• Published 6th May 2022
  • 715 Views, 5 Comments

Sonic X & MLP: Skyfall - RockStarMLP

A new friend arrives in Equestria, desperate to find her way back home but welcomed by the new world she's in.

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Prologue: Goodbye

Author's Note:


This prologue details events taken place during the climax of the Metarex Saga of Sonic X. If you haven't seen the saga, or the series in general, stop here and go watch the series before reading on.

We'll be getting to Equestria and the ponies starting in the next chapter, so stay tuned!

It had been done. The Sonic Power Cannon fired its last shot, hurling its two chaos-powered hedgehogs at its target. It was the last chance they had to stop the Metarex from destroying the galaxy and everything that dwelled within it. Months and years of conflict between a galaxy and a ruthless force had found the chance to end the ongoing battle for the sake of dozens of planets and their countless inhabitants. This chance, however, did not come without a price.

To subdue their enemy and play her part in saving everyone, Cosmo – the one who sought out Sonic and his friends for help – placed herself in the line of fire. Thanks to the abilities of her Seedrian race, she immobilized their foe – Metarex ruler Dark Oak – and allowed the cannon to fire and hit its target. What would follow was a blinding light of Chaos Reaction before dissipating in the golden super auras of Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog, surrounding a black mass of energy. All that anyone else could do was watch from the safety of the Blue Typhoon and the Crimson Egg. They were facing the end of a long battle, along with the death of a dear friend.

Some stared forward out of respect as the event unfolded, while a few turned their eyes away and cried as they took in the pain. But as for one, a heartbroken fox, he broke apart alone followed the fated gunfire. It took the voice of reason from Dr. Eggman to assure what was to come would save all across the universe, and the assuring plea from Cosmo that it had to be done. However, it couldn’t save the young fox from a shattered heart and soul upon firing the cannon. All he could do was sit in front of his command station, his eyes shut and body wrapped into a ball by his two namesakes.

But as all who were watching grieved, they heard Cosmo’s voice echo from the distance before them.

“Thank you all for your friendship. Before I met you, I didn't believe in myself. My clan was wiped out by the Metarex. I felt like I was helpless and couldn't do anything to stop them... but because of you, I learned that I didn't have to stand by and watch the Metarex take over. I could do my part to fight back and help restore my clan. I just wanted you to know that I'm happy now because I fulfilled my destiny. Remember, I'll always be with you.

“Don't be sad, Tails…”

Tails dared to look up as he heard her speak his name. To his surprised, he saw Cosmo standing in front of him, but as a spirit and now back in her younger form. She looked at him with a reassuring smile as her spirit approached him and spoke again.

“Whenever you miss me, just look for me right here beside you.”

Cosmo kneeled down, placed her hands on Tails’s cheeks and leaned her head towards his. She gave him a kiss before her spirit faded away, leaving the fox to gently smile for a moment before staring back out into space. As he had to process what was happening before, his mind now began to plague him with a new thought: Was that his first kiss?

Sonic and Shadow stared down at the remaining source of Cosmo and the Metarex as they heard Cosmo’s voice. When she finished talking, Sonic closed his eyes for a moment. “Goodbye, Cosmo,” were his only thoughts before turning his sight towards Shadow. They knew what needed to be done now, to stop the Metarex once and for all and save the galaxy. They needed to unleash their full power and destroy their foe, and their friend and ally.



Cosmo sensed the energy unleashed and attacking the remaining life of Dark Oak’s and her own. The last of her life energy began to disappear, and her spirit embraced what was to come. She allowed the energy to take hold and destroy them both. She accepted what was to come next with tear-glistened eyes, an accepting smile, falling pedals, and a fulfilled destiny.

“The seeds of my clan will spread through the galaxy and find places to grow. I'm in peace. Now, goodbye…”

Following what she called her final words, Cosmo heard yelling from a distance above. She couldn’t make it out entirely, as the sound of white noise began to overtake her hearing as Chaos Control engulfed her. Whatever it was, it didn’t make her feel like there was something more happening, more that she could help with. She fulfilled her destiny to her people, and there was nothing more she could do at this point.

Slowly, but surely, her final moments of life began to end as the outer shell of chaos energy started to crack and unleash itself. Her physical form would soon perish, and her spirit would be freed to rest in peace. Her seeds would give her Seedrian clan a new beginning as her people’s martyr was-


Cosmo heard that exclamation clearly. Shadow’s voice was immediately recognizable as the hedgehog unleashed another immense amount of chaos energy. This time, however, felt different than the last. The energy she felt wasn’t trying to destroy anything it consumed, nor did she feel her life force fading away anymore. This energy felt… rejuvenating, as if her life force was being revived. This put the once-used martyr of the Seedrian race in surprise as Cosmo sensed this newfound change. She didn’t know what to make of this as her mood shifted from accepting death to confusion.

Whatever was going on, Cosmo heard one last voice – Shadow’s voice – call to her before she felt herself disappear from the universe she existed in.

“Take this second chance and find your way back.”

A single light shined like the brightest star before the joined remnants of the Blue Typhoon and Egg Crimson. Like seeing it at the end of a long tunnel, it was the ships’ crews’ sign that their war against the Metarex was finally over. But the price to be paid for victory seemed to have increased, as there was now two friends and allies missing. It took an observation from Dr. Eggman to deduce that Shadow used Chaos Control to stop time around the explosion, saving everyone within range from harm’s way at Dark Oak’s destruction. As for Shadow’s whereabouts, he could not explain.

Shadow the Hedgehog was a powerful being, but still unstable when unleashing his full potential. Virtually anything he set his sight towards when powered up enough was possible, but if not used appropriately, it would cost him everything. The unpredictability of Chaos Control could have removed him from reality itself, or simply send him to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. “Who knows” was the best guess Eggman could make of what happened to Shadow, and the crew aboard the Blue Typhoon could only agree.

While the mystery behind Shadow’s disappearance was discussed, Tails made his way outside, standing left to the remnants of the once impressive runway. He stared sadly out at the shining star, all the while his mind was juggling figuring out what that light was and the grief that he eating him alive from the inside out. None of this felt real to him, despite logic telling him differently. All he could do was stare out into space at that one star that shined brighter than any other he’d ever seen. Was it the light left behind by Cosmo? Was it a sign of new hope for peace across the galaxy? Or was it just a shining ball of pure energy?

Tails’s train of thought was cut off when he felt the presence of another. He sensed a footstep from behind, and turned around to see a now powered-down friend approaching him. “Sonic?”

The way Sonic was walking up to him, Tails didn’t know what to think. Sonic’s expression was firm, his fists clenched together, and his walking pace at his regular speed. The young fox didn’t know what to make of his approaching friend. He felt confused with what was going on right then, and he was scared about what would happen next. By the time Sonic was a few feet away, he stepped back one nervous step at a time and preparing to plea forgiveness from his oldest friend. “I know you’re mad at me, but- I… huh”

Sonic grabbed Tails’s hand and handed something to him. “Here, Tails,” he said, handing over what he was holding. He then bowed his head and shut his eyes, looking firm and certain while sounding apologetic. “Sorry. I looked for Cosmo, but this was all I found.”

Tails held the item in his hands, staring down at it saddened. “A seed…”

A small, white seed was all that was left of Cosmo. It was a piece of her, a piece of what would be a new start to her people. There was nothing else left of Cosmo but what Sonic had handed Tails, and it was the final nail in the coffin for him. He felt his heart shatter what felt like the hundredth time that day, and he started to cry. He stepped forward to Sonic, bowing his head in despair as he let out his heartache and agony. All the hedgehog did was stand in place, not making a move or sound, and allowed his friend to have an emotional breakdown before him.

“Oh, Sonic, why did this have to happen?! It’s... just not fair! Now I’ll never see her again. She was... she was my friend! I miss her. She can’t be gone…”

As he let his emotions shatter, Tails dropped to his hands and knees in front of Sonic. His body trembled at all the immense pain he was feeling, and he started sobbing. Tears flowed down his face as he tried to let out all the pain he could, but he couldn’t let it all out fast enough. The pain was too much for him to handle as his sobbing turned to painful crying, screams of anguish being unleashed between gasps for air. Neither he nor Sonic could notice the planet eggs stolen by the Metarex began to fly around them, returning to their planets and restore life once again. Aboard the ship, Dr. Eggman ordered his robots to begin replenishing the ships’ energy supplies for repairs and departure.

Nothing else mattered. All that Tails could focus on was losing Cosmo, someone very important to him. A special girl that he got to know and find strength from. A special person who he loved and loved him in return. While Sonic stood before him, not moving an inch whatsoever, Tails continued to let out his broken heart in open space. It was all he could do, and at that moment, all he could show how sorry he was to Cosmo.

It felt like eons to reality’s minutes, but Tails remained on his hands and knees crying. With the white seed clenched in his hand, he cried in pain and loss of his dearest friend. He cried his heart out for the girl he loved.