• Published 26th Jul 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown - Danyram1308

The Rainbooms and Ninjas enter a new dimension to stop Kraang Subprime who has made an alliance with otherworldly monsters who seek to destroy the humans of their dimension.

  • ...

The return

A cruise ship arrived at the dock, the crew members got off the ship as soon as the authorities allowed it, among the crew members was a young man, he was carrying a couple of suitcases and a fish cart in which he was carrying a fishing rod.

The boy sighed as he looked at the cruiser for the last time.

"I finally arrived, I just hope the guys are okay." The boy said.

Out of the boy's fish cart came what looked like a golden colored lobster and a white colored squid.

"Relax mis amigos, we will soon meet up with the others." The boy said as he closed the lid of the fish cart.

"This is unacceptable." Subprime complained as usual. "All your nighloks are nothing but incompetent."

"Let's not talk about incompetence you would be at the top of the list." Serrator told him.

"All the plans were ruined, those pesky rangers and those pesky turtles." Subprime continued to complain. "I'll take care of this personally."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Wait and see." Subprime said simply. "And when I finish them all, this universe and all the others where he was humiliated by those turtles will be at my mercy."

Meanwhile in the human world, the Rainbooms were still practicing their symbols power, they had improved a lot these last few days.

While on the other side, Mike and Mikey were training. Michelangelo was doing his typical crazy jumps while Mike was trying to land a punch.

"Hey, you can't keep doing cartwheels forever." The green ranger complained.

"Maybe not, but it's the best way to avoid your shots." Mikey replied. When he saw his chance, the turtle connected with a kick and Mike fell to the ground. "Oh yeah, Mikey gets it right again."

Then Mike does a sweep so that Michelangelo falls to the ground, the turtle was subdued when the green ranger's sword was inches away from his face.

"Important rule in fighting, don't claim victory before time, you don't know if the enemy is faking and is waiting to catch you off guard to finish you off." Mike said.

Mikey's countenance fell at those words, he remembered what happened with Nanashi.

"I think that was enough training for today." The turtle walked into the house.

Everyone watched as Michelangelo walked into the house.

"Was it because of something I said?" Mike asked.

"I think your comment reminded him a little of what happened with that Mooger." Emily said.

"Let him, he'll get over it sooner or later, unless it's something we did to him or something he brought on himself that he then blames on us." Raph said and Leo nudged him.

On the other side Mia came out with a shopping bag. "Girls, are you ready?" She asked.

"Of course we are." April answered and she Rarity and Fluttershy stopped what they were doing.

"Where are you guys going?" Raph asked.

"We told Mia we'd help her with the shopping." Rarity said.

"Let's go see what we can do for dinner." April said.

"It's good to know that you guys will be helping with dinner tonight." Mike said and Emily nudged him.

"Relax Mike, neither you nor anyone else will have to worry about eating my food." Mia said.

"Why?" Donnie asked. "Is your food that bad?"

"Apparently, but the guys wouldn't say anything so as not to hurt my feelings." Mia replied. "Well, let's hurry." She said already the girls were out of the house.

A couple of hours later, the girls were coming out of the super market with things for dinner.

"Good thing we had enough money for dinner." Rarity said.

"I know." Mia said.

"We'll see what we can come up with for dinner tonight." April asked.

Rarity turned around to talk to Fluttershy but she wasn't there.

"Hey, where's Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

"I'm not sure." April said.

"Do you think she got separated from us?" Mia asked.

"Most likely, I'm going to look for her." Rarity said as she put down her bags and went after her friend.

Fluttershy walked along the pier aimlessly, remembering what happened with Nanashi. The words he said to her were still etched in her mind, the way he teased her, Pinkie and Mikey with his charade. Maybe he was right, her kindness didn't let her see past things.

Across the other end of the sidewalk Antonio was walking with his headphones on listening he didn't pay attention to the girl walking in front of him until they both collided.

"Ouch." They both said and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't see you coming." Fluttershy apologized.

"None of that, it's my fault, I was distracted." Antonio said while helping Fluttershy to get up. Then he noticed that the girl was sad. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just didn't have a good day." She replied.

"Oh sorry to hear that, sorry if I seemed like a busybody."

"No no, it's fine."

"Well, when I'm sad or down I always do what makes me happy, like fishing or cooking, plus I have the support of my friends."

"I think you're right, it's always good to have the support of the ones you love."

"Fluttershy!" Rarity shouted.

The guys turned their faces to the other side when they saw the girl with refined tastes call out to the shy girl.

"Oh there you are sweetie." Rarity said. "What are you doing and who's your friend?"

"Oh, I was just talking to my new friend.... Mmm..." Fluttershy paused before asking a question. "What did you say your name was?"

"Antonio, my name is Antonio." The boy introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Antonio, I'm Fluttershy."

"It's a pleasure honey, I'm Rarity and..." Rarity stopped when she caught a rather strong smell. "What's that smell? That smells like fish."

"Oh, that's because of me." Antonio said before grabbing a bottle of antibacterial gel and wiping his hands. "The fishy smell is hard to get rid of."

"Are you even a fisherman?" Rarity asked.

"Yep, that's my trade." Antonio said pointing to the banner on his fish cart.

"Oh, I didn't know." Rarity apologized.

"No need to apologize."

At that moment an explosion sounded in the middle of the city.

"What was that?" Antonio asked.

"I don't know." Fluttershy said.

"We have to get out of here, it's not safe."

"Not yet, we have to find our friends." Rarity said. "They're still out there."

"You're right." Fluttershy turned to look at Antonio. "I'm sorry Antonio, but we have to go."

"It's okay, go carefully." He told them and the two girls took off in the direction of the city.

When they left Antonio took out a folding cell phone from his pocket and typed some keys until he found something on his cell phone.

The girls ran to the rendezvous point where they encountered a group of Kraangdroids and Biotroids wreaking havoc in the city.

"The Kraang." Fluttershy said.

"Girls!" The girls heard Jayden's voice coming with the rest of the team.

"Guys!" Rarity said.

"Looks like Subprime decided to show his face." Leo said.

"I guess we have to give her a quality welcome." Sunset said as she, rainbooms and turtles transformed.

"I guess you're right." Jayden said before he and the Rangers pulled out their samuraizers.

"Go Go Samurai." They said as they wrote their power symbols.

"Go ahead." Leo said and they all went to fight.

The group fought the Kraang, while dodging laser shots. Leo and Jayden cut some droids in half, which caused the Kraang to wiggle away for safety.

Mike activated his forest spear and spun around to take down some droids. Then a Biotroid appeared and this one banked and revealed its two rear cannons before opening fire.

"That thing has cannons? On its butt?" He was surprised.

April and Mia were using their fans to decapitate some droids.

Emily dodged some laser shots, before cutting down a droid, "None of that."

"Emily, attention!" Applejack called, before kicking a Biotroid that was about to grab her from behind.

"Thanks, A.J."

"Anytime." Applejack replied, as they rejoined the battle.

More Kraangdroids and Biotroids kept coming out, "Kraang orders you to give what is known as up!" one droid said.

"Or Kraang will be forced to do what is known as annihilate!"

"Man, they really speak bad English." said Mike.

"It was annoying at first, but we've learned to live with it." Rarity admitted.

"Come on, let's keep fighting!" Leo declared.

Fluttershy was knocked down by a Biotroid. The Kraang orangutan was ready to finish her off but Blade appeared took a leap and drove his sword into the Biotroid's head.

Out of nowhere shots flew towards the Rangers and they fell to the ground.

"Guys!" Leo yelled and he and the others went to the aid of the Rangers.

"Is everyone okay?" Sunset asked.

"We're fine." Jayden said.

"Where did that come from?" Mike asked.

"That came from me." Kraang Subprime said as he appeared before the heroes.

"Kraang Subprime!" Mikey and Pinkie Pie said.

"Long time, Turtles and Rainbooms." Subprime said. "So these are the Samurai Rangers? Never mind, you'll all fall to me."

"Well, judging by recent events, the stats are not in your favor." Rainbow pointed out.

"Stats, we'll see how they change."

"You asked for it." Mike said before jumping up and ramming his spear into Subprime. "Is that all you've got?"

"I'm just getting started." Subprime said as he stood up and charged Mike.

Subprime stood up and attacked the Green Ranger with his own spear.

Mike tried to defend himself but it was as if Subprime anticipated his moves. The Green Ranger went flying.

"MIKE!" Emily went to help him.

"Okay, that's new." Rainbow said.

"Surprised? As you may have noticed my new Cyber Shredder suit has a program with which I can adapt to all forms of fighting as I'm fighting my opponent, a program similar to the Foot-bots I made for Shredder." Subprime said.

"If you don't mind, we'll check it out." Raph said and he and Leo charged at him but Subprime parried their blows.

"Forget to mention it, I studied all the fights we had, I know all your tricks." Subprime said and he pushed them out of the way.

Sunset and Emily ran towards Subprime, the rebel Utrom did the same. The yellow ranger attacked with her sword but Subprime blocked her attack with the blades of her gauntlet. Sunset tried to stab her with one of her kunais but Subprime kicked her aside, then gave Emily a series of slashes.

