• Member Since 29th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Amateur writer, will occasionally post a story



This story is a sequel to Catch Me Before I Fall

So, you’re going to let her fall?

*Warning* This is a sequel, for your own enjoyment please read the original story first as you may be lost.

Note: This is only one ending of the previous story, if you’d like to see the alternate ending click here.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 45 )

Ah, the dark and tragic side of the story. let's see where it goes. :fluttercry:

Interesting approach for a sequel (or should I say "the sequels"?) to the original story. Looking forward to heading down both paths!

I'll tell you, two endings was not something I was expecting.

Either way, this fic (and the prequel) hit home for me. I love Luna, so seeing her be sad and succumbing to her emptiness really tore a hole in my heart.

Poor Luna...

Okay then, let's see where these two paths lead.
Edit; also good work with what Celestia did differently; in one she went to see her sister, in this one she waited to see her sister.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

> Following Luna’s death Celestia is left heartbroken. What else can she do?


I appreciate that the two timelines have very different chapters. It's not a complete copy and paste of one or the other with a minor difference to say "It's a different timeline." At most, there's only one noticeable line that was used in each, and it really acts as something to tie them together, rather than a lazy move to not write more descriptors or dialogue.

You could have easily taken the lazier path of copying and pasting the setup that led to the diversion, but you didn't. Instead, you built two slightly different mornings, one where Celestia is planning to spend personal time with Luna during breakfast and one where she's hoping to catch a glimpse of her sister outside of her window. It sets up that one of these Celestia's is more active in seeking out her sister and spending time with her while the other basically let her own schedule control her to the point where she was too busy to be there. You have an active Celestia working to change her situation and a passive Celestia letting the situation mold her. A very interesting concept.

Comment posted by bronyheat deleted May 11th, 2022

So sad... yet I can't stop reading.

Especially with potential Daybreaker transformation.

Grief and horrors from beyond rarely do mix together. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out for Celestia...

Not good for her and the others, I'm afraid. Especially if she find the others attendees not expressive enough...

Nightmare will find a lot of buttons to push for Celestia. Such as the lack of attendees at the funeral, her presumed "forced" condolences, how Luna's death likely didn't affect anyone in Equestria, everything is just business as usual or maybe... maybe, that she would start blaming the Equestrians for Luna's suicide, for not approaching and befriending her and for being afraid of her.

Let's hope that Celestia wouldn't succumb to the nightmare. Though, I don't have high hopes for that.

i can see nightmare showing the very few disrespectful slandering or those speaking ill of the dead in hearing of Celestia trying to crack her mask more
i wonder if she make Celestia dream walk into the worst ponies?
misunderstandings and grief can so make one turn to wrath or the wrong ponies saying something so terrible or triggering it your duty princess! I'm so sorry but we need you! we love you princess!
god even discord can have more tact then some of those ponies even before the reform

oh my god it's Daybreaker

I have a sneaking suspicion that the substance might not be just a sleeping potion either it's a really strong sleeping potion or god forbid, poison.

Ooooh boy. It's the Nightmare telling lies to Celestia and the ponies it's targeting are Twilight and her friends, for sure. Two paths here that I can see.

One: Celestia is so distraught she just goes along with the plan, even if it means potentially poisoning and murdering her own student and the other barers.

Two: Celestia catches on to the lie and realizes something is wrong before any damage can be done, casting the Nightmare out once and for all, even if it means never hearing her sister's voice again.

Alternatively, three: Celestia catches on and... rather than putting her student and the rest of Equestria in danger, takes her own life by chugging the poison. She'd be with Luna again and Equestria would be safe with Twilight and the others.

This has been getting good so far.

so its Cyanide? oh dear i hope this plan of 'Luna's' fail

Next you need to mail this pipe bomb to Twilight

I eat that stuff all the time

Oh boy, this will not end well.

Next, you need to spike twilight's tea with this box of rat poison.

remember, the rat poision is always kept next to the sugar

I kinda like the way you took the ending

This nightmare thing is really really good at its job

All I can say is wtf (in a good surprised kind of way)

Also somehow it says the chapter was released on the 8th but it's still the 7th for me lol

Comment posted by sunr4y deleted Jun 8th, 2022

A gift from the future

Comment posted by sunr4y deleted Jun 13th, 2022

Cadence needs a big hug from Luna.

Comment posted by sunr4y deleted Jun 13th, 2022

The rest of the ceremony went as expected, many servants came up and expressed words of condolence to Celestia, who had managed to dry most of her tears. I appreciate the gesture but many of them sound forced, she thought, could they not try a little harder?

The problem itself is that they have to try.

That was saddening

Huh? There’s nothing to do with almonds in the tea…Never mind, I shouldn’t think unnecessary thoughts, just find an answer, Celestia. “My behavior? What’s been off about it?”

Ah sh*t, I already knew it's cyanide when there is an ominous scent of almonds.

My heart hurts now :(

Celestia opened the doors to the balcony, cool air rushing into the much warmer hallway. Her regalia shimmered under the moonlight, the reflection of light creating small sparkles on the ground. Her purple irises lit up as she admired the moon in all of its beauty. In Celestia’s opinion, the night was so much more appealing than the day. First of all, she didn’t have to work during the night, and second, it was so much more interesting to look at; you could search for hours and hours and you would still find more constellations. Not only that but the amount of work her sister put into every night was phenomenal. Just because the night was a creation of her sister did she love it all the more. She couldn’t imagine a life without Luna. Celestia had been overjoyed when her sibling returned, Luna was her other half, her missing puzzle piece. Without her she was never as whole as she wanted to be, she knew what it felt like already when her sister had been banished and was going to make sure it never happened again. Unfortunately, recent events had forced her to take on more work and she had been unable to spend time with Luna in the past couple of months. The only few times she had spent with the pony she held dear was when her sister had given her multiple of her personal belongings. It had surprised her that Luna had given her prized possessions she usually kept to herself but she didn’t think much of it due to being preoccupied with work. A hint of regret hit her as she remembered how distracted she had been, she had barely even greeted her sister when she entered. Luna had given her a gift and she hadn’t even acknowledged her presence! What kind of sister was she? Even after Luna had given her so many gifts the past month she still hadn’t had the time to stop by and say thank you.

Oh frick i feel guilty already

In this ending,every choices are worst.
Three princess haven't enough power to protect their pony,everything was changed.
Isn't a happy ending,but it also is a good story.
Thank you sir,have a good day:ajsleepy:

She really fell for it that fast?
I expected better, Celestia.:trollestia:

First time reading this, but I do appreciate showing the small sign. Usually when it comes to people prepping for… self un-aliving, they tend to be more recluse to themselves. Either hiding their emotions or being more relaxed since they already planned their departure. As well as sudden gift giving which is usually their own possessions.

As bad as this ending is, I do hope this kind of story does give some awareness to small signs and what can you do to either prevent it, or hopefully recover from the passing of someone close.

Remember kids, if you ever here a voice in your head telling you what to do, even if someone you know, do not follow its advice.

Well if someone is using your dead sisters voice, it's gonna end up being impossible.
It's good to atleast have some humour in this story though.

I hate how this is going that doesn't put Cadance to sleep, does it?

Welp, this timeline is ruined, Cadance is dead, Luna is dead, Celestia is either going to rule the entire planet or either die by herself or her student.

Ya I like the other ending better.

Is Twilight even an Allicorn? Or at least at the moment? With the 3 remaining princesses gone does there power go to Twilight now? Wouldn't be to surprising since they gave Twilight there powers in that 1 episode with Twilight fighting Tyrek, although not entirely sure, I only watched the first 5 episodes of season 1 and haven't watched any others after that.

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