• Published 18th Jun 2022
  • 2,498 Views, 498 Comments

Brave New Pony World - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. How will these humans cope with the culture shock?

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Due to the lateness of the hour, Jolene had no problem taking the new woman back to her apartment. No one was in the parking area and the neighbors were either asleep or engrossed with whatever was on their screens. Jolene entered with her friend to be ready to help her with unfamiliar needs. In the end, everything went fairly smoothly and Jewel only had one complaint.

“I’m going to miss being able to pee standing up.”

Jolene chuckled. “If that’s the worst thing that comes of this, Ah think you’ve done well for yourself.”

They said goodnight and Jolene left to go to her own apartment. She returned early the next morning as they had arranged in the hope of avoiding other commuters. Except for one man down on the street, getting into his car to go to work, they succeeded. Perhaps they had been spotted through the window by someone, but that couldn't be avoided.

Their early arrival beat their receptionist as planned. They were not prepared to explain Jewel’s appearance as yet. They both immediately crossed over to Equestria where the two mares heaved sighs of relief.

Jolene said, “You’re goin’ to have to work out of the Vanhoover office today. Ah’ll hold down the fort in Los Angeles.”

“That makes sense, but if anyone calls for me, tell them I’m sick or something. There’s no way that I could fool them with my female voice.”

“Yep, that’s true. We’ll see what plan the Martines come up wi—”

The office door burst open and a purple alicorn looked around and spotted her target. Trotting up to Jewel, Twilight gave the elegant mare an anguished look. “I’m so sorry, Jewel! I heard what happened last night. Come with me and I’ll do some tests so that we can fix this.”

Jewel blinked in consternation. “Fix what?”

Twilight gaped and blinked. “Changing into a female human, of course.”

“Oh. I’m not sure I need fi—”

Jewel was cut off as the alicorn levitated her and started carrying her out of the office.

“Twahlight!” Joy called out. When the alicorn didn’t notice, she tried again. “Princess Twahlight!

The purple mare halted. “Just Twilight, please. What’s wrong?”

“Please put Jewel down and stop panickin’ over this. She’s fine for the moment. Sure, she’s got problems, but bein’ a woman ain’t one of them.”

“What do you mean? How could she not be concerned about manifesting as a female homo sapiens?” She noticed Jewel giving her a flat look and hastily set her down.

“Jewel’s been a mare on this side of the portal for weeks without fuss. Why would you think she’d panic over being female on Earth? Our biggest concern is explainin’ why Jules ain’t around.”

“Alright, you’re both pretty calm about this, but we still have a problem. The adaptation spell was never intended to make this kind of change. If it could happen to Jewel, what about other users? Just because this is the first instance of unexpected change doesn’t mean that it can’t happen again. I need to do tests to determine what went wrong. Maybe the portal at my castle will react differently. I. Need. Data!” The purple mare punctuated the last three words with hoofstomps.

Jewel pursed her lips and nodded. “I see your point. Okay, I’ll go with you, as long as it’s okay with the bosses. I’m supposed to be working today.”

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. “Mark Wells was the one who told me. I’m sure he’ll make allowances. Now, come along – time’s wasting!”

Jewel looked at Joy and shrugged. “Looks like you’ll have to cope by yourself for a bit. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Don’t you rush on mah account, darlin’. And don’t let Twahlight convince you that there’s somethin’ wrong with you if’n you feel you’re right dandy. Okay?”

Jewel giggled. “Yes, mom!”

Joy chuckled as her friend left with the alicorn… under her own power this time.

Prince Mark Wells found Jewel exactly where he expected – stuck in Twilight’s laboratory in Ponyville. The fashion-model unicorn had her head propped up on her forehoof and yawned while the alicorn was engrossed in her notes and calculations. “How are you doing?” he asked Jewel.

“Oh! Rescue at last!” Jewel replied. “Will you please get Princess Twilight to let me go back to the factory?”

Mark chuckled. “Sorry that I couldn’t be here sooner. When Twilight rushed off this morning, that left me stuck with doing her session of Day Court.” He levitated a stack of notes that he had been carrying over to Twilight’s desk and dropped them with a thud in front of her.

