• Published 13th Nov 2021
  • 552 Views, 188 Comments

The Eternal Sphere - Xarmar13

In a distant future Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and Templar Lyra Heartstrings enter a simulated universe to protect three fated children.

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The Ethereal Queen Part 2

With no time to waste due to the imminent arrival of Crystal Silicon and the prototype, Sophia, Lyra, Twilight, Thanatas and their friends continue ascending the many floors of the Sphere Institute.

Along the way, they spotted several rooms that had been decimated by the monsters created by the Valkyrie Monster Generator. Twilight would have to take stock later on what projects could be salvaged and what couldn’t.

For now, they continued to fight their way past more viking mechs, wisps, wolves, gold armors and ridiculers.

With the group taking turns dealing with these monsters, they became a little more challenging, especially on the occasion where the ridiculers turned their friends into small bunnies or sentient vegetables.

As they advanced, they began hearing faint rumblings above them. Some, like Twilight, had a bad feeling that the monsters on the upper floors were getting more rowdy and that meant trouble was coming. Some who heard the rumbling also had the same feeling but welcomed the challenge. Then there was Thanatas who really didn’t care what the enemies were up to.

Once they reached the one hundred and forty-second floor, they began to understand what was going on. The monsters on this floor were thrashing about and attacking the walls and floors around them, attempting to disable the floating platforms that served as the only floor they could walk on.

“Have they gone insane?” Fayt asked.

“No, this is tactics,” Sophia countered. “Whoever is ordering them around, likely Lenneth, they want to keep us from the top floor by destroying the walkways so we can’t get to the elevators. The elevators themselves may be under attack as well.

<”No need to worry about those.”> Azure said through Twilight’s communicator. <”We anticipated a long time ago the possibility of the monster generators going haywire. While we couldn’t take measures against preventing them from spawning in the real world since they also functioned as a part of the security system, we did install forcefields and turrets that fire beams that delete any digital beings that get near the elevators.>

<”Of course, I’d be a fool to rely on the defense system in this situation, especially with the possibility that Crystal Silicon might intervene and hack the defense system again. The templars are here to cover for that possibility.”>

Twilight giggled, “She’s not my chief of security for nothing.”

Feeling more assured knowing that Azure was watching their backs, the group proceeded through the damaged sections of the Sphere Institute.

As they explored the section of the tower, they encountered more bipedal incapacitator drones that were smashed by Cliff and Mirage. Serpentine yuan-tis were randomly firing Ice Needles around them until Nel silenced them and Albel sliced and diced them. Some warlocks tried to ambush the group by casting Laser Beams under their feet but Twilight and Lyra, being unicorns, sensed the cast. Twilight put up a protective shield while Lyra hunted down the culprits and cut them down. A number of chameleons kept themselves invisible while smashing anything they could get their claws on. Sophia pinpointed their mental activity and rendered their invisibility pointless.

The section suddenly became a lot easier to navigate when they found out that zombie dragons roamed the section. With that, Thanatas commanded the undead wyrms to attack and devour their fellow monsters.

The group still had to take caution when they came across a potentially damaged platform because they didn’t want to fall through the floor and down to a lower level. Sophia, Lyra and Twilight sometimes had to hold up flooring so the others could get across.

Once they reached floor one forty seven, they found Lenneth again. Instead of saying anything to the group, she simply raised her spear to begin the next summon. “Come hollow one, command your armies and overwhelm my foes!” She then teleported away.

What confused the group at first was the fact that there was no summoning circle this time. It wasn’t until a few moments later that they found Vendeeni soldiers flooding the hallways in large numbers. They soon had the group surrounded and tried to blast them but Twilight’s shield protected the party long enough for them to get started wiping out the attacking aliens.

With the corridors being narrow, the Vendeeni were perfectly lined up for the party’s most powerful attacks. Between Cliff’s Max Shockwave, Nel’s Splitting Sky, Maria’s Energy Burst, Fayt’s Ethereal Blast, Lyra’s Psionic Shockwave and Sophia brutally rampaging through the halls in a smaller ultralisk form, they began wiping out the Vendeeni soldiers in droves.

