• Member Since 29th Oct, 2020
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The hoes call me the B-1 Lancer because I offer unimpressive low-level penetration but possess a world-class rear-aspect sight picture.


This story is a sequel to Pray Tell: Who Inscribed All These Bollocks Upon The Walls?

Poor little Cadance.

What little filly wouldn't be miserable under all the pressure of being the world's only other alicorn princess? Say goodbye to a normal life, normal school, normal friends, and, maybe worst of all, your only role model is the literal perfect pony. Rough life, huh? To get back at auntie, she's going to, armed with a screwdriver and a knowledge of school desk graffiti, make her quite literal mark on the palace.

Celestia is a princess out of her element: running a country is easy. Raising a filly is hard. She is also, incidentally, something of an expert at vandalism.

Maybe there's a lesson here after all.

Unapologetically saccharine sweet. Chronological prequel to the fic listed. You probably don't need to read it to understand what's going on, but you should.

T rated for general content. Very tame, really.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )
Ri2 #1 · Feb 7th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Now, what kinds of genitals will FLURRY make? And how early?

Well, since Flurry is the cutest of Eldritch alicorn-spawn, I would assume she will design genitals incomprehensible to the minds of mortals. You know, once she's old enough to comprehend the comedy of drawing genitals on public buildings.

I love your stories, the comedy varies in style but is always of fine quality.


Flurry doesn't etch wall willies.

She casually etches lines in various crystals that, on a sunny Tuesday last week at precisely 4:06pm resulted in a somewhat crude but positively radiant dick-light on the cheek of the statue of Spike the Brave and Glorious that lasted about two minutes and seventy mares worth of scandal and awe before the sun moved enough to make it merely reflections again.

But, unfortunately, she couldn’t exactly take her wings off, so she settled for the next best option; vandalism, because what was a better way to show up her auntie than messing up these perfect marble walls?

Um, ACTHUALIE, Cadence was born a pegasus, so, like this story is totally imhaccutate, and I am leaheaving a downlike. Learn the dheep lore, dum dum! (Insert frowny emojis as needed)

Jk, actually pretty funny. I like it.

You seem to have pulled a hard 180 on your Celestia characterization, I must say I'm enjoying it.

Only temporarily, I assure you. Cellys still a big ol poopyhead in my quote-unquote "real stories."

Great sequel/prequel. You're right, there are sadly few 'little Cadance' stories around. Also:

Immortal Raven is the best Raven.

YES. Celestia can only have one seneschal, and that is THE one-and-only Raven. :heart:

Pity, I quite like the irreverent quirkiness you've given her here.

Thoughts on Twilight's reaction to this most profound of Princessly traditions?

Heh, that was cute and funny. I'd never considered an immortal Raven before either, so thanks for planting that in my brain. Some minor corrections:

I trued tutors but she just won’t learn


“ CADANCE!” Celestia let a little of the Royal Canterlot Voice slip in, nor enough to crack the plaster, of course, but just enough to get a good thunderclap. “Cadance, you are not going to run away from me!”

"[N]ot enough"

“ Ugh.” Cadance grumbled, breaking into the phrase Celestia was so wont of using. “‘The Creator gave us the horn, the hoof, the wing; to not use our gifts is an insult indeed.”

That should be "wont to use."

Twilight is more mature - she makes whole buildings :p

More! I want a whole series of these. With Twilight, and then later down the line, Flurry!

But, unfortunately, she couldn’t exactly take her wings off, so she settled for the next best option; vandalism, because what was a better way to show up her auntie than messing up these perfect marble walls?

Hmm It's not been exactly defined, but from what I gathered Cadance started as a Pegasus before ascension, so it would be the horn to be the addition.

As I mentioned in the comments on the previous story, I had her draw a dick on the Moon.
But I think she may also draw Discord's dick. In all its ever-changing glory.

Ooh, I quite like the idea of an immortal Raven. Are there any other stories, of either you or other authors, which use it?

...Yes? I'm sure I stole it somewhere - not a lot of original thoughts, you see - but I don't know if I could tell you where. I think there's only 30 or so Raven tagged fics, though, so I'm sure it could be found without too much suffering.

This was wonderful. More, please!

... when I said I'd take 30 last fic I didn't mean it as a challenge. That said I'm certainly not complaining with the results: another endearing fic about drawing wangs on walls 10/10 you're doing Celestia's work on this earth


The Sisters of Reduit are amused, I'm sure.


I think the greatest immortal Raven fic would be this, something I translated into Chinese a couple years back.

Willy willed well wienered walls wildly

When did Twilight undergo the training in phallus drawings?
How did Rarity react to finding peckers all over Twilights home in Ponyvile for the 1st time? And did Dash help?
Does she mix in human Peters to confuse ponies?

Also I want to know how Shining reacts to the curse spreading to the Cristal Empire (and him not knowing his wife is doing it).
Flurry Heart laying there pretending to be asleep, when Sunburst walks in and finds all the walls, floor, and ceiling covered in weenies. Flurry's little smile as Sunburst screams.

The best lessons, Cadance, are those we don’t know we are being given.

”So this isn’t a very good lesson?”
“Less sass, more sacks, young filly.”

Delightful work. There really aren’t enough immediately post-ascension Cadence stories on the site. Though I do have to wonder if Twilight carries on this tradition…

I am genuinely irate at how clever that line is, and I will forever hold it against myself that I didn't write it. Thanks for the comments and likes, (f)homie!

By the time Flurry Heart was ten, Cadance was forced to legally rename the Crystal Palace to the Crystal Phallus.

Next time Raven walks down those halls the walls are going to be made of dicks...

Oh, that is precious. Trickster-type Celestia is the best one too

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