposition was Assault and Battery at first, and then Dauntless and Miss Militia came as reinforcements.
So not the whole Protectorate, but still a very impressive line-up of it.
And funny you would say that about povs, because the plan is for the next chapter to be an Interlude from the protectorate's pov. :yay:

The point of the heroes defending Taylor's villain is really poignant...and something that could only come from Worm.

I can only imagine Emma and Sophia are gonna lie about the incident through their teeth and the school will side with them rather than accept responsibility.

I say, she seems to be somewhat upset, no?

A loud thunderclap resounded through the air, the screeching sound echoing and completely filling the area with a deafening boom as twin lightning bolts launched themselves from my fists and towards Sophia’s still airborne ghostly form.

‘Feel our wrath!’

A fanged grin firm upon my features, I watched as my tormentor screamed as my lightning bolts found their mark, hitting her head on despite her shadowy form and forcing her back into her normal state. She stood suspended there for a moment longer, held airborne as electricity coursed through her body before gravity reasserted its sovereignty and she bonelessly fell to the ground with all the grace of a rock.

Not gonna lie, that was real cathartic.

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