• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.19: The Virtuous Verdict

Everypony re-entered the arena as the advisory council, along with Twilight Sparkle, returned to their seats. The defense council, their faces etched with the strain of their efforts, also sat back down in their positions. "Well, this is it," said Larry. "I hope this tireless effort we pulled off wasn't in vain."

"Don't worry, Larry," said Bob, "I think we did an excellent job for Cozy Glow's sake, and unlike the offense council, we're still present inside here."

With a steady voice that resonated throughout the arena, Twilight Sparkle declared, "The verdict is in. The majority has spoken. With 93% in favor of a pardon, Cozy Glow shall be given a second chance." The crowd erupted into a mixture of relieved sighs and hopeful cheers, the weight of their decision palpable in the air.

"Thank you, Lord," Bob declared.

"Yes, we owe you God all the gratitude," Larry proclaimed.

"I will now have the petrified body appear on stage," said Twilight. It shall be present here at any moment."

Discord then appeared on stage, holding Cozy Glow's stone body. Discord looked very somber and humble, an expression that was not common to the mischievous draconequus.

With a solemn tone tinged with regret, Discord confessed, "I am deeply ashamed of my actions in manipulating Cozy Glow to commit further evil acts. I realize now the harm I have caused and the lessons I have yet to learn." His words carried a weight of sincerity, a poignant acknowledgment of his past misdeeds and the journey towards redemption.

Discord expressed his gratitude to Bob and Larry, saying, "I am thankful for Bob and Larry for confronting me with the truth and helping me see the error of my ways. Their guidance and support have opened my eyes to the impact of my actions and the importance of making amends." His voice held a hint of humility, a newfound humility that spoke of growth and self-awareness.

As Discord reflected on his role in reforming Cozy Glow, a sense of fulfillment and hope shone in his eyes. "I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Cozy Glow's transformation and to contribute to her journey towards redemption. It is a privilege to witness the power of friendship and forgiveness in action," he remarked, his words resonating with a sense of newfound wisdom and empathy.

In that moment of introspection and reflection, Discord embraced the complexities of his past and embraced the possibilities of his future, embodying the spirit of growth and change that defined the magical world of Equestria.

"Wow, I did not expect that from Discord," said Larry.

"Yeah," said Bob, "maybe this moment will also be when Discord is fully and genuinely redeemed."

"Before we free Cozy Glow from her stone prison," said Twilight, "I will have my dear and close friend Sunset Shimmer investigate Cozy Glow's background using her unique magical abilities. This is so we can better understand what made Cozy Glow go down this dark and disturbing path. It will also give us an even more powerful sympathy for her."

Sunset Shimmer stood before the audience, her unicorn form radiating an aura of humility and redemption. Reflecting on her past, she shared, "I was once a proud student of Princess Celestia, but my heart was clouded by jealousy when Twilight Sparkle entered the picture. It led me to make choices I now deeply regret."

As she spoke of her misguided actions, Sunset Shimmer recounted, "I stole a magical crown and crossed into the human world of Canterlot High, intent on using its power to dominate Equestria. My ambition blinded me to the consequences of my actions, and I failed to see the harm I was causing."

Recalling the fateful encounter with Twilight and her friends, Sunset Shimmer recounted, "It was through their courage and the power of the Elements of Harmony that I was defeated. Twilight's unwavering belief in the magic of friendship showed me the error of my ways, leading me down the path of redemption and self-discovery."

Sunset Shimmer spoke of her journey towards understanding friendship with a sense of gratitude and humility, saying, "Twilight offered me a second chance, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of camaraderie and compassion. Her forgiveness and support have been instrumental in shaping the pony I am today."

Looking towards Cozy Glow, Sunset Shimmer expressed her belief in the power of forgiveness, stating, "I have always advocated for the ability to change and grow, and I am glad to see Cozy Glow given the same opportunity. Forgiveness is a transformative force that can open the doors to new beginnings and brighter futures."

Her words echoed the wisdom of a reformed soul who had learned from the past and embraced the potential of tomorrow. Sunset Shimmer, once a villain, stood now as a beacon of hope and understanding, a testament to the power of redemption in the magical realm of Equestria.

