• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,536 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

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Refusing the Past

"This funding is more deserving in my land you canine idiot!" The Baron of Angriver rose to his feet, roaring with rage and hatred towards the opposite side of the table.

"I will not tolerate such an insult to my people before this council, Leer!" The Count of Bronzehill clashed with the Baron with a more controlled fury.

"Brothers, brothers. Please, we are all present before our majesty. Let's try to maintain some degree of civility, at least in the presence of our ruler." Gerlach intervened, keeping his expression serene and hands on the table. The Baron scoffed but backed down and sat down again in his place.

The Count of Bronzehill gave the Emperor a quick but respectful bow. "I apologize my emperor." Grover just made a 'let it go' hand motion while internally thanking the Grand Duke. His good reputation and strong presence helps to be a mediator in times like these.

Which for many people would be a surprising sight. Baron Leer was as persistent as he was stubborn. If it had been any other leader, he certainly wouldn't have stopped there.

But Grand Duke Gerlach, leader of Feathisia was much loved both by the masses and nobles alike for his calm, patient, reasonable personality and quick resolve. But surely being head of the greatest and most powerful duchy didn't hurt in that regard.

He ran one of his claws across his forehead as he let out a long, stressed breath. How many hours was he trapped in this hell? Two? Four? He couldn't even keep up anymore. It was a huge pain to put up with the endless bickering of his vassals.

The County of Bronzehill and the Barony of Angriver became one of the main reasons for these meetings and debates. For one simple reason.


Count Ignatius and Baron Leer were requesting the crown for support to boost the industry of their respective vassals. One candidate is much more tempting than the other.

The county of Bronzehill's mountains contains vast wealth and resources that have helped the empire at its worst. And the citizens who inhabit the vassal; Diamond Dogs have as great loyalty as the Griffons that inhabit the capital. And building industries there would go a long way in helping the empire's economic recovery and possibly its revival, with projects like the new Grover V Industrial Park in Ravensburg already in their final stages of approval.

While the Barony of Angriver is.... Less ideal compared to the other candidate. Since the territories they occupy are deep within the Scheißwald Forest of the Eastern Herzlands and carry a title that angers the baron who rules it immensely even though it carries truth. Being called one of the most backward realms of the Griffonian Empire.

Everything you could expect from a modern nation, they didn't have. It was as if time had stopped, politically and industrially.

With the Nobles controlling absolutely everything and the peasants working as slaves in everything but name to be able to live on the noble lands. They were still trapped in feudalism. Many of the peasants fleeing to the forests just to be able to live in freedom and banditry.

No wonder it was one of the most dangerous territories to live and travel.

The Emperor was sickened just to think that there were people from his kingdom living in conditions both precarious and horrendous. But nothing he could do. His vassals had the power to administer the people of their territories as they saw fit, and even if the Emperor tried to intervene, war would result.

In a war they didn't have money, Griffinpower, or willingness for. And a war within their territories would only leave them vulnerable to outside threats.

The problem is that the empire, due to its drastic loss of territories and resources, has very little money and raw material to help boost the economy of the central territories, much less that of the duchies and counties.

But with finally economic stability following the end of the various succession crises that plagued the empire, funds could finally be cut from the army and allocated to the economy that was in pieces.

But now he had a choice. Which Vassal of the two to irritate, and which one to be in debt and grateful to him?

The choice was pretty easy considering everything.

A more developed, loyal, progressive vassal and a dear friend of Grover V.

"I made up my mind." He says as he rises from his throne. Closing the table discussions. All eyes were now directed towards the Emperor.

"Baron Lee...." The griffon's face immediately flashed with a cocky grin directed at the count he had now gained a hatred for. "I'm sorry."

His smile immediately dropped. And he looked at the king with shock. "W-what??"

The Emperor gave the Baron his best apologetic smile. "After much debate and deliberation. The Crown will provide Bronzehill with the necessary funding to grow its industry."

With two low claps by his claws, The eight leaders who sat at the table all stood up. "With that, the great council is dissolved." With a low bow, each leader left their seats and walked out of the room.

Grover watched them, even from a distance he could see and hear the baron advancing towards the Diamond Dog Count with an expression of fury. The emperor almost sent the guards to stop a possible fight right there.

"This isn't over Ignatius." He said as if at the mere mention of the count's name insulted him, a finger of his claws pointed at the Bronzehill Leader's face. Who kept a rigid face looking at his rival without concern.

"I assure you Baron Leer, we are quite done here." The Count says in a neutral tone as he passed the blocking noble, who huffed but went on his way.

