• Published 26th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 1 - BronySonicFan

The Mane 5 try to solve the magical problems of the new earth pony magic, while Sonic starts to face shadows from his past as he, Tails and Knuckles try to find their way back home.

  • ...

2. Izzy Does It

Author's Note:


Must Read Sonic x Tell Your Tale from 11 to 28 to understand some references from Chapters 2 to 9.

In the magical land of Equestria, all ponykind are having a peaceful morning, going on their daily lives, hanging out with their friends.

Kenneth was flying around Maretime Bay, and he ended up landing on a pile of many things in front of the Crystal Brighthouse. That pile was being made by Izzy, who's Cutie Mark was shining bright and she was wearing round glasses and muttering to herself while kept putting stuff on the pile.

"And a little more of this, and less of that, and this piece makes no sense, unless it's upside down!" Izzy sang, while she levitated a spatula and turn it upside down, then putted on the pile again. "Now we're cooking!" she exclaimed and laughed, then she jumped over the top of the pile and levitated some things with her magic.

Zipp arrived and flew around Izzy and the pile with her phone on her hoof, looking at Izzy's work a little confused. "Hmm..." she muttered to herself.

Hitch and Knuckles also arrived, with Hitch having his baby dragon on his back, while the three looked at Izzy's pile confused. Zipp landed on Hitch's side, while Kenneth said something to Hitch.

"Good question, Kenneth" Hitch replied. "Hey, Zipp, so you know what's Izzy doing up there?" he asked to the pegasus.

"Not. A. Clue" Zipp replied with confusion.

"I've helped her with some of her Unicycling stuff, but not even I know what's she doing..." Knuckles confessed, crossing his arms.

The dragon got down from Hitch's back and ran towards the pile to climb it up.

"Hitch, uh, what's your dragon doing?" Zipp asked him.

"This is going to be the best birthday present for a friend I've ever made because I finally have a friend and it's her birthday!" Izzy said, sitting on the top of the pile.

Zipp decided to flew over Izzy and record her with her phone. However, what she was recording was Izzy's Cutie Mark, that was shining bright as she kept working on her pile.

And then, Izzy noticed Zipp flying over her. "Hi Zipp!" she greeted the pegasus, but then the pile tilted a little, and at the bottom of the pile, the baby dragon pulled out a ball of yarn. And with that removed, the entire pile fell down and Izzy started to fall as well.

"No!" Hitch shouted, and his Cutie Mark started to glow as well.

"Izzy!" Knuckles shouted too, and he immediately ran to catch her. He jumped in the air and glided, then he grabbed Izzy in bridal style and landed in front of the Brighthouse.

However, Hitch's hooves also glowed in green and pushed him a little. He ended up crashing against Knuckles and Izzy, which caused the three of them to be one over the other.

Zipp sighed in relief, and then looked at Hitch's Cutie Mark. "More glowing Cutie Marks. And random earth pony plant magic" she said, while she recorded everything. "Also, somepony's going to have to clean this up" she pointed out.

"Don't worry Izzy, you're safe now" Hitch told her with a smile.

"I know" Izzy replied with a smile. "I was just screaming 'No' because I lost my crafting glasses" she said, then jumped off of Hitch and Knuckles and looked around for them. But the glasses ended up falling on her face, and she smiled at this. "Double yes!" she said with a cheery smile.

"I wish I could figure out earth pony magic" Hitch said with frustration. "I don't like how crazy it is" he added.

Hitch tried to got up, but then his baby dragon jumped over him, holding the ball of yarn from before, and Hitch fell again on Knuckles.

"And I wish you got off me" Knuckles said, laying on the ground with Hitch over him.

"Oh, right" Hitch said with a chuckle and stood up to give Knuckles some space. "Sorry for that, Knux" he apologized.

"Eh, no biggie" Knuckles said as he got up and cleaned some dust of his body. "But please control the little one, pal" he requested.

And then Izzy sighed with sadness. "But not triple yes" she said with a sad look. "I didn't get to finish my amazing birthday tower of friendship for Sunny!" she added, and then kicked the pile a little. This caused the pile to tilt again, and it dropped a bracelet on Izzy's horn. She looked at the bracelet and smiled brightly. "Accidentally awesome! It's perfect!" she said, and then gasped when she saw Sunny coming out of the Brighthouse with a tired expression.

"Did anypony heard that?" Sunny asked her friends. "It shook the whole Crystal Brighthouse!" she added, still looking tired for some reason.

"Happy birthday, friend!" Izzy greeted Sunny with a smile, still with the bracelet on her horn. "And happy first-time-saying-happy-birthday-friend to me!" she added. "I made you a present!" she said, and then levitated the bracelet from her horn and gave it to Sunny.

"Aww, Izzy!" Sunny said with a smile, looking at the bracelet with joy. Then she putted the bracelet on her mane, while Izzy looked on with a smile. "This is the most amazing birthday present ever!" Sunny said, and then she hugged Izzy as a way to thank her. "I need to show it off!" she added, and then gasped as she got an idea. "Wanna go to the Maretime Bay Craft Fair?" she asked Izzy.

"With my friend on her birthday?!" Izzy said with a joyful smile. "Of course I want to go to that!" she said with a little hop.

Then, a paint can passed running in front of Sunny and Izzy, with Hitch chasing it around until the can tripped and revealed to be the baby dragon, still holding the yarn ball for some reason.

"Alright, you two have fun" Hitch said, once he stopped in front of the baby dragon. "Sparky, Knux and I will clean up all... this" he pointed out to all the mess around. The dragon, Sparky, then sat down with sadness, since he didn't wanted to clean up.

"It's okay little buddy" Knuckles told Sparky with a smile, then he grabbed him and putted on his head. "Once we're done cleaning up, I'll play around with ya" he assured, which made the baby dragon to giggle and smile.

Sunny and Izzy left giggling as well, while Zipp came closer to Hitch, Sparky and Knuckles with her phone. "One case solved: Hitch and Knuckles are going to clean all this up" she said with a confident smirk.

