• Published 19th Feb 2022
  • 6,715 Views, 63 Comments

Princessy Things - Lets Do This

Sunny is careful to use her new abilities and influence only to help others. But even so, she notices everypony in town is increasingly tense and fearful around her. And then she finds out why...

  • ...

Princessy Things

Her ethereal wings and horn gleaming, Sunny Starscout lifted a forehoof. Through the windows of the lighthouse's lamp room, the distant horizon glowed warmly, then blazed, then gloried alight. The Sun itself arose at her command. A trifle unsteadily, but Sunny tried not to let that worry her.

Once she was reasonably sure the blazing orb had gotten the hint, she set it on its way, tracking the hours of the day until evening, when she'd need to put it away again.

Only then did she feel it was safe to breathe. She gasped in relief.

"Not bad," said Zipp, seated beside her. "But Tuesday was better." The ivory-white pegasus glanced sideways at Sunny, cool and aloof. And they both laughed.

"I can totally tell when you're trolling me," Sunny said.

"Yeah. Like I'm any judge," Zipp said. "It still gives me the shivers, you know, when I think about it. I have a friend who can move the Sun..."

"And the Moon, don't forget," said Pipp, seated on Sunny's other side. "Plus the best part is, we get to say we knew her when -- bonuuuuus!"

Sunny smiled at them both. "Thanks for letting me have the room for this. I just feel more comfortable when I can see both sides of the sky at once."

"Well, it is your home," said Pipp. "We're just house-guests here."

"Royal house-guests," Sunny corrected. "Hence the pegasi guards out front?"

"Sunny..." Pipp scolded. "You know Zoom and Thunder are here just as much for you as for us. Mother posted them here out of respect, until you have a guard of your own."

"Which says something," Zipp noted. "Mom isn't known for kowtowing to anypony, and I mean anypony. But you, Sunny..." She shrugged. "I mean, Pipp and I are only the heirs to the Golden Throne of Zephyr Heights and all that. But you? You're like... I don't even know what. Princess of the entire world?"

"Equestria," Sunny said. "It's what the pony lands were called, way back when the tribes were united." Then she shook her head. "But I don't feel like a princess. I'm still just me, Sunny Starscout, same as ever. With," she admitted, "a magic horn and wings that appear when I summon them." Concentrating, she dismissed them again. "Plus the ability to move the Sun and the Moon. And anything else about my magic I haven't discovered yet..."

"And that's your secret, right there." Pipp smiled. "That honesty, that humility. Ponies get that. Its why they accept you so readily. Hang onto that, Sunny, 'cause that's the trick. Just be yourself!"

"Says the pony," Zipp sneered, "who still has like, a zillion followers on Snoutbook and Fritter? Who once broke the cloud, just by cancelling a concert because she had the sniffles?"

"It was hay-fever," Pipp retorted. "And you know I did that benefit show to make up for it. All I'm saying is, Sunny should follow her heart, do what works best for her."

"Yeah. What she said." Zipp nodded. "Just don't be like us, Sunny. And maybe you'll turn out all right."

Sunny smiled, glad to have their advice in any case. "What say we go find Izzy, and then head to town for breakfast? And then we need to do some shopping. This Princess needs her a new tea-whisk..."


They quickly found Izzy, seated outside by the back rail fence. The purple unicorn was staring up at the sky over the bay, her gaze darting around energetically.

"Hey, Izzy!" Sunny called. "Wanna go get breakfast?"

"Shhh!" Izzy held up a hoof. "Don't distract me. I'm counting seagulls."

"Uh, like how?" Zipp stared up at the sky. "There's a kazillion of them up there. And they're flapping around all over the place."

"But they're all different!" Izzy demanded. "I keep thinking I've seen one before, and I'm always wrong. A hundred twenty-eight," she muttered determinedly. "A hundred twenty-nine..."

"Okay, well..." Sunny said, "we'll bring you something back."

"Hold it!" Izzy held up a hoof. Then she pointed with it. "Hey, you! Yeah, you! You're a hundred thirty, okay? I'll start with you when I get back, all right?"

Turning to the others, Izzy beamed happily, and trotted past them. "'Kay! let's go!"

Shaking their heads bemusedly, the others followed.

Together they all headed down the coast road into Maretime Bay, with Sunny coasting along on her inlines at an easy clip, Izzy bounding along right beside her, and Zipp and Pipp swooping and banking overhead. All four of them were enjoying the open air and the warm morning sunlight.

Behind them at a discreet distance followed the two pegasi guards, blue-coated Zoom and lime-green Thunder. The guards were still getting the hang of flying while in armor, and tended to coast along within easy drop-height of the ground, while at the same time trying to look totally unruffled and professional about it.

Sunny tried not to laugh at that. The guards were clearly trying hard to do their best. Almost as if they were anxious to make a good impression or something.

Reaching town, Sunny and her friends picked out hay-bran muffins and juices from the baked-goods cart. Then, assembling around one of the small tables by the bayside railing, they munched companionably together. All round them, the soft wash of waves from the bay mingled with the clip-clop of hooves as townsponies trotted past, on their way to work or school.

Yet after just a few minutes, Sunny realized she could still hear the waves as loud as ever, yet the sound of hooves seemed to be fading to silence. Glancing round, she saw that ponies passing by were all but tip-hoofing past, casting nervous glances at Sunny and her friends.

She sighed. "I thought ponies here were used to unicorns and pegasi by now."

Zipp snorted. "It's not us that's got 'em spooked, Sunny. It's you."


"Uh huh." Zipp pointed a hoof, and Sunny looked up... to see her ethereal horn glowing atop her head. Glancing to either side, she saw the wings had appeared as well.

"Uhh, how long have those been there?"

"Couple minutes, maybe."

"They must be tied to your sparkle," Izzy said. "Because you were looking really happy just then. And they just appeared, poof!"

Sunny smiled. "I was thinking how wonderful it is, having friends like all of you. But I wish they wouldn't do that." Sunny concentrated, and put the wings and horn away again. "Sometimes it's like they've got a mind of their own. And it sort of freaks ponies out, whenever they appear."

"Well, that's not too surprising," said Pipp.


Zipp nodded. "A pony with a horn and wings? And magic strong enough to move the Sun and Moon? And charismatic enough to bring all three pony tribes together? There's a word for a pony like that..."

Pipp glanced around, then lowered her voice. "Alicorn!"

"Oooooooh," Izzy breathed. "That sounds like it'd be even worse than mayonnaise! If I even knew what it meant..."

"Our royal tutors may not have been that sharp on history," Zipp said. "But they were no slouches when it came to myths and legends..."

"Possibly," Pipp suggested, "because they knew it was the only way to keep some pony's attention?" She eyed Zipp narrowly.

Zipp shrugged. "Guilty as charged. But alicorns, they played a pretty big role in the legends we were taught."

"Princess Twilight was an alicorn," Sunny said. "Or she became one -- that part's a little unclear in Dad's notes."

"So you're in good company," Zipp said. "Pretty rare company, too."

Pipp nodded. "And the thing about alicorns, being so rare and powerful and mysterious, they were automatically regarded as being above the common run of ponies. Being an alicorn pretty much went hoof-in-hoof with being Princess. But it's more than that, really. Alicorns were viewed as like... divinities, almost. Their word was law."

"That might be what has Mom nervous," said Zipp. "I mean, she's Queen of Zephyr Heights, but it's mostly by force of personality. She doesn't let anypony interrupt her. But you, Sunny? You're sort of Princess by divine right. Mom has to respect that, but she may not know how to process it yet." Zipp glanced around. "And by the looks of things, she's not the only one."

Sunny looked around at the passing ponies herself. And found them hesitantly smiling back, whenever their gaze met hers. She had an uneasy feeling they'd willingly kneel to her, given half a reason.

"But... I've lived here my whole life," she objected. "I know all these ponies. And they know me."

Pipp shrugged. "Ponies are herd animals. It's in our nature to look around for somepony to follow, somepony who seems like they know what they're doing, and has the authority to say what should be done."

"Well, I hope nopony expects me to take charge and start running things," Sunny said firmly. "That is not my department! I just want the three pony tribes to be friends and work together."

