• Published 8th Mar 2022
  • 393 Views, 8 Comments

Legends of Equestria: The Last Goodbye - JimmyHook19

  • ...

Pardon me Miss or Sir...

The next morning awoke quietly, and sure enough the ponies were soon fired up for their journey east. Whilst still not one hundred percent sure where Mistmane was leading them (Flash remarked he was not even twenty percent sure, although why he had picked such a precise percentage was a cause for much concern and confusion), the team was more than happy to follow her lead as they travelled across the many lands and seas that seemed to compromise this strange and exotic continent they wandered across.

So it was they went into the heat once more and down a road.

"I have no idea why we insist on travelling during the day," Stygian groaned. "My fur is sticking together with all this sweat, and I hope the heat doesn't cause the ink to crack!"

"Calm yer noggin' doon," Rockhoof grinned, rubbing Stygian's head. "Hard work and harsh conditions build character, and we all know how useful strong character is."

"That is not funny," Stygian sighed. "Not funny in the slightest."

Flash called out. "Look over there! The road is really straight!"

"Whilst logical, it's not very interesting," Stygian sighed.

"Do you prefer curved roads?" Meadowbrook enquired.

"Yes," Stygian sighed. "There's little interest in uniformity."

They wandered along for a bit until they took a left hand turn, and then joined a much more elaborate highway next to some tracks. Up they went onto it, and more road mergers, the open road beckoning like the virgins of the western sky, and an hour of cake, cake.

"Check your watches, as we'll be changing time zones again," Starswirl informed them.

It didn't take them very long to leave civilization behind them on their travels, and before long they were in the middle of forests filled with deciduous trees and other plant life. It was not quite cool enough to be swampy, but at the same time too hot to function like the old forests of the East, making it quite an uncomfortable experience to travel through without an air conditioned vehicle to help you along the way.

Onwards they travelled, the trees and rocks never seeming to end their constant parade of monotony and general lack of desire to be interesting, but that was until they came on their way onto a board. This board was telling them something which was quite interesting and unusual. It appeared as though they were crossing from one boundary to another, and this in and out of itself was very interesting news.

"I say, it appears we are travelling to place with a woman's name," Starswirl said.

Mistmane pondered for a second. "I wonder who Georgia was," she mused, looking upwards. "Any clues, anybody, as to the origins of this most unusual name?"

"Who cares!" Flash said, and whizzed over the border. "What I know for sure is that longer you lot gossip, you're pumping more hot air into the air! Let's go!"

Onwards they went, over the border, and into a new territory that promised to yield new things.

The team then wandered along the road aimlessly, past another town which firmly seemed to have seen better days in all senses of the word. It had very few buildings, and only a handful of people milled about in what looked to be the remnants of a high street.

They eventually went past a place that seemed to have a lot of running, and then round a left hand bend which took them to another location completely.

Suddenly, there was a violent turn around to the right, and the six of them went along it with worry, fearing what it may bring. But luckily, it was only onto another road, with people stopping and looking as six anthropomorphic beings wandered along, crossing over another line that took them into a place none of them could spell.

They then stopped for a short rest before continuing on their way. They looped around a curve that took them past the Tennessee river (which was not running low), then broke off the highway to their next road which took them around a spiral road to another access place.

After another series of tight bends, they had arrived, at the Chattanooga place of a process associated with eating.

Author's Note:

Ah yeah.... Chattanooga :3

Be ready though, because the next few chapters will be around this area for a while. :raritywink: