• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 5,228 Views, 312 Comments

Zinnias - Serinity Southerland

Disturbances in the magic of Equestria causes rifts between worlds. One unlucky hiker stumbles into one such rift and finds themself in a new body and in a new world.

  • ...

Out of the Wild

“-s going to recover. Sh-”


“-utrition. We’ve bandaged-”

“What are they talking about?”

“-ugest she get some rest.”

“Sleep does sound nice. I’m exhausted, and I hurt.”

“-he be out for, doc?”

“She’s under a gen- … Will be up in - hours.”

“Poor thing. She must have been hurt pretty bad. Maybe they’ll get to me next.”

“D- Horse. It’s time to change her bandages again.”

“Right. If you- I need to assist Nurse Redheart with the patient. You- when she’s feeling better. I’ll no- soon as she wakes up.”

“I wonder who came to visit her? They sounded concerned. I’m jealous…Argh…my back. That tugging hurts.”

“Redheart, she looks like she’s in pain. Administer another dose to help take the edge off for her, please.”

“Right away, Doctor Horse.”

“Doctor Horse? I hope that’s not his name…Ugh, my back feels a little better…I guess I’ll…sleep it off.”

The unknown mare’s face eased from a pained expression back into a peaceful sleep. She wasn’t terribly injured, but in her state of exhaustion her body would need every little bit of help they could give to help speed her recovery and avoid any nasty infections.

Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart finished applying the medicated bandages to the mare’s back and forelegs and the stallion signed off on his clipboard, going over the list of patient injuries once more, checking each one as he went to confirm that proper treatments were administered.

“Let’s see. IV drip administered, minor lacerations on rear and back medicated and bandaged, minor cuts on forelegs cleaned and bandaged, mild abrasions, an apparent concussion, previously dislocated hip moved back into position. Once we receive the results from her X-ray we can determine if further treatment will be required in case her wings were damaged. Though, all things considered, she came out pretty well for one who’s been lost in the Everfree fighting off timberwolves for a week.” Doctor Horse replaced the clipboard on the end of the mare's hospital bed and sighed. It had been a long day, especially with half the town coming into the office with upset stomachs from another one of the crusader’s schemes.

“Doctor, are you feeling ok? You look as if you could use a break.” Redheart offered a smile to the doctor as she disposed of the sullied medical wrappings. “Would you like me to make you a cup of coffee?”

“Thank you, Nurse Redheart, but my shift will be over in the next hour barring any more emergencies. I can manage till then, though that coffee is tempting.” He smiled back at her and motioned to the door.

“Then I’ll make sure it’s delivered to your office for you.” She held the door for the practitioner as they exited the room to let their patient rest. Outside, one of the Royal Guard was speaking with the receptionist and a purple haired unicorn with stars on her flank.

“Yes ma'am. The investigation into her background is ongoing. Please make sure you send for us or Miss Sparkle when she has recovered enough to answer some questions. We’d like to make sure this wasn’t foul play or some other misdeed.” The guard eyed the hall where Doctor Horse and Redheart continued their conversation briefly before returning his attention to the receptionist.

“Of course. I’ll send for both of you as soon as the sedative has worn off. Rest assured our staff will do our best to care for her until she’s made a complete recovery.” She responded, giving them both a reassuring smile.

“I have every confidence that you will, Mrs.Care. Thank you very much for helping us with this matter.” The purple pony looked relieved and turned to the guard beside her. “Now before you go back to Canterlot, I’d like your patrol to stop by Sugarcube Corner. My friends made something special to thank you for rescuing our new friend here and you wouldn’t want to miss out. Pinkie Pie and Applejack are famous for their baked goods here in Ponyville.” The unicorn said to the guard as they turned to walk to the door.

“I’ll make sure to tell the Sergeant. Thank you Miss Sparkle.” The guard bowed his head respectfully, and exited the hospital leaving Twilight with the hospital staff.

