• Published 28th Nov 2022
  • 678 Views, 28 Comments

Elden Ring: The Deaths of Tirek - Blackdrag-rose

Tirek, following his defeat at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, is transported to a world unlike anything he could imagine, filled with large trees, violent creatures, and danger around every corner.

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Invading the Academy

After taking in the majesty that was the Academy of Raya Lucaria, as it was far more than what Tirek had thought of when he first heard the same, he started to explore the area, finding that there happened to be one path and that it lead right up to the only building he had access to. There wasn't much for him to take in as he looked around the area, save for a pair of Sorcerers who happened to be wearing the odd stone and crystal helms over their heads, though as he walked forward the pair stopped what they were doing as one noticed him. Sure enough neither one called for him to stop, rather they simply used their magic in an attempt to bring him down and protect the Academy from intruders, though Tirek simply grinned as his power ate up their spells, adding their meager power to his own without delay. This area would be good for him, as the spells would boost his power to new heights and the Runes that his foes would drop would be used to empower himself, so it was like he was getting double the power without having to exert too much effort on his part.

Eventually he reached the top of the stairs and crushed the two guards before they had a chance to react, allowing him to open the door they had been guarding without having to worry about anyone interrupting him, where he found two rows of benches leading to an alter on the other side of the door. From what he could tell there was a single sorcerer inside the chamber, though there were some of those odd mechanical dolls hanging from part of the ceiling, as the parts on his left and right seemed to be attached to walkways and the middle went higher, to the true roof. With that in mind he gathered his power and blasted the Marionettes to pieces, before any of them had a chance to do anything, before grinning as the lone Sorcerer in the chamber tried to crush him with his magic. It no doubt came as a surprise to his foe when Tirek tanked his spells and approached him without slowing down, a fact that allowed him to crush the life out of his foe before he walked into one of the side paths, the left one.

Such a thing allowed him to find a new Grace, which he activated and rested at so he could quickly add his new Runes to his growing strength, and once that was done he made his way down the rather short passage, which brought him to an odd sight, a graveyard.

He wasn't expecting such a thing up here, but wasn't about to argue with whoever designed the place, so he focused on his mission as he followed the path that was in front of him, only now he had to worry about zombies who seemed to be on the hunt for magical energy. Since Tirek didn't want to be slowed down by them he lashed out with his magic, knocking them all away from him, before he made his way down the path, finding a short bridge that connected the two halves of the area together, along with a short side path to his left. He decided to check out the side path for a time and found that it looped up into the area that he was already heading towards, though it did allow him to find two Marionettes that were looking down at where he could have gone, secret attackers waiting for enemies to show up. With this discovery he used a bit of his magic to wipe them out, before they could even attack him, and with the way clear Tirek made his way over to an opening that happened to be connected to a long stone bridge, with a large waterwheel with platforms that could take him up to the next area.

Tirek also discovered that the area beyond the bridge held a lone pillar and some tall figure who appeared out of thin air, but he used gravity magic in an attempt to crush him and Tirek tanked it, absorbing the power of the attacks as he quickly cut down his foe. Such a thing granted him a new spell, Gravity Well, before he turned and jumped onto the next platform that happened to move due to the contraption it was connected to, though he removed himself from it a few moments later as he reached the upper area it was connected to. He found a few Hollows hanging around a small side path, a dead end by the looks of it, so he focused on the opening in front of him and found that it lead to a classroom, one that had a Grace for him to activate without delay, giving him a new point to be revived at if death claimed him. From there he found another doorway that lead into what seemed to be the main entry point of the real Academy, as he found walls that had all sorts of books and magical artifacts, plus he discovered more Sorcerers who were studying some books and had no idea he was even there.

He grinned as he lashed out at the Sorcerers, surprising them with his sudden arrival as he tanked their spells, eating all of them before they had a chance to do any damage to him, while he, on the other hand, tore through them with ease and scattered them around the corridor he was following. There was also one of the Warrior Jars, a name he learned during his time with Blaidd, guarding an area near the stairs that would grant him more access to the Academy, joined by several Sorcerers, so he made sure to pull it backwards into the empty corridor. Once that was done he crushed it with a bit of his magic, splashing whatever substance that was inside it on the walls that were around him, allowing Tirek to focus on the rest of the enemies that were between him and his target, since he was positive that Rennala was here, he just had to find her hiding place. Other than the Warrior Jar he found more and more Sorcerers wandering around the building, which he expected since this was a school for magic, or had been before everything went wrong, causing him to devour each spell that came at him while he carefully used his bloody dagger to end their lives, until he was the last one standing.

After all of that he decided to take a chance and headed through the golden mist he discovered in an upper corridor, as he suspected this powerful creature would meet it's end soon enough, and he found what appeared to be a lecture room on the other side of the wall, with a large red wolf waiting for him.

"At this point I'm not even surprised." Tirek remarked, though as he said that he found a surprising aspect, the wolf was able to channel magic into it's mouth and leapt to it's right, creating a trail of energy that summoned three blue magical blades into existence and sent them flying at him, where they struck him as he grinned, due to the fact that they faded into his body as he absorbed their power, "That, however, is much more like it!"

The wolf seemed to love jumping around the lecture hall and leave trails of magic in it's wake, no doubt to overload Tirek with it's power so the blades could do some damage to him, showing him that the beast was far smarter than those that were outside Stormveil Castle. The fact that an animal was able to utilize magic, in combination with it's skills, made him wonder if there were more creatures like it in this world, ordinary beasts that could tap into this power, especially since it would mean more power for him to absorb overtime. He also discovered that the wolf had another spell it could use, one that involved summoning a long red blade, a longsword of sorts, which was swung down at him when the wolf jumped up into the air and tried to crush him with it's weight. With his empowered body, and the magic he possessed, he was able to stop the wolf in it's tracks, eat the magic of the spell, and then send it flying into one of the walls with a blast to the chest, showing his foe that he was stronger than it and that this battle would end with him winning.

Sure enough the wolf tried, in vain, to take him down and Tirek feasted on it's magic as they clashed, until he stabbed it in the heart and killed it, allowing a rush of Runes to enter his body as a new Grace appeared nearby, causing him to grin as he sat at it, because a little rest would benefit him before he found where Rennala was hiding.