However, no matter how many they killed, more kept coming to reinforce their numbers. They couldn’t keep going like they were or they would exhaust themselves so they focused on locating the source of the seemingly infinite Vendeeni.

It was after a few more minutes of fighting through countless Vendeeni that they found the source in a large room with a giant platform. A familiar Vendeeni, with black helical markings over his left eye wearing green and maroon robes to show his station, laughed as he repeatedly summoned more Vendeeni soldiers.

Biwig saw the group but he continued summoning more while taking aim with his disruptor rifle and firing at them. Sophia took the shots and her thick natural armor absorbed them. She then took her giant foot and slammed it hard on the platform Biwig was on, shaking the floor, the building, and causing the soldiers to fall down. After that, she broke the platform from the rest of the flooring and transformed back to normal before she channeled a large amount of psionic lightning on the floor which conducted the energy and violently electrocuted the soldiers and Biwig.

Biwig was the only survivor of that attack and with some effort, attempted to get back on his feet despite the platform now being on a slant. He then tried to fire at Sophia but she blocked the shot with a swipe of her hand and casually turned around and walked away.

“Finish him, Roger,” Sophia ordered.

Roger instinctively didn’t question the rabbit’s sudden order and pulled out his remote that unleashed his most powerful attack. When he pressed the button, the slanted platform was damaged further by a barrage of space debris that came from some rifts opened by Roger’s remote. A missile landed next to Biwig a moment before it exploded, incinerating what was left of the Vendeeni leader.

As the party headed to the elevator, Cliff raised the question that had been on everyone’s minds. Sophia knew they all wanted to ask but she waited for someone to bring it up anyway. “So why didn’t you finish the bag head yourself?”

Sophia shrugged, “Not worth the energy. In the end, he was just an ordinary Vendeeni with better armor. I’ll give him credit for surviving that shock, but without his army, he’s just one simple Vendeeni.”

The party headed to the elevator and resumed their climb. Up until floor one fifty one, the group had time to rest and regain some energy lost during the Vendeeni attack thanks to Thanatas taking control of the dragon zombies and pitting them against the other monsters and machines.

That time of rest came to an end once they reached floor one fifty two. It was at this point that some of the wall paneling had come undone and a few sparking wires were sticking out in places as they explored. The walkways were damaged by the monsters roaming the floor and the lighting was dimmer as some of the lights on the floor were broken.

The new monsters in the area gave everyone the creeps with the floor in the state it was in. Among the monsters were burning zombies running around engulfed in bright yellow flames. As usual, they were put down by ice-based attacks. The smaller kobolds had no real tricks in their attacks except swinging their axes around. The larger rooms on the floor were where, from what Twilight explained, the experimental models of the giant robo gunners were being housed. Dealing with those models was a pain in the neck with each one they came across, especially since they were equipped with generators that emit a pulse that was equivalent to getting hit by a taser.

Adding to the creepy factor on the floor were the giggling and creepy laughter that echoed through the halls. It was soon discovered that the laughter came from a gang of thieves accompanied by witches. The thieves were hardly a threat with their daggers alone, but they provided a distraction for the witches to cast their spells. To the aggravation of many of the members of the party, the thieves were wearing armor that made them immune to elemental symbology. However, the armor didn’t protect them from the party’s most powerful attacks. Adray’s Emotion Torrent proved that point to the bandits as the giant silvery sphere erupted in a blast of light that sent the would-be assailants flying all over the hallway. Albel acted like a meat grinder as he rushed down the hallway violently slashing as he went using his Double Slash of Fury technique. At least seven thieves were chopped up and vanished.

The rest of the bandits regrouped and resumed their usual strategy by distracting the party with their daggers while the witches began casting Lightning Strike on the party. Twilight managed to shield the party from the initial wave of spells before Sophia rushed past the thieves before they could acknowledge her presence. The witches prepared another wave before Sophia was upon them and, in the span of a split second, jabbed all of the witches in the larynx using her index and middle fingers. This caused the witches to halt all casting and panic as they were rendered mute. When the thieves noticed this they panicked and started to run away, only for all exits to be blocked off by walls of bone.

With the attackers in disarray, the party had an easy time finishing the gang off.

With the floor explored, the group moved on. With the monsters being more organized in the current section, they had to take care to avoid anymore ambushes by more thieves and witches.

