• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,940 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

The Choice

"Twilight! This is why only fools are heroes! Because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice! There are hundreds of bombs planted all around Canterlot! With a press of a button, they'll go off! Make your choice, princess! Let die the only parent you have left.... or suffer the residents of Canterlot? Make your choice, Twilight! And see how a hero is rewarded!"

Twilight was stunned. How was she supposed to make that choice? Either she lets her father die, or hundreds upon thousands of ponies could die. This was a lose or lose situation. Goblin had her right where he wanted her. She gritted her teeth as Goblin smirked.

"You have ten seconds to make your choice! Otherwise both your father AND Canterlot will die." Goblin declared.

Twilight stepped forward, "Goblin, if there is even a slight piece of humanity left within you. Please don't do this!"

He smirked in response, "We are who we choose to be..... now, CHOOSE!"

Twilight started to panic. What was she meant to do. She could grab him with her magic, but that could risk Goblin killing her father. She started to hyperventilate as Goblin started to count down.


"Twilight." She looked up to her father, who had tears in his eyes. "You have to let me die."

Twilight's eyes widened as tears threatened to fall, "I....I CAN'T!!!"

"Yes, you can. You have to. It's the only way." Night Light responded.


"If you don't all those innocent ponies are going to die."


Twilight looked up at Goblin, "NORMAN, I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE! TAKE ME! KILL ME!"

"NO!" Night Light yelled in response.


Tears were falling down Night Light's face, "Whatever happens. You have made me the happiest father I could be!"


Twilight was now in full on panic mode. She had to choose. But she couldn't. Who could make this choice?


Twilight put her hooves on her head, "OH, BY CELESTIA! PLEASE STOP!!!"

"Four!" Goblin reeled back his left arm as he closed his fist.

"Twilight, look at me." Night Light said, his daughter looking at her father with tears falling down her face.

"Three!" The blade on Goblin's arm extended as he prepared to kill Night Light.

Twilight was sobbing, "D-Dad."


Night Light gave his daughter one last smile, "Your mother and I love you."


Twilight reached her foreleg out to her father, "NORMAN!"

Goblin then brought his reeled arm forward....

And stabbed Night Light in the back.


The blade shot through Night Light's torso, blood covering the blade. Night Light gasped for air as Goblin removed the blade and tossed Night Light to the floor. His body rolling in front of his daughter. Twilight rushed over to her father's side and held his head in her hooves.

"Dad? Dad. DAD!!!" Twilight shouted in desperation. Night Light couldn't even muster any words. He just gasped for air as his blood fell to the floor beneath him. "DAD, HEY! LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!" Night Light's eyes began to feel heavy as he started to close them, "NO, HEY! COME ON, COME ON, COME ON! DAD, DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE!!!"

Night Light raised his left foreleg to stroke his daughter's tear soaked cheek. Night Light gave his daughter one final smile before his foreleg fell and his eyes closed forever. Twilight bawled as she sobbed into her father's chest. Her family was gone. All she had left was Shining Armor and Spike.

Goblin laughed as he flew out of the house by crashing through the window. As he flew away, he raised his right arm and pressed a small button on his gauntlet. Twilight continued to sob into Night Light's chest. Her ears perked up as she heard an explosion outside.

She turned her head slightly. Her eyes widened as she saw outside the living room window. She saw flames. Explosions. Ponies screaming as they tried to escape the destruction. As she gazed upon the chaos outside, she gritted her teeth in absolute malice. She then screamed in sadness and rage, her tears streamed down her cheeks. She had lost everything.

And soon.....so would he.

The doors to the castle opened as the Mane 6, Max Dillion, Flint Marko, Doc Ock, Dr. Curt Connors, Eddie Brock, Spike, and the Two Spider-Men rushed out to see what the commotion was about. All of their eyes widened as they took in the chaos before them.

Buildings were crumbling, the roads were on fire. Ponies were running for their lives, avoiding the explosions as the Royal Guard swooped in to help the survivors. Fluttershy and Spike embraced one another as Rainbow asked, "What the hay happened?"

Applejack was lost for words, "Ah..... Ah have no idea...."

Fluttershy shook in terror, "A-all those ponies. T-the animals in the garden."

Pinkie's mane completely deflated as she bent her head down. Rarity looked completely shook.

"Of all the things that could happen. This is the Worst. Possible. THING!!!"

Rainbow then had a thought, "Wait a minute. Where's Twilight?"

Spike then spoke up, "S...she went to see her dad."

Rainbow then looked determined, "Well we gotta find her!"

Rainbow would've flown off if it hadn't been for Applejack, who had bit her tails to stop the Pegasus from flying away.