"Zipp will help too" Hitch said suddenly with a smile.

"Right, Zipp?" Knuckles asked with a mocking tone and a smirk as well.

Zipp rolled her eyes and landed. "Okay, fine" she said with annoyance. "Note to Zipp: Leave and then take notes" she told herself and recorded on her phone before putting it away.

Then, Knuckles looked on confused. "Hey, didn't we celebrated Sunny's birthday, like, three weeks ago?" he questioned.

"Yeah, well, since Sunny needs to work today, on her actual birthday, she wanted to celebrate it before" Hitch explained. "That's why me made her birthday party back then, but we're going to do a little party later today as well" he added with a smile.

"That... Actually, that kinda makes sense" Knuckles simply replied, since he didn't wanted to think to deep on it or else he was going to have a mental breakdown.

On the Brighthouse room, Tails was preparing a yellow machine for a test, with the machine being powered by Sonic. He was trying to reconnect Sonic's link with the Emeralds for them to fully work again, as well as testing if his powers could make the portal work at all.

"Um, Tails?" Sonic called out. "When you mentioned 'Quill power' for the phase two of the portal creation, I did not expected you to refer to this..." he said with a worried tone.

"I need to test if your new powers can power up the Emeralds. Now that they're shining again, maybe it would work this time" Tails replied. "And don't worry about what might happen to you. All you need to do is activate your electrical powers, and I'll do the rest" he assured with a smile.

"Please tell me that I won't blow up, even if it's a lie" Sonic begged.

"You won't blow up" Tails told him as he rolled his eyes. "And it isn't a lie, you are going to be okay" he reassured.

"If you say so..." Sonic said with worry, still not to confident on this plan.

"Alright, everything is ready. Now, just activate your powers and let me work my magic" Tails requested.

Sonic nodded, still unsure about this, but decided to help anyways. Sonic closes his eyes, and his body turned on blue while his electrical powers came to life. Tails pushed a green button that activated the machine, and since Sonic had multiple cables connected to his body, the electricity of his body was redirected to the Chaos Emeralds, that were resting over some pedestals were the other side of the cables connected to Sonic ended. Once the electricity reached the Chaos Emeralds they started to glow again and float a little bit in the air.

"Tails!" Sonic called out, still with his eyes closed, but also with a smile. "T-The connection... I-It's back!" he said with joy. "At least with this Emeralds, but still!" he said.

"Great!" Tails replied with a smile as well. "But now hold on, Sonic. I need to make sure that the power of just these two it's enough to activate the portal" he added, and then he pushes some levers and pressed a blue button, which made the Emeralds to twirl around Sonic.

After twirl for a few seconds, the Emeralds got together and started to open a small blue portal. It wasn't anything big, but it showed something from the other side. Tails could not see what it was since the light of the portal was too bright, so he putted on some googles he made and made zoom to the image at the other side of the portal. "Wow! That's Sunset Heights!" he cried out with surprise and joy.

"Really?!" Sonic asked as he opened his eyes.

Big mistake.

Since he wasn't focusing anymore, the portal immediately disappeared and the Emeralds starting spinning around him again... but this time, they entered his body. This confused both Sonic and Tails, but nothing prepared them for what came next: Sonic's body shone a little before turning on a pink tone, while his eyes became red and his quills lifted up a bit.

"What the–?!" Sonic exclaimed confused. "What's the meaning of this?!" he asked a little panicked, just for the Emeralds to come out of his body and land in the ground, still shining a bit, while Sonic landed on his back in the ground with a thud and a growl.

Tails decided to turn off the machine by pressing a red button, took of his googles and then ran towards Sonic to help him get up. "Are you okay?" he asked, extending his hand to the hedgehog.

"Y-Yeah..." Sonic replied, taking Tails' hand and getting up. "That was... totally strange... It felt like my body had the power of the Emeralds, but it was different then the other times..." he explained, shaking his head a little since he was feeling dizzy.

"What I found weird is that the Emeralds even got into you" Tails said. "We only have four of them, Eggman has two and we don't even know where's the last one..." he pointed out, then putted a finger on his chin. "Maybe these Emeralds have recovered after your little boost... how's your connection with them right now?" he asked.

Sonic closed his eyes again and focused only on the Chaos Emeralds energy, and surprisingly for him, the connection was still there. "It's totally back" he said, opening his eyes again. "At least for the Emeralds we have, the rest are still dead for the moment. But hey! It's a big progress!" he pointed out with a smile.

"Yeah... but still, I need some questions to answer... like why they stopped working in the first place? Why did they only shone when that crystal was broke on them? Why they didn't worked out before Knuckles and I came here? Nor when you and him used Chaos Control?" Tails kept questioning. "And most importantly: where does this new powers of yours came from?! Did you born with them but you never knew, or did they just appeared here in Equestria?" he kept saying.

"Tails!" Sonic called out to him, while Tails finally stopped asking around and deep breathed. "Chill, man" he told him with a smile. "Look, I also have questions of my own. There's a lot we don't understand of this world, like how their magic works, or how it affects the Chaos Emeralds. But I know that we would find out the answers we are seeking, we just have to be patient" he added.

"Says the guy who cannot wait around for more than 10 seconds" Tails said with a playful smirk.

"Oh, shut it!" Sonic said with a smile, punching Tails softly on his shoulder. "I'm trying to be a wise brother here!" he added with a little chuckle. "But seriously, we'll get to the bottom of this, we just have to wait" he finished with a smile.

"Right... but I do want to research more... can you give me one of your quills?" Tails asked with a nervous smile.

"Um, sure..." Sonic said, as he took one of his quills out and gave it to Tails. "But why, tho?" he questioned with confusion.

"I have some theories on your powers, and I feel like this quill can help me to test them out!" Tails explained with a determinate look. He then moved to his desk and putted the quill on some kind of little capsule, and his computer started to analyze the quill automatically.

"Well, if you need me, I will be on town with Pipp for a Craft Fair or something. See ya later!" Sonic said with a smile, then boosted out of the room.