Sunset Shimmer's horn glowed with a soft, ethereal light as she delved deep into the recesses of Cozy Glow's past. In a shimmering display of magic, she was transported to a remote village nestled in the heart of Equestria. The air was heavy with an aura of secrecy, whispered only in hushed tones by the villagers who lived there. To her surprise and dismay, Sunset Shimmer beheld a scene unlike any other she had encountered before. The village was shrouded in a veil of isolation, its inhabitants bound together by a twisted devotion to a charismatic figure - Cozy Glow's father. His spellbinding presence held them in thrall, his words weaving a tapestry of deceit and manipulation that painted a distorted image of reality. The cult-like atmosphere of the village was palpable, with rituals and ceremonies reinforcing the leader's authority and control. Even the mares within the community were not immune to his influence, their submissive gazes reflecting a complex web of power dynamics and submission. As Sunset Shimmer peered deeper into this unsettling world, she felt a chill run down her spine. The shadows whispered untold secrets and hidden truths, urging her to unravel the enigma surrounding Cozy Glow's upbringing. With a resolve born of empathy and understanding, she uncovered the mysteries buried in the dark recesses of Cozy Glow's past.

The night Cozy Glow's life changed forever was etched in her memory with harrowing clarity. Her existence unfolded in a web of despair and terror, her father's malevolent shadow looming over her fragile form. She was a child borne of tragedy, her birth heralding grief and sorrow, her mother's untimely demise casting a permanent pall over her upbringing.

Cozy Glow's father ruled with an iron fist and a twisted mind, his cruelty seeping into every facet of their secluded world. The once-adoring followers cowered under his tyranny; their devotion twisted into fear and submission. Cozy Glow bore the brunt of his iniquity, innocent eyes witnessing unspeakable horrors that scarred her soul and shattered her innocence. The night of reckoning arrived like a storm, violent and unforgiving. Her father's madness reached a breaking point, his twisted desires driving him to unspeakable acts of violence against his flesh and blood. In a moment of desperate survival, Cozy Glow found herself facing the ultimate choice - to succumb to her father's brutality or to fight back with all the strength she could muster. With a courage born of desperation and sheer will to live, Cozy Glow's hooves trembled as she grasped for a weapon, heart pounding in her chest as she made the fateful decision that would forever alter the course of her life. The searing pain of betrayal and liberation mingled as the blade found its mark, her father's strangled cries ringing in her ears as she broke free from his suffocating grasp. Bloodied and breathless, Cozy Glow fled into the night, leaving behind a trail of dread and uncertainty in her wake. Fear clenched at her heart, mingling with the bittersweet taste of freedom and the weight of her actions. The road ahead loomed uncertain and perilous, a winding path of redemption and self-discovery waiting to unfold.

The visions swept through Sunset Shimmer's mind like a raging inferno, consuming her senses with their vivid intensity. Each detail was etched with fiery clarity, every emotion palpable and raw. The memories unfolded like a tapestry of light and shadow, painting a vivid portrait of anguish and redemption.

As Sunset Shimmer grappled with the torrent of images, her essence pulsed with fierce energy, a kaleidoscope of colors swirling around her in a dazzling display. The power within her simmered and surged, a storm waiting to be unleashed.

And then, in a moment of overwhelming emotion and unyielding force, Sunset Shimmer channeled all that potent energy into a searing burst of pure light. The aura radiated from her in brilliant waves, cascading outwards in a radiant explosion that enveloped everyone in the arena and beyond.

For those caught in the shimmering tide of her aura, the visions became their reality, a shared journey through the depths of Cozy Glow's past and the echoes of her soul. Each individual was swept up in the maelstrom of memories, experiencing the tumultuous highs and lows of her turbulent journey firsthand.

The air crackled with magic and emotion, a palpable energy that intertwined the fates of all who witnessed the dazzling spectacle. The visions took on their own life, weaving a tapestry of connection and understanding that transcended words or actions.

Then, many spectators in the arena began to sob uncontrollably; some even vomited, and others left the arena because they were beyond disturbed and saddened by the visions of Cozy Glow's past implanted in their memories.

"How could we," wept Celestia, "we should've never stuck Cozy Glow in Tarturus or petrified her in stone. We should've known about this earlier."

"There, there," Luna comforted her sister, "I knew we were blind about our judgment then, and we are making it right, this very moment."

