• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,158 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

The Start of a Music Revolution

After being kicked out, Bunk Bed Junction were still reeling over of what just happened, that was, until a large group of individuals arrived and helped Mayday up. The band was surprised to see a group they've never seen before, and that one of them was willing to help them out. "Who are all of you?" Mayday asked.

"Oh, my name is Sunset Shimmer, and these are my friends." said Sunset as she introduced herself before she motioned to the others. "That there's Fluttershy."

"Um, hello." Fluttershy greeted shyly with a shy wave, which Yolo and Zuke couldn't help but smile over her adorableness.

"That there's Pinkie Pie." Sunset continued.

"Party planner extraordinaire!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she suddenly pulled out a tray of cupcakes "Cupcakes?"

The three of them were surprised to see her pulling Cupcakes from out of nowhere. They looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and accepted them, with the latter tasting them.

"Hey, this is pretty good." Zuke noted.

"The best." Mayday agreed, which caused Pinkie to smile and hug her tightly.

"Thank you!!" Pinkie Pie smiled with her usual smile.

"I like her." Mayda said as she couldn't help but smile before Pinkie broke the hug.

"And that there's Applejack." Sunset added

"Howdy." The cowgirl greeted.

"Then there's Rarity." Sunset continued.

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Rarity greeted while she presented her hand. At first, the band was confused, until Zuke went over and gently held Rarity's hand and kissed it. "My, quite the gentleman."

"I get around." Zuke shrugged with a shrug on his shoulders.

"That there's Rainbow Dash." Sunset said.

"Su'p." Rainbow smiled with a wave.

"That there's Twilight." Sunset added.

"Hello there." Twilight replied until Spike popped up from her bag. "And this is Spike."

"Aw, what a cutie." Mayday gushed as she rubbed his head.

"Oh yeah." Spike smiled, which surprised the three.

"Talking dog?" Zuke asked.

"Huh, cool." Yolo smiled while crossing his arms.

"And awesome!!" Mayday added as she picked Spike up and petted him.

"Finally, someone who isn't freaked out or asking me if I could talk." Spike smirked.

"These two are also our classmates. That there's Octavia Melody..." Sunset started.

"Greetings." The cello player replied while curtsying.

"And Vinyl Scratch, or otherwise known as DJ-PON3" Sunset added, with Vinyl giving them a two finger salute.

"This here's mah friend from out of town, she goes by Countess Coloratura." Applejack said, standing next to her friend.

"But you can call me, Rara." Rara added.

"Countess?" Mayday asked in confusion.

"She's known as the queen of pop." Pinkie Pie explained..

"Oh, a Pop star. I thought you had the look." Yolo noted.

"I do?" Rara said, confused.

"My brother can tell people just by looking at ‘em, it's a gift." Zuke informed.

"And from what I have to guess, you guys are from a high school." Yolo noticed before looking at the Shadowbolts and Dazzlings. "But I assume that they don't go to the same school with you."

"Not really." Twilight responded before starting with the Shadowbolts. "These are my old classmates from my old School. These are Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat."

The group of friends greeted themselves in their own way. "They used to be our rivals, but now we're close friends with one another." Sunset informed.

"Same with us. Well, except we were sort of enemies, but now we're friends. Anyway, my name is Sonata Dusk. And these two are my sisters, Adagio Dazzle..." Sonata added.

"Hi." Adagio replied.

"And Aria Blaze." Sonata finished with Aria just waving to them.

"These are also our more unique friends. The one with the swords and blue mask is Leonardo. The one with the bo-staff and purple mask is Donatello. The one with the orange mask and nun-chuks is Michelangelo." Sunset informed.

"Whattup." Mikey greeted playfully before he got smacked at the back of his head by Raph.

"And the one with the sais, red mask and bad attitude, Raphael." Sunset added.

"Huh, named after the famous Renaissance painters?" Zuke noted as he crossed his arms and looked at them.

The Turtles were surprised by this, before Mikey whispered to his brothers, "I guess there are some parts of our world that's the same as this one."

"Are you guys ninjas?" Yolo asked when he pointed at their weapons.

"That's right." Leo answered.

"We were trained to be ninjas since we were young." Donnie added.

"Huh, cool." Yolo smiled while he crossed his arms.

"And these are the rest of our friends. That there's April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Keno, Karai and Shinigami." Leo introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys. And-" Zuke was about to say before Aria cut him off.

"We know, Mayday, Zuke and Yolo." Aria responded.

"We saw you guys on the interview before your performance." Adagio added.

"Yeah, it was metal, yo!! The most Awesome song I've ever heard." Casey cheered.

"Until you guys got denied and kicked out." Pinkie Pie sighed, which caused Mayday to groan.

"And that was so unfair. You guys gave a great performance." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, they wouldn't know good quality music if it jumped out of the screen and punched them in the face." Keno added.

"I know, right?!" Mayday agreed.

"So where are you guys from?" Zuke asked while ignoring Mayday's rant.

"It's...kind of hard to explain." Leo noted.

"You know, why don't we walk and talk whilst go getting some burgers. You can tell us everything along the way." Zuke offered.

"Sure." Applejack responded.

Everyone continued to walk down the street to a burger joint, but Zuke asked them to take a different route, which they did while at the same time, they explained everything to them. As Mayday was still fuming over what happened and groaning whilst listening to tons of NSR ads, Zuke and Yolo listened to them word for word after they were surprised to hear that they're from another world.

"So let me get this straight; You four were once ordinary turtles, until your pops got affected by a chemical called Mutagen, that turned him into a humanoid rat and you four into humanoid turtles. And he trained you lot in the art of Ninjitsu and you guys protected New York from enemies like the Kraang, Purple Dragons and so on?" Zuke asked.

"And these five joined you, later on. She joined when her father was taken, has telepathic powers and also trained to be a ninja, with Casey here joining later on. Karai was once taken and thought that your enemy was her real father, then she joined you to defeat him. And that's also how Shinigami came along. And Keno happens to be a pizza delivery boy, who's also trained in martial arts?" Yolo added.

"That sums it up, yes." Donnie simply answered.

"Wow, awesome." Yolo smiled, being impressed as Zuke looked at the Rainbooms.

"And you guys are from the same world as the Turtles, except for Sunset, who happens to be a unicorn and came from Equestria, was a bad guy, but became good thanks to you guys. Then you later gained extra power in order to fight your enemies. The Dazzlings were also enemies, who once allied themselves with the Shredder, but then switched to your side, whilst also being trained in Ninjitsu like the others." Zuke noted.

"And the Shadowbolts were also trained in Ninjitsu with you lot. Cool. So...how'd you end up here?" Yolo added as they nodded.

"It started out back at school, we were visiting the girls, only to find out they were sort of in the dumps." Leo started.

"The dumps?" Zuke asked.

"That's right. They were sort of having song writer's block." Donnie answered

"Song writer?" Yolo noted in surprise, with Mayday snapping out of it and looked at them.

"Wait, you girls are in a band?" Mayday asked.

"Separate actually. Me and my friends from CHS are known as the Rainbooms." Rainbow Dash informed.

"Nice. And you lot?" Mayday added.

"My sisters and I perform together, We're known as the Dazzlings." Adagio introduced.

"I perform with an orchestra, but on rare occasions, Vinyl and I play our music together." Octavia explained.

"Wait, a DJ and an Orchestra player? Nice, I bet no one in the city had ever thought of that." Yolo noted.

"Anyway, what's this about you girls being in the dumps?" Zuke asked.

"See, we've played every song we could think of, and some of them over and over. But lately they've become..." Sunset tried to say.

"Old and stale?" Mayday guessed.

"Exactly." Applejack confirmed.

"Oh, we've been there. When we first started out, we also had trouble. So sometimes we play random melodies in order for us to find the inspiration we needed." Yolo empathized.

"Anyway, we were also running out of ideas for different songs, even the ones Rainbow and Fluttershy were stuck." Twilight said.

"We wanted to perform, but we're still a little rusty. It's been a while since we performed any of our songs." Aria informed.

"Even both mine and Vinyl's were old and stale." Octavia added with Vinyl nodding in agreement.

"I couldn't come up with one either, and the worst part is, my next album release is in two months, and I don't have anything to come up or work with." Rara pointed out.

