• Published 16th Aug 2022
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Spring Bringing with Pinkie Pie - Kassaz

Against all common sense, and maybe some uncommon sense, Pinkie Pie wants to help with wrapping up winter while pregnant, with predictable products of Pinkie Pie's playfulness popping up.

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Chapter 1

Winter was in the air, but that would stop today, if everypony could keep his or her schedule in order, anyway. It was Winter Wrap Up Day across Equestria, with countless ponies doing their part to remove the snow and icy cold, so that the warmth and blooming flowers could replace them. The majestic mountain city called Canterlot had finished its Winter Wrap Up in mere seconds, with each able unicorn channelling magic into a grand gestalt spell that melted the snow, and even evaporated it, while the Wonderbolts flew by to do away with the clouds. Then, Celestia’s sun could shine on the city its first day of spring heat, in more ways than one. It was quite a sight, especially to the other species; every bird, cat, dog, and donkey was always pleased to live in a world with such stewardship. It was also Winter Wrap Up Day far beneath the mountain, in Ponyville, where the cleaning had barely begun.

Two Earth ponies, one blue and one pink, walked through the snow-filled streets of the village, both carrying foals, the former carrying her twins on her back, and the pink latter carrying her singleton inside of her. They arrived at the town hall of the village, warm inside while filled with foals and the dams watching them; already, many remnants of winter had been cleaned from this area, leaving the older and more adventurous to glance at the snow on the edges from the windows, before it too would be gone. The blue mare gently twisted her neck to grab one foal and put him on the ground, followed by his twin. The pink pony could do no such thing with her foal, but took the opportunity to pull her poorly-fitting Winter Wrap Up vest closer to being worn properly; the combination of bloated barrel and horse blanket, or rather pony blanket, meant it fit poorly. It was a good thing she hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning; her Pinkie sense had told her she just wasn’t hungry, but she didn’t quite know what that meant.

“I’ll be ice-skating if you need me, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie Pie shouted over her back after deciding to make the rest of her trek alone. “Pinkie Pie, stop for just a moment.” Pinkie Pie did as Mrs. Cake asked, and turned her head a tad to look at her, wondering whatever it could be. “Pinkie, I didn’t say anything when you put your vest on, because I thought I wouldn’t need to, but you need to stay here. You can’t ice-skate while pregnant!”

Aghast, Pinkie’s head turned almost completely backwards, and the rest of her body shuffled as it followed the motion. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Well, she could, there wasn’t any occasion for being an insane pony during Winter Wrap Up, but still; she’d always helped cut the ice, ever since she’d started wrapping up winter in Ponyville, and told Mrs. Cake as much. “Oh Pinkie, I couldn’t wrap up like I normally do when I was burdened by the twins, and you know you’re not as flexible as you used to be.”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Cake, I can still hop, skip, and jump like I used to.” She said so, as she did so, but it came out as a lurch, shuffle, and bounce more than anything else. Then she left before Mrs. Cake could say much else.

Standing on the hill before a pond, she carefully inspected the arrangement of four ice-skating shoes; particularly, the pink pony pondered over their relative distances. Judging them fine, she bent her knees and cleanly jumped into three of them at once; the fourth went to her left foreleg, but had fallen over, leaving Pinkie Pie to harshly plant her face into the snow. She yanked her head out with a beard of snow clinging to her face, which she brushed off with a giggle. Then she adjusted the final shoe and tied the laces only present on the front two with her mouth. “That’s always easier when I can jump higher, but I usually don’t have this much pie in me before ice-skating.” Now she couldn’t stop giggling.

The ice-skating started so well. She tilted her body to slide onto the frozen pond, and would let momentum take her as far as it could before pushing further with two hooves at once. She almost did a trick with a jump, before remembering she shouldn’t; the pressure she felt in her hips had nothing to do with it, nothing at all. When she neared the edge of the pond, she started to make a turn, but found it much more difficult than she had remembered; she couldn’t move this leg that way, because her center of balance had changed, nor could she move that leg that way, because that other pony who was her bump got in her way; she tried to tilt herself and twist her leg as needed, but all it left her with was a leg cramp in a place she didn’t know she could get one. She sadly started skidding, slowing, stopping at the lip of the pond.

“Pinkie Pie!” It was Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle!” That was Pinkie Pie.

“What are you doing?!” She trotted down the hill to meet Pinkie Pie, all the while adjusting her neck to spy for any injuries she feared were there. “What’s it look like, silly filly? I’m doing the same thing I did last year.” Satisfied her friend hadn’t injured herself, she sighed and started, “Pinkie Pie, a mare in your condition should not be ice-skating. And furthermore”

“Blah, blah, blah. Mrs. Cake told me the same thing, but we’ll be fine.” She emphasized that with a glance to her middle. “I’ll just land on my face if I mess up, so nothing bad will happen.”

Pinkie Pie, prompted to prove she would be fine, set herself up to continue from the lip of the pond, and resumed skating across. She even showed Twilight she could still do tricks, by rearing during, and ignoring the pain produced in her pelvis from just that. Perhaps if she shifted her weight it would go away, or at least flutter on to some different pony part of hers. She lifted her right hindleg to quickly adjust her stance, and normally she would have had no issues with standing on just one leg, but she had never done this with such a weight in her belly beforehoof, although the time she had eaten an entire cake came close.

She quickly planted that hoof back down, and continued with her skating, perfectly comfortably; Twilight cheered. Rather, that’s what she wished had happened; instead, throwing her hindhoof out even just a little itty bitty bit threw off her balance in a large way, about as large as her gut, and before she had known what happened, she was skating backwards! She saw Twilight running around the pond in the periphery of her pony vision, but had no idea what she was doing until she knocked herself up into something soft, before falling into a snowbank.

To an outside observer it would have painted an odd picture, one of a pony with purple forelegs to go alongside pink hindlegs and pregnant paunch, poking out of the snowbank. Then, a purple head emerged, bringing with it one pink, and removing all doubt as to just what had been underneath the snow. “Thanks for breaking my fall, Twilight.” Twilight didn’t cheer. “You can be my honorary second face.” Twilight didn’t do anything, actually, but stare. “You helped me without using magic, just like your first year!” Still, Twilight did nothing. Pinkie Pie worried she’d given Twilight brain damage. She wasn’t heavier than the piano that had fallen on Twilight, right? Being a little heavily pregnant didn’t add on all that much weight, right? Right?

Post panicked pink pregnant pony pondering, Twilight vanquished that unease that had lasted all of a few seconds as if by magic, but really just by shaking her head and putting on a scowl. After gently levitating Pinkie Pie from sitting on her to standing on the ground, Twilight rotated herself in the snow and stood for herself; she started to magick the snow out of her coat and mane, but Pinkie objected to that. “You don’t need magic to do that, watch.” and she violently shook her body, with all four hooves kept on the ground; her head and shoulders were but a pink blur, moving much more quickly than her tail and rear, which could only be shaken about as quickly as any other pony would be able, and the reason was clear, with her burdened middle rocking side-to-side out of sync with the rest of her. Twilight would’ve worried for her spine, if she didn’t already know it could bend that way. In moments, Pinkie was finished, and Twilight gently nudged her with magic to prevent her from losing her balance due to the only part of her still moving.

Twilight thought in the moment that she looked like a toy, or a pendulum. “Pinkie Pie, you can’t continue ice-skating. You’ll hurt yourself, or worse.” Pinkie stuck her tongue out at Twilight. “You’re not the boss of me.” This back-and-forth continued for several iterations. While twilight knew in her heart of hearts, and in the breast of her tri-colour sweater vest, that Pinkie Pie was right, she also knew from the same that she needed to stop her. “Pinkie Pie, you must continue ice-skating. I forbid you from doing anything else.” Pinkie stuck her tongue out again, but this time couldn’t hide a grin mixed in with the gesture. “You’re not the boss of me.” Twilight shook her head in exaggerated chiding. “Pinkie Pie, you mustn’t help wrap up winter in some other way.” Pinkie didn’t stick her tongue out this time, but only because it was getting cold by that point. “I’ll show you; just watch me!” She tried to jump out of her ice-skating shoes, but she couldn’t jump so high and so carefully and, furthermore, they were still tied. She shook the back two off one-by-one, left from right, and untied the front two, biting and yanking the first shoelace, and loosening the second knot by shoving her tongue into it. Then she made her way up the hill and back towards the village.

Twilight didn’t expect her to turn around at the top of the hill and tell her before leaving, “At least you made it fun, Twilight. See ya!” Relieved she needn’t worry about her friend any longer, Twilight tried to recall what she’d been doing beforehoof. She did wonder if Pinkie Pie would find something else to do, but wasn’t too concerned about it affecting the schedule. How much trouble could one pony get into during Winter Wrap Up after all? Then Twilight recalled her first year in Ponyville. Perhaps she could let the other ponies know while she went about her organizing.

It was no matter that she couldn’t—shouldn’t—ice-skate. Pinkie Pie would help Rarity with the nestmaking. Her attempt to sneak up on the stylish pony didn’t work, because Rarity saw her coming. “Why hello, Pinkie Pie, darling. What brings you here?” Well, first she decided to leave the rock farm, and Ponyville happened to have its own train station, and she jived with the ponies here so well and then Rarity told her she didn’t mean it that way, so she told the story about her ice-skating. “W-Well, I’m certain Twilight is very proud of her “honorary face” designation, but I digress. Would you like to help build a nest?” Of course.

Pinkie Pie had never helped with the nestmaking before, so for a few minutes she simply rested her chin and soon her cheek on the table as she observed Rarity making hers with her usual flair. After a few minutes, Pinkie Pie was confident she could make her nest, although she’d leave any bow-tying to Rarity. She took some sticks and straw into her mouth, but they tasted horrible, so she spit them out and mused on alternative methods. She reared entirely too much, stepped forwards, and slammed her front hooves on the table; everything bounced: her hair, her butt, her belly, the materials, and Rarity. With a glare from the rare mare and a smile from the other, they continued. She found it quite easy to combine the sticks with the more pliable ingredients using her hooves; it was similar to playing with dough, except she wasn’t going to stamp her hoof’s shape into it for baking cookies later. Still, she could curve it with her hooves, and she was getting the necessary thickness, she thought, but something was wrong. She needed a different view, but she wouldn’t be able to get it alone, and her lack of extreme mobility again bothered her, for just a moment. “Hey Rarity, would you lift me onto the table so I can get a better angle at it?”

By a roll of her eyes and the light of her horn, Rarity’s magical glow sought for a good place to pluck the pink, pretty pregnant pony: She wasn’t nearly stable enough for lifting by both hocks; cupping between her swell and hindlegs only accomplished fondling her teats and making her giggle, which Rarity was going to try to forget later; this left her puffy and haphazard tail, and so the magical telekinesis grasped that and began to lift her rear end. Rarity discretely checked no lucky stallion would see anything before bringing Pinkie to the apogee of her lift, bringing her attention back to her nest, and then pushing her towards the table only to hear an “Oof, I think you need to raise me a little higher, Rares.”

She looked back to see Pinkie Pie’s forebody resting on and above the table as it had been beforehoof, with her tail and rear nearly above that, bending her spine like the curve of a horseshoe, and hanging below those was her pregnant gut in the way. Lifting higher straightened her spine and let her walk onto the table with her forehooves until the rest of her was clear of the edge and could be set down. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie wasn’t heavy enough to tilt the table, or fall through it.

Now Pinkie could continue with her nest, arranging the materials with all four hooves instead of only two. She found herself spinning in circles as she continually inspected the perimeter for flaws, and even used her tail as a brush to remove particularly loose ingredients. It was looking like a good nest so far, sturdy, warm, reliable, and quite comfy; with just a few more adjustments, some made by borrowing Rarity’s hoof to hold something in place for a moment, it was finished.

Rarity took a gander at the lone nest Pinkie Pie had spent the entire time building, and the nest was obviously too large even for a goose and her gander. The nest was the perfect size for a particular pregnant pony, however. Rarity gently asked her, “Pinkie Pie, are you part-pegasi, perchance?”

“You know, Rarity,” she said as she contorted herself more closely above her nest before plopping her rump down in it for a snug fit, “I used to ask my parents that, but they always told me it was a surprise!”

“Thank you for your help, Pinkie Pie. I think I can make the remaining nests. I’m certain your,” she stole another glance at the giant nest, housing Pinkie Pie’s pregnant protrusion like an egg, and cleared her throat. “I’m certain your nest will make a wonderful home for somepo—some birds. Now then, I can think of a certain pegasus who could use your help.” She bit her tongue. She hadn’t intended to toss Pinkie Pie on Fluttershy, but the nest had made her mind wander.

“I have to agree Rarity! I have to agree! See ya later!” Having spoken so, Pinkie Pie lept off the table, and was quickly grabbed and gently lowered to the ground by the blue aura of her friend, who hadn’t appreciated that. While unable to jump with all four legs for quite a few months, she’d still managed to jump clear from the table with just her hindlegs, not that this would matter much if she just landed on her face all the same, or worse. Rarity slowly exhaled, “Darling, you have got to be more careful than that.”

“Gee, first I can’t jump down the staircase anymore, second I can’t ice skate, and now I shouldn’t even bounce around a little? Being pregnant is hard!”

The dark clouds being cleared out of the sky broke into many fragments, some forming new and smaller clouds before settling into their new positions away from the great mass being broken up. While they looked very comfortable, Rainbow Dash knew she didn’t have time for a nap this noon; she could wait to get a warm, fresh spring cloud. As she flapped her wings to move ever upwards, but truly to hover in the same place while she thought, something grabbed her flank. “Alright, who frisked the Dash?” It was a balloon what frisked the Dash, and on it were the words “pop me”, and when she did inside it was the voice of Pinkie Pie yelling “Rainbow Dash, below you!”

She descended to hover above her fecund, flightless friend. “Hey Pinkie Pie, what’s up?” She grinned upon hearing she was what’s up, and then uncomfortably kept that grin in place upon hearing that Pinkie Pie wanted to help her migrate the birds. “Uh thanks, but I don’t think you’d be much help, Pinkie.”

“And why not?” She stamped her hoof in the snow with a jiggle. “I don’t need wings to fly. I can go get my ponycopter right now!” Rainbow Dash now hovered directly over her friend, and put a hoof on each side of her swell, gently pushing it back and forth as she retorted, “Sorry, I don’t think you’d fit in that anymore. Just what are you feeding him?” Pinkie Pie frowned at Rainbow Dash’s growing and barely-contained laughter; the pegasus was no longer even pretending to take her seriously. “Hmmph, he only eats what I eat, and if I were too big—I’m not—I could just get a hot-air balloon to ride instead.” Rainbow Dash was beginning to choke.

Before her face turned a darker shade of blue, Rainbow Dash made to fly away and laugh herself silly, but Pinkie bit down on her tail as it passed by her; upon noticing the tug, Rainbow looked back to see Pinkie being dragged along, with only her hindhooves still on the ground. “Pinkie Pie, you can’t help with the southern birds. Now let go of me!” Rainbow couldn’t quite hear what Pinkie Pie said around a mouthful of tail, but understood it as a no. “You’re too heavy.” Rainbow Dash was still flying low when Pinkie Pie retorted “Am not!”, losing her grip, and she had to fly around to grab under her legpits so Pinkie wouldn’t wind up hurting herself.

“You’re telling me you’re not too heavy?” Rainbow retorted. “What, you’re not strong enough?” Pinkie Pie pontificated. Rainbow Dash had resumed gliding near the ground, making a trail with Pinkie’s hindhooves, and they argued back-and-forth while they passed between the trees. Rainbow stopped and dropped her on her hooves when they’d reached an open area. The nearby ponies were pushing plows and planting seeds. Applejack was difficult to notice amongst the farmwork, but Pinkie Pie spotted her. “Oh, you think I could help Applejack instead, Rainbow? Rainbow?”

Pinkie Pie looked left and right, up and down, round and round, behind her back and between her legs, and then stopped because she was dizzy; there was no sight of Rainbow Dash. This was one prank Pinkie Pie didn’t appreciate. Still, she slowly shuffled her way towards a spare plow, finding it hard to walk with so much snow bunched up on the edges of the field; she normally would’ve been able to step clear of it, preferably by hopping, but instead she found her paunch plowing the snow before her, and had to shove it out of her way once as it got progressively taller. Even with her blanket and vest on, she was shivering a little by the time she’d made it out of the deep snow. By this time, other ponies had noticed, and Applejack was trotting her way. “H-Hey A-Applejack, I’m here t-to help with”

“Naw.” Applejack’s voice was flat and unamused. “B-But Applejack, once I warm up a little I’ll”

“Naw.” Applejack’s bored expression betrayed no opportunity for argument. “B-But I wanted to help plant the new seeds!”

“Now you jus’ tend to them seeds you already planted and skidaddle on outta here.” Applejack’s voice and expression had finally changed, but only reassured Pinkie Pie of how she wouldn’t be able to argue with her. Perhaps she really had just been getting in everypony’s way all day. Her head drooped when she turned around to leave.

“No, wait, come with me.”

“Thanks for the hot cocoa, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie was lying on a couch, lightly kicking her hindlegs in pleasure while she drank her drink, feeling her extremities a little bit better than beforehoof. “After this, can I push one of the plows?”

“Pinkie Pie, I’ll level with ya, you’d only get in the way out here.” Pinkie’s ears pinned themselves. “I just want to help.” She could still enjoy her hot cocoa, but not quite as much as before. “Listen sugarcube, sometimes a mare can help most by just standing aside. Just go back to the town hall with the other expecting mares and help watch over the foals. Nopony will think less of ya for it.”

“Fine,” Pinkie paused as she stood up, “I’ll go help Fluttershy then!” She downed her cocoa and left.

“Why, Pinkie Pie’s ’bout as stubborn as any mule I ever met.” When she realized what she’d said, she glanced around for a family member to tease her about it. Applejack of all ponies calling somepony else stubborn; what a hoot! However, Big McIntosh was pushing a plow, Apple Bloom was with her friends, and Granny Smith was napping in her chair. The only pony teasing her was herself, and her reflection in the ice. What an odd thing to want.

Fluttershy hummed with a smile on her face as she gently laid bebelled rope across the animal habitat. Waking the sleeping animals was so fun, and so cute. She slowly threaded herself over caves, and through trees, leaving segments of the rope on tree limbs, over cave entrances, in Pinkie Pie’s hooves, suspended over the ground, and then rubbing her eyes to make certain she wasn’t simply seeing a pink bush. It was plump, fuzzy, and planted on the ground, but it was no shrub; it was Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy started to mumble out a greeting, slowly descending until her hooves touched the earth and her wings were tighly clasped.

“What Fluttershy? I can’t hear you!” She started to sit up, for walking over, to find that she was having an awful lot of issues doing that. She leaned forward and strained, but her tired hindlegs weren’t able to lift her, and the second attempt only tired them further, nor was she at a good angle to use her forelegs for such. Fluttershy watched the straining, pregnant pony for a few moments, while kicking at the dirt, and wondering why Pinkie wasn’t just lying back and rolling over; Pinkie loved doing just that. She’d probably forgotten she could. Fluttershy decided to be a good friend, and walked behind her to help push her up.

Pinkie Pie sighed when she was finally standing on all four hooves again, and didn’t seem to react to her barrel shifting from tight as a bug would be snug in a rug to pouring back out from her sides with a kick. For a moment, Fluttershy thought it was a contraction, but discretely looking showed her no such thing. Oh, she hadn’t been listening to Pinkie Pie at all; she should probably just nod her head. “Alright then, Fluttershy, I’ll go help around then, and thanks for listening.”

Pinkie Pie didn’t think hanging bells to ring in unison was actually any more efficient than doing it separately, especially when somepony figures in the cost of bebelling the rope. Surely it would be more efficient to wake up the monkeys first, and have them swing over the burrows and through the trees while screaming; although, while she gave a full-faced smile at the thought, she realized Fluttershy wouldn’t like that at all, and could easily picture her curled up on the ground surrounded by screaming monkeys, and probably upset animals. Oh well, she didn’t even know where the monkeys were, or if they hibernated. Instead, she would help by waking up the animals in the caves further away, which hadn’t yet had any rope placed near their entrances.

The cave before her was dark, deep, and deathly silent. She nodded her head up and down to ring her bell, but then realized she’d forgotten to get one from Fluttershy. She yelled a hello and heard it echo back at her repeatedly, and echoes were always funny, so long as they said the same thing, anyway. There was no response. Without fear, she stepped into the cave; it wasn’t very deep, just large, so she could still see the hulking form snoring before her.

Once Fluttershy was finished with waking the nearby animals using but a few rope pulls, she sought Pinkie Pie in the crowd of animals, but she wasn’t among them. Taking to the sky just a little, Fluttershy didn’t see Pinkie at all, and this made her suspicious. There weren’t too many places for her to be checking that she would still be busy with them. With a sigh, Fluttershy checked each burrow and cave, but didn’t find Pinkie until the third. Harry the bear always did want to sleep in longer than the other animals, and using a plush, plump, pregnant pony like a stuffed animal sleeping aid probably helped. He was lying on his side, with Pinkie Pie under his foreleg, using it like a blanket. Fluttershy gently prodded Pinkie Pie, only to have her hoof swatted away. She hated confrontation, and so left to get a bell and harshly ring it outside of the cave’s entrance. Within a minute, Harry walked out holding Pinkie Pie close to him underneath his leg, and he set her down before he wandered off.

Pinkie Pie yawned. Pinkie Pie remembered what she was supposed to have been doing. Pinkie Pie felt bad, so bad she didn’t realize Fluttershy had said anything at first. What? Did she have anything to say for herself? She thought about it.

“Do you think I should tell my husband I slept with a bear?”

After that, she gave up and went towards town hall. For some reason, she found herself walking in circles on the way over; one of her Pinkie senses, a strange feeling in her tail, told her to go in just the opposite direction, away from everypony else, but she ignored it. Then she was hit by a distinctly more familiar Pinkie sense. She needed to piss like a race horse, despite not having been in any races recently. She was in the perfect place, a meadow with a few trees, still covered in snow. Pinkie thought it a shame, that her baby impaired her slinking, not that anypony were looking, was her thinking. She glanced around just to check, before lifting her tail and doing the deed. She looked back at it, to kick some snow over the sizzling hole, to a horrifying realization. “Aww, I forgot to spell my name.”

Once she reached town hall, she thought about what she’d accomplished before entering. The ice-skating was going just fine, without her; more of the hibernating animals were being awoken just fine, without her; and the pegasi were leading the birds just fine without her, but this last detail didn’t really bother her as much. She closed the door behind her, but walked over to a window to sit down and continue glancing at the Winter Wrap Up of which she was no longer a part.

She looked to where the nest she’d made had been set in a tree, and it was actually being used, but the beginnings of her smile became the beginnings of a frown when she noticed it was being used by a pony, and Derpy probably just didn’t realize it was for the birds, because of its pony size. She hadn’t helped bring spring at all. There was no longer a Pinkie Pie present, just Mopey Pie and son. She started to lie flat on her barrel, but her maternity kept her propped up and this only agitated her brood; she still had it within her to glance and make sure no foal were in the way, before shifting her hips to fall on her right side with a long sigh. Once her middle finished shifting into place, the only movements she made were gentle breathing and the occasional blinking.

The foals closest to her spotted an adult on whom they could scale, and then she had foals on her legs, chewing on her hair, and using her foal as a pillow. It was an odd sight to see any pony covered in foals and not at least grinning, and unheard of to happen to Pinkie Pie. Normally, she wouldn’t be able to help but laugh with even one foal giving her undivided attention, but all she did was continue to ignore the several doing it now. The other mares in the room were preoccupied with tending to the other foals, so Pinkie had lain there in silence for quite a short while.

Eventually, the door opened; it was Pinkie’s husband, coming to check on her, and he trotted to her side, avoiding the foals, when he saw her in such a sorry state. She looked at him, but not much else. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? What happened?” Her breath was uneven when she sputtered, “I wasn’t able to help wrap up winter at all, and it hu-hu-hurts!”

“Oh sweetheart,” he sat down next to her and put a loving touch to her side, “you don’t need to help wrap up winter, especially when,” he’d been taking in her sight, when he noticed an extra pair of hooves, “when you’re in labour!” That got everypony’s attention quickly. “Honey, did you really not notice you were having our foal?”

Pinkie thought for a moment, before giving a long and drawn out expression of astonishment. “Oh, that’s what that Pinkie sense means.”

Pinkie hadn’t read the books on damhood Twilight had loaned to her. They didn’t have nearly enough pictures, and what they did have were usually gross, but not in a funny way. Well, now she was living out those illustrations, and they had omitted a lot of gross details.

Another contraction ended and another thought began: She probably wasn’t going to use the phrase “foal hole” ever again, now that it was actually being used for that; she figured the phrase would just leave her feeling sore in the future. She grimaced at the thought, and then the next contraction.

Pinkie Pie hadn’t helped bring about spring at all, but none of that mattered to her anymore. Before her stood her new foal, standing on four healthy, shaking legs. Pinkie Pie enjoyed curling her front lips upwards for making funny faces, but this time the Flehmen response was used to properly take in the scent of her new foal and, well, there’s a reason ponies don’t pass their new foals around for others to smell. She resisted the temptation to spin her newborn foal to then lick him more effectively, and did it the old-fashioned way, one lick at a time.

Despite the worry she’d given him all day, nothing could keep her husband from smiling. “So, Pinkie, it’s such a good thing you weren’t ice-skating, like Mrs. Cake told me about, right? I’d tried to find you, but you kept bouncing around all over Ponyville all day. Do you think you maybe learned something from all of this?”

“Yep. The real way to bring spring was inside me all along.”

Copyright 2022 Kassaz
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this document is permitted.

Comments ( 5 )

Exotic Butters.

Standing on the hill before a pond, she carefully inspected the arrangement of four ice-skating shoes; particularly, the pink pony pondered over their relative distances. Judging them fine, she bent her knees and cleanly jumped into three of them at once; the fourth went to her left foreleg, but had fallen over, leaving Pinkie Pie to harshly plant her face into the snow. She yanked her head out with a beard of snow clinging to her face, which she brushed off with a giggle. Then she adjusted the final shoe and tied the laces only present on the front two with her mouth. “That’s always easier when I can jump higher, but I usually don’t have this much pie in me before ice-skating.” Now she couldn’t stop giggling.


Rarity took a gander at the lone nest Pinkie Pie had spent the entire time building, and the nest was obviously too large even for a goose and her gander. The nest was the perfect size for a particular pregnant pony, however. Rarity gently asked her, “Pinkie Pie, are you part-pegasi, perchance?”

That's five; not bad, Rares.:yay:

“Why, Pinkie Pie’s ’bout as stubborn as any mule I ever met.” When she realized what she’d said, she glanced around for a family member to tease her about it. Applejack of all ponies calling somepony else stubborn; what a hoot!

Aside: "Uh, no offense."
"None taken."

In that case, I will do the honours.
"Hello, kettle. News flash: you're BOTH black!"

“Yep. The real way to bring spring was inside me all along.”

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