• Published 14th Jul 2022
  • 1,187 Views, 23 Comments

The Equestrian Majin: A MLP/DBZ Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A strange creature from an unknown world comes to Earth. What ensues is a lot of destruction and candy

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Episode 1: A Majin Arrives

On a Quiet Night

Twilight Sparkle was sitting in her room getting her telescope ready for this big night. She had recently looked up on her phone that there was supposed to be a big meteor shower happening on tonight. The first thing Twilight did when she found out was to tell as many of her classmates as she could. They all seemed to be pretty interested in watching the meteor shower. Her friends all wanted to join her at her house and have a picnic while watching the meteor shower.

Spike woke up from his nap with a yawn and a stretch. He wanted to be able to stay up and watch the meteor shower with the other friends.

"You look really excited to watch this meteor thing, Twilight" Spike noted with a smile.

"I'm excited not just because of the meteor shower, Spike! I'm also excited to be watching this with my friends! The reports from NASA say that this particular shower is going to be big. There's going to be a lot of meteors making their way here!" She replied.

"Do you think any of them are big enough to land here on Earth?"

"If they're too big to get burned up in the entry in Earth's atmosphere, some of them actually might land on the planet's surface."

The possibility of a meteorite landing on Earth was certainly one that made Twilight grin as much as Pinkie.

"What if we see aliens or UFO's during the shower?" Spike asked.

"Spike, while I do believe that intelligent life exists somewhere out there in the universe, I highly doubt we'll see aliens during this shower"

The doorbell rang downstairs. Twilight's friends had finally arrived. Twilight and Spike went downstairs to greet the other girls.

The door opened to reveal the rest of the Rainbooms.

"Hey, Twilight!" they all greeted at once.

"Hey girls! Are you all as excited to see the meteor shower as I am?!" she asked in greeting.

"Hell yeah, Twi! This is the most exciting thing that's happened since the Battle of the Bands!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I brought Granny Smith's apple spice muffins for this occasion" Applejack said producing a basket of mentioned muffins.

Pinkie brought a cookie cake with pictures of falling meteors drawn with frosting. "I got this cookie cake for us to share during the shower"

"I brought an extra telescope for us to use during the shower" Fluttershy said with the large telescope in hand.

"We're so happy you invited us to share in this experience with you, darling. I brought some sandwiches for us to eat for the shower" Rarity said.

"Twilight, I'm so excited to see this shower! Maybe it'll give me some ideas for our next song" Sunset stated.

"Well let's not continue to stand around here. Let's get outside to see the shower!" Twilight exclaimed with Pinkie-like enthusiasm.

With that, the girls and dog went outside in Twilight's backyard and set up everything they would need to watch the shower. Twilight and Fluttershy set up the telescopes, Sunset and Rarity set up a fold-up table to set the food down on, and the others were idly chatting. Spike was scooped up into Pinkie's arms and was enjoying a scratch behind the ears.

After everything was finally set up, the girls all settled down on the blanket with their food and drinks to watch the incoming celestial event. Twilight was scanning the sky for any sign of the meteor shower. After a few minutes of searching, Twilight finally caught sight of a rather large group of meteors flying through the atmosphere.

"Girls! I see them! I see the meteors!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

At that, the rest of the gang wanted to take turns at the telescopes to see the meteors. It was truly a sight to behold. Things like meteor showers don't happen often. They looked like brilliant streaks of light falling through the atmosphere. Rainbow was the current one looking through Twilight's telescope and Pinkie was looking through Fluttershy's. They were both looking in the same direction.

"Uh, Twilight? One of these meteors looks like it's heading towards us" Rainbow said gravely.

Twilight looked up and she noticed that one of the meteors in the sky looked a bit bigger than the others. In fact, the longer she looked at this particular meteor, the bigger and bigger it seemed to grow.

No one could say anything at first. All they could really do is stare at the meteor as it rapidly approached the planet's surface. The meteor got close enough to give the girls a good look at the meteor.

This meteor seemed to be the size of a battle tank. It was burning up with flame from the rough process of falling through the atmosphere. And it was rapidly approaching the area where Twilight's house was standing. The meteor flew over the woods behind Twilight's house and crashed with a resounding BOOM with shockwaves so powerful, the girls were knocked down on the ground.

Once the shockwaves have passed, the girls were staring at the pillar of smoke left behind by the meteorite.

The girls were currently treading through the forest towards the site of the meteorite's crash. It took quite a while, but after thirty minutes of walking, the group finally managed to get to the site of the crash.

It was a large and irregular-shaped meteorite lying in a scorched crater spanning fifty feet in diameter and twenty feet deep. Most of the trees surrounding the crater were burned to nothing more than charred stumps and were pointing away from the crater. The roots were quite visible due to the tilting angle of the trees.

Applejack let out a long whistle. "That sure is one destructive space rock"

"Yeah. Makes me feel super sorry for the dinosaurs" Rainbow chimed in.

"At least this one wasn't as big as that one was" Twilight said.

Before any of the others could say anything, Pinkie took another glance at the meteorite and noticed something odd about it.

"Hey, Twilight? Are meteorites supposed to be oozing goo like that?" Pinkie asked.

"What? No, of course it's not supposed to be--" Twilight responded before getting a better look at the meteorite.

There was something off about this meteorite. Even with the dim light of the flaming trees and soil, Twilight and the girls could see what appeared to be viscous goo leaking out of the meteorite's exterior.

The goo was light blue in coloration and made a beeline for the ground. Once on the ground, the goo started to all gather together in one mass. To the amazement of the gathered Rainbooms, the goo started to grow in size and had begun to take on a male humanoid shape.

Clothes had begun to appear out the goo's mass, which looked Middle Eastern in design. The feet formed shoes with upward points on the toes. The pants were baggy and black in color. A black belt with a buckle containing a stylized letter "M" appeared around the figure's waist. The body was skinny, but noticeably muscular. The goo had started forming a head with two holes on the side of the head for ears, a face with no nose, and a fleshy antenna on the top of the head. The figure was standing in front of the meteor with his newly-formed eyes closed. The eyes opened to reveal black sclera and red irises. The girls were stunned! An actual alien lifeform came out of the meteor and was standing before them!

The alien figure looked at the Rainbooms with a scowl on his face. The girls screamed and turned around to run, leaving the alien behind.

Spike looked behind the girls to see the alien crack his neck before uttering a single word:


Author's Note:

It appears that the Rainbooms have discovered alien life on their planet. And a Majin at that. What will become of the girls' encountering this powerful being? Will there planet be in any danger? Will their magic be enough to deal with this potential threat? Find out next time on "The Equestrian Majin"!