• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 1,626 Views, 335 Comments

A Unicorn and an Alicorn Walk Into a Library - Damaged

It's a new life for Lyra Heartstrings, a new set of responsibilities, and a new princess to serve. Now she just needs to survive Ponyville to fully enjoy this new future.

  • ...

Chapter 5


It was just a few short weeks after helping Fluttershy get in contact with her battier side that Lyra was stopped on her way to Sugarcube Corner. Somehow, just thinking about the bakery just attracted ponies with problems. Not that she assumed Derpy had a problem, but the tone of the mare's shout suggested she was stressed about something. "What's up, Derpy? I was just about to grab lunch. Do you want to join me?"

"Yes please. I don't like to keep running to you for help, but I don't know who else to ask for help with"—Derpy paused talking while Lyra led the way through the front door of Sugarcube Corner—"looking after Dinky. I've applied for a promotion in the mail service, and I got it, but I need to do a two-week training course in Canterlot and—and I need to focus on that."

The look of worry on Derpy's face concerned Lyra. She reached out a hoof to the other mare's shoulder and gave her the best smile she had. "Calm down. I can look after Dinky for a few weeks."

"Thank you so much!" Derpy flung her forelegs around Lyra and squeezed her. "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Cake!"

"Hello, dears. How has your mornings been?" Cup Cake was bright and cheerful, mostly because two of her favorite customers were before her, but also because she'd managed to foist the twins off on her husband for the day.

"Well," Lyra said, "one of us has saved Equestria three times today, but I just sat in the library reading books." She gave Derpy a little squeeze before letting go of the hug. "What about you, Cup?"

"Well, with Pinkie headed off for some kind of party, it's been a little more rushed here than normal. Thankfully there are no big orders or I don't know what I'd do!" Cup knew for an absolute fact she wasn't jinxing herself because that kind of silliness didn't happen. At least, she kept telling herself that in the hope it wouldn't. "Carrot has taken the kids to get their shots and then they're going to Canterlot for the day."

"You're all alone?" Lyra asked.

"Just until mid-afternoon, then Carrot and the little ones will be back." Even as she said it, Cup knew full well that having them all back wouldn't be a reprieve from work.

Lyra pointed to the toasted cheese and egg sandwich that must have been left over from breakfast. "I'll take the sandwich, thank you Cup."

"Your usual muffin, Derpy?" Cup asked, only to see Lyra give the slightest nod. She was about to ask what was going on when she remembered that Lyra paid for Derpy's muffin each day.

"Yes please, Mrs. Cake!" Not having clued on to it being Lyra paying for her lunch, Derpy was nonetheless curious to know who was. "One day I will watch the bakery all morning and find out who keeps paying for them."

"Maybe," Lyra said, "it's a secret admirer?"

Almost losing control of a giggle, Cup managed to slip a muffin into one bag and the toasted sandwich into another. "Whoever it is, and I promised not to say, they have paid for your muffin once more." Cup took the coins that Lyra slipped across and almost gasped when a flicker of magic made the exact change for a muffin appear too.

"Hey, Derpy, do you need me to help with anything today?" Lyra asked.

Almost about to take a bite of her muffin, Derpy shook her head. "The training starts next week."

"Well"—Lyra turned back to look at Cup—"if you need some time for lunch, I can spot you an hour?"

"Okay!" Cup Cake had never dived on a lifeline so quick before in her life. "If you're sure it's okay?"

"It'd be a pleasure. Just tell me how long until you want me in." Unable to resist the temptation of nibbling the corner of her sandwich, Lyra was setting her mind toward the problem of spells—as she always did when she had more than five seconds of time to wait for something.

Cup's mind raced. If the lunch rush was going to be as big as she expected, having both of them in would be a good idea, but then she wouldn't get any break at all. "If you could come in for twelve-thirty to one-thirty?"

"I'm your mare." Lyra gave Cup a wink as she headed out, doing the math quickly and realizing she had an hour to get ready. "I guess I'll see you some time on the weekend?" she asked of Derpy.

"I'll drop Dinky off the day before I leave—err, Sunday." Nibbling more of the muffin, Derpy only had nerves left for the actual training now. "I'll see you then?"


Dinky had been to Lyra's house plenty of times, but those didn't include her carrying a suitcase with most of her important things. Her toothbrush, her slippers, and even her favorite stuffed toy (Miss Flapsalot) were in her case.