The purple alicorn yelped in surprise and fell off her chair. Only then did she notice her visitor. “What was that for?” she demanded.

“That’s your homework, Sparkles. All the petitions that are within your purview that I had to put off at Day Court this morning.”

“Oh. I’ll attend to them soon.” She picked herself off the floor and began straightening her papers.

“Good. Now, what have you discovered?”

“Well, first we tested if the same result would happen using any of the other portals to Earth including your original portal that I had retrieved from storage. Jewel became a woman each time. Because the adaptation spell on each portal is identical, that showed that it was not a fault of the portal or location. I then ran a series of tests on her both here and on Earth to determine how the spell was affecting her. While becoming a mare on Equus was a surprise, at least it fell within the expectations of optimizing a form for her. I could find no fault with that aspect. However, as I told you earlier, resuming her human form relies on the spell identifying her true nature which should be her normal male body.”

“So, that part was malfunctioning?”

“No! That’s what is fascinating me! Nothing is wrong with the spell. I’ve determined that it’s working even better than I dreamed.”

“Wait! What?” Jewel said. “It was supposed to turn me into a woman?”

“You’ve got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy,” Mark said in an odd accent.

Twilight stared at him in puzzlement for a moment before shaking her head and continuing. “The original adaptation spell was created by Starswirl the Bearded. It was designed specifically to transform anyone into the dominant sapient lifeform of the target world. Because he was a teeny bit prejudiced, anyone coming to Equus always became a pony. When I repaired the broken portals, I also updated the adaptation spell so that a different species could be an option if it better suited them, hence why Rosa becomes a griffon. I added further tweaks which enabled the transformee to feel comfortable in their new form and to be able to utilize it well.”

“Which is why everyone had no problems with their new body, but did it affect Jewel’s attitude too? Has she been comfortable being a mare because the spell made it so?”

“Again, no. The changes are entirely physical. However, those changes are made based on many psychological factors which determine which species is best suited to them. Although I had not considered the possibility when designing the spell, a unicorn mare was Jewel’s best fit. Nevertheless, up until yesterday, she still returned to male human form.”

“So, what changed?” Mark asked, looking over to the unicorn.

“This!” Jewel replied, pointing to her cutie mark. “I got it last night.”

“Congratulations,” Mark replied. “What does it signify?”

“I’m told that it means that I’ll be a great mother.”

Mark looked back to Twilight. “So, her cutie mark is causing her to become a woman?”

Twilight shook her head. “Once again, no. The pony shapes the cutie mark, not the other way around. Talk to the Cutie Mark Crusaders if you want a more in-depth explanation; they’re the experts on the subject. However, the event throws light on why Jewel became a woman. Jewel realized who she is at heart and what she wants to be. The adaptation spell picked up on that and optimized her form to suit. It did its task exactly and perfectly according to its parameters.”

“Then, what you’re saying is that Jules the man was not his ideal form. When Jewel discovered her true inner self, her outer self was changed to match it. She’s supposed to be female.”

Jewel huffed. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell Twilight for hours! I like being a woman. I was never really successful at being a man although I tried to conform to expectations. I didn’t understand what was wrong and that stunted me socially. Jolene has helped me overcome that a lot since we met, and being a mare here has been a big part of my change too. Last night, as I told Joy, I finally felt comfortable with myself for the first time in my life. Sure, I’ve got all sorts of challenges ahead of me because of this change, but none of them are up here.” She tapped her head with a forehoof. “Now, can I go? I have a job that I want to get back to.”

“Just one moment.” Mark turned back to Twilight. “Your adaptation spell works too well. Look into the possibility of curtailing more extreme changes from now on. While we got lucky this time, we don’t want to cause a serious incident with future users.”

“Even if those changes might be beneficial to them?” she asked.

“That’s not for us to determine, Sparkles,” he replied. “We might be in the position to offer it, but no more unintended changes.”

“Oh, alright,” Twilight grumbled before she turned back to her notes. “Stupid ethics getting in the way of True Science,” she mumbled.

“What was that, Twi?” Mark queried.

“Nothing! Go on – shoo! I’ve got homework to do!”