This trend continued as they reached floor one fifty nine where they encountered another guardian: a render.

Sophia took one look at the render and did her best, but failed, to stifle a giggle. “Looks like our next foe is the jolly green giant,” she commented with laughter.

The render growled at the rabbit girl. “I’ll paint my fangs and claws with your blood for that comment.”

“Really?” Thanatas wondered. “Green and red? Isn’t it a little early for Christmas? Or late, depending on the perspective? I mean it’s still spring right now, nearly summer.”

“Now that you mention it, he does look like the Grinch,” Sophia said jokingly. “I wonder what he’s doing away from his mountaintop home overlooking Whoville?”

“Is this really the time for jokes?” Cliff questioned.

“Yes,” Sophia and Thanatas said in unison as the green render opened its giant maw. Everyone but Thanatas jumped out of the way as the beast fired a huge beam of ice at her. The undead knight blocked the beam with her left palm. She then tossed Sophia a vial with a sickly green fluid in it. Figuring what her cousin had in mind, she opened the vial and tossed it into the green render’s gaping maw.

The render stopped its attack and grasped what was to be believed as its throat and made choking noises. It tried to cough up the vial and succeeded, but the vial was empty.

Only a few seconds passed before the symptoms of the disease within the vial presented itself. The render started walking around feverishly, as if drunk. It was soon coughing violently which soon led to its own blood staining its claws and teeth.

While the render was in its death throes, Thanatas gave the party members each a vial of antidote to the disease that was introduced to the render in case any of them were infected as she recalled that particular strain was contagious.

The render soon lost all feeling with its limbs and shivered as an unbearable chill settled over its body.

With the subject neutralized as a threat, Thanatas walked over to the dying beast and took samples of its body, which included fur, claws, teeth and a blood sample, diseased as it was. With that done, she took her sword and plunged it in its head and through its brain, causing it to vanish.

“There we are, with these samples and your genetic powers, cousin, we should be able to clone ourselves a grinch for the next time our family celebrates the holidays together,” Thanatas said.

“I’m not sure what cloning a grinch has to do with celebrating the holidays, but as long as you let me in on the plan, I’ll see what I can do,” Sophia replied.

“At the last party, Gerald declared the theme for the following year’s party as ‘bring someone who looks like a character from a Christmas story for dinner.’ I honestly didn’t expect to find a grinch here of all places.”

With that, everyone headed to the elevator to the next floor. On the way, Twilight psychically asked Lyra, “Just what is Christmas anyway?”

“It’s the human equivalent to Hearth’s Warming. Me and Bonnie celebrated the holiday with James Raynor and his crew a few times back when we were on that intergalactic adventure. One time we even had a surprise guest appearance from a band that looked dressed like characters from your Zereth Project. To this day I still have no idea how those guys got on the Hyperion.”

“How can that be?! The Zereth Project is still in early development today and you said such people just showed up a thousand years ago? That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Yep, which is why I try not to think about it.”

The current set of enemies kept the party busy for the next two floors until they came up to floor one sixty two, which was in worse shape than the previous floors. The damage to the flooring and walls was major and the lights were flickering, creating a proper scene for a horror movie.

The party cautiously explored the new section. With the lighting dim and flickering, they had to rely on the members who could see in the dark to guide them through the area.

Dark sorcerers with long beards roamed the halls but their vision was also not the best as they ended up being the ones ambushed and quickly eliminated.

Other monsters encountered were more of the abominable five-headed chimeras and centaur statues made of black and red crystals. Their minds were fragile so the party’s mind-destroying attacks were sufficient to deal with them.

The worst of that floor, however, came as a surprise to everyone. “That’s impossible!” Twilight shouted in disbelief. “I know I deleted the program! I even deleted Crystal’s virus, so how are these things here?!”

“I’m guessing that Crystal programmed their data into the Valkyrie Monster Generator,” Sophia said.

Standing before the party were three proclaimers in pure white garb standing alongside three white convictors.

The proclaimer mares were as white as their clothes while their eyes were open, revealing black sclera and irises of red and yellow with the red being the outer ring. Their pupils were white and slitted.

The convictors had eyes along their arms in the likeness of the proclaimers’ eyes. The clothing on the body was unzipped, revealing numerous black tentacles with fanged maws and eyes along the tendrils.

“Wow, demon-possessed angels and eldritch minions, nice touch,” Thanatas complimented to no one.

Lyra and Sophia moved toward the convictors to get their attention while Twilight fired a few shots from her horn to get the attention of the proclaimers.

The two templars used their energy blades to sever several tentacles from the convictors but more kept emerging from their robes. While Lyra kept cutting off tentacles, Sophia crouched down and sent a number of tentacles beneath the floor that moved toward the convictors. The abominations then opened the maws on their tentacles which started unleashing powerful whirlwinds that threatened to blow Lyra away.

The pony countered by teleporting behind the eldritch convictors and ran her energy blades through the backs of two of them. However, this only resulted in more tentacles emerging from the wounds on their backs which created more whirlwinds behind them. These winds blew Lyra back and toward a five-headed chimera which she was forced to face alone since she was cut off from the others.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party had their hands full fighting the proclaimers who repeatedly twirled to create eighteen pillars of black lightning around them which zapped everyone at least once. One proclaimer teleported behind the group and unleashed a cross-shaped wave which hit Maria and Peppita from behind.

Twilight did a brief analysis on the proclaimers and discovered their earth weakness. With that knowledge, Twilight found a break in their attacks and casted a Stone Rain symbol on two of the proclaimers while Adray used the same spell on the other proclaimer. The avalanche of rocks was enough to stagger them while Roger tossed several Land Mines underneath the proclaimers. The explosions sent them upward and crashing into the ceiling. Before the lone proclaimer landed, Roger hurried behind her and fired his bazooka pointblank which sent her flying and crashed into the other two. Adray finished them off by throwing his giant silvery Emotion Torrent at them.

While Lyra was busy dealing with a chimera, Sophia dealt with the three convictors by herself. She was still crouched down and the abominations were still trying to blow her away with their winds. They were confused about why she wasn’t being pushed back while the answer made itself known as a number of chitinous tentacles emerged from the floor beneath them and wrapped the three convictors together. She then made the tentacles secrete a highly acidic substance which made the convictors scream high-pitched screams of agony as the acid burned through them. The rabbit silenced the trio once and for all when she made the tentacles grow sharp bony spikes which impaled them all over their bodies.

With that job done, Sophia cut off the tips of her fingers which quickly regenerated and returned to normal while the severed tentacles began to rapidly decay until they turned hard and brittle.

While everyone was recovering from that unexpected attack, Sophia saw a nearby food vending machine and broke it open, claiming the delicious contents within. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the rabbit’s actions. “You know you can’t do that, right?”

“This area is already trashed anyway, might as well make the most of it.” She tossed an item to everyone while she claimed the rest. She had used up some biomass in that fight against the convictors so she needed to replenish her stores.

Everyone took a moment to eat the snacks and get some of their strength back. They knew that the top floor was still forty nine floors away and a lot more fights lie between them and Crystal.

After their break, they continued their climb up the tower, using what abilities they had to get through gaps in the floors or to get through collapsed rooms. It didn’t help that they had to fight more demonic proclaimers and eldritch convictors as they went through the dim floors.

Once they reached floor one seventy and the templars arrived to guard the elevator, the party advanced a short distance before a shadowy figure appeared next to Thanatas. The figure grabbed her by the arm and teleported away.

“Thanatas!” Fayt shouted.

“Calm down Fayt, Thanatas can take care of herself.” Sophia assured him. “She’s bound to be on this floor somewhere so let’s keep looking.”

As the group explored the area, taking care of any proclaimers, convictors and other monsters along the way, they heard the sounds of swords clashing growing louder as they proceeded. They soon heard what sounded like the pained cries of a baritone voice.

By the time they found the room where they suspected Thanatas was located, they stopped to listen to what was happening.

“Why would an enchanting woman such as yourself reject me?” the male voice asked. “You could live like a queen for eternity with me.”

“Give it a rest, you hopeless romantic!” Thanatas rolled her eyes. “For one, I already am a queen. My kingdom is composed of all things undead. A loser like you has no place beside me. The fact that I could thrash you so handily proves that.”