Zipp looked uncomfortable. "You may not be able to avoid it. Pipp and I had to get used to being royalty back home. Having everypony looking to us to set the tone all the time. It can be a challenge, trust me."

"But, lucky for you," Izzy said with a grin, "you've got friends like us. Ready to pitch in and help out!"

Zipp smirked. "This from the pony who was counting seagulls earlier?"

As she spoke the doors to the Sheriff's office across the circle swung open, and Hitch stepped out. The yellow stallion glanced around at the morning crowds passing by, casually adjusting his bandolier and badge with a hoof. Then he spotted Sunny and her friends sitting at the table and quickly trotted over.

"Sunny! Hey, I'm glad I ran into you, because --"

"Good morning, Prince Trailblazer," Zipp interrupted. Pointedly, and also a little mischievously.

"Huh? Prince who?" Hitch looked around, then back at her. "You mean me?"

Zipp shrugged. "Well, if Sunny here is a princess, or near enough. And the two of you seem to be such an item around here..."

"Uhh, noooooo." Hitch waved a hoof. "No no no, it's nothing like that, er..."

Hitch looked at Sunny, who was smiling at him. And sighed.

"You know I'd be honored, Sunny, truly. It's just... well, we've been friends ever since we were foals! I wouldn't want to mess that up, by presuming anything. Or putting on airs."

Sunny nodded. "I actually think you'd make a great prince, Hitch."

"Really? You do?"

"Yeah. Because you care. And everypony can see that." Sunny glanced at Pipp, who nodded in agreement. "It's why they trust you, and look up to you."

"Especially your honor guard." Pipp pointed a hoof.

Hitch glanced behind him, and saw Beans, the seagull with a tin can for a helmet, plus Beaky, his friend. And Shelly the sand-crab. All three of them saluted.

Hitch sighed long-sufferingly. "If only I could get ponies to show me this kind of dedication..."

"If you were a prince," Pipp said, "they'd have to."

"And," Sunny went on, "if my magic does make me some kind of princess, I don't see why you couldn't be a prince, Hitch."

"Oh, well." Hitch shrugged. "If the position's open, I'm in."

In response, Zoom and Thunder snapped to attention, saluting fiercely.

"Woah." Hitch uncomfortably returned it. "At ease, guys." Then he glanced around at Sunny and the others. "Being Prince, it wouldn't mean having to give up being Sheriff, would it? I've kinda gotten used to the badge."

"There's precedent," Zipp mused. "You could be like, Captain of her Royal Guard. Or Sheriff, whatever works."

"The Sheriff of Canterlot," Pipp said grandly, motioning with a hoof. Then she laughed. "Sounds like a ten-episode streaming series right there!"

Hitch cleared his throat, uncomfortably. "Anyway," he said, "I just wanted to let you know, Sunny, Phyllis was by the office earlier. She was asking if she might have a few minutes of your time, whenever it's convenient?"

Sunny looked somber, and nodded. "I've been expecting that. Even after all that's happened, I'm still on the hook for crashing the Canterlogic show. She likely still hasn't forgiven me for that."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Hitch said. "She still hasn't pressed charges. And when she came by she seemed, well... nervous really. Like she was afraid to even talk to you herself. Like she felt she might be imposing on your time."

"Seriously?" Sunny stared. "That's hard to picture."

Hitch shrugged. "Maybe you should talk with her? Find out what's up?"

"I should," Sunny said. "Okay, if you see her around town, Hitch, would you ask her to stop by, up at the lighthouse? It's probably best for us to chat in private anyways."

"You want me along? Just for moral support?"

Sunny shook her head. "No. It's my fault. So I need to own up and deal with it. It's what a princess would do, right?"


After breakfast, Sunny and her friends returned to the lighthouse. But they had only just arrived when there was a tapping at the front door. Sunny opened it, and found Phyllis Cloverleaf standing outside. Sunny was amazed she hadn't seen the pink, beehive-maned mare shadowing them on the road coming back.

Phyllis was looking uncommonly hesitant and deferential. If she'd been the type to wear a hat, she'd have had it in hoof almost.

"Ah... hello, Sunny."

Sunny smiled nervously in return. "Hi, Ms. Cloverleaf."

"Oh, call me Phyllis, dear!" She waved a hoof. "After all, there's no need to stand on ceremony... er, is there?"

Surprised, Sunny invited her in, and they sat down on chairs in the living area. Izzy and the others had already thoughtfully retreated to their own rooms, affording Sunny some privacy.

"Erm..." Sunny wasn't sure where to start. "I just want to say I'm sorry. For disrupting your show? I hope I can make it up to you."

Phyllis looked astonished. "Oh, don't worry about that, dear! In fact, I should be asking your pardon. I misjudged you, Sunny. I'm afraid that we all did."

"I didn't mean to belittle Canterlogic," Sunny went on hurriedly. "Or the work you do. I know how important it is to you, and to everypony in town." Sunny grimaced. "I just... saw ponies worried and scared. When it seemed like they didn't need to be. I just wanted to do something to change that, that's all."

Phyllis nodded. "I get it, Sunny. I really do. And you were right. It's me who should be apologizing, really."

"For what?"

"For not listening. For laughing at you, and encouraging others to do the same." Phyllis made a face. "I want to say it was for the best of reasons, but we both know it wasn't. I simply believed I was right. That I was giving ponies what they wanted: a feeling of safety, with style to match. Safety with Style -- that was my motto, when I founded CanterLogic. And I thought it was just harmless fun, just giving ponies what they wanted, putting on a show. And then... I found out I was wrong. Very wrong..."

Phyllis looked Sunny square in the eye, regretfully.

"Sunny, I had no idea. I honestly thought you were just another protester, another rabble-rouser, another..."

"... crunchy granola tree-hugger?" Sunny suggested. "Battling vainly against the forces of modernization and commercial enterprise?"

"Well." Phyllis rolled her eyes. "You get the idea."

Sunny nodded. "And honestly? I've never hugged a tree in my life. But that doesn't mean I don't care about them. Though my home-made signs and props... they probably weren't doing much for my image, huh?"

"They were better than what you wound up wearing, afterwards," Phyllis said. "Crash-test pony is not haute couture, believe you me! And your own efforts, well... they did have that home-made touch, very earnest and creative. You know, I could put you in touch with some marketing ponies who could help with that, and..."

Phyllis came to a halt, looking annoyed with herself.

"Oh, listen to me, do! Falling right back into the old groove. Letting myself be distracted by business. Well, that's got to change, and starting right now!" She rapped a hoof firmly. "I know that for a fact. I had it shown to me, in the worst possible way..."

"Sprout?" Sunny asked gently.

Phyllis nodded. "I thought I was encouraging him. To take charge, to take an interest. I thought I was giving him a swift kick in the rump towards a brighter future. And instead, I was just letting him walk straight into the bear-trap I'd created around here. The fear and distrust I'd stoked amongst ponies with my products and marketing, it was like kindling waiting for a spark. And then it all sort of... blew up. And you paid the price for it. I'm very sorry about that, too..."

Sunny was amazed. Phyllis actually looked fearful. As if she was on trial somehow, with uncomfortably little to offer by way of defense.

Unsure what else to do, Sunny nodded sympathetically. "I think we all learned a lot, from the Battle of the Lighthouse."

Phyllis managed to relax a tiny bit, risked a small smile. "You know, it might just end up being called that? And I'm so glad you were able to rebuild, Sunny. I was going to offer to help, but you beat me to it."

"It's astonishing what a little magic can do," Sunny agreed. "Plus having loads of friends to help."

"Ah... speaking of magic," Phyllis said carefully, "I did want to ask. I mean, given the return of magic, and the fact there doesn't seem to be any need for defense tech anymore, and well..." She hesitated, looked sheepish. "I just thought, if there's still a role for earth-pony knowhow and engineering in this brave new world, then I'd be more than happy to work with our new friends from the unicorns and pegasi and put our company's resources one hundred percent behind R&D on magic-based technology what do you think?"

The last words came out in a rush. Phyllis winced, holding her breath.

"Well... I think it sounds great!" Sunny said.

"You do?" Phyllis all but gasped in relief. "That's wonderful, dear!"

