• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 67 )

This is more or less an extreme version of Polyamory, done with the permission of the author

Permission that was probably not difficult to obtain. :pinkiecrazy:

It was extremely difficult. That bitch is crazy and also hates my guts! :rainbowhuh:

No, I don't think Shining is getting any fuck tonight.

Man... Just reading that description makes me wonder if Shining should have gone with Chrysalis instead x.x

That bitch is crazy and also hates my guts!

Ah, self-deprecation. The gift that keeps on giving. Or, y'know, the whatever the opposite of a gift is that keeps on doing the opposite of giving.

No, I don't think Shining is getting any fuck tonight.

It's so unfortunate that America is full of prudes because I like these kinds of puns.

It's easily assumed, but how does Cadence know that Blue's wife doesn't like that humiliating talk? Maybe his super goody-goodness has been boring her to tears and she's been having her real fun with other stallions and mares for years behind his back. Seeing that shine on him just further justifies her own impulses but it also awakens the fact that she never wanted an equal, she wanted a master to feel less to. Maybe she wants him to keep doing it again with other mares and telling her how much better they are. What if Cadence even knows this? Maybe Cadence has even fucked Blue's wife behind his back, even while he was on guard outside the room just 3 months ago. Then the apparent evil she just did that is breaking Shining is actually helping Blue's relationship. If that's true, then the only real loser in the room tonight is Shining.

Who wouldn't choose Chrysalis? I know I would.

Huh, that would have made an excellent alternate alternate story.

Chastity that can only be removed by castration sounds like it would be fun ... for Cadance at least. if not just straight up gelding Shining will inshore he stays limp and make shore the only sex he can have that involve his dick is blowjobs

This is a nice idea, so maybe I'll use it somewhere even if I don't use it here. Though typically I blow right past the chastity belt and right on to the just making sex a miserable painful act for the person to experience. Perhaps I'll try the other though if an opportunity strikes me.

I want to vote, but it's perfectly balanced. I don't know what to do?

Comment posted by starkraven1 deleted Oct 13th, 2021

I can under stand wanting to get right to the good bit but there is something to be said for drawing it out, to seeing there hope build up only to have the there suffering be for nort, a good example being showing his place sacrifice. But i under stand there is a time and place for it. and I will still in joy this regardless.

If you like the story, vote it up. If you don't like it vote it down. Do I really seem like someone that wants or is balanced? :pinkiecrazy:

That can be true! With longer stories on this account, I do take it slow to get into it at times, though it typically ends up being a steam-roller at some point and just never stopping. I fear that might happen here.


Chapter 3 and The Shining seems to have already accepted his fate but still worries about the future baby and not even for the killed himself!

Cadance dying but only temporarily.

A future serial killer by the name of Purple who was arrested in 1 minute.

You could almost believe you're doing SFW content now.

Don't you fret, this one gets momentum as things progress.

I don't now if im just desensitized or something but your stories just don't make me feel like they use to. That dread and disgust is not there any more.

This story hasn't gotten that disgusting, for one thing. No one has even died yet. Also it actually has some semblance of a plot, even if it's a shadow of the original's plot.
Also there are no emojis for Shining or Cadance for me to use and that is a war crime. We need those updated huh.

I feel bad for shining armor but I don't feel bad for Luna you are actively punishing people for their dreams so nobody's a good person in this situation

no i mean in general your story's don't affected me like they use to like the Danganronpa all the gore in that didn't faze me but when i read its easy being a griffon (the first story of yours i have ever read) it was shocking to me. then i read spikey wikey too a little bit a go was undisturbed by the gore.

The Danganronpa fic, as well as the other one with Crimson in it, actually had a great deal of plot in it though, possibly more than any other story on this account. I think that generally helps the gory nature slide past a little easier.
But yes, there's no particular reason that any fictional story should seriously affect you so long as you understand that it's fictional. People that freak out over stories only do their own mental health a disservice.

Well whatever the case you keep on tuckin on.

So the future if you get into Twilight velvet may I make a request of Cadance makes Spike and shiny do the deed.

This story is mostly already outlined but Spike will certainly be doing and/or having things be done to him. This story will go off the rails a lot more than you probably expect. Maybe the original needs some new chapters to make up for that, if I can ever fit that in to writing schedule at least. If my commissions are anything to go on, my readers are more interested in going off the rails than not.

Understand about things off of rails. I just thought as much as a sociopath that she is would enjoy the thought of something like.

Comment posted by FortuneWriter deleted Sep 6th, 2022

Hey guys I am asking a question since it’s no nut November. Has anyone failed the no nut November challenge? If you did not fail then great but if yes then that’s okay you can always try again next November.

I can see why this got a lot of downvotes. I think most people prefer it when the princesses don't act like European royalty. =P I ended up fantasizing about Luna and Celestia punishing Cadence while singing "Drunken Sailor". And getting Shining to join in, at least somewhat.

Call me weird, but I like the mental image of Cadence realizing she's going to end up in a chastity belt, and lose all the power she has... all while the sisters lead her through the palace merrily singing a sea shanty.

Doubt it'd be the weirdest thing on this site though. =P

Well people have very little issues with the incest because the more consenting less cucky version of this got many more upvotes.
As for that, I'm sure Luna wouldn't be so kind if she were to crack enough to not care about her reputation.