"Um, actually, I was wondering if you could..." Tails tried to request, but Sonic already left when he turned around. Then he looked at the machine made a mess again and the Emeralds still on the ground. He then sighed in disappointment and his ears fell. "... Okay then... bye, I guess..." he said with sadness.

While they walked towards Maretime Bay, Sunny and Izzy also talked to each other along the way.

"Thank you again, Izzy" Sunny thanked her unicorn friend. "I love this custom mane-cessory so much" she said with a smile.

"And I didn't even know that's what it was!" Izzy said with a smile as well. "How awesome is that?" she asked.

"Better than awesome. It's Izzy-tastic!" Sunny joked.

Both mares started to laugh at the joke, while Izzy's Cutie Mark kept shining. But none of them noticed a unicorn mare coming out of the bushes. She had a light blue fur with some pink parts around, a curly mane both purple and aquamarine, a blue and pink horn and - the most surprising of all - no Cutie Mark. She was staring at Sunny and Izzy with her binoculars, then she zoomed to see Izzy's Cutie Mark shining bright.

She pulled out some kind of magical mirror to talk with Opaline. "It's true!" the unicorn said to the alicorn. "Magic has returned to Equestria like you said!" she added.

"Excellent" Opaline replied. "Then we shall proceed with our plan" she added with an evil grin.

"Did I told you, or did I told you?!" Dr. Eggman said somewhere behind the alicorn.

"Not now, Doctor!" Opaline replied angrily.

The unicorn mare closed the mirror with a little frown and walked towards Maretime Bay with an evil grin as well.

In Maretime Bay, Sunny was at her smoothie stand, while Izzy was trotting around, looking at the crafts of the Fair with awe.

"Howdy, Sunny!" an old earth pony stallion greeted. "Got your smoothie parts ya ordered" he told her.

"Oh great!" Sunny replied with a smile. "Uh, just drop them in the bin" she told the earth pony, but then she heard som thuds outside the stand. She came out and found the fruits on a bigger size than usual. "Earth pony magic just keeps getting... bigger!" she said to herself, then chuckled a little since she found the joke funny.

Meanwhile, Izzy was still trotting around the Fair. "Wow, look at that!" she said, looking at some flowers. "Oh, and that!" she said again, looking at something else. But since she wasn't looking where she was going, she crashed onto Pipp. "Oh!" she said, but then realized who se ran into. "Pipp!" she said with a smile.

"Izzy!" Pipp greeted, smiling as well.

"You knew about the craft fair too?!" Izzy asked with surprise.

"It's the only place to be!" Pipp pointed out, as she looked back at her phone. "That's what I've been saying on my socials" she added, then turned her phone camera on and started to record the fair. "That's right, everypony! The Maretime Bay Mane Street craft fair is the only place to be for the hottest craftables, wearables and snackables!" she pointed out, recording all the stands of the fair, then she stopped once Izzy entered on her camera's vision. "Tell them, Izzy!" she said.

"Couldn't say it better myself, 'cause I don't remember what you said!" Izzy said with a cherry smile.

"And post!" Pipp said, finishing the recording and posting it on her social media.

And then, a blue ball rolled around the Fair, until it stopped in front of the two mares and straightened. It revealed himself to be Sonic, who cleaned up some dust from his body and then settled his quills. Pipp looked on with a blush, while Izzy just giggled at her friend's blush.

Once Sonic finished fixing his look, he looked at Pipp and Izzy, and smiled softly. "Aha! Just the pony I was looking for" he said, walking towards the two mares. "And of course, Izzy. I'm not surprised to find you here, to be honest. After all, the Craft Fair must be some kind of paradise to you" he said with a little wink.

"Yup!" Izzy replied with a smile. "I wanted to come and make Sunny some company on her birthday!" she added.

"On her birth–– You know what? I'm not even going to ask" Sonic said with a bored expression. "And sorry to get late, Little Pipp, but Tails was testing something with my powers and the Emeralds. You know how he gets when curiosity gets over him" he pointed out with a smile.

From the moment Sonic started to talk, Pipp was able to broke from her little fantasy world with Sonic and replied. "N-No problem, Big S!" Pipp said with a nervous chuckle. To make sure her blush gets away, she looked at Izzy and started to walk towards Sunny's smoothie stand. "S-So, Izzy. Are you here to shop, or browse, or––" she tried to ask Izzy, but then she stopped her and gasped dramatically. "Oh my hoofness!" she exclaimed, looking straight at Izzy's gift on Sunny's mane and getting out her phone to record it. "What is Sunny wearing?" she questioned with excitement.

"The birthday present I made her!" Izzy replied, stepping in front of the video. "It was a bracelet, but she put it on her mane. So it's that now" she whispered to the camera.

"It's everything!" Pipp sang. "I'm calling it: this mane-cessory is the trend of the day" she stated with a smile.

Sonic whistled, looking at Izzy's gift. "Nice job, Izz!" he complimented her. "Little Pipp's right: this is going viral for sure!" he added with a smile.

Pipp then turned the camera around so it could show herself. "Come on down to the craft fair and get one for yourself, Pippsqueaks!" she told her followers, and then turned the camera again to face Sunny, who putted a giant strawberry on the blender, and then fell backwards, getting one of the recipients with the straws on her head, as she got up and giggled.

"Look at all of these likes, guys!" Pipp told both Izzy and Sonic, showing them her phone were the video of Izzy's gift for Sunny went viral. "And look at that" she said, looking at all the new clients Sunny got thanks to Pipp's video. And of course, it meant that many of them wanted Izzy to give them something similar.

"When I said 'this is going viral', I didn't meant this..." Sonic said with a worried expression, while Izzy chuckled nervously and gulped, since she didn't think the video would get that viral.

Back in the Brighthouse, Hitch, Zipp and Knuckles finished cleaning up, since Sparky was too busy playing around.

"So you know how my hooves glowed when the ground moved and the I heroically saved Izzy?" Hitch asked to the other two, pushing a cart with some things inside the Brighthouse.

