• Published 24th Jan 2022
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Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters - Microsoft_2016

A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series.

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Chapter 14: A Look Back at History

It was a quiet day in the School of Magic and nothing much was going on. Twilight had been going over a speech in one of the lecture halls that she was supposed to present to the magic students at Celestia's School of Magic. She said that if somepony told her when she was a blank flank that she would one day give a speech to a class at Celestia's School of Magic, she wouldn't have believed it. She tried to continue, but she forgot what she was supposed to say, so she picked up the cards with her magic and read them a bit. Once she got her footing, she went on by saying that she hoped that she was up to the task because she could tell that all of them were and that the future of Equestrian magic was in good hooves. A clap went off and Twilight smiled nervously. It was only Spike in the room, so it wasn't that big of a deal. But he had been here for a while, so he heard the same thing over and over again. Spike said that was better than the first eleven time and then cleared his throat in nervousness because he didn't really see the point in this.

Twilight sighed and said that she would like to be able to get through the entire speech without looking through the cards and Spike said that she couldn't possibly be worried about giving a speech to a bunch of magic students. Twilight said she wasn't worried at all, but she wants to set a good example since these are magic students which meant things had to be just perfect. Twilight started from the top and Spike slouched in his seat, about ready to fall asleep because he knew he would be here all night before Twilight would be ready to leave. The day had finally come and two ponies raced to get inside. They were immediately shushed and they looked at Twilight. Twilight took a sip of her water and then noticed the slide hadn't changed. She asked for the slide to be changed, but nothing happened. So, she looked to see what was happening and she found Spike sleeping next to the projector for some odd reason. Moondancer nudged him a bit and he woke up. When he saw what was happening, he panicked a bit and changed the slides. It took a little bit to be on the right one, but he eventually got there.

Twilight then proceeded to explain how the sonic rainboom changed all of the Mane Sixes' lives and how they were all connected by that one event. She became alerted when she thought she saw Starlight Glimmer, so she scanned the room to find her. But she was nowhere to be found. It created an awkward atmosphere and Twilight had to look at the cards for a second to get back on track. Later on, Twilight and Spike went back to Ponyville and the former told her assistant about what had happened. Spike seemed a bit confused and Twilight said that she was sure that she saw Starlight, but when she looked again, the unicorn was gone. She was worried about what she could be up to and Spike said that it was probably nothing good and the unicorn wasn't very happy the last time Twilight saw her. Twilight said that forcing everypony to have the same cutie mark wasn't right and they had to do something. Spike said that because of that, Starlight was coming back for revenge.

He wasn't entirely wrong about that. You see, about a year ago, the Mane Six were called to some strange village called Our Town and when they got there, they were pretty surprised at what they saw. Everypony there had these really creepy smiles and all had the same cutie marks on their flanks which seemed really suspicious. A bunch of crazy antics later, and Starlight tried to take off into one of the mountains with the cutie marks of the Mane Six. Unfortunately for her, the citizens had saw the truth and they stopped her in her tracks. After refusing to repent from her sin, she teleported away and disappeared off into the caves. Some might have called it communism, but it was something else really. While it did promote the idea of communism, it was more like a cult which is really dangerous by the way. Ever since then, Starlight has been hell bent on revenge and has tried to find ways to enact it. It makes sense from her standpoint. When six ponies come up into your town and rip away your lifestyle, it's gonna leave you pretty ticked off. However, what she was doing was wrong, and if there was no accountability for her actions, she was gonna continue living like that was an okay idea.

So, therefore, it creates the philosophy of "thou stealth from us, we shall stealth from thee." That is why you don't tell your classified secret to the enemy. I'm looking at you, President name-only Joe Biden. Take notes here. I swear, that man is a walking gaffe machine. But let's move on before we get ourselves into a hot political debate. Twilight was shaking in fear at the thought of Starlight coming back for revenge, so Spike shifted gears and said it could have been that Starlight was really impressed by her speech, but Twilight doubted that. She knew Starlight's history, so she knew that the unicorn was capable of anything at this point and she could put two and two together. Twilight told Spike that she ultimately had no idea what she saw, but as long as she had her friends, she knew that everything was gonna be alright. They set their stuff down and Twilight said that maybe she was more stressed about that speech than she thought. Spike said that sounds a whole lot better than Starlight coming back with an evil plot for revenge and Twilight said that when he said it like that, it did sound kinda silly.

Twilight opened the door and Spike's eye's shrunk down to pinpricks. He said that could have been totally true and Twilight's eyes did the same. Both of them saw Starlight just chilling on one of the thrones and the unicorn said in a taunting voice that she would like to welcome her home. She took a scroll and blasted it with her magic. The scroll lifted up into the air and sent out a lightning bolt to activate the map. Twilight glared at the unicorn and demanded that Starlight tell her what she was up to. She laughed evilly and said that she would tell her, but that would ruin the surprise. She tossed the scroll away and Twilight lit up her horn, ready to battle this unicorn once again. It sent out some waves of magic and Twilight tried to blast it with her magic, but it did nothing. Twilight and Spike watched a time portal appear and watched Starlight disappear right into it. The portal disappeared and everything was quiet once more. Spike asked where Starlight went and Twilight said she had no idea, but they better find out or else they would be in big trouble.

Spike said that they could start with this, and Twilight told him to not touch the scroll, but it was too late. The portal was reactivated and they disappeared through it as well. The portal was gone once again and Pinkie arrived with a cake on a cart. She was confused, but went ahead and ate the cake. Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were holding on for dear life as they traveled through this thing and eventually, they ended up somewhere else. Both of them continued to fall, but then Twilight realized she had wings, so she pulled up and prevented Spike from hitting the ground by using her magic. Spike noticed they were in Cloudsdale and asked why Starlight would come here since she doesn't have any wings. Twilight said that she had no idea but it appeared that she could fly with just magic. She told him to keep their eyes peeled because she has no idea what Starlight has planned and they felt somepony zip right past them. Spike asked if that was Rainbow Dash and Twilight asked Spike if Rainbow looked really young and said that she didn't see a cutie mark. Spike got out his binoculars and was able to put two and two together.

They had traveled back in time where Rainbow performed her first sonic rainboom. Twilight said that only Starswirl the Bearded could do something like that and only his spell went back a week, so how could Starlight do more than the greatest wizard in all of Equestrian history? Spike saw the scroll go by and said that Starlight used the scroll to do it. Twilight recognized that scroll and freaked out a bit. Spike told them to go, but Twilight asked where they would go. Spike said they were going to the race and he did not want to miss that sonic rainboom. He tried walking on the clouds, but since he wasn't a pegasus, he fell through it. Twilight picked him up with her magic and flew him over there. Fluttershy flew the checkered flag and all of the pegasi in the race flew right past her, which sent her down to the ground. Twilight attempted to rescue her, but Spike told her not to as that would be interfering with history right there. The race appeared to go as normal, but just as Rainbow chased the other pegasus, Starlight came out with a grin on her face and said that she was "sorry" about doing this.

Just as Rainbow performed her sonic rainboom, Starlight held her in captivity with her magic and it confused the pegasus. The other pegasus crossed the finish line and that left Twilight confused. Then, history began to change for all of the Mane Six as fillies. At this point, Twilight was mad and she flew over to Starlight. She yelled at Starlight to tell her what the unicorn did, but Starlight simply smirked and said that Twilight was about to find out. The portal opened and took both of them away. They ended up back in the present, but they fell hard. Twilight looked at the map and panicked. She said that she had no idea what Starlight was up to, but they better figure it out before its too late. Spike was horrified at what she saw and told Twilight that it might have already been. Twilight saw the open area and gasped in shock as she noticed that the castle was missing. Spike asked Twilight where the castle was and Twilight said that the map pulled them back, but whatever Starlight did in the past, it changed things here. Spike started asking a bunch of questions, but Twilight said it was a matter of when more than anything else.

Spike asked her what she meant by that and Twilight explained that Starlight altered Starswirl's spell and then used it on the map to go back into the past to change something. Once she did, the map pulled them back to the present. Spike asked if they were back where they had started, but Twilight said that wasn't the case. She said that everything was different, including the map which had the Crystal Empire take up half of Equestria. Spike said that there was also the missing castle, and Twilight concurred. Twilight concluded that this was too big to handle on their own and Spike asked her if she really thought that. Twilight said that they needed to find their friends and get help, so they went into town to find them. Only, this wasn't gonna be that easy. This was an altered present, so nothing here is going to be the same as they were used to. When they walked into town, everything was a ghost town. It looked like they were preparing for an invasion. The sky already felt like a war going on, so everything around them looked that way. Spike tried waving to one of the ponies, but they shut the curtains in fear. He told Twilight that he had a bad feeling about this, but Twilight said that this was Ponyville. So how bad could things really be?

If you have a brain, you know to never ask that question because you have basically cursed yourself and pretty asked for something to go wrong. Both of them saw Sugarcube Corner and even that looked abandoned. Spike asked if it was Sugarcube Corner and Twilight said that she didn't understand. Spike gasped in horror and began running towards Rarity's place. He tried looking through the windows and called out her name, but he got no response. Twilight said that she didn't believe that Rarity was in there and Spike got off the window. She said that none of this was probably the same, but she believed that there was one place that could never change. But, it turns out that wasn't true at all. Both of their jaws dropped when they saw how Sweet Apple Acres was. Twilight pressed her head against the window and she was shocked at what she saw. She saw an entire assembly line and everything. This didn't look like your traditional farm anymore, but it looked like it was a manufacturing plant. Twilight looked at Spike with confusion and then saw Applejack rolling some barrels. She hugged the farm pony and Applejack asked how she could be of service.

Twilight said that it was so good to see Applejack since she couldn't seem to find Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, or Rainbow Dash, but she knew that Applejack would still be here. Applejack said that this was her home and then asked who those ponies mentioned were or even Twilight herself. Twilight was confused about that and Applejack reaffirmed that. She said that the only name she recognized was Rarity, but she left for Manehattan years ago. Spike thought Rarity had gone on to be a world famous fashion designer, but Applejack said that she went to help with the cause just like everypony else. Twilight asked what the cause was and Applejack said it was the war against King Sombra and the Crystal Empire and both Twilight and Spike were in shock. Applejack seemed surprised by that reaction and asked where those two had been, but Spike said it was more of a matter of when. Twilight told Applejack that even though it was hard to believe, all of them were friends, but Applejack asked if she bumped her head on a crate of cider. Twilight said that she was telling the truth and that if Applejack came with her, she'd be able to prove it.

Applejack did nothing for a second, but then she got pulled by Twilight's magic all the way over to where the map was. Applejack seemed to be stunned at what she saw and she said that she lived in these parts her whole life, but never saw this before. Spike mentioned that there was supposed to be a castle that goes with it and Applejack said that she still didn't understand what this all had to do with her and Twilight being friends. Twilight explained that another pony by the name of Starlight Glimmer used the map to travel through time and change something in the past. She mentioned that for some reason, the map is here but everything else was different. Applejack questioned that and Twilight said that from where they came from, there was no war with King Sombra. Applejack felt bad about that and Twilight suggested that maybe Applejack could tell them how the war started so that they could figure out what got changed between worlds. Applejack sighed and explained that when the Crystal Empire returned, it brought King Sombra back along with it as well. It didn't take him long for him to force all of his subjects to fight for him against Equestria.

It showed a scene of the opening battle between Equestria and the Crystal Empire. It looked like your typical war except it was pony style. Applejack went on by saying that even though Celestia was leading the charge, it still took every last pony in Equestria doing their part working both day and night to keep up the fight. Twilight was in disbelief about that and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. I mean, all of them stopped King Sombra. Well, technically, Godzilla did, but you get the idea. She said to Applejack that all of them defeated Sombra with the help of Godzilla, but Applejack said that they weren't friends, at least not here, and asked who the heck Godzilla was. Twilight almost dropped her jaw at that, but she speculated that Godzilla was defeated in some way or he was contained somehow so he couldn't fight these villains. After seeing their sad expressions, Applejack told both Twilight and Spike that she hoped that information helped and she really had to get back to canning those apples. Twilight thanked her and told her that they were going to set things right. Applejack said that she hoped Twilight did and left. Spike asked how they were gonna do that and Twilight simply yelled that she didn't know.

She said that the only thing that she knew for sure was that Starlight stopped the rainboom and Spike mentioned that the map was still here. Then, it hit Twilight like a load of bricks. She said that the map was connected to the Tree of Harmony and it must have sensed that something was wrong which was why it was still here. She said that she'll use Starlight's version of the spell and go back a little earlier to stop her before she even knows that they're there. She blasted the scroll and they went back through the portal. When they made it out on the other side, Twilight was saying that all they needed now was to stop Starlight, but they got blasted and got trapped inside a magical ice cube. Starlight spoke up and said that finding her would be easy, but stopping her would be much harder than Twilight thought it would be. She said that she created that spell so she could send herself back in time so that even when Twilight cast it, she would get sent back here. She said that it wasn't difficult to change Starswirl's spell since he had already done the hard part, but her figuring out she could use the map to go to any time or place and drag Twilight along with her, she even impressed herself with that.

