• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 375 Views, 3 Comments

The Crimson-Red Star - Burningbloom78

A meteor crash brings a rarity the denizens of Equestria have only seen in books. And with this new arrival comes a myriad of adventures.

  • ...

Night of Arrivals

"Are you ready, milord?" inquired a black-hooded creature, draped in a tattered dark cloak. "The place you're heading toward is young compared to ours, and once you get there, you may be confined to a rule or two."

Another creature with long sapphire hair and crimson skin stood tall over the cloaked creature, his pure white eyes glowing with a comfortable light. "I understand," he said solemnly. "My mission is sound, and I will achieve it, in time. I thank you for your assistance, Enoch."

Enoch chortled. "I've known you ever since you were conceived by our Lords, sire. You know you don't have to act all proper around me, but it goes without saying that it's difficult for ya." Enoch looked around the tall creature, bemused. "You didn't bring anything with ya, youngster?"

"I did not," he answered starkly. "Where I am going, anything from here will not be needed."

"What about your guardian?" Enoch asked. "You know... Well, speak of the Lords, here she comes now!"

"Master!" shouted a dark slender creature, skidding to a halt in front of them and bowing. She had blood-red eyes, skin as dark as charcoal, unruly short black locks, and matched the cloaked garb of Enoch but without the hood.

"Ahh, Nerissa! Are you coming along?" Enoch questioned amicably. "Were you granted permission from our two Lords?"

Nerissa raised her head respectfully. "Yes," she responded. "It took some coaxing, but They allowed me to venture with my master."

Nerissa's master narrowed his eyes. "You weren't joining my journey because I did not want you to be subjected to harm," he said levelly, his white eyes making her flinch. "I urge you to remain here, where it's secure."

Nerissa stared right into his eyes. "Master Alexander... Alex, I was chosen by the Lordress to safeguard your life with mine. I understand your worries, but I can't sit here awaiting your return; I'd be frantic. I'll always be by your side, forever... I must accompany you!" she told him ardently.

Alex stared at his dutiful servant with a face of ambiguity. She was right. No matter where he went or gone, Nerissa had always been by his side; she was a devoted, loyal servant. Relenting with a dip of his head, Alex allows his guardian to accompany him. He watched as Nerissa did her best to contain her triumph.

"With that out of the way, shall we begin?" The voice was Enoch, who had an amused glare sparking from his bright orange eyes.

Alex turned to him with Nerissa taking residence to his right. "We are."

"Good," Enoch said, smacking his two hands together and making a loud, resounding clap. "Now, to get there, you two will be encased within a meteor while I open the portal to your destination. Like I said before, there might be a rule or two when you land on whatever planet."

Nerissa stepped forward. "What kind of rules?"

"You both might experience a physical change when you land on a planet," he begun to explain, "and that planet may have different rules and concepts far different than ours, of things that never existed in Dawn.

"Now for the mission. The objective the Lords bestowed upon Alex are clear: There is an imbalance of particles of light and dark, and it's the job of Alex and his sister to ensure enough of each particle will be able to sustain the universe. If anything happens to you or your sister, Lords forbid, then that universe will eventually face a peril that could lead toward destruction. It's underdeveloped and dreadfully young.

"It might seem horrible at first, but all you have to do is stay alive and you will complete your objective in a timely manner, and you are free to do anything else you'd like. Unlike your sister, this isn't the only reason you are going, sire. It's a personal mission, yes?"

Alex nodded solemnly; his pure white eyes were unblinking. "I desire knowledge," he told Enoch numbly, "and an understanding of any planet I visit."

"That's correct!" Enoch pronounced heartedly, snapping a finger as a large rock appeared out of thin air. A portal forms agape within. "Jump on in and I'll do the rest! Also, I am under orders to assist you in any way during your journey, courtesy of our Creator. All you need is to say my name with some moderate conviction."

Alex's white gaze shifted to the massive rock above him. "Thaney is already there?"

"She's on her way and she is under a strict edict to refrain from participating in any of her normal... activities whilst there," Enoch replied, a slight edge to his voice. "You have nothing to worry about, sire."

"Good," he said. "The last thing we need is Thaney being her usual self; she knows how important this is for me, but I have to wonder: Will she abide by the edict?"

"Possibly," Nerissa chimed in with a shrug of her shoulders. "It was from the Lordress, and you know how accepting She is of Thaney's... quirks, but we have to trust that she shows some self-control. Let's do this."

