• Published 7th Jan 2023
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Dictators Of Ponyville - Dragon-In-Black

After being gone for over a year, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decides that it's time to return home.

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Chapter 30 — Lyra & Bon-Bon

After their visit to the school, Spike had gotten inside the car and started it while he waited for Supreme Leader Applebloom to say goodbye to her friends and former teacher. He smiled as he watched from his rearview mirror how she interacted with a genuine smile to her friends there.

She enveloped them all in a big group hug and promised them that she would visit them soon. They bowed to her as she left for the car and sat inside, prompting the young drake to reverse the car and drive away with the entire school waving as they drove away.

Both the ruler and lieutenant could see the journalists writing and taking pictures as they drove away, no doubt that they were trying to find more propaganda to write.

Taking an exit and driving on the highway, Spike kept his eyes on the road while Applebloom enjoyed the scenery of the new and improved Ponyville.

The young dragon would never admit this to anypony, but, he was sort of happy that he defected over to the regime. Twilight wasn’t a bad pony or Princess, but he had noticed how she had become estranged from him as time moved on.

Maybe he was terrible with things changing or maybe he couldn’t let go of the past, but he sometimes missed it when he lived in Canterlot. Yes, there were snobs, but anypony or creature could become one when they had money and acted like nobles. They never looked down on him for being a dragon—they looked down on him because he didn’t have a lot of money which he now had.

He didn’t hate or dislike Twilight or the other Element Bearers but he was a little angry for a few pranks they did on him and some hurtful things they had said without realising it. Of course, they made up for it in different ways but that didn’t mean he wasn’t holding a grudge over it.

When they had failed to inform him of the melting iceblock, instead of helping him, they laughed at him. Afterwards, Twilight felt guilty and had given him a few days off until he completely recovered but he wasn’t her biggest fan.

Then there was the time Rarity took advantage of him with the fire ruby. Admittingly, he could have said no, but his crush on her was quite big at the time and so he gave it to her, but that wasn’t as bad—he willingly gave the ruby, but he didn’t like the “affection” the Element of Generosity displayed.

During the dragon migration, Spike had been mocked and called “not a real dragon” by Rainbow Dash and some of the other friends which had hurt his feelings, admittingly. Sometimes, he wondered if he should have stayed in the Dragon Lands.

The only good thing was when he became the hero of the Crystal Empire—Great and Honourable, Spike The Brave And Glorious—because then he earned a little respect. That was before he was tasked with finding and returning the Crusaders. He disappeared from thin air and left a note saying the Princesses had sent him on a mission but didn’t say what kind because he didn’t feel like he needed to.

When he was captured by Storm soldiers, he thought that his life was over but it wasn’t. One day, a few brave soldiers from the Crusaders’ Democratics Party liberated the prison and took Spike with them when he told them who he was looking for.

Ever since then, he didn’t look back. He did follow through with the order—he brought the Crusaders back to Ponyville—which was once part of Equestria—so now he has no reason to follow Equestrian laws or rules.

Besides, there was another reason why he followed the orders of the princesses, he had hoped to confess his feelings for Applebloom. When the Crusaders had disappeared and his infatuation with Rarity came to an end, he started to realise that he didn’t like Rarity in that way at all, but when it came to Applebloom, that is when he realised that he truly liked the earth pony.

Spike was brought out of his musing by the earth pony he was thinking about.

“What are ya thinking about?” Applebloom asked as she watched as they drove past buildings while still on the highway.

“Life in general. Who would have thought we could change Ponyville so drastically?” He asked while admiring the apartments they drove past that had a large banner of Scootaloo giving a salute with a red background saying; Scootaloo For World Peace!

“Yeah, I never thought I would come back to Ponyville in all honesty, not after what happened…” Applebloom became quiet as she thought about everything that happened.

Spike was silent and took an exit from the highway and stopped at a red light.

Suddenly, Applebloom started to laugh. When the laughter reached his ears, he couldn’t help but think of how heavenly it sounded. It was so beautiful and calming making him feel relaxed.

“Sorry fer laughing but…” she tried to control her giggles. “Did ya read the newspaper this morning?”

“Uh, yeah I did. It was about you visiting the school,” Spike replied and took a right when the light turned green and entered a street that showed multiple buildings big and tall with multiple symbols for different shops and restaurants.

“Yes, did ya read the info about Scootaloo?” Applebloom burst out laughing, slapping her leg with her hoof. “She contradicted herself; she said she never went to the school and claimed she was an alicorn who founded Equestria who only went to school so no pony would suspect her angelic powers!”

Spike snorted and laughed with her.

“The power went a little bit to her head,” he replied and turned into another street.