"I saved Izzy, Hitch. You just crashed into us" Knuckles corrected with a bored expression, pushing three carts thanks to his strength.

"Heroically" Zipp added sarcastically.

"Well, that's how I remember it" Hitch said with a smirk, being followed by Sparky. "You think that all this earth pony magic stuff is safe, right?" he questioned to Zipp.

"Of course!" Zipp assured with a smile. "You earth ponies can grow plants with your hooves! How could that be bad?" she pointed out.

"Yeah! And what's the worst that can happen?" Knuckles added with a smile. "Besides, some growing plants haven't kill anyone!" he pointed out as well.

"But I'm still investigating what else our powers can do..." Zipp added with a thoughtful face. The three grown ups got away from the closet to bring more stuff, and then Sparky got inside the closet and started to bring some things out. "I do know one thing's for sure: whenever anypony's 'sparkle' really starts to shine, their Cutie Mark glows!" Zipp added, showing Hitch and Knuckles some pictures of ponies' Cutie Marks glowing.

"But why?" Hitch asked, grabbing another box to put it on the closet.

"Still a mystery" Zipp replied, as she started to fly backwards and looking at her phone. "But I can't wait to figure it out!" she added with a smile.

"Wait a second, are you telling me that those tattoos on your butts shining isn't something normal?" Knuckles questioned, looking at Zipp genuinely confused.

"Um, no that I'm aware of... why?" Zipp asked back with a raised eyebrow.

Knuckles suddenly frowned and made his knuckles bump into each other. "Sonic, you big son of your owl mother!" he said with frustration. "Man, keeping the PG-13 rating is hard for me..." he muttered to himself.

"Knuckles, what are you talking about?" Hitch questioned.

"Sonic has been seeing your Cutie Marks glowing ever since he helped you to restore your magic!" Knuckles confessed. "He said it was normal when Tails and I finally noticed it, but if you have no idea why it does that, then––" he tried to explain further, but he got cut off.

"HE SAID WHAT?!" Zipp shouted to Knuckles. "Are you telling me that he KNEW this happened ever since we restored magic, BUT HE DIDN'T SAID ANYTHING?!" she shouted again with anger.

"Oh no, don't you dare to release your anger on me!" Knuckles warned her. "If anything, it's Sonic you should be mad with, he's the one who supposed that this was normal!" he pointed out.

"Guys, let's calm down here!" Hitch said, putting Knuckles and Zipp aside before they did something they would regret. "Let's focus on other things first" he begged. "Like: Zipp, can you figure out why everything we just put away isn't put away?" he questioned the pegasus.

Every sign of anger both Knuckles and Zipp felt left immediately when they noticed the empty closet. Zipp then turned around and putted a bored expression, then made both Hitch and Knuckles to look on a certain direction, and they all saw Sparky carrying all those things away.

Hitch gasped and looked at his baby dragon a little mad. "Sparky Sparkeroni! That's not helping!" he said with disapproval.

Zipp snorted a bit when she heard Sparky's full name. "Sparky... Sparkeroni?" she questioned with a smirk.

"Yup. Named him myself" Hitch replied with a pride smile. "Good, huh?" he questioned, while Zipp looked at him not convinced on his last name.

"I keep insisting that put him your last name is a better idea. He's your son!" Knuckles pointed out.

"I don't know, Knux. I thing it's better to gave something more original than just gave him and existent last name" Hitch tried to resonate.

"Actually... despite what happened a few moments ago, I have to be with Knuckles on this one" Zipp confessed. "You better give him your last name, sheriff" she said with a bored expression.

And then, Sparky started to cry out loud, which made Knuckles to growl on annoyance.

"This baby dragon needs a nap!" Hitch stated with a soft tone.

"Please!" Knuckles said on a begging tone.

"You guys wanna keep putting this stuff away while I tuck him in? Thanks" Hitch said, just to immediately walk towards Sparky, grab him and put him on his back. Sparky almost immediately fell sleep on Hitch's back, while the sheriff walked away from the Brighthouse.

"Seriously, man? Using your baby dragon as an excuse to stay away from work?" Knuckles said with annoyance.

"Ugh..." Zipp said annoyed as well, taking her phone out again. "Another mystery to solve: How do I always end up cleaning?" she questioned, looking around to the mess with annoyance.

"You think this is bad? I have to clean Sonic and Tails' mess back home! And I don't even live with them!" Knuckles complained.

Back at Mane Street, where the Craft Fair kept going, Sunny kept attending her stand, giving a smoothie to Toots while her Cutie Mark was shining.

"Here you go!" Sunny told toots, extending the smoothie to him.

Toots took the smoothie and slurped from it. "Your smoothies are the best!" he complimented her. "What's your secret?" he asked.

"Well, first I take a really big strawberry and then––" Sunny tried to explain, but she got cut off by Izzy, who poked her head a little from the lower part of the stand.

"Psst. Sunny!" Izzy called out, and then she suddenly dragged Sunny to the ground with her.

"Whoa!" Sunny said out in surprise. "Izzy! Why are you hiding?" she asked her friend.

But Izzy shushed her with a worried expression. "Pipp told everypony how great the gift I made for you is and now everypony wants one!" she explained in whispers with concern.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Sunny asked in whispers.

"No! I made that one for you. It was lightning in a glue bottle!" Izzy replied. "What if I can't make another one?" she questioned with worry.

"Aw, you don't have to be afraid to share your special talents with everypony!" Sunny pointed out with a smile.

"Right?" Pipp said, suddenly poking her head from the outside of the stand, while Sonic decided to poke his head as well. "We pegasi always say 'let your creativity fly'!" she sang the last part and then giggled. "Come on, I'll show you" she told Izzy, and then grabbed her to take her out of the stand.

"Whoa!" Izzy said with surprise.

"I'm gonna take my usual, Sunny" Sonic said with a wink.

