• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Greetings! I am someone who exists on this website. I have been here for at least a year. I probably should catch up with my writing. I also have a discord server.


A human is randomly teleported to Equestria and gets stuck in a cloud.

This is my first story to be published on this site and I have no idea where I'm going with it or whether I will end up continuing it. This is more of a warm-up story to practice and get me used to writing before.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 29 )

This is very good

I am sure that Rainbow Dash will teach him how to fly. Trust should be the basis for all our moral training.

Also, I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job on your first story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I am lying in bed with my eyes closed, waiting for sleep to claim me. And suddenly there’s this large popping sound accompanied by a bright flash of light that seems to blind me through my closed eyelids; then suddenly I feel like I’m falling. Naturally, I scream.

I continue to scream as I fall. Until I feel something catch me. It’s soft and squishy, so much so that my momentum pushes me through its surface before I stop. I can feel it wrapped around my body, but my head and legs are free. My screaming stops as nothing appears to be happening, so I open my eyes. That is a mistake, I stare down in horror at the large drop still below me.

You had the beginning paragraphs repeated twice. Not sure that was intestinal or not. So far story looks nice! Just hoping the guy didn’t turn into a mare since there’s way way to many of them on the site… Can’t wait to see more

That's an interesting way to start. Wonder how long they're going to be stuck on that cloud.

I have finally decided to come back to this story and will now be starting on Chapter 2.

I will probably rename this now that I'm continuing it.

Oh welcome back. Glad to see another episode of being stuck on a cloud

Once his wings has been recover, he'll be training with Rainbow. I think self-discipline is something, it's like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.

you don't need to know how to fly, just how to crash with style

Very good on your new chapter, I like it! Seth's is going to do some gentle wing exercise without hurting them. Self-confidence is a superpower. Once you start to believe in yourself, the magic starts happening.

I quickly snap myself out of my stupor. “Wha- … Who are you?” I ask. “I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all equestria!” it exclaims, wriggling its previously unnoticed wings.

The word "equestria" is a country's name & should be capitalized.

Oh, IDK. A pegasus getting stuck in a cloud is probably something he'll never live down.


The adventure continues… when will the cloud return :rainbowderp:

This new chapter is going great! Hope to see more of your upcoming chapter soon and remember: You just have to keep going and don’t let the small stuff bog you down.

Seems like he's a walking disaster at the moment. Everyone who sees him is gonna think he's falling apart.

He might be in high spirits, but I can't help feeling bad for the guy. He currently has no one to count on, no money, no shelter and no idea how to do anything. The hospital was probably his best bet.

Mmm… something is up with SweetieBell :trixieshiftright: plot twist she is either a human or freaks out with the concept of not getting a cutie mark when she becomes adult.

Edit: Forgot to ask where does this take place?

Sweetie Bell may have just seen a pony without a cutie mark and may be heading to the CMC clubhouse to host a meeting?

Also, about where this takes place: Ponyville, Equestria.
Unless you meant when? Then the answer is: I have absolutely no idea. I'm just making stuff up as I go along.


Sounds a bit like it’s either before canon or after season 4 since the first chapter he sees a big tree but never implies it being crystal so it could very well be the old tree library

Thank you, I'd forgotten about that. In that case, that was the Golden Oaks library, therefore pre-Tirek. It's likely that this will be set post-Twilight-ascension in which Twilight could be an alicorn at the time.

I'm sure Fluttershy will work things out with Seth.

Ah yes, I need to find a job. I glance down another street, once again spotting the large round building. Maybe I’ll have a better chance further in town, I could start with the important looking building. I turn into the street and make my way down towards it.

You have so many more problems that need immediate attention than a job…

rainbow seem's to have a very short attentionspan here

good story so far:heart:

It's been a while, maybe I'll have enough inspiration to update this soon...

Fluttershy helping him out with his wings just seems like it's going to be really awkward. I'd actually expect Dash to help him with his wings first. Dash also seems to have paid for his stay at the clinic, short of we have the ultimate medical care where Princess Celestia pays for everything.

I also feel like Dash already has enough information to realize that there is something not quite right about him.

I live in the UK, so free medical care isn't a foreign concept for me. I will be going with the same concept for Equestria where medical stuff will be government funded. In terms of the other point you mentioned. I might rethink how the story will progress when I reread it for continuation.

Ya, I live in the US where just going to urgent care can bankrupt a person. The idea that someone can just walk into a medical facility and everything is taken care of is truly an alien concept to me.

Dang it I was invited in the story, also is the Character a Mare or Stallion?

Also how would they Learn how to Grabed stuff, like will they lie and said that they have a Condition so they won't be able to Grab Stuff like other Ponies & have to use their Mouth all the time?

And OH how many Characters noticed that they don't have a Cutie Mark?
Will they also lie and said that they have an Condition that prevents them from getting a Cutie Mark?

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