Kevin and Starlight fired their bows but Subprime dodged their shots, then he threw daggers at them.

April and Mia charged with their swords, both of them fighting him. Casey threw one of his photon pucks, Subprime noticed this, so he kicked April aside and then kicked Mia to the front so she would get the blast.

Casey ran towards Subprime with the intention of electrocuting him, Keno and Mike tried to distract him but he shook Keno off and used Mike as a human shield for him to receive the shock.

Jayden attacked with his Fire Smasher but Subprime dodged it, then he countered with a series of slashes to the red ranger before throwing him against Caset and Keno.

Mikey used the power of his medallion to send a seismic wave at Subprime but Subprime jumped to avoid the attack which hit the rest of his teammates. Subprime knocked Mikey down with a slash to the chest, Mikey tried to get up but Subprime stomped him in the chest to immobilize him. Subprime was about to deliver the coup de grace to Mikey when suddenly....

"Catch of the Day!" someone threw Subprime some sardines to distract him.

"Where did that come from?" He asked.

"That came from me." Antonio said.

"Huh?" Mikey was confused at the situation.

"Antonio?" Fluttershy and Rarity were surprised to see their new friend helping them.

"Wait, you guys know him?" Sunset asked them.

"We just met him today, but apparently he followed us here." Fluttershy said.

"If he goes up against Subprime, he won't stand a chance." Rarity said.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Jayden said.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Just watch."

"Don't you know who you're dealing with? Never mind, I'll teach you not to mess with me." Subprime said.

Antonio didn't even flinch, he simply pulled a folding cell phone out of his shirt. "Samurai Morpher, Gold Power, HA!" He said as with his cell phone he typed a few keys before forming the kanji 光.

When he finished his transformation, Antonio struck a heroic pose. "Gold is good to go!"

"Huh? "The ninjas and Rainbooms looked at him in confusion.

"Is he a Ranger too?" Twilight asked.

"That's right." Jayden replied.

"But how is that possible?" Donnie asked.

"We'll tell you later." Mia replied.

"That's it?" Antonio asked. "No thanks for helping, or a little what, what? Alright, I get it, you need a minute."

"A Gold Ranger?" Fluttershy asked.

"I like the color scheme he wears." Rarity said.

"What can I say? When I make an entrance, it's go big or go home, am I right?" Antonio told them.

"Wow, it's very bright." Pinkie said.

"I still don't understand anything." Mikey said.

"Don't worry, just leave this one to me. You hang tight." Antonio stood in front of Subprime.

"Aw c'mon, now it turns out it was six rangers." Subprime complained.

"I'd say we've probably done enough talking. Now it's time for action."

Subprime laughed. "Ha! As if you were a challenge to me, you're not worth my time, golden coin. I'll let these guys take care of you!"

A group of Kraangdroids headed towards Antonio.

Antonio placed his hand on the back of his waist, where his Tanto Blade was. "My style's different, but it's all mine baby, and as they'll see, there's plenty of strength behind it. Now if we're done talking, Barracuda Blade!"

It seemed that Antony just drew his sword and cut the droids down in one motion, and as soon as he put his blade back in its sheath the droids exploded.

The ninjas and rainbooms were shocked at what they saw.

"Pretty impressive, don't you think?" Jayden said.

"But how did he do that?" Donnie asked.

"It was like he didn't move." Rarity said impressed.

"Yes he did, but it was faster than the eye could catch." Leo said.

"But how?" Rainbow asked.

"If as well as us you guys are shocked, here I bring you the instant replay." Pinkie said to the fourth wall and pulled a tablet out of her hair where it showed the replay of Antonio's attack, only this time in slow motion.

"How was he able to do that?" Casey asked.

"He used the iai." Karai said.

"Iai?" Keno asked.

"Slashing while drawing the sword from the sheath." Shini said. "In terms of speed, it's faster than fencing."

"But that's impossible." Starlight said.

"It was, but not anymore." Blade said.

More Kraangdrois kept coming and Antony headed towards them, a droid wanted to attack him from behind but the Gold Ranger, with his reverse blade stabbed the Kraang in the chest and knocked him down using his scabbard.

"Straight slash, with the backhanded grip." Sunset said.

"I don't remember ever hearing of a samurai doing anything like that." Twilight said.

"No matter how he does it, it's fantastic."

The droids fired at Antony but he jumped backwards and landed on top of a wall.

"Come up and get me, I'm right here." Antonio challenged them.

The Kraang fired and Antonio fell off the wall of swords onto the ground.

"Ouch, esa parte no fue tan fantastica." He groaned in Spanish.

