• Published 28th Sep 2021
  • 4,521 Views, 48 Comments

A Game Of Chaos - dudenotactive

Peace in Maretime Bay will have to be disturbed for the return of a beloved antagonist, it is up to Sunny and her friends to defeat this newest foe of theirs in a little game.

  • ...

Two Of Four

"Let's get to the basics!" Discord marched back and forth at a steady pace, now dressed like a referee complete with the whistle hanging around his long neck.

Sunny and her friends, who are still under their curse, paid close attention to his every move and word,
they were sure not to miss any details so they could get an edge on whatever game he had planned. A small group of ponies had followed them to spectate out of curiosity of the God of Chaos, many of which were from the previous crowd, enamored by Discord's mysterious and chaotic charm, they too listened intently.

Currently, they were located right in front of Sunny's home, well, what still left of it. Construction was still going and the workers were out for lunch thankfully, imagine how troublesome it would be if there was some noise in the background. Sunny would've missed a lot due to distractions.

Back to the task at hand, the chaotic lord of chaos brought out a map of the town, several doodles of Discord decorated it. "The game is simple; I have hidden a total of five important things that you must all collect by any means necessary before the sun sets! This may be a simple scavenger hunt to you, but there will be dangerous, life-threatening, and funny distractions!"

Izzy raised a hoof. "Hey, I thought this game was gonna be harmless?"

"My dear Frizzy Izzy," Discord chuckled. "how could I harm something as adorable as you? I only want to spice things up!"

Discord pulled off his fang and started to unfold it like paper, another tooth took its place soon after and the ponies could only stare, still unused to this chaos incarnate. His yellow eyes scanned over the piece of paper while he hummed a very familiar tune which almost sounded like Izzy's music bottles.

He took a second before a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Alright! I will give you five hints on what these objects will be, and once you find them, you will know it is the right one!"

First! Clowns are great, good laughs all around no matter what they do! Your face will be red with laughter, and leave you breathless.

Second! Everything is sweet, an explosive party for your taste buds, and a grand surprise it will be.

Third! Join the clubs, and play to your heart's desire! A total of twelve is what you require!

Fourth! Note to self, underline "Fourth". Ahem, the sky is filled with colors and inspiration, how wonderful would it be to taste the clouds.

Last hint! Buried in memories of the past, I am what you seek for I am the answer. United here, and there, if you wish to win, then I am what you are after.

"And that my players are your hints for the hunt! Any questions?" Sunny raised a hoof in the air. "Yes, Scootaloo?"

"Um, how do we know if we found what we're looking for?" She asked.

"Trust me, you will. Anyone else?" He glanced at each of them, even the small audience they have. "Alright, to make this even more exciting, any pony who is not Sunny and her friends over here, will be able to challenge me in any contest or game! And if they win, they will receive one wish and this game of ours will end!"

This made their audience interested even more, a chance to make a single wish was as tempting as a plate of shredded cheese in the fridge. But this was bad news for Sunny and crew.

Zipp's eyes widened. "Does that mean we will lose!?"

"Ah, the brains of the group, I can tell. And yes, if I am defeated, then you lose as well." He clicked his tongue and pouted. "Not only do you have a race with the sun, but with everypony in town as well. Now then, better get started, and being the generous Discord, I will unfreeze time after five minutes."

"Unfreeze time?" Everyone spoke together.

Discord only shook his head, he tapped the back of his wrist while the sound of a ticking clock was heard. "No time for questions, the hands are already running." He cackled loudly, his voice filled the silent field and drowned out the ocean waves.

Jumping into action, Sunny and her friends ran straight to town, the hopeful mare glanced over her shoulder only to feel dread as the ponies from before were already surrounding Discord. Discord flashed her a toothy grin as he grew smaller by the distance.

"Everyone split up! We can cover more ground this way!" Sunny instructed as they entered Maretime Bay.

"Right!" Her friends were quick to accept her orders.

Though reluctant to play this silly game, Hitch wanted to help Sunny because he was her friend, before the other mares came into their lives, Hitch was Sunny's only friend. Everyone was distant with Sunny because of her beliefs, but now, they weren't afraid of unicorns or pegasi, everyone could be friends with her once again. And that is why he was playing because he is her most loyal friend since their youth.

If this one question she has is so important, then it's also the same for Hitch Trailblazer.

He ran through town, not batting an eye at anyone or anything, not even the critters that were infatuated with him. The hints were the only thing in his mind, he tried his best to decipher them and hoped to see the clue in a larger picture. The sun overhead started to move second by second, the game finally started and it was only a matter of time that it would end.

"Help, somepony help me!"

