• Published 14th Apr 2022
  • 706 Views, 6 Comments

The Unknown Daughter's Reunion:Part 1 - Disembodied_Pony

Grown from that of a fragment of magic and bitterness, the unintended offspring voyages to see it's family again from across the cosmos

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Chapter 2: Audience

Inside the First City, ponies walked at a leisurely pace, soaking in the history. Ponies would visit regularly to reconnect with their roots, despite their advancements. After all, this is where all of their family lines began. The city keeping it's quaint charm and most aesthetics over the centuries. Beyond the city's outer ring wall, It's outskirts surrounded by orchards on all sides, as it had always been. The ponies there still harvesting their fruits the old fashioned way, as they have been for generations. In the heart of the city, stood the empress's castle & gardens. Where she lived, heard petitioners, took visitors, and received reports in pony when requested. This day was like many that came before, and would see again. Or, at least it was so far.

In the throne room, sitting at the head of the room, the empress was mulling over the day in her mind;

'hmm, a petitioner about a supposed claim jumping, quite rare indeed,
two reports; one on the further development in jump gate rings, the other on replication efficiency...
Two young foals sightseeing the castle, and my friends Raspberry Jam & Bee Keeper coming to visit.'

'I'll always be amazed that Bee never has a hitchhiker from her hives on her' chuckling softly to herself as her assistant trotted into the court.

"Ah Scribble, what is next on our day?" She asked.

"Five minutes until lunch, ma'am" Scribble Pen replied.

"Wonderful, care to join me in sampling some of Raspberry's latest?" Moon asked.

"Ha, Why else would I be here five minutes early prompting of lunch? I already issued the request for extra toast" Scribble smiled.

"Then, let us be off to the dining hall!" Both promptly walking toward the far end of the court room, a jar floating besides her.

Lunch was pleasant as always, the conversation this time comprising largely of Scribble's needling of her son to find a nice mare and bring her some grandfoals. 'Universal constant; The more things change, the more they stay the same' she recounted with a nostalgic smile.

On the way back from lunch, she met a few new ponies admiring the artwork in the halls. One of them visiting Earth from one of the longer established colonies. An earth pony stallion, on his fourth visit to Earth, his second visit to the Castle. She thought she recalled him, as he had such vivid turquoise eyes. After recounting the stories of a few artworks with him, she bid him farewell and walked to the throne room.

Settling in, she let her mind wander. Considering the time spent since she last took a consort... 'It's been quite a while since I last partook in the close presence of one of my subjects' A serene smile forming upon her face as she recalled the wonderful moments they blessed her with.

Her revere interrupted by the sound of hooves approaching the throne room, Scribble calling to her. "Your highness, may I present: Open Field, Meadow Blossom, Thunder Cloud, Aurora Burst, and Machination Solver, of the Origin Project Information Center" Scribble introduced.

"Welcome, my little ponies" She addressed them. Inside however she was getting the impression that they had something most interesting to report this time around. Typically it was only Open Field, and Meadow Blossom together that delivered the status reports. That and she could read that behind their composed demeanor, there was barely contained excitement behind their eyes.
'They must have made some noticeable progress' she prepared herself.

"Your Highness, Our survey vessel successfully navigated to it's appointed destination, and subsequently achieved stationary orbit..." Open Field began, as Meadow reached into her saddle bag and pulled out an display projector, placing upon the carpet and tapping it with a hoof to begin the visual portrayal of the presentation. Displaying animations of the pathway of the vessel.

"...analyzing the contents of the atmosphere, beginning geographical surveys, tracking and identifying fauna present. Machination?" Prompting the stallion to take over for this part, as it was his speciality.

Nodding and bowing, "Your highness, the planet possesses an extraordinary variation of life forms. From the simplest of vegetation, to higher life forms..." He went on. Trying his hardest to remain clinical & factual. When what he wanted the most to do was rear up, kick his front legs and spill all of the beans! 'Wait for it. Wait for it!' reigning himself in
"...many of them with at least some level of magical connection and ability due to that region of space which that world inhabits. Aurora?" Passing the proverbial ball to his next colleague.

With the display showing simple graphical animatics, the empress was yet to see any real life pictures of this world as of yet. Keeping the secret just a few precious moments more. The presentation being put together like a surprise party, their hooves on the proverbial light-switch, bubbling with excitement like foals loaded with to much sugar. Meanwhile, the empress was a little excited as well, as their energy was infectious.

consciously she thought 'They're getting closer, I can feel it. All the waiting and searching... we're on the right trail. We have to be. One step closer to home..'

"Ma'am, scans have proven the existence of lay-lines of magical energy, in a stable formation as well...." Aurora continued, the display illustrating a cross section of one of the lines. A short enough segment displayed as to not give any of it's layout, should the empress recognize its shape and layout.
"...giving proficient magic users ability to cast most power ranges of spells. Meadow?" Her grin nearly causing Meadow to loose her cover. 'Do it Meadow, drop the bomb!' Aurora's eyes practically screamed.

Clearing her throat, Meadow Blossom began; "Which brings us to the higher life forms present. The most advanced, being able to cast magic, manage the weather, and engineer advanced construction." With that, the display immediately showed a picture of Canterlot Mountain, city attached to it's side, a cloud shadowing a small portion of its uppermost peak. They went with a tight low-angle shot taken from the lower hemisphere on a clear day, specifically for this reveal.

Following that reveal, there was a small thump from the throne as one of the empresses shoes bounced off of the carpeted floor. All four of their faces turning to the empress to witness her reaction.

It was as they expected: Sitting there stunned, wings out, eyes wide, mouth gaping, one naked hoof trying to find purchase as if it could in the air that surrounded it.

"... ...w" For moments, all language was beyond her. It was as if the entire universe had stopped.

She knew this place! Had seen it for so many centuries from afar, as well as on that fateful night. Though she didn't know the city's name, she knew of it. Knew that it replaced the old city & castle she remembered so well by Everfree. Now she just stared unblinkingly, as if it would disappear as soon as she did.

Finally, she moved. Stepping down from the throne and slowly approaching the screen, stopping just before her muzzle would disrupt the image. "y-you have found it?" she asked timidly.

"Yes, your highness. We're as positive as we can possibly be. Equus."

"A-and the ponies?" she queried farther.

"Alive and well, as far as we can tell. Many other creatures as well. Griffons, Dragons, Minotaurs, and many more." Machination interjected

She was afraid to inquire, but couldn't help herself as but to ask; "Alicorns?"

"Unknown at present. As rare as they are, it's very unlikely that they would happen to appear on the scans made over a very few weeks." Open Field suggested

"However, we noted a very high concentration of magic in the mountain city. As is here in the First City; I'd postulate that they'd be there, if anywhere" Aurora proposed.

"My stars... I" Moon, beginning to get choked up.

Suddenly, her horn flared, sweeping all four of her little ponies into her embrace. Squeezing them tightly, as a stream of thank you's & tears burst forth.
After many moments like that, she finally let them out of her smothering wing hug. Calmed down some, and regaining her composure, she spoke "I must thank each and every one of your staff personally. This means more to me than I can possibly express with words alone."

"Well your highness, I hope you'll forgive me in taking the liberty. As, I invited the staff to join us. They're patently waiting in the hall, as I didn't want to spoil the surprise" Open Field said with a grin.

Her head rearing up and turning toward the door "Oh! Of course!"
Trotting towards the double doors at a brisk pace with a bounce in her step, she flung the doors open wide. "My Wonderful Little Ponies, Thank You So Much, Thank you!" and she proceeded to go down the hall thanking each and every one. A flurry of kisses on their heads, nuzzles, and hugs. When she had reached the other end of the hall, she addressed them all.

"I would like to invite you all to join me, here at the castle tomorrow evening, for a dinner in your honor"

The cheers dwindled into pleasant conversation with varying ponies into the evening. Scribble trotting off to begin the preparations. Though she'd never admit it openly, Scribble lived for days like this. She loved being the miracle maker, and pulling a impromptu banquet out of thin air in 24 hours was the perfect opportunity to shine.
That next morning, even the empress awoke early to begin replicating the decorations, and a few extra tables, chairs, and serving-ware for the dining hall. Even carrying them in herself as well. She knew well enough to keep out of the chefs manes 'Too many chefs in the kitchen, spoils the soup' she chuckled. Though she did offer to wash a few pots and pans once most of the preparations were done. The kitchen staff insisting that, as the host, she had to make her own preparations as well, and that they had it covered.

After taking some time to schedule a few hearings with a couple of her advisors, herself, and freshening up, she went downstairs see if dine preparations were ready. Sure enough, Scribble had done it again, in bringing it altogether.

After about an hour, ponies began arriving. The ceremonial guards directing them to the dining hall where her eminence greeted them and offered punch.

Once everypony arrived, the dinner began. The empress herself refilling their glasses, the wait staff refilling the pitchers and bringing the entree's. Over dinner they spoke of what they had seen, their work, and asked when she was going to head there. Asking if they could come along. Her response was that 'of course they could join her' and that she had already scheduled appearances with her advisors to make ready the journey. She in turn, asking Field how he was going to break the news to the rest of the ponies.
She chuckled in his surprise that she was leaving the responsibility to him. Her reasoning being that it was he and his staff that deserved all of the accolades for their discovery, and that she would not take that from her ponies.

"Hahaha, is this in response to making it into a surprise and springing it on you like we did?" Open Field laughed

"Oh no no no. Though, I might have to think up something special to reward you for that presentation" she mused. "I'd advise getting in touch with Word Smith, or perhaps Feather Pen to draft a press release, as ponies wont have a frame of reference for your report as I had. However, you are pressed for time, as I have an appointment scheduled with my advisors in 3 days concerning this, and I did't spoil the news by telling them what the appointment is about. As such, they have to have heard your release by then. 3 days"

"3 da...? ...what were those names again?" Tapping his ear to activate his communicator, he mumbled a few words to it, setting a reminder for himself. "I sure hope they're not too busy, or I'll have to owe them a favor" Open Field grumbled

"I wager they would drop whatever they are working on, for this one. You are not the only ponies passionate about things such as this" Moon soothed.

"True, this Is big" he acquiesced

After the dinner concluded and everypony went home, Moon went to her chambers to retire. After finally getting to bed she found she couldn't sleep, her mind a buzz with how she was going to eventually approach them.
'Should I send an entourage with a speaker on my behalf? Slowly ease them into it, before my appearance? For them to know my ponies first, as they are a reflection of me and my rule? Perhaps a recorded message would be better, else they think I would be attempting subterfuge otherwise?'

After a midnight snack, she found she still couldn't sleep. Since she used a sleep spell the previous night, she wouldn't use one again so soon. They were notoriously habit forming, and she had already kicked that habit before, twice if she counted Luna

Laying there with the occasional sigh passing her lips, she tossed and turned.

In all of these centuries, she had imagined talking to them, what she would say thousands of times. But as to how to approach them? She had never considered. Now that the time was approaching, she was at a loss.

Partaking of a second/near-morning snack, and with her mind weary, she finally passed into slumber, sleeping late into the day.