• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 392 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Redux: Back to the City

Rain spent part of the journey to Baldur's Gate talking to Randalla about everything that had happened since she, Vahn, Kromlech, and Adrianna went into the Guild's hideout, even though there wasn't a whole lot for her to share right now, as she had been heading to the city to report to their superiors. Based on what they knew the Red Fang Marauders had a camp somewhere in the world, close to the city based on all of the attacks that happened on the road, but they were unable to pinpoint where it was located, so sending adventurers to deal with them was out of the question. Randalla informed her that when they reached the city she'd be able to get more information from their superiors, at which point she would be able to employ her, and possibly her new companions, in a number of jobs to grow their glory and power, before sending them to deal with the other threats that might be in the darkness. Rain suspected that her fellow guild member was talking about another Dark Alliance, one formed in the void left behind by the destruction of Eldrith's alliance, but, much like the first one, they had no confirmation if that was happening or not, hence all of the Harpers being sent out to gather information on the various regions of the world.

She also spent some time talking with Allessia and the others, only to find that most of them had no desire to speak of their past, rather they were focused on their own objectives, despite being focused on protecting the caravan and making sure they reached Baldur's Gate.

When they finally reached the city Rain smiled as soon as they saw it, because while she recognized the walls she was glad to see the city during the day, instead of trapped in the middle of a storm or the night like what she had seen previously, and the rest of the caravan were pleased to reach their destination. From what she could tell they were entering from another direction, so she would be entering another part of the city, where she found a decent sized church, a manor that had at least three floors, maybe a lone tower, and all sorts of buildings that Randalla said were houses and shops. They would be able to sell a good amount of the loot they had claimed from the Red Fang Marauders, even the shoddy gear was worth a fair bit since the merchants could break them down and use most of the materials to make something else. It reminded her of the man she and her friends had talked to quite a lot during their time in the Elfsong Tavern, who bought everything that was offered to him while offering them 'many fine deals', which were actually fine when she thought about it, making her wonder if they'd meet him again.

"Ah, Baldur's Gate... I am glad that we got here so quickly, without any additional ambushes." Randalla commented, though at the same time she climbed off the wagon she had been riding on and let her workers start to take everything to the area they stored their merchandise in, before handing over a few pouches for Rain and her new friends to take, "So, now that we have reached our destination, and you have been rewarded for your efforts in keeping us safe, might I ask what each of you will be doing next?"

"We have heard that there is adventure to be had here, and I intend to find it." Dorn stated, which was true to his nature as a seeker of glory, while Rain knew that the others were more interested in their own personal goals, though he also glanced back at the group for a moment, almost as if he was speaking to them, or maybe to her since her skills were better than any of them had heard, "I would also like to continue traveling as a group, as we could all benefit from the glory that can be gained from completing the quests that can be found here."

"I see. Well, I will be busy for an hour or so, informing the relatives of the slain guards and ensuring the safety of the rest of our goods," Randalla said, though Rain knew that she would be doing more than that, since the Harpers had to be told that she had returned to Baldur's Gate, making her wonder if she'd run into Jherek again or if he had been replaced for the foreseeable future, "but should you need my help again, or if you're looking for work to aid the people of the city, you can find either Kearia or myself in the Purple Wyrm Inn down the road... I have associates that can use a group of people that have your set of skills, and the gold you could earn would be well worth your time, not to mention the treasure that could be recovered along the way. Farewell for now, friends."

Rain watched as Randalla and Kearia disappeared into the city, to do exactly what she had said and what Rain thought of, before she and her new companions walked down the street and took in the sights, even though she discovered all sorts of people were wandering around. Sure enough her reputation proceeded her, as people knew the tales of her and her friends, her old friends anyway, and came up to talk with her about her travels with Adrianna, Vahn, and Kromlech, which was interesting for her since she wasn't expecting such a thing. Many wanted to know one thing from her, whether the tales of her adventures were true, and she was able to confirm that they had traveled throughout the city, smiting the evils that were beneath the streets, before heading into the Sunset Mountains and even the Marsh of Chelimber. While she did that, confirming that all of the stories were true, she found that Borador bought some lanterns from one of the shops that they walked by, which he claimed were cheap and worth every gold coin he had spent on them, meaning they were very popular with adventurers.

She even encountered another familiar face, Bartley the trader, the very one who get her and her friends started after the Guild had assaulted them when they discovered that she was being surrounded by the thieves, which meant he must have either moved his shop or was working with someone in this area.

"By the gods... Rain Shine?!" Bartley inquired, where he stepped forward for a moment, leaving the indented area that he had set up a shop in, which seemed to be near someone's workshop, meaning he had to selling to adventurers that were passing through the city, and glanced over her form before hugging her, "It is you! When we heard that you and the others had disappeared we were worried that the Guild had done something to all of you... imagine our surprise when we heard that you killed the Guild and were off doing great things, before disappearing again for six months. This is some marvelous armor you've got... who made it?"

"The dwarves of Clan Bruenghor made it, after we saved them from the drow and a white dragon." Rain replied, where she was more than happy to return the gesture as the others observed what was going on, before Bartley let go of her and took a moment to pat Shadow on her head, which she seemed to enjoy, "I found Shadow on the way to the dragon... no, I have no idea how we bonded, but she'd an excellent traveling companion and a wonderful addition to the team."

"I believe you, as taming a displacer beast is unheard of." Bartley remarked, though he was surprised by how well the cat was behaving in the city, despite the fact that some people were weary of it's presence, causing him to focus on Rain's new weapon, since it wasn't what she had when she left the tavern the last time he saw her, "It looks like you picked up a brand new sword during your long travels."

"Oh, this? I recovered it from the heart of the Onyx Tower, before it was destroyed." Rain said, though to give him a good view of the weapon she pulled it out, not that it had a scabbard since the spirits didn't give her one, something she wasn't even worried about despite how sharp it was at times.

Bartley, as if sensing something was amiss, asked to see the blade for a time and took some measurements, where he told her to come back in an hour or so and he'd have something for her, likely a scabbard, when she considered what she had just thought about, and after handing over the information to another person in the shop he turned to others. He explained that he was no longer just a simple buyer and seller of weapons and armor, but he had expanded into the department of magical gear, meaning it was now possible for them to bring him the components and have him, or his new workers, put all of it together to create new gear. After Dorn and the others sold off all of their excess loot, reminding Rain that Bartley was probably one of the more wealthy merchants in Baldur's Gate, since he had enough gold to buy what adventurers had and still, somehow, made more than he bought the items for, they started to explore the rest of the city. Rain discovered that Allessia walked into the Church of Helm, finding that the person who sent her on her quest was there, while Ysuran found his way to the lone tower, where an old man in white robes talked to him for a short time, as he could restore the long lost memories, for a price.

With that in mind, and Rain suspected that all five of her companions had people they could talk to to further their goals, as in their personal goals, they headed to the Purple Wyrm Inn and found that Randalla was already standing near the bar with Kearia, no doubt to calm their nerves, while she found a few other important figures waiting in the corners.

"Ah, Rain, over here." Randalla said, gesturing to the group as they entered the inn, causing them to walk over to her while many of the other silent important figures glanced up before returning to their own problems, where Rain assumed that her companions would talk to them when they had the time to do so, "I haven't spoken to my associates yet, but I do have some work for all of you if you want it: the Captain of the Guard has heard of your return and wants to speak to you, about the sewers as he told me."

"The sewers? Vahn, Adrianna, Kromlech, and I cleared them out before we destroyed the Guild... why would the Captain of the Guard want to talk to me about it?" Rain asked, because while she understood that the sewers might be vast, since the city was massive as well, the area they had passed through was self contained and not connected to the rest of the network of tunnels, hence her confusion on the matter.

"I do not know. All I know is that Sollus Duncric wants to speak with you." Randalla replied, where Rain could tell that even she was a little surprised by the Captain's request to converse with her for a time, even though she had been in the city for all of a couple of minutes, ten at the very least, causing her to sigh as she glanced at the others, "I can guarantee you that he'll have some sort of work for you, meaning you'll be able to get some gold and some glory by helping him out, and by the time you finish helping him out I should have some information for you."

Rain sighed as she headed outside, though this time it was because the future was looking brighter for her and the others, now that they had finally reached the city, and it only made her wonder what sort of jobs Randalla might have for them in the very near future.

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