"What about you?" Yolo asked, looking at the Shadowbolts.

"We came to CHS because we wanted to form a band too." Sour Sweet answered.

"But we don't know where to start." Lemon Zest pointed out.

"Like who's going to play what, what kind of genre should we play, who's going to come up with songs?" Indigo Zap listed.

"Especially a proper band name since we can't use our Shadowbolt title, considering it belongs to our school and we didnt want to get sued from copyright infringement." Sugarcoat added.

"We didn't know how to help them out, considering we didn't have any experience. Then Mikey jinxed us and wished that we were here." Raph growled.

"Well how was I supposed to know that a random portal was going to open from out of nowhere like before!!" Mikey retorted.

"This happened before?" Mayday asked while they were near an electronic store.

"Twice with separate groups." Sonata answered.

"Yeah, me, Mikey and Sonata, and the other time with Rarity, Karai and Adagio." Pinkie listed.

"And you guys were hoping to come up with an inspiration for the next song." Yolo noted.

"Well you're in luck. When it comes to coming up with songs, this city can..." Zuke tried to lighten the mood before he was suddenly interrupted when they heard, "Bunkbed Junction, going all in for the final course."

"Hey, look, we're on TV. Isn't that great?" Zuke smiled.

"We look good on camera." Yolo noted.

"Oh, hey." Mayday growled as Zuke calmly crossed his arms while they and the others were watching.

"I think this is a good time for us to reflect back at our shortcomings. Knowing NSR, they probably have unimaginably high standards when it comes to picking their candidates." Zuke suggested.

"Too high if you ask me." Raph scoffed.

"Raph's right, I can't believe they judged you just like that without giving it a chance." Casey agreed.

"Though I noticed something was off about her." Leo noted, which gained Zuke and Yolo's attention.

"What do you mean?" Zuke asked while Mayday was focused on the TV and saw something on the background, as everything lit up and was shocked to see something.

"W-wait. Did you guys see that? We powered the Qwasa almost to full capacity." Mayday pointed out.

"Whoa, and at forty seven percent too." Yolo counted.

"Hmmm, that is odd." Zuke noted.

"Qwasa?" The others asked in confusion.

"Qwasa is sort of like our electricity line. They're connected to our instruments and our equipment. The more music we play, the more powerful they become, which in turn creates more energy." Yolo explained.

"Whoa. This is amazing." Twilight awed, now wanting to research Qwasa.

"Oh great, Egghead mode again." Rainbow groaned while rolling her eyes.

"Those lying idiots!! How could they scrap us when we outperformed all the other contestants?!" Mayday growled.

"I wonder why?" Rarity whispered to the others, who nodded in agreement.

"This is totally rigged, we need to take action!!" Mayday declared.

"But there's nothing we can do about it." Zuke responded as Yolo groaned.

"There's always something we can do Zuke, believe me." Mayday pointed out.

"Oh no you don't, I know that look, you can forget it!!" Yolo growled

"What?! You just wanna give up like that?!" Mayday asked in shock.

"Need I remind you the reason why Biggs and Tank left?!" Yolo reminded as Mayday winced at that and looked away.

"Whoa, not cool, bro." Zuke said.

"Deny it all you want Zuke, it's the truth." Yolo responded.

"Who's Biggs and Tank?" Karai asked.

"Uh, Biggs and Tank were also part of our band once. Whilst May is lead, Yolo is Bass and I the drums, Biggs played the Keytar whilst Tank played the Rhythm Guitar." Zuke nervously explained.

"There were more band members?" April noted in surprise.

"There were, until..." Zuke tried to explain.

"Until last year when we were auditioning, Mayday ended up throwing a hissy fit when they criticized us and trashed the entire auditioning set, because of her we were banned, and both Biggs and Tank left when Mayday ruined their chance in becoming stars, hence why NSR kept us in their radars because of her outburst." Yolo informed.

"Let's... just get going." Mayday sadly said as she walked, with Yolo walking further behind her.

"Uh, Biggs and Tank were also her big sisters. They were like best friends, but now they don't even speak." Zuke sighed.

"Oh dear." Rarity softly gasped.