Not much made sense surrounding the pegasus that turned up. For one, Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense had been going crazy for nearly a week before they found her, and that she was somepony new to town. While confusing, her weird magical mind bending…whatever it was had never been wrong before. Rainbow Dash had said she’d seen some sort of weird rippling air pockets out over the Everfree nearly a week ago, which matched how long the mare had been thought to have been lost out there. Twilight shuddered at the thought. She’d been out there a few times, but never longer than she needed to. She couldn’t imagine being stuck out there that long.

But was she really stuck? It didn’t make sense that she didn’t just fly away. She’s a pegasus after all. What kept her land locked for so long? The doctor has said her wings didn’t appear to be damaged, so it couldn’t have been that, right? Maybe she was so scared that she forgot how to use her wings? That didn’t sound right either. Then again, she was friends with somepony who’d fall out of the sky if you said “boo” too emphatically.

“Excuse me, Miss Sparkle?” Mrs.Care startled Twilight out of her reverie and looked at her, confused. “Are you alright? You were mumbling to yourself.”

Twilight felt her face heat up. “Uh, oh, yeah! I’m ok. I was just lost in thought, that’s all.” She sighed and looked down the hall at the new patient’s room. “I’m just worried about her. I hope we can figure out where she came from soon so we can help her get back home. Nopony here knows who she is. I’m sure she feels scared and lonely.” She looked down at the tile and frowned sadly as she spoke.

“I’m sure she will be fine, Twilight. She just needs plenty of rest, and a few friendly faces. She’ll be right as rain in no time.” Twilight looked up to see Nurse Redheart as she walked in and placed a tray with five mugs of piping hot coffee on the counter. The smell filled the room and invigorated her nostrils. “Besides, knowing our town's very own personal party pony, the poor thing won't feel lonely for long.”

Twilight smiled, but Nurse Redheart’s reassurance felt more like a threat to her as she remembered her first time coming to town. She grew to love Pinkie’s parties, but she knew just how…overzealous her friend could be with anypony new. “I sure hope so. Might wanna warn the patient before though.”

The three mares laughed. “Well, I’m sure you’re busy so I’ll let you get to it, Miss Sparkle.” Redheart said, handing a mug to Care. The receptionist sipped it carefully and relished the hot beverage. The three exchanged their goodbyes, and Twilight left for town to visit with another one of her friends.


Rarity sang to herself softly as she worked on a custom order, a dress for one of her little sister’s classmate’s who was celebrating her cute-ceañera that week. She was adding some gems and frills as a finishing touch to the dress when she heard a knock on the door of the boutique and somepony entering. “Oh, I’ll be right with you! Sweetie Belle, would you be a dear and go meet our guest?”

A little white filly with pink and purple hair leapt from her chair and trotted out of the backroom to meet their visitor. “Twilight!” Sweetie shouted happily as she galloped out to the showroom.

“Oh! Hi, Sweetie Belle!” Twilight met Sweetie Belle with a cheerful grin as the little while unicorn ran around her once and jumped in place.

“Hey! Twilight! Wanna hear what me and my friends are gonna do tomorrow?” The filly gleefully continued without giving Twilight a moment to answer. “We’re going to go help Apple Bloom’s sister with apple bucking season, and we’re gonna get apple bucking cutie marks!”

“That’s great, Sweetie Belle! I’m sure AJ will appreciate the help. Is your sister around? I’d really like to speak with her if she is.” Twilight said, as she tried to look around the shop for her friend.

“Why, if it isn’t Twilight! I didn’t expect to see you here today! What a lovely surprise! Oh, do come in! I’m just about finished with Sweetie Belle’s friend’s cute-ceañera ensemble. Would you like to see it? I really do believe I’ve outdone myself this time. It’s simply fabulous!” She beamed as she trotted into the showroom with said dress following behind her in her magic’s blue glow and settled it on a filly-sized mannequin for pick-up.

“Oh wow, Rarity! It looks great! I’m sure she’ll love it!” Twilight said, indulging her friend. She had to admit though, it really did look spectacular. Rarity always seemed to one-up herself with every dress she made.

