• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 3,420 Views, 22 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: The Movie? - Battwell

A retelling of the MLP movie with the twist of adding the 2003 Shredder into the mix

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The Final Battle (Part 1)

As the Mane Six exit the water, Twilight moves ahead of the group and begins tugging at her hair, drying it off while Applejack scolds the alicorn. "What were you thinkin'? I mean, stealin' their pearl?" Applejack asks angrily.

Twilight sighs and closes her eyes. "It was the only way to save Equestria." Twilight replied.

Pinkie then stepped forward, slightly agitated. "'Cept it wasn't! The Queen was going to say yes! We did what you told us and that's what made her realize we were ponies worth saving!" Pinkie then gasped as a sudden realisation occurred to her. "Unless... You didn't really want us to show her the best time ever! You just wanted us to distract her!" Pinkie yelled.

The rest of the Mane Six gasped at this revelation while Twilight turned around angrily. "I never would have done it, but this isn't Equestria! We can't just dance around with con artists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! It's not enough! We are not enough!" Twilight yelled.

"No, Twilight! We stuck together! We were gonna get the help we needed! The only thing that stopped us... was you!" Pinkie replied using a disgusted tone.

Twilight then began to walk off. "Well, I'm doing the best I can! It's all on me. I'm the one Shredder wants. I'm the last Princess!" Twilight argued back.

Pinkie had had enough and finally lost it. "You're also the only one who doesn't trust her friends!" Pinkie accused.

Twilight then turned around and her horn started to glow as she finally snapped. "Well, maybe, I would've been better off without friends like YOU!" Twilight screamed at the party pony. Pinkie looked broken, betrayed and most of all... hurt. The rest of the Mane Six glared at Twilight as they began to walk off. Twilight reached out her hoof to Pinkie in hopes to apologise. "Pinkie... I-" Twilight was then cut off by Pinkie sniffling.

"I just can't talk to you right now." Pinkie said sadly. And with that, they walked off. Twilight looked broken as her head went down and walked off in a different direction with Spike following close behind.

Twilight sat atop the rocky cliff, crying. Spike slowly walked up to her and tried to comfort her. "Twilight? It's okay. You'll figure it out." Spike said.

Twilight just sobbed and replied. "No! *sobs* I can't. I ruined everything! *sobs* There's no chance to save Equestria now. *whimpers* It's all my fault! *Hic* Spike?" She gasps as she turns around to see a Foot Guard holding Spike hostage. She flares her horn but is then suddenly caught in an electric cage.

"No, no, no, no, no, NO!!!" Twilight says panically as the cage begins to lift up to Shredder's airship.

Spike burns the guard with his fire breath and releases him. He looks up. "TWILIGHT!!!" Spike screams.

Twilight is lifted into the airship. She desperately attempts to escape by using her magic, but it doesn't work. She suddenly hears laughter and sees Tempest approach her cage with a wicked smile on her face.

Suddenly, the sliding doors behind them opened up to reveal none other than The Shredder. "Ah, princess." He said menacingly. He then walked into the command deck. "Thank you for accepting my... humble invitation." Shredder continued. He then looked over to Tempest, who bowed to her master. "Leave us." Shredder ordered.

"As you command, master." Tempest replied as she left the room.

Shredder then walked around the cage like a predator stalking its prey. "I must commend you on your efforts to evade me, but you merely delayed the inevitable!!! It is now time for my plans to finally proceed." Shredder said to the alicorn princess.

"Why are you doing this?" Twilight asked hoping to get an answer.

Shredder merely laughed in response. "Mwhahahaha. Fool! You think I would reveal my vengeance to the likes of you?! Your species is beneath me. And soon, I will see to it that your world is destroyed!!!" Shredder threatened as he began to walk off. Twilight then got an idea. She remembered Luna's mind reading spell. She concentrated her magic and luckily he wasn't too far away from her. She casted the spell and saw what he had intended to do once he got her magic. But that's not all. She saw all the atrocity's Ch'Rell has ever done. From creating a planetary civil war to everything involving the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She then saw what would happen if Ch'Rell returned to Turtle Prime. The entire Multiverse would be destroyed. All life that would ever exist would perish. On Earth. On Equis. Everywhere. The spell ended and they both stumbled. Twilight hit the back of the cage while Shredder fell to one knee. He then turned around and glared at Twilight, who had a look of pure terror on her face. She had faced evil beings before. But none that would literally put an end to all life in the Multiverse. And that scared her beyond belief.

"You... You monster. How could you? All those lives.... and what you intend to do." Twilight said in a horrified tone.

Shredder got up and faced the alicorn with his arms crossed. "So, you read my mind? No matter. It won't make a difference." Shredder spoke.

"You intend to end all life in the Multiverse just to get rid of your enemies?" Twilight asked.

"Fool!!! I wouldn't expect an Equine like you to grasp the bigger picture!!! Infinite dimensions!!! Infinite worlds!!! Infinite Turtles!!! And as long as they exist, they will interfere with the plans of The Shredder!!! Our epic battle is never going to end. Unless I make it end!!! And there is nothing you or anyone can do to stop me!!!" Shredder yelled as he walked over and sat atop his throne.