She glared at Twilight and said that she knew Twilight would try to stop her because she was so predictable. She asked why else she would leave it behind and said that touching it triggered the map to take them here and have Twilight watch Starlight erase the one thing that connected Twilight with her friends. She stood on top of the ice cube and said that her village was a sanctuary of equity where no pony could feel superior because of their cutie mark. The only thing she forgot though is that she was pushing a communist regime and in Equestria, there is no place for that. It might be isolated out in the middle of nowhere, but it still was considered part of Equestria. If this was witnessed by any other princess, she would have been arrested for treason because she tried to change the political and economic format of the Equestrian government. It might have only been in that one place, but she would have spread farther once she had the opportunity to. The problem with communism is that it might seem nice on paper, but in reality, it is terrible. It may promote equity, but it restricts freedom.

Of course, that's fancy coming from me as an American, but communism has proven that it doesn't work. The Soviet Union might have been around for over 50 years, but it eventually collapsed in the early 1990's because they simply couldn't keep up with that style anymore. True, China still might exist, but it wasn't always a communist government. It's only been that way for the last century. But the point is that while it might make everyone seem happy because they are all equal, it doesn't allow for freedom or difference. If everypony is the same, then there is nothing unique that makes them special. We were all created in different ways and we shouldn't let differences be seen as a bad thing. Differences are what makes us unique and special, and if you tear that away, then we all become a bunch of mindless robots who do someone's bidding. But Starlight has yet to see that argument. She has not come to the light yet and embraced the American way of capitalism. She'll get there eventually. Anyway, Starlight said that her village was a special place and yelled at Twilight that her and her friends took that away. Starlight noticed the ice cube disappear and she rolled her eyes.

She went down below the cloud and said that it was now her turn to take something special away from Twilight. Without that rainboom, none of the Mane Six would form the special cutie mark bond. She said it was cutie marks for cutie marks which sounded like a fair trade to her. In other words, an eye for an eye. That's how she saw it. But it was more like fighting fire with fire or repaying evil with evil. Neither of which are good by the way because we aren't supposed to take revenge against someone who took something away from us. That's unbiblical and God says that vengeance is his and he will repay. But this is Equestria. Religion doesn't really exist here, so it might not fit in this context. But for all the Christians out there in the audience, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, Starlight tapped the ice cube and it went falling from the sky. Twilight lit up her magic and burst the cube, setting herself and Spike free. However, Spike called out Twilight's name and the alicorn saw Spike falling towards the ground. She chased after him and caught him before he hit the ground. Spike thanked her and Twilight said that they now knew what they needed to do.

They teleported between places and looked around to make sure Starlight wasn't looking. After a few moments, they bolted into the cloud and Twilight told Spike to keep his eyes peeled. She said that they had to stop Starlight as soon as Rainbow and those bullies race by and Spike found the culprit through his binoculars. He tried telling Twilight about it, but she didn't seem to pay attention too much. When she said that Starlight could be anywhere, Spike pointed and suggested if that included down below to the right of them. Twilight took a look through the binoculars and widened her eyes in alarm when she saw Starlight down there talking to the bullies and Fluttershy. Speaking of which, Starlight condemned the bullies in the nicest way possible and told them to ask themselves how they would feel if somepony said those things to them. Twilight asked what was going on and Starlight said in an innocent voice that she was reminding these two colts how hurtful teasing could be. Twilight didn't process that and told her not to do that. It left the young ponies confused and that threw Twilight off as well.

Twilight corrected herself and asked if Starlight was doing that. Starlight said that in a world where everypony was unique, some were bound to be more special than others and asked Twilight if that was considered a license to be cruel. Twilight knew that Starlight had a point and addressed so. Starlight said that it was a shame that they don't live in a world where everypony was equal because no one would ever get teased and asked the young ponies if that would be nice. They concurred and Twilight said that it wasn't. She said that it would be nice not to be teased, but that wasn't the same thing. They were confused about that and one of the colts said that he could help Fluttershy could help her through the course this time. She said she could use the practice and they all took off. Twilight glared at Starlight because she was fed up. She knew that Starlight purposefully threw things off balance just so it could look like her argument was the more logical one despite the young ponies having no knowledge of what this pony did in the past. She knew that it was nice to tell those colts to stop bullying Fluttershy, but Starlight was using that as an excuse to change the course of history and that never should be tampered with under any circumstances.

She told Starlight that she knew the unicorn only convinced those colts to not bully Fluttershy so she could stop that rainboom. Starlight denied the accusation and said that she only did it because she wanted everypony to be equal. Stopping the rainboom was just considered a bonus. Spike saw Rainbow go by and he pointed it out to Twilight. Twilight saw it and told Starlight that it wasn't over yet. She took off and Starlight just yelled at Twilight that she could keep telling herself that. Rainbow was busy flying through the obstacle course and Twilight showed up next to her with a nervous smile on her face. She said hi and Rainbow said hi awkwardly to them. Twilight asked if Rainbow could stop for a minute and the pegasus said she could. She stopped very quickly, but Twilight and Spike crashed into a cloud because they couldn't brake at the same speed as Rainbow could. Twilight said that she heard Rainbow was pretty fast, but Rainbow said that she was even faster than that. Twilight asked if she wanted to race, but Rainbow said that really wouldn't be fair since Twilight was a full grown pony. But then, she asked if she was an alicorn and Twilight said that she thought she was fast.

She looked down at Spike and he gave the thumbs up with a giant smile on his face. Rainbow started getting nervous and said that she just remembered that she needed to be somewhere else right now. Twilight couldn't give up now. She just couldn't. She chased after Rainbow and said that she didn't have to race her, but just fly fast enough to perform a sonic rainboom. Rainbow thought she was nuts and said that she couldn't do that. Nopony could and it wasn't even real because it was just an old mares tale. Twilight said that it wasn't because she saw her do it in the future and did the thing that women usually do whenever they flirt with men. You know what I'm talking about. Rainbow thought this pony was crazy and she had to get away from her as soon as possible because this was starting to become uncomfortable. So, Rainbow said that she was gonna go now and took off as quickly as she could. Twilight told her to come back, but it was too late. Starlight was grinning ear to ear on this and taunted Twilight because she couldn't get Rainbow to do the "impossible." Twilight was about to retort something, but the portal opened up and she got lifted away.

When they landed on the other side, Spike dusted himself off and said that didn't work. Twilight pulled out the scroll and said that this was gonna be harder than they thought. They would have to try again and she did not want to live in that awful future she saw. Spike was smiling nervously and warned Twilight of what was going on, but the alicorn wasn't paying attention. Spike told her that she wouldn't have to live in that awful future and she widened her eyes in shock when spears were drawn out in front of her. Twilight seemed confused that Pinkie and Fluttershy were here, but Pinkie silenced her because she thought she was a Changeling. Fluttershy said that all servants of Queen Chrysalis found in these woods must be destroyed and Twilight gulped nervously. She yelled to them that neither of them were Changelings and that she was a pony and Spike was a dragon. Pinkie didn't buy that story and commanded Spike to do something dragonish. Spike simply burped and Pinkie coughed it out. She said that works and backed away. Fluttershy was still very doubtful and said that the servants of Chrysalis would do anything to save their evil skins.

A voice yelled at them to stop and they all turned to see Zecora on top of one of the trees. She came out of the tree and hopped down. She said that if Twilight and Spike were Changelings, they would soon see, but she believed that they are not what they appeared to be. Twilight attempted to talk to her, but spears being shoved in her face prevented any further movement. Zecora said that beneath the salve, no Changelings hides for it reveals the truth inside and she put it on both Twilight and Spike. Their bodies started to glow and everypony moved away in horror. Pinkie asked what it meant and Zecora said that the meaning was far worse than she thought because it was all of them who shouldn't exist right now. Twilight said that she could explain, but Zecora told her not to talk here because Queen Chrysalis and her army were moving in on them. As they all walked through the forest, Zecora explained to Twilight that the Changelings took over Equestria not that long ago but said that probably wasn't the case in Twilight's timeline. The alicorn explained that Chrysalis tried to take over Canterlot, but her and her friends along with Godzilla stopped her from doing so.

Zecora told Twilight that those friends that she knew did not exist here, but she asked the princess to explain how all of this came to pass. Twilight explained that Starlight Glimmer traveled back in time to stop her and her friends from ever coming together. Zecora asked if Twilight's friends are what keeps Equestria free of strife, and Twilight said that she could say that, but most of the credit goes towards Godzilla since he does most of the fighting and ultimately defeats them in the end. She said that this is the second time she's come back and this world was even worse than the last one. She asked Zecora if Starlight keeps changing the same thing in the past, then why were things so different in the present and Zecora said that time is like a river. She explained that the tiniest changes seen can create a cascade of effects downstream and used the small river as emphasis. Zecora said that this part of the forest was dark and damp, bit it was done well to hide their camp. She opened the vines and there was a small little village that the citizens had lived at for the time being so they could hide from the forces of Chrysalis and continue to edge out their resistance against the Queen.

All of them were walking through it and Spike told Pinkie and Fluttershy that this place was cozy. Suddenly, there was loud screaming and two ponies came out. It was Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Rarity said that the village had to help them and Rainbow said that the Changelings attacked Ponyville and they barely escaped with their lives. Twilight was happy to see her friends, but Zecora blocked her from attending to them. She knew this trap and it appeared all of them were about to be exposed. She said that the only Changeling attack she sees was the one here coming to look for her and Applejack said that it took a while to find her. She laughed evilly and began to transform. Twilight backed away while the rest of the citizens charged up to her. Applejack transformed into Queen Chrysalis and she laughed evilly. She taunted Zecora by saying that she had a lovely village to stage her little "resistance" and it looked absolutely delicious. Zecora had a glare on her face and some of the citizens started pointing spears at Chrysalis. The Queen simply smirked and told Zecora that she was vastly outnumbered. Suddenly, there were a large amount of Changelings that had appeared and they swarmed the area to make sure none of them escaped.

Chrysalis told Zecora that she knew she didn't want Zecora's charges hurt, but she offered to Zecora that she would come quietly to the dungeons of Canterlot and she promised to leave the others alone. Fluttershy asked why Zecora would even trust the Queen and Twilight said that if there was a chance Chrysalis would honor her word, shouldn't all of them try to do that. Zecora simply told Twilight to race to the map while they all hold off the attack so that she could stop Starlight and put the whole world back on track. Twilight nodded and bolted out of there as soon as she could. Chrysalis told Zecora that it was time to make a decision and the Zebra responded with even if what Chrysalis was saying were true, none of them would surrender to a creature like her. They all yelled out their war cry and charged right at her. Chrysalis retaliated with her army and returned the favor. Twilight tried running as fast as she could and blasted away a Changeling so she could get to the map. Spike had to duck so one of them wouldn't bite him and Twilight teleported away from the Changelings trying to surround her. She pulled out the scroll and they got out of there as quickly as they could before they could do anything.

They returned to Cloudsdale and Twilight put up a shield to block Starlight's attack. She had about enough with this mare and she was going to teach her a lesson. She glared at the unicorn and launched herself up into the air. She blasted a beam right at Starlight, but Starlight simply moved herself out of the way and the cloud split in two. Starlight told Twilight that it wasn't bad by any means, but it was gonna take a lot more than that to take her out. Twilight retorted that there was a lot more than where that came from and she blasted magic beams at Starlight machine gun style. Starlight obviously blocked the attack with her shield and blasted a beam at Twilight, but the alicorn dodged the attack by flying away from it. Twilight flew around and blasted another beam at Starlight. The unicorn flew up and said that Twilight really needed to work on her aim. She fired magic at Twilight, but the alicorn teleported away to avoid the attack. Both of them exchanged magic attacks, but eventually, they caused Rainbow and the bullies to stop what they were doing and investigate. Both mares got tired and they panted in exhaustion.

But they weren't even trying. Rainbow was amazed and expressed so. Twilight turned around and got nervous when she saw the filly sitting on the bench with popcorn. Twilight asked Rainbow what she was doing and said that the filly had to finish her race. Rainbow said she wasn't doing that and that this was way more exciting. Starlight took that as an opportunity and said that Twilight couldn't stop her no matter what the alicorn did. Both Twilight and Spike tried to retaliate, but the portal sucked them away before they could do anything. Rainbow was bummed about that and threw away the popcorn. They fell to the ground again and they groaned in pain. Spike got up and said that was strange. Twilight said that he probably didn't mean falling all the time because that became pretty routine. Spike explained that the other times they've come back, it has been day, but now, it was night time. Twilight found that odd as well and asked why the map would bring them back to a different time of day than when they left. Spike smelled something horrible and his eyes widened in alarm. He knew this smell and dealt with it before, so that only meant one thing. He told Twilight that she could figure that out later and Twilight saw a paw step in front of her.