“How can this be?! I am the Arch Demon! I am the most powerful vampire across countless worlds! How could I lose to anyone, even a beautiful symbol of death such as you?!”

“Sure, in the Eternal Sphere you might be powerful, but to me you are still a weakling. You are unfit to court me. However, I will give you one opportunity to save your pathetic skin: become my servant for all eternity, or perish like the other pieces of garbage that I have slain and raised into one of my servants. You have ten seconds to decide.”

The vampire didn’t even hesitate when he made his decision. “I have no need for such a generous amount of time. I am yours to do as you please for until you allow my soul to move beyond the veil where I shall receive my judgment for my choices in life.”

Thanatas looked at the vampire with disgust. “Do you have any pride? Whatever, I just need to do away with your digital flesh and see what I can do to create you a new body. For that, I need your soul.”

“Your soul is yours to claim, my queen,” the vampire declared.

Thanatas sighed and spoke in a bored tone, “What’s your name?”

“Andromalius, my queen.”

The death knight nodded and pricked the vampire with the tip of her sword. In moments his soul was completely consumed by Evermourne while his body vanished.

Sophia giggled as she walked into the room. “You sure know how to stomp on a heart, Thana.”

“Ugh, gag me. That loser was trying to woo me as if he were living in some cheap vampire romance novel. When that didn’t work, he tried gifts, then he tried to beat me into submission and that worked about as well as the last two attempts. At least I got a slave to serve me for as long as he’s worth something and that’s barely anything.”

Letting the matter go, the group continued their climb.

As they predicted, floor one seventy two was where the next set of monsters showed up. What was surprising, however, was that the floor they ended up on was completely intact, as if the order to demolish the tower didn’t reach the monsters there.

Of course, the monsters in this section looked far less impressive than the set before. The monsters roaming around were giant tarantulas, floating sharks, mantises and floating fish. These were slow-moving monsters that were easily dealt with at range or from the side since they were slow to react. To their credit, however, attacking their faces proved to be a bad idea as the fish shot powerful bullets of water that dislocated Mirage’s shoulder and left it bleeding profusely. If she had not moved to the side slightly, that would have been a deadly headshot. The sharks’ teeth and the mantises’ arms were strong enough to tear through or cut steel like it was nothing. It was a miracle that the needles shot by the tarantulas didn’t puncture any vital organs when a few hit the party.

After healing the wounded, the party continued their exploration while taking the new monsters seriously.

When the group reached floor one seventy seven, they were surprised that Azure Lazer had teleported in with the latest group of templars.

“Azure? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I’m here to see to the arrest of the wanted criminals,” Azure responded. “The cameras picked up Belzebub four floors above us.”

“Are you sure about being here right now? The monsters here are powerful and you might get hurt.”

“In case you have forgotten, boss,” Azure began, “I am the chief of security for this building. Dealing with potential hazards is what I get paid to do. If I get hurt in the line of duty, then that’s part of the job as well. I get hazard pay for things like this. And besides,” She then points her rifle at a nearby tarantula and shoots in the head. She then pulls the bolt handle which releases an empty bullet casing. “I’m far from defenseless.”

With that, the party, with Azure now included, continued their exploration.

Soon, they reach floor one eighty one where Azure reported Belzebub’s location. As more templars warped in, the party looked around for the renegade changeling.

It wasn’t long before they saw the changeling in one of the narrow corridors. Strangely, she appeared to be in a relaxed stance while most of the party were preparing to defend themselves. However, Nel was the first to say something, “Wait, there’s something off about this.”

Sophia, Thanatas and Lyra discovered the same thing. One look into her mind and soul revealed their suspicions.

The thing before them was a soulless husk.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Peer into her mind, Twi,” Lyra instructed. Twilight did that and gasped as she noticed that what was supposed to be a psychic signature was nothing more than a psychic echo.

The psychics sent out mental pulses to find the real Belzebub, but the results returned with nothing.

The hollow shell of Belzebub then shrugged and spoke, “Huh, I figured that you would easily find out that this shell isn’t the real me. You are correct, I am using a rare changeling ability called ‘living molt’. Only a few per generation usually show any proficiency for this ability. But until this shell breaks, we share the same memories.”

