• Published 22nd Mar 2022
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Don't Bug Me - Starscribe

Amie was prepared for a difficult season as a camp counselor. She wasn't prepared for her entire summer camp vanishing from Earth, and reappearing in a strange new world. Now they're bugs, in a world that seems to hate them. Survival not guaranteed.

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Chapter 38

Amie considered changing back into any number of different pony disguises. But the windows were always drawn, and he already knew. Hiding the truth about her nature would not help. Besides, she needed to know whether or not she was imagining things.

She shook herself off, removed a towel from the hook, then wrapped it around her shoulders as she stepped out. He clicked the door closed behind him, watching her from across the small space.

Tailslide didn't look different, anyway. He was still covered in the grime of a hard day's work in the factory, still wearing a torn pair of saddlebags and nothing else. At least having a good night's rest and some proper food had helped him. He wasn't staring off into space, and he looked a little less like the flesh was going to slide right off his bones. A good week or so of proper nutrition, and he would probably be right back to where he started.

"I need you to be honest," Amie said, drying off as quickly as she could. "Do I look different to you?"

He crossed the room slowly, then stopped in place, looking her over. After a few seconds, he nodded. "There are some differences. What did you change into?"

She winced. "I... nothing. This is just how I look. I feel like it was different before, but it's not like I took pictures. Who wants to remember looking like a freak?"

Tailslide patted her gently on the shoulder with a wing. "It's... not what changelings are supposed to look like. You think maybe you're changing like your brother? Maybe this is the first step of your transformation. Like... Equestria is recognizing that you're not evil bugs who want to eat us. Eventually you'll all look like him, and you won't need to feed on love anymore."

"Maybe! That... does sound better than any of the nightmare explanations I've had. I think I'll go with what you said." She settled back onto her haunches, tossing the wet towel onto the floor. "How was work?"

He groaned in response. "Wish I could say it was getting better. Base commander still knows I'm here, and he's putting pressure on everywhere I go to fire me. Until I'm out of Agate, he'll never let me rest. I wouldn't be surprised if he has me fired again by the end of the week."

Amie ran one hoof through her hair as he spoke, only slightly distracted. It had been a long time since she had hair, he couldn't be mad at her for that! Technically she had it every day when she was with Ivy, but that was pretending. This was real.

"We could go out for dinner again," she suggested. "Things might be... about to hit the fan here. I don't know who will come out the other side. But it might be our last chance for a while."

"Hit the... fan?" Tailslide asked. He tossed his saddlebag onto a hook, then froze. "Your eyes—they didn't always look like that?"

"Nope," she said. Amie blushed, turning away from him. Bugs could still do that it turned out, leaving patches of blue on her face instead of red. "Do you want to go out for dinner or not? I'm already going out of the way here—where I come from, it's usually the stallion who does things like that."

Tailslide thought about it, scratching his chin. "You don't eat."

"Who cares?" she asked, annoyed. "I want to relax. I might not get another chance. I'm pretty sure you don't have movies, I'm not even sure what alcohol would do to me if we went out to a club..."

And even if it isn't just poison, I can't take the risk it might compromise my judgment and make me do something I'll regret. Amie had already revealed her true nature to several ponies without intoxication to encourage her.

"We could go to the lake," Tailslide suggested. "It's a short flight. I know you can look like a pegasus if you want to. Just let me steal something to eat from the other room first."

He didn't wait for her response, just slipped out through the open door, leaving her behind. Amie had a little time to consider how she would look. She'd used the same pegasus with him a half-dozen times now, and just as often on various errands around the city. Something about that repetition had her feeling restless. Amie was meant to change, wasn't she?

Besides, Amie's strange new eyes had her thinking of where she'd seen them before—there was a whole tribe of ponies meant for the night, with wings that lacked feathers and eyes like hers.

She wasn't translating her old human self into a pony, the way she'd done with Healing Touch. She wanted a pony who looked like her real self... as close as possible. She looked into the mirror, imagined what she would look like—then changed.

Her bat self would have a bright green mane and wings, blue eyes, and a firefly for her cutie mark. She even kept her fangs, though the bats were shaped very differently from her own. She gave her a short mane, though it would grow with time. Maybe her own newly acquired hair was a sign of things to come.

I could be changing into Wes's species. It's not the worst theory. If only there hadn't been a few snags with that idea, nagging on the back of her mind. Having more colors of her own did match with Wes, but his eyes were still insectoid, and his back still had fins instead of a mane.

I'll ask Pachu’a when he gets back here. Assuming Albrecht didn't have him shot.

Tailslide came through the door a few minutes later, still smelling slightly of salad dressing. "Woah. You're, uh... who taught you to do a thestral?"

"If people taught me anything my life would be a helluva lot better," she said. "But I've seen a few on base. They seem pretty cool—dangerous, exotic. The hearing is really interesting. I can... hear my brother through the wall. And your heartbeat."