Mark chuckled as he headed for the door. “Come on, Jewel – we’ve got to check in with Phil and Rosa to see what we can work out for the new employee.”

“Gladly!” the unicorn mare replied as she elegantly trotted to join him. “Hey, if Jules is still on the payroll, this means I get a second paycheck, right?”


Jewel stared bemusedly at the tall, fair-skinned woman with hair colored in pastel hues. Mark had assumed his Celestial form before stepping through the portal to the Charlotte headquarters. She wore a navy-blue business suit with faint stripes. Mark’s crown became a gold chain necklace with an emerald pendant. “Gotta show moral support for us transgenders,” she explained with a grin. Jewel reckoned that their situations were quite different, but she appreciated the well-intentioned gesture anyway.

The Martines had a private portal in the washroom attached to Rosa’s office. The full-length mirror in it was unusual but not completely out of place. Therefore, they could entertain visitors from Equus without having them pass through the rest of the facility. Jewel and Mark sat down with Phil and Rosa in the privacy of the latter’s office to discuss the situation. A very tall dark-skinned Penumbra stood watch next to the door with her arms folded across her chest.

Phil said, “Rosa and I figure that the best way to handle this in the short term is to have a changeling impersonate Jules. I checked with Maxilla, their security guard, and he reckons that he’s familiar enough with Jules to be able to pull it off for a little while. That will give us breathing space to implement the next step. Jules will get a message today about a family emergency that will require him to go back to North Carolina. Jewel will be sent as a replacement. Ostensibly, she will be his fraternal twin sister, and her resemblance to him should help that stick.”

Mark said, “Not to sound sexist, but won’t some people wonder why she doesn’t work as a supermodel who would earn ten times her current pay? You know that the question will be asked.”

Jewel snorted and shook her head. “I love my appearance, and more than ever I’m looking forward to that modeling session that I promised Rarity, but that will be just a fun diversion for me. While I’m on Earth, Jolene offered to help me select a hairstyle, makeup, and clothing that lets me ‘dial it down a bit’. Besides, I like my technical work. That’s what makes my job enjoyable. Money hasn’t been an issue for quite a while.”

Mark nodded. “Fair enough. Let us know if anyone harasses you for any reason.”

Jewel smirked. “Have you had that problem? You look plenty exotic yourself right now.”

Mark opened his mouth and found himself at a loss for words. After a few seconds, he said, “I suppose I haven’t been Marklestia on Earth long enough to find out.”

Penumbra coughed into her fist a few times to regain her composure. “Now that you mention it—”

Giving his bodyguard herdmate a wide-eyed glance, Mark hastened to cut her off. “Anyway, as I was saying, Jewel will take over from Jules. The story will be that she was one of the proposed candidates for the managerial positions at the new branches, but she didn’t make the final cut. No one at the Los Angeles office will be in a position to question that. Since the payroll is handled back here, she will still get paid as normal. Jewel’s debit and credit cards will still be valid – the banks won’t know that she’s changed gender. Probably wouldn’t care either, so long as her single paycheck keeps being deposited there.”

A mock glare from Mark drew a smile from Jewel. For their part, Rosa and Phil gave each other puzzled looks before Mark continued. “There are other online payment options too. Thankfully, with just about all transactions being electronic nowadays, nobody checks the details anyway. And even if they did, it could be argued that Jules is a feminine enough name.”

“You’ve got that right,” Jewel said. “While I was in high school, because I wasn’t much interested in the usual boy’s sports, I was sometimes called Julie and accused of being a girl. Funny thing is that those bullies are now right.”

Rosa frowned and said, “No, bullies are never right, even if the circumstances change. Anyway, back to our current issues. Harmonic Composites can make you a new ID badge, but your legal identification can’t be changed. That means you won’t be able to drive due to the risk of being pulled over by the police. You won’t be able to rent a car or any other activity that requires an official ID. You might find it a problem to get alcohol, for example. Fortunately, your cell phone won’t be affected as the phone companies don’t care who pays the bill. You can tell anyone who calls you directly that the phone account belongs to Harmonic Composites, and it was transferred to you.”