Shredder began to laugh as they made their way back to Canterlot. Twilight just stood there helpless. She not only failed friendship. But the entire Multiverse.

As the doors to the throne room in Canterlot Castle opened, Twilight saw a sight that horrified her. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all solidified in stone. Her cage was set down in a corner of the room as the guards left the room. Shredder glared at Twilight as he clenched his fist. "Now. Shall we begin?" Shredder rhetorically asked.

Tempest smirked as she walked over to the cage. "Tempest, don't do this. Don't give Ch'Rell-" Twilight tried to plead but was interrupted by Tempest.

"Your magic? Did you think you'd keep it all to yourself? Time to share. I'd love for everybody out there to know what I can really do." Tempest said.

"And you shall, once the alicorn magic is mine." Shredder told Tempest, who smirked in response. Shredder then turned to Grubber. "Retrieve the Staff of Sacanas!!!" Shredder ordered. Grubber quickly left the room and returned with the Staff in hand. He handed it to Shredder and then backed away from him. Shredder then walked into the centre of the four princesses. He was about to extract the magic but was interrupted by Twilight.

"Ch'Rell!!! Please don't do this, I'm begging you!!! All those lives, if you go through with this, not only will everything else in the Multiverse die, but you will as well!!! I'm begging you, it doesn't have to be this way!!! Please!!!" Twilight pleaded but it amounted to nothing.

"Fool!!! I am The Shredder!!! Slayer of Ninja Turtles!!! If destroying them means the end, of everything. THEN SO BE IT!!!" Shredder yelled as he slammed the Staff in a hole in the ground. The Staff then began draining all the alicorns of their magic. Twilight tried to resist but it amounted to nothing.

"NO!!!" Twilight screamed as her magic was being drained.

"Mwhahahahahahaha!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Shredder laughed as the last of the magic was drained. Was the deed was done, Twilight fell down due to exhaustion. Shredder held the Staff in his hands and raised it to the sky in victory. "Behold. The magic of four alicorns!!! At last!!! Hahahahaha!!!" Shredder laughed as he turned to Twilight's cage. He aimed the Staff at the cage and fired a beam of electricity. As a result, Twilight's cage broke apart and she landed outside on the balcony. She struggled to get up as Ch'Rell stepped outside. He aimed the Staff at her again, only to notice something in the corner of his eye. As the Staff moved, so did the sun. "So, this magic has the ability to move celestial bodies? Fascinating." Shredder pindered before stepping over Twilight and reaching the edge of the balcony. "I believe further examination is in order. I wish to learn more of the properties this Staff possess. Show me. EVERYTHING!!!" Shredder said as he raised the Staff to the sky. The Staff fired blue lightning into the sky and caused it to crack open with a giant blue tear in the sky. Twilight and Tempest were in awe of the sight while Ch'Rell on the other hand was laughing. It was then that all of them heard a noise from down below. Shredder glanced down and saw Capper, Spike and the Mane Six fighting some Foot guards. Tempest walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked genuinely confused.

"What?! How?!" Tempest asked.

Twilight stepped beside her and replied. "It's... It's the magic of-"

"SILENCE!!!" She was cut off by Ch'Rell as he backhanded her into the wall. He then turned back around and glared downwards towards the ponies. "I have grown tired of these freaks and their constant interference!!! This ends now!!!" Shredder yelled as he began spinning the Staff around in a circular motion, resulting in the creation if a giant tornado.

Capper and the others saw this and ceased fighting. "MOVE THEM HOOVES, PONIES!!!" Capper yelled as they all went for cover. They each looked up at the tornado and tried to come up with a plan.

"You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!" Rainbow yelled over the wind. It was then that Pinkie Pie got an idea.

"Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!!!" Pinkie said as she put on her helmet.

Back up in the castle, Shredder was laughing as the tornado began tearing things apart. "Only now, in the end, do you truly understand!!!" Shredder exclaimed.

Tempest then walked over to her master and bowed. "Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised, master, now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!" Tempest requested.

Ch'Rell laughed in her face. "Fool!!! I am The Shredder!!! Destroyer of worlds!!! Why would I waste my time restoring a pathetic creature like you to her former glory?!" Shredder said as he walked past her.

Tempest then stepped in front of him. "But... we... we had an agreement!" Tempest exclaimed.

"Foolish Equine!!! It won't matter if your horn is restored!!! In mere moments, everything that anyone will ever know shall be destroyed!!!" Shredder said as he fired a blast from the Staff towards Tempest, who dodged it and fired back. Ch'Rell saw this and fired another blast. The two blasts connected and sent the two combatants flying in opposite directions. Shredder hit the wall and fell down to the ground while Tempest was holding on for dear life trying not to get sucked up into the tornado. Twilight saw this and made a quick decision to save Tempest instead of getting the Staff. Just as Tempest lost her grip, Twilight grabbed onto her and saved her.

"Hold on!!!" Twilight yelled.

"Why are you saving me?!" Tempest asked.

Twilight smiled. "Because this is what friends do."

She pulled Tempest back down and they both fell on their flanks. They both turned and saw Shredder getting up and walking towards them.

Shredder laughed as he loomed over them and aimed the Staff at the two. "And now, with a mere thought." The Staff began to crackle with electricity. "It ends."