“Oh! I know! And the gems are going to match perfectly with her eyes! I dare say I’m almost jealous.” Rarity gushed.

“Wow! It’s so pretty! Aquamarine’s gonna love it!” Sweetie Belle ogled the dress too. “I can’t wait till I have my cute-ceañera too.” She said, looking sad, but hopeful.

“And when your cutie mark comes, I’ll be sure to make you your very own special dress too, Sweetie. You’ll look better than everypony else at your party and all the little colts will simply fawn over you!” Rarity said to her little sister, who scrunched her nose at the thought.

“Oh, and speaking of looking your best. Rarity, I came to talk to you about our new friend.” Twilight said, walking into the backroom where they normally sit to chat during their visits.

“Has she woken up yet?” Rarity asked with concern as she flipped the open sign over to closed and walked back to her friend with Sweetie Belle following behind.

“No, I’m afraid she hasn’t. The doctor said she needed some more rest before she will be well enough to see visitors. I suspect the medicines will wear off by tomorrow and we’ll be able to see her then.”

“The poor dear. She must have had such a dreadful time all alone out there in the woods. It’s a wonder she even made it back in one piece.” She shuddered at the thought of all the mud and muck that she must have endured…oh, and the dangerous, bloodthirsty animals.

“Yes. But her injuries weren’t too severe, so she should be up and about in no time. I wanted to ask you if you would like to come see her with me tomorrow. I’d like her to feel like she has ponies she can talk to so she doesn’t feel so alone, you know? And I thought that she would appreciate some help getting back to feeling normal again. I only caught a glimpse of her before they took her back for treatment, but her hair was…well, she’s seen better days.” Twilight sighed. She herself wasn’t as much into fashion and glamor as Rarity, but even she felt better after pampering herself a little. There’s just something about getting clean and looking good that makes one feel like they can take on the world.

“Oh my! But of course! How could I just sit idly by while some poor innocent pony suffers such a tragic fate! I’d love to tag along with you to see our new friend and help her sort herself out. I’ll bring all my things along too, since the hospital’s personal care facilities can be…rather lacking.” She made an indignant face as though just the thought of a hospital brush is an affront to the very nature of her sensibilities.

“Thank you, Rarity. I really appreciate your help. I’d offer the others to come along as well but AJ’s so busy with applebucking season that she can’t spare the time to come. Pinkie Pie wanted to throw the rescue team a surprise party at Sugarcube Corner to celebrate their success in rescuing our friend, Rainbow is practicing for the Wonderbolts audition and can’t make any time between that and napping in the clouds, and you know how Fluttershy can be around new ponies. I’m glad I can rely on you for things like this.” Twilight held a hoof out to Rarity and smiled, feeling pride in her friend's generosity to others.

“Think nothing of it, Twilight. A friend of yours is a friend of all of us. And we’re always there for each other, even if some of us have a hard time making time.” She stood up and walked to Twilight, giving her a hug.

“Can I come too? I wanna see the new mare in town! I bet Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could help us fix her hair too! Maybe we can even get hairdressing cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed before sticking out her bottom lip to play the cute little filly card.

“I thought you said you were going to help Applejack tomorrow, Sweetie Belle.” Twilight said, shooting her a questioning look.

“I mean, yeah! But we can come over after we’re done!” She argued.

“Well that depends on our friend and how she feels, Sweetie. She may not be up for having that many ponies see her all at once. Let’s let her take it at her own pace, shall we?” Rarity says to her little sister, who pouted but understood.


“And you, little filly, have some homework to do, don’t you.” Rarity said, raising an eyebrow.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll go. It was nice seeing you, Twilight!” Sweetie Belle waved before she headed upstairs to her room, where her homework awaited her, to be vanquished.

“Again, Rarity, thank you for coming with me.” Twilight and Rarity both headed to the front door of the boutique and Rarity opened the door for her.

“Say no more. I’m just glad I can help our new friend. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yes! Have a good night!” And with that, Twilight made her way out to Sugarcube Corner to save her brother, Shining Armor, and the guards from one of Pinkie’s famous overnight parties.