Phil said, “Because you have access to your…” He winked. “…brother’s notes, you can pick up at the same place with all of your clients. I know you are knowledgeable and personable enough to get them to value your input just as much as your brother’s.”

“I can make that work,” Jewel agreed with a nod.

“We might have to renegotiate your apartment lease though,” Phil said.

Jewel held up a finger. “Actually, Jolene and I were talking about that on the way to work today. She’s offered to help teach me the ins and outs of being a woman and she proposed that I move in with her. It’s a two-bedroom apartment, so I’d have my own room.”

Phil nodded. “And you’d still have a legal address without having to do more than adding Jewel Petit on as a sublet. Because the lease agreement doesn’t forbid subletting, we only have to inform the landlord. They can’t require an ID thanks to California state law. I think we can easily swing that.”

Mark frowned a little. “Are you sure that Jolene’s motivations are all above board?”

“She’s definitely not interested in sexual relations, if that’s what you’re alluding to. I’ll tell Jolene that I accept her offer,” Jewel said with a smile.

Sale vale,” Rosa said with a nod. “Is there anything else we need to look at?”

“Umm…” Jewel began. “I don’t consider myself to be a great actor and our secretary, Imani, is a pretty sharp woman. Won’t she notice something peculiar going on?”

Phil and Rosa looked at each other for a long moment in silent communication. They both seemed to come to a conclusion and turned back to Jewel. Phil said, “As it happens, Imani Williams and Estelle López at the Houston branch were both selected based on upgrading their roles in the future. That includes introducing them to Equestria eventually. It’s our intention of building up a cadre of trusted personnel who are aware of the dual-world nature of our business. That’s why we went with four probationary managers rather than just two. We wanted options. If you feel that it’s justified, we’ll move up Imani’s inclusion.”

“Fine by me. I’ve always hated hiding the truth from her anyway.”

“Let me know when you want to induct Imani,” Mark said. “If that’s everything, we’ve all got to return to our jobs. I know Jewel is itching to get back to Vanhoover.”

“There you are!” Fast Mover said as he trotted up to Jewel. “Joy let me know that you would be in late but wouldn’t tell me why.”

Jewel smiled reassuringly. “She probably felt that it was my right to let you know.”

Mover frowned. “Did something go wrong after you left last night?”

The elegant mare giggled. “No – something went right.”

The stallion’s eyebrow rose and he tilted his head. “I don’t follow.”

“Remember how I said last night that I’m not even female back on Earth?”

“Yes. Why?”

“It’s no longer true. When I stepped out into the Los Angeles facility, I became a woman.”

Mover’s jaw dropped and he stared for a long moment. Then he grinned. “Wow! I really want to see you as a female human! How did that happen? Did getting your cutie mark have anything to do with the change?”

“Not really. It was just the first manifestation of the true cause. The adaptation spell just made it obvious that I’m meant to be female.”

“I can hardly wait to tell Goldie and Breezy tonight. So, I guess you had to sort things out with the bosses?”

“Actually, I spent most of the morning being tested by Princess Twilight. I think I would still be there if Prince Mark hadn’t rescued me.”

The stallion chuckled. “Yeah, we all know about the princess’s obsession with science. I guess we can’t complain though considering all the benefits we’ve reaped due to that.”

“I suppose so. Right now, though, I’m just glad to be able to get back to doing my job. We can chat more later. In fact, meet me at the portal at quitting time. As soon as I’m sure the L.A. office is clear of people not in the know, we can go over and I’ll let you see the new me.”

Mover grinned. “It’s a date. But you’d better head over to R&D – the team wants your opinion on the new design they’ve been working on.”

“I’m there! Bye!”

The stallion didn’t miss the flirtatious wiggle to the mare’s butt as she headed off. He grinned. “She looks so much more confident. This development will definitely make things a lot simpler,” he murmured before turning back to his work.

Fast Mover carefully stepped through the portal. He did not travel to Earth often enough to get used to the change of form. The now human male stopped immediately as he beheld the statuesque woman waiting for him. “Jewel?”

She nodded and did a twirl. “You like?”

“I might normally be a pony, but I’d have to be dead to not find you just as gorgeous as a human.”