Her mom and Lyra talked about a bunch of things, mostly she thought it was Lyra trying to reassure her mom, but eventually she got tackled in a huge hug. "Mooom. I'm okay." It was embarrassing, but that didn't stop her grabbing hold of her mom for all she was worth.

"You've got everything?" Derpy asked.

"Yes, Mom."

"You have your favorite blanket?"

"Yes, Mom."

"What about Miss Flapsalot?"

"Mom…" Dinky managed to hold out for nearly five seconds. "Yes, Mom."

"You be good for miss Lyra. Don't try to stay up late or sleep in. Make sure you—"

"Moooom!" Dinky started to squirm in her mother's grip, a sure sign she was done with the hug. "I will," she said, when her mother's firm look told her she wanted a better answer.

Looking up from Dinky, Derpy said, "Thanks again, Lyra. If she—"

"I've got it all under control. We're going to make a spell for her to show you when you get back." When Lyra looked down at Dinky, she saw pure, unbridled excitement in the filly's eyes. "You'd better wave or she'll come back."

Eyes widening, Dinky waved for all she was worth. "Bye, Mom!" She watched her mom wave back before she took to the air and flew above the house. She felt like an entirely different filly when she let out a deep breath. "We're going to make a spell?"

"Kinda. You'll be making the spell and I'll be your assistant." Lyra led the way to the stairs. "Your room is up here—you can leave your case in there if you'd like?"

Trusting Lyra as she had so many times before, Dinky nonetheless wanted to prove she was an adult and could take care of her things. She got to the top of the stairs just in time for Scootaloo to open the door opposite where Lyra had gestured.

"Hey there, Dinky. I heard you'll be spending a few weeks here. I hope you like running." With her new foreleg claws slung over her back (in their protective cases), Scootaloo had plans to go and practice her swooping-slices with a training dummy she'd set up.

"I love running!" Dinky didn't really, but she wouldn't just say that out loud. "Are those sharp?"

"Yeah. My coltfriend made them for me with the help of Sergeant Sharp Horn in Canterlot. They have all kinds of awesome enchantments in them." Lifting the weapons down with one wing, Scootaloo removed the sheathes from one pair just enough to show the sharp blades that made up the "talons".

"Wow! That's so cool!" Dinky had been to Lyra's house often enough that she knew her way around it well, but every single time she came there she found something new and amazing. "Could unicorns use them?"

Sliding the sheaths back on, Scootaloo shrugged. "The problem is that when you wear them extended, you can't exactly walk on your forehooves."

So excited she almost forgot her case, Dinky raced into her temporary bedroom and opened it. The first—and most important—thing she needed to do was lift out Miss Flapsalot and tuck her under the covers. "You can sleep here until bedtime."

Everything else in the case, as far as Dinky was concerned, was expendable. Well, except for her slippers on cold mornings. And her favorite pillow. And her favorite blanket. And her favorite spellbook.

Taking a deep breath, Dinky said a quick "Good luck, Mom" to the empty room and ran back out of her room and down the stairs.

She froze when, reaching the living room, Lyra was setting down a plate of chocolate cookies. Her eyes widening, she walked slowly into the room. "Are we going to work on magic?"

"We are going to work on magic and cookies. The two are generally improved when combined." Lyra gestured to the plate with a hoof. "Help yourself."

Dinky's mom had baked plenty of times for them, it was an almost-daily event. Knowing good manners about such, she selected just two cookies from the plate and started nibbling one. "T'ank you."

"Can you think of a spell you'd like to make? It will need to have something to do with friendship." It wasn't cheating, or so Lyra promised herself, to employ a pre-teen filly to do her work for her.

Asking questions was just part of life, or so Lyra had taught Dinky. Her mother had been most helpful in reminding her that any question about magic definitely has to go back to Lyra herself. But the most important thing about questions that her mother had taught her was you needed to think about them three times before replying.

The first time, Dinky knew, would usually be right—but that was a trap! She always put her first answer aside and came at the question sideways, like a griffon stalking a ripe avocado. The second answer was never right, but it was required as part of the process of reaching the third answer. The third answer required two think-throughs before it so full understanding could be reached.

Finishing off her second cookie, Dinky shrugged her shoulders. "A spell to make cookies?"

Ignoring her own advice on the topic of questions, Lyra tapped her chin. "Getting food magic right is hard because of the delicate balance of chemicals. Even Twilight would balk at casting a spell to produce food from thin air. Besides, it requires more energy to make the food than you get out of it.