Mikey ran to him and tried to help him.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"AHHHH!" Antonio panicked when he saw Mikey. "¿Que carajo eres?"

"I'll just say I'm not a Nighlok."

"Antonio, relax, he's not our enemy." Jayden said as he and the others appeared.

"If they're not a Nighlok, then what are they?" Antonio asked pointing to the other turtles.

"We'll tell you later, for now we need to concentrate on the Kraang." Jayden told him.

"Come on we'll help you." Leo said.

"No, I told them I got this." Antonio got up and kept fighting.

A group of Kraang got in his way but that didn't stop him from advancing, he found himself surrounded by the enemies but he couldn't care less, he just attacked with his barracuda blade, he spun around to deliver a series of slashes, when he sheathed his blade the droids fell to pieces.

Then Antonio ran towards Kraang Subprime, the two clashed their blades. Subprime kicked Antonio so that he fell to the ground.

"Ha! One more ranger doesn't make a difference." He boasted, "No matter what you do, my Cyber Shredder suit is programmed to adapt to my opponent's fighting style, I'll be able to adapt to all your tricks."

"Maybe your suit can adapt to my way of fighting, but like any computer, it can always make mistakes." Antonio said.

Antonio charged at Subprime once again only for Subprime to send him flying with one punch.

The gold ranger tried to get up but Subprime put his foot on his chest.

The Cyber Shredder's chest opened to reveal the grinning face of Kraang Subprime. "Say your last words." He said.

"OK, now my friends."

Out of nowhere the squid and lobster appeared to defend Antonio, the lobster bit Subprime's face with its claws.

"Ouch! Let go of me mollusk!" Subprime whined.

"Octo Ink Cloud!" Antonio said and the squid threw ink at Subprime's face.

"Alright, I think you've already met my friends, Claw Zord and Octo Zord, but time for you to say hello to my other friend Light Zord." Antonio said as he put away his Barracuda Blade and a blue and red lantern with kanji 侍 in the center appeared, said lantern came with a sword.

Antonio equipped himself with his new weapon and attacked Subprime, the rebel Utrom tried to defend himself but it was useless.

Antonio saw his chance and with his sword he was able to slash at Cyber Destructor's head.

Cyber Shredder began to show malfunctions, Subprime tried anyway to regain control, but it was useless.

"Excelente." Antonio said before setting LightZord aside and grabbing his Barracuda Blade again, he pulled from his belt clasp a disk.

"This is the best chance I'll ever have." Antonio inserted the disk into his sword. "Barracuda Blade, Barracuda Bite!" He charged at Subprime and delivered a series of multiple slashes that destroyed Cyber Shredder.

"NOO!!!" Subprime flew out of his exo-suit.

"Oh Yeah, when I promise a golden moment I deliver." Antonio celebrated.

"That was great!" Mikey said as he and the others joined him.

"Thanks amigo."

"That was awesome."

"Now are you guys going to tell us who the golden boy is?" Raph asked.

"Relax Raph, we'll have plenty of time to meet him at the welcome party." Pinkie said.

"Welcome party?" Antonio asked.

"When I meet someone new I throw them a welcome party to give them a nice welcome." Pinkie explained.

"You fools, do you really think it's over?" Subprime said as he flew in a mini Kraang ship. "You all haven't seen anything."

A portal emerged from the sky and out came a giant robot resembling Kraang Prime's suit, only instead of having Kraang Prime's face on its chest it had the face of a Kraangdroid. Out of the Portal also came some Dracotroids and some Kraang Walkers.

"Now Panorama City is under Kraang rule." Subprime said as he flew towards the Kraang Robot to control it.

"Not while I can do anything." Antonio pulled out his Samurai Morpher and pressed a few keys to create the kanji 海老. "Clawzord, I need you."

The Locust began to grow to the size of a conventional zord.

The ninjas and Rainbooms were shocked to see the way Antony called his Zord.

"Unbelievable." Keno said.

"He did that with just a few key presses on his phone?" Donnie said impressed.

"I'm not done yet." Antonio pressed the keys on his phone again. "Mega Mode Power!" He said as he switched to Mega Mode and appeared in the ClawZord's cockpit with a megablade.

"Claw Zord, time to cook!" Antonio readied his megablade and inserted the Claw Dics into the mega spin.

The ClawZord advanced in the direction of the Kraang Robot.

"Hey crabby! Did ya like getting cooked?" Subprime said.

The ClawZord attacked the robot with its pincers.

"Wow, That lobster really boils!" Rainbow said.

"Arrg, that time to make you crab cake." Subprime said as he ordered a pair of Kraang Walkers to counterattack.