“Beauty transcends species,” Mover insisted.

“Well, if we’re going to be honest with each other, then I will say that I had forgotten that you make a particularly handsome man. I might have to ask you out on a date.”

He looked at her skeptically. “Seriously?”

Jewel giggled. “A bit soon to think about that, actually. I may be female now but I still have a lot to learn about being a woman. Jolene’s going to help me out with that. In fact, she’s probably wondering what is holding me up.”

Mover nodded. “And I had better head home. We’ve got a new foal to provide for and I don’t want the ladies thinking I’m leaving all the work to them.”

“Better get going then. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mover.”

“Good night, Jewel.” The man then stepped back through the portal.

The security guard who had been there all the time smirked at Jewel. “Mr. Mover didn’t tell you half of what he was feeling, Ms. Petit.”

Jewel blushed, not having any trouble figuring out what the changeling had sensed. She was a little bit embarrassed but also thrilled. She gave the guard a smile and left to find her colleague.

“Tomorrow, we’re takin’ all your enchanted clothing to work,” Jolene said as she helped Jewel transfer her belongings to Jolene’s apartment. “If you’re lucky, they’ll all transform to a feminine cut like last night’s outfit. You might have to wear them for that to work proper though.”

“That’s going to be both uncomfortable and silly-looking,” Jewel replied, holding up a pair of slacks to her waist. Her wider hips were definitely going to cause a problem.

“Better’n havin’ to buy more outfits if’n it works.”

“True. I’ll be needing more than business casual though.”

“An’ that’s why we’ll be goin’ to the mall tomorrow after work.” She looked at the piles of clothing that had been laid out on the bed. “Most of this is goin’ to have to be packed away or donated.”

Jewel held up a pair of men’s trunks. “Oh? You don’t think this is my style?”

The two women burst into giggles.

“Ah’m goin’ to make you wear those and Ah’ll be takin’ pictures.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“On the plus side, your boobs would probably do justice to those shirts.”

“What? I’d be practically popping the buttons off!”

“An’ you think Mover would mind if that happened?” When Jewel’s cheeks colored, Jolene grinned and continued. “You think I don’t know what held you up? Tell me what he really thought!”

Jewel turned and began busying herself sorting through the clothes, trying to hide her growing blush. “He said I looked gorgeous.”

“Uh-huh. And what was he thinkin’?”

Jewel did not deign to answer that.

Jolene chuckled and headed back to Jules’ apartment to fetch some more of her roommate’s property.

The two women started early again the next day. They wanted to get as much non-work-related business finished before concentrating on the jobs for which they were paid. Much to Jewel’s relief, all the transforming clothing responded as her first outfit had. She was also grateful that she did not have to wear the masculine attire for long. She’d had a brief but intense education in the vast difference between her female form and her former male one. She was also warming up to the notion that she would need a bra despite the embarrassment it would cause her to be professionally measured for it. She and Jolene would attend to that tonight at the lingerie store though.

With that taken care of, it was time to deal with the real problem – substituting Jewel the woman for Jules the man. When Imani arrived for the start of her shift, Jolene approached her in the lunchroom as their secretary made a mug of coffee to take back to her desk.

“Good mornin’, Imani. Ah hope y’all are ready for an unusual day.”

“How so, Ms. Harris?”

“Ah’d like you to meet mah new colleague, Jewel Petit.”

Jewel entered the lunchroom at her cue and held out her hand with a smile. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Williams.”

The startled African-American woman quickly regained her composure, took Jewel’s hand, and shook it. “Your name threw me for a moment, but I’m seeing the resemblance to Jules now. Your brother, I take it?”

“My twin,” Jewel agreed.

“I suppose you two have had some confusing episodes with names so similar.”

Jewel grinned wryly. “Oh, it’s a lot more complicated than that.”

“I’ll bet!” Imani declared. “Anyway, what’s this about being Ms. Harris’s new colleague?”

“I’ll be replacing Jules as of today.”

Imani blinked. “Has that something to do with why Mr. Petit was absent from the office all of yesterday?”

“It does. And to help with the transition, Mr. and Mrs. Martine have agreed to let us take you into our confidence.”