"Dash! Hold on, ya hear!" She said as she let go of Rainbow, "Now, we gotta focus on helpin' any survivors that might need help!"

"But what about Twilight?! She could be trapped and could need help! We have to go after her!"

"And we will, Dash! But we hafta think about the bigger picture here! Twilight can defend herself! But those nobles, as much as Ah don't like 'em, need help!"

As the two were arguing, Venom decided to speak to Eddie, "Eddie! I'm not going anywhere near those fires!"

Eddie rubbed his forehead in frustration, "Those innocents need help!"

"But it's going to hurt like a bitch!"

"Oh, for the love of...."

As those two argued, Webb-Verse Peter approached Max, "Max. This is your chance to prove that you don't need powers to be somebody! You can help people and not have powers! You don't have to wear a costume to be a hero. I need your help."

Max sighed as he turned to the reformed villains. Otto was already lifting up pieces of debris with his arms, helping however he can. Flint Marko sighed as he turned to Webb-Verse Peter, "I'll help however I can."

Connors stepped forward, "You can rely on me, Peter."

Peter smiled, "Thanks, doc."

Max sighed and looked at the wall crawler, "What do you need me to do?"

They all turned to Applejack and Rainbow, who looked like they'd come to an agreement.

The rainbow maned Pegasus sighed, "Okay, AJ. You're right. Twi can handle herself."

Applejack smiled as she turned to the group, "Okay, ya'll! Everythang has gone to Tartarus! But first thing's first! We've gotta find and help any survivors who are trapped, hurt, or worse! Then we go find Twi!" Everyone present nodded, although Venom continued to protest, but only Eddie could hear him. Applejack tilted her hat forward, "Let's get out there! Now!"


Raimi-Verse Peter's eyes widened as he heard that oh so familiar voice. Applejack turned around to see Green Goblin flying down on his glider. The madman smiled as he threw multiple Pumpkin Bombs from his newly equipped satchel. Otto had already sprung into action, blocking the incoming bombs with his mechanical arms.

The doctor missed some bombs however, so the Peter's quickly grabbed those who couldn't get away in time and swung away from the explosions. Venom had quickly taken over Eddie and jumped away as the rest of the ponies, plus Spike, ran away from the explosions.

Goblin flew back around, ready to attack again. Otto thought quickly and grabbed the glider with two of his arms, halting the Goblin. Goblin sneered as he twisted his glider, slicing through Otto's arms. Goblin then spotted the two Spider-Men, who put their masks on, and smiled.

"The Itsy Bitsy Spider's Went Up The Water Spout. Down Came The Goblin And Took The Spider's Out." Goblin sang as he fired two missiles from his glider.

Both Spider-Men jumped into the air and swung away from missiles. The two heroes swung around the Goblin. Webb-Verse Spider-Man swung forward, ready to kick Goblin off of his glider. But Goblin threw a bomb and hit Webb-Verse Spidey in the chest, sending him crashing down to the ground.

Goblin turned to see his Spider-Man swinging towards him. He smiled as he flew forward, the blades on his glider extended as he charged towards the web head. Raimi-Verse Spidey thought quickly and let go of the line of web and fell underneath the glider. Before he hit the ground, he shot a line of web and stuck to the back of Goblin's glider.

As the two flew around Canterlot, Goblin took pleasure as he threw more and more Pumpkin Bombs, causing more chaos. He then took notice of Venom, who jumped from building to building and leapt towards him. Goblin smiled as he twisted his glider, sending Peter crashing into the incoming Symbiote.

The two crashed down on the ground. Goblin swooped down as Raimi-Verse Peter was getting back up. He then grabbed him by the throat and flew into the sky. Goblin then flew to the castle walls and slammed Peter into said wall. As Peter struggled to break free, Goblin smiled.

"Misery, misery, misery. Your undoing transcends through the Multiverse." Goblin said as he readied his blade.

He would've stabbed Raimi-Verse Peter had it not been for Webb-Verse Spider-Man, who swung in and kicked the Goblin in the face, sending him spinning through the air on his glider. As Raimi-Verse Spider-Man jumped from the wall, Rainbow Dash flew towards the Goblin at high speeds.

Goblin recovered and turned to the approaching cyan mare. He smiled as he too charged forward on his glider. As the two drew closer to one another, Goblin stuck out his arm and clotheslined Rainbow Dash, sending her crashing to the ground. She rolled a few times and hit a crumbling wall where she landed. The wall crumbled and fell on top of her, taking her out of the fight.

Goblin laughed as he turned to see the rest of the Mane 6 helping survivors get to safety. He saw Rarity and Spike on the rooftop of a burning building, helping ponies get away from the danger. He smiled as he took out a Pumpkin Bomb from his satchel. He then tossed the bomb at the building.

The bomb detonated.

As the building shook, the floor beneath Rarity collapsed. She screamed as she fell to the flames below.

"RARITY!!!" Spike shouted as he rushed to the hole where Rarity fell into.

As he swung, Webb-Verse Spidey saw Rarity fall. He quickly got to action as he flipped through the air and dived down into the hole. As he dived, he saw Rarity was approaching the ground. He wasn't going to let this happen again. He wouldn't let it!

He shot a line of web at some falling debris and web zipped towards it, accelerating his fall. He was approaching Rarity, he was going to make it. Once he was close enough, he grabbed Rarity and held her close as he shot a line of web at the collapsing roof.

This was going to be close.

The web connected and he quickly swung through a window just as the roof collapsed. He flipped through the air and landed safely on the ground with Rarity in his arms. Rarity panted heavily as Webb-Verse Spidey looked to her.

"Are you okay?"

Rarity nodded, "Yes, I'm okay." She then took notice of him. He appeared to be overwhelmed with emotion as tears threatened to fall, "Are you okay, darling?"

He nods as he sets her down. He failed once.

Not this time.

Goblin fired several bullets from his glider at the swinging Raimi-Verse Spider-Man. Goblin accelerated as Spidey turned around. Peter then let go of the web and flew straight towards Goblin. Before Goblin could react, Spidey tackled him off of his glider and they both crashed onto the hard ground below.

Peter was on top of Goblin, laying into him with punch after punch. Goblin laughed as he kicked Peter off of him. Peter flipped through the air and landed on the ground in a crouched position. Goblin stood back up with a smile on his face.

"You chose this, Peter! I offered you friendship! And you spat in my face!" The two arch enemies glared at one another as explosions went off around them. Goblin continued, "I gave you a choice! In or Out!"

"It's you who's out, Gobby! Out of your mind!" Peter replied as the two charged at one another.

Peter leapt into the air and reeled back a punch. Goblin was ready, however, as when Peter went to punch him, Goblin blocked the punch with his forearm. Goblin quickly grabbed Peter's arm and threw him to the ground. As Peter shook his head, Goblin raised his boot and brought it down. Peter quickly rolled away, avoiding Goblin's boot.

Peter quickly got back to his feet and webbed Goblin in the face, blinding him. Goblin ripped off the webbing....only to see Peter swinging towards him. Peter swing kicked Goblin in the chest, sending the maniac through the air. He landed harshly on the ground. As Peter approached his enemy, Goblin stood back up and pressed a button on his gauntlet. His glider hovered into the air and turned to Peter, it's blades extended.

Peter felt his Spider-Sense go off as Goblin smiled, "God's speed, Spider-Man."

The glider propelled forward. Peter, thinking quickly, backflipped over the glider, avoiding death. But instead of the glider hitting Goblin, Goblin jumped into the air and twisted his body as the glider passed under him. He landed on the glider and flew into the air, cackling like a madman.

Peter wasn't going to let him get away. He shot a line of webbing and it stuck to the back of Goblin's glider. Peter tugged at the glider, stilling its flight. Goblin looked back and snarled. He twisted his torso slightly and cut the webbing with his blade, causing Peter to stagger a little.

Goblin was about to attack when he noticed the Mane 6 heading towards the fallen Rainbow Dash. Goblin smiled as he readied his glider, blades already extended.

"My Little Pony. You're all going to suffer a gruesome death!" He sang as he flew towards them.


He turned his head slightly.

Only to be tackled by a raging Twilight Sparkle. The glider spun around in circles as it approached the castle. The two crashed through one of the stain glass windows in the throne room and landed harshly in the room on opposite sides. Goblin's glider sliding to a stop as it crashed on the ground, finally resting against the wall.

Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Luna appeared in front of the castle. All of them gasped as they took in the chaos that surrounded them.

"By Faust..." Luna said, barely above a whisper.

They all heard the sounds of hooves galloping across the ground and turned to see the Mane 6 and the others, carrying a hurt Rainbow Dash.

"What has happened here?" Celestia asked.

"Goblin..... Explosions....." Spike said between pants.

"Goblin was heading towards us as we were helping Dashie. But Twilight saved us." Pinkie explained in a serious manner, which was unlike her.

"They crashed into the throne room." Webb-Verse Spider-Man added.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. Celestia and Luna looked at each other in worry.

"We must hurry. We can already feel our reality starting to break down." Luna explained.

Shining stepped forward, "We have to get to Twily before she does something she'll regret!"

They all nodded as they entered the castle.

Twilight was hurting. But she couldn't let that stop her from what had to be done. She struggled to get back to her hooves but managed to muster enough strength to do so. She turned her head to the opposite end of the throne room to see Goblin get back to his feet. He took off his hood and removed his goggles and tossed them to the ground. The two stared at one another as the fires outside provided the room with its only source of light.