Of course it was no pony sense that showed her just how accurate her guess about Tailslide's preferences had been. Bats were mysterious and dangerous to him, muddled up in a confusing blur of feelings she couldn't untangle. However her powers were expanding, they didn't show her his thoughts.

Amie would have to figure those out the old-fashioned way. She didn't anticipate much of a challenge, if stallions were anything like men. "I planned on visiting the lake with... my client. But I don't think we'll ever get the chance. You sure that's what you want? You don't need the exercise."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Tailslide said. "But I'm sure. I've had enough self-pity in my old favorite restaurants, I think. You're the one with a whole city's worth of ponies to save from certain doom. I'm just the one who failed to help."

Amie stopped to leave one last message with Wes before she left. "Remember, Rick and Beth are probably coming soon. Get them inside, keep them hidden. Make sure they don't go wandering through the building. I haven't got to talk to Bud about having them yet."

"Sure." Wes was sitting at the kitchen table, with a salad slowly going soggy in front of him. His attention was entirely focused on his... phone? He had a stylus floating in the air next to him, and scrolled absently through it.

Amie caught herself in the doorway. Her own relaxation for the evening could wait. "Right, Rick mentioned that. He was setting up a repeater antenna. It should cover Agate by now."

"It does." Wes looked up. "Did you check your messages? Might want to look. There's a lot here... but some of it is about you."

She didn't want to know. Given her track-record, any message waiting for her could only be some new fire to extinguish. Probably it was something she couldn't even help with, since she was a dozen miles away behind enemy lines. But hiding from it wouldn't make it go away.

"Something wrong?" Tailslide asked. He stood still, watching her dart back into her room. "Should we go another night?"

"No!" She left the door open, and didn't turn around. "Just... gimme a sec. I think there might be a message for me."

She removed her phone from the pack with her mouth, settling it onto the table in front of her. It would be easier if she changed into something that could use a horn. But if she did that, that would be one more step away from a relaxing evening with Tailslide. They both needed some time to catch their breath.

The phone took a moment to start. As usual, there was no signal until she started Rick's bodged program. The screen flashed once, then suddenly she was drowned in messages.

Many were from her campers, begging for help. All of you hold on a little longer, she thought to herself. I'm gonna get you out.

But none of those were surprising. Instead, her attention jerked to the series of messages from Director Albrecht.

"I do not know if you will receive this," began the first. "This is not a true cell network, I know there are communication limits. I wanted to send this anyway, in case you ever receive it.

I am sorry for alarming you over your brother. In your place, I might've done something similar.

We received a relief party today. They explained you had sent them, with information about Camp Stella Lacus. Doing this was not your place—there should have been a conference over what information to share, and how to arrange any diplomacy with outsiders. It was wrong for you to do this.

I do not believe we would have survived without it, however. We owe you our lives.

Not counting you and your brother, sixteen campers have passed away or gone missing since the Transit. This number has only begun to accelerate as the youngest and weakest succumb.

I guess the supplies they gave us will last two weeks. If we continue hunting during this time, we should be able to extend that. It will be a rough return to meat after finally having a supply of real food.

They refuse to commit to another delivery until completing some arrangement you made with your brother. I know I don't have the power to force you. Stella Lacus was dying. With new allies, we may be able to protect its campers and staff.

Whatever it is you're doing, please don't stop. I do not know if any of us will see home again. But even if we're doomed to be exiles forever, we have a responsibility to keep them safe."

Amie didn't have time to scroll through a month of missed social posts from the camp. She could imagine how depressing they would all be.

She did take a second to type out a reply, even if she had to use the stylus in her mouth. It didn't have to be a long one.

"Albrecht — I know you were cutting my kids off from their fair share, blaming them for what I did. In exchange for facilitating this, I have one demand.

I may start bringing them out of camp. I can use more people here, people I know and trust. And having them here lets me know they're getting fed.

When it's time, you're going to give your blessing, and let them go. You aren't going to steal from them or mistreat them, and you aren't going to kick them out.

If you agree, I'll make sure you get another shipment. I don't know what the Elders will ask for in payment, but I'll negotiate as well as I can.

I wasn't gonna let you vivisect my brother. But I haven't forgotten about Stella Lacus either. I've been trying to help you since I left.

That's all I want."

To her surprise, the reply was already coming through seconds after she finished writing. The phone buzzed, and a single line appeared on her screen.

"I agree to your terms."

She switched the phone off again, then sat back up. Tailslide had made his way back in.

"It's a little later than I hoped," he said. "If we get caught outside the wall after dark, we'll have to wait until morning to come in."

She shrugged. "We're allowed to camp at this lake, right?"

He nodded. "So long as I can make it back by first bell."

She grinned back. "I'll get the sleeping bag."

Amie left the building behind, along with a whole lifetime's worth of stress. They would still be waiting for her when she got back, like a dozen different explosions all moving in slow-motion. But maybe this trip into nature would actually let her relax for once.

She had to try.

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