Once Sunny gave Sonic his smoothie, he catch up with Pipp and Izzy, not knowing that they were being observed by Opaline's unicorn assistant from a bridge not so far from their location.

"Oh, you're over thinking it, Izz" Pipp told Izzy, as she flew by her side. "You don't have to make anything new, you just make the same thing, but better!" she added with confidence.

"Like... I just have to copy myself?" Izzy questioned with innocence.

"Basically" Sonic added, since he was with them too. "There's a lot of things I could gave an example, but I think Little Pipp can explain it better" he told Izzy.

"Mhmm. You just had to add a twist!" Pipp said, as she flew over a small stage and brought her phone out. "That's what I do with my songs. Like this one!" she told, while Izzy came closer to the stage, Sonic ended his smoothie quickly and dropped in the trash can so he could listen to Pipp as well. Also Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz got close to the stage as well to hear Pipp perform.

First thing's first, you gotta look for the spark
That bit of magic way deep down in your heart

You gotta follow your beat (beat, beat)
And then soon you will see (see, see)
You won't have that far to go
Until your song starts to grow
All you need is your beat (your beat, your beat)

All you need is your groove (groove)
Hey, come on!
To get them stomping their hooves (hooves)
And then the next thing you'll know
Imagination will flow
All you need is your beat
All you need is your beat (beat)
(All you need is your beat)
Ba-da-da, ba-da-da

After Pipp finished, the crowd applauded to her, and Sonic even whistled in excitement.

Meanwhile, Pipp was panting a little after her performance. "So? What do you think?" she asked as she moved her wings like arms. "Do you like the song?" she asked again.

"Pssh! Are you kidding?! It's exactly like the last one, but better!" Izzy replied with a cheery smile.

"Yeah. What can I say? I know my brand" Pipp replied with a smug.

"Sure do. You always manage to outdo yourself, Little Pipp" Sonic told her with a soft smile and a wink, while Pipp blushed a little and laughed nervously at the sign.

"And now I know what I have to do" Izzy said with a smile. "But I'm gonna need to go to the Crystal Brighthouse for supplies!" she added.

"Oh, I'll go too, I need to write a new hit!" Pipp said with a bright smile, flying over to the Brighthouse.

"I'll go as well. Gotta make sure Tails doesn't take the place down with his little projects" Sonic said, as he boosted to the Crystal Brighthouse as well.

Once in the Brighthouse, Izzy started to make a mess by taking things out of the closet that Zipp and Knuckles recently cleaned up.

"Need this" Izzy said, trowing some things behind. "Oh, gotta have this" she said while both Zipp and Knuckles looked at her in annoyance. "And this is extra-necessary!" she told herself, holding a boat and trowing it back.

"You have to be kidding me..." Knuckles muttered both to Zipp and himself.

"We literally just finished putting all of that in there" Zipp pointed out with annoyance.

"Has anypony seen my crafting glasses?!" Izzy asked with worry, not noticing that she had them on her forehead. Knuckles rolled his eyes and walked towards her, then putted the glasses over her face again. "Never mind! Got 'em! Thank you, Knuckles!" Izzy thanked the equidna.

"Yeah yeah, anytime kid, now can you move so we put everything on place again?" Knuckles said with a bored expression and his arms crossed.

"Sure!" Izzy replied with a cheery smile, moving aside from the closet so Zipp and Knuckles could clean up again. "Time to get to work!" she told herself. "Okay, okay, okay, okay. Now it's time to make something that's better than another thing" she said, levitating a yarn ball and analyzing it.

On the other hand, Sonic was looking on his phone to some pictures of Pipp since he wanted to surprise her with something, but still couldn't find what to do exactly. And then he looked at Zipp was in front glaring at him. "Hi, Zipp" he greeted with a smile.

"You knew about the Cutie Marks glowing this whole time?!" Zipp shouted at him.

"Uh... yeah? It's something that happens whenever you guys are really happy or doing unity stuff and things like that" Sonic explained, a little confused on why Zipp was mad at him. "But that's everything I know. Why? Did something related to Cutie Marks happened?" he questioned.

"No! But you knew this for months and didn't said anything! I though you said 'no more secrets'!" Zipp complained with a frown.

"What? A secret?! But I though you knew! I was sure it was something normal!" Sonic defended himself.

"Seriously?! You could have asked!" Zipp pointed out. "And even tho everything you know about them is everything I know about them, that doesn't skip the fact that you knew this for months!" she yelled at him.

"Ok, I admit that I screw it by assuming you knew, and I'm sorry. But If everything I know it's everything you know, why complaining in the first place?" Sonic pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Zipp tried to reply, but nothing came to her, so she just closed her mouth and sighed in defeat.

"Well, if you two finished fighting like 5 year olds, can someone help me clean up, please?" Knuckles requested to both Sonic and Zipp.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!!!" Tails voice was heard suddenly.

"I'm gonna check out on Tails" Sonic said quickly, and then ran upstairs.

"What?! No, wait! SONIC!" Zipp yelled out with a frown, and then growled in frustration.

Tails was still running some tests on Sonic's quill and the Chaos Emeralds, while Pipp was on her desk trying to get some inspiration to write a new song.

"Fascinating!" Tails muttered to himself. "These Chaos Emeralds have recovered at full thanks to my tests with Sonic's quill. But I still don't know where these powers came from, or how powerful they are considering he's like a walking battery now..." he added, rubbing his chin with curiosity. Then, his computer made a noise that called his attention. "Oh, the full results are up. Just in time! Now, let's see..." he told himself, as he read trough the analysis of Sonic's quill.

Meanwhile, Pipp was wearing headphones and singing to herself to find some inspiration and write a new song. "No, no" she told herself, then started to sing a tune again. "That is not it! Ugh!" she complained, then wrote down something on her notebook when suddenly her phone chimed. "Oh, oh, a message!" she said excited, grabbing her phone to check it out. "I guess I can take a teensy break" she told herself. "'When's your next new hit drop'? Ugh!" she read and complained, since that's what she's trying to do. "I'll respond to that later. What I need now is... am... a snack!" she said with a smile, then she threw her phone to her bed. "Then, make the new hit, then––" she tried to say, but...

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!!!" Tails voice shouted out, which startled Pipp a little. "B-But that's not possible! This is just a quill! It's just 0,0000004% of Sonic's body! If just a quill has this much power, then Sonic's basically invincible!" he stated with panic, not believing what the results said.

"Uh, Tails?" Pipp called out, walking towards him. "Are you okay?"

"Tails!" Sonic's voice was heard, and then he came quickly into the room. "I heard you shouting, are you okay? Did you got hurt? How many fingers I'm showing?" he kept asking, then showed Tails 4 fingers.

"Physically, I'm fine" Tails said, a little bit calmed before panicking again. "Mentally, I'm not so sure anymore!" he confessed. "The results of my analysis on your quill are here, and... YOU HAVE NO LIMITS!!!" he shouted in disbelief.

Both Sonic and Pipp looked at each other confused. "Um, Tails, elaborate please..." Sonic requested, while Pipp just nodded in agreement.

"You have unlimited power!" Tails finally revealed. "You're like a battery that never runs out of energy! I-I cannot find out how you got this powers or when yet, b-but if this thing is not lying, you're like the most powerful creature in the world right now! You're as powerful as an alicorn for this world!" he added with both shock and worry.

Now both Sonic and Pipp's jaws dropped. Sonic was having a hard time realizing that he was probably - emphasis on this word - more powerful than the Chaos Emeralds together, and that one of his quills didn't even had a quarter of his power.

"Someone gave me a chair or something because I'm about to..." Sonic tried to request, and just when he was falling backwards, Tails quickly moved a chair so Sonic could land on it. He started to breath heavily, while Pipp use one of her wings to gave him some wind so he could calm down, while she also putted a hoof over his hand to gave him some comfort. "I'm as powerful... as an alicorn... in this world..." he muttered to himself.

"Sorry to said it just like that, but... well... I had to..." Tails apologized.

"Don't" Sonic told Tails. "Don't apologize. I'm not mad, but this is... wow..." he said. Pipp rubbed her hoof over Sonic's hand, while Sonic opened his palm to accept her hoof and rubbed a bit as well.

"I, um, I think I'm gonna call it a day for now" Tails said, putting all his research stuff aside. "After this, I think I'm done looking for answers for now. I'm gonna take a bath" he added, then flew out of the room.

Pipp stayed with Sonic, and she decided to gave him a hug for more comfort. Sonic accepted the hug, returning it as well. "You know I'm here if you need to talk, Sonic" Pipp told him with a soft voice.

"I know, Pipp" Sonic replied. "And thank you" he added, braking the hug and smiling at her with a blush.

Pipp smiled back, blushing a bit as well, and she kissed his cheek softly. "Anytime" she said, and then flew out of the room as well, since she knew Sonic needed a little time alone.

Once she flew downstairs, she heard Izzy complaining. "Ugh. No, that's not it!" Izzy cried out.

Pipp flew closer and landed on Izzy's side. "What's up, Izzy?" she asked her with worry.

"Oof! I can't decide what to make!" Izzy complained, trowing a bush away with frustration.

"Ah. I know what's wrong" Pipp told Izzy. "You have creative block" she explained.

Izzy gasped, and looked at Pipp with fear. "Is it permanent?" she asked in panic.

"Well, lucky for you, I have the solution!" Pipp assured with a smile. "You just need to listen to your fans and do what they want" she explained.

"Okay, that's, that's brilliant!" Izzy complimented with a smile. "Did you come up with that when you had creative block?" she asked Pipp.

"Me?" Pipp asked, pointing at herself. "I've never had creative block" she confessed.

"Well if you ever do, then you should listen to yourself, because that totally helped" Izzy assured with a smile. "Now I just have to figure out how to bring all these supplies to the Craft Fair so I can find my inspiration from pony fans!" she said, holding two hoof fans that had a random pony face and Pipp's face respectively. "Because these... did... they didn't work" Izzy said a little disappointed, putting the fans aside and looking for something else. "Don't know why" she finished.

Pipp, however, grabbed the hoof fan that had her face on it, and made a bit of wind to herself. "Okay, what do I do?" she asked herself. "I'm so good at solving other ponies problems, but not my own..." she pointed out. "I should just listen to..." and then she remembered what Izzy just told her with a gasp. "Myself! That's it! I gotta go to the place that makes my heart sing to find my sound!" she told herself, then she flew away singing to herself, while Izzy looked at her a bit confused.

At Mane Melody, Pipp tried to made some vocals for her new song, but she kept singing off-key, which made both Jazz and Rocky to cringe a little.

"That was... almost it?" Jazz said with an awkward smile.

"You're sweet, but that was so not it" Pipp said on her microphone with panic.

"But you'll get there!" Jazz assured, now with a normal smile while Rocky nodded in agreement.

However, Pipp was panicking a lot on the stage, trotting back and fort and trying to come up with something. "Wait, wait!" she said suddenly. "What was that great advice Izzy gave me that I gave her?" she asked herself. "Oh yeah! Listen to what the fans want!" she said with a happy smile.

Pipp took her phone out to cheek on some suggestions. However, that wasn't helping either. "Oh! Make a new hit!" Peach Fizz said on a video.

"Like the old ones!" Glory said on another video, flapping her wings.

"But different and better!" Seashell said in the last video.

Pipp looked on with a bored expression. "That didn't help" she told to herself, putting her phone aside. "At least Izzy is having better luck" she finished, hoping Izzy was doing better than her.

Not true.

Izzy was having trouble as well, since she was not able to make something that the rest of the ponies liked. Knuckles decided to make her some company, since he didn't liked to see Izzy down.

"I am just not feeling it" Izzy said with frustration, playing with a yarn ball at her side.

"Hey, don't give up now, kid" Knuckles told her with a soft smile. "You just have to find something that makes your sparkle shine again" he assured.

"No, but it's not about me" Izzy said suddenly, with her enthusiasm returning. "Gotta make stuff to please everypony else!" she stated with determination, levitating some yarn balls in the process.

"Uh, I don't know Izz. I think you should take a break so your mind can come up with the ideas" Knuckles suggested, but Izzy wasn't listening at all. "Or just keep doing your thing..." he said with a bored expression.

Meanwhile, Sunny was giving a group of earth pony friends some smoothies. "Here's your berry cantaloupe, a tootie fruity and a jicama-pear-shake" she told the ponies, giving them their respective smoothies. "Do you like your smoothies?" she asked them with a smile.

"Big flavors!" one of the ponies said.

"Yummy fruit!" said another one with a smile.

"Delicious!" the last one stated.

"Tastes like magic!" said an old earth pony stallion behind.

And suddenly, Sunny saw Izzy levitation lots of stuff and Knuckles carrying some boxes, which made her felt curious on what were they doing. "Uh... Be right back!" she told the clients, and then got out of her smoothie stand to check on Izzy and Knuckles. But once she approached them, Izzy fell on her table with disappointment and sadness.

"Uh, do I look desperate?!" Izzy asked Sunny and Knuckles, as her face clearly showed that she was desperate since she gave an awkward smile and her left eye twitched.

"A little!" Sunny said with a nervous smile.

"Very" Knuckles said with a neutral tone.

"Good, because I am super desperate!" Izzy confessed. "And I have no idea what I'm doing! I mean, even my piles aren't towers anymore! Doesn't that say it all?" she finished with a sad face.

"Don't you see?" Sunny asked her. "Nopony does it like Izzy does it!" she stated.

"Yeah! You're the best on everything you do!" Knuckles added with a cheery smile.

"Making mess of thing?" Izzy asked innocently.

"No!" both Sunny and Knuckles told her.

"We mean that you can dream up such unique creations because of who you are" Sunny told her.

"Couldn't say it better myself!" Knuckles said with a smile. "The only one who can top Izzy's creations is Izzy herself. So cheer up, kid, you just have to find your inspiration!" he assured to her.

"Exactly!" Sunny said, agreeing with the Equidna. "Dig deep and just... go back to your roots!" she added with a smile.

And then, Izzy gasped excited. "Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!" she exclaimed. "Are you saying what I think you are saying?" she asked to both Sunny and Knuckles.

They looked at each other confused before reply. "Um... Yes. Yes, we are!" Sunny ended up saying.

"Sure thing, whatever you think it is..." Knuckles said with an awkward smile.

Izzy chuckled a little and then reunited Sunny and Knuckles for a hug. "Thanks, guys! You're the best!" she stated to both of them, and then looked at Sunny. "Also: Happy birthday, friend! Oh, that is so fun to say!" she added, before breaking the hug and walk away with her stuff.

"I'm gonna make sure she doesn't get in trouble" Knuckles told Sunny, before following Izzy. "See ya later, Sunny!" he waved her.

Meanwhile, Sunny returned to her stand to keep going with her work, not noticing that Opaline's assistant was near the stand and putted the magic mirror in front of her. With an evil grin, the unicorn mare left, hoping that Sunny would eventually realize what she has on her stand.

On Mane Melody, Pipp's fans where waiting for Pipp to release her new song, that wasn't even made yet.

"The Pippsqueaks are waiting!" Jazz said with panic to Rocky.

"But we can't rush her process!" Rocky pointed out.

"Ohh, how about a power ballad?! No, that'll never work!" Pipp told herself, still trying to find what to do with her new song.

And then, both Rocky and Jazz noticed her Cutie Mark stopped shining. "Oh no, oh no!" Jazz said with worry, as she and Rocky looked at each other worried.

Pipp starting to panic and sobbing as well. "I'm finally out of hits!" she said with sadness and her ears low.

Back in Opaline's Castle, Opaline herself was sitting on her throne, while Dr. Eggman was checking the camera of his robotic bird to check on Sonic, but got nothing interesting yet. And then, Opaline's assistant entered the room while Opaline smiled a little.

"So nice of you to come home, Misty" Opaline told the unicorn. "You've been gone so long I thought you got lost..." she said with concern. "... like the time I rescued you as a filly!" she pointed out, getting up from her throne and opening her wings. "So kind of me to do that" she complimented herself, while Misty looked down a bit nervous and Eggman rolled his eyes, although none of the mares noticed that. "Well, what have you found?" Opaline asked Misty.

"Uh, uh I think... the stronger magic has something to do with the Cutie Marks, Opaline!" Misty replied.

"Don't 'think', you sound foolish!" Opaline scolded her.

"M-Maybe... if I had one I could figure it out and––" Misty tried to suggest, but Opaline cut her off.

"Enough!" Opaline shouted, startling Misty.

Eggman was the kind of guy that also treated really bad to his 'assistants', mostly to Orbot and Cubot, but for some reason he didn't enjoyed when Opaline treated Misty the same way. Probably because he knew that Misty was there because she owned her life to Opaline, but if it wasn't for that detail, Misty could perfectly leave and never come back. For the first time since he had memory, Eggman felt... emphatic for a living being that wasn't really evil nor a machine.

"How could the magic have anything to do with Cutie Marks?" she questioned.

"They glow when it happens!" Misty replied, while Opaline gave the unicorn her back and faced some kind of boiler. "And the earth ponies, they can control the plants!" she added.

"Hmm..." Opaline muttered, then she made her horn glow to make the boiler work. "New magic? Well then..." she added, making some kind of projection of Maretime Bay appear. "Even more reason to begin the plan" she stated with an evil grin.

"So you do will make something after all" Eggman said suddenly. "And here I though I was going to do all the hard work" he added with a mocking tone.

"Oh, shut it, doctor" Opaline said. "You haven't done a single move in the last two months, it is time that I do something about it" she pointed out.

"Unlike you, I wait for the right moment. It's taking a lot, that's true, but I know how to make sure they never see it coming. So, in the mean time, have fun!" Eggman replied with a grin.

"Oh, I'll surely enjoy this, doctor" Opaline assured with a smile. "And when we're done..." she paused to face Misty, who stood at her side. "You'll get your Cutie Mark. And I'll be even more powerful than I was before!" she stated, and then laughed like a maniac.

Eggman looked askance to the mares, and again he felt bad for Misty. Whatever this feeling is... I hope it goes away, because my masterplan can't be interrupted by stupid human feelings he thought to himself.

Back in Sunny's smoothie stand, she gave a smoothie to Jasper, who levitated the smoothie with his magic.

"Mystic Melon, from me to you!" Sunny told Jasper, who slurped from the smoothie and walked away. And it was at that moment that Sunny noticed the mirror, wrapped on a pink bow. "Aw, Pipp must have left me a surprise birthday gift!" she said, thinking that probably Pipp gave her the mirror.

She decided to end her job for the day, but just when she closed the stand, she noticed something that caught her attention. She putted her cart of smoothies on her back, and then walked towards the beach. From the balcony of the main town, where the beach could be seen, Sunny noticed Sonic looking at the horizon, lost in his thoughts and worried as she could tell. Now that she was closer, she noticed that Sonic was, indeed, worried about something, and she wanted to know what was upsetting him.

"Hey there, Sonic" Sunny called out, which made Sonic to look at her for a moment before returning his sight to the horizon. "It's something wrong?" she asked, now worried about him.

"I... I don't know..." Sonic replied, which made Sunny's worry increase. "Hey, um, Sunny... how do you feel about... about being the Alicorn?" he questioned her. "You're like... the most powerful being in Equestria, and yet you seem... so chill about it... How do you live with it?" he asked more.

"Well... it was very scary at first... and to be honest, I'm still terrified at the idea that I'm really powerful, yet I don't know how to control my powers at all..." Sunny started to explain a little down, and then smiled. "But... seeing that my power helped bringing unity back among ponykind makes me realize that, powerful or not, I'm still the same Sunny I've always been" she finished with a smile. "Just because I have so much power doesn't mean I have changed. Why are you asking?" she questioned Sonic now.

"Well... I, um... Tails told me that my electrical powers have no limits... which makes me as powerful as an Alicorn..." Sonic explained a little concerned.

Sunny gasped with surprise and a smile. "Really?!" she asked. "But that's great! It means that you can face that Eggman Guy and Opaline more efficiently, right?" she pointed out, hopping a little with excitement.

"Well, yeah, but... I'm afraid that at some point this powers corrupt me... never happened before, thanks to Chaos, but the chances are never zero, unfortunately..." Sonic explained his concern. "What if one day I just wake up and... I'm not myself anymore? What if I harm any of you? What then?" he questioned. "I'm just scared that all this power gets in my head and... turns me into something I'm not..." he finished talking before sigh heavily.

Sunny stared at him for a moment, worried about all the things he pointed out. She didn't knew what to say at first, but then she smiled and looked at him again. "If any of that ever happened, I will do anything on my power to help you get back" she assured him. "And not only me, all of our friends will. Sonic, you're not alone on this, and you'll never be as long as we're your friends" she finished with a soft smile.

Sonic looked at her with a neutral expression at first, but then smiled a little after hearing her. "I know, Sunny. And thank you, for listening. I really needed to take that out of my system..." he thanked her.

"Anytime!" Sunny said with a smile. "And whenever you feel down, remember you can count on any of us to help" she remind him.

"I will write it down on the list" Sonic joked. "Oh, and Happy Birthday by the way" he added with a smile. "Better tell you later than never, right?" he questioned with a smile.

"Thank you!" Sunny said. "I was going to the Brighthouse to prepare for our little celebration at sunset, actually. Wanna come?" she asked him.

Sonic smiled at her and stood up. "That sounds nice, I really could get my mind off this right now" he said.

Both Sunny and Sonic walked towards the Brighthouse, and they found Zipp in the front door checking her phone.

"Hey, Zipp!" Sunny greeted her friend, putting the cart with the smoothies aside. "What's that?" she asked, pointing at a note on the front of the brighthouse.

Zipp putted her phone aside and looked at the note. "Izzy left a note" she said, grabbing the paper to check what it said. "'B. R.B.' Uh... 'F.B.B.B.'" she read, and looked at Sunny and Sonic confused. "What do you think that means?" she asked them.

"I don't know. Izzy's a whole new language that most of the time not even I understand" Sonic confessed with a smile.

"Yeah, I have no idea either" Sunny said with a smile. "But I hope it's 'Izzy code' for being inspired again" she said.

"I wonder were's Knuckles... Haven't seen him since this morning" Sonic said, entering the Brighthouse with a curious look.

Izzy and Knuckles were running towards Bridlewood, since Izzy took seriously Sunny's words.

"Sunny was right!" Izzy said. "All I need to do to find my creativity again is go back to my roots, tree roots. To Bridlewood!" she said with a smile.

"Actually it has sense, what better place to inspire again than the place were it all started?" Knuckles said with a smile.

"Yeah, this is great!" Izzy replied. "Nothing like a Creative Walk to cure Creative Block!" she added with a chuckle. "Fresh air! Fluffy clouds! Birds..." she listed, looking around, but then gasped after seeing a bird passing by. "Birds! Bird hats! Hats for birds?" she asked to the bird that stood on a branch, and then flew away. "Yeah, you're right. That is not it" Izzy said with sadness.

"Hey, kid, don't worry" Knuckles told her, softly putting his hand around her. "You have a big imagination, something would came eventually, you just wait and see" he assured her with a comforting smile.

Izzy smiled back, but since none of them where looking were they were going, they crashed against something metallic and fell backwards, with Izzy's glasses flying off.

They both stood up, and Knuckles rubbed his forehead in pain, while Izzy just shook hers and putted her glasses again. "Oh no, another creative roadblock!" Izzy said with worry.

"My head hurst a lot!" Knuckles complained. "What do we even crashed into?!" he questioned annoyