• Published 14th Oct 2021
  • 1,291 Views, 37 Comments

The Godking is NOT Amused - Zemez

The Godking Veretus has been sent to Equestria by some upstarts, he is not amused, either at the adventurers, or these pastel ponies.

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Artifacts of Immeasurable Power are not amusing

It felt like he was being squeezed through a tube and he could feel his connection to his followers being cut off, reducing the power of his divinity from an overgod, to a greater deity. He could also feel the laws of life slipping from his grasp, he grasps with metaphysical senses, clinging to any thread he could in the hopes it would keep him in place, but all he managed was tearing a piece of it with him.

Soon, he was no longer being squeezed, but he was falling. He could arrest his development with his wings, but his anger needed to be taken out on something. Space debris impacted Alvaris all the time, with the planet no worse for wear. His body, forged from the flesh of a Champion, and refined farther with his divinity was tougher than adamantium and would be fine impacting a planet.

A corona of heat formed around him as he wrapped his wings around himself. He could see the landscape through the flames just fine. What intrigued him was the city built hanging over the side of a mountain, not on it, hanging off the side, with the heaviest building, the castle, the furthest from the mountain. A feat of engineering he hadn't seen since the forges of the secret Dwarven City.

He soon impacted the ground, his angle causing him to travel several miles before the earth arrested his momentum. He stood up, the dirt and stone of this world was quite solid, more than his own.

It seems he had some luck, for he was outside of a quaint town. While all the bright colors were unusual, he was a near-omnipotent being, a different color palette wasn't going to unnerve him. Speaking of near omnipotent...

The strand of his reality's laws of life was still within his metaphysical grasp, and he released it. One of two things would happen, either it would leave to rejoin the laws he plucked it from, showing him the way back home in which he would rain all his fury against the wizard. Or the law would attempt to merge with this reality's, it would make his life harder, as this reality would most likely become aware of him, and try to reject him, but he would gain some of his powers back.

He sighed as he felt the laws merge, it wasn't what he wanted, but he'd live with it. He felt eyes on him, even though he knew nobody was watching him.

With the merge, knowledge arrived to his mind, the types of being living in this reality along with their biggest accomplishments and failures. It seems the area he landed himself in was occupied by sentient mini equines. They seemed to put quite an emphasis on working with others, a peaceful race, like the elves before the humans betrayed them.

He contemplated changing his form to fit to these peaceful equines, before deciding against it. They were a peaceful race, and as long as he didn't harm them, their immortal rulers wouldn't try to vanquish him.

He began walking, the dirt and ashes literally sliding off of him, perks of being a divine entity, it was impossible to become filthy.

Upon reaching the town, he found it deserted. He could have sworn he had seen the figures of the mini equines from afar. Soon, a sextuplet of what appeared to be mares appeared before him, He studied their forms as they walked up to him. five of them wearing necklaces, he could see the sixth, a purple unicorn, similar to the kind in his reality, only smaller and more pastel, wore a tiara. Each of the gems in their accessories was reminiscent of the tattoos upon their flanks.

Veretus had plenty of experience crafting artifacts. Some of the greatest weapons in his reality were forged by him, some while he was still near mortal. He could tell artifacts of immense power when he saw them, he just couldn't tell what they did.

The sextuplet stopped before him, and he knew there was going to be a small problem when the purple unicorn among them spoke. It wasn't that he couldn't understand them, his connection to life allowed him to understand all languages, but their language wasn't meant for a human-like body, being a series of vocal ranges a trained mortal could probably make, but not him. He would have to cheat.

"What are you and why have you come to Ponyville?" The purple unicorn asked politely, It seemed that they were going to try diplomacy, good.

He prepared his divinity, It was much smaller not being surrounded with faith from Alvaris, around only 5 percent its normal size. This was still enough to cover this entire town in his divine domain if he spread it thin. He spread his divine flame towards the ponies, Hoping none of them currently had Detect Magic cast, and if they did, wouldn't assume he was attacking them.

The two unicorns among the six recoiled, unfortunately, aside from the purple one with a six-pointed star flank tattoo, there was a while unicorn with three diamonds for hers.

"Ready up, let's take him down!" The purple unicorn yelled panicked.

He stopped spreading his domain, if they were about to attack, he would need it thick enough to defend himself from whatever these artifacts would do, Just because he had the hardest body in the universe, didn't mean there were ways around it. Magical weapons for one, and artifacts counted as the most potent of those.

The group began to glow, a tendril of light linking the artifacts together. He would interrupt them, but he had no idea if the glow surrounded them was just for show, some creators liked their magic items to be showy, or if it would actually harm him. Soon, a rainbow beam spread out from the group, before striking him.