There were two Timberwolves that were standing around the map and Twilight tried to take them out. But her magic failed her and she sweated nervously. The Timberwolves started sniffing and they saw her standing over there. She took off running and they began to howl. She kept running, but stopped when she reached a cliff. She looked up and recognized the building in front of her as the Castle of the Two Sisters. The wolves were still howling and Spike made a run for it. He told her to not just stand there and the two of them raced to the castle entrance. They closed the door and breathed a silent sigh of relief. They took a look around and noticed how different everything looked. For one thing, everything looked a lot cleaner in here, and the second thing is that there seemed to be a night centered theme in here. Spike pointed that out, but they were in panic mode when they saw it move. But that quickly turned to joy when they saw it was Rarity. Speaking of which, the unicorn told them that the castle wasn't open for viewings today because all of the tapestries needed changing. Spike tried striking conversation with Rarity, but the unicorn struck down that down and said that she doesn't socialize with dragons and doesn't know anypony who would.

Spike made a sad dog noise and he felt crushed by that. Twilight jumped over him and told Rarity that she had to listen to her because the future of Equestria was at stake. Rarity got annoyed at the confrontation and told Twilight that she had no idea how she knew her name, but she was far too busy to entertain some tourist's ridiculous fantasies. Twilight persisted and said that she had to get back to the map so she can stop Starlight from changing the past because every present that she comes back to is worse than the last. A voice asked for confirmation on that and Twilight turned to see who it was. She got nervous and saw all of the themes in the room which were pictures of the Princess of the Night herself in evil form. The dreaded Nightmare Moon. Speaking of which, she grinned with a devilish look and said that time travel was something she liked to see. She laughed evilly and a bunch of guards started to come out, surrounding Twilight and Spike. Nightmare Moon flew down from her throne and asked Twilight how it was possible to travel through time. Twilight didn't answer, so one of the guards spoke up and said that the princess asked her a question and unless she wanted to end up in the dungeon, she'll tell her what Nightmare Moon wants to know.

Twilight seemed surprised by that reaction coming from Rainbow and turned her attention back to Nightmare Moon. The evil alicorn said that nopony in her kingdom but her should possess a magic powerful enough to change time. Spike questioned that idea and Twilight hit him on the arm to tell him to knock it off. Nightmare Moon glared at him and asked who else the kingdom could belong to. Spike thought about it for a second, but then answered Celestia with confidence. The guards expressed worry and Nightmare Moon simply laughed at the answer. She said that her sister has been imprisoned in the Moon for years, but it is no less of a fate than she sentenced her to. She slammed her hoof down and demanded that Twilight show her the source this time magic. Realizing that she had no other choice, Twilight gave in and agreed to it. Spike told her not to, but Twilight told him that they had no other choice. She told Nightmare Moon that she can take her to it, but she would have to get past the Timberwolves. Nightmare Moon said that she was the ruler of all of Equestria and asked Twilight if she thought she couldn't deal with Timberwolves.

Twilight said that she believed the evil alicorn could deal with it and Nightmare Moon informed her that if she tried to escape, it would be very unfortunate for Spike. She brought him to her and locked him up in chains as emphasis to prove her point. They went through the forest and Nightmare Moon destroyed the Timberwolves with her magic relatively easily. The wolves tried running away in fear, but it did them no good as they could not escape the wrath of the Queen. Nightmare Moon asked how the magic worked and Twilight said that a pony from her time used a spell to travel back and change the past. Nightmare Moon said that Twilight would now give the spell to her and she declared that with this spell, she can ensure that the Elements of Harmony are never found and her reign lasts forever. Twilight said that won't happen, and Nightmare Moon took that as a challenge. Twilight explained that in her world, her friends and herself found the Elements of Harmony and used them to defeat her. She declared that she would do everything in her power to bring that world back and Nightmare Moon yelled no in denial.

Twilight teleported away from the magic blast from Nightmare Moon and she got Spike out as well. Nightmare Moon turned around to see the two of them escape and she lit up her horn to attack. Suddenly, they disappeared and Nightmare Moon yelled no before the guards could get to Twilight and Spike. When they made it to the other side, Twilight blasted a magic beam and it trapped her in the same ice cube as she was trapped in earlier. She told Starlight that she knew more than ever how important it was to stop her and Starlight used her magic to get out fairly quickly. She said good luck to Twilight and dashed away. Twilight chased after her and Starlight stuck out her hoof to trip up Rainbow. The portal appeared again and sucked Twilight and Spike away. When they made it to the other side, they were surprised at what they saw. They saw a bunch of burning buildings and someone yelling the name Andrew. They heard the ground shake, so they looked up in the air and saw Godzilla marching through the city. He let out a massive roar and continued to head towards San Francisco Bay.

The scene changed to them in some living room with the news on the TV. The news said that last night, thousands had gathered in the bay area to honor the victims of the 2014 attacks and a wave of memorials and protests demanding that the secretive monster-hunting coalition known as Monarch be held accountable. They also said that the recent spike in mass die-offs in the world's oceans could be caused by efforts to locate and track Godzilla, who hasn't been seen in over five years. Another reporter stated that the top brass at the mysterious Monarch organization will face another intense grilling as the government continues to push for extermination of the Titans and rumors persist that Monarch may be hiding even more creatures that were discovered since the attacks of 2014. They described it as a historic tragedy that changed the world as we know it forever: the day the world discovered that monsters are real. Both Twilight and Spike saw the videos on TV of people marching through Washington D.C. and holding up signs that say "Kill The Titans" in front of the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Supreme Court. They couldn't believe that these people wanted Equestria's savior and creatures like him dead when he saved them all.

The scenery changed again and they were at the bottom of Monarch Outpost 61 in China. They saw something sitting there and noticed movement within it. They saw the creature rise and they were amazed at what they saw. They heard one of the people say to say hello to Titanus Mosura or what they like to call Mothra. They saw light beams go up and then everything started to change red. They began to panic when they saw Mothra attacking the facility and the people there were firing their weapons at her. Twilight got mad at these people and opened the doors to try and calm the thing down. Of course, it kept on attacking and Twilight noticed that Mothra's attack was using spider webs to trap people inside. What Twilight failed to notice is that she was simply viewing this timeline and no one could actually see her, which included Mothra. She saw Emma run out with some device and began using the frequencies on the device to try to calm Mothra down. Sadly, she had to keep dodging attacks from Mothra and the creature was still very angry. Madison banged on the window and expressed worry for her mother.

After another attack from Mothra, she had enough and took one of the passes from the employees to open the door. She went out to the platform and her mother told her to stay back. Madison ignored that and told her mother to get out of there. Emma scrambled to find the solution on the ORCA and found an alpha frequency. Mothra was getting ready for one last attack, but after responding to the frequency, it calmed down and everything changed back to blue. Twilight was amazed at how human technology could calm down a creature like this and she went to take a closer look at it. It appeared to be friendly and she watched Madison pet it. It put a smile on her face and made her appreciate the way of life. Suddenly, there was a bunch of gunfire coming in and Twilight and Spike had to duck onto the ground to avoid it. After the shooting was over, they turned to see some older looking man with a grin on his face staring right at the ORCA. They were suddenly transported somewhere else and were surprised at where they were at.

They saw another large TV with videos of Godzilla attacking the MUTO and King Kong attacking Skullcrawlers. After hearing one of the men address the people in front of him as Senators, they realized they were sitting in a hearing with Monarch testifying to the United States Senate in D.C. about what they have done as an organization. Sam Coleman told the senators that what they were all witnessing was the return of an ancient and forgotten super species which were Godzilla, the MUTOs, and Kong. He said that the organization believes that these Titans and others like them provide an essential balance to their world and while some may pose a threat, Monarch is uniquely prepared to determine which Titans were here to threaten all of them and which ones would protect them. The chairwoman of the committee thanked Coleman for the fifth grade history lesson, but told him that none of the committee has heard one good reason why Monarch should not fall under military jurisdiction or why these creatures shouldn't be exterminated. She said that Monarch was tasked with finding and destroying these radioactive monsters, but the organization either couldn't or wouldn't tell them how many there were or why they are showing up.

She concluded that maybe it was time for the U.S. military to put them down, but Doctor Serizawa told the senator that would be a terrible mistake. He said that they returned because of the human race. All that nuclear testing back in the 1950's woke up Gojira and the MUTO's woke up because of strip mining and seismic surveys. He told the committee very clearly that these creatures were not monsters, but they were simply animals rising to reclaim what was once theirs. The chairwoman of the committee seemed very doubtful about that and told Serizawa that it appeared to be that he was protecting these creatures as if he admired them. Serizawa told them that he admired all forms of life and said to the committee that if they all hoped to survive, they must learn to coexist with Titans. Doctor Graham explained as a type of symbiotic relationship like the lion and the mouse. The chairwoman of the committee said it also was the scorpion and the frog and asked Serizawa if he was saying that the human race had to be Godzilla's pet. Serizawa said they would be his and all of the senators just laughed at that because of how stupid that sounded to them.

Twilight was very mad at these people for laughing about how the human race was supposed to be Godzilla's pet and that killing all of these Titans was the solution. After everything that the King Of The Monsters had done for them in the past, they should show a little bit more appreciation for keeping their world in balance. But that is the arrogance of man for you in a nutshell. Sam Coleman spoke up and said that was not what Serizawa meant and no one was implying that the human race would be Godzilla or any other Titan's pet. Both Serizawa and Graham headed for the exit and the chairwoman of the Senate Committee told them both that this meeting was not adjourned. Neither of them listened and the chairwoman told Serizawa that he'd better know the consequences of walking out that door. Sam Coleman spoke up and told the Senators that he was going to put on a documentary on Titan reproduction while he consults with his colleagues and put it on the TV so it could be used as stall time.

The scenery changed and they were in a meeting room at the bottom of Monarch Outpost 54 in Bermuda, otherwise known as Castle Bravo and Doctor Graham was informing them all about what had been happening. She said that as all of them knew, at approximately 7:00 AM this morning, the containment site at Monarch Outpost 61 in the Yunnan Rainforest in China got raided. The specimen, which was Mothra, escaped from the facility only to cocoon herself later under a waterfall nearby while Doctor Emma Russell and her daughter Madison were taken hostage. She said that this was the man responsible and showed an image of the man. Twilight instantly recognized that picture and knew that was the same guy from earlier that was staring at the ORCA. Doctor Graham identified the man as Alan Jonah and said that he was a former British army colonel who had turned into an ecoterrorist and was obsessed with restoring natural order. She also said that he funded his operations, he began trafficking in a new and dangerous market which was Titan DNA. The people sitting at the table had discussions amongst themselves and Colonel Foster stated that their intel indicates that Jonah wants to capture this specimen alive which meant that he and his mercs won't be far behind.

The thought of that made Twilight's blood boil. Some flipping old dude wanted to go after a creature that was very nice and only attacked people because it felt threatened. She really got angry when she heard Mark Russell tell the team to kill all of the Titans, especially Godzilla. She wanted to buck him so hard in the mouth, but she knew that wouldn't solve things. It was almost like this dude had some sort of hatred towards Godzilla. It didn't make sense to her because Godzilla was considered a hero to Equestria, but he was considered a hated enemy by Mark. If she had known it was because his son died from all of the attacks in 2014, she would express more sympathy for him. But, she had no idea, so she assumed that Mark didn't appreciate Godzilla for everything he has done to protect the world. The scenery changed again and both her and Spike were on some giant cargo helicopter. They saw everyone waring massive winter parkas, so they decided to look out the window. They saw a bunch of wind, ice, and snow. Wherever they were, it was in some very cold place. It reminded Twilight of how the Crystal Empire looked when she went there with her friends to stop Sombra. The helicopter landed and they were now at Monarch Outpost 32 in Antarctica.

She saw that terrible man from earlier and just glared at him with a deep hatred as she watched him command his men to get out of the helicopter. Madison had the same expression towards Alan and just watched him leave. She heard gunfire and it just made her heart ache having to listen to those innocent people get killed by a man who is hell bent on capturing the Titans and wants to "restore the world's balance." Twilight attempted to put her hoof on Madison for comfort, but she noticed that her hoof went right through Madison. This told Twilight that she couldn't be seen by anyone on the timeline and she was just viewing what was happening. She could see them, but they couldn't see her. Both Emma and Madison held each other together and they heard footsteps. Alan told them it was time to go and they moved along with a dude with a machine gun in his arms to make sure they don't try anything. Twilight and Spike followed them out and both of them got confused when they heard Emma say to Madison to keep her eyes straight ahead. Twilight and Spike looked to the side of them and they gasped in horror at what they saw. They were horrified at what they were looking at. There were dead bodies lying everywhere. Both of them were about ready to puke and they moved quickly inside the outpost before they could do so.