"Didn't they try to talk and work things out?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"Mayday tried once or twice, but once her sisters made up their mind, there was no going back." Zuke sighed as the others felt bad for Mayday now. "But seeing that we're still taking the route, there's something we wanna show you." Zuke noted as everyone soon walked off to the edge of Vinyl City, the route he talked about. "Ahhh, Vinyl City. I’ll never grow tired of seeing this."

"So beautiful." April awed.

"This makes New York look like a kiddy town." Casey admitted.

"Wish we had a city like this." Mikey said.

"Yeah, think of all the fun we could have." Indigo Zap agreed.

"And the awesome entertainment." Rainbow Dash added.

"You know, maybe we are being too hard on NSR. Just look at how much the city has thrived ever since they took over." Zuke said.

"Wonder what it was like before that?" Karai thought out loud.

"Oh no, Zuke. You did not just say that." Mayday groaned.

"Yeah, after the way they kicked you guys out." Spike agreed.

"Come on, I know it sucks, that they didn't pick us, but I'd like to believe that they did it based on fair, unbiased judgement." Zuke responded, looking on the bright side.

"Ah wouldn't exactly call the way they just dismissed y'all bein' fair." Applejack replied.

"Oh, I quite agree. They shouldn't judge one by the other's covers because of it." Rarity nodded.

"People of Vinyl City, this is Tatiana." A voice said as everyone looked up and saw a blimp flying by, with Tatiana speaking on the screen.

"Oh great, it's the old windbag." Raph scoffed while crossing his arms.

"What does she want, now?" Yolo asked.

"In light of the abysmal performance of a certain trio, that we all had the unfortunate pleasure of having to sit through, I would like to announce, is hereby banned from future lights up auditions." Tatiana announced.

"What?!!" Everybody on the ground exclaimed in shocl.

"As well as banning any other kind of food that is related to rock music, starting with pizza." Tatiana added as Sonata suddenly blinked

"Uh-oh." Sonata dreaded as she and the others, minus Bunk Bed Junction, slowly looked at Mikey, whose eye twitched at what she said.

"Th-th-th-th-they...banned Pizza?" Mikey uttered before he suddenly so loud, the entire city shook. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

"For a better prospect at winning, we suggest that you stick with what works: EDM. Remember, we strive through… ORDER. Order leads to progress in Vinyl City. That is all, have a pleasant evening." Tatiana bid farewell.

"What?! What the SLIMY POSSUM DID SHE SAY?!" Mayday growled in fury.

"But she can't do that!? Rock is part of music, you can't just ban it for no reason because of one's outburst!!" Casey pointed out.

"Yeah!! That means the Rainbooms can't play either!!" Rainbow Dash added as even the Rainbooms were shocked to hear this, while Fluttershy and Sonata were trying their best to comfort Mikey as he was whimpering on the ground.

"Oh dear." Zuke muttered in worry.

"You can say that again." Yolo agreed.

"Zuke, Yolo, this discrimination is so obvious!! NSR can't do something like this!! Who do these people think they are?" Mayday exclaimed.

"Uh..." Pinkie tried to say as she wanted to say something.

"It's rhetorical, Pinkie." Adagio pointed out.

"Oooooh." Pinkie Pie noted.

"Wait, wait, wait. There must be arational explanation for this..." Zuke tried to say as Mayday kept on ranting. "May?"

"May." Yolo said in annoyance, but before anyone could react, Raph slapped Mayday in the face, which shocked him and the others.

"Will you knock it off!!" Raph shouted as Mayday winced from his screaming. "We get it, you're upset, but the only one who's really upset, is Mikey!!" Raph pointed out as they saw how he's still whimpering on the ground over Pizza being banned. "So will you stop overreacting already!!"

"He's right May. Look around you. NSR may be jerks..." Zuke started.

"Which is an understatement." Yolo pointed out.

"But you can't deny that they are doing a great job at governing this city..." Zuke tried to explain before the entire city suddenly went into a citywide blackout, with everything going dark, and that the only thing to light is a random blip talking about NSR.

"Zuke." Mayday growled.

"Yes?" Zuke asked.

"If I could see your face, I'd punch it." Mayday admitted.

"Allow me." Raph said before punching him in the face.

"Ow!! How the heck could you see me?!" Zuke said in confusion.

"We're ninjas, we're sometimes trained to see in the dark." Raph answered when suddenly to their surprise, only a handful of buildings with NSR's logos were alight, whilst the rest of the city remained dark, which shocked the rest.

"What?!" Mayday gasped in disbelief as the others couldn't believe it either.

"No way." Leo muttered.

"You guys, see that?!" Sour Sweet asked.

"Whoa..." Keno said.

"I don't believe it." Shinigami noted.

"So the rest of the city remains dark while only the NSR elite gets power?" Leo asked.

"But if that's the case than the rest of the city will suffer!!" Twilight realized.

"The economy, the hospitals, the small businesses..." Sunset listed.

"Even those that were going to star their new business." Spike added in shock.

"That's messed up." Zuke noted.

"No brother, this is beyond messed up." Yolo corrected

"First, they rejected you guys." Rainbow Dash started.

"Then they denied rock to you guys." Casey added

"And now they think they can keep the energy from the general public?!" Mayday finished.

"This... This is absolutely wrong!! They're abusing their power!! This isn't what the founders of this city, stood for!!" Yolo growled

"I hate to say this, but I think you might be onto something." Zuke admitted.

"Finally!! You're making sense!!" Mayday smiled, before looking at Zuke and Yolo. "So tell me you two. What are we gonna do to someone who messes with the good people of Vinyl City?"

Zuke was surprised as he looked down and thought about in a split second, with Yolo soon having a determined look.

"Oh, we're gonna Bunka..." Zuke started.

"We're gonna Junka..." Yolo continued.

"And we're gonna BAM in their faces!!" The two brothers finished with determination.

"Yes!! Now you're talking!!" Mayday smiled before she suddenly felt a hand, and looked back and saw Leo with a determined look.

"If you're going to help the people of Vinyl City, count me and my brothers in." Leo said.

"Same with the Rainbooms." Sunset added with the rest of the Rainbooms voicing in tow.

"And us." Indigo Zap agreed with the rest of the Shadowbolts in agreement.

"I'll help too." Rara nodded.

"So will I and Vinyl." Octavia added with Vinyl giving determined nod.

"And us too." The Dazzlings agreed.

"We're in too." April and the rest of their New York friends nodded.

"Alright, we got us a small band of rebels!!" Mayday smiled.

"Wait, before we do, one thing we gotta do first." Donnie noted before pulling out a small device. "Good thing I carried this with me just in case."

"What could you get that's so important?!" Rainbow asked.

"Your ninja weapons and intruments?" Donnie responded while looking at them with flexed eyebrows. The others blinked at this, then blushed in embarrassment while giggling sheepishly, since they did forget about that, causing them, minus the turtles to walk through. Within moments, everyone came back with their weapons and intruments in tow, which surprised Bunk Bed Junction.

"Whoa, you weren't kidding about getting your weapons and instruments." Mayday noted.

"Now that's awesome." Yolo said.

"Yeah, we are." Rainbow smiled.

"So, where do we start?" Sunset asked as Mayday looked down and suddenly pointed down.

"Down there." Mayday pointed out as everyone looked down and saw an NSR building, which looked like... a planetarium?

"Is that a planetarium?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Huh, looks like DJ Subatomic Supernova is prepping for a performance." Zuke noted.

"Perfect." Mayday smiled before turning to the others, "Alright everyone, this is it. Today, we stand up to NSR. Are you with me?!"

"Yeah!!" Everyone cheered.

"What do you propose we do?" Yolo asked.

"We, are gonna hijack their concert!!" Mayday answered.

"Sweet!! I always wanted to hijack a concert!!" Casey smiled.

"No more injustice!! It's time we fight EDM with the power of Rock!! The music revolution, starts now!!" Mayday declared.

"Oooh, I like that title." Mikey noted.

"Let's rocketok!!" Mayday whooped as she and Bunk Bed Junction jumped down.

"Rockatok? Huh, I like it, it's very catchy." Sunset admitted

"Let's go guys!!" Leo urged as everyone jumped after Bunk Bed Junction. For the battle, had only just begun.