Hitch screeched to a halt, his ears perked up as he heard the cries of a distraught child. Someone nearby needed help and he was the right stallion for the job, but... he was busy. He looked towards the young child, a brown colt with golden eyes, the boy stared up into the tree with a face of dismay. Torn between his duty as a sheriff and as a friend, Hitch was locked in a battle with his choices.

Sadly, he had responsibilities, and sometimes the town comes first. Of course, he'd be done in a jiffy and Hitch would be back on track after.

"Fear not citizen! The sheriff is here to help!" Hitch made his entrance a bit more dramatic. "Now, what seems to be the problem here?"

"Oh sheriff Hitch, my poor cat is stuck in that tree with no way to get down!" The boy told his sad and tearful story.

Hitch chuckled, a simple cat-stuck-in-a-tree situation, this will be done in just a second. "No problem kid, I'm on the job!"

Not realizing that he had wings, Hitch started to scale the tree with the experience he had with other events similar to this. A few times Zipp's wings would get caught in the branches, but with a simple pull he would be free from these obstacles, Hitch just hoped that Zipp doesn't mind having ruffled feathers once she gets her wings back.

"Here kitty, kitty! It's your friendly neighborhood sheriff! Just come to me like any critters do and I'll return you to your- Discord!?"

"Meow." It was indeed Discord.

Hitch came face to face with the God of Chaos who coiled around a branch with a mischievous smirk. The sheriff looked down to find that the child vanished, leading him to believe that it was actually Discord and there was no cat to begin with.

"My, you are quite quick to the truth! Impressive sheriff, the town wouldn't be as great as it is without you."

"Discord! W-what are you doing!? Can't you see I'm playing this game of yours!?" Hitch said with a frown.

"I know, but I did say that there would be distractions in your way." He snickered into his paw. "Oh you should see your face! You're getting as red as that deputy of yours!"

Hitch would've said something snarky, but something about what Discord said lingered in his mind. "Red like Sprout?"

Discord could only watch with that smirk of his, it would seem he knew what exactly Hitch was thinking. "Hmm, didn't mean to do that, but c'est la vie. Also, maybe you should focus on the game, don't want you to waste precious time now."

"Whatever, Discord!"

Hitch immediately jumped back onto the road where he ran in search of the deputy. Several times Discord would pop out of nowhere to hinder his progress, but Hitch knew that they weren't as important as the game, especially when they weren't even real problems to begin with. The sheriff would ask anyone who had information about Sprout, but many did not have a clue of where Sprout is, few acted as if he didn't even exist which was odd. But he would notice Discord goofing off in the background whenever he asked.

Finally, he found Sprout leaning on the railings, the deputy stared down at the waters below with a distressed look. Quickly, Hitch rushed to Sprout's side tired and ready to call it a day. "Deputy!"

Sprout looked up. "Hitch? What do you need?"

He was out of breath, but still had the strength to speak. "I'm playing a game with Discord right now and I finally realize the answer to his hint. You, my amazing deputy, have something important."

Sprout took a sharp inhale. "Right, yeah, important. That Discord did give me something cool, yes..."

"Sprout, where is it?"

"Don't be mad, but... I kinda lost it to a seagull, who also dropped it in the ocean..." He finally told his woeful tale.

Sprout expected Hitch to be disappointed, but instead, he received a warm smile from the sheriff.

"It's alright Sprout, you know how these seagulls are around shiny things. Besides, from what I've been through recently, this is fresh air to me." Hitch stretched his joints on the spot. "Welp, you go on with your day, deputy, I'll take care of this."

Before he could reply, Hitch jumped over the rails and dived into the ocean, leaving a dumbfounded Sprout.

Zipp was stuck in her own head, the hints Discord gave them was all she could think of. Unlike many of her peers, she was a smart mare who was not so easily distracted by technology. No, she focused more on science, it became a hobby of hers when she used to look for ways to fly.

She got the magic back, yes, but Zipp was once again grounded thanks to Discord. A sigh escaped her lips as she stared towards the sky, what once blue turned into a pink hue thanks to the large quantities of cotton candy clouds. It rained chocolate milk in some areas, mostly where children were around who were banking on the fact that there was free chocolate.

But that wasn't important right now, what was important was the game. "The fourth one obviously means that what we are looking for is on a cloud, but since I don't have wings, I'll have to find Pipp later for whatever it is up there. But what about the others?" She continued to ponder.

"And that's another loss!" She heard someone declare, Zipp turned to see Discord surrounded by other ponies. It would seem that he was being challenged for that one wish, and these ponies were determined to win.