Twilight couldn't believe how violent these people really were. The amount of hatred and bitterness in this world just made Twilight sick to her stomach. She couldn't bear having this much division around her and she just wanted to spread the magic of friendship to these people, but she was not visible to them, so there was nothing she could do about it. Of course, this is what happens. Adam and Eve were the first people to sin in the Garden of Eden, and as a result, that has been brought upon the rest of mankind. What Twilight had witnessed here was the worst of it, so it left her very unsettled as you would expect from a pony who lives in a world filled with friendship, hope, and love. But she couldn't dwell on that now. She had to keep up with what was going on. She made it to an elevator and it descended further into the ground. She noticed that Alan had a grin on his face and Madison responded in kind by rubbing her eye a bit while also raising the middle finger. Alan did not appreciate that and Twilight giggled a little bit at the reaction because she believed that was well deserved. He wanted to do all of these terrible things, then yeah, he totally deserves the middle finger from a teenager. The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

When Twilight and Spike walked out, their jaws dropped. They saw the shadow of some three headed dragon looking creature being frozen in the ice as if it had been stuck there for over a thousand years. They turned to look at the crowd and they heard Madison say Monster Zero, or as we know it, Ghidorah. They followed the crowd and they heard Alan ask Emma if she had everything she needed. Emma said she did and Alan said it was time to get started. That made Twilight and Spike panic a bit because it seemed like he was suggesting that they were gonna release this three headed dragon from its prison. They saw the drills blast through the ice and they saw the ORCA hooked up to the monitor with frequency signals as if Emma was trying to communicate with the creature. They heard one of the guardsmen tell Alan that "they were here" and Alan told them to stall them from getting in. They saw the detonator get activated and everyone started to rush out, so they took that as a signal to get out of here before something bad happened. They heard gunfire and they started running away so they could avoid getting hit by bullets. They may not be visible to anyone else, but they could still take damage from bullets. So, they had to be careful.

They stopped to see Mark shoot a man and heard him yell for Emma and Madison to go. They could see the fear in his eyes because he did not want to get killed in this situation and he wanted to get the heck out of dodge before he got blown up. They could also see Madison starting to walk over towards Mark, but she hesitated when Emma was calling to her. They could interpret this as a daughter having to choose between her mother and her father and having no idea which one to choose. They saw her walk back towards Emma and they saw Emma pick up some device. They heard loud movements and that's when they realized that button was gonna release that three headed dragon out into the open. They could see Mark get worried and they expressed worry as well because from what they saw, this thing was massive and they did not want to mess with it at all. They heard Emma say that she was sorry and watched her press the button. She said to run and that's what both of them did. They did not want to stick around to see this monster get released into the world and they hightailed it out of there. They made it out of there, but they couldn't get to the helicopter in time. So they were stuck on the ground.

Twilight knew she couldn't fly in this weather because she would be thrown back down by the extreme winds and could crash into the ground. Both her and Spike heard some low growls and looked down below to see who it was. They saw a massive tail with spikes and then heads started to appear. There was King Ghidorah in all of his glory out in the open. Twilight and Spike were terrified at the sheer mass of this creature and they began backing away slowly. Ghidorah roared at them and they began to run away. Twilight turned her head around and saw yellow lightning appear behind Ghidorah as he roared with might as he was finally free after thousands of years of being trapped in frozen ice. Twilight began to run faster as she heard footsteps and then she saw Ghidorah's wings pop out which made her even more terrified because they were massive. He roared at them again and the soldiers starting firing their guns at him. Ghidorah simply stared at them and growled at them. Both Twilight and Spike made it onto the chopper and got inside to sit down. Before she could though, she heard noise outside and took a look to see what was happening. She noticed yellow light going up Ghidorah's throats and she got nervous. Then her eyes widened when she saw those gravity beams released, destroying everything in its path and anything electrical.

She really started to freak out when she saw Ghidorah headed right for her, but she noticed some erratic behavior coming from Ghidorah, so she looked out the window and saw another chopper in the sky. She then realized that someone up there must be controlling his behavior and actions, otherwise, he wouldn't just stop right in front of the aircraft. She heard something and saw Ghidorah was about to blast those gravity beams right at the ship she was in, so she lit up her magic and was ready to stand against this creature. Suddenly, the pulse stops and Twilight deactivates her magic. She seemed confused for a second, but quickly relieved that she didn't have to fight for her life against a giant three headed dragon. However, that did not stop Ghidorah from terrorizing his enemy and he moved in to attack the stranded humans on the ground. Inside the chopper, Twilight was being thrown around a bit as Ghidorah was trying to break the aircraft and all of them screamed when he smashed one of the windows. They all screamed again when Ghidorah smashed the windshield of the chopper and they were being thrown around. Suddenly, things got quiet and Ghidorah stopped what he was doing. Twilight saw something on the radar and went to take a closer look.

She saw a blue light coming towards them and she got curious on what this could be. However, it quickly turned to joy when she saw it was Godzilla who had risen out of the cold water. Godzilla climbed up to the surface and went to take a closer look. Sure enough, it was Ghidorah. The last time he saw him, he trapped him in frozen ice and thought he would never see him again. But clearly, he was wrong. Ghidorah somehow got out and he is now free. Ghidorah recognized Godzilla and simply roared at the Kaiju as a form of intimidation. However, Godzilla was not intimidated and simply growled at the three headed monster. Ghidorah took that as a challenge and spread out his wings so he could show Godzilla how much bigger he was than the Kaiju in front of him. Godzilla had enough and gave an ear shattering roar at Ghidorah. Ghidorah roared right back at him and proceeded to charge towards him. Colonel Foster spoke up and told everyone to hold on, because they were probably gonna get thrown around from the giant monster fight that was about to occur.

Twilight stared out the window and saw Godzilla collide with Ghidorah. Godzilla took one of Ghidorah's heads and slammed it into the ground. Ghidorah roared in pain and everyone got thrown around because of it. Colonel Foster told everyone to get out and Twilight and Spike hightailed it out of there. The alicorn saw Ghidorah blast Godzilla to the ground and she couldn't believe it. She really wanted to attack Ghidorah for that, but she had to get out of there before she died. However, Godzilla got back up and roared at Ghidorah. Ghidorah tried blasting Godzilla with his gravity beams again, but Godzilla blocked it with his arms while roaring in pain. Godzilla's scales started to light up and Twilight got excited as she knew what that meant. Godzilla built up his atomic breath and blasted it right at Ghidorah, but the three headed dragon blocked the attack by moving his heads away from the blast and fired his gravity beams at Godzilla. This sent Godzilla tumbling towards the ground and his atomic breath had destroyed the Monarch Outpost facility because of it. Twilight started running again and saw Godzilla disappear into the ground. She thought the worse had happened, but she shrieked in horror when she saw Doctor Graham get eaten by Ghidorah. Serizawa couldn't believe his eyes and just stared at the giant monster.

The soldiers were ready to attack Ghidorah again, but they got beaten to it. Ghidorah roared in pain and looked to see missiles coming his way. He used his wings to shield the attack and Mark saw one of them come flying down towards him. Twilight and Spike also watched that happen and the three of them got blown back by the explosion and hit their backs on a shipping crate before falling to the ground. Twilight saw Ghidorah turn around to face Godzilla, and before the Kaiju could attack him again, he flew off into the air and disappeared. Godzilla roared in rage and raced back to the ocean to chase after Ghidorah. The scene changed to them being on the USS Argo and looking at all the different satellite images. Twilight and Spike heard Nick say that the submarines were having Godzilla moving very quickly through Argentina and that they lost Monster Zero in a tropical storm over Brazil. He said that the entire southern hemisphere was scanned and there was nothing. Twilight looked over and saw Serizawa in a sad state. She could see the pain and the sadness in his eyes and she went to find out why. She looked at the computer and saw that Doctor Graham was labeled as deceased. She knew the two had a strong friendship going on and it must have been painful for Serizawa to watch his friend get eaten alive by Ghidorah.

She wasn't just a friend, she was family to him. Twilight took a look at her life on the screen and was pretty impressed by the track record. She turned her attention towards the center of the room where Colonel Foster and Sam Coleman were having an argument with one another about if Emma really was the one who pressed that trigger. Foster said that she knew what she saw and Coleman told her that she saw wrong and it had to be someone else. Nick suggested that maybe Jonah forced her to do it and used Madison as leverage. Mark said it was Emma and that Colonel Foster saw it right. He was correct since both her and him saw it happen. They were right there when it happened. Serizawa asked if Mark was sure and he nodded in confirmation. Colonel Foster got mad and said that Emma released Mothra, and now, she released Monster Zero or King Ghidorah which ever way you prefer it. She asked the group if they sensed a pattern here and Doctor Chen said that she did. She said that it wasn't a good one and believed that Emma was trying to start a mass awakening. Mark decided to get smart here and said with sarcasm that it was too bad that no one warned it that was gonna happen. Sam then asked why the heck Emma would want to release these creatures and why she wanted to work with Alan of all people.

Serizawa said that they'll ask her as soon as they find her and told them to keep looking. Colonel Foster pointed out that it appeared to be on the map that Godzilla was following the same path as Emma's osprey and was heading north over South America to one of the outposts. It was Monarch Outpost 56 in Isla de Mara, Mexico and Colonel Foster told them they would touch down in ten minutes. Mark asked about the people there and Foster asked him to clarify. Mark was talking about the people down there in that village who had no idea that they were gonna be the special of the day and Serizawa told him they already sent a G-Team down there to begin the evacuations. One of the tech people told Serizawa that there was an incoming call on the emergency channel from Isla de Mara and Serizawa told them to answer it. The maps got replaced with the person of the conversation, Emma, and all of them stared in anger. Emma said that she should probably go first and Mark cut to the chase and asked where Madison was. Madison appeared on the screen and asked her father if he was alright. Mark asked his daughter if she was alright and Madison said that she was sorry. Twilight was confused by that apology because she knew that Madison did nothing wrong, it was her mother that released two giant monsters into the world and maybe even release a third.

If anyone had to apologize, it was Emma, not her. Mark told her that she didn't need to be sorry for anything and Emma said that Madison was fine. Colonel Foster didn't exactly believe that and said that trust was a little hard to come by after what Emma just pulled. Emma said that she knew and that she could only imagine what they were all thinking. Basically, the mood in the room was we're really mad at you and we want answers as to why you are doing this because you are putting millions if not billions of lives in danger. Emma said that if there was any other way to do this, she would and Mark asked what that would be. Emma said that she was saving the world and Mark said that doesn't make any sense. Emma said that as impossible as it seems, it does and told Mark to hear her out. She said that after they lost Andrew, she swore that his death would not be vain and she would find an answer. However, when she dug deeper, she realized that the Titans were here for a reason and that despite all of the years that they've spent trying to stop them, they never dared to confront the truth. Mark asked which truth Emma was referring to and Emma said that humans have been the dominant species for thousands of years and look what was happened. Overpopulation, pollution, and war. She said that the mass extinction that they've feared has already begun and that they are the cause and the infection.

She explained that like all living organisms, the Earth unleashed a fever to fight this infection with the original and rightful rulers which were the Titans. She said that they were part of the Earth's natural defense system and was a way to protect the planet and maintain its balance. She said that if governments were allowed to contain them, destroy them, or use them for war, the human infection will only continue to spread and within their lifetime, the Earth will perish and so will them unless they restored balance. Rick was skeptical and asked what was gonna be left if she did this. Emma said that the exact opposite will happen and explained that how a forest fire replenishes the soil or how a volcano creates new land, they have seen signs that these creatures will do the same. She explained that in places like San Francisco or Las Vegas or wherever they go, life will follow because of the radiation. Twilight did admit that new life in the photos looked nice, but Emma was taking this way too far for her liking. Emma explained that the Titans were the only way to reverse the destruction that the human race started and they were the only guarantee that life will carry on. But for that to happen, they must be set free. Doctor Chen told Emma that she was murdering the world, but Emma said that as difficult as it will be, she promises that humanity will not go extinct.