"Yeah. I can ask Izzy who we should talk to in Bridlewood. Maybe Alphabittle knows the right ponies. And the pegasi Princesses, they'd know who we should talk with in Zephyr Heights. We can bring everypony together, talk it over. And... kinda take it from there."

"Would you, Sunny? That would be so generous, considering."

"Sure," Sunny said. Then she bit her lip. "Just... one thing?"

"Of course, dear. What?"

Now it was Sunny's turn to look Phyllis in the eye. "I'd be doing this for the sake of all the ponies who work for you. Ponies whose lives and families depend on their jobs at Canterlogic. It's gotta be about them. I need to look out for them now. It's... kinda my job. If you see what I mean?"

Phyllis looked startled, then thoughtful. Then she nodded seriously.

"I hear you, Sunny. And I wouldn't have it any other way."


Phyllis had only just departed, and Sunny was still trying to wrap her brain around the conversation, when there was another knock at her door. And she had another unexpected visitor. It was the last pony Sunny would have expected in fact, and with a surprising request.

"History?" Sunny asked. "You want me to teach history?"

Madam Buttermint nodded. The yellow-maned, pistachio-coated mare was head teacher at Maretime Bay's school. She smiled nervously across the table at Sunny.

"I was thinking... maybe a guest lecture? Say, once a week? If that works for you, of course."

Sunny was astonished. Madam Buttermint was near-legend in town for being aggressively, imperiously no-nonsense. Her pince-nezed gaze seemed to pierce right through you, missing nothing. Fillies or colts sent to her office made certain to leave messages for their next of kin, just in case. And here she was, looking like she was the one being called on the carpet for passing notes in class.

"It's quite clear," the headmare went on, "that we've gotten more than a few things wrong in the lessons we've been teaching. And parents have been asking the school board some hard questions. About what we really know about the past, about magic, and about... Equestria." The headmare seemed uncomfortable even saying it. After all, it was a name one rarely heard outside of breezy-tales. "And they all want to know what they should be telling their children. So I thought, maybe... we should go to the proper source?"

"You mean me?" Sunny asked.

Madam Buttermint nodded. "It seems we owe Professor Argyle, and you, a belated apology. His research into pony history appears to have been spot on. And that means you, Sunny, are the best expert we have right now. An unimpeachable resource, in fact, on exactly what it is that we should be communicating to the youth of today..."

Her voice had sounded briefly confident, even proud, as if she was addressing an assembly. But then it quickly became hesitant and meek again.

"If you could oblige us?"

"Well..." Sunny began.

"I know, I know!" Madam Buttermint winced, and waved a hoof. "It's an imposition on your time..."

"No, it's not that, not at all," Sunny said quickly. "I'd be glad to give it a try."

"You would?" The headmare looked desperately grateful.

"Sure. I just... need to ask..."

"Oh anything, my dear!" The headmare nodded. "What?"

Sunny winced, embarrassed. "Would you happen to have a history text I could borrow?" She shrugged. "Homeschooled. I actually have no idea what's being taught in school nowadays. Whatever I know, Dad taught me."

Madam Buttermint looked uneasy. "Oh, well. I wouldn't want you to feel bound by the school text. The students would benefit from your... unique perspective, shall we say?"

"But... I should know what they've learned so far," Sunny said cautiously. "Just so I know where to start?"

Now Madam Buttermint looked positively guilty. Seeming to come to some kind of decision, she fished in her expensive faux-leather carryall and slid a large volume across the table. Its pages were littered with sticky notes.

She gritted her teeth, like a student turning in a tardy homework assignment.

"Here," she said simply. "Take mine."


"Are you kidding me?" Sunny said later.

She was sitting in her favorite reading chair, paging through the book. She'd intended just to give it a careful skim and take some notes, to ground herself on what she'd want to cover. But she found herself flipping through the pages in mounting disbelief.

"What is it, Sunny?" Izzy looked up from where she was sprawled on the floor, patiently stringing together a bowl of friendship bracelets for Sunny to have by her front door.

"Listen to this. The first earth ponies," Sunny read, "appeared in the dark and distant past, hundreds of thousands of moons ago. Despite apparent similarities, earth ponies clearly arose independently and separately from other creatures -- including unicorns and pegasi."

"Wow!" Izzy said eagerly. "I never knew that!"

"That's because it's not true!" Sunny said angrily. "Ponies are a single species, all three tribes together. Plus we're related to all the other species of life. Animals and plants and fish and..."

"Ohhhh! That's why unicorns say you smell like sardines!"

"Izzy, focus. Here's another one. During the 'Great Cold Era' -- I have no idea what that means, it could be referring to the attacks by the Windegos -- roving packs of unicorns would mind-control hapless earth ponies, making them serve as hoof-soldiers in their unending conflict with the pegasi."

"Woah," Zipp said, as she trotted over from the kitchen area sipping a soda. "That sounds cool. Show me how you do that sometime, Izzy."

"Huh? I can't mind-control anypony," Izzy objected. "Not even now I have magic. That's not how magic works. You use your thoughts to control magic, not the other way 'round."

"And get this," Sunny said, reading from a different chapter. "During the Battle of Butter Hill, where Canterlogic's factory is now located, the earth-ponies beat back soundly a vicious assault by the united army of unicorns and pegasi. Huh, so much for their 'unending conflict', I guess? The earth ponies scored a decisive victory when they defeated the fearsome pegasus stallion, Gusty the Great."

"Hmm. Cool story," Zipp said dryly. "I like him already,"

"Zipp!" Sunny said, frustrated. "Firstly, there wasn't any Battle of Butter Hill. That's been firmly established by Dad's research. It's one of the reasons he left the school to study on his own. And secondly, Gusty the Great was a mare! And a unicorn!"

"All right!" Izzy pumped a hoof. "Go, team Uni! Woo hoo!"

"Oh yeah..." Zipp looked uncomfortable. "I knew that."

"The whole book is like this," Sunny said. "I thought Sprout was making it up, all that stuff he claimed they taught in school. But this... it's like Sprout in book form! And if this is the best they have -- and this textbook came from Madam Buttermint herself -- then it's worse than I thought. None of this has any resemblance to the history Dad pieced together, from old writings and records."

"Well then," Zipp said calmly. "We'll just have to give them the correct version. Set the record straight. Not sayin' it'll be easy, Sunny. But just tell it like it is. The kids'll get it."

"And we'll all help," said Pipp, fluttering down from the lamp room. "Just tell us what you need us to do."

"You betcha!" Izzy added confidently.

Sunny stared hopelessly at the book. "Could you, like, maybe go back in time and burn all copies of this book or something?" She growled under her breath. "Like it says Princess Twilight did, during the infamous 'Unicorn Trials' of Ponyville..."


Before they could focus on that, there was another knock at the door. This time it was Hitch, at the head of a small delegation of earth ponies and pegasi. "Hey, Sunny. Got a tiny disagreement here, about the new weather patrol. Wonder if you might have a minute?"

"Sure, Hitch. What's up?"

Hitch stepped aside, and the earth pony behind him approached nervously, doffing his panama hat.

"Uh, yeah. Hey, Sunny. I'm Rob? I run the alfalfa farm, like, over on the west side?"

"Oh yeah," Sunny nodded. "The one with the big red barn? Looks like a picture postcard?"

"Shucks, yeah! That's the one." Rob looked sheepishly proud. "So like, the farm's doin' great, crops are growin' great, everything's great, it's just, well... the truth of it is, I keep askin' the pegasi to go a little lighter on the rain? And they keep dousin' the place. And that's gonna seriously cut into the yield."

"Look," said the coral-blue, tan-maned pegasus who'd stepped up beside him, "you asked for rain, you got rain. What's the big deal?"

"Well... it's alfalfa," Rob said, as if that explained everything. "Needs enough water, but not too much. Couldn't you do like, a medium sprinkle or something?"

"Yeah well, we're still workin' out the kinks on these clouds. It's not like they come with knobs, or instructions, or anything."

"It's the same over at my orchard!" called another earth pony. "It's on a slope, right? So the uphill end's dry as a bone, the downslope's a swamp!"