“A ‘little’?” Applebloom deadpanned.

~~Dictators Of Ponyville~~

When Spike found Lyra and Bon-Bon, he saw that the two mares looked sad. They were inside Bon-Bon’s candy shop but it didn’t seem to be many customers if any at all. This was odd, many ponies throughout Ponyville would come every day and buy from the yellow-coated earth pony, Spike and Applebloom included.

They parked the car outside the shop and saw the civilians bow to them in respect and fear.

When they entered the shop, they saw how shocked both mares were before they bowed in respect to them.

Lyra Heartstrings was a mint-coated mare with mint mane and tail who played classical music and was very good at it from what Sweetie Belle had told Applebloom.

Bon-Bon, the owner of the shop was a yellow-coated mare of a lighter shade than Applebloom and had two streaked mane and tail of blue and pink.

“Supreme Leader Applebloom and Lieutenant Spike! How can we be of service?” Bon-Bon asked nervously. The blank look on Applebloom’s face didn’t help matters and Spike standing with his claws behind his back with a strong posture while sporting the same look increased her stress levels.

“I was on mah way to the school when I saw ya walk together this morning. Ya, both looked sad and I wanted to know why that is. I don’t know what compelled me to do so, but here I am,” Applebloom explained while looking around the shop and frowning when she saw that there wasn’t as much candy like there usually was.

Or maybe that was a good sign? It could mean that they had a good flow of business.

The two older mares were taken aback by what the young ruler said. That was the last thing they had expected to come from her. Nonetheless, they didn’t want to be laughed at so they decided to avoid it.

“It’s nothing Supreme Leader Applebloom, you don’t need to stress over it,” Lyra spoke for Bon-Bon who nodded in agreement.

Applebloom glanced at Spike and motioned for the room to the side where it read “Staff Only” and he nodded and went for the door.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” Lyra asked angrily when she saw Spike open the door and walk inside the restricted area.

“He’s following my orders, Heartstrings so I order you to stand down,” Applebloom ordered in a calm voice that made the min-coated unicorn shiver.

“Sorry Supreme Leader Applebloom,” Lyra apologetically bowed her head.

Bon-Bon placed her head on her counter and began to sob lightly but the sounds of her cries were heard throughout the shop. The shelves on the walls and in the middle didn’t store as much candy and different flavours as they once had. It was her pride and joy and she would hate for it to close, but she had no choice.

Suddenly, Spike walked out from the staff-only area with a grim look.

“I think I know the problem, Supreme Leader Applebloom. Bon-Bon doesn’t have enough ingredients to make her candy. Because we don’t buy from outside of Ponyville or Badlands, she won’t be able to make her famous candy,” Spike explained while giving a look to the two mares.

They lowered their heads, expecting laughter. They knew they would be laughed at, after all, they were one of the many bullies who shunned the Crusaders. But they didn’t hear laughter.

“Ahm sorry,”

Their heads flew up so fast, the ruler and lieutenant were afraid that they’d break their necks. Their eyes were wide and their mouths hung open.

“W…what!?” Lyra exclaimed, momentarily forgetting who she shouted at.

“Ahm sorry,” Applebloom spoke again. “I know how much you two pride yerself with this shop and work hard every day to make bits and the civilians happy. I as a ruler failed to give a way for ya to buy ingredients.”

Spike would have laughed at their stunned expression if it weren’t for the fact of how serious this topic was.

“Ah promise ya’ll that I will start conducting business with the rest of Equestria. All ya gotta do is sign a couple of papers, is that alright with ya?” She asked while pulling out paper and pen and began to write notes to remember for when she got back to the office.

“Huh?” Was their intelligent reply.

“I can deliver the papers, Supreme Leader Applebloom,” Spike spoke for the first time since stepping inside the shop. “I was asked to patrol because there have been rumours that a foreigner has been seen sneaking inside the country. I can drop by with the papers while on duty,”

Applebloom nodded in approval. “Great, Is it okay if ah buy some sweets? I’ve been craving some sugar lately,”

Bon-Bon was the first to recover. “Uh… yeah! Yeah, sure go ahead,” she smiled. Lyra was the second one to recover and couldn’t help but smile along with Bon-Bon as they noticed their… customer who was also their Supreme Leader, shop inside the candy shop.

“Supreme Leader Applebloom, perhaps we should ask the other Supreme Leaders if she should make business with the rest of Equestria? That way we can earn money while also helping the civilians. Maybe we even gain a defector or two,” Spike suggested as he went over to the counter and paid for his candy and noticed that both mares smiled a warm smile at him.