The Emperor was not pleased by this, but he was glad that the Baron's hatred was not directed at him. What he least needed right now was a Noble to get some kind of childish grudge with him.

Casting his gaze around the room, his expression closed tighter and tighter. How many empty chairs... He remembered when this room was packed, there were at least 30 representatives in this room when he took the throne and many more scribes. Each of their respective regions, duchies and principalities.

Now the number was less than 10.

He sighed as he closed his claws into a fist, squeezing tightly in an attempt to assuage his anger, his sense of betrayal.

'Am I such a disappointing leader? Was it me who allowed all this disgrace?'

Those thoughts had always cursed him, and the more his empire crumbled, the more they came back in full force.

'Does not matter.' His face had turned to one of determination.

'I have someone dependent on me now.' A smile came to his face as he remembered that moment.

That being so fragile, small and gentle. A fur coloring identical to his.

And his eyes.

When they first opened, he would say to everyone who would listen with pride that he was there. Holding him in his belly, his greatest achievement in his arms.

'You should be with me my pearl...' He thought sadly, slowly walking out of the room and entering the luxurious royal corridors. Ignoring the large number of the royal bowing guards.

'He has my eyes.... Heh.....' He thought with a smile threatening to cross his beak. 'You would laugh at how clingy I got to the boy....'

When his son was born, he insisted on staying with him all the time, the doctors had to argue for 15 minutes just for him to let them do tests on the little heir. And he spent even more time beside his son's crib, watching him day and night.

'I missed four meetings because I didn't leave his side.... Thank the gods Gabriela managed to solve the empire's problems in my absence...' He laughed softly. As he turned another hallway towards his royal bedroom.

These hallways... He had many memories of those decorated walls of galleries created and collected by his great-great-grandfather Grover the first, from his years of conquest throughout Griffonia. Which had been supplemented by artifacts and other arts by his successors.

Unfortunately, very little had survived.

Not since that day.

The day he wanted to forget. That he'd always tried to pretend it never happened, but it brought him nightmares for years.

Grover V still had nightmares from when they broke into the palace. The screams and gunfire through the walls of his house and battle cries chanting his death.

It was terrifying. He remembers the shaking in his claws and the tears that streamed from his eyes as he huddled in a corner of his room. It made him for the first time feel fear for his life. Hearing thee royal guard fighting a losing battle in the outside walls of the palace.

If it weren't for Eros, he wouldn't have survived another day. He would be a dead emperor, executed in a public square and humiliated in front of thousands, hanged as a trophy for the republicans to show to the whole world.

So when he announced to Archon that he would be the godfather at the ceremony, he had to make a losing struggle to not burst out laughing at seeing one of the most respected elders in the empire, remembered for his coldness and iron will. Stammering and desperately trying not to show his embarrassment to the emperor, and failing miserably.

He stopped. He began to hear a huge commotion a few rooms away from where he was.

A commotion? Inside the palace? Impossible.

They had patrols after patrols outside and inside the walls of the gigantic building. Whoever tried to invade the place would have already been stopped by the dozens of elite royal guard troops who were ready to kill and die to prevent anyone from even getting close to the emperor's residence.

And his eyes widened as he came to realize the place where the source of the noise came from.

The noises came directly from his room.

Directly where his son was.

He bolted towards the bedroom, even though his weak body gave a few cries of protest, he ignored them. He had to see his son. Using even its wings to increase speed.

The closer he got the better he heard the commotion, scaring some maids and palace officials who saw their Emperor running by as if his life depended on it. But he ignored everything around him, he heard the sounds better. It was crying.

His son was screaming and crying. He had never done such a thing since his birth, and it fueled even more despair in him.

He desperately opened his door and ran inside. Listening to the screams and cries of his son. Crossing the room he saw that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But still, he would not drop his guard. Rushing inside, he moved towards the bunk where his son was.

He found that.... his son was still in the bunk. But he was in obvious distress, what was happening to his boy?? He was screaming, thrashing around on the bed and trying to slash at the air with his claws while his eyes were still closed.

'Nothing seems to have happened with him, but why is he so desperate? Is he still sleeping??' He thought while gaping in distress. What he could do?? He was screaming, thrashing around on the bed and trying to slash at nothing with his claws while his eyes were still closed.

"Oh my god son, calm down! Please!" He tried futilely to grab his son, letting out a grunt of pain and pulling away when cut by his son's claws.

"Shhhhh, I'm here." He ignored the claws of his son this time, fighting the pain of his son's claws bruising his skin. Picking him up and slowly hugging him. "I am here."

It hurt, holy shit, it hurt a lot.

Even newborn griffons were born with their claws very well developed. So every cut his son gave him made him clench his beak very hard, but did nothing to stop it. Letting his son vent on himself while trying to comfort the youngster.

'Gabriela is going to kill me when she see all these clothes all torn apart, but I couldn't just watch my son suffer like this.'

He was surprised when the pain in his chest had already stopped. My god he could see that his royal clothes had been torn to shreds.

But that wasn't what he was focused on.

But in his son.

Who he looked with even more surprise, seeing the baby griffon grabbing him in a tight hug.

His clothes and fur were getting wet. He was crying.

His son cried as he hugged him in comfort.

'He had a nightmare...? Something like this plaguing his mind so soon?' He wouldn't think twice. His parental instincts taking over, he returned the hug.

1 Year. He was just a year old and again he proved he was anything but an ordinary baby. Looking at this scene just proved it.

On the first day he had almost managed to walk, on the third he had already opened his eye. And in the second month he had spoken his first word. And now, with after his first year of life he was already plagued with nightmares?

His son didn't deserve this. Why? Why the gods wanted to punish his son so much from mistakes he made??

'I promise my love. I promise that as long as I breathe, no one will dare to lay a finger on our angel.' He vowed on his thoughts as he hugged his son tighter. 'I promise this.'

Those images always flashed for moments and came back in his head. From the first time he felt free. Sometimes they brought up information that seemed to add to his memory. Helping him with many things like walking, learning a little about what those familiar figures talked about and took care of him, and how to act in front of them.

But as the days passed, it wasn't just flashes that came with useful information, but sometimes his dreams were completely dominated by creatures that scared him. Memories?

No. He refused.

These couldn't be his memories. From those gigantic, frightening, plucked, cold creatures.

The things these dreams showed them were useful and he learned a lot from them. But now he just wanted them to go away.

He wanted them to stop.

But they did the opposite, they came back in full force. And instead of just giving glimpses, they played it for long periods of time in that frightening scenario.

But this one, this one was much worse. Now he saw everything much more clearly.

It showed things he could only describe in one word, 'monsters'

Those monsters walked in twos all the time, giving an absurd height. Having no wings or fur, and they were countless. Crammed together and marching like a sea to the incessant hellish sounds of crashing and splintering in the background that pierced his mind like a jackhammer.

He saw cold, gigantic monuments with translucent walls. They were square, they had no life or personality. Lines and lines those monuments up to the horizon.

The sky wasn't blue as he'd seen it through the window when he'd watched it for a few days from his comfortable bed. It was gray and thick like a fog. It's lethal.

It was all so sad. So monotonous.

And these beings just didn't seem to care, walking alongside rows and rows of huge metal boxes that contained windows and were powered by wheels. Along with tubes that released more of that gray stuff that dominated the air.

Looking at himself, he saw himself as one of those things. One of those beings.

He panicked.

He didn't want to be one of those things, he didn't want to be a part of something so…dead. So hopeless.

He felt like he was running in that scene. By that tide of dead beings inside. But he felt he was running in circles or on an endless road.

He tried and tried but it felt like he was walking through a labyrinth that had no end in sight. The air seemed to make him cough. It was as if he breathed poison.

He wanted to get out of there.

He was in complete despair, not wanting to witness or live in any of this. He didn't want to be a part of it. He wanted to go back!

He did something he hadn't done in as long as he could remember.

He screamed. One was trying to get out of that nightmare. Or at least call for help.

Someone, anyone.

He wanted that familiar warmth. That heat to save him from it all.

He wanted that familiar figure he'd seen when he opened his eyes. He trusted him.

He wanted the warmth of that familiar figure back!

"Oh my god son, calm down! Please!"


Wait! He knew that tone! He knew that voice!

He came! He heard his call!

'Please save me, get me out of this nightmare!'

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Shhhhh, I'm here." He felt it.

The heat returned. He felt calm at last. That familiar warmth was with him.

He stopped resisting, and the heat take over. From the figure he was sure had again caught him in its calm and warm loving claws.

'Thank you for being here for me.' He thought, his mind freeing itself from the thoughts and memories that terrified him so much. Managing to finally sleep in peace and content.

Author's Note:

This story is being very well accepted! Much better than I expected! Thank you so much guys.

Baron Leer the Vicious

Count Ignatius Bronzetail

Grand Duke Gerlach IV