Jolene said, “Like her brother, Jewel has access to the Secure Area and now you will too. We’re going to show you the secrets behind Harmonic Composites, an’ then you’ll understand why Jules won’t be comin’ back.”

“You have me intrigued,” Imani said with a tinge of excitement in her voice. “When are we going to do this?”

“Right now,” Jewel said. “Let's get this out of the way and get back to our regular work as soon as possible.”

“Unless you want to have your coffee first?” Jolene asked with a sly grin.

“I can make another! Lead on, boss!”

Inside the security office, the guard opened a drawer and extracted an ID badge which he passed to Imani. “This replaces your current ID. You must wear it at all times in the Secure Area.”

“No problem, Mr. Maxilla.”

“Switch off adaptation for the portal, Max,” Jolene said.

“Adaptation?” Imani queried as the guard complied.

“Explanations later. Follow me, darlin’.” Jolene led the way around the corner to the portal mirror. “Just do as Ah do.” She then stepped through the portal.

Imani gaped. “What in the actual…?”

“It’s a special portal to access the Secure Area. Think Alice Through the Looking Glass.”

“Think what now?”

Jewel sighed and shook her head. “How could you not know a classic? It’s from an old fantasy series written about Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. It was made into an animated movie by Disney, then later as live-action starring Johnny Depp.” Imani’s blank look continued and Jewel rolled her eyes. “No clue? How about Star Gate?”

“Aha! Sci-fi I know! If I meet any Goa'uld there, I’m going to freak out,” Imani declared. Nevertheless, she stepped through. Emerging into another office, she saw Jolene waiting for her along with the guard’s twin. “I think I’m almost disappointed – no aliens whatsoever,” she said as she joined her boss.

Jolene giggled. “Oh, Ah wouldn’t exactly say that.” She pointed behind her.

Imani turned around and gaped at the beautiful small sky-blue equine. “Where did you come from, you cute thing?”

“I was right behind you, Imani,” Jewel replied cheerfully.

The black woman’s eyes bulged and her jaw dropped. Although her lips moved, no words came out. Only now did she notice that the tailored business jacket, blouse, and skirt on the pony matched that of Jewel Petit.

Jolene said, “Did’ja have to do that, Jewel? Ah think ya done broke her.”

“Aw, come on, Jo – when would I ever have another chance?”

“What. Is. Going. On?!” Imani finally blurted out.

“That’s the adaptation spell Ah mentioned earlier. That was supposed to be revealed when we met the Martines.”

“They’re here too? And you haven’t answered my question.”

“Come along with us. We ain’t done bogglin’ you yet, darlin’.”

When confronted with a unicorn and a griffon who had the voices of the owners of the company, Imani sighed. “I think I should have had my coffee first.”

Back at the Los Angeles facility, Imani sat down with Jolene and Jewel who was human once more. Incongruously, Jules was also present. Despite seeing the changeling assume Jules’ form, she could not tell him apart from the original. “So, Max here is going to play the role of Jules for a few days to ease the transition to his ‘sister’? Are you sure that’s going to work?”

“I am certain that I can impersonate Jules sufficiently well,” Maxilla replied. “I have studied him since he began working here. Armed with some advice for specific situations, I will be able to deal with the few in-person meetings that Mr. Petit needs to have before ostensibly being called away for good. Also, Miss Jewel taught me the most important words for any business-mare – ‘Let me get back to you on that.’.”

“Well, at least you sound confident. Okay, I’ll play my part. It’s going to take a while for all of this to sink in though.”

Jewel said, “It was no different for us, and I had the added surprise of changing gender which I’m still getting used to. I’m sure you’ll cope.”

“Are you goin’ to give the adaptation spell a try later?” Jolene asked.

“I might… no, I definitely will. Maybe after I have dinner with the Martines this evening in… Ponyville, was it?”

“Yep. The Fig Tree restaurant serves excellent apple cider too.”

Imani chuckled. “I think I might be ordering something a little stronger!”

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Author's Note:

While the ladies might have a few awkward moments ahead of them, I think they've got this covered. Have they overlooked something though?