• Member Since 10th Oct, 2016
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Damien Freeman is bored. Really. Really. Bored.

After being transported to Magic Pony hell Land, he realizes all of his skills from college are practically useless. Distraught, Damien looks for purpose in Ponyville,until he is dragged to a new arcade that has recently opened up in Ponyville. Controller Hooves? Dumb name aside, Damien's gaming skills are suddenly put to the test.

Contains: Reverse Gender Role Equestria and fighting game lingo(I made sure to link the correct definitions to each term)

First Feature: February 1st! Thanks so much guys!!!
Second Feature: February 2nd
Third Feature: February 3rd
4th Feature: February 4
Broke 100 likes: February 2nd!

On a hiatus.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 92 )

This is one of the better stories on the site. Well done. Refreshing to see something that's just fun.

Thanks for the compliment! I plan to write more and this is my first ever fanfiction. After reading so many for years, I thought I should throw my hat into the ring.

Comment posted by DizzyChicks deleted Feb 1st, 2022

For your first story, this is pretty good. Have a thumbs up.

The meme's already got me hooked before reading. Looking forward to the next chapter

I can hear fucking Luthero voice as Ironman ... This is gonna be good

At the end of the day, Damien is going to be well known for Hoof Fighter. The link for kara canceling goes to throw tech.

Thanks for the correction. I fixed it.

"After this we can go but I need to set this mare straight." Rainbow Dash face softened a bit. "Mare?" She asked with one eyebrow raised. "What mare?"

What are we implying here? Cause I don’t think it indicates that RD is jealous or something like that. There’s no way she couldn’t just turn her head and Sunset Petal right there. So, what’s going on?

This is a fun idea.

Oops. That was a typo. It was supposed to say that mare.

This is a very creative idéa for an RGRE fic, can't wait for more. :twilightsmile:

Imagine their shock if they ever see the infamous Daigo Parry.

If the language used here is from the FGC, the final match would most likely be referred to as a “Mirror” not a “Ditto”. Ditto has origins in the smash scene, almost all other traditional fighting games use the term Mirror Match.

My bad. I actually play smash a lot more than traditional fighting games (though I have been playing a lot of Tekken and guilty gear strive lately). Mirror match is also on the same page I linked for the definition.

Liked, commented, and subscribed.

Smart for adding the links for the lingos.
Also if he knows his game, he would have just taken the cheap way out and pick the equivalent of T.Hawk.
Can't wait for the next battle.

Why did that image use Iron Man when it's Magneto who's known for his infinite?

Very well done! Absolute fun to read all around.

FGC and Ponies is the best combination. I loved everything, as a player of Street Fighter and several FGs i loved and I know how Damian feels... god I hate grappers.

I don't know if there will be more fighting games like Tekken, Mortal Kombat, KoF and Smash in this fic, but if it's just Street Fighter I'm happy.

PS: The way Damian and Sunset clash reminded me of the High Score Girl anime.

Chad main character name

Not biased in any way.

If you're having writer's block with this story you can do filler episodes where they try to pitch games from the RGRE angle. Did you know there's studies that examine how video games and gender play together? Literally search "women in gaming NIH" in google. Some of the more interesting tidbits I read of was: there was an actual marketing company surveying to make "games for women" and instead of surveying actual female gamers they just went with stereotypical "women interests", think the company was called Blue Moon. One of these articles also states that having women on the cover of a game decreases its sales by 30%, crazy stuff.

Could you imagine getting surveys in the mail with this nonsense?

Also, keep the story going you're doing great. Heck, don't even worry about the grammar. Let er rip.

There will definitely be more fighting game stuff. Street Fighter is just the simplest and a good base to start from.

Funny enough I'm writing this chapter 3 rn. But thanks for the interesting topic, I might use it later on

It would hace been cool as fuck if Damien picked Akuma

Unrelated to your discussion with the other guy.

Yo dude, just a random thought, but what if you made the guy flex by playing the pony equivalent of Assassin's Creed or Hitman or something. Hell, if he really wants to kick their keister, have him beat Fatalis or something in like 2 minutes in Monster Hunter... Oh, and just in case, here's a review for M.H. World if you've never heard of the series before.

I'm familiar with MH. I never played it but I plan to buy MH Rise on PC. I'm probably going to keep the story with fighting game elements and other story based drama, but who knows? I might throw a reference somewhere.

Ayo!! It ended peacefully. That is awesome.

Funny enough, I planned for it to end pretty ugly. I based this off of a real tournament experience I had.

Oh Jeez. Well. Glad you changed it up and it was resolved peacefully.

Nice to see that it ended peacefully. Tournaments can get pretty toxic. :twilightoops:

Funny story I based a bit of this chapter off of a smash tournament I went to pre-covid.

I was used to main Ken and this Little Mac player was sort of beating my ass. So I switch to Lucina and camped his ass out. That pissed him off and he threw his controller at me. :rainbowlaugh:

Had similar experiences pre-COVID. Joined a local Smash tournament on multiple occasions just to meet new people. I play the game for fun, nothing more, and met some interesting people.
But then there were the ones that took the game WAY too seriously. They would throw insults over how bad I was at the game and say stuff like: "Are you even trying?"
Not that their comments hurt me that much. If you want to insult me in order to hurt me, you have to say a lot more than to call me a NEWBY.
I don't play to win, I play to have fun.

Alright, fair enough, it's your story.

Also, a little word of advice, go with World and Iceborne before Rise. The reason being that you'll get a horrible condition called "Second-game Syndrome" otherwise... Well actually, now that I think about it, you'll get it either way, but with a slight variation depending on which one you go with first.

If you choose Rise first and then decide to go with an older game like World, or "God Forbid" G.U, your going to be like "Hurr durr, why dis game so hard!? Why can't I just button mash!? What do mean I have to actually think about what I'm doing!? Ugh, this game sucks! I hate it! I quit!". Yes, I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

If you start with World however, you are instead going to be like "I say old chap, this electronic entertainment program is quite a bore. Oh, I do so very much wish that it was a bit more of a challenge, as at the current moment I am very much considering putting it down for good"...

... Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. The point is, if you go back to an older title first and then go to rise, you're going to have a lot more rust on your chops to work with and experience to fall back on, instead of pretty much just button mashing in Rise. To simplify, if you start as far back as, say, 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, you'll be accustomed to much harder and "clunkier" systems, and as you go forward the difficulty will figuratively smooth itself out until you're a veteran hunter across multiple games.

In conclusion, I would strongly, strongly recommend going with the order of 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, Generations Ultimate on the Switch, Iceborne on PC, and finally Rise on PC. But hey, I'm just a random dude on the internet, so what do I know? Do what you want, I can't stop you, and wouldn't even if I could.

and it was a sloppy option selected by her.

Youy cant train me to expect underlines under every fighting term and then do this to me.

Love the gender roles... Well no, but it's cool way of thinking about unequal gender ratios. Wouldn't want to be in that world though.

I wanted to try a unique take on rgre. I always wanted more than just gender role swaps. I really love rgre stories that make a world seem almost unbearable to live in but enough to keep going.

Sorry? I'm a bit confused. Is the sentence werid to read?

No, it's just that Option Select is also a fighting game term so I was thrown off to see the words used in a regular sentence.

Was about to say the characters response feels more at home at a brawl or smash 4 tournament. Well, at least no one threw a crab at you.

You think they'll be any fall out because the OC lost? The main character will get white knighted at the most cringe worthy moments? Overnight famous and sought after because of gamer cred.

Oh, someone in the comments mentioned monster hunter so.... yeah Rise is fun but its a very short/shallow game compared to the financially cheaper and most ambitious Monster Hunter World. If you want a better experience just do MHW. If you have a switch and need a reason to use it more often then you can go ahead and bust out Rise, or even the fabled Monster Hunter Generations (old style) if you feel like learning curves aren't steep enough (the pay off is immense, but recommended for after trying world as there's a lot of quality of life things missing from the older generations).

(p.s. are you good at smash?)

what character you play?

I second the opinion of trying monster hunter world first. I'm a sucker for generations though.

Piranha Plant, Little Mac, Ridley, Lucina and Terry Bogard mostly.

Hell yeah, amen to that! And I know this might sound a bit weird, but my favorite monster in G.U. is the Great Maccao, for the sole reason that it has a dope theme. Seriously, check it out, it's awesome.


Was about to say the characters response feels more at home at a brawl or smash 4 tournament. Well, at least no one threw a crab at you.

Lol Poor Hbox. I threw the crab jk

You think they'll be any fall out because the OC lost? The main character will get white knighted at the most cringe worthy moments? Overnight famous and sought after because of gamer cred.

white knighting? probably? Fall out cause Sunset Petal lost? No. She isn't a big name gamer. However, this event will put more eyes on Damien.

Oh, someone in the comments mentioned monster hunter so.... yeah Rise is fun but its a very short/shallow game compared to the financially cheaper and most ambitious Monster Hunter World. If you want a better experience just do MHW. If you have a switch and need a reason to use it more often then you can go ahead and bust out Rise, or even the fabled Monster Hunter Generations (old style) if you feel like learning curves aren't steep enough (the pay off is immense, but recommended for after trying world as there's a lot of quality of life things missing from the older generations).

Thanks for the advice.

(p.s. are you good at smash?)
I would say I'm pretty good.
I main Kazuya and going through a secondary character crisis right now lol. I just switched from gamecube to smashbox so I'm basically relearning the game.

well the fall out isn't the character giving problems, but more like others giving her issues because she lost. "Your gamer card is revoked by the council of pretty good players", you know the same one no one knows about because they aren't apart of that clique.

The smash box just seemed like too much work, but good on ya to stick to it and to the DLC character, he's busted but it still takes a lot of work to make it all worthwhile. Why would you need a secondary? What coverage would you need that punching harder wouldn't cure?

I just miss a load of the older weapons and how the HBG worked in older games. Crouching fire to unload your entire stock if you set up properly was amazing. Rise made it too easy to just use (the only) LBG and shred everything.

kazuya has a frame 7 jump squat,struggles when he's getting camped out, mad slow. Need someone to cover those types of matchups

Eh, handheld for the little ones, I guess. Although, you have to admit that the new monsters from rise are pretty dope. Magnamalo and Goss Harag being my favorites among them.

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