She said that by using the ORCA, they could return to a natural order and a forgotten order where humanity coexisted in balance with the Titans. Serizawa warned Emma that this was a dangerous path and she was meddling with forces beyond their comprehension which was gambling with the lives of billions. Emma asked in retaliation what Serizawa was gambling with and told him that Monarch was broken and was about ready to be shut down by a government who wants nothing more than to eradicate the Titans from existence. She asked him if that were to happen, what will their chances be and Mark had enough. He told Emma that she was out of her gosh darn mind and explained that first, she put their daughter's life in danger, and now, she got to decide the fate of the world. Emma disregarded that and said that she couldn't be any more sane and Madison was stronger than ever. Emma said that after they lost Andrew, she trained Madison to survive and at least now, she'll have a fighting chance. Mark asked her if she was listening to herself and told her that it was not all math and there were some things out there that you just couldn't control. Emma retorted by saying there were some things that you couldn't run from and Mark told her that this would not bring Andrew back to them.

Twilight understood where Emma was coming from on this, but she did not agree with the measures that she was willing to take. Sure, there are elements of humanity that are bitter and cruel, but we don't need to kill off a bunch of innocent people who didn't ask to die just so that "natural balance" could be restored. Twilight saw the root cause as to why Emma wanted to do this, but she knew that this would not solve the problem. She agreed with Doctor Chen and Serizawa. This was taking it too far and after a few moments of silence, Emma said that she urged all of them to take refuge. She said that Monarch had been building bunkers for over the past 60 years around the world in order to save and restart civilization and suggested that all of them that they find them. The screen cut off and everyone was dead silent. Doctor Chen spoke up and called Emma the word that means female dog and Mark asked how long until this aircraft lands. Colonel Foster told him that it was three minutes and Rick said that they might want to rethink that. Foster asked why and Rick explained that something wasn't right. Emma was not at Isla de Mara because the signal's too weak to be local and he said that she must have been bouncing it off of their satellites. He said that they must have been holed up at one of their old bunkers and she could be anywhere.

Emma was nowhere in the local area, but she was actually 2,200 miles away from here, hiding in one of the bunkers in Boston. An alarm went off and Mark asked what that was. Sam said that Emma shut down the containment system and Serizawa asked how much time they had. Twilight heard noises and looked out the window. She saw an explosion go off on top of the volcano and noticed that the people down below were screaming in terror as they were trying to run away. She took a closer look and saw that a winged creature had emerged known as Rodan. Mark asked Doctor Chen what this creature was and Chen said that local legends called it Rodan, the fire demon. Mark said sarcastically that was comforting and they all heard the bird roar. Sam asked the group if they remembered the tropical storm where they lost Monster Zero and said that it was changing direction, which was where they were currently at. Rick said that was not possible because there was no way a storm could move that fast and Doctor Chen suggested that it wasn't a storm. The satellite was able to identify Ghidorah and everyone was nervous. It basically told them that Ghidorah was in that storm and he was the one leading the charge making the weather go wherever he pleased.

Serizawa said that they needed time to finish the evacuation and Rick told him that they better hurry because Ghidorah was closing in fast. Mark said to Serizawa that it wasn't a coincidence that Ghidorah was headed here and it was responding to Rodan's cries. It meant that he was coming for food, a fight, or something more intimate. Serizawa asked him what he suggested and the fighter jets went towards the volcano. They launched missiles at Rodan and the winged Titan roared in pain as he got hit by these missiles. Twilight was able to get a good look on him and Mark said that he believed that they had Rodan's attention now. Colonel Foster told everyone to strap in and commanded the ships to follow their lead. Twilight saw Rodan turn his head as he watched the fighter jets change direction and he growled at them. They had ticked him off and he was going to make them pay. He took flight and chased after the aircraft. As he flew over the village, it literally caused everything to be destroyed instantly and people had to hold on to something to prevent being taken away by the dust storm.

Spike asked Twilight why the heck Rodan was chasing them and Twilight said she had no idea. She told him that she assumed it was because it had gotten angry and simply wanted to attack them, but then she said it could have been because they wanted to use him to fight Ghidorah who was fast approaching. It looked like Rodan was gone, but then he appeared out of nowhere and he roared at all of them. Rick called out to the Gold Squadron and said it was time to lure Rodan away from the mainland, straight to Ghidorah. Colonel Foster told them to engage on their six and the pilot said copy, start the clock. The fighter jets turned around and fired more missiles at Rodan. Rodan roared in pain and flew up into the air, destroying some of the planes using his wings. Twilight looked out the window and saw Rodan coming in hot from above. He zipped right past two of the fighter jets and decapitated both of them. He ate at it and then threw them away into the ocean with his claws. He flew back up from the water and Colonel Foster told one of the pilots to get out of there because Rodan was right on their tail. They fired machine guns at Rodan and the pilot pulled the ejector seat. But, he landed right in Rodan's mouth and the winged Titan ate him.

Both Twilight and Spike were disgusted at that and looked away before they puked. They heard Rick say that Cobra's Raptor was off the team and they were only 60 seconds away from reaching the storm of King Ghidorah. Twilight and Spike looked out the window and they saw that Rodan was closing in them because he could keep up with the aircraft. One of the fighter jets saw Rodan in their window, so they flew away. However, Rodan growled at that and he simply spun around in a full 360 degree circle effectively taking the rest of the remaining planes and the squadron. Rick told everyone that they lost the Squadron and they were only thirty seconds away from Ghidorah. They went into the storm and they got got thrown around a little bit as they could hear the faint roars of King Ghidorah up ahead. Rick said they were ten seconds away and Twilight saw Rodan reaching for the aircraft with his claws. She got really worried and braced for impact, but she heard Rodan roar and withdraw from the aircraft. She assumed that Rodan realized what was going on and moved away to fight the oncoming threat.

She saw Ghidorah roaring right in front of them with yellow lightning in the background and her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. In fact, everyone widened their eyes as they saw the three headed dragon residing in the eye of the storm. Colonel Foster told the pilot to dive and the aircraft flew straight down away from Ghidorah. Twilight saw on the screen that Ghidorah was approaching Rodan and Rodan was doing the same. The two collided in the sky and she just watched the fight unfold on the screen. Rodan almost flew away, so he attempted to latch onto Ghidorah, but the three headed dragon stretched him out so Rodan couldn't do anything to him. Rick said that they were killing each other and the ship got a call from Raptor One. Colonel Foster asked what their status was and they said that they were screwed and they needed immediate mid-air retrieval. Plus, to top it all off, they had kids on board, so that didn't help things either. Foster told the tech team to lock onto their position and prepare the hangar for an emergency landing. Rick said the hanger doors were unresponsive and Foster asked about manual override. Rick yelled that they were stuck and Mark got out of his seat and asked which way the hanger was.

Sam said he knew the way, but Mark didn't want to put up with this guy, so he asked if anyone else knew. Sam told him he knew the way and Mark followed after him. Rick told them that he hoped they had a big wrench and Twilight saw Ghidorah blast his gravity beams at Rodan's chest and the winged Titan fell into the Atlantic Ocean. There was a call and Rick said it was Admiral Stenz. He picked up the call and the Admiral addressed Doctor Serizawa and Colonel Foster. He told them that they needed to immediately disengage and withdraw forces to a safe distance. Colonel Foster said she didn't understand and Admiral Stenz said that they had been developing a prototype for a new weapon which was called an oxygen destroyer. He explained that it was designed to exterminate all life forms within a two mile radius and with any luck, it will kill both Ghidorah and Godzilla and the nightmare will finally be over. Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. The U.S. military was gonna kill Godzilla and King Ghidorah will be allowed to run free unimpeded! Didn't they understand that Godzilla was here to protect them and not destroy them all in one quick swing? Why couldn't they see beyond his monster status? Sure, he was intimidating, but he was the King Of The Monsters and wanted to protect life instead of destroying it unlike Ghidorah who wanted to terraform the Earth to his own liking.

Serizawa thought the same way and told Stenz that they must continue to have faith in Godzilla. The Admiral disagreed and said that the doctor had his chance. He said that the missile was already on its way and said that may God have mercy on them all. The screen cut away and the ship shook a bit. Foster said that he wasn't lying and that missile was coming in hot. Twilight looked on the satellite and looked towards the hanger. She had to stop this from happening. So, she and Spike ran towards the hanger and saw that the people there were still trying to get the helicopter up here. Mark looked around and formulated an idea. He pressed one of the buttons and pulled the lever which caused one of the helicopters to fall down and break the hanger doors, sending the chopper straight into the Atlantic. Twilight and Spike saw the helicopter coming in hot and got out the way so they wouldn't get burned alive. There was a small explosion and all of the fire crew attended to it. Barnes thanked Mark for the lift and they all heard the roar of Ghidorah in the distance. They turned to see Ghidorah flying right towards the ship, and they braced for the worst. But Godzilla came in and attacked Ghidorah from his blind side. He had jumped up from the ocean and brought Ghidorah down with him.

Twilight saw that one of Ghidorah's heads was about to hit the windshield, but Godzilla grabbed it and sent it back down into the ocean. Ghidorah was trying to escape and cried for help, but Godzilla continued to submerge him in the water and attacked him. This was Godzilla's home turf and he was much better at fighting in the ocean than Ghidorah was. Godzilla was able to get one of Ghidorah's heads off and he roared in victory. Twilight saw the missile coming towards Godzilla and she lit up her horn to try and stop it. She fired off a beam right at the missile, but it went right through the weapon. Twilight was confused and tried again multiple times. But each time she did it, the magic beam would just pass through as if it were hollow or something. Eventually it was too late and the missile hit Godzilla which caused a mushroom cloud to form. Twilight shielded her eyes for a second, but then she saw the large cloud and broke down. They had done it. She raced back to the cockpit and she could hear those cries of pain from Godzilla. She heard loud noises and saw that Ghidorah came flying out of the ocean unscathed besides the decapitated head. Everyone else saw it too and Serizawa asked Rick if he could locate Godzilla.

Rick said that he got something and they all turned to hear what he had to say. He said that Godzilla's vitals were fading and his radiation levels were plummeting. They were all hoping that he would survive, but the monitor flatlined and Rick said that he was gone. After hearing that, Twilight broke down in tears. The savior of Equestria was gone and Ghidorah was still roaming free. She wasn't just upset, she was angry. She wanted to buck both that Admiral and Mark so hard for killing Godzilla, but her legs would pass right through them. If only they had listened to Serizawa, he could still have been alive. But because these stupid military leaders got impatient, they killed off the one chance they had at getting rid of Ghidorah and now the Earth will be destroyed along with it. Serizawa told Mark that it looked like he got his wish and walked away. Twilight glared at him and walked to a different part of the room. She looked on the CCTV footage and saw that Ghidorah had returned to the volcano on top of the village. She saw something strange going on and then noticed that the missing head was able to regenerate. She couldn't believe her eyes. Not only could this creature bring unbalance to the world, it could also regenerate itself at any time.

Then she heard him making a loud roar and then noticed that all of the other Titans were getting up as well. This told her that they were responding to the call and doing his bidding. She heard some faint calls and went over to the tech station. She saw the radio waves moving and she saw Mark trying to analyze it. She rolled her eyes in disgust and looked back towards the screen to try and figure out what those radio waves meant. Doctor Chen asked Mark if he had any luck and Mark said that he wasn't. "Serves him right for what he wanted to happen and he got his wish." Twilight thought in her head. She was still quite upset with Mark for wanting every single Titan dead and didn't bother to stop Admiral Stenz for sending an oxygen destroyer to kill Godzilla. Anyway, Mark told Chen that whatever Emma used to create the ORCA signal, he had never heard it and asked Chen how she was doing. She spoke something in Mandarin and Mark asked what that meant. Chen said that it meant "myth is our compass," and told him that was something her mother used to say. She said that her mother believed the stores about monsters and dragons could help them find the Titans and restore their connection with nature.

Mark asked if she was second generation Monarch and Chen said she was third because it runs in the family. Mark said that they probably don't have any tips on slaying dragons and Chen said that was a Western concept. She explained that in the East, they are sacred because they were divine creatures who brought wisdom, strength, and even redemption. Colonel Foster came in the room and asked why the oxygen destroyer didn't kill King Ghidorah. Barnes said he was no scientist, but he thinks it has something to do with his head being able to grow back because of his regenerative abilities. Rick said he has never seen anything like it because it violates everything they know about the natural order and Chen said it could have been he wasn't part of the natural order. Serizawa asked what she meant by that and Chen said that she was able to piece it all together. She brought up a picture and Sam said with sarcasm that it looks vaguely familiar. Chen explained that the picture tells of a great dragon who fell from the stars and was a hydra whose storm swallowed both men and gods alike. Twilight could easily recognize that picture as Ghidorah and she was fascinated by the historical records created by man hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Mark asked if Chen was talking about an alien and Chen said that he was not part of the natural order. He was not meant to be here. Twilight was surprised to hear this bombshell information and she wrote down some notes so she could remember that. Serizawa said that Ghidorah was a false king and Rick described him as an invasive species. He said that could explain how he's creating these massive storms and the effect Ghidorah is having on the other Titans. Rick said that it was almost like Ghidorah was reshaping the planet by terraforming it to his own liking and Serizawa asked Chen what the legends called the three headed dragon. Chen said that they called him Ghidorah which meant "The one who is many," and Mark was confused on what that meant. One of the soldiers called out to Serizawa and told him that they were approaching Castle Bravo or Monarch Outpost 54 in Bermuda, but there was something that he should see. All of them looked out the window and saw a bunch of aircraft carriers around the base. They all went down and Admiral Stenz was down there waiting for them. He informed them that Moscow, London, and Washington D.C. were all under attack and on every continent, the Titans were triggering every single kind of natural disaster that you can think of.