"Look," the pegasus shot back, "we just bring the water. It's not up to us what you do with it."

"And, what about our garden party?" put in a pony from the upmarket end of town. "We requested a clear and sunny afternoon. And we got a downpour!"

The pegasus rolled her eyes.

"I told you! We thought the request was for Thursday, not Tuesday. It's not my fault if we can't read your sloppy hoofwriting!"

"Oh? And just what do you mean by that, pegasus?"

"What's it sound like? Earth pony!"

"Hey!" Zipp called sharply. "Glidefeather, chill. We're all friends here, remember?"

"That's right," Hitch added soothingly. "Now, let's just calm down, talk this out sensibly..."

But tempers were already running hot. Quickly ponies on both sides were trying to shout over each other, cross and aggrieved. Hitch and Zipp were doing their best to calm things, but nopony was listening to them.

Grumbling under her breath, Sunny stamped a hoof.

"Everypony, stop!"

And it was like a switch had been thrown. Silence fell so hard you could hear it. Everypony stared at her.

"Look," Sunny said, "with the return of earth-pony magic, the farms are getting what, three times the yield? Am I right?"

Rob looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Uh, yeah... maybe more than that?"

"So it's not like things have to be perfect right now. The pegasi are still figuring out how to manage the weather, so let's cut them some slack. And Glidefeather, you pegasi know about weather, but the farm ponies here know farming, and what they need. So listen to them. And we'll try to make our requests more clear from now on. And everypony just be patient, okay? Let's try to work things out as we go, all right?"

"Uh, right." Rob said, bowing anxiously. "No problem!"

Glidefeather looked equally nervous. "No worries. You got it, ma'am!"

The ponies backed away quietly, and quickly departed, discussing a few details in hushed tones, glancing worriedly over their shoulders.

Sunny watched them go, puzzled.

"Uhhh, what just happened?"

In response, Zipp pointed, and Sunny looked up... and saw the ethereal horn gleaming on her forehead. Glancing to either side, she saw her wings had appeared as well. "Ugh. How long have they been there?"

"Since you started laying down the law," Hitch replied.

Sunny groaned. "Of all the times..."

"Actually, I think it helped," Hitch said. "It was what they needed to hear. And from somepony they couldn't ignore."

"But that's not right!" Sunny objected. "They shouldn't listen to me just because of my weird magic. I mean, what did they think I was going to do? Turn them into frogs or something?"

"Oooh! Can you do that?" Izzy asked.

"Of course not! Like you said, magic doesn't work that way."

"I dunno," Izzy mused. "Frogs seem like a definite possibility..."

"And I've met ponies," Zipp muttered, "for whom it might be a distinct improvement."

Sunny frowned, then forcibly dismissed her horn and wings.

"C'mon, gang. We've got a history lesson to plan."


It took a couple days, but finally one morning the group trotted down to the elementary school, and into one of the larger classrooms. The assembled fillies and colts were all seated at their desks, watching wide-eyed and attentive as Sunny and her friends set up and got started.

"Uhh, good morning, everypony!" Sunny said brightly.

"Good morning, Miss Starscout," the entire class chorused dutifully, in a tense monotone.

"Okay, so your teachers very kindly asked me to come and say a little bit about pony history, and about magic, and all that. So that's what we're here to do. And if anything's not clear, be sure to ask questions, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Starscout."

Sunny paused, looking around at the small, nervous faces staring up at her. Something was off, but she wasn't certain what. "Now, since I'm going to talk about unicorns and pegasi, I can't really do that without some visual aids. So I brought my friends along, and... Izzy, what are you doing?"

The unicorn had plunked herself down between two desks in the front row, with a notebook and pencil floating in front of her in her magic. "I'm being a good role model! I'm showing how to be an attentive student." She leaned forward, subjecting Sunny to a thousand-watt stare. "Hmmmmmmmmm!"

The students looked at each other. A few actually dared to smile.

"And you guys know what else?" Izzy went on. "This is Sunny's first day at school!" She nodded at the students' surprised looks. "Uh huh, no joke."

The students looked to Sunny, who shrugged. "My Dad was a professor. So he taught me at home. I haven't actually been to the school before."

A tan filly in the front row nervously raised a hoof. "Did you have... homework at home?"

"Oh yeah." Sunny nodded. "And Dad was the worst. He gave me assignments and tests and everything. Oh! And I could never claim the dog ate my homework, 'cause he knew we didn't have one!"

A few of the students giggled at that, and Sunny smiled. It seemed like they were managing to break the ice somewhat. So she moved on, and quickly introduced Izzy and Zipp and Pipp.

"What is up, everypony?" Pipp gushed, with her best streaming smile.

"Hiya!" Izzy waved a hoof cheerfully.

"Uh. Yo." Zipp glanced around, looking as nervous as the students.

"Now to start with," Sunny said, "I know what we've all been been taught, about unicorns and pegasi. And I have to say a lot of it is simply not true. My friends here? They're some of the best ponies you could know. So why don't we start by talking a little about each of them. Just so you can get to know them better. Does that sound all right?"

"Yes, Miss Starscout."

Sunny glanced around, puzzled. The ice seemed to have frozen right back up again. The students were staring up at her, alert and anxious, pencils poised over their notebooks.

Shrugging, Sunny started talking. And quickly her own nervousness faded. The words just kept coming, faster and faster. It was like she'd always dreamed might happen one day. She was telling ponies all about unicorns and pegasi, and about how the three tribes could be friends and help one another. And the students were listening attentively and writing in their notebooks, taking down everything she was saying...

Sunny suddenly paused, realizing that was exactly what they were doing. The fillies and colts were laboriously copying down every single word verbatim, pencils scribbling industriously. Occasionally one would glance up, catch Sunny's eye, then immediately hunch down and keep writing.

"Uhm..." Sunny paused for a quick horn-and-wing check. Thankfully, they had not spontaneously manifested.

So what's making the children so nervous?

"Maybe," she suggested, "we should take a break for questions? Does anypony have one? For me, or any of my friends?"

The students stared at each other, in a no-you-first kind of way. Then the filly in the front row edged up a hoof carefully.

"Yes, er..."

"Peanut Butter, ma'am," the filly said. Then she smiled sheepishly. "Are you really a Princess, Miss Starscout?"

Sunny blinked, surprised. "Well... I'm not quite sure. I mean, I do seem to have an unusual sort of magic. And some ponies might say that should make me a princess. But I don't really know. I'm still kinda figuring it out."

"Don't you want to be Princess?" asked a colt a couple rows back.

"Hmmm. You know what I really want?" Sunny told him. "It's for the three pony tribes to be friends. And maybe that means being a Princess. And maybe it just means being somepony ponies can go to, if and when they need help.

"Oh." The colt looked confused, and even a little disappointed.

"But," Sunny said quickly, "Zipp and Pipp here are actual Princesses, in Zephyr Heights." She gestured at them, as the children gaped in awe. "That's why it's so great for me, having them here as guests. They can advise me, help me figure out what to do."

A ginger-maned filly raised a hoof next. "Can you really move the Sun?"

"I sure can!" Sunny nodded, feeling on surer ground here. "I give it a little push every morning, like I'm getting it out of bed. Then I put it away again at night. It seems to be part of my job now. And that's an important point," she added. "With the return of magic, ponies will have to take more responsibility for things that we used to take for granted. The pegasi, they look after clouds and the weather. The earth ponies take care of plants and animals." She gestured at Hitch and his critter honor-guard. "And unicorns, like Izzy, they study magic to see how we can make better use of it."

"And alicorns are princesses!" Peanut Butter added triumphantly. "And tell everypony what to do!"

"Peanut!" Madam Buttermint scolded from the back of the room. "Mind your manners!"

Peanut Butter winced. "Sorry, Mommy."

"Miss Starscout is speaking! I am so sorry about that, ma'am. Do continue."

But the subject having been raised, it seemed to be all the children could think about.

"Are you really an alicorn? ... Do you really have magic wings? ... Can you fly? ... Does everypony have to do what you say now? ... How powerful is your magic?"

Sunny was startled and a little overwhelmed by the torrent of excited questions. It also seemed strangely familiar.

Well, she thought, might as well go all in...

She put up a hoof for silence, and got it. The children instantly became quietly attentive.

Concentrating, Sunny summoned her wings and horn. The children ooohed and ahhed in amazement.

"I guess I am an alicorn," Sunny said. "Or near enough. But like I said, I'm still working out what that means. And I don't know if that makes me a princess or anything. But if I was, I'd say I just want to help ponies to be friends..." She gestured to the others, who gathered around her. "Like I am, with my good friends here."

The children cheered excitedly, until Madam Buttermint shushed them again.

"Now," Sunny went on, "why don't we talk a little about pony history? And we'll start with a very famous pony who was also a Princess herself: Twilight Sparkle..."


"You did great, Sunny!" said Pipp, afterward.

They were all sitting around the table by the bay, sipping smoothies and winding down after the lecture. "Take it from me," Pipp went on. "You had them hanging on every word."

"That's what worries me," said Sunny. "I thought I was giving them a quick, off-the-cuff summary, just for starters. But the children were acting like there was going to be a serious test later on."

"Ahh, give 'em time to get to know you." Zipp shrugged. "They'll realize you're not the strict sort."

"And too," Sunny went on, "they seemed more interested in asking about me than about history."

"And that's weird how?" Zipp smirked. "History, they can learn about any time. But you, you're right there. They can talk to you. You just need to make the history part more interesting. Toss in a few of the legends about Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship Council. That'll grab their attention, trust me."

"I have to be careful with those," Sunny said. "Some of those 'legends' run perilously close to tall tales. Like the one about Twilight accidentally putting a curse on an entire town? Or the one where she travels through time to prevent a super-villain from destroying Equestria's future?" She shook her head. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

Then she smiled, looking around at the others. "But I'm sure we'll figure it out. And you all helped so much! Thanks again for that."

"Not a problem, Sunny." Pipp smiled. "We're glad to help. And it was loads of fun. Right, Zipp?"

"Eeeyeah..." Zipp muttered, poker-faced. "Loads of fun."

"You especially, Izzy," Sunny went on. "You just seem to relate to the kids so well. Whenever I felt nervous about how to describe anything, I just imagined I was telling it to you. And then it was perfectly clear."

"Which should be a clue why it was so easy..." Zipp sneered.

"I like being a visual aid!" Izzy beamed, and clapped her hooves eagerly. "Okay, Sunny, you up for playing catch again?"

Sunny nodded readily. It was a game that Izzy had come up with, as a way for both of them to practice using their horns. Moving over to the railing by the ocean, where there was some clear space, Sunny and Izzy squared off.

Sunny summoned her horn and wings. They glared at each other. "Ready when you are!" Sunny called.

"Comin' atcha!" Izzy yelled back eagerly.

She conjured a ball of sparkling energy, which shimmered through every color of the spectrum. Bouncing it in her magic, she suddenly flipped it towards Sunny. Sunny caught it, and lofted it back. Izzy returned it, then Sunny did the same.

Izzy grinned. "Watch out! Smash return!"

With a fling of her head she sent the ball shooting back at Sunny. Who gamely fielded it, and flung it back. However her aim was off and it arced towards the bay railing.

"Oooh, oooh! I got it!" Izzy leapt after it, and just managed to swat it back. But in the process she all but flung herself over the railing.

"Izzy!" Worriedly, Sunny focused her magic on the unicorn, keeping her from going overboard. Which meant that the ball of magic sailed past, plunking into a small metal trashcan beside the smoothie stand.

"Yay!" Izzy called, flinging up her hooves. "Two points!"

There was a loud crackling from the can, as the magic ball lost coherence. And then there was a flash, and a WOOMF, as papers in the can caught fire. Flames roared up in a small, contained blaze.

"Oh, haybales..." Sunny said, as she set Izzy down carefully.

A pony was sitting at a table near the can, reading a newspaper. He looked up, startled, to see flames shooting up practically right in front of him. "AAAAAHHH!" Screaming, he dropped the paper and turned and galloped away. "The town's on fire! Everypony run!"

In seconds, the entire length of Bay Street was filled with scurrying, yelling ponies, darting into shops, slamming doors.

And, just as quickly, the street was empty and tensely quiet.

"Oh, great..." Sunny muttered. Then she looked at Izzy, who'd pulled out a small notebook and pen and was writing industriously. "What're you doing?"

"Making a note," Izzy said. "So I don't forget the local custom. 11:23 AM: ponies scream like mad and play hide-and-seek." She finished writing, and looked up with a grin. "Just like the day I arrived!"

Sunny rolled her eyes. "Ughhh..."

The Sheriff's office door banged open and Hitch darted out, glancing around. "What the hay?"

"Sorry, Hitch." Sunny grimaced, and indicated the smoldering trashcan. "A little mishap with magic. It spooked everypony."

"Really? That's all it was?"

"Isn't that enough?" Sunny sighed. "What is going on, Hitch? Why is everypony so on edge?"

"Beats me." Hitch shrugged. "Don't worry, Sunny. We'll figure it out."

But Sunny wasn't so sure. She needed to find out what was bothering everypony. Why it felt as if the entire town was walking on eggshells around her. And it wasn't like she could just call the whole town together and ask them.

But then, later that same day, an opportunity presented itself. Or rather, forced itself upon her...


Sunny was seated at the island in her kitchen, hunting through her father's notes, trying to find out more about alicorns and ponies' reactions to them.

There was a knock at the door.

"Ugh! What now?" Trotting over to the door, she flung it open. "What!"

Standing on the doorstep was Hitch, staring at her, wide-eyed.

"Don't shoot, it's only me."

Sunny realized her horn and wings had appeared yet again. Grunting in frustration, she put them away. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little tense. Seems like I can't have a quiet minute to myself lately. What's up?"

"Uhh, not sure. Phyllis asked if I'd invite you to come over and visit the factory. If you have time, that is."

"Seriously? She wants me to visit Canterlogic? That's new."

"It's what she said. Some kind of get-together. The whole town's invited. And Izzy as well, and the pegasus sisters."

"Ooookay...." Uncertainly, Sunny went to find them. Then they all headed out.

It was quiet in town as they turned the corner by the theater, and the bespectacled glass cube of the factory hove into view. Actually, quiet was putting it mildly. Even the wind seemed to be holding its breath.

Sunny halted at the base of the hill, staring up at the factory.

"You know, Hitch, the last time I was here... things didn't go all that well."

He shrugged. "Phyllis said she was over it, right? Water under the bridge. So don't worry about it."

"Yeah, Sunny," Pipp said. "Don't ever worry about the past. That's what Mom always says."

"You left out the rest of it," Zipp told her smugly. "About how you should worry about the future instead?"

"Um, right. Kind of on purpose?" Pipp grated, glaring at her.


"Maybe just don't worry about anything?" Izzy shrugged carelessly. "That's what I do. Just take everything as it comes."

"You're right, Izzy." Sunny smiled at them. "All of you are. Thanks for reminding me." Pulling herself together, she trotted up the walkway and into the factory, with Hitch and the others following after.

"Hello, Sunny!" said Phyllis, meeting them just inside the doors. "Right this way, dear. I mean, if you wouldn't mind?"

Turning, she led the way down the main corridor, and into the large showroom and shipping area. Where it seemed the entire population of the town was crowded, waiting for them anxiously. At the far side of the room, the presentation stage was spotlit, and hidden by grand-looking silk curtains.

"All right, everypony!" Phyllis called to the crowd. "Let's show some proper respect, this time!"

And as one, the entire roomful of mares and stallions, fillies and colts, all bent knee to Sunny. Phyllis herself was no exception, and seemed to be trying to outdo everypony in gracious subservience.

At the same time, stirring music arose from the room's hidden sound-system. It filled the air with trumpets and thumping drums. Zipp and Pipp stared around in astonishment.

"Hey," Pipp said. "That's Hail to the Queen. What the band plays, whenever Mom makes her entrance. How do you guys know that one?"

"Huh?" Hitch replied. "Isn't that Maretime Bay, My Home?"

"Same music..." Sunny whispered automatically, "different words..." Her voice trailed off, as the curtains on the stage were drawn back, and she got a look at the throne.

It was tall, and gilt, with carving as ornate as a cuckoo clock. And to be fair, it looked extremely plush and comfortable. Near the top of the headboard was a replica of the Friendship Gem: the emerald horn, wings of sapphire, and diamond core rendered in sparkling gemstone. Above the Gem was a star trailing an arc of blue-green light...

... Sunny's cutie mark.

As the recorded music came to a finish, a tense silence fell over the room. "Uh... well?" Phyllis said, peering up cautiously. "What do you think, Sunny?"

Sunny was speechless -- and then she wasn't.

"Are you kidding me? What the hay is this? All of this?"

Sunny had rarely seen a roomfull of ponies hunch fearfully before. "You... you don't like it?" quavered Toots. The large, teal-coated pony was shivering like a tub of gelatin.

"Oh! If it's not grand enough," added taffy-coated Sweets, "we can make it better, no problem!"

The other factory ponies nodded in fearful agreement.

"That's not what I mean," Sunny said. "It's marvelous, it's beautiful, but..." She stared around at them all, at their terrified faces. "I don't need this! I don't need you to make me into some kind of... princess or something! I never wanted that! I just want to help!"

"Don't be angry!" Toots looked ready to break into tears, and he wasn't alone. "Please don't be angry with us!"

"I'm not angry." Sunny stamped a hoof. "I'm not angry, all right?"

But this was just making them inch back fearfully. Frustrated, Sunny wound up, and shouted.


Her eyes went wide. The cannon-like blast of her shout was still echoing around the room. She felt half-deafened by it.

Woah, she thought. Did that come out of me?

"Sorry." She looked around at the equally shocked townsponies. "I'm, uh..."

And Sunny could see the familiar glow now, reflected in the crowd's staring eyes. She could practically feel the ethereal horn and wings, manifesting themselves. The dratted things were blazing hotly, filling the hall with a flickering Sun-like glare.

Suddenly, Sunny didn't know what to say. Or do. Or anything...


She turned then, turned and ran. Out of the factory, down the hill, and down the street. She just ran in a straight line, and kept on running. Until she could run no further.

Because she'd run out of road, and the only option was to dive into the bay and swim for it.

Disgusted, Sunny forcibly put away the horn and wings. Then she sat down at the small table near the smoothie stand. Dropping her chin on her forehooves, she stared out at the brilliant blue of the horizon. She listened to the plaintive calling of the seabirds, felt the warmth of the afternoon sunlight shining on her back.

And a few minutes later, felt a hoof cautiously settle there as well. "Sunny?" Izzy asked, "are you okay? I mean, I know you're not. But it's what ponies say, when they want you to know that they know. Ya know?"

Despite herself, Sunny smiled. "Thanks, Izzy." She sighed. "I just don't get it. Why does everypony think that I want to be princess, and rule the town, or whatever? That's not what I want. I don't even want to begin to try to tell everypony what to do. I just... want to help, to bring ponies together."

"We know you do, Sunny," said Pipp, putting a hoof on her shoulders as well. "We know how much you care, how much it means to you. And we're all here to help, if and when you need us. All of us."

"Absolutely," agreed Zipp.

"You know it, Sunny," Hitch added.

"Oh, yeah!" Izzy called.

"That's great, gang," Sunny said. "But everypony else in town... they're all scared of me. Because of my magic! And I don't understand why. I mean, they know me. I'm the same Sunny Starscout I always was!" Sunny looked up at her friends, nervously. "You guys don't feel like that about me, do you?"

"No," Hitch agreed. "We don't, Sunny. Not in the least."

"But... that's because we know you, from before," Pipp added. "And we see who you are now. And we can see it hasn't changed you. You're still the same caring, kind, resourceful pony you've always been." Pipp paused, uncomfortably. "But... I don't think everypony else sees that."

Sunny sat up, blinking.

"You're right. They don't, do they? All I've ever been to the town was... a misfit. The local crazy-pony, who kept trying to crash the Canterlogic presentation, and blathering on about ponies being friends. They've never really known me for who I really am, for how I really feel. Oh." she shook her head. "If I could just explain all that to them, somehow."

"Well," Hitch said, "there might never be a better time..."

Sunny turned. And stared.

The entire town was standing there, filling the street leading up towards Canterlogic. They stood there, silent and anxious, with Phyllis in the lead. They eyed her fearfully, helplessly, as if awaiting judgement.

Taking a steadying breath, Sunny got up from the table. "Sorry about that, everypony," she began. "You kind of caught me by surprise. Let me tell you how I really feel..."

She got no further. Toots had dashed forward, and he flung himself onto the pavement at her hooves. "Don't punish us, Sunny!" he whimpered. "Please don't! We didn't mean it!"

"What are you talking about? Punish you for what?"

Toots glanced back at the others. They were all hunched guiltily, avoiding her gaze. Then he looked up at Sunny again. "We... we all laughed at you, Sunny. We made fun of you." His face twisted miserably... and now there were tears in his eyes. "I said... I said you were embarrassing yourself! And I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"

He flung himself down at her hooves, moaning inconsolably. "We didn't know what we were doing, didn't know what you were! We didn't mean to give offense, not at all! Just... please don't hurt us for that! Don't drop the Sun on us, and burn the town to ashes!"

Sunny goggled. "What?" she gasped. "Where'd you get an idea like that?"

"Um... well, it's what ponies have been saying could happen..."

"Are you crazy? I'd never do that!"

"Really? You... you wouldn't?"

"No! I'm not even sure I can! For pony's sake, why would I?"

"You mean... you don't want revenge?"

"Of course not!"

"But, well, it's just..." Toots looked baffled. "Anypony else would."

Sunny stared down at him. Her voice fell to a whisper.

"I don't."

She put out a hoof, and helped him reluctantly stand up again. "Seriously, I don't," she went on. "That's not the way I think. Not the way I think at all."

She looked around at the shocked townsponies. "Because, well... I understand. I know you were all scared. I could see that. I know you said those things because you didn't believe me. Because you couldn't believe me, not until I finally went out and found some proof that ponies could be friends again." She gestured to her own friends, who gathered around her. "I understand all that. I really do. I'm not angry with you. How could I be? This is my home. I've lived here my whole life."

She shook her head, amazed at how mixed up things kept getting. Just because ponies didn't talk to one another, didn't listen to what was really going on.

"And I don't need you to make me a Princess to make up for that somehow. I just... just want to help, that's all. You don't have to worry, I promise."

Still the townsponies looked doubtful, looked fearful.

"Ugh," Sunny said. "How do I prove it to you? How do I show you?"

Izzy put up a hoof. "Maybe it's like with the students?" she suggested. "How would you show it to me?"

Sunny thought about that for a moment. And then, inspiration hit her. She turned to Zipp.

"Could you ask the pegasi to make it rain, just for a little bit?"

"Well sure, but..." Zipp looked puzzled. "Let's be clear, here. You want it to rain? Like right now?"

Sunny nodded. "Just a light sprinkle." She gestured with a hoof. "Out there, over the bay. On my signal."

Shrugging, Zipp willingly took off, and quickly returned with the local pegasi weather patrol, who began finding and moving clouds.

"Izzy?" Sunny asked. "Would you mind levitating me for a bit, so everypony can see me?"

"Sure, Sunny, but... don't your wings work?"

"Yeah, they do. But I'll need to focus for this, and I don't want to be distracted. And Hitch..."

"Already on it, Sunny!" he said, motioning with a hoof. "Okay, everypony, let's back up a couple lengths. Give us a little room here. That's perfect. Thanks!"

Concentrating, Sunny summoned her wings and horn. And found it was much easier this time. The eager anticipation she felt seemed to flow into them, made them blaze alight. At her nod, Izzy lit her horn and gently lifted Sunny up into the air.

Then Sunny put out a hoof, pointing it at the Sun.

Just this once, she thought. I don't think anypony will mind setting their clocks forward a bit...

She gently lowered the hoof, moving the Sun downwards, closer to the horizon.

"Ahhh! This is it!" yelped a pony from the crowd. "She's going to make the Sun go away! And plunge the world into eternal night!" But the ponies around him shushed him, and silence fell, with all of them watching the approaching sunset.


