• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2021
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🇭🇺 | "I will never trust a single word this femboy says ever again." - /mlp/ | Like what I do? Ko-Fi,


Twilight stumbles upon a book of puzzles in her library. One that she doesn't remember ever owning, or buying, or even seeing before. But hey, puzzles are fun and she is very good at them.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

The story is set right before S2.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

>”1. Her countenance is of whitest snow, crested by a flowing river, reflecting her reflection’s reflections. Who is it?”
I love this metaphor. Really paints a serene picture of Best PrincessTM
Overall, good shit, Filly. The Twilight characterization was spot on, and the story didn't overstay its welcome, and the final riddle was just as cryptic as it needed to be.
Keep it up, and I'm awaiting when you'll break into longfic territory.

Aw, thank you very much!

I love this metaphor.

I was struggling to come up with something that sounded somewhat vague and purple and then this suddenly popped in my head and I knew this is it. I'm very glad you liked it.

Keep it up, and I'm awaiting when you'll break into longfic territory.

I'm afraid I'll probably keep you waiting for a while. Even managing my ~35k word story is a great mess. But perhaps one day, when I get an idea too good to abandon.

“896. Take me and my friend as many times as you’d like and add us together. We want to meet someone whole, who when taken enough times, is able to match the two of us together. Can you find us a third partner like that?”

my attempt at translating:
find C (and n and m?) so that
nA + nB = mC
where C is any integer, and A, B, n and m can be anything. (but A and B, "me and my friend" aren't given..).

Almost, the real deal is the following:
Given the formula A^n + B^n = C^n, find A, B, and C if n>2
The problem in my story is a direct reference to Fermat's Conjecture (also known as his Last Theorem) which was a notoriously hard math problem, that states that there is no such possible triplet that satisfies the formula above. I don't know if there is a nicer way to describe exponentiation while keeping the faux-old style I tried to go for.

Oh this is certainly fun
Very much enjoy your simple stories like this

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

I'm not the masterful critic that you are, so I'll keep this short:
Very fun read, and the characterisation of Twilight is superb. Having the puzzle-book be a ploy of Discord's is a nice 'twist' at the end, too. There were a couple of awkward word choices or grammatical errors, but nothing unduly jarring to the reader. Overall, a solid 7/10 and an easy thumbs up!

my attempt at reverse translating:

In my garden there grow three plants of different species, two on the ground and one in a planter. Each species has a certain number of flowers. Each day, exactly at sunrise, each plant dies, but not before each flower on each plant drops a seed, and the seed grows into a new plant. I first wait two days. After some number of days has passed, the number of flowers growing on the ground is the same as the number in the planter. How many flowers does each species grow, and how many days did I wait?

the problem is, twilight is not a scholar, shes an academic, the former pursues wisdom, the later pursues knowledge...there is a critical difference between these two and how they think
scholars often have to think outside the box, there minds tend to be flexable and ever changing with new information and points of view
academics tend to be ridged, there view shaped by hard facts and logic and only incontrovertible evidence will make them change there stance on something

this is why twilight was and is so prone to meltdowns of a comical nature (going twilinanas) when faced with things that are outside of her experience

An enjoyable diversion. Well done.

Also I was hoping the final answer would be, “ I don’t know”. Forcing Twilight to admit that in the end, her understanding has limits.

This story didn’t go the way I had expected judging solely based on the title and description. But it did remind me of The Star in Yellow.
and Theory


I'm not the masterful critic that you are

Oh come now, you're making me blush.

There were a couple of awkward word choices

If you don't mind, could you name an example? This isn't the first time I get this as feedback, but sadly I couldn't yet figure out what people mean by this.

Overall, a solid 7/10 and an easy thumbs up!

That's absolutely a win in my books. Thank you very much!

I'd argue my story does play into this. Twilight comes this close to causing harm in herself and has to be told that she's being whack before she realizes that she really is being unreasonable. Or am I misunderstanding your point?


Also I was hoping the final answer would be, “ I don’t know”.

That could've been a nice moral as well. I was more going for the idea that she needs to learn to stop worrying herself to death over things that are fundamentally not that important. I admit the story is a bit like Lesson Zero.

Twilight has a strongly set paradigm that she bases her reality around. If that paradigm shifts, she struggles to adapt. She is the complete opposite of the childlike Pinkie in this regard, as Pinkie's paradigm is malleable, and thus she can take everything in a stride, but lacks the structural integrity or "maturity" that is expected of an adult. It's basically why children have an easy time accepting new facts and skills because they are not yet set in their ways, whereas adults need far more to change their paradigm, whether it be external proof or internal revelation. This is also why it's a bad thing to remove people from the Matrix after a certain age.

if discord was smart he just send twilight the book with a fake letter from princess celestia: dear twilight i have sent you this book for safe keeping do not read it

that drive twilight mad

Nope u pretty much nailed it

No problem, I'll give an example of both.
The one that stuck out the most to me was: "in bold, imposing letters. Below it, — in smaller, more calligraphic letters". Using the same word twice here is awkward, more so due to the huge number of synonyms you could have used. Off the top of my head, font - letters works the best, but this is a good chance to flex your knowledge of language and find the perfect word.
There are a large number of grammatically awkward sentences, too. "She valued her friends above all, this much was never a question, but this?" is typical of them. They all work in within their context, but the sentences are a bit mangled when read alone. It definitely leads to the prose falling flat occasionally, but aren't so bad as to pull the reader from his suspension of disbelief.

Ah the letters stuff is clear, I messed up there. This is why one really needs a proofreader! I edited this one alone.

"She valued her friends above all, this much was never a question, but this?" is typical of them

This, on the other hand, surprises me a lot. I was under the impression that this turn of phrase exists in English as well, but seems like I'm falling victim to ESL-bias :ajsmug: Oh well, hopefully with time I'll be able to avoid these.
Thank you for taking the time to humor my silly request.

You can't out OCD the princess of OCD. Discord met his match here.


The answer to that last riddle.
I thought it was going to be Twilight Sparkle.

I thought that riddle was referential to the princesses and their eventual succession, since Princesses Celestia and Luna, who ruled best together, were eventually replaced by a single princess, Twilight herself.

She shook her head slightly. Surely she was just missing something deeply obvious. Something that was staring her right in the muzzle, something she would immediately realize with a bit of focus. She inhaled and exhaled, setting a fresh parchment in front of herself. She wrote the previous two candidates on the page, then crossed them out. “A series of letters?” Nothing. She scribbled it down and crossed it out. “The one thousandth question?” she asked, hoping perhaps the book just expected a bit more preciseness. Nothing. Another scribble, another crossing out. The Sun slowly marched through the sky, but Twilight noticed nothing of it.

Amusingly enough, I solved the riddle while reading this paragraph. It's delightfully poetic, not to mention paradoxical in nature.

"What am I?"

It is...a Conundrum. ;)

This was a really lovely story.
Felt just like it would have fit into the show, honestly. That's the highest praise I can think to give, other than that I didn't sense much if anything in the way of ESL going on at all.

Aw, cute little story, and Discord makes sense, lol. :rainbowlaugh:

I stink at riddles, but I thought the answer to riddle #1000 would be "The End" or "The Last Riddle".

Good story, nonetheless.

Got to this a little late. Going off Discord's bit of monologue, the last answer is more likely to be "A trick question" as much as it even can be answered, since it was intended to paralyze Twilight via obsession. Giving it a correct answer to find would have defeated its purpose; to borrow an overused quote, "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

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