Twilight looked on the screens and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. All of these Titans were attacking city after city and killing hundreds if not thousands of people. She wanted to be mad at them, but then she realized that all of them were responding to Ghidorah's call. Because Godzilla had been killed with the oxygen destroyer, the Titans had no choice but to obey Ghidorah's commands as the Alpha. He had to be stopped and quickly before the Titans destroy the entire Earth. Admiral Stenz said that like before, they have tried to lure the creatures with nuclear materials, but this time, they were not taking the bait. He also said that their behavior has become random and erratic and with the U.S. military forces spread desperately thin with these things roaming the globe unimpeded, they were running out of options and time. Twilight disagreed with that statement. None of the Titans' behavior was random or erratic, they were simply following Ghidorah's commands. All they had to do was to stop Ghidorah, and then the rest of them would cease the attacks. Admiral Stenz looked at Chen and asked if she had something to add. Chen told him that he was wrong and the behavior of the Titans was not random or erratic at all.

Mark spoke up and told the Admiral that as amazing as this sounds, they were moving like a pack because they were hunting. He said that all packs, from wolves to killer whales, they all respond directly to an Alpha and Ghidorah was that new Alpha. Because of that, the Titans were just doing his bidding which was to destroy everything in sight. For once, Twilight could actually agree with Mark on something and not have some sort of personal retort be thrown in there somewhere. Mark said that the Titans were an extension of Ghidorah and if the military wanted to end the conflict, then they had to stop Ghidorah. They stop him, all of them would stop. Colonel Foster asked if there was another creature that would stand a chance against him and Serizawa said that Ghidorah and Godzilla's rivalry with each other was ancient and unique. Translation: we killed off our best chance to stop Ghidorah because the Admiral got impatient. Mark looked at the map and realized he had to go back out there. He went outside in the rain and Sam tried to stop him. He asked Mark what he was doing and Mark said that he couldn't just sit down there and had to do something. Sam asked what that would be and Mark said it would be finding his daughter.

Sam asked where he was gonna go and Mark said that Madison was the only thing he got left. He wasn't there for her and he wasn't gonna let that happen again. Sam said good luck and Mark took off towards one of the helicopters. Twilight and Spike followed Mark towards the chopper and sat down across from him. But they all stopped to hear some chittering noises from outside. They all took a look and saw some yellow light peeking through the clouds. The clouds expanded and they all had to shield their eyes a little bit. But after settling in, they saw the wings of Mothra and the cries from her. Twilight and Spike were in awe of Mothra's entrance and they commented on how beautiful it was. She teleported both of them back inside and saw Serizawa say how beautiful it was. Chen said the creature was Mothra, the Queen Of The Monsters. That confused Twilight and she almost felt hurt by that, because she had no idea that Godzilla had a mate with him. But the thing was it wasn't your typical relationship that we are all used to, it's more of a symbiotic relationship between two species. Mark asked if Rick was recording this, and Rick said that he records everything now. Doctor Chen was amazed by Mothra's moans and described it as something like a song. Rick said that he bet there was only one thing that could understand this cry right now and Serizawa realized that it would be Godzilla.

Rick tried to get a signal and after a few seconds, he was able to get a reply from the King Of The Monsters. Chen said that he was still alive and Twilight was overjoyed to hear that. She thought he was dead for good, but having Mothra being able to communicate with him, it showed that he wasn't dead yet, just very weak. Barnes asked if Mothra and Godzilla had a thing going on and it seemed kinda messed up, but Sam said that symbiotic relationships between two species was not that uncommon. Serizawa asked Rick if he could track Godzilla, but Rick said that he couldn't because the signal was too weak. However, Mothra could know and Mark came up with an idea. He asked Serizawa how many nukes he had and Serizawa asked why. Mark looked at him and said that they could help him. Twilight thought about it for a second and then understood what Mark was saying. Godzilla feeds off of radiation, and dropping a nuke on him would bring him back to full strength. Colonel Foster said that the category six hurricane over D.C. was where King Ghidorah was currently nesting and working with all four branches of the U.S. military, this would be a joint operation. She explained that the goal was to lure Ghidorah away from the mainland so that they could continue evacuations long enough for their submersible team to complete its mission.

Twilight and Spike were already at the bay and Rick asked if this plan was what you would consider a long shot. They all went on the submarine and Colonel Foster said that they would be out of range when they are down there, but a squadron will stay behind to keep an eye out for them. Mark said that he appreciated it and the commander ordered for the submarine to go down into the ocean. Sam wished them good luck and Mark said thanks because they were gonna need it. The submarine headed down under the Atlantic and followed Mothra's rays to find Godzilla. Mark asked Serizawa what time it was and Serizawa said it was time to get a new watch. Mark said that was Andrew's favorite joke and said that Serizawa never took that watch out of his pocket without him asking that question. Serizawa just stared at him, so Mark continued. He said that Serizawa told him five years ago, he'd be trying to save the thing that took my son and to save the family that he had left. Serizawa said that sometimes, the only way to heal wounds is to make peace with the demons who created them. Mark asked if he really believed that and Serizawa asked if that was why he was here.

Serizawa said that there are some things that are beyond our understanding and must accept them and learn from them, because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time when we either all come together or fall apart. He said that nature always has a way of balancing itself, but the only question was, what part would man play? Mark asked if he just made that up and Serizawa said he didn't. He said that he read it in a fortune cookie once, a really long fortune cookie to be exact. The submarine began to shake and the commander asked what the status of the ship was. Bowman said that there was some sort of vortex and it was dragging them in. That vortex was in fact the entrance to the Hollow Earth and they were being brought to it. They told them to brace for impact and everything went silent. After a few seconds, the commander asked for a status report. One of them said that they couldn't fix their position because the GPS was down, but inertial says that they were 600 miles from departure. That was obviously wasn't right and Rick knew he was right all along. He said that the vortex was a tunnel into the Hollow Earth and it was a system of tunnels that connect the whole Earth. Rick told Chen that he was right and Chen told him to shut up.

They tried to move the submarine forward and Serizawa told them to launch the probes. They looked at the cameras and they came face to face with a large statue. It creeped them out a little bit and they moved away from it. They went deeper inside and Mark said that it looked like it was Egyptian or Roman. Rick said that this was much older and they saw the cave painting of Godzilla right there on the camera. Doctor Chen said that all of the legends and the stories were true and Twilight was amazed at all of these paintings of ancient Godzilla. Doctor Chen said that they really were the first gods and Rick said that if only the Earth and stones could speak, they could tell the stories to them. Serizawa asked if there was any signs of Godzilla and Rick said that the probes were picking up a radioactive blob, which was just past that ridge. Serizawa told him to set a course and they moved forward. Rick said that he believed they should stop and Serizawa asked why he thought that. Rick said he still wanted to have kids one day and pointed to the glowing red radioactive warning light in the top right hand corner which let them know that they were near high radiation levels.

The commander said to stop the ship and the probes continued to move forward. Two of the probes died and Rick said that there was a combination of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane in here, but there was a little air tunnel through here. The third probe was able to get inside and everyone was surprised to see this. They looked around and then saw Godzilla's scales poking out in the open. The probe finally died and Serizawa asked Rick to pull up the last frame. Serizawa pointed towards the top of the tunnel and said that was the source of the radiation. Doctor Chen said that was why he returned here. He was feeding and needed to regenerate. Serizawa said that this was his home and Mark said that was how he survived for so long. Twilight was very saddened by what she was seeing and basically felt crushed by it. She knew Fluttershy would be heartbroken seeing Godzilla in this weak state and would try to comfort him. Mark said that Godzilla was always adapting and evolving and it was incredible. Rick asked if he just needed a little nap and Chen said this process could take hundreds if not thousands of years. Serizawa said that they needed to proceed as planned and Rick said that they were about to launch a nuclear torpedo in order to revive a giant monster. He said that this wasn't like jumpstarting a car, but the truth was that it was the opposite.

Dropping a nuke on Godzilla would be exactly like jumpstarting a car because you are giving him that energy source to get back to full strength. The commander said that there was another complication which was the weapon systems getting damaged during the crash. That meant they couldn't launch and Mark asked if it could be repaired. Commander Crane said they could not and Chen suggested that they could go inside, set a timer, and launch the warhead manually. Rick said that if the heat didn't fry you, the radiation will and Serizawa said that he would go. Mark asked what that was supposed to mean and Chen said that there had to be another way. Serizawa said that there was no time for debate and he'll go. Twilight was confused for a second on what that meant, but then she realized that possibly meant that he would sacrifice himself so he could revive Godzilla. Rick told Serizawa that at first contact, he was gonna lose his long range vision and when he surfaced, his motor skills were gonna fade. But he put a helioxed mixture in the tank, so it should keep Serizawa stable for a little longer. Rick said that it was an honor to work with Serizawa and Chen just hugged him as a final goodbye before the doctor departed.

Serizawa thanked them and gave Mark his notes. Mark asked if he was sure and Serizawa said that Godzilla had fought for them and died for them, so it was the least he could do. Godzilla sacrificed so much for humanity, it was time for Serizawa to return the favor and give the Earth back to the original and rightful King. Serizawa said that Godzilla was not only proof that coexistence was possible, but that he was the key to it. Serizawa told Mark to take care of the notes and he got into the small submarine. Twilight already felt sad to see Serizawa go, but she knew that he would bring Godzilla back to life so that balance could be restored. The doctor smiled one more time and the submarine disappeared into the water. Chen was crying a bit and was having a hard time keeping her emotions together. Twilight and Spike went back to the cockpit and looked on the computer screen to see how he was progressing. Serizawa was amazed at what he saw and he looked around a bit to really stare at Godzilla's home. It was definitely something else, that's for sure. He carried the nuke up the stairs, but he struggled a bit. He saw Godzilla's scales right there and set down the case. He took out the nuke and started the timer. He looked at his watch and saw Godzilla's head right there. He walked over to it and the Kaiju opened his eyes to stare at the human walking towards him.

Serizawa took off his helmet and put his hand on Godzilla's snout. Godzilla stared at him in sadness and Serizawa said to him さようなら旧友 which meant "goodbye old friend" in Japanese. Serizawa smiled at Godzilla one last time and Godzilla stared at the nuke in confusion. The timer hit zero and the nuke went off. Everything exploded and it was so powerful that it pushed the submarine flying back up to the surface and landing on top of the Atlantic. Twilight had to face the truth though: Serizawa was dead now, but hopefully, his sacrifice will not be in vain. Everyone got thrown around a bit and Commander Crane told Bowman to send a distress signal to the Argo. Mark went outside and both Twilight and Spike followed. It was raining quite a bit outside and Doctor Chen asked if Mark saw anything. He took a look in his binoculars and saw something move in the ocean. Twilight and Spike saw it too and they were shocked. Some blue light was in the ocean, and then all of a sudden, Godzilla emerged from the water and built up his atomic breath. He blasted it into the sky and roared as loud as he could to let the world know he was back. Twilight was more than happy to see the King Of The Monsters again and Spike thought it was so cool how Godzilla came back from the dead.

Godzilla stopped his atomic breath and looked right at the submarine on the surface. Everyone started to back away and Godzilla lowered his head to take a look at the humans. He growled at them a bit considering he knew that he almost died because of them, but he continued to stare. Mark yelled for no one to move and Godzilla began to soften his expression a bit when he saw Mark. He noticed that it was him that sent Serizawa down to his home to bring him back to life and realized that maybe it was finally time he allowed the humans to work with him instead of against him. He turned around and swam back into the ocean after he threw his tail up into the air and created a giant wave. Mark watched him disappear and stared as Godzilla was off once again to fight Ghidorah. Chen asked Mark if he was okay and Mark said that he knew how to find him. They all saw the Argo and he repeated himself. Mark handed Sam the notebook and told him to make Serizawa proud and not screw this up. Sam asked how he did that and Chen said it was by saving us. Mark asked Sam what the deal was and Sam said that they think that Emma activated the ORCA somewhere near Boston which both Ghidorah and Godzilla were headed to now.

But they were not able to pinpoint the exact location without the missing piece of the ORCA signal. Mark said that he had the missing signal and Sam asked if it was Godzilla. Mark said it wasn't him and it was them. Colonel Foster asked what that meant and Mark explained that Emma combined the bioacoustics of Godzilla with a human. He said that was how she made the ORCA and the Titans think it was just another apex predator which is why they are all headed towards Fenway Park in Boston. Rick said that made sense because humans were a bunch of horny murderous carnivores, but Foster was having none of it. She asked Mark what they do next and Mark told them to track it, find it, and he gets his daughter back. Rick asked what they were gonna do about Ghidorah and Chen said that Godzilla will bring balance. Rick said that this was probably more of the same old Serizawa style let them fight action. He said that he used to love it when Serizawa said that, but Mark told them that this time, they would join the fight. The scenery changed again and Twilight and Spike saw that King Ghidorah had descended onto the field of Fenway Park and began destroying some of the stadium before letting out a very loud roar.

Ghidorah heard the noises coming from the speakers and one of the heads destroyed it by eating it. Twilight noticed that Ghidorah was looking around to see who caused that noise and when he finally did find it, he was ticked. She noticed Madison took off running and they did the same. Ghidorah blasted his gravity beams right at the press box where they were running from and he used his beams to destroy the park. One of the beams hit them and they fell to the ground. They all got up and saw Ghidorah standing right there, growling at them. Twilight and Spike were absolutely terrified of being this up close to Ghidorah, but Madison was willing to fight to the death for this one. She threw the ORCA away from her and she got up. Ghidorah roared at all of them and yellow light went up their throats. They were about to die and they screamed loudly when Ghidorah roared again, but before Ghidorah could release his gravity beams, he got hit with a blue light and got sent tumbling towards the ground. They were all confused for a second, but then, they heard the Earth shake. So, they turned around and saw Godzilla marching right through the city. They heard the loud roar that we know was played a lot in the 1950's, and they all smiled as the King Of The Monsters came just in time.

Godzilla roared again and looked around a bit to let Ghidorah know he was back from the dead. He was back and he wanted revenge on Ghidorah. He was back for round three with Ghidorah and this time, he'll make sure that Ghidorah loses this battle and doesn't escape. He created enough havoc in the Earth and got the Titans to destroy everything in sight, so now, he must pay. The Earth should not be terraformed into whatever and Godzilla is the true King. He rules over all of the Titans and any rebellion is a direct challenge to his authority. So, because Ghidorah wants to dethrone him, he shall pay the ultimate price which is death. Twilight saw the planes shooting missiles at Ghidorah and the three headed dragon used his wings to shield himself from the attacks so that he wouldn't get hit in a vulnerable area. She saw Godzilla coming and her, Spike, and Madison all got the heck out of there and out of the way so that Godzilla could fight Ghidorah unimpeded. Ghidorah got up and snarled at Godzilla. This Kaiju wanted to ruin everything he had going and kick him off the throne. If Godzilla wants another fight, then he shall get one. He already lost rounds one and two and he'll probably lose the third one as well. So, let the games begin.

Godzilla charged at Ghidorah and Ghidorah did the same. They collided with each other and it sent out a small shockwave. Godzilla spun Ghidorah around and threw him around. Ghidorah roared at him and Godzilla responded with a roar of his own. Ghidorah tried to attack Godzilla, but the Kaiju hit Ghidorah with his tail and the three headed dragon roared in pain. Mark heard Martinez and he ran over to see what it was. They both got hit by lightning and Martinez asked Mark if he was alright. He said that he found the ORCA and it looked pretty banged up, but there was no sign of Madison. Godzilla attempted to scratch Ghidorah with his hands, but Ghidorah used his heads to bite down on Godzilla's skin and picked him up a bit. He dragged him across the ground and attempted to bite him again, but Godzilla built up his atomic breath and blasted Ghidorah away from him. The chopper was already destroyed when this happened, but everyone had to shield themselves from getting hit from Ghidorah's massive tail with spikes on it. Twilight saw something in the sky and became curious on what it was. She saw it change a bit and then saw Mothra descend from the sky. She roared at Ghidorah and slammed him against the skyscraper. Kevin got his head out and looked to see where Mothra was going. He growled at her and attempted to help his other two buddies out.

However, he saw Godzilla's reflection through the glass and roared at him. Godzilla roared right back at him and pushed Ghidorah through the building, which caused it to collapse. Ghidorah fell to the ground and roared in pain. He called for help and as Mothra attempted to scratch him again, Rodan came flying in and attacked her in the air. The two of them duked it out and the group saw a vehicle approach them. It was Emma and she told all of them to get in. Something came falling from the sky and exploded on the ground. Emma yelled even louder for them to get in and this time, they did so. Emma hightailed it out of there and she had to weave in and out of the road to avoid getting hit by Rodan or Mothra. Mark asked where Madison was and Emma said she had no idea. She was there before and Mark said she wasn't there. Barnes told them to take it easy and Mark retorted to Emma that he hoped she was just as good as finding Madison as she was losing her. Emma said that she didn't lose her, she just ran away and Mark said with sarcasm how he wondered why. Twilight and Spike were getting annoyed at this antics and Barnes said that he couldn't blame Madison. He said that if he had those two for parents, he would run away from home too.

Emma slammed on the brake and stopped the car. She asked Barnes what he just said and Barnes told them that if he had the two of them for parents, he would run away from home too. It hit both of them like a load of bricks and they knew where to find their daughter. Twilight saw Godzilla slinging Ghidorah around and basically used him to destroy buildings. Ghidorah roared in pain at this and he roared at Godzilla in anger. He saw some sparks flying out and he had a good idea. He put his mouth on the tower and supercharged himself with electricity. Godzilla's eyes started to go wide a little bit and after a few seconds, yellow lightning came flying out of Ghidorah's wings and it went everywhere. It caused a light show to go off and it burned everything within a two mile distance. Godzilla roared in pain and he backed up because he couldn't see anything. He attempted to grab onto a building, but he ended up breaking most of it anyway. He growled slowly and looked towards the ground to catch his breath. He recollected himself and Ghidorah was fully recharged with power and then some. Twilight saw Mothra get backed up against a building and Rodan came up against her. Rodan tried to attack her, but Mothra scratched at him to get him away.

He flew away to gain more distance and Mothra walked up slowly to watch her enemy's next move. Rodan backed himself up and then charged right at Mothra. Rodan kept trying to bite her, but just as he went in for the closing shot, Mothra stopped him and used her stinger to cut through his body. He screeched in pain like a dying horse and Mothra dropped him to the ground. The hummer stopped and everyone got out. The place Mark and Emma called home at one point was clearly gone and there was still no sign of Madison. All of them began shouting for Madison, but Mark saw a hand and knew that's where his daughter was at. He shouted for Emma and the rest of them came over to see a giant piece of concrete over what was some sort of tub. They lifted it out of the way and Emma pulled out Madison. She was unconscious and Emma began to cry a bit. Madison gasped for air and then began to cough. She saw her mom and dad there and hugged them both. They all turned their attention towards Godzilla's roars and saw what was happening. Ghidorah flew up into the air and picked up Godzilla with his body weight. He was clearly much bigger than the King Of The Monsters and could carry him very easily. Twilight yelled for Ghidorah to stop, but nothing happened.

Godzilla tried to use his atomic breath to blast Ghidorah, but the middle head cut off his oxygen flow and choked him to death. Eventually, he made it up high enough in the sky and dropped Godzilla towards the ground. Godzilla groaned in pain and started to burn up a little bit. Form down below, it looked like a meteor was crashing towards the Earth. Twilight screamed in horror because she had seen this once before with that dragon they had to deal with four years ago. Godzilla finally made it to the ground and a small explosion went off. Ghidorah landed on the ground and snarled at Godzilla. Godzilla looked behind him and groaned weakly when he saw Mothra standing on him. She roared in worry for him and glared at Ghidorah. She knew who the enemy was now and she was gonna make him pay for hurting her mate and ally in battle. She flew up and charged right at Ghidorah. However, the three headed dragon was prepared and yellow light came up his throats. Mothra roared at Ghidorah and the three headed dragon unleashed his gravity beams on her. Because she was already low on health because of Rodan burning her, the gravity beams from Ghidorah was the death blow and the final nail in the coffin. Twilight was horrified to see Mothra die from Ghidorah and she screamed in horror.

Even though Mothra was dead now, she knew Godzilla needed that one last push, so she gave him her life essence so that she would always be with him wherever he went. Godzilla roared weakly at the death of his mate and his head hit the ground again. Ghidorah closed in on Godzilla and began to suck the radiation out of him. Godzilla screeched in pain and sounded like a dying Elephant when Ghidorah started taking away his radiation. One of the soldiers said that the Osprey was coming in two minutes and Mark said that they needed to work fast. Emma asked what that was and Mark put down the ORCA. Emma asked if he was sure about that and Mark said it was the only way to save Godzilla. They needed to fix it, get on the Osprey, and draw Ghidorah away from Godzilla so it can buy him time to get back on his feet. Emma said that he has seen what Ghidorah can do and Mark said it would be tight, but they had to take that chance. It was either life or death now. After everything was good to go, Madison turned on the ORCA and the chopper came just in time. Twilight and Spike saw it and they hightailed it right onto the aircraft. Mark told Emma to come on and Emma said to take Madison because she still had to activate it.

Mark was confused and Emma said that she was right behind them. Emma activated the ORCA and the signals started sounding off again. Ghidorah stopped what he was doing and growled at Emma. He already fell for this trick once and he won't do it again. He was getting sick and tired of these humans trying to send out radioactive pulses to the Titans so that they could control them and him. It was time to put an end to this and he charged right after Emma. Madison was calling her mother's name, but Mark kept her moving forward and Chen grabbed her to get on the Osprey. Colonel Foster said they had to lift off now, but Mark told her to wait because Emma was still coming. Emma stopped in front of the door and Mark told her to come on and let's go. Emma looked at Ghidorah who was almost there and realized she had to do this herself. She couldn't risk her family's life for a second time, so she would sacrifice herself to get Ghidorah away from them. Madison was confused for a second, but when Emma told her that she loves her, Madison told her no. She knew what this meant and she didn't want her to go. Emma ran towards the hummer and both Madison and Mark shouted in protest. The Osprey took off and Mark had to restrain Madison from taking off in protest.

Twilight and Spike couldn't believe what they were seeing and they felt really bad for Madison. First, she lost her brother, and now, she was probably going to lose her mother to Ghidorah. Emma got in the hummer and drove away. Ghidorah was originally headed for the chopper, but when he saw the hummer take off, he turned around and roared in anger. He chased after it and everyone on board the chopper had to watch Ghidorah close in on Emma while also destroying the rest of the city with his gravity beams. They saw him take to the skies and he was able to nail Emma right behind the vehicle which caused it to fly into the air and crash on the ground. Ghidorah landed on the ground and growled at Emma. Emma smiled at Ghidorah and said long live the King. Ghidorah got confused by that and smelled something burning. In the chopper, Twilight got excited because she knew that Ghidorah had crossed the line and Godzilla would make him pay. Godzilla marched through the city and he was burning red and orange, which caused everything within close distance to just melt instantly because of how hot it was. Ghidorah clearly was far beyond simple discipline, and not even the worst punishment would suffice for everything he has done. So, after taking his throne and his authority, Godzilla had enough and decided to give Ghidorah a death sentence. It was time that Godzilla got back on the throne and reign over the Earth and Titans once again.

Godzilla marched up and gave a loud ear shattering roar at Ghidorah. Ghidorah turned around and roared right back at him in complete shock. He couldn't believe that Godzilla was still alive after all of that, but it didn't matter. This was the last straw, and Godzilla will finally die. However, it will be much more difficult this time around. Godzilla believed that this rebellion ended now and his scales lit up. He released the first shockwave of orange and Ghidorah tried to block the attack with his wings. However, they simply burned away into dust and Ghidorah started to panic. So, all three of them used their gravity beams at Godzilla, but the Kaiju was unaffected by it this time and marched forward towards Ghidorah. They got even more nervous and Godzilla's scales lit up again. He released a second shockwave of orange and this time, it destroyed the two heads of Ghidorah, also fading into complete dust and leaving only one head. Ghidorah roared at Godzilla for the death of his comrades, and Godzilla roared back at him. He stepped on Ghidorah's chest and destroyed the rest of the monster which caused yellow lightning to come out. A large orange shockwave came out and the group on the Osprey all had to shield their eyes because of how bright it was. Ghidorah roared in pain and eventually, the shockwave disappeared.