“Where are you hiding, Belzebub?” Azure demanded.

“I can’t tell you that. I can tell you that I left this shell behind not as a form of deception, but to relay to you what I know. As things are, I can’t allow myself to be captured here, I have my reasons and there are too many things that I need to do that are vital to keeping Equestria’s peace.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I can’t tell you what those reasons are. If the E.L.F. find out, it might cause them to panic and take more drastic measures against the princesses.”

“So what can you tell us?”

Belzebub frowned, “That idiot, Swift Burial, has no sense of integrity. Though that’s to be expected for a mercenary. He almost ruined everything for me when he accepted a contract from the E.L.F. without consulting me. Thanks to him, I got roped into this mess and I would appreciate it if you beat him within an inch of his life before you haul him to prison. I blame him for the fact that I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks after seeing that horrifying spell that that zombie dragon used!”

“Hey, do not call me a zombie!” Thanatas snapped. “I will not be associated as one of those low class undead who are lucky to have one brain cell in their otherwise empty and rotted skulls. If you wish to call me something, I would prefer to be called a bone dragon.”

The living molt rolled her eyes. “Anyway, now onto the useful information. Princess Sweetie Drops has noticed that some shipments of medical supplies have gone missing. However, the thefts are spread apart and allow the majority of transports to get through while the thieves are trying to pick transports at random to stay under Princess Celestia’s radar. This tells me that unless the thefts are unrelated, the Equestrian Liberation Front is involved. If they are involved, then they are likely the patient type and that’s not good for Equestria.”

“Is there anything the stolen shipments have in common?” Sophia asked.

Belzebub nodded, “Each of the missing shipments contained tissue samples and embryos that were headed to the Vanhoover medical research facility. There have also been mysterious purchases for medical equipment that relate to the field of genetics. I couldn’t trace the transactions because whoever is doing this created a number of dummy accounts that led me on a wild goose chase.”

“So shipments of tissue and embryos and genetic equipment? Are they trying to build clones?”

“That’s what I thought at first until I heard that someone broke into the forbidden section of the Canterlot Archives. From what I heard, the missing item was the spell pattern for a soul anchor spell. Put it all together and you get pseudo immortal ponies.”

“So this means that even if we kill Crystal Silicon by accident, she will most likely have her soul moved to one of the prepared copies of her own body,” Twilight figured.

“A soul anchor spell is a troublesome thing,” Thanatas said. “Even if I tried taking her soul, I’d be playing tug-of-war against a bunch of anchor spells, depending on how many copies of her have been made so far.”

Belzebub nodded, “Anyway, until we know where their headquarters is, we have no choice but to thwart their plans for now. Unfortunately, the matter of Project Valkyrie was merely a test to see what they could do with Princess Twilight’s artificial universe. Thanks to that contract, I had to give the mysterious leader a list of your projects, princess. There’s no telling what the E.L.F. will do with that knowledge, so I suggest you stay vigilant.”

“I have one question, why are you helping us all of a sudden?” Sophia asked.

“I know why, but I can’t say,” Lyra said. Belzebub gave the mare a thankful look. One look into Lyra’s mind gave Sophia the answer anyway.

“Anyway, that’s all I have for now. One last thing though, I sabotaged one of the shipments.” Belzebub giggled mischievously. “I wish I could be there when she ends up reviving in one of the bad tanks.”

Sophia and Thanatas giggled while Twilight asked, “Do you have an idea what the E.L.F.’s next target will be?”

“I’m not sure, but I think if they wanted to hurt you they might target one of your more precious projects next.” With that, Belzebub’s molt cracked and crumbled to dust.

Twilight took a deep breath and put on a determined face. “Let’s go, we have thirty more floors to go before we reach the top.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and headed toward the next elevator.

Author's Note:

A few things I want to say about this chapter. First, here's a video on the Green Mojara boss. For some reason, he reminds me of the Grinch, hence the Christmas jokes.

Second, I want to add some imagery for the attacks used by the Eternal Sphere characters so here are some exhibition videos.

Finally, the revelations brought by Belzebub will not be explored in this story. I haven't really mapped out this series I'm trying to make yet, but I will in a future story.