Sunny cleared her throat hurriedly, then dropped her magically amplified Voice to a more conversational, though still carrying whisper.

"I am an alicorn," she said. "And that gives me very powerful magic. But I only want to use that magic to help ponies, both here and in the other pony cities. And if you want me to be a Princess, too, then... well, I'll try to figure out what that means, how to be a good one. But that's not what I need. You don't have to bow to me. I'm not here to give orders. Just advice, if and when it's needed. And you don't have to be scared of me. That's not what I want at all. I'm just here to bring ponies together."

She motioned to Zipp, who in turn signaled the weather ponies.

And then Sunny gazed down, at the crowd below, and saw they were all staring. Not at her, but past her, at the sky over the bay.

Where the gentle mist falling from the gathered clouds was catching the evening sunlight, refracting it into a grand and glorious rainbow arc, the width of the entire bay. It shimmered brilliantly, in every color of light and magic.

Sunny smiled at the looks on the townsponies faces, their smiles of wonder and of joyful relief. And she felt like she wanted to cry herself. Her wings and horn glowed, bright as the Sun.

"Don't ever be afraid of me," she said. "Just let me help..."


The next morning, Sunny got up. She did her mane, brushed her fetlocks, raised the Sun like usual. And then she slung her blue bag over her shoulder and headed for the front door, followed closely by Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp.

"Okay, everypony," she said to them, "let's head down to town for breakfast. And then shopping. I still need to buy that tea-whisk..."

Before Sunny could even touch the door, there was a polite knock.

Looking at the others, Sunny opened it. And found Hitch standing outside. The Sheriff was holding himself very tall and proud, his badge polished to gleaming perfection. "Morning, Princess Starscout," he said formally.

"Uh, 'morning, Prince Trailblazer!" Sunny replied, in puzzled amusement.

"Okay, so who do you want to see first?" Turning, Hitch gestured down the hill, towards the hoofpath leading to town.

And Sunny stared, at the line of waiting ponies. It stretched back along the cliff road, reaching practically all the way to the Royal Arch building in town. "Wow. They're all here to see me?"

"Yeah," Hitch said. "It'll likely be a bit busy like this, the first few days. But everypony says they don't mind if you need to take a break, or go have lunch, or if they have to come back tomorrow. Like you said, we'll figure it out as we go."

"Um. Okay..."

Sunny turned and looked at Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp. "Why don't the rest of you head on into town?" she said. "And bring me something back?"

She turned to look at the line of waiting ponies again.

"I'll just stay here, and take care of important... princessy things. I guess..."

And as she said it, Sunny wasn't sure, but she almost thought she could hear, far away in a distant, magical plane of existence beyond the ken of mortal ponies, a certain lavender alicorn Princess...

... laughing her mane off...

The End

My Little Pony: A New Generation, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.
No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.

Author's Note:

For the curious, here's the canon reference for those last few lines:

Comments ( 63 )

" The Sheriff of Canterlot ," Pipp said grandly, motioning with a hoof. Then she laughed. "Sounds like a ten-episode streaming series right there!"

Lol I see what you did there nice one

"Huh? I can't mind-control anypony," Izzy objected. "Not even now I have magic. That's not how magic works. You use your thoughts to control magic, not the other way 'round."

Well yes and no because King Sombra basically mind control ponies before so it's not possible but it is very dark magic right there let's just hope they don't discover something like that

But that's not right!" Sunny objected. "They shouldn't listen to me just because of my weird magic. I mean, what did they think I was going to do? Turn them into frogs or something?"

"Oooh! Can you do that?" Izzy asked.

"Of course not! Like you said, magic doesn't work that way."

Well actually funny story about that...sunny

"I have to be careful with those," Sunny said. "Some of those 'legends' run perilously close to tall tales. Like the one about Twilight accidentally putting a curse on an entire town? Or the one where she travels through time to prevent a super-villain from destroying Equestria's future?" She shook her head. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

Which it's kind of true actually because well we was there kind of watching the episodes Good Times

Just to be clear, Sunny and friends are speaking from the perspective of what they know from at most a week's experience with actual magic. The story touches on this a bit later:

"And that's weird how?" Zipp smirked. "History, they can learn about any time. But you, you're right there. They can talk to you. You just need to make the history part more interesting. Toss in a few of the legends about Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship Council. That'll grab their attention, trust me."

"I have to be careful with those," Sunny said. "Some of those 'legends' run perilously close to tall tales. Like the one about Twilight accidentally putting a curse on an entire town? Or the one where she travels through time to prevent a super-villain from destroying Equestria's future?" She shook her head. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

We know those things happened, of course.

"Already on it, Sunny!" he said, motioning with a hoof. "Okay, everypony, let's back up a couple lengths. Give us a little room here. That's perfect. Thanks!"

Oh hey, a male MLP character that is intuitive and uses his brain that is not Danny or Big Macintosh.

That in and of itself is noteworthy. And it had better be Hitch's wheelhouse or I'll be quite irked.

I love this story!

I wonder if canon will explore the impact of ponies rediscovering magic after potentially thousands of years...

Consider the number of wacky magical mishaps we had in G4 with ponies who should have known better. I'd have to assume that they'll be even more common here...

God, your gen 5 fics are amazing!

Thanks much! I've gotten to like writing Sunny and her friends, and I try to stay true to the characters, what little we've seen of them in the movie. Glad the result works so well for you!

While this was a pretty interesting story so it looks like sunny wanted to hang out with her friends but it looks like some of the town's ponies in Maretime Bay got a little nervous not just only Earth ponies but the Pegasus and unicorns which Sunny did not like that kind of feeling now as much she really wants to help out the situation it just can't help but ponies really fear her which she does not want but With a Little Help from her friends she managed to calm down but just a little bit so yeah it's going to be a very long day for sunny and hopefully things will get better for her and her friends but anyway this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

"I have to be careful with those," Sunny said. "Some of those 'legends' run perilously close to tall tales. Like the one about Twilight accidentally putting a curse on an entire town? Or the one where she travels through time to prevent a super-villain from destroying Equestria's future?" She shook her head. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

Stares in MLP Seasons 2 and 5, yeah Sunny about uhmm should anyone tell her.

Princess Twilight is likely waiting for the right time to have a heart-to-heart with Sunny and break the news gently... never look too closely at your heroes, and all that...

Could we get a follow-up one-shot then pretty please? :fluttershysad: Like Twilight giving advice to Sunny before saying that by the way the time travel story is true

If only I could trust the show to write such a meaningful series.
It was a awesome tone and handled amazingly. :rainbowdetermined2:

But it's true! Magic can't turn things into frogs.

Sunny never said anything about oranges!

Hey, there were at least five ponies in town who weren't cursed! :twilightblush:

And Starlight was a deposed cult leader, not a supervillain, thank you very much! :trixieshiftleft:


Admittedly, Starlight started as a cult leader, but going back in time to destroy history... Sounds an awful lot like a super villain to me.

"Like it says Princess Twilight did, during the infamous 'Unicorn Trials' of Ponyville..."

That... Might be the MLP season 5 finale with Starlight Glimmer

Actually, it's a back-handed reference to the Salem "Witch Trials". And it should be obvious from what we know about Twilight that this piece of so-called "pony history" is total confabulation. I mean, really...

"You just said Princess Twilight and book-burning in the same sentence... and it's making me nervous!"

This is something I wanted to see in G5, because currently Sunny is the only Alicorn. More importantly, she's the one who united everyone and got the power to raise the Moon and the Sun. So by right, everyone will go to her to settle things (like the farm and weather dilemma). So I'm happy that she found her own way of being a leader.

Yeah, about that... Does the "Want It Need It" spell count as mind control?

I'm just happy to see fics with all the heart and soul poured into them!

And as she said it, Sunny wasn't sure, but she almost thought she could hear, far away in a distant, magical plane of existence beyond the ken of mortal ponies, a certain lavender alicorn Princess...

... laughing her mane off...

Dammit, Twilight!