I believe there is precedent for dragging someone to hell with you, but it does require a certain attitude, and probably a lot of self-sacrifice. It at least requires choking down one's pride. It also makes a person (or pony if you prefer) very dangerous. It's a form of suicide since, even if they come out the other end alive, their previous life is over. It's like taking the framework of your life and making a bonfire out of it to cook your enemies over. It's quite a sight to behold, and not something you want to be the target of.

But I know such things won't happen in stories like this. =P Your fans no doubt want Cadence to remain unpunished and continue her conquest of others. And there's not really anything I could do about it, so I may as well bail.

I kinda do like the idea of hard-to-kill immortals though. Can make things a bit more interesting if your characters can die and respawn or regenerate later. I'm writing a sci-fi story with gladiators like that, with at least some of the unfortunate implications that come with having your fighters able to recover from almost any fatal wound. Especially if they're owned by private individuals or companies with a vested interest in putting them through the most intense and brutal situations they can think of.

And also, everyone's furries because I'm a shameless geek for talking animal characters. =P I mean, if you can custom order your android gladiators, why not make them any shape or species you want? They all get decapitated the same way.


But I know such things won't happen in stories like this. =P Your fans no doubt want Cadence to remain unpunished and continue her conquest of others. And there's not really anything I could do about it, so I may as well bail.

That's quite the assumption! I assume that those that have read more of my stories just rolled their eyes at your assumption :rainbowwild:
Also as a general rule, when a story is not a commission, as this one is not, I write whatever happens to spill out of my brain without regard to what fans want. I think that's what my fans actually want me to do though so...

Well, I haven't really read your stuff, so I hope I can be forgiven for the assumption. XD Don't think it's really up to my tastes, so can't say you'll see much more of me. I only dabble in darker stuff now and then.

At the least, I'd hope Shining manages to get one up on Cadence sometime. =P Ain't much for abusing the poor guy.

If you want a more pure (but still erotic) experience where Shining enjoys the process check out the nicer version of this.

Here's a problem with that so far the only person she wrong did shining armor and Luna is getting justifiably punished she literally sets up situations to punish people for some of their dreams or stuff they do outside of their workplace. She would not be in this situation if she didn't do this to so many guards and maids just for having perverted dreams or doing stuff she dislikes.

Not gonna excuse that nonsense. I could also see it as stemming from a misunderstanding or lack of communication on Celestia's part. I mean, maybe she does indulge, but has to keep things discrete because of the popular view of her being "pure" and "virtuous". Maybe she doesn't go to the lengths Cadence does, but is willing to take on a lover or two. But that's all speculation and I'm running on a tangent again.

In any case, I did mean to include Luna when I talked about princesses acting like depraved European royalty (but I repeat myself). I wouldn't be surprised if some actual royals or nobles did exactly what Luna is doing. But I'm not sure if any real life examples are available. It's very hard to prove without some kind of record of their thoughts. So, it may be that only God knows if it ever happened. I'd be relieved if it turned out no one in power has actually done this. The less evil in the world, the better, even if I must be proven wrong about some enemy of mine.

In any case, forgive me if I seem to be ignoring or passing over Luna's sins for those of Cadence. It was not my intention, and I'd want both to be punished for what they've done.

Do you think beheading them would take? It's a pretty effective method against most things, even if it takes them a while to die. Alicorns might not be much different.

Don't know but they just regular ponies as much as we in the media like to use the word immortal alicorns are just ageless not immortal.

In the show I've not doubt that they are ageless at best, though I highly suspect they aren't even that, that they are just very long lived. IE How weak Celestia is when fighting villains now vs in the past could be explained by her finally getting weaker in old age. Nightmare Moon beating her so effortlessly as well could be explained by Nightmare not having aged for the 1000 years she was in stasis. This idea is behind my general head-canon that Luna is more powerful than Celestia, even if she wasn't when Celestia beat her before.

That's pretty stupid all right. But it was hard to read that article due to all the grammatical errors! Seems like they used some program to automatically replace misspelled words, but no one bothered to check to see if they were the right ones!

Stuff like that always bothers me. You'd think people could afford to at least read through what they wrote to catch such errors! Whoever edited this needs to learn better English, or at least how to do their job. =P

y'know, if Cadence keeps pushing Luna (and Celestia) to the brink like this, she might not be able to blackmail her way out of an untimely fate at the hands of two goddesses...
and that's making me root for the royal sisters all the more!

But I can only use Celestia because there isn't one for Luna, which is a WAR CRIME:flutterrage:

Fuckin’ amazing. While reading I didn’t know who to root for; yeah Cadence is the big bad here but holy fuck Luna’s not the best herself, is she? Can’t wait for the next part, and Shining’s reaction to the reality of their little breeding session :twilightblush:

The reaction will be that they sing a song and everyone forgives everyone else.:rainbowdetermined2:

damn shame on the peeps who dislike bomb your stories, and good on you for not disabling ratings.

I wonder how many people think you've ruined a good story by a good author not realizing you're Crimson Prose.

anyways good shit.

I've been reported for copying her before, actually, even in a case where both stories were published at the same time. My understanding is that my stories generate a lot of invalid complaints in general. I'm sure it's no end of annoying to the poor mods that have to read stories they might not like to verify complaints are invalid.

god i can just imagine you publishing a story and some dude just has to sit there for like a day until the complaints finally die down lmao.

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