That's when she noticed him, Alphabittle, the unicorn tea maker from Bridlewood. He easily stuck out due to his size, which was rare for unicorns in truth. From what Zipp remembered, he was competitive and very prideful, sometimes she thinks that he's greedy thanks to his collection of crystals. But most unicorns have crystals, they really like them for some reason, they love their shiny things a little too much.

Curiously, she approached the gathered crowd and found herself watching an ongoing game. Discord sat on a soft pillow while shuffling a deck, in front of him was Alphabittle who was focused solely on two playing cards that laid on the stone road, a five of hearts and a six of diamonds.

With a sly smile Discord tossed in another card which was just a two of clubs, this earned him a defeated groan from Alphabittle.

"The house wins again!" Discord declared triumphantly.

Disgruntled, Alphabittle marched off and away from Discord, only to be stopped by Zipp. "Hey..." She gave a short greeting. "What's all this?"

"Town is going bananas for the chance of beating Discord for that wish, and it looks like no one's winning yet."

Zipp eyed the game they were playing, another pony had just lost to Discord, the rules still not known to Zipp, so she opted to ask the unicorn.

"That? Well, just trying to get an exact twelve with three cards only. Been going at it for a while now but I barely get a chance to win, as if Discord is cheating somehow." He huffed loudly. "Darn shame too, was gonna give my wish to Izzy, just thought I had a chance and all."

"That's awfully nice of you," She commented.

"Well it's thanks to you and your friends that magic returned to Equestria, just wanted to give a little back."

"I'm sure she's just happy that you both are still friends after the whole thing, no need to go all out like that."

Alphabittle nodded. "You're right, I don't need a fancy wish to say thank you to Izzy, a cake would definitely be enough! I'll see you and the rest around town, and come by my shop when you all are at Bridlewood!"

With that, the large pony walked away, his defeat no longer lingered in his head, only the idea of a scrumptious cake for the heroic unicorn of Equestria. Sometimes Zipp was glad that she could have a chance to meet Izzy's friends, certainly an eye-opener whenever she meets new ponies from other tribes. But that was not important right now, she needed to get back to the game...

She caught the look in Discord's eyes as she figured out one of the hints, he knew that she did. "Join the clubs and play to your heart's desire! A total of twelve is what you require!" She repeated the hint from before, and a toothy smile appeared on Discord.

"Ah, Zipp!" Discord smiled even wider. "Just the mare I was waiting for! Come, join us for a game!"

"I think I'll watch, maybe later." She said as she sat down, eyes focused on where the cards would be displayed.

"Hmm, very well, I'll just continue then."

The game went on, ponies would challenge Discord only to lose. The rules were simple, you must have a total of twelve in your hoof, but none had ever gotten close. There were a total of twenty cards from the looks of it, the special ones aren't included in this game, though there's something else that bugged her, and she just couldn't tell what.

A sequence of numbers would go like this: One- three- five, eight- two- four, six- three- joker, and so on.

None saw victory, even to those who attempted to cheat in some way. Always in defeat, Discord would laugh as he destroyed their self-esteem. Alphabittle was right, Discord was definitely cheating. Then a bulb lit up above her, courtesy of Discord. Zipp thought about it more, but somehow, this idea of hers could work, or perhaps it won't. She thought about the hint and the rules more just to be sure.

She needed to win for Sunny, and Discord won't stop Zephyrina Storm.

"Alright Discord, I want a round." Zipp stepped forward, her soul burned with courage as she stared down at Discord.

"Feeling brave are we? Then let us test your luck and see if you win this grand prize!" Out of nowhere, Discord produced a stetson hat, and that's when Zipp knew that this was one of the items she needed to find. "As I've said, this is not a scavenger hunt, well not an easy one, that is, you must win this prize or else you will have to find it again!"

"Winning is easier, that's all I'm saying." She said.

Discord said nothing, all he did was give Zipp two cards, a six of spades and a three of hearts. Zipp stared at the deck in Discord's claws and waited patiently for the next card. The audience watched with bated breath, the sun above them inched towards the west, there was still time for the others to find the items. Zipp just hoped that they would find it soon.

Finally, Discord revealed Zipp's next card, and the ponies around them wore sorrowful looks on their faces, two of hearts. Once again, Discord won, no pony could best him and it would seem Zipp would have to try and find the hat somewhere else-

"Hold it!" Zipp slammed her hoof against the asphalt. "I'm not done yet Discord, I still have a chance to win!"

Discord arched a brow, he paid attention to whatever trick Zipp had, and much to everyone's confusion, Zipp ripped her three cards into four pieces each. This in turn surprised the ponies while Discord only watched with astonishment.

"A total of twelve, that is what I require, right?" Zipp crossed her forelegs in front of her chest.