"You will find many new and exciting experiences during your mission, so try and have a little fun," Enoch suggested. "Make connections and allies, and you may find something more than just knowledge, sire."

With another snap of Enoch's finger followed by a sparkling azure ripple, Alex and his faithful servant Nerissa were transported into the meteor, heading to not only a new world, but a whole new universe.

Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, were standing side by side gazing at a meteor that had fallen from space. Behind them and encircling the large rock were royal guards brandishing spears, swords, and crossbows, looking grim-faced and wary. Alongside the two sisters was Princess Twilight Sparkle, appearing to be confused and cautious at what was happening.

During a meteor shower, this immense rock, by Luna's account had appeared suddenly, hurtled toward the Plains of Equestria, a vast stretch of land near Ponyville, and crash landed on the earth, leaving scorching skid marks. When Princess Luna noticed it descending to the plain, she attempted to intercept the meteor, but had found that she was unable to, for her magic was repelled. With relaying this information to her elder sister, Celestia took cautionary action, and this is where Flare Brimstone found herself.

The bat pony watched through her vibrant pink-slitted eyes the two sisters whispering to another, and, using her great hearing, was able to make out a small dispute on what the two should do to interact with the meteor. Flare Brimstone found it strange that a large rock from outer space was able to repel Princess Luna's magic, and thought the obvious choice was to smash it to pieces and forget about it.

"It could be nothing for us to be concerned about," Princess Luna murmured. "However, I feel as if we should not ignore this odd phenomenon; it did resist my magic."

"Yes, you're right," Princess Celestia assented. She turned to her former pupil. "What do you have in mind, Twilight?"

Princess Twilight stepped forward to stand beside the two sisters. She looked wary, but also curious. "I think we should study this meteor," she suggested, her eyes sparkling with an apprehensive interest. "It repelled Princess Luna's magic and plummeted to the earth. It's just a rock, but it resisted magic, and that should warrant investigation and careful examination."

Princess Celestia smiled promptly at Twilight's astute suggestion. "I believe that this should be the correct course of action for us to take." She turned to Luna. "Don't you agree?"

Princess Luna bobbed her head, gazing questioningly at the meteor. The giant rock was giving off so much heat that there were heat waves in the air. "When should we begin?" she adjured, her face serious.

Princess Celestia's lengthy horn glowed brightly, and a smirk etched itself across her heavenly visage. "We can begin right this very moment," she said smugly, shooting a small beam of magic above the meteor.

Flare Brimstone watched in awe as the blistering steam from the meteor suddenly vanished, it looked as if it had cooled down. Princess Celestia had taken away the meteor's heat, an impressive feat, but what would one expect from the princess of the sun?

"How will we conduct research on the fallen star?" Princess Luna inquired. "Magic on the wayward comet seems to be impossible, and it's seeming to be too heavy to move; the meteor's massive."

Flare Brimstone zoomed up to the three princesses. Celestia wore a heartwarming and adoring smile. "I can carry it to wherever you desire, my princesses!" she offered mirthfully, trotting in place excitedly. "Just tell me where and it'll be done!"

Princess Celestia gave a small titter. "Although we greatly appreciate your gracious offer to lend your super strength, my lovely agent, that will not be necessary," she praised, bending her head down to nuzzle the bat pony affectionately. "We shall conduct research here, and you and the rest of the guards will keep watch while Twilight and a researcher from Canterlot will begin their studies; I can only assume Professor Akard would be nothing short of ecstatic. I just hope he's not too busy on his project..."

Flare Brimstone knew of this professor, a well-known scientist and workhorse, whose head of the research facility in Canterlot. From her memories of him, the stallion was a bit aloof and eccentric, but one with a good heart to do the country of Equestria some good.

"Do you think he'll come if we asked?" Twilight ventured.

Princess Luna nodded firmly. "Mr. Akard is known to work well into the night, so if Celestia contacts him, he'll heed her call."

"I think it'd be best if Twilight went and collected our workhorse," Princess Celestia suggested with a glint in her eyes. "Twilight, can you? You're very proficient in teleportation magic."

Twilight bobbed her head swiftly. "You can count on me," she assured her former mentor, her chest swelling. With a glow of her horn, Princess Twilight Sparkle vanished in a bright purplish flash.

"What should we do now?" Flare Brimstone asked, still trotting in place as if her hooves were on fire.