“We can try, but ah don’t think Scootaloo will like that idea, not that she would try to stop me anyway,” Applebloom replied and paid for her candy and thanked the two older mares for their delicious candy.

They got inside the car again and drove away from the shop.

Once again, Spike found himself on the highway and got to see the same cars, trucks and vans but with different creatures in them.

This time, the ride was a lot quicker because they had one place left to go and that was the hospital.

Applebloom had become worried for Twilight as of late and had asked Spike to drive them there. While on the way there, Applebloom wondered if the lilac-alicorn blamed them for what they did or if she had woken up but not been informed.

Then again, why would a hospital tell rulers of a country that an insignificant pony had woken up from a coma?

When Spike reached the newly improved hospital, he parked in the parking lot and saw that a few other cars were there. Most likely injured soldiers that couldn’t get proper medical attention on the base.

When they got out of the car, they saw—to their surprise—the Element Bearers who were inside the hospital, discussing with who looked to be Nurse Redheart.

Making their way inside the hospital, the double glass doors slid open for the ruler and lieutenant, grabbing the attention of the fastest flyer in Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash.

“What are you doing here?!!” Shouted the cyan pegasus in anger when she saw them. The others turned and looked shocked when they saw the last pony and dragon they expected.

Applebloom ignored her older sisters’ shocked look and Rainbow Dashs’ question and looked at Nurse Redheart who was sweating profusely and the sight of the ruler and lieutenant.

“Nurse Redheart, how is Princess Twilight Sparkle doing?” Applebloom asked, much to the confusion of everypony there, not anticipating the question.

“I’m not at liberty to say…” Readheart tried to speak but was interrupted by the blue-coated pegasus who held fury in her eyes.

“Why do you want to know?! Planning on beating her to death?!” She angrily accused while pointing her hoof at Applebloom before turning her gaze towards Spike. “And you! How could you allow this to happen? How can you side with them when they are hurting everypony around town!?”

Spike shrugged. “This is what I feel on a daily basis,” he replied to their confusion.

“Spikey-Wikey, what you mean?” Rarity asked with the nickname she had for him, making him inwardly cringe.

“I mean that I feel like this on a daily basis. Being verbally hurt by the likes of Rainbow Dash and Twilight.” He explained which earned him an offended look from the rainbow-maned pegasus.

“I have never verbally hurt you!” She spoke in a huff.

You’re a lame dragon!” Spike quoted while looking at the pegasus with a blank face that made her nervous. She also winced at the reminder of what she had once said to him.

“Of course, I’m not doing this out of spite or hatred. I do care about you all, but at the same time, I enjoy the newfound respect I have received from the political party I joined.” Spike spoke fondly while looking distant.

“And ya think by siding with fillies taking over the town is the way to go?!” Applejack asked irritably while scoffing at the dragon.

He shrugged while tilting his head. “I was asked by the princesses—specifically Princess Luna—to retrieve the Crusaders and take them back to Ponyville which I did. She didn’t specify what would happen after that. I did my mission,”

The others became silent at that, uncertain of how to speak.

“Nurse Redheart, I ask as one of the Supreme Leaders of this country; how is Princess Twilight Sparkle doing?” Applebloom voiced, making the others realise that the young ruler was still inside the room.

This time, Nurse Redheart was sweating bullets, unsure if she should divulge such information but realising that she had no other choice after the silent order given by the former farmer, she decided to tell the truth.

“Well… she is stable but still in a coma, her head shows signs of trauma and a few broken ribs.” The nurse explained while trying to not look intimidated by the look the young filly was giving her.

Applebloom glanced at Spike and saw that he still had a blank face. Unsure of what the dragon was feeling she nodded her head.

“Understood, Nurse, send me a letter if she wakes up or if you need any medical supplies,” Applebloom ordered before walking out of the hospital with Spike in tow, leaving the remaining element bearers in shock along with the nurse.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, Dragon-In-Black here back with another chapter of Dictators Of Ponyville. Now, this chapter is sort of a turning point in a way. Applebloom being the most level-headed of the other two start to feel guilty while still feeling the negative emotions of what happened. Now I also want to make clear that I am in no way bashing the element bearers or anything. This isn’t a Spike abuse type of story, why I wanted it to look that way is because Spike has spent months with the Crusaders.

Because of this, he would naturally, pick up on the emotion and start to think negative thoughts himself but not to a large extent that the other three are—were—doing. Which was why I only set up one example in the argument between him and Rainbow Dash.

Plus, I don’t want to sound rude but the story isn’t really about him, he’s simply a filler character of sorts while also being a romantic interest of Applebloom.

Thanks for reading and I will write to you guys next time.

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