"But there are ways around the first part. Copying a food item is absolutely possible and I don't think there's a specific spell for it because no one has put in the effort to make one because it wastes energy."

Dinky listened to Lyra's verbal cataloging of why the spell was bad, pondered it three times, then grinned and picked up a cookie. "But what if the entire point of the spell was to copy a piece of food for a friend?" She floated the cookie over to Lyra.

Lyra leaned back from the table, took her cookie, and started to chew it thoughtfully. When she was done, she nodded. "Okay, and that's why you're the one making the spell and not me. You're a genius, Dinky."

Picking up another cookie, Dinky was ready and willing to accept all the praise on offer.

"Okay, now we need a basic pattern to go along with this." Pushing some paper across the table, Lyra gave Dinky everything she needed to start drawing. "Think about the spell and what it will do, then start sketching whatever comes into your head."

"Hrmm…" Dinky swapped the cookie from her magic to her hoof, then started using her magic to draw shapes. At first she started with triangles, but they didn't feel right for the spell. Again and again she tried various shapes until she noticed something from the corner of her eye—the plate of cookies.

First was a big circle. Curves weren't the easiest spells to weave, but she liked them. Within that circle she made a smaller circle, then another, and two more. With four circles inside the first, she finished by adding another circle in the middle, but made a note on the page that it had to be higher than the others.

From experience, Dinky knew multi-layer spell patterns were almost all considered intermediate. They required a unicorn to literally get on another level. When she was done making the circles, she felt like something was missing. There was a sensation welling up in her that all she needed was a bit more complexity and—smiling faces on each of the cookies!

There was a sense of pressure building up in Lyra. She could feel the spell coming together and, when Dinky added the smiling faces to the cookies—it was finished.

"Well?" Excitement buzzed through Lyra. The spell patterns was a little more complicated than most she was trying for, but this was the very forefront of magic—and she was getting a foal to do it!

Just like she'd been taught, Dinky made the spell pattern in the air with her weakest amount of magic. It was so pretty making her soft blue magic form a plate of cookies in the air before her. When she finished the pattern, it felt hungry for magic and a target.

The target was easy—she had a plate of cookies before her already. The magic was even easier still—it didn't want light, dark, change, motion, emotive, chaos, or harmony magic. She let out a little breath and filled the pattern with a rush of friendship magic.

Not only did Dinky's spell copy the cookies, it duplicated the plate too. With a little pop of raw friendship magic, a second plate of cookies appeared. "I did it!"

Reaching out with her hoof, Lyra took one of the duplicated cookies and tested it in the time-honored way. "They taste just like the original! Great work, Dinky! You know the best thing about making spells?"

Shaking her head, staring at the second plate in awe, Dinky looked up at Lyra. "No. What is it?"

Picking up the paper where Dinky had drawn the pattern, Lyra folded it neatly to hide the shapes. "You have cast this spell just once and haven't spent a second to memorize it. Do you think you could cast it again?"

The question confused Dinky at first. Of course she could cast it again, the pattern was just there in her head. She opened her mouth to say that, then remembered the question rule. Why was the pattern just there? she thought, then tossed that question out. The pattern was just there and Lyra had made sure to say this was something special about making spells. Bulldozing her way through the logic, Dinky tilted her head slightly. "Does making a spell mean it is always in your head?"

"Correct!" Not for the first time was Lyra literally blown away by Dinky's leaps of logic when it came to magic. Sweetie Belle might be a savant when it came to memorizing certain magic spells, but Dinky was the real-deal genius. "Now, how many more do you want to make?"

Dinky couldn't help but grin. "All the spells!"

Twilight grumbled. Glaring across the table at Lyra—who had a huge grin—she struggled to maintain the grumpy demeanor for long, though. "I can't believe you taught a filly how to make spells."

"It's really easy when the filly is a genius for magic." Sipping her coffee, Lyra used her magic to unpack the meal she'd prepared for their lunch in advance. "How does it feel to be third in spells created in Ponyville?"

"She's beating you, too!" Now Twilight had a grin on her face. Hearing about Dinky making spells using simple shapes—good spells for friends to help each other—really tickled her pink. "Honestly, it's good to know that she's taking to the magic I invented."

"She made an emotive spell, too. She was trying to fill it with friendship magic, but the spell was all about reading emotions rather than sharing them." Taking the lid off the curry, Lyra dished two bowls of it out and then added the noodles. "We've both put a pause on making new ones until we get her first spellbook published."

Inhaling the Neighsian curry, Twilight made a happy little nicker. "You got Spike's recipe for this stuff? Also, I want a first-print version of that book—signed, of course."

"Other way around with the curry, Twilight. I shared some recipes with Spike. He said you enjoyed it?" Lyra started in on her own curry noodles, and sighed happily at the fire of the dish combined with the subtle spicing of the tofu she'd used. "And of course you get a special copy of her first book's print edition. I asked her for a copy of the manuscript, myself, and she was happy to let me make one."

Working on her first mouthful, Twilight made a pained sound and swallowed the hot food. "Can I get a manuscript too?"

Lyra almost recoiled from the hurt-puppy-eyed look Twilight gave her. The truth was she'd already asked Dinky about that. "She said, and I quote, 'Why would Princess Twilight want a copy of my spells?'" Lyra enjoyed the little moments when she managed to get Twilight to just geek out about magic or books or books about magic or even magic that affects books. "I mean, it's not like friendship is your specific domain or anything."

Calming herself with more of the noodles, Twilight reflected on how her tastes for food had changed since moving to Ponyville. Her first night in the town had seen her drinking a "hot sauce" that had only been a fraction of the curry's heat. "Thanks, Lyra."

"You're always welcome, Twilight. How's all the princessy stuff going? I hope Manehatten wasn't too stressful."

"It was kinda a relief. The theory of alicorn-blindness was correct. I didn't have to outright hide my wings at all and ponies saw my horn and thought unicorn." Getting anypony to fill out a questionnaire and sign a waiver to allow me to use their words in my book was hard. Most of them started to freak out and notice my wings any time I acted outside of how a normal pony would."

Lyra nodded to that. "That aligns with it. Reality blindness continues until the moment something major breaks their assumption that reality is acting normally—which is when they make a proper list of what's wrong and see a winged unicorn in front of them."

"Exactly. Even without their forms I could draw that conclusion, though it would be nice to have more evidence to back the hypothesis." The sound of the front door of the library opening and closing had Twilight jump to her hooves. "I'll be right down!"

"Don't sweat it, Twilight!" Spike pointed to the stairs that led up to the kitchen. "Come on, let's go up and see how they're doing."

Dinky had enjoyed the morning of shopping with Spike. They'd wandered around, mostly buying food and writing implements, before waiting for Zecora to bring them some special ingredients. She followed Spike up the stairs to see Lyra and Twilight eating lunch together.

Carrying the bags of ingredients to the fridge, Spike started putting them away in the appropriate places. "I got more spices I want to try cooking with, and Zecora had another type of chili for me to try. She, uh, said you could try some if you don't mind mild chemical burns."

Lyra almost dropped her chopsticks. "I missed Zecora rhyming chemical burns?"

"Turns," Spike said. "And I tried one. They're not that hot."

"Not that hot, when I have seen you literally drink lava and acid, doesn't reassure me." Twilight watched Spike just long enough to figure out where he wanted everything and then just teleported each item to its respective temporary home.

"I came up with an idea for a new spell." Dinky climbed up onto a chair beside Lyra and sat up straight. When she noticed Lyra and Twilight looking at her intently, she shrank a little. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" Twilight barely beat Lyra to shouting it. "Lyra was just telling me about all the spells and, honestly, I'm amazed. You are okay if I get a copy of your book's manuscript, right?"

Blushing, all Dinky could do was nod.

Lyra managed to not explode with a daww only through a monumental force of will. "Sweetie will be coming over tomorrow. I'd like it if you could teach her how to make a spell."

Excitement bubbled up inside Dinky and she started bouncing in place. "I get to show her how to make a spell? This'll be so much fun!"

Listening to everything carefully, Sweetie Belle's smile tilted to one a side a little as she explored what Dinky said to her. "So all I have to do is think of something I really wish were a spell, make up a pattern in my head for it, then cast it?"

Dinky gave a firm nod. This was exactly how it worked for her and was (now) as simple as breathing. "It's super easy."

Sweetie Belle wasn't one for doubting (well, she was, but she didn't like to admit that too much), but she figured that if making spells was that easy, every single unicorn would have hundreds of spells to their name. "Okay. So let's go with a spell to turn bread into toast."

"Uh, there's already one that does that," Dinky said, "Philomena's Radiant Feast, it's a light spell for broiling foods."

Staring at Dinky, Sweetie Belle tapped her chin. "What about a spell that lets you instantly make your bed?"

"Clover's Cover Convenience," Dinky said. "That's a harmony spell."

