• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,061 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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Chapter 9: A Cold Fire

What does it mean? That thousand yard button eyed stare. I want to know. That one question Charlie can’t answer. What does that vacuous smile really mean? He won’t tell me, I don’t think he really knows. I don’t think he can tell me. The magic never meant much to us before. Even when it came back. Now he’s screaming at… words? Text? My doll never did this before

He hurts. I want it to stop. Him being hurt hurts me and I want it to stop.

But Charlie says he needs magic. Of course I love him. And then everything breaks. And I see the words that everything was always made of. Charlie told me they were always there.

C/: I am actually sorry about this.

“Charlie?!?!” If anypony understands what’s going on, it’s gonna be him. He knows. Of course he knows. And he cares.

He’s not a doll, he’s the words from between the walls.

R:/ Don’t be afraid, Gloomy. I know it can be disorienting.

“Charlie?” I am a frightened steed, I tap my hooves in place like I’m backing up, but the words aren’t going anywhere. “I am a little afraid.”

C:/ I am equal parts disturbed that you pulled her in here, and kinda impressed that you pulled it off. Also, that other one is the one you call “Charlie”. You can refer to me as the Text. And again, I am really sorry about this.

R:/ It’s her first real-ass fourth wall shenanigans. You doin’ great, girl. This time we stick to the plan…

“Mr. Text is it true that we’re really just stories?” I ask that exact question, exactly, tapping my hooves as I fail to back away.

C:/ If it makes you feel better you're no more or less a story than I am. I mean even in my level there are stories about sales clerks. Seriously calm down, no one here is going to hurt you. There’s nothing here you need to run away from.

“Wing, Feather, mayonnaise,” I almost smile, almost, “Around the corner magic’s made.”

C:/ Beep Boop…

“I put a jinx on you.” I am smiling. This. Is. A. Smile.

C:/ Clever.

R:/ I wrote the part. The medicine will be there. I can’t promise past that, there's a whole different text involved.

C:/ You little bastards. I am laughing. Just so you know. I might just have to separate you two. You forced the deal. It’s out of my hands. But you know there’s gonna be a price.

“Do as you will!” Charlie screams from the fortune teller machine. Everypony is looking at us. I just watch as my reality unfolds from text.


Alphabittle just blinked. “What did you two just do?” He asked blankly.

“We literally jinxed the entity that literally defines us. There is too much literally in this explanation.” Gloomy took in a deep breath. “I swear I am okay with that,”

“I only wish I could elaborate, boss.” The doll wobbled uncertainly.

“We are going to get split up.” Ragdoll scowled. “He basically said that. But we took on a Text, and we didn’t lose…”

“Charlie,” Gloomy looked almost fearfully at her beloved Ragdoll for maybe the first time in her life, “You turned into words. Just like that thing we just took on. What are you?”

“I’m the soul of a former human stuffed inside an ancient cursed jynx doll,” the doll replied with a heavy sigh, “Better question, girl, is who am I? Pretty sure the Text stuffed in some extra memories just for fun… or maybe the dreams are just nightmares from being sensory deprived for so long.”

The mare nodded, “How did you do that?”

“Because a long time ago, the text gave a ragdoll to a little filly,” Ragdoll sighed and shook his head, “Maybe she was my daughter, maybe she was a character in a story I wrote. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… but he gave her a ragdoll that let her make deals directly with the narrative. I suspected for a while that he stuffed me in that same ragdoll. He likes to reuse plot devices.”

“Wait, deals with the narrative?” Alphabittle interrupted. “We’re talking about the real world here! This isn’t some kind of story!”

“I’ve actually seen the words everything is made of…” Gloomy Sonnet staired vacantly.


I know what that stare means now. I know what that smile means…

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