They looked once more and things were quiet for a few seconds. However, there was some rumbling and one of Ghidorah's heads had still survived. Twilight complained about how this dude was still alive, but she saw Godzilla dragging the head around and became curious. Godzilla slinged the head around and Ghidorah was making silent cries of pain as death awaited him. Godzilla built up his atomic breath and threw the head into the sky. He unleashed his atomic breath on the head and it was finally destroyed. Ghidorah was no more at last. Godzilla got that last little bit of electricity and looked at the Osprey. Rick said it was a good thing that Godzilla was on their side and Chen said that was only for now. Madison told them all to look and Godzilla turned around to see the Titans come towards him. He saw Behemoth come up along with Scylla and the MUTO Queen. He saw Rodan show up and roar at Godzilla. Godzilla grunted at Rodan and gave him a cold, unforgiving gaze as he knew that Rodan fought Mothra and betrayed his authority. Rodan realized what he had done wrong and bowed to Godzilla. Godzilla took a look around and saw the other Titans do the same. They were all acknowledging him as the new Alpha and the King Of The Monsters.

Both Twilight and Madison felt happy for Godzilla and the helicopter just flew further away. After seeing that the Titans acknowledged him as King, Godzilla raised his head and roared in great victory as he was back as the King Of The Monsters and reestablished his throne and authority over the other Titans. After a few seconds, the portal appeared and both Twilight and Spike got sucked back inside through it. When they made it on the other side, both of them had to dodge a beam from Starlight and the unicorn asked if Twilight was up for another race ending fight. Twilight landed on the cloud to think for a second and then glared at Starlight. She asked what the heck that timeline was and demanded an answer. Starlight was confused on what Twilight was saying, and the alicorn told her that she had been sent to a timeline of Godzilla's history as to how he defeats monsters. Starlight asked if that was Godzilla that had roamed Equestria before and Twilight said that it was. Starlight seemed surprised for a second, but then shrugged it off. She blasted some more magic at Twilight, but Twilight said that this goes way beyond cutie marks. She said that everything that they do in the past, even the smallest things can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future. Starlight blasted it away and said that Twilight would probably tell her that the fate of all of Equestria hangs in the balance.

Twilight said that it does, but Starlight didn't want to hear it. She said to spare her the overblown ego and blasted Rainbow away with her magic. She said that no group of friends, not even Twilight's, were that important. The portal opened up again and Twilight said that while she had no idea how important other friendships are to the future, but she could show Starlight what it would look like without hers. She grabbed Starlight and took her inside the portal. They made it to the other side and there was nothing here. It was just a bunch of dead lifeforms with gusts of wind. Starlight took a look at it and had no idea what to say. She asked Twilight where they were and Twilight said that they were in the future, or rather, the present. Starlight said that there was nothing here and Twilight said that she wished that she was surprised, but every world she came back to was worst than the last. She also said that she didn't know why herself and her friends were so important to Equestria, but they were. Starlight glared at Twilight and said that she didn't believe her. Spike told Starlight to look around and Twilight said that everything in the past affects the future, even the smallest things and what Starlight was doing led here.

Starlight didn't really know what to say and simply stared out in the open with regret. Maybe this whole revenge thing wasn't worth it. Maybe it would be best to start over. If this is what the future looks like with that small change in the past, then she was really screwed. Twilight said that she knew she couldn't stop Starlight, but she hoped that showing her this would change the unicorn's mind. Starlight's regret turned to anger and she glared at Twilight. She said that Twilight knew nothing about her and she was perfectly happy until Twilight and her friends ruined what she built. Twilight said that she had no idea what led her to have a village without cutie marks and apologized for taking that away from her. Starlight was in full rage mode and said that she'll show them what happened to her. She blasted the map with her magic and all of them got sucked into it. When they came out on the other side, they were in some village and Twilight asked where they were. Starlight said that map in the castle was connected to every part of Equestria and this one was her home. She walked towards a particular house and saw her younger self in there along with some orange colt as well. Starlight explained that she and Sunburst did everything together and she couldn't remember them ever being apart.

That was until this moment. The younger Starlight pulled out a book from the stack and it all came tumbling down. Starlight braced for impact, but the books suddenly stopped and she saw Sunburst pick them all up. There was a bright yellow light and all of the books went back on the shelves. He descended to the ground and saw that his cutie mark had finally appeared. He made happy horse noises and walked out the door in excitement. His family was excited and they took off with him. The adult Starlight said that just like that, her friend was gone and had been shipped off to Canterlot because his family had recognized his special talent. She said that she never saw him again and Spike asked why. Starlight became angry and said it was because of his cutie mark. She said that he got his and she didn't and he moved on and she didn't. She said that she stayed here and never made another friend because she was too afraid that a cutie mark would take them away too. Twilight said that was ridiculous and told her that a cutie mark couldn't take your friend away. Starlight didn't want to hear it and said that not everypony was lucky to get their cutie mark at the same time as her friends. They went back through the portal and made it to Cloudsdale once again.

Starlight told Twilight that the alicorn had no idea what it was like to lose a friend because of a cutie mark, but once she stopped the rainboom, the alicorn would feel that pain. Starlight lit up her horn and teleported the scroll over to her. She declared that once she destroyed this scroll, there would be no way for Twilight to change it and she began to rip it apart. Twilight acknowledged that Starlight was right, but she told her she couldn't do this. She said that she has seen where this leads and so has Starlight. Starlight retorted that she was only saw what Twilight showed her and asked what could really happen. Twilight said that she has seen it a dozen times and things don't work out in Equestria without her friends. Starlight groaned in frustration and asked what was so important about Twilight's friends. She asked if that was Godzilla's job to protect Equestria and asked how a group of ponies that are so different be so important. As she said that, she continued to rip at the scroll, but the emotions started to come out. Twilight said that the differences between herself and her friends were the very reason why their friendship strong and Starlight said that she thought that her and Sunburst were the same, but they ended up different and it tore their friendship apart.

The tears started to come out now and she ripped the scroll even more. Twilight told her to just try again and make new friends. She said that if something that Starlight couldn't control happens that changes things, she should work through it together because that was what friendship was. Starlight wanted to be angry at Twilight, but then she realized that the unicorn was right and she started to feel guilty because of this. Twilight said that it wasn't just her friendships that matter to Equestria, everypony's did. She said that while Godzilla was that second line of defense if things were to go south, friendship was still just as important to Equestria as he was to it as well. She also said that when Starlight's friendship ended, it led them here, but she told Starlight to imagine all of the different ones out there waiting for her if she just gave them a chance. Starlight asked how she would know that it wouldn't all end the same way and Twilight told her that it was up to the unicorn to make sure that wouldn't happen. Twilight extended her hoof and Starlight saw Rainbow fly past her. Starlight thought about it for a second and wondered about it. Things have been rough on her for so many years, but maybe doing this as an act of revenge is too far.

Maybe it would be best to start anew and try again at friendship. There's nothing that could go wrong and even if there was, she would at least have one friend to support her along the way. With that in mind, Starlight grabbed Twilight's hoof and accepted friendship from it. Spike caught the scroll and the Sonic Rainboom occurred once more. It sent out a beautiful rainbow and the portal opened back up to take them all home. When they made it back to the other side, they landed on the ground and the scroll got taken away from Spike. It stretched out in the air and it restored itself back to the original form where the paper wasn't destroyed. It sent out a bright light and Spike started kissing the ground. Suddenly, the doors opened and Rarity asked what the heck that was. Fluttershy asked if everypony was alright and Pinkie asked if they could do it again. Spike checked off one group of friends and Twilight said that it looked like they were home. Applejack asked with suspicion why Starlight was here and Twilight said that it was kind of a long story. They all assembled together in the throne room and Twilight filled them in on what had happened. Rainbow said that while she did know that her rainboom was awesome, she didn't know that all of Equestria depended on it. Pinkie added that she didn't know all of them were that important as well and Twilight said that she believed it was more than that.

She explained that friendship connects all of Equestria and undoing one group of friends made its magic less powerful. Rarity asked about Godzilla since he has become vital to Equestria's safety and Twilight explained that without the Rainboom, none of them came together and because none of them came together, it didn't awake Godzilla. She said if all of them stayed apart, Godzilla would still be in slumber and never would have resurfaced to fight off dangerous threats. Applejack said that she couldn't believe Twilight and Spike travelled through time like that and Pinkie said that Starlight must have been pretty magical. Twilight said that Starlight obviously had more magical talent than anypony she has ever seen and explained that her magic couldn't stop her, but she had to convince her to stop on her own and because of that, everything else fell into place. Applejack asked if Starlight was that powerful, they couldn't just send her on her way if they could and Twilight said that she had a better suggestion. Spike opened the door and told Starlight to come in. The unicorn gulped nervously and walked inside. She told the group that she knew that what she did was wrong and she was willing to take any punishment that they found necessary.

Twilight said that she had been thinking about how badly Equestria affaired without just one groups of friends and even when one friendship dies, the results can be disastrous. Starlight said that she knew first hoof how true that can be and Twilight said that was why she asked her here. She told Starlight that if she was willing to learn, she would teach her what she knew and she would have the power to make Equestria an even better place. Starlight asked where to start and Twilight said that all she had to do was make a friend and she already had seven of them right here. Starlight felt happy at the way the Mane Six were all willing to befriend her just like that after everything she did and help guide her. For the first time in years, she actually felt happy and nothing could make her feel more happy than right now. For the first time in her life, she experienced joy which is very different from happiness. Our modern society seems to branch the two together, but both of them are very different. Happiness comes and goes, but joy is everlasting and you can rely on it even when you are experiencing pain or going through a difficult trial.

Well, we have our first and only song of Season 5 right here. It's been a while since I did one. Anyway, to give you an executive summary, Starlight looked back on her life so far and expressed the pure joy she had for being able to start over at friendship. The rest of the Mane Six stood outside and all marched together. However, they heard footsteps and it shook the Earth a bit. It turns out Godzilla had shown up to see what had happened. He sensed in an imbalance here in Equestria, but he couldn't attend to it at all, but he kept searching for awhile. When his scales lit up telling him that they had returned, he went over to Ponyville. All of them were a little surprised to see Godzilla show up, but not bothered none the less. Twilight flew up to him and gave him a hug on his head. Godzilla gave a small grin and puffed out some smoke. He saw Starlight down below and he lowered his head to take a closer look. Starlight turned away with guilt, but Godzilla snorted at her to get her attention. She looked at him with worry and Godzilla gave a small grin in forgiveness. Starlight smiled and felt better. Godzilla raised his head back up and proceeded to walk away. All of them were a little confused on where he was headed, because he usually heads east, but he was going north this time. After a bit, they noticed he was headed towards Our Town and Twilight took Starlight with her because she saw it as Godzilla telling Starlight that now was the time to make amends and restore balance by asking for forgiveness.

When they arrived there, some of the townsponies were mingling amongst themselves and turned around when they saw Starlight. Starlight walked up to them and lowered her head down in shame. She apologized for the way she acted and asked that they would forgive her. The townsponies thought about it for a second and decided to forgive her for the heck of it. They hugged her as reconciliation and Twilight smiled. Godzilla gave a small grin and headed back for Ponyville. The Mane Six finished up in Ponyville and wrapped up their song there. All of Ponyville smiled towards the screen and Godzilla decided now was the time to leave. He began walking away and let out a loud roar signifying that his work was done here. All of Ponyville watched as their King headed back towards Manehattan and return to slumber. Even though Godzilla had done no actual work, he was still concerned about what was going on and he wanted to check it out. Ultimately, nothing bad had happened, but he couldn't be too careful. As King Of The Monsters, it is his responsibility to look around for threats when he feels one and if there is one, he responds to it. Then, he goes to take out the threat to submit to his authority and destroys them if they refuse to comply. Now, he can return to slumber and rest before is called upon again.

Author's Note:

AN: I apologize for this chapter coming out so late. It has been over a week and a half since I last updated, but things have happened. I have been so busy with schoolwork that it's not a joke, so it's kept me away. Also, this chapter turned out to be way longer than I originally intended, so that delayed the chapter as well. I know people have been waiting for so long for this chapter and I apologize for making you guys wait that long. I want to thank everyone who waited so patiently and I'll try to not do something like this again. Thankfully, I'm on Spring Break next week, so I'll try to get a chapter or two out during that time period. Once again, sorry for the wait and I'll try to improve in the future. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: The Crystalling! When the Crystal Empire is set to celebrate the birth of Flurry Heart, the Mane Six plans to travel there. Twilight sees this as an opportunity for Starlight to reconnect with Sunburst and also spend some family time. However, Monarch is back on the move and they release King Ghidorah. Godzilla immediately feels this threat and travels to fight his bitter rival once again. The world eventually becomes complete chaos and it's up to him to put a stop to it. Will Godzilla be able to conquer Ghidorah once again, or will the three headed dragon find a way to get rid of the King Of The Monsters for good?

Until then, my fellow readers