• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2021
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Just another local idiot who loves to write crossovers.



(Contains spoilers for G5) Sonic is his name and speed is his game he decides to try and go faster than he's ever gone before but when he does, He accidentally travels to equestria where he meets sunny and Izzy, together they travel across equestria to try and bring back magic as well as reunite all of pony kind.

(side note I will do my best to keep everyone in the story as accurate as possible. This will be mostly based on the film MLP a new generation and Eggman will not be apart of the story along with sonic’s friends just keep that in mind)

Takes place after the Metal virus story.

I own nothing

Part 1 of 5

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 95 )

¨Well I come from a place called Green Hill and it is a great place to visit. Lot´s of paths to take, tons of loops to run on and great friends to top it off.¨ Izzy was very intrigued and was all the more curious to know more about him

Actually, Green Hills is the place on Earth where Sonic ends up in the movie, right? I think you’re talking about Green Hill Zone. =)

The sonic I’m using isn’t the movie version but like I said I’ll try and keep things accurate also in some of the games sonic does call it green hill so I’m just gonna go with that

Ok I’m curious how well the story goes

I’ll do what I can to write it in the best way possible so if it sucks I’m sorry but the chapters may come at a slow pace so keep that in mind

Ok this fiction is definitely going to be fun to read

Love the story so far

Sonic is going to save the day and give Sprout a Sonic sized butt kicking. Then Eggman comes along and tries to take over the planet with his robots.

Sonic: 'sigh' Why I'm not surprised?

Eggman (points to Sonic and his new friends catching the attention of his Egg Pawns): GET THEMMMM!!!!

Are you using the 4kids era Sonic voiced by Jason Griniff or Modern Sonic voiced by Creig Smith?

So to answer some questions yes it’s Jason Griffith 4kids sonic and No eggman will not appear in this story but he will in later stories if I ever get around to them I’m sorry to disappoint anyone who was hoping eggman will appear

I’m currently working on the chapter but if it takes a while I’m sorry it’s just a lot of things have been popping up and the fact I’ve had to rewrite it multiple times because my internet decided to prevent me from saving all my progress but I’ll try to get it out as soon as I can

can't wait to see the next chapter

It is an interesting story but you need to change your dialogue a bit instead of using they said all the time. Another interesting tip would be to describe the sites, smells and sounds in order to grab the readers attention. I know it sounds a lot but it is wroth it in the in because describing things would give a feel of the character and their personality.

Thanks for the advise

I would like for Sonic to give Sprout a beat down destroying the war machine and giving him a uppercut to the jaw before saying to him.

Sonic (putting his right foot on Sprout’s chest as the red stallion realized that the blue hedgehog was more powerful than he thought): Now its over Sprout.

Sweet! Jason is the best Sonic voice I know and love sure Craig haves his moments, but Jason is the voice of Sonic I grew up listening too.

Heh classic 4Kids era Sonic who’s going to cause some humiliation for Hitch and Sprout.

I’m still thinking of how the fight could go because Sonic could literally destroy sprouts machine in a matter of seconds if he wanted to but I’ll figure something.

Also I like the way you think

Thanks. Besides Sonic doesn't have the Chaos Emeralds right now so Super Sonic won't appear until a sequel story that will involve more characters and foes from Sonic's world not to mention the 7 Chaos Emeralds.

“They are never gonna get it right are they.” Sonic said deadpanned.

I;m afraid not My main-man Hedgehog...

Is this Sonic from the movie?
lets say

childish Sonic😀

No it’s just that I wanted to make him a bit more alive and have personality something that most of the recent games have failed at, but I see where your coming from:twilightsmile:

i see room for alot of improvements.
(no offense)

Eh it’s ok I think that to myself as well

When are you gonna update this story

It mostly depends on when I can because right now I have a ton of school work to do. A drivers test that’s coming up along with trying to get work experience. But I promise to continue working on this story whenever I can.

Can’t wait for Sonic to take on Sprout and his War Machine!

I thought you had the Sonic Boom song for this chapter?

I’m retarded as fuck cause I did again this is the third time in a row. I have finished writing the next chapter but me and my stupid fingers keep on screwing up everything

Heh! Sonic used a line from his Movie appearance’s lines.

Comment posted by Invincentility10 deleted May 23rd, 2022

Well went off the Sprout went over the deep end now. I smell a final battle coming between him and Sonic soon!

Also a little idea of what the next chapter is about.
It’s focused mostly on the most underused member of the group from the movie. Leave the rest of the chapter to your imagination until it releases.

Together they all ran to escape from the city, and began moving towards Bridlewood. Sonic had one last thought that came to his mind. ‘What was that teleportation that happened earlier, it couldn’t have been chaos control because I don’t have any of the chaos emeralds… oh well I worry about it later.’ He finished his thought before focusing on the path ahead.


If it’s the whole how they escaped the city well blame the movie for that and if it’s the teleportation. I won’t anwser that yet so there’s my anwser

None; No shipping in this story please

When a fanfic can give Sonic better character development than Sega themselves

If I was to add shipping in The future because in this first story no way

Sonic now fully calmed down began to explain. “Well it’s no stranger than rescuing genies in magic books, or saving Aliens in an interstellar Amusement park.”

Oh hey, a Secret Rings, Colors, and Generations reference!

I’m hoping in the sequel we dive into why Eques separated in the first place and Sonic faces his newest foe.

Oh ok. And will Eggman come and try to concur the world like always.

Also who do you think Sonic would have a relationship with.

None. Amy would beat the tar out of those four

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