Really enjoyed this read; favorite part for me is Sunny 's 'transformation' when she got upset with the way Toots and the others at Canterlogic feared her wrath; shades of Daybreaker coming through. :raritywink:

Thanks much for reading! Yeah, that scene was paying off a line earlier in the story, where Sunny refers to any other aspects to her magic she hasn't discovered yet. I imagine the Royal Voice would come as a shock to anyone. Like, I didn't know my voice went to eleven...

Erh, moving the sun and the moon. I hope G5 would never go back to that again.

When Sunny gets emotional, be it positively or else, she loses control and go fanta-alicorn? This is my favourite headcanon as of now and I definitely wouldn't mind if this becomes official.

The details on characters are somewhat off, especially for Zipp, but the story is overall enjoyable and lovely. Into Absolutely Awesome box you go!

Edited: And the part where Sunny dismissed two of Princess Twilight Sparkle's epic breakdowns as myths? Hilarious as fr*tters.

"You mean... you don't want revenge?"

"Of course not!"

"But, well, it's just..." Toots looked baffled. "Anypony else would."

Sunny stared down at him. Her voice fell to a whisper.

"I don't."

I don't quite know why this is the exchange that stuck out the most to me, but it did.

Great story all around.

Thanks, JD! And that's good, because in a way, it's kind of the point of the story. Sunny realizes that a big reason she doesn't understand other ponies' reactions to her is simply because she doesn't think the way they do, doesn't make the same assumptions and leap to the same group-think conclusions. It's what makes her a natural as Princess, but it's also what's made her something of a misfit in town. She needs to find a way to communicate that difference in perspective -- and how it's a good thing -- to everypony, so they know they can trust her with the kind of power she now weilds.

Interesting take, though Hasbro has made it clear they are going to route to justify more toys, Sunny's wings and horn are a "powered up" form, it will make it easier to animated Sunny in the two G5 Shows.

Thanks -- though that's totally compatible with Sunny being able to choose when her horn and wings appear (to some extent at least), which is kinda why I went with this. It also makes the moments when she "alicorns up" more meaningful story-wise...

I think what made it sticker me is that as I've gotten older and more aware of all the little ways the world is broken, I've gotten a greater appreciation for characters who are just genuinely good and trying to make things better out of simple kindness of heart. They may not be perfect and they may not always get it right, but they honestly believe that there's a brighter side that we can reach.

It's why I liked Sunny a lot in the movie and why I like that exchange so much.

I'm with you, definitely -- thanks again!

Actually. A beautiful ending to a sweet story. :twilightsmile:

Honestly I would expect Twilight to return in Gen 5 like the first big opener is "the alicorn of magic or something" the movie established where we were in the world and how the characters interact and the story is going to have the surviving characters from Gen 4 return. The ones that I'm thinking of are Cadance, Flurry, Discord, and Twilight (possibly Celestia and Luna) Depending on how long it's been Ember, Spike, and Thorax as well.

"I sure can!" Sunny nodded, feeling on surer ground here. "I give it a little push every morning, like I'm getting it out of bed. Then I put it away again at night. It seems to be part of my job now. And that's an important point," she added. "With the return of magic, ponies will have to take more responsibility for things that we used to take for granted. The pegasi, they look after clouds and the weather. The earth ponies take care of plants and animals."

Hmm. The implication I'm getting from this is that when magic went away, the world just sort of fell into a kind of autopilot on its own, and proceeded to maintain itself. But the moment magic came back, something about magic's presence means that it can't keep doing that anymore, leaving the ponies having to more minutely maintain it themselves again, as before.

Admittedly, this would answer a lot of questions about G5 in a pretty simple and straightforward manner, but it also raises a number of additional implications with it that I'm not so sure all of which are really that positive. After all, I'm not sure that, just because you have the magic to do it, you have to maintain such natural processes yourself now and can't just let...nature be nature. After all, in the real world, it's been demonstrated again and again that the best way to protect nature is to leave nature to its own devices and not try and meddle, as meddling usually just causes more problems in the end. And granted, the real world doesn't have magic to fill in some of the gaps like the ponies would, but that doesn't mean the same lesson isn't still applicable.

For example, the raising and lowering of the sun and moon: the G5 movie demonstrates clearly that both were able to maintain their motions just fine themselves without any apparent outside interference or aid, so it's struck me as odd the apparent need to resume the tradition of manually moving both bodies when they were doing that perfectly fine on their own already. And given how difficult and how much power its implied its required to perform such a feat in the first place, I was always had the impression that moving the sun of the moon was something the ponies wouldn't have started doing themselves unless they absolutely had to. Not start doing it basically so to show off that they have the magic to do it anyway, not when both celestial bodies were capable of doing it on their own anyway.

All in all, it's an interesting headcanon, but I dunno if it's one I'd personally subscribe to, were it up to me. :applejackunsure: *handwaves it aside* ah well, it's not the chief central point of the story, so this is just a side point at best anyway. :twilightsmile:

But this was just making them inch back fearfully. Frustrated, Sunny wound up, and shouted.


Her eyes went wide. The cannon-like blast of her shout was still echoing around the room. She felt half-deafened by it.

Eeee! Filly's first Royal Canterlot Voice! :raritystarry:

"No! I'm not even sure I can! For pony's sake, why would I?"

I mean, it would kinda sorta maybe just a little totally end all life on the world as we know it, so... :derpytongue2:

A nice little story that tackles the whole alicorn subject as it pertains to Sunny. Personally, I'd figured that since the world appears to have gone alicornless for so long now, there wouldn't really be that many ponies clamping the bit to fall back to the old alicorn princess tradition/precedent so readily, but that doesn't mean there doesn't still need to be some figuring out just how Sunny's role fits into all of this is nonetheless. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading, Scyphi, and for sharing your thoughts! You raise some good points.

Regarding ponies raising the Sun and Moon and so forth, this is actually something that appealed to me from the start about the G4 world. I view it as a subtle ecological message, that it's up to the inhabitants of a world to make sure it doesn't fall apart or end up a Buy-N-Large rubbish heap.

For ponies, this is a literal responsibility: they have to move the clouds to get rain, they have to keep the Sun and Moon moving around to get proper day/night cycles and even seasons perhaps. And they need to manage nature in ways that make it impossible for them to ignore their environment. One of the costs of living in a world with magic, apparently, is having to take greater responsibility for its everyday workings. That's a message I wouldn't want to see lost, so I hope G5 at least hints at something like it, now that magic has returned.

In any case, I wanted to suggest what the return of magic might mean for Sunny personally, being a "princess" of sorts for the G5 world, and having to deal with the responsibilities and consequences of having alicorn-level power, for which moving the Sun and Moon is merely the most obvious and unavoidable example. The showrunners may not go this route, but it's fun to explore it here.

Saw this in the featured box and found this an enjoyable read! I think you captured the characters' personalities perfectly here. This led me to also read The Once And Future Princess, which was just as delightful an adventure with the group. Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Very well written. Fantastic work

I really really liked this. Super well written and it legitimately felt like an episode of MLP, perfect length and everything, one of those fics that stays in your head as "basically canon." Well done! :yay:

Twilight is definitely laughing her mane off :twilightsmile:

"... crunchy granola tree-hugger?" Sunny suggested. "Battling vainly against the forces of modernization and commercial enterprise?"

Tree Hugger: Like, hey, Sunny. You called?
Sunny: Gah!
Tree: Yeah, I get that a lot.

I greatly enjoyed reading this story and it makes sense that many ponies in Maretime Bay were afraid of the possibility of ?Sunny wanting revenge.

If they ever find that "Unicorn Magic for Dummies" book, we're gonna be in SO MUCH TROUBLE...!!!!!

Wonderful work, by the way...!

Outstanding fanfic! I would like to continue this type of assembly.

And then of course G5 flushes this down the drain by showing that, no. Sunny in fact doesn't do anything royal related. Seems like Haven is still the only one in Equestria.

Still love the story.

"And get this," Sunny said, reading from a different chapter. " During the Battle of Butter Hill, where Canterlogic's factory is now located, the earth-ponies beat back soundly a vicious assault by the united army of unicorns and pegasi. Huh, so much for their 'unending conflict', I guess? The earth ponies scored a decisive victory when they defeated the fearsome pegasus stallion, Gusty the Great. "

HUH!? Gusty the Great was dead!
Long before FIM even started!

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