• Member Since 8th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


My Little Pony lover and aspiring writer.

Comments ( 66 )

This is interesting. If you'd like, I could let you borrow an OC. Just contact me via PM if you'd like the details.

I've found myself drawn to this fic for a variety of reasons. I would recommend two things first off: Get some form of cover art, and also someone to help edit your stories. I noted some awkward dialogue, descriptions, and minor spelling mistakes. Besides that, though, I am very curious to see where this goes. Be it my love for alt universe adventures, finally seeing a mature fic in this category, or the fact that I wish to see you succeed with this. I hope it works to cure your writer's block, and you can find success with this. Oh, also spread this around in various groups that are relevant, of course!

To offer my support, i'll do what I can and give a positive rating for now, and track this fic. I hope things work out and you improve more. I wish you good fortune on your fic-writing journey.

As for the story itself, I find the characterization of Celly as a grumpy old mare who had her old life trampled on and doesn't take diddly-squat from the new creatures ruling her land to be a very intriguing premise.

Hmmm, very interesting, I'm eager to see where this goes. You get a thumbs up and I'm tracking this.

Thank you very much. I would like a cover, but the one that made me the Batmane one is not available, and the editor thing, I tried to find it back in the day, but everyone I contacted ignored me or didn't connect to Fimfiction for years, I'm sorry for the mistakes, I do my best.

I too hope this will cure my writer's block. This story has been stored in my head since before Batmane.

And about Celly, believe me, you haven't seen anything about how grumpy she is now :trollestia:.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

I like the idea of this story, And the writing is fairly enjoyable. Celestia is properly grumpy and I love it. A lack of love provides an interesting plot beat. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Thank you! This is an idea that I was also passionate about writing, especially after reading stories like Spider-man Reign or The Last Ronin, the idea of a Celestia without her characteristic kindness and compassion in a decadent Equestria is something I wanted to write.

Okay, I like this. Please continue the story.

I'm glad you like it :scootangel:. And of course I will continue this, I have a lot to tell.

Interesting idea. You got me hooked right on the first chapter. I can't wait to see how this progresses. Keep up the good work!

Well then consider me interested.

This raises so many questions I look forward to seeing the answers too qnd I can't wait for further updates.

Also ended up giving me story ideas which I always enjoy.

And my interest is further peeked and I so want answers.

I already have an idea who's being held.

I look forward to the next chapter as this is really well done and I wantntinelsrn more of the world and what's happened as well as seeing if AU M6 will show up and how they will be.

Keep up the good work.

I'm glad you're liking it so much, tomorrow you'll have the next chapter. And about the mane six, you'll have to wait :trollestia:.

Careful not to burn out, I'd hate to see this story die because you went to fast with updates.

I will try not to happen, the most will be a few days to think about how to continue. These quick updates were because I had been thinking about how to do this for months.

Should've listened.

All Hail Celestia, Princess of the Sun, Regent of Justice and one extremely pissed off mare.

Welcome back Princess, you've been gone far too long.

Yes, but the bad guys always have a bad habit of not doing it :rainbowdetermined2:.

Oh trust me, you haven't seen her true return yet :trollestia:.

Celestia, Celestia, Celestia. What took you? :trollestia:

Will this story have a badass little girl in it?

This story is criminally underrated

You should review your pronoun usage at the part where Celestia brings the corpse to Scroll

It's confusing.

Confused and curious, he got up and started to walk away from his desk, but after only a few steps, the double doors were shattered, their remains falling into his office, forcing him to back away.

As the small cloud of smoke dissipated, and what he saw made his eyes snap open. Fear, anger and desolation hit him at the same time with crushing force. There was what he dimly recognized as Light Flare, and behind her, in the corridor that led to his office, he could see several guards who had tried to stop her crushed to the ground in her magical aura. What really caught his attention was what hovered just above his head, the body of his son, blood still dripping from it. Without any care or respect, the mare dropped the boy's body in front of his father, who could barely move, his eyes moving from his son to his murderer.

Now that I have put the abrupt part out of the way, Bloody invigorating.

I'm sorry, but I only see the fault with the doors, which should put 'it's' instead of 'theirs', I think. I'm not a native English speaker and I only know a fair amount of pronouns, so I don't know exactly what other mistakes there are.

Well we are starting :trollestia:.

Wait, that's a correction. Sorry I misunderstood, thank you very much, I'll correct it now.

No oroblem, I totally get the gender language things, when to use el and la in spanish, as well as knowing when it is rojo or roja... That sort of deal.

For some reason I wasn't notified of this chapter despite tracking this fic and that annoys me.

Excellent chapter, she's not quite there yet but she is definitely going to get there as cracks have formed in the dam and it's only a matter of time before it breaks free.

Can't wait.

Little by little her old self will return, just have to give her a few more pushes.

Hey, that happened to me as well!

Will this story be as hopelessly dark as Old Man Logan?

That's one of the goals, yes.

A very good chapter and makes me want to see more.

Also hehe he Trollesting peeked out a bit there.

A little Trollestia never hurt anyone :rainbowlaugh:. Also, she are partially right, she have to make sure she are traveling with competent people :trollestia:.

Thank you for reading :twilightsmile:.

"I don't think you're the best pony to say that... princess ."

Hi pot! I'm kettle. Jokes aside. Some development is going on in Celestia, so that's good.

Thanks, I was worried that the development would be a bit rushed :twilightoops:, but I'm glad to see that it isn't :twilightsmile:.

Every time I read this... this darn song pops in my head. This song inspired an idea in me a while back that wasn't too unsimilar to this.

I just listened to it, and it is beautiful and fits very well. Thank you for showing me this beautiful song.

Well, my mind went off the rails.
So i saw your name (thinking of Guillermo Del Toro) just now and started saying: "Jackie, Del Toro. Jackie, Del Toro. Jackie, Del Toro."
It's supposed to be "El Toro"... for those who watched Jackie Chan Adventures: you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm not sure I understand you, but I suppose it has something to do with the fact that my name would be the same as that of some character in that series. I mean, I saw it a long time ago but I don't remember much of it. That, or that since my name is Spanish, it reminded you of El Toro.

Yes, kinda...
Your name Guillermo...
To the famous filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro...
To El Toro the character from JCA...
To "Jackie, Del Toro." Instead of "Jackie, El Toro."
:derpytongue2: Don't mind me, I just lost my mind.

I don't know how I didn't realize. I always joke with my friends that I am a great filmmaker :rainbowlaugh:.

Celestia is slipping more and more into old habits whether she realizes it or not.

And that is an interesting tidbit we got near the end....can't wait to learn more of what's happening.

You have forgotten who you are...


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