• Member Since 15th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Crimson Prose

I've got Shining Armor tied up in my basement for molestation purposes.

Comments ( 140 )

Fiction like this acts as an outlet, but going after people that like it only ensures they are afraid to be seen getting the psychiatric help they need should they ever be tempted in real life.

Funny how a punitive "justice" system creates more crime than it stops, eh?

Good thinking with the discription. Some need to realize it's only fictious here

For me, justice requires a crime to have actually been committed. Until then crime prevention is the answer.
If there's something wrong with your car, you fix it, you don't wait until you've crashed and totaled it.

Yeah I didn't used to but I'm come to learn that every little push can prevent something terrible from happening.
Also it's fun to do with weirder stories where the disclaimer is "Don't eat your friends" or "Don't kidnap royalty":trollestia:

Yes. I speak from experience...i did a foalcon Story once and got harrassed by guys who thought even a fictious Story marks one as....you know

Yeah, that's like thinking horror fans want to put on a mask and stab teenagers by a lake

Mhm. To me, it was only a Experiment, plus i tried to keep the realistic trait of the adult hesitating, knowing he should not do this

I prefer fiction to throw realism to the wind, but I guess that's just preference. Not that it can't be good either way.

Of course. I just did a pony on earth foalcon Story, thus it seemed natural the human is hesitant, you know?

allas peole have this weird bias against anything that falls outside what they think should be the 'norm'
even if its just 'thinking' difrently, the number of people exicuted or banished from various lands/countries over the centuries because they had a diffrent viewpoint then the majority over hte years is proof of that.

people will scream for the right to free speach right up till someone says something they personaly disagree with, then they screem that person needs to be silenced, there view point crushed because its 'insensative' or its 'anti semetic' or 'racist' even when its none of those things, we have modern day witch hunts going ona cross the internet where people, both minor and major are branded and harassed to try and silence there voices and block there views because people find them even mildly offensive, even if, no ESPECIALY if they have a point.

There’s a lot of Twicest/sparklecest on this site, guess this is what happens when you turn it up to 11

What part of it is up to 11? There are stories on this site where they literally rape and murder each other.

People don't understand what up and downvotes are for, for downvoting quality of story that you actually read and was targeted at you as a genre, which is why so many major sites are sadly dispensing with downvotes. It's yet another case of 'this is why we can't have nice things'.

I mean you can see how childish these people are when they are downvoting comments of me simply thanking someone for a compliment. I once even had someone downvote someone asking me if I was okay after a prolonged absence. Anyway, I still know this is a good story because their downvotes don't erase the number of faves I'm seeing.

I once even had someone downvote someone asking me if I was okay after a prolonged absence.

Usually I assume statements of "kill yourself" on the internet are hyperbolic, but I'm pretty sure there's no other way to interpret that.

Idk how this has so many dislikes this was super hot! Amazing job :twilightsmile:

"“You know, your dad isn’t getting all the fun, either,” Mom moved to nibble at Flurry’s ear as her hand slid back again, sliding the edge against her to just barely part her lower lips."

This was great. Love seeing wholesome family bonding like this between parent and child.

Liking, despite not having read it! Just cause that like/dislike distribution is a crime. Promoting it in Wincest to get it more likes!

Perfectly Insane

Shakespearicles is gonna be so happy when he sees this.

In the fact that every member is an extremely incestual pervert, it’s really pushing the invest element in a lot of ways that I liked.
Why the hell would the 11 of an incest kink be them raping and murder each other.

Hot stuff! I look forward to what who cums next.

Fictional characters are not real children! Real children are seriously deranged by this sort of thing and will end up like I did or worse, so don’t even consider it. Fiction like this acts as an outlet, but going after people that like it only ensures they are afraid to be seen getting the psychiatric help they need should they ever be tempted in real life.

Another well-intended author who thought they could negotiate with the mob. Pro tip: Don't post inb4s in your long description or the serial downvoters will only punish you harder. (Unless you want downvotes. There's utility in that for some).

At last someone that understand that fiction is fiction and is not a Scootaloo thinking that foalcon is heresy and characters should be 'aged up'

No one forces them to read the story, they are even worse as they search for foalcon, put their nose where they are not called and began to mob because they are bored

They even downvoted that comment about it, that's sort of hilarious.:twilightsheepish:

I'm convinced most of them didn't even read it to realize what its about. I can't imagine it being offensive as carefully consenting as the characters are in their fictional hotness.
Thanks though :heart:

Oh so THAT'S what the downvotes are for. Well that's completely understandable, a truly grievous error :pinkiesad2:
I'll put off flogging myself for a bit to fix it though, thanks.:rainbowdetermined2:

Indeed. Just some good clean married sex.:rainbowdetermined2:

But if you didn't read it, how do you know I don't have them suddenly throw Flurry out the window into a trash can half way through?:pinkiecrazy:

He's my hero and probably one of my top fetishes. :heart:

If this story is 11, the others I mentioned must be 20 or more.
But yeah, it's pretty absurd by design. If it were realistic, she'd be traumatized for life and I don't think my fans on this account want to read that. If that is what you're looking for, there is plenty of that on the site too though.

The commissioner seems to want to commission more than planned in spite for the downvote bomb, so you can look forward to more, though it may be a bit before they afford it.

Yeah except that I didn't add that to deter downvotes but rather actually DO want to add something to make sure people realize this is not acceptable behavior and that people that don't understand that should get help. I know it seems obvious, but there are people that can't distinguish.

I mean yeah, that'd be crazy. Hahahahaha Alexa, cancel Spring Break vacation to New Jersey.

I definitely don't hesitate to put what fits in a story, especially when it's a commission set in a fictional medieval world. Glad you liked it either way. :heart:

Also by 'because they are bored' I think you mean 'masturbation guilt'. It's the feeling that some people get after fapping to something and then feel angry at themselves.

You are my hero. I forget why exactly, but I'm pretty sure you became my hero at some point, and that's what counts :rainbowdetermined2:
Not to worry though, I will only stalk you in a non-creepy way.

Gah! Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to add the link to them! :rainbowderp: It's Hobbes-Maxwell, and I added a link in the description now.

Should add the death tag because that description alone murders what little innocence this family had if ever.

No I'm pretty sure the story murdered it more than the description. :rainbowhuh:
But yeah, no death tag unless Flurry accidentally fucks someone to death, which is probably less likely in this than it would be in canon considering she almost destroyed a city shortly after being born.

ain't touching the story with 10 ft stick.

I'm sure you're just here in the comments because you got lost on your way to the wholesome stories about head pats :rainbowdetermined2:

lol fuck no, I hate head pats equally as much as this. like, personal space bro.

Maybe I would have liked that, lol. I hate babies!

Head Pats! Now that is gross and obscene!

Well to be fair, she's not a baby in this. Honestly Flurry as a pre-teen/teen is pretty frightening in canon considering how unstable she is as a baby. Until further notice, my head-canon is that she somehow destroyed all civilization around this age in canon.

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