"I don't think so, Claw spinners!" Antonio said and from the ClawZord two energy discs appeared in his pincers, the zord threw the discs towards the Kraang Walkers.

"Now, for our big trick!" Antonio pulled out his Morpher and pressed some keys to form the kanji 変. "Claw Zord transformation!"

Immediately the Claw Zord began to transform, a roulette wheel appeared in the zord's cockpit.

"Time to call the beast of the east!" Antonio said as he reversed the Claw Disc.

Then he spun the roulette so that it stopped on the symbol 東 so that the Megazord would show one of his faces. “Claw Battle Zord East, ready!”

"He has his own Megazord?" Donnie asked.

"Attack!" Subprime ordered the Kraang Walkers to attack but the Megazord took them out in one hit.

Another pair of Walkers prepared to fire.

"Oh, you want some more? Check this out!" Antonio spun the roulette wheel so that it stopped on the kanji 西. "Go West, young lobster!" The megazord changed to a green face and used the lobster's tail as a fan.

"Claw Battle Zord West, ready!"

The Kraang Walkers fired but the Megazord dodged the shots but the Dracotroids also fired from the skies.

Antonio was in trouble until something attacked the Dracotroids, the gold ranger looked up and saw the Samurai Battlewing destroy all the Dracotroids.

"Thanks mis amigos." Antonio thanked for the help. "Now, why don't we go down South?" He spun the roulette again and the wheel stopped on the kanji 南. "Claw Battle Zord South, ready!"

"Come on, what's with all the costume changes? Pick one!" Subprime said.

"Deal with it güey! That's just the way we roll!" The Megazord attacked with his swords and finished off the Walkers.

"Ah, big deal!" Subprime complained.

"I've got a special combo, just for you! Did you really think you could get away with this?" Antonio charged at Subprime with his swords. "I don't know what you are, but my friends and I will beat them like a drum until the last of your kind is defeated. Double katana strike!" The megazord attacked with its swords and the Kraang robot lost one of its arms.

"Look what you did."

"If you think the cuts are bad, wait till you get the slashes." Antony turned the roulette wheel and stopped on the east kanji.

The megazord switched to East mode, but this time he pulled out the lobster claws.

"Claw Battle Zord East, claw pincher slash!"

The megazord attacked with its pincers, Subprime was between the ropes.

"No, I refuse to lose!" The rebel Ultron had his combat robot activate an invisibility module so that this one would go unnoticed.

"Oh no, you won't escape." Antonio pressed a few buttons on his Morpher until he created the kanji 烏賊. "Come on Octozord."

The octopus began to grow to a large size.

"Octo Ink Cloud!" The Octozord shot ink from its beak to make Subprime appear.

"Oh no."

The Octozord attacked Subprime with its tentacles, the octopus grabbed it by the head using two of its tentacles and with the other three it was beating it.

"Get off me!" Subprime whined.

The Octozord let go and Subprime fell to the ground.

"It's time for the grand finale." Antonio spun the roulette wheel once more. "Mega Blade activate!"The roulette stopped on the kanji 北, the Octozord's lower tentacles were placed on the Megazord's chest and the rest of the Octozord's body stood upright to take the shape of a spear.

"Claw Battlezord North, ready!"Antonio prepared to deliver the final blow. "Claw Battle Zord North, Electro Spear Charge!"

The Megazord charged at the Kraang Robot ramming the coup de grace.

"Eject!" Subprime pressed a button to escape the robot before it exploded.

"Fantastico!" Antonio celebrated as the enemy robot fell.

The ninjas, Rainbooms and samurai celebrated after the victory was won. Samurai Battlewing stood next to Claw Battle Zord.

"Samurai Rangers, victory is ours." Antonio said. "Now, what were you guys saying about the welcoming party?"

Subprime returned to the Netherworld upset after his defeat.

"Looks like someone's upset." Serrator joked.

"Why didn't you tell me there was a gold ranger?" Subprime asked.

"You never asked."

"Now that golden boy humiliated me."

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to make another plan?"

"Maybe, but until I know what to do I'll have to settle for following your plan."

"Sounds good to me, now while I finish planning my plan I'm going to call in another Nighlok to keep our enemies busy."

Author's Note:

Hi everyone, here is the new chapter, I was really anxious to publish this chapter, I've been very busy these last weeks at the university, the truth is that these have been very difficult days and the few moments I've had to advance the chapter make me feel less stressed, but don't worry, as far as I'm concerned I'm fine, I'll try to take advantage of this vacation time to relax and advance as much as I can with this fic and the other one.

You know that if you have ideas for the chapters of my fics you can send me a PM or you can go to my ideas forum and I will gladly read your ideas.

Nothing more to say, see you next time.