"Rein in some of that excitement," Princess Luna implored. "We may be in need of your energy soon."

Princess Celestia gave a chuckle of amusement. "Admit it, little sister, we're all a bit excited."

Luna scoffed, rolling her eyes. "At least I can conceal mine," she replied, but then she cracked a small grin. "This meteor resisted my magic. It's not ordinary in the slightest. Until Twilight comes back, why not us examine the meteor? The heat and steam have passed now, so our touching of the rock is safe."

"We could," Celestia wondered. "It seems Twilight is taking longer than expected; our workhorse must've been in the middle of a breakthrough. We can indulge ourselves but remember to use caution." She turned to Flare Brimstone expectedly. "Come, and be by my side, my lovely agent."

Complying, Flare Brimstone took residence on Celestia's right while Luna was on her left. With the royal guards armed and at the ready for any threatening changes, the two sisters and Flare cantered forward, cautious yet filled with the allure of curiosity.

As they got closer, Flare began to feel something odd. It was like a wave of something that filled her with unease and excitement and caused her to stop moving. Gazing at the two sisters, the bat pony knew they felt it as well.

"This...feeling." Princess Celestia was in as shocked state of awe. She stared at the meteor with even more interest than before. "Luna, do you feel it too?"

Her sister gave an uneasy shudder, looking rigid. "I thought the heat was gone, but there's this... this warmth exuding from the meteor. But there's something else pervading the warmth."

"It's something uneasy and cold," Flare said, transfixed on the meteor. "It mingles with the warmth. What in Equestria is this? I think these presences are coming from inside the rock!"

Princess Celestia gazed down at Flare. "Are you sure?"

The bat pony nodded firmly, her tail swishing behind her. "Whatever it is, it's coming from within the meteor," she replied warily, peering closely at the rock in the hopes of seeing something. "Be careful, my princesses."

Slowly and carefully did the three mares venture closer to the meteor, each cautious step bringing them that odd, cold-like warmth. It was getting intense, and the three mares had to steel themselves, and when they did, the threat of the mysterious presence overwhelming them lessoned. When they managed to reach the meteor in all of its hulking bulk, they halted.

Flare Brimstone reached out with her hoof and gingerly touched the meteor. It was marginally cold but maintained a faint remnant of heat despite Princess Celestia's spell. She pressed her hoof harder on the rigid-like surface of the meteor and suddenly heard a crack. She was yanked away by Princess Celestia so quickly, she had barely registered it.

"W-what's wrong? What's going on?!" Flare sputtered in the cradle of Celestia's embrace, struggling to see from her white fur.

"Something's happening to the meteor," Princess Luna responded, sounding wary as she and Celestia began to back away.

The meteor had begun to crack, and the middle of it was splitting open. A bright white flash infused with black light surged out of the meteor, causing the three mares and the all the guards to be forced away. The whirling wind howled, dark clouds had begun to form overhead, and light from the sky flashed once or twice.

Celestia, Luna, and Flare Brimstone all braced themselves for something horrible, but as soon as the harrowing event began, it faded away. The environment started to become serene once more, but the pounding hearts of the ponies were racing, and all were silent, for the center of the meteor was open.

Wide eyed and stricken with a fearsome awe, the ponies around the meteor began to see something rising from within: It was some kind of towering, daunting figure.

A mane of brilliant sapphire was seen first, then a horn slightly longer than Celestia's, followed by a coat of crimson fire, and large, immaculate wings. When the wiry creature stepped from out of the meteor, the lower half of its lean legs were white that slowly turned redder toward the main body. Its tail was the same gorgeous sapphire color.

When it opened its eyes for the first time, they irradiated a mysteriously pleasant white light. Lastly, there was something wrapped around its neck; it was fabric, a bandanna, black as an abyss. Its cutie mark was hidden.

Flare Brimstone couldn't believe her eyes; she was staring at an alicorn. When she got a good look at it, she began to tremble, not with an overwhelming amount of fear, but with an overabundance of joy. This type of alicorn hasn't been seen in centuries, or maybe even longer, and here was one standing before them.

"Princess Celestia, it's a male alicorn," Flare Brimstone whispered, unable to take her eyes off him. "By the looks of him, he's a head taller than you. And those eyes. What... What does this mean?"

Princess Celestia didn't respond to the question. The alicorn just a few feet away from her had grafted her attention completely. "How is it... What is he... Who is he?"

"That feeling is back," Princess Luna uttered hoarsely. "It's fainter then before, and it's coming from him."

The weird warming presence came from this alicorn, but Flare did not know why or how. Was it magic? No, it couldn't; the alicorn's horn wasn't glowing at all. Did that mean he innately gave off such a soothing presence? What is this alicorn, really? Flare wanted to know.

The three mares and the guards watched as the alicorn suddenly moved, turning his head to view his body. His face gave no expression, but the way he examined himself seemed to mirror interest and confusion.

"I am... changed." His voice was deep and lucid; it flowed well, and it was easy on the ears. "This is what he meant."

"What course of action should we partake?" Luna asked Flare and her sister. "This... this alicorn does not appear to be hostile. If anything, he seems bemused and uncertain."

Celestia looked to Flare Brimstone. "My lovely agent, what is your suggestion?"

Flare was at a loss of words. What could she do to an alicorn? Like Princess Luna said, he wasn't hostile, at least not yet. Perhaps the simplest thing to do was the right choice.

Taking a few wary steps, Flare began to approach the alicorn, her eyes looking for the slightest sign of threat. As she got closer, the alicorn seemed to pay her no mind, continuing to examine his body. Once she believed she had gotten close enough, she halted in her hoofsteps. She was dreadfully conscious of Celestia, and she knew her princess would swipe her away at the clearest sign of trouble.

Taking a deep breath, Flare called out to him. "H-hello?"

Immediately the alicorn's incandescent eyes locked onto Flare and she found that she couldn't move. Her heart begun to beat quickly, and she felt a slight rise of panic. Was she ensnared in a trap? No, she wasn't. She couldn't be. There was no sign of magic from the alicorn, so what seemed to hold her in place?

"Don't move!" she warned Celestia who was trotting towards her. She stopped, looking anxious. The last thing anypony wanted was a problem. "Don't do anything!"

"Nerissa," the alicorn uttered, his calm voice sending a brief shudder down Flare's back. "You may release this creature; I am safe."

Flare Brimstone saw another pony rise from the meteor, smaller than the alicorn but nearly as tall as Princess Luna. It had a jet-black mane and tail, a coat of obsidian barely hidden under a dark cloak, and blood-red eyes that shimmered eerily in the night. It bore two piercing white fangs, oddly shaped pointed ears, and brandished what seemed to be a white sword to its side. Flare couldn't believe it. It was a bat pony!

"Yes, master," the bat pony said. Flare felt whatever was holding her release, and she swiftly backed away, into the embrace of Celestia. "We have changed, sire."

"Indeed, we have," the alicorn said, examining Nerissa. "Are you well? Any signs of discomfort?"

Nerissa shook her head firmly, hiding an obvious smile. "Don't you worry about me; it's my job to worry about you!"

"Consider your worries unfounded; I am well," the alicorn replied. "Although I've changed, it feels as if I had this form since my inception."

Nerissa agreed, sitting next to her master. "Well, we are here now, and we wait until it is done. What shall we do, sire?"

The alicorn glanced at Flare, at Celestia and Luna, at everypony, and then back at Nerissa. "Enoch informed me to produce connections and have experiences." He pointed at Flare with his tail. "Introductions are in order. I would like to start with the creature that approached me."

Nerissa glared at the bat pony, and Flare felt the cold presence from before, though it was faint. "I don't trust it."

"We will be here for quite some time, and learning about the creatures here would be beneficial." The alicorn glanced at Flare Brimstone. "None of them seem dangerous."

Nerissa scowled at Flare Brimstone and the rest of the ponies before shuffling as close as she could be next to the alicorn, as if daring any pony to try their luck. Flare admired the dark bat pony's fierce loyalty, and judging by their words, though they spoke lightly, the alicorn is of some kind of royalty or is important in some way.

Even more careful than before after loosening herself from Princess Celestia's grip, Flare cantered forward a few feet before stopping. She saw the alicorn trot slowly towards her, his hooves seeming to glide effortlessly across the ground; it was so smooth and majestic. Before she knew it, the alicorn was right in front of her, his towering height dwarfing her.

The alicorn bent his head down to Flare and scanned her over with those mysterious white eyes. After a moment of silence, he spoke. "Greetings," he said to her. He slowly blinked. "Can you understand me?"

"Y-yes, I... I-I can," Flare stammered, beginning to feel overwhelmed. The alicorn's warming, soothing-like presence was stronger now that she was close to him. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Can you understand me?"

"Indeed, I can, and so does my companion," the alicorn replied huskily, gesturing to the dark bat pony. "This is Nerissa, my guardian, and my name is Alexander. If you prefer the name Alex instead, then you may call me as such. Do you have a name?"

Flare nodded slowly. Alex and Nerissa were very odd names, and she said them a few times in her mind to get used to the words. "Flare Brimstone," she answered. "My name."

"Your name is interesting to me," Alex said, his face barren of expression, yet he sounded pleased. "Those two creatures behind you... What are their names? They are quite different from you and the rest of the other creatures."

It was odd. Alex called her and the ponies around her creatures. Doesn't he know what he is? Does he NOT know what a pony is?

"Alex, sir? Uh, sire?" She assumed he was royalty by how Nerissa treated him. "I, uh... I don't know how to refer to you."

Alex shook his head. "You do not need to refer to me as 'sire'," he said. "Alex is fine."

"But don't ever think about disrespecting him," Nerissa snipped, her blood-red eyes glaring with distrust.

Flare held in a snort of amusement. "The two ponies, that's our race, behind me are the rulers of Equestria, the country you both are in," she informed them, beginning to get comfortable. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

With their names called and with Flare Brimstone's assurances, the two sisters trotted up beside the bat pony, bowing their heads lightly in greeting. Flare watched Alex tilt his head as if confused, but then he mirrored the gesture and so did Nerissa.

"We welcome you, Alex," Princess Celestia said, sounding formal and kind. Flare noticed in the princess's eyes showed a great interest. "As my agent has said, I am Celestia, and this is Luna, my younger sister, and we rule over this country as a diarchy."

Alex approached the two sisters and appraised them closely, followed by his dark guardian. Flare Brimstone still found it incredible that there was another pony taller than Princess Celestia.

"It seems we've landed on a planet of great promise," Alex said to Nerissa, to which the dark guardian nodded silently, watching the two sisters and Flare. "I want to inform you both that we are not here to rule over your planet."

Flare watched the two sisters exchange a look and then back at Alex. "Why are you here?" Celestia asked. "There hasn't been another male alicorn in many centuries."

Alex tilted his head again in confusion. "I am unfamiliar of that species," he said. "Is that what I am here?"

Celestia nodded. "You're an alicorn, a pony of wings and a horn that inhabits the aspects of the three pony races that live here."

Alex examined Nerissa and shifted his white gaze on Flare Brimstone. "What about my guardian and Flare? They seem quite unique among the rest of us."

"Bat ponies are of a rare breed here in Equestria," Princess Luna answered, stepping forward and peering down at Nerissa, who in turn stared unblinkingly at her. "They are creatures of the night, and endangered ponies. As I recall, there are only a few in the country: Flare's family and some others. And now Nerissa is one... somehow."

"That's very interesting," Alex said, though nothing of his interest was expressed. "I would like to know more about this, but I assume there are questions you both wish to ask."

Princess Celestia nodded, her magenta eyes shimmering. "Where did you come from?"

Alex sat on the ground with Nerissa following suit. "Up there," he answered simply, pointing towards the sky with his muzzle. The ponies gasped.

"You're an alien?!" Flare shouted excitedly.

"I do not know what that means."

"An alien is an extraterrestrial being not from this planet!" Flare said, her joy beginning to overflow.

"Then Nerissa and I are aliens," he affirmed.

"You are from the stars?" Luna asked, her eyes widening.

Alex nodded. "The stars but further still, far beyond the verge."

"But...how did you come here?" Celestia implored, bemused. "How did you survive inside a meteor of all things?"

"Our bodies are immune to such intensity," Alex answered, his white eyes gazing unblinkingly at the night sky. "We were transported here by meteor. It was the only way for us to arrive."

"You were transported?" Flare Brimstone asked, rubbing her chin with a hoof. "Who transported you?"

"Enoch," Nerissa answered, moving and sitting in front of Alex. "A servant of my master."

"It seems we have many more questions that need answers, but there's one question I have that must be answered," Celestia said.

"And what may that be?" Alex inquired.

"Why have you come here?"

That was an important question, Flare knew. What was Alex and his guardian doing here, in Equestria of all places? Depending on his answer, things could go very differently.

"There are two reasons. One is a mission regarding a personal interest of mine," Alex said, standing up, towering over Flare.

Luna looked guarded and stood up with Celestia following. "What is this interest of yours, then?"

"Knowledge and understanding," he said. When no pony spoke, he began to elaborate. "I am a scholar, and I am here to learn about your planet and its uniqueness. I have...become a creature that doesn't exist where I hail from, that of what you call a pony, an alicorn specifically."

"Alicorns are extremely rare, and to become one is even more so," Flare Brimstone informed him. "But what's interesting about you is that you are a male alicorn. There hasn't been another in... I don't know how long."

Celestia agreed. "Your existence as an alicorn is a mystery, and what's more enthralling about your peculiar situation is that you simply are one, without undergoing special means or trials. If your real form isn't that of an alicorn, then what are you?"

"A bipedal, skinless creature with arms and legs," Alex answered. "I was told that coming here could change me. My physical form had been altered drastically to this planet's dominant species: ponies."

"So, you aren't a pony, but something else entirely," Celestia said. Alex nodded. "I see... What is the second reason?"

"In due time," Alex told her. "Nerissa and I come in peace."

Before any pony could say anything, a flash of purplish light came from behind the two sisters and Flare Brimstone. They all turned their heads to see Twilight Sparkle and a stallion donned in a white lab coat. He had a messy black mane and tail, and his dark grey coat was unkempt. He adjusted his well-worn, grimy-looking glasses as he and Twilight stared dumbfounded at Alex and Nerissa.

"I... I think I need an explanation on why...a MALE alicorn is here with a bat pony I've never seen before!" Twilight demanded eagerly, her mouth widening in shock.

Meanwhile, on the same night...

Leaf Storm galloped as quickly as she could, leaping over large fallen branches from the tall trees and evading thorn-sharp bushes that could rake and tear her coat to shreds. She was panting, limbs aching and heart thudding madly in her chest as the creatures snarled viciously behind her.

She was being chased by timberwolves, wooden canine-like creatures with flesh-ripping fangs and saliva that reeks of carrion. They were a tenacious lot, adamant on their prey. Leaf Storm was their prey, and she was getting tired. She was stumbling and rasping, and unfortunately tripped over her own hooves and tumbled painfully to a stop.

Her shuddering sides heaved desperately for air, her throat was dry, and her tongue lolled onto the mossy earth. Her eyes bulged with fear, and she tried to move her burning limbs, and Leaf Storm found that she couldn't go any farther.

She was going to die here, to be eaten alive by malicious wooden wolves. She was too far to call out for help, and even if she could, she wouldn't be able to; her exhaustion hampered her ability to yell.

Through her darkening eyes, Leaf Storm saw them as she lay: the wolves surrounding her, their tongues dripping slime-green saliva that made her retch. She felt one bite her right hind leg; a timberwolf tugged lightly and applied minimal pressure as if it was testing how much force it and the rest of the wolves had to exert. Then they began to feast.

Their sharp wooden teeth felt like large needles jabbing and stabbing into her flesh, and she could feel her skin beginning to rip and something warm seep out: blood. She couldn't scream or struggle; she was too tired to cry defiance. Despairing, Leaf Storm accepted her fate and waited for the torture to end.

As she felt her life wane, a faint golden light caught her attention, and the timberwolves had stopped gnawing on her flesh. All of them looked toward the light and saw an alicorn with a coat of pure white and a golden, black-striped illustrious mane. She wore a scarlet fang-like necklace and round blood-red earrings. Her eyes were a dull, faded white, and her cutie mark was a black orb with a white marking in the middle.

"Creatures should never play with their meal," she told the timberwolves, her haunting voice carried by the wind. "Begone."

The timberwolves had suddenly begun to scream and howl in agony, and Leaf Storm felt a wave of terror enshroud her like a dense fog. There was a foulness in the air, stronger than the putrid stench of the wolves. This was not magic. It was something otherworldly, and terribly wrong.

She watched in horror as the wolves fell to the earth, writhing uncontrollably until they all went limp, their glaring green eyes eerily hollow.

Leaf Storm moaned in agony, crawling towards her deathly savior, and reaching out a desperate hoof to the alicorn's legs. She was terrified, but she needed this pony, regardless of what came of it. "Please," she begged hoarsely, "help me..."

The white alicorn stared at the dying mare with an insane glare and showed off her pearly white teeth. "Yes. I will help you. I have questions, and you can provide me with answers." The alicorn began to let out an eerie chuckle that caused Leaf Storm to tremble. "Indeed," she whispered close to Leaf's ears. "You will do nicely..."