"You're right, Luna," said Celestia, "well, let's get that filly freed."

Discord blew loudly into a tissue he carried. "Okay, let's prevent Cozy Glow from suffering the same punishment I did."

The three powerful figures of Celestia, Luna, and Discord stood together, their auras intermingling in a harmonious display of unity and purpose. With a focused intensity, they channeled their magic, weaving intricate threads of light and energy that reached out toward Cozy Glow's petrified form.

As their magic enveloped the stone prison, a soft murmuring hum filled the air, resonating with a deep and ancient power. The bonds of imprisonment began to unravel, the stony tendrils loosening their grip as the magic wove its way through every crack and crevice.

And then, with a final surge of combined effort, the stone shell shattered into a shower of shards, revealing Cozy Glow within. She tumbled to the stage floor, her fragile form trembling with emotion as tears streamed down her face in a torrent of release.

Her cries of sorrow echoed through the arena, a haunting melody of despair and longing that tugged at the heartstrings of all who bore witness. The raw vulnerability in her voice spoke of a soul burdened by guilt and loneliness, yearning for a chance at redemption.

But amidst the tears and sobs, hope shone through the darkness. The audience watched with bated breath, their hearts filled with compassion and uncertainty, unsure of the future of this troubled young soul.

Yet as Cozy Glow's cries subsided into soft whimpers, a sense of peace settled over the arena. The gentle touch of Celestia, Luna, and Discord's magic lingered in the air, wrapping around Cozy Glow like a comforting embrace. And in that moment, a spark of light flickered in her tear-filled eyes, hinting at a newfound resilience and strength waiting to bloom.

"I'm so sorry!" Cozy Glow wailed, "with all that time in stone. It gave me enough time to reflect on my actions. I will never put Equestria in danger for as long as I live!"

With a soft expression of regret, Celestia approached Cozy Glow, kneeling beside her. "I am truly sorry, my dear. We should have taken the time to understand your motivations before resorting to drastic measures." Luna and Discord joined her, their presence offering a sense of solidarity and understanding.

Luna, her voice gentle yet firm, spoke next. "You have endured much hardship, Cozy Glow. But know that we are here for you now, ready to help you find your way towards a brighter future." Her words carried a soothing cadence, a beacon of hope in the darkness that had clouded Cozy Glow's heart for so long.

Discord, known for his chaotic nature but showing a surprising depth of empathy, added his reassurance. "You may have made mistakes, but that does not define who you are. We believe goodness is within you, waiting to be nurtured and allowed to shine." His words held a comforting undertone, a reminder that redemption was still within reach for Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow, her tear-streaked face turning towards the trio of powerful beings who had shown her such unexpected kindness, was enveloped in the warmth and understanding she had never experienced. Their words of forgiveness and support echoed in her ears, planting seeds of hope in the barren soil of her heart.

It was then time for other Equestria residents to come and offer gentle forgiveness of Cozy Glow.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders came up to Cozy Glow, forgave her, and offered her to be their friend again.

Apple Bloom stepped forward, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "Cozy Glow, we know things got all messed up, but everypony deserves a second chance. We want to forgive you and start fresh."

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting kindness and compassion. "You may have gone down the wrong path, but we believe in your capacity to change for the better. We'd be honored to have you as our friend again."

Scootaloo, with a resolute expression, added, "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and that means we're all about helping ponies figure things out and finding their true selves. You're not alone in this Cozy Glow. We'll stick by your side and support you every step of the way."

Cozy Glow, touched by the sincerity and generosity of her three former friends, felt a wave of relief wash over her. The olive branches they extended to her filled her heart with hope and gratitude, signaling a new beginning where forgiveness and friendship could flourish once more. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she accepted their offer and embraced the possibility of a brighter future together.

Next, the Young Six went up on stage, forgiving Cozy Glow, and offered her to be their friend again as well.

Sandbar stepped up first, his voice filled with sincerity. "We know you made mistakes, Cozy Glow, but we believe in redemption. Let's move past this and start anew as friends."

Gallus, with a hint of skepticism in his tone, spoke up next. "I never thought I'd be saying this, but I think everyone deserves a second chance. Even you, Cozy Glow. Let's put the past behind us."