He could feel it, something was searching his soul, his experiences, his body, trying to find fault with him, it found none with his body, an entire ecosystem of itself, Impervious to any malady. His soul, despite being created by the equivalent of a Fallen angel, was pure, his love of life suffusing it.

Which left his experiences. It started at the beginning, seeing his original purpose, to rule over the immortals with his brother, soon following his previous incarnation's fate. He wondered if the artifacts were sentient, as they recoiled from his memories of the first Demonic invasion, at the betrayal he suffered at the hands of mortals when they locked him in the abyss fighting twelve demon lords and losing.

His fall from grace and subsequent birth, he could tell it was not enjoying the death it was seeing, but that was the law of his reality, might made right, and violence was everywhere.

He could tell it was debating what to do, it first seemed to try to petrify his body. That failed, his divine flame made him impervious to most transmutation. It seemed to try to send him somewhere, he didn't know where, but like before, he refused to leave this spot. It tried to attach itself to his powers, trying to suppress them? take them away? it didn't matter, his Conviction was forged over several lifetimes of war and betrayal. And unless they broke that, his divinity would only leave him when he was dead.

While it was slightly interesting seeing a foreign reality's magic, he grew tired of this. He flared his divinity, forcing the rainbow light to separate from him, until the rainbow died down, before dying altogether, the artifacts seemingly spent.

The wearily small equines opened their eyes, hope shining in them before despair seemed to creep in. He pondered on how quick the two could interchange, he only experienced despair once, when his son Galzreig had died, for ten long years he grieved, blaming himself.

As much as this was a distraction from his rage, it was time to sort this matter out. Transforming his body to facilitate communication would take too long since he had to use the thread of life, at least long enough for these equines to try something else. So forgoing trying to act non-threatening he quickly spread his divinity out, surrounding the mares with its warm embrace.

Be not afraid... Ponies, yes, I believe that is your species' name, I am the Godking of my civilization, and the foolish actions of a headstrong wizard has stranded me here.

He could tell they were relaxing already. He knew a bit about equestrian practices, and he assumed the mannerisms of these mares were similar to normal horses.

It would be mightily appreciated if you would guide me to your immortal rulers, in the absence of a way to return home, I wish to discuss with the figures closest to godhood here.

Twilight barely heard what the strange biped with six wings had said, the strange fire which she thought was an attack earlier was just... So warm. Like the feeling when Princess Celestia would praise her, or she passed a test with all answers correct, even the extra credit ones. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt like this was wrong, obviously, something was wrong, but this warmth was right, so was she wrong?

"Canterlot..." The purple unicorn intoned softly like she was falling asleep. Veritus was worried, that was usually not the response after having just failed to eliminate him.

Did these ponies never feel the presence of an actual diety? or did this reality have no concept of divine sparks? He retracted his divine domain. As he did so, he could see them come to their senses. The orange pony, no wings or horns on her body, and three apples as her flank tattoo spoke up.

"What in tarnation, it was like I was a filly in ma grandma's hooves again."

"it felt like a hug from my animal friends..." That was from the yellow pegasus, three butterflies as a flank tattoo.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, it was like I was throwing a party for all my friends, all at the same time!" the other pony without any extra features said, a flank tattoo of three ballons. Thankfully, their confusion had given them enough pause to allow Veretus to transfigure his voice.

"Apologies ponies. I did not expect that your deities would not have a divine flame, and thus you would never have experienced the feeling of a domain before." He said with full sincerity.

"Deities?" the orange mare asked in her twanging accent.

"Divine Flame?" The White unicorn asked.

"Domain?" the purple unicorn finished.

He sighed. quite a curious bunch, but he was in a hurry.

"While I would enjoy answering all your questions, your Immortal rulers are who I truly wish to have a discourse with."

"Now hold on just a minute!" The scratchy voice of the blue pegasus, their flank sporting a tattoo of a cloud spitting out a low detail rainbow lightning bolt. "We're not taking you anywhere, first you crash down from the sky without a scratch on you, cool, but then you come into town and scare everypony and you didn't have something bad happen to you by the elements? No way are you seeing Celestia and Luna."

"Rainbow!" The rest of the gaggle of ponies yelled at the blue one.

"So your immortal rulers are called Celestia and Luna? Interesting. Now if you would please direct me towards them."

"We might as well Twi." The orange mare sighed.

Their immortal rulers were ruling from Canterlot, the feat of architectural engineering he could see hanging off the mountain even now. He was guided onto a colorful train that would take him there.

The trip reminded him of the one he took all those years ago to the peace talks with the Storm Kingdom. A land whose artificers were one of the best, led by a storm giant. The train back then was faster, however, crossing under the sea between their two continents in 10 hours.

All things must pass, and when the demons broke free from the seal he had made and started slaughtering the world, the Storm Kingdom fell like the rest.

Just another failure of his.