• Published 26th Feb 2022
  • 2,765 Views, 120 Comments

My Little Schnee - Krieg cormac

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Chapter 16

The courtyard where the Royal Guard had gathered was located at the far end of Canterlot Castle, far away from any wandering eyes of visitors from the public. Luna was already there in her royal regalia, with her ever present cup of boiling hot coffee floating in the air beside her, standing in the shade of a marble column. She arrived early since Celestia wasn’t there yet. Weiss formed a small smile as she approached the Princess of the Night, who was observing the members of the Royal Guard that had already gathered.

Luna’s ears twitched in her direction, causing the cute alicorn to swivel her head. “Weiss! You are early.”

“Not as early as you.” Weiss paused once she reached Luna’s side, accepting the second cup of coffee that Luna pulled out of thin air, likely a spell that she had created or adapted. She turned her attention towards the gathered Guards.

Weiss counted at least forty, ten from each race of ponies, including the thestrals with their bat-like features from the Night Guard, their armor a dark silver instead of the bright and shiny gold of the Royal Guard. The gold didn’t look as practical as the silver armor that Luna’s guards wore. They all stood at attention, standing like statues made out of the same marble as the rest of Canterlot Castle. Every member of the Royal Guard appeared to be identical, aside from the characteristics of their race, with a coat of pristine white fur and a blue mane. The Thestrals stood out more, with their fur and manes being varying shades of purple and other minor characteristics.

“Do they dye their fur?” Weiss asked, lifting the cup to her lips. Another unicorn in gold armor was inspecting them, marching in between their rows.

“The armor of the Royal Guard is enchanted.” Luna explained. “It’s superior to the armor used by my Night Guard, but much more expensive to produce. Only the Canterlot Royal Guard can afford it, it helps them to remain anonymous when deployed.” She mentioned the Canterlot Royal Guard bitterly.

If they didn’t want their identities revealed, then maybe they shouldn’t wear shiny gold armor. Weiss kept those words to herself of course, she was here to lead an expedition, not reform their Guard. The pegasi and thestral’s were armed with long rifles, which were slung by their side, while the earth ponies wielded spears. Weiss didn’t spy any weapons on the unicorns.

“How many of them have combat experience?” Weiss finished the last of her coffee, her mug disappearing in a flash when she crossed her arms.

Luna hesitated, wincing softly as she tried to avoid Weiss’ gaze. “I am unsure. I regularly have the Night Guard drill and train since my return, but they have been disbanded for over a thousand years.” That had been a long story, one that Luna had mentioned a few times during Weiss’ stay. It looked like a painful topic to talk about, so Weiss didn’t pressure her to reveal much.

The dark alicorn angled her head in the direction of the thestrals with a sad expression. “They are still treated differently by the other three tribes because of my actions.”

That was a hotly debated topic in Canterlot apparently, Luna often visited Weiss' room to discuss her struggles to get the three pony tribes to accept the thestrals as their own. They reminded Weiss of the faunus, and how they had been treated back in the Four Kingdoms.

“I see.” Weiss said neutrally. Even if she did feel for the thestrals, this wasn’t Weiss' world, and getting involved in its political issues would just bring her issues that she likely wouldn’t be able to fix before she returned home. And it’d make her feel guilty to leave that behind. “And the Royal Guard?”

“They were hoofpicked by Captain Spear and my sister.” Luna said. Green Spear was the newest Captain of the Royal Guard, which happened to be the highest rank that was equivalent to a colonel back home, as other captain’s served under him. It was a different system, one that Weiss wasn’t familiar with. “A few might have experience from the fighting in Severnaya a few decades ago, but that happened before my return, and I am not familiar with all the guards.” She didn’t mention the disaster that was the Siege of Canterlot, when the Changelings almost took over their capital. It was a nasty mark in a period of peace.

In the end, all Weiss had at her disposal were ponies that were greener than the lettuce she had eaten for breakfast. She pressed her lips into a thin line, keeping her focus on the unicorn officer that inspected the Guard.

“I’ll need to see them in action before coming up with a thorough plan for the expedition.” Weiss rested a hand on Myrtenaster’s hilt. Without knowing their capabilities, she could not guarantee that all of them would make it back safely, especially if the Everfree Forest was as dangerous as everyone made it out to be.

Fluttershy nearly passed out at the mere mention of the name, and according to Rainbow Dash, she lived not even ten minutes away from the treeline of the forest. Weiss would have to pay Twilight’s friends a visit when she stopped by Ponyville, it’d be rude not to.

“I’m sure my sister and Captain Green Spear could arrange for a demonstration of their skills.” Luna gave her a sheepish smile, which did manage to lift Weiss’ spirits some with how cute she was. “The Night Guard are at your service either way.”

“Thank you.” Weiss smiled. They stood there for a few more minutes, when they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She didn’t need Blake’s superior hearing to know that it would be Princess Celestia and Captain Green Spear approaching, just on time.

“Hello Sister, Weiss.” Princess Celestia said, coming to a stop right a foot away from the white haired human. Captain Green Spear remained behind her.

“Princess Celestia.” Weiss turned, and offered the white alicorn a practiced curtsied. She gave the Captain, a green unicorn with a purple mane, a short nod. “Captain Green Spear, a pleasure to meet you.”

Equestria’s strength was in its navy, to protect the interest of ponies from around Equus from pirates and others that would do them harm on the high seas. The rest of their military had fallen behind, with Green Spear, Captain of the Royal Guard, being the de facto head of the army. According to Blueblood, he had recently been promoted since the last Captain married Luna and Celestia’s niece, and became the regent of the Crystal Empire in the north.

“Princess Luna.” Captain Green Spear greeted his princess first with a bow before turning to Weiss with a curt nod. “Royal Huntress.”

“Sister.” Luna trotted towards her sister’s side. They exchanged a glance before turning to the Captain. “You arrived just in time.”

Celestia gave her a practiced smile, it was perfect after centuries of use. Weiss wished she had a poker face like the Princess of the Sun. “Of course.”

“We are ready to begin, your highnesses.” Captain Green Spear spoke to both of the sisters, yet his eyes remained on Celestia, waiting for her orders. Weiss wasn’t the best when it came to relationships with siblings, but even she could tell that that wouldn’t end well, especially with their positions of authority.

“We shall begin when the Royal Huntress says so. She is in command of this expedition, is she not?” Luna was the one that spoke up instead. Celestia nodded along slowly.

“My sister is correct. Weiss is in command here, please obey her as you would me.” Celestia added in a kind manner. Captain Green Spear bowed again and turned to Weiss. He looked annoyed, with his dark green eyes.

“Thank you.” Weiss gave the two princesses a smile and took a few steps in the direction of the row of guards, with the Captain following behind her. “I wish to see the capabilities of the Guard, can you arrange for them to spar against one another to start with?” She said that last part politely, there wasn’t any need to antagonize the unicorn, yet.

“Of course.” Captain Green Spear saluted, his golden armor shining brightly in the sun, it nearly blinded Weiss, but she didn’t let any discomfort show. He started yelling at the nearest guard. “Form up to spar!”

Time to see if they lived up to Weiss’ standards.

Author's Note:

Sorry these updates are taking too long. 

I’m glad everyone is enjoying the art so far!