Now Sweetie Belle was positive it wasn't super easy. "How do you know all these spells?"

Shrugging, Dinky replied, "It was easier to just memorize what all the spells are and what their names are so I wouldn't accidentally make any more duplicates."

"You can cast every single spell?!" Sweetie Belle had found out she had a knack for memorizing spells, and was getting help to expand that knack beyond the most obvious ones—but even she couldn't contemplate memorizing the pattern to every spell.

"What? N-No. I just remember the names and what they do. I can cast some of them, but that's less important." Scrunching her snout, Dinky knew full well how bad she was at memorizing spells—a little above the average filly, but nowhere near as good at it as Lyra or Twilight. She made spells partly because she liked being able to use lots of magic. "I tried using your method for learning spells, but it doesn't work for me."

Tapping her chin, Sweetie Belle tried to think her way around the problem. "Well, friendship spells would have to be the easiest to come up with right now, right? There're less of them."

Relieved to have moved away from the other topic, Dinky nodded to the assessment. "But I am working to fix that."

"Okay, so, something to do with friendship…?" Tilting her head on the side, Sweetie Belle tried to think of the best parts of friendship, but she was sure Dinky had made most of the obvious ones already. "What about a spell to let friends talk to each other over long distances?"

Dinky blinked in surprise. "I don't think there's one of those. How would it work?"

Tapping her chin in thought, Sweetie Belle scrunched her snout too for good measure. She had never attacked spellcasting from this side of things before. Spells had targets in their patterns you had to fill in on the fly, but deciding how those targets would slot in wasn't something she'd confronted. "How do I figured that out?"

It felt odd to Dinky to have to explain all this. After all the practice she'd gotten, things like targeting and pattern simplification had started to become natural to her. She didn't want to make Sweetie Belle feel bad, but Lyra had instructed her to teach. "Do you know all the targeting methods?" So, she decided to treat the problem like she'd had Lyra teach her.

"Vectors, absolute positions, um—nearest, uh…" It was easy when she had a spell in front of her, but Sweetie Belle had never really focused on what each target type could do. "I do better when casting, I think."

"And I do better making spells." It made Dinky think a little more on the matter. "But I can cast spells still, which means you should be able to make spells still—we're just not as good at it."

"Well, how do you think I should target the spell?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's a spell to cast on friends so you can talk to them—if you make it a holding hooves spell, I think it would be perfect."

Blinking in surprise, Sweetie Belle's face lit up into a big smile. "You're right! Okay, so what else do we need for a spell?"

"The pattern. I don't know if you noticed, but I've been working herringbones into most of my patterns. It mostly came because Mom has a floor like that, and when I asked Lyra about it she told me to try to use patterns repeatedly because it makes memorizing a bunch of spells easier." Dinky pulled her magic down to a whisper and drew the pattern in the air with it. "Like this."

"Oh! Arrows! Yeah, I have seen those a lot lately. They make memorizing spells easy when I just have to remember Arrow pattern, but then change these bits." Stomping her feet in a little dance of excitement, Sweetie Belle thought about what she wanted to do with the spell, and then started thinking about the pattern and the targets.

Stopping herself just before interrupting, Dinky tried to hold back her giggles as she watched Sweetie Belle build the spell in her head. When the other filly reached out to her, Dinky connected their hooves and felt the rush of friendship magic over them. "Did it work?"

"I can hear you normally, so I don't think I could tell." Sweetie looked around the library and shrugged her shoulders. "You go upstairs and I'll go outside."

Taking the stairs upward, Dinky kept up a running monologue of each step and the grain patterns on them. When she got to the top, she heard Sweetie Belle clearly say, "You can stop talking now, I can definitely hear you out here," but she realized she never actually heard the words out loud.

"You can hear me?" Dinky asked.

"Yeah! I made a spell!"

"This is really great! Can you teach me how to cast it?"

One clattering of hooves later and they both met up in the library again.

"I don't know how useful it will be. Miss Roseluck walked past and looked at me like I'd done something silly." Sweetie Belle started to make the pattern in the air, like Lyra had taught her, and soon Dinky was writing it down while she held it still.

Sneaking into the library as quietly as possible, Lyra made note of the pattern. "You used Dinky's herringbone? That's going to confuse so many magical scholars, but in a good way. What'd you make?"

Dinky bounced over to Lyra and reached out a hoof. She formed the spell and waited for Lyra's hoofbump before casting it. "You'll see."

"No, she'll hear," Sweetie Belle said.