Silverstream, her eyes sparkling with hope, chimed in. "Friendship is about forgiveness and understanding. Cozy Glow, we can make things right and be friends again. We're all in this together."

Yona, in her usual direct manner, boomed, "Yona forgive. Cozy Glow, we give second chance. Yona friends with Cozy Glow again, yes!"

Smolder, crossing her arms, added with a smirk, "I'll admit, I didn't see this coming. But we're all about loyalty, Cozy Glow. Stick with us, and we'll have your back."

Ocellus, her voice gentle yet firm, concluded, "Friendship means supporting each other through ups and downs. Cozy Glow, we want to show you kindness and understanding. Let's give friendship another try."

Cozy Glow, moved by the Young Six's display of forgiveness and acceptance, felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Their willingness to look past her past mistakes and embrace her with open hearts reignited a glimmer of hope within her. With tears of gratitude glistening in her eyes, she expressed her heartfelt appreciation. She accepted their offer of friendship, eager to embark on a new chapter filled with camaraderie and understanding.

Then, the rest of the advisory council, the defense council, and anybody left on stage began to show forgiveness and comfort to Cozy Glow.

Shining Armor placed a comforting hoof on Cozy Glow's shoulder, his expression a mix of understanding and compassion. "We know you've made some serious mistakes, Cozy Glow, but we also believe in giving second chances. If you're willing to learn from your past, we will forgive and move forward."

Princess Cadance, her gaze soft and empathetic, spoke gently to Cozy Glow. "Friendship and forgiveness are fundamental aspects of our kingdom, Cozy Glow. We're willing to extend our forgiveness to you and offer you the opportunity to visit the Crystal Empire. Perhaps there's a chance for new beginnings and understanding."

With a thoughtful expression, Sunburst spoke to Cozy Glow, "We understand that you made some mistakes, but we believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn and grow. We forgive you, Cozy Glow, and we hope you can use this opportunity to make better choices in the future."

In a gentle yet firm voice, Trixie added, "Friendship is about understanding and forgiveness. We choose to forgive you, Cozy Glow, and welcome you back to the School of Friendship with open hearts."

Looking at Cozy Glow compassionately, Starlight Glimmer said, "We believe in the power of redemption and second chances. It's never too late to change, and we're here to support you on your journey toward becoming a better pony."

Cheese Sandwich, with his trademark enthusiasm, clasped Cozy Glow's hoof and exclaimed, "Hey, everypony makes mistakes, and it's all about how we bounce back from them! I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and believe in your potential to improve."

Moon Dancer, her usual reserved demeanor softening, looked at Cozy Glow kindly and said, "Forgiveness is a powerful gift we give to others and ourselves. I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and I hope we can move forward with understanding and empathy."

Sunset Shimmer, with a warm smile and a reassuring tone, reassured Cozy Glow, "We all have our moments of darkness, but what defines us is how we rise above them. I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and I'm here to support you as you continue your journey of growth and redemption."

Spike looked into Cozy Glow's eyes, seeing a mixture of regret and sadness. With a heavy sigh, he clapped her shoulder and said, "I know you made some wrong choices, but I believe everyone deserves a second chance. I forgive you, Cozy Glow. Let's work together to make things right."

Applejack spoke first of the Mane Six, her voice resolved, "Everypony makes mistakes, but I reckon we can all learn from them. It's important to acknowledge our errors and strive to do better in the future."

Rainbow Dash chimed in, her magenta eyes softening, "You may have messed up big time, but we're not ones to hold a grudge forever. We've all had slip-ups and moments we regret, but the key is showing remorse and working towards making amends."

Rarity adjusted her mane elegantly as she stated, "Darling, forgiveness is a virtue. Let's move forward together with a clean slate. Embracing forgiveness allows us to let go of past resentments and foster positive relationships built on trust and understanding."

Fluttershy's gentle voice added, "I-I know you didn't mean to hurt anypony. We can try to understand and help you make amends. Empathy and compassion are essential in times of conflict, and together, we can navigate through these challenges with kindness and patience."

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, her pink curls swirling, "Forgiveness is super-duper important! Let's throw a party to celebrate new beginnings! Turning a new leaf and starting afresh should be celebrated with joy and excitement, spreading positivity and hope to all around us."

Finally, Twilight Sparkle spoke with wisdom: "Cozy Glow, we believe in redemption and second chances. Let's work together to make Equestria a better place for all. Every pony deserves a chance to learn and grow, and with unity and cooperation, we can create a brighter future for everyone in our community. Now, there are two fellows I would like you to meet."

Bob and Larry hopped over to Cozy Glow, to show her love and affection for the the first time.

Bob looked into Cozy Glow's eyes with a sincere expression, his voice filled with compassion. "Cozy Glow, we felt your pain even when you were trapped in stone. We knew deep down that you were not beyond redemption, that there was still goodness within you waiting to shine through."

Larry nodded in agreement, his eyes glistening with tears of relief. "We decided to give you a second chance, and we are so grateful that you embraced the opportunity to learn and grow. We're proud of your progress and the effort you've put into bettering yourself."

Bob and Larry enveloped Cozy Glow in a comforting hug, conveying their genuine affection and support for her.

"We're here to help you navigate the challenges ahead," said Bob, "to guide you on the path of self-improvement and personal growth."

"You're not alone in this journey, Cozy Glow." said Larry, "We believe in you, and we'll stand by your side every step of the way."

"Golly," Cozy Glow muttered softly, "I never thought that a talking tomato and cucumber would lead to my redemption. I didn't think I'd ever be redeemed; I don't deserve to be forgiven for the crimes that I've committed."

"Well, forgiveness is often something that is unconditionally granted," said Larry, "not earned based on merit."

"Yes," said Bob, "when you don't get something horrible you deserve, that is mercy. When you receive something extraordinary, you don't deserve it; that is grace. After all, you suffered nearly a year in stone petrification; I'd say you've more than paid your debt to society. The most potent mercy and grace come from my God; he has a plan and purpose for your life, Cozy Glow."

"Yep," said Larry, "I see you have a chess piece as your cutie mark; if you don't mind, would you care to share how you got it?"

Cozy Glow began to share further into the past: "After I escaped from my village, I wandered on the hoof to Manehattan, where I scrounged for every scrap of food I could survive on as I walked the streets as an orphan. There, I regretfully became a pen pal with Lord Tirek, where I sent letters to him in the mailboxes. I did it because I related to him; he had family issues and felt so isolated that no one would ever care for him. Amid my misery, I had vengeful desires toward Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. I hated when they brought up the healing power of friendship; it felt like they were ignorant and sentimental, that having a friend was an answer to your problems and the most critical priority in your life. I mean, after all, I just suffered at the hands of a deadly and destructive cult; didn't they have more important issues to take care of? But I knew there was no way a mere filly like me could take over Equestria by entering Canterlot Castle alone. Then, flyers were distributed over Manehattan, advertising the newly founded School of Friendship. This was my chance to get Tirek to help me; I forged the consent forms and was accepted into the school. But I needed fast transportation to Ponyville, so I did what I loved doing to pass the time. I would go into the Manehattan park and play chess rounds with old stallions there. When I was still suffering in the cult, I'd get my mind off my problems by playing board games with the other foals there. It was a refuge during the worst times of my life. This time, I decided to bet all my bits during a chess round, and when I won, I had more than enough to buy a train ticket to Ponyville. And I also received my cutie mark that day, but I felt that was the least of my concerns. So I guess you know that whole story."

"Wow," said Larry, "maybe your destiny is related to board games."

"Yes," said Bob, "back in the world where Larry and I live. We have an abundance of board games that you can play to your heart's content."

"Golly," said Cozy Glow, "how could I ever stop thanking you two for showing me a better way forward."

"No problem," said Bob. "We also have many other entertainment options you can't find in Equestria. But there is someone who deserves your thanks the most."

"You mean your God?" asked Cozy Glow.

"Correct," said Bob, "I've heard about how your father was abusive and treated you like trash. But my God is the best father, he loves you with an everlasting heart. He knows how you've sinned, and despite that, he still sees you as his child." Bob then took out a 20-dollar bill. "This here is 20 dollars, the form of currency in our world."

"Yes," said Cozy Glow, "how does that relate to this?"

"Do you remember how much I said it was worth?" asked Bob.

"Of course, 20 dollars," responded Cozy Glow.

Larry then took the bill and crumpled it up, "is it still worth 20 dollars?"

"I guess so," said Cozy Glow with a sense of relief.

Larry then threw the bill on the ground and stomped on it, "Is it still worth 20 dollars?"

Cozy Glow's eyes watered with tears of joy. "Yes, I get the illustration you're trying to make."

"You see Cozy Glow," said Larry. "No matter what you did or where you were, God still loves you and will never leave or forsake you."

"That's right," said Bob, "God sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. Before Jesus did that, he taught lessons that we should all put to heart. One time, he witnessed a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. That was a sin punishable by death in those days. A mob was getting ready to stone her to death. Jesus, however, tamed the mob by saying: Ye without sin may cast the first stone. The mob then dropped their stones one by one, because all of us have sinned and fallen from God's grace. Then Jesus approached the woman and said he did not condemn her: he forgave her and told her to sin no more."

"So Cozy Glow," said Larry, "God has given you this chance to repent from your old ways and embrace a new life pleasing to him."

"Wow!" exclaimed Cozy Glow, "I would like to learn more about this God of yours."

"Well done, Cozy Glow," said Bob, "I knew I could count on you to become a new creation in Christ."

Then Starlight Glimmer approached Cozy Glow. "Good job Cozy Glow. Now I've come with even more great news since you've shown that we can trust you again. I will allow you back into the School of Friendship and hire you as my assistant, just like you did with Twilight Sparkle. I will also adopt you and give you a place to call home."

"You shouldn't have Starlight," said Cozy Glow, "remember when I trapped you in the giant orb?"

"I know Cozy Glow," said Starlight Glimmer, "but I also have a past where I committed evil deeds. If you suffered in stone for nearly a year, then I deserve the same punishment, if not longer. But just like Bob and Larry said, mercy and grace are given to those who don't deserve it, making the whole world much more happy and peaceful."

"Thank you, Starlight," said Cozy Glow as the pegasus filly gave the unicorn mare a warm and massive hug, which she returned. "But can I still visit Bob and Larry in their world?"

"Of course," said Starlight Glimmer, "spend as much time you need with those two vegetables. They've advocated a second chance for you, and you should return the favor by spending time with them."

"Oh, Bob," said Larry, filled with sentimental emotion. "I may have never been married, but I already feel like a father and have a daughter. Don't you feel like a father as well, Bob?"

"Be careful how you say that, Larry," said Bob, "she already has Starlight Glimmer for a new adoptive mother, and we can't both be Cozy Glow's father. After all, we're not gay."

"Not like that, Bob," said Larry, "I mean, like two father figures."

"Oh, I see what you mean, Larry," said Bob. "But we can be like two uncles for Cozy Glow; after all, God is her father."

"Now, do you think it's time, Bob?" asked Larry.

"Oh yes," said Bob, "Excuse me. Larry and I would like to sing a song now that Cozy Glow has made an essential life-affecting decision, which also relates to how she wants to know more about our God."

So Bob and Larry went to embrace Cozy Glow once more.

Bob and Larry bowed their heads in reverence as they began to offer a heartfelt prayer to God for Cozy Glow.

"Dear Heavenly Father," Bob's voice quivered with emotion, his words sincere and earnest. "We come before you today with gratitude for guiding us to Cozy Glow and showing us the power of redemption. We ask for your continued blessings upon her as she embarks on this journey of self-discovery and growth."

Larry's voice joined in, filled with faith and hope. "Lord, we thank you for the transformation we've witnessed in Cozy Glow's heart and spirit. We pray that you continue to grant her strength and wisdom, that she may overcome the challenges ahead and embrace the beauty of a life filled with love and compassion."

Tears sparkled in their eyes as they lifted their voices in unison, seeking divine intervention for their beloved friend. "May your light shine upon Cozy Glow, guiding her path and illuminating her soul with grace and mercy. May she always find solace in your presence, knowing she is cherished and forgiven. Amen."

Author's Note:

This is the end of Part 2 of Veggie VBS. I have also decided to take another break, and will conclude the fan fiction with Part 3 after June.

Comments ( 1 )

Tears sparkled in their eyes as they lifted their voices in unison, seeking divine intervention for their beloved friend. "May your light shine upon Cozy Glow, guiding her path and illuminating her soul with grace and mercy. May she always find solace in your presence, knowing she is cherished and forgiven. Amen."

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