"Well I am impressed! Finally, a clever answer to this silly challenge! I dare say Zipp, I tip my hat to you!" He cackled. Zipp's prize was placed neatly on her head. "Congratulations, you have one out of four objects in your team's possession! Good luck on the rest, and have fun while you're at it!"

With a snap of his talons, Discord vanished from sight.

And Zipp couldn't believe it, her dumb idea worked somehow, it was the answer that Discord was actually looking for. It would seem that he cheated as well, by chance someone would've won at one point, and yet they lost, it was the logical conclusion. And honestly, even then she couldn't quite comprehend the idea itself, Discord was just so confusing sometimes.

All that doesn't matter anymore, she got one of the items she needed and- wait, did he say four?

Hitch gasped for air as he broke through the surface of the ocean, a cute little octopus sat upon his head as he did so. The sheriff crawled out of the sea empty-handed, no matter how far deep he swam, Hitch couldn't find what he was looking for. At this rate, he would burn too much time and fail his friend-


The octopus bounced on Hitch's head as he yelped in surprise. "Sunny!?"

It was indeed Sunny Starscout, she too was busy with Discord's game, of course, somehow her search led her here. "Did you find one of the things we're looking for?" She guessed right.

"Yeah," Hitch sighed. "I figured out the first clue was connected to Sprout, and I was actually right about it. Thing is, whatever Discord gave to Sprout got lost in the water, but don't you worry Sunny, I'll have the thing before you know it!"

"Discord called Sprout a clown, that isn't nice." She commented on the fact that Sprout was described as a clown in Discord's first hint.

Before Hitch could agree, since he was not as mean as Discord, the God of Chaos swam through the street as if it was part of the ocean wearing a swimming cap and floaties. "Well you have to admit, he was hilarious throughout your story, Sunny Starscout." He said his opinion. "And I do find it interesting that you haven't fired him, sheriff. I mean, he did try and start a war that could've brought your kind back to the stone age. Possibly."

Hitch scoffed at Discord. "He's just confused, and a bit jealous from what Izzy observed, but I couldn't just kick him out to the curb. I gave him the responsibility of watching over Maretime Bay and went after Sunny, if anything it was my fault that I constantly stood under the spotlight."

Discord stared at him with a blank expression.

"Hitch," Sunny began. "it's not your fault, I'm partly to blame for what Sprout did. I made you leave the town all because of Izzy, but look at how that ended. The tribes are together, and you were there to watch our backs, we couldn't have surely done without you Hitch."

Hitch's expression hardened. "And I'm gonna help you now!" The stallion looked over to the octopus. "Hey there little buddy, can you help me out? There's something down there that I need, and it would be appreciated if you go and fetch it."

The octopus happily flailed its tentacles, Discord watched with delight as the tiny octopus dived back into the water. Both Sunny and Hitch waited patiently for the sea critter to return. Something sparkled in the deep, Hitch gasped as he felt some pressure growing around him, and then it started to bubble as it grew closer to the surface. Before Hitch knew it, he was launched out of the water by several octopuses, both large and small. Quick to act, Sunny caught Hitch in time before he could even hit the ground, and there they saw that in his hooves was a medium-sized chest. Both ponies were struck by awe at the design of this chest, it was purple in color, royal purple to be accurate. Decorated in gems and crystals, you would think that this object was owned by a unicorn with a taste for shiny things. Pretty as well.

Hitch thanked the octopuses and gave the one he asked for help a little pat on the head, which the sea critters loved so much. They said their goodbyes and the little animals went back to their rightful place, now it would seem the two ponies were alone by the ocean, strangely enough, Discord had gone away also. There was no trace of him anywhere.

"This is what we're looking for? What's in it?" Hitch asked.

"Only one way to find out."

They opened it to find a midnight blue cloak with faux fur neatly folded inside, the two were stricken by the design, especially the material that was used. Sunny felt the cloak with her hoof, she couldn't help but retract her limb in fear of ruining the cloak. It felt so soft, that one wrong move could tear the cloth. But what really stunned Sunny was who it belonged to.

"This... is Rarity's..." Sunny said as she remembered the cloak from her journal, it was said that Rarity wore it on many occasions throughout history. It became iconic to her character as she got older by the years. Sunny's father told her that Rarity was a seamstress that would always make her own line of clothes and other fashion designs. But what cemented the idea was that she saw an old photo of Rarity once.

"Are you sure?" Hitched asked.

"Yes! If we got something from Rarity, then that means... Hitch!" The stallion recoiled back from her sudden burst. "I think I know the answer to one of the hints!"

"Which one?"

"Everything is sweet, an explosive party for your taste buds, and a grand surprise it will be!" She smiled ear to ear. "We need to get to the bakery quickly!"