Giggling, Dinky bounced to the door and outside, then said, "And now you can hear me!"

Lyra froze. The voice was so clear it was like Dinky was still beside her. She glanced at Sweetie Belle, then back to the closed door. "Telepathy? You made a spell that gives ponies telepathy?"

"Only between their friends. It lasts as long as it has magic, and you can stop feeding it any time you want." Those parts hadn't been tricky—what with her copying that pattern from one of Dinky's spells that had a similar duration status.

"Well," Lyra said as Dinky came back inside, "it's awesome! I can see certain ponies with entirely too much magic making use of this. It has to be touch-cast, right? That's why the magic usage is so low. Right, this deserves its own paper."

"Paper?" That worried Sweetie Belle a little. "Why are you giving us a test?"

Mentally giving herself a slap, Lyra dialed back the technical talk. "I mean I have to write a big, important letter to all the other magic researchers to tell them about this. I'd say it is the first one with you or Dinky's names on it, but that ship has sailed. Good work, girls."

"Miss Lyra?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I don't think I'm very good at making spells. Dinky could have come up with this so much easier on her own, and I could have memorized it easily too because it has Dinky's arrows."

"'Dinky's arrows'?" It didn't take long for Lyra to figure it out. "Right, herringbone. Well, I think you have both deserved ice cream anyway. Dinky, you for managing to get another pony to make a spell. Sweetie Belle, you for making a new spell and working outside your comfort zone."

The replying cheer from two ice cream loving fillies was more than enough of a boost to Lyra's mood to have her feeling like prancing. Plus it was another friendship magic spell created. The cost of ice cream was a minor downside given how much Lyra enjoyed seeing Dinky grow into her skills.

The weight of an alicorn princess' gaze, when showing the full force of their disapproval, was a heck of a thing. Lyra had never been subjected to such a look before, but now that she had—it made her giggle.

"I can't believe you. Sweetie Belle? You taught Sweetie Belle how to make magic spells and the first she came up with was long-range telepathy!" Twilight didn't even care if she had an advanced manuscript listing all of Dinky's spells so far—this was too much. "I have made seven spells, Lyra. Seven! I could handle Dinky passing me—making spells seems to be gift for her—but Sweetie Belle?"

When Lyra just giggled, Twilight let out an exasperated sigh and used her magic to summon a duplicate of Rarity's fainting couch—just to flop onto it in her best imitation of a Rarity pose. "I can't take it anymore. I held the element of magic, Lyra. The. Element. Of. Magic! Why are you doing this? Is it to torment me?"

It was hard to giggle and talk at the same time, but Lyra did her best. "Yes! No! You asked me to!"

Narrowing her eyes and glaring at Lyra harder, Twilight eventually let out a sigh and laughed. "That's the worst bit. I expected you to make dozens of spells for me, and that would have been perfectly fine since you are a trained and experienced unicorn wizard. I have—had—a reputation for magic."

"Yeah… The filly looking up at you—her eyes dancing with excitement at having the Princess Twilight Sparkle asking for a copy of all her spells didn't make it just a tiny, itsy-bitsy bit okay?" Lyra asked.

Biting her lip because Lyra had won the entire argument with that one line, Twilight sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it did."

"So, with that out of the way—"

"I didn't say I was done with this, Lyra Heartstrings!"

"With that out of the way, Your Highness"—Lyra smirked at the way Twilight seemed ready to explode—"are you prepared for two weeks of madness?"

"She's really okay with me doing this?" Twilight asked. "I mean, I know she did, but—"

"Bonny agreed to it, Twilight, for three reasons: who you are (a princess), what you are (an alicorn), and that you're a friend. The first two would have required you to order her to do it, the last only meant you had to ask."

There were a million yeah, buts that Twilight could have come back with, but she had learned to take Lyra at her word. Instead she dipped into enthusiasm. "When are we running tonight?"

Relaxing and reading through the spell list again, Lyra had a new thought. "Just before sundown. Twilight, what if every unicorn was taught how to make spells and they all made their own versions of the same spells?"

Author's Note:

Discord, any thoughts on Fluttershy embracing her battier side?

"Hrmph. Well, for all my dislike of that mare and her family, I can't honestly say I dislike the changes in Fluttershy. Equestria could use a little more chaos. Also, I like her fangs." Blushing a little, Discord managed to sublimate before any further questions could be asked of him.

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any character within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right character to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post!

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome patrons who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Vi Watch

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words: