• Published 10th May 2022
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Legends Never Die: The Beginning of Harmony - bookhorse125

The end is coming. Sunny Starscout has rejoined her friends, and together, they must find a way to save Equestria from itself - and all the warring creatures inside it.

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Battle for Friendship

Sunny stared down the Legion of Doom, feeling her heart thump faster in her chest. She took a deep breath and reminded herself what she was fighting for.

Friendship. Harmony. Unity. Magic. Everything me and my friends have worked for.

Everything my dad wanted.

She glanced at the others, and saw them all staring back at the Legion of Doom with steely glares and fixed, almost calm expressions.

We can do this.

“Golly, you guys are resilient,” Cozy Glow snapped, glaring at them with a hatred filled expression. But call Sunny crazy, because she thought she saw a flash of sadness in there as her eyes swept over Sunny and her friends. “But face it - you’ve lost!”

“We have your magic,” Tirek reminded her, gesturing to the bell beside him. “Your lands have abandoned you. There’s nothing you can do.”

“We haven’t lost,” Sunny told them. “Because we haven’t given up hope - and we’re going to keep on trying. No matter how many times you knock us down, we will stand - Equestria will stand - friendship and harmony and magic will always stand. Forever and always.”

“What a pretty speech,” Chrysalis snarled. “Such a shame that it’ll all go to waste.” She lit up her horn and shot a massive blast of magic straight at them. Sunny and her friends scattered, just like they’d planned, and divided into a total of five groups, the last two being slightly smaller than the others, that ran all over the place, and each caught the attention of one of the members of the Legion of Doom.

Flurry, Midge, Imara, Monarch, and Midnight took on Chrysalis. Flurry Heart made it very clear that she didn’t need magic to exact her wrath on the changeling queen. She dodged Chrysalis’ blasts with all the grace of a pony who had been taught by a Wonderbolt, despite the fact that she couldn’t fly, and whenever she got the chance, she would land a punch or a kick to the changeling, trip her up, or try to knock her out of the air. Imara joined her, and together, they managed to jump on Chrysalis’ back at the same time and knock her down. It didn’t last long, but even delaying her for a few short minutes was enough to encourage them to keep going.

Midge and Midnight seemed to communicate without words, dancing around the queen and tripping her up every chance they got. Midge could still fly (Tirek had only stolen his ability to shapeshift), so he would bat around Chrysalis’ head and block her vision, while also infuriating her almost beyond recognition. She would send blasts of magic to try and hit them, though she always missed, and that made her more angry than ever.

Monarch was very passive aggressive and you could tell she was having a bit of a hard time really fighting, which she was clearly not used to. But she consistently changed shape, one moment a giant cragadile, the next, a tiny mouse, Chrysalis’ magic beams passing right over her head. The changeling queen turned back into her original form and tilted her head at the struggling creature in front of her.

“I always wondered what it was like to be angry,” she said calmly, nodding her head to one side so that the blast of green light that Chrysalis sent her way passed harmlessly over her shoulder. “Really, truly angry. And now I am glad that I never have been.”

“And why is that?” Chrysalis snapped, panting as she tried to rise into the air and gain some ground on her attackers, but Midnight leaped through the air and knocked into her wings, sending her spiraling back towards the ground. She struggled to her hooves and glared at Monarch, recognizing the queen’s eyes - they were the very same eyes that that traitor Thorax had had - and just seeing them made her blood boil with fury. “Anger gives you power,” she informed the changeling queen, taking a threatening step towards her. Monarch didn’t even flinch. “It gives you motivation, it gives you strength that you would never have otherwise!”

“Does it?” Monarch asked calmly. “Or is that simply the fake purpose you have?”

Chrysalis paused, and Flurry Heart gave her a well-placed kick. She stumbled back hissing and shot a blast at the alicorn, scorching the ground in front of Flurry while the pony danced out of reach.

“I don’t have to be a genius to recognize it,” Monarch continued as if nothing had happened, avoiding yet another shot of magic from Chrysalis. “You’re fueled by revenge - and you think that, by taking revenge on the ponies you blame responsible, everything will be fine again. Well, let me tell you that it’s not. I spent the first few years as queen dealing with problems that I had no idea how to handle yet, and I was always seeking someone to blame. But that never made the problems go away. In fact, when I took a step back and looked at it from a different angle, the solution came to me - and it had nothing to do with other ponies or creatures.” She put her hoof on her heart and said, “It had to do with me.”

The speech reminded Chrysalis so much of the one that Starlight Glimmer had given her all those years ago, but it had everything that that one had been lacking. She felt the words hit her heart, and knew, deep down, that Starlight Glimmer and Thorax weren’t the problem - she was the problem.

“No,” she hissed to herself. “They are the problem - they are what’s wrong. Don’t let them-” She stopped and took a step back, shaking her head. “Don’t let them get in your head.”

“And I’ll have you know,” Imara snapped, taking a step forward and glaring at the former queen in front of her, her chest puffed out with pride as she said, “We are happy the way we are now - sharing love instead of taking it. We don’t want to be selfish and greedy anymore - I’m going to make the world a better place, and I have a feeling that others are going to agree with me.” She cast a glance at Monarch, and the queen nodded in agreement. Imara grinned and turned back to Chrysalis. “So maybe it’s time that you changed how you look at things - because I know how short sighted creatures can be, and it never ends well.”

“Stand back, everypony,” Flurry Heart announced, her muscles tensed. The other creatures were so startled by her threatening tone that they didn’t argue or bother to correct her pronoun. Chrysalis turned to face the alicorn, and when changeling eyes met pony, she forgot that she was looking at Flurry Heart, because all she saw was Cadance, all she saw was Shining Armor, all she saw was Twilight Sparkle… This pony was all of them, and more. And she was scared.

“This,” Flurry said in a low voice, “is for my parents.” She took a running start and leaped at Chrysalis, hitting the changeling right in the chest and knocking her back. Chrysalis landed on the ground with a massive thump, one of her wings pinned under her. She tried to stand back up, but Flurry took a threatening step forward and glared down at the creature who had caused her family so much pain and suffering. Chrysalis swallowed and cowered before her.

Tirek was also having less-than-successful results with his battle against Little Braveheart, Lukas, Hitch, and, surprisingly, Pipp, who proved that she could actually be very useful in a fight, not so much with the physical stuff - Hitch and Lukas mostly took care of that, and Little Braveheart was shouting with glee like a crazy buffalo while jumping on Tirek’s back and pulling on his hair. But Pipp turned out to be surprisingly good at talking to the raging red centaur.

“Why in Equestria would one need all the magic?” she asked him, her wings folded neatly and her face a mask of calm, as if this were something she did every day. “Surely you don’t need that much. I can’t even imagine a use for all that magic.”

Infuriated by the pegasus’ calm speech, Tirek roared and lifted her into the air, trying to drain her of magic when he remembered that he already had. He resolved for throwing her through the air, but years of fake flying had given Pipp practice, and she merely spread her fluffy wings, slowing her fall until it was a soft landing. She turned and studied the raging centaur’s face as he batted Hitch away, then yowled as Little Braveheart hooked her hooves around his horns and pulled backwards.

His new magic-infused size and bulk made him harder to fight, but Lukas wasn’t only big, but he was strong, and fast; he could dash around Tirek’s flailing legs and charge at him, knocking the massive centaur off balance and sending him toppling to the ground. Tirek stood up again, furious, throwing Lukas off his feet and sending the yak flying through the air until he crashed into the ground, sending off shock waves that made Tirek stumble again. Hitch landed a well-placed kick to his jaw, and the centaur responded by knocking the stallion to the side.

“Of course,” Pipp continued as if nothing had happened, helping Lukas to his feet and brushing dust off of the massive creature’s hair, “sometimes, we do things that are irrational.”

“I’m not irrational!” Tirek roared, a ball of fire appearing between his horns and flying towards the pegasus princess at a startling speed. Pipp and Lukas scattered, the tips of her wings getting slightly singed, but she refused to give up. She took a deep breath and steeled herself.

“Sometimes we do things without reason,” she kept going, looking straight into the centaur’s eyes. There was something about the pink pony’s eyes that made Tirek seem unable to look away - he kept batting Hitch, Lukas, and Little Braveheart away, but he missed more often than not. “Except for approval.”

Tirek suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Pipp’s wings, holding her inches from his face as he snarled, “I don’t need anyone’s approval, little pony.”

“Little?” Pipp’s eyes flashed, and she twisted out of his grip. She landed on the ground and glared at him. “Little?

She slammed her hoof down on Tirek’s beard, pinning it to the ground and forcing him to look into her eyes. Hitch, Lukas, and Little Braveheart all stood back, gaping at the small pegasus. Even Tirek was afraid of her, and he flinched as she glared at him.

“I think you’ll find I’m average height,” she hissed in his face. “And at least I don’t need to absorb all the magic in Equestria to compensate for the fact that I’m worried that I’ll never mean enough to my parents!”

Tirek flinched; she had struck a sore spot. He expected to feel angry and furious, gaining the power and strength he needed to fight back against her (even though he felt that this puny pony could hardly pose much of a threat), but instead, he found himself feeling… sad. All the anger simply evaporated, leaving him feeling empty and… exhausted. There wasn’t anything left for him to fight for now.

Pipp seemed to sense this, and she relaxed her grip, sighing. “Look. I know what it feels like to want to prove yourself to your family, or to others - I do it all the time. Nopony ever seems to care about me, so… I give them something to care about. But if they don’t love you for who you are…” She took a step back and let him go, though he didn’t move. “Then they don’t really love you at all. And you shouldn’t try to make them. Because no matter how hard you try… they never really will.” She cracked a small smile at his huge physique. “Because let me tell you - no amount of magic or power will ever compensate for that.”

Tirek struggled to his hooves, thinking hard about what the pegasus had said. He finally growled, finding a weak, struggling anger deep inside him that was nowhere near as strong as his previous anger, but he clung to that tiny flare of fury like a lifeline. He had to finish this, had to fight back. Had to prove himself!

“You’re wrong,” he said in a low voice. “Because it will be worth this!”

He lit up his horns, and several jagged rocks jutted out of the ground, surrounding Pipp and trapping her in place. A massive fireball appeared in between his hands, and he raised it above his head, preparing to throw it at the pony princess in front of him.

But then behind him, he heard a voice say, “Indeed it will.” And then Lukas knocked his legs out from under him, Little Braveheart grabbed his horns and forced them down, and Hitch helped Pipp out of the cage of rocks as the yak and buffalo tossed the massive centaur inside instead.

“How in Equestria are you so calm about this?” Hitch asked her, baffled.

Pipp shrugged. “I deal with stuff like this every day. It’s social media in a nutshell.”

Author's Note:

I am SO SORRY this is so late! I didn't get a lot of time to work on it so far today, so there'll only probably be one chapter coming out today - sorry about that! But I can promise that this will finish up next week, just in time for summer vacation.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!