"Poor Twilight. Too weak to send me home to die."

Twilight could only see red as she crouched down, "You don't have to worry about that. I'm going to kill you myself."

Goblin smiled, "Attagirl!"

Twilight took flight as she flew towards Goblin. Goblin charged forward towards the Alicorn. He swung at her, but she flew over his arm and quickly turned around. She fired a blast at his back, causing him to stagger. He turned around and back handed her to the ground.

He then punched the ground, Twilight had teleported away as he attacked. He turned around and was kicked in the chest by Twilight's forelegs, sending him to the floor and sliding across the floor. Twilight flew above him tried stomping on him with her legs, but Goblin rolled away and extended his blade.

As she looked at him, he whistled and smirked as she gritted her teeth. He ran towards her and swung his blade, missing as Twilight swayed to the left. He swung again, but Twilight flew over him and blasted him in his knee with a magic blast, making him fall to one knee.

He growled as he got back up and twisted his body as he swung his blade. But Twilight held him in place with her magic. She snarled in anger as she bent the blade back with her magic until it snapped. Goblin looked up, only to be hit in the face by Twilight's left foreleg. Twilight didn't even give him the chance to recover as she hit him again, and again, and again, blood smearing on her hooves.

The doors to the throne room burst open as the others entered to see Twilight beating the hell out of Goblin. And she didn't look like she was going to stop.

"Twilight, stop! He's beaten!" Luna pleaded, but to no avail.

"If she keeps this up, she's gon' kill 'im!" Applejack exclaimed.

The two Spider-Men looked at one another before nodding to each other.

Twilight kept hitting him, blood was spread across his mouth as he laughed at her face. She roared in pure rage as she hit him to the ground. As she panted, she spotted the glider and lifted it up with her magic and pulled it towards her. Goblin spat out blood as Twilight held the glider over her head.

"TWILIGHT, NO!!!" The ponies all shouted in unison.

Goblin smiled up at her. She had waited long enough. She screamed in rage as she brought the glider down.

Only to be stopped by Raimi-Verse Spider-Man, who stood in front of her and held the glider in his hands with his super strength. Twilight growled as she pushed the glider down, but Peter wasn't going to let her do this. She was unrelenting in her mission to kill Goblin. Peter gave Twilight a pleading look.

"Please don't do this."

He seemed to be getting through to her as she started to pull the glider back. Slowly, her eyes showed not hate, but sadness. Gone was the anger and hatred. Instead, replaced with a broken mare who had lost everything. She exhaled multiple times as she placed the glider down.

Peter smiled at Twilight. Knowing that she made the right choice gave him a sense of peace. All was quiet until....


Peter was stabbed in the back by Goblin. Twilight's eyes widened in horror as Goblin removed the blade. Peter then fell to the floor as Goblin stood back up. Everyone gasped at the sight. As Twilight looked down at her friend, Goblin took this opportunity to mock her.

"They were there because of you. I may have struck the blows. But you...." He laughed in her face, "You are the one that killed them."

Webb-Verse Spider-Man had heard enough as he reached behind him and took the cure from Cadance, who had taken the cure from Manehatten. As Goblin gave a malicious laugh, Webb-Verse Peter threw the cure at Twilight, who caught it with her magic.


Twilight then screamed as she stabbed Goblin in the neck with the cure. He stopped laughing as the serum injected itself into Goblin's neck. Twilight removed the cure as Norman fell to the floor in a confused state.

The Green Goblin was gone.

As Twilight breathed in and out, Norman looked up at her with confusion.


She wanted to hate the man. Oh how she wanted it. But she knew that it wasn't him. The man who ruined her life was gone. Norman was free. She looked away as tears fell from her eyes. Realization then hit Norman like a freight train as he looks down at his hands in regret.

"What have I done?"

She didn't respond as she crouched down to check on Raimi-Verse Peter. The ponies sighed in relief as Webb-Verse Peter rushed over to Twilight and his counterpart.

He knelt down, "You okay?"

Raimi-Verse Peter nodded, "Uh, yeah, I’m good. I’ve been stabbed before."

Webb-Verse Peter was relieved, "Oh, good. Good, good, good..." He turned to Twilight, "Hey, nice catch."

Twilight replied, "Thanks. Nice throw."

Suddenly, another violent tremor shook the foundation everyone was standing on. Pinkie approached the broken stain glass window and shrieked.


The two princesses galloped to the window and gasped. The sky above was cracking. Shards of their reality were falling from the sky.

(End song)

They turned to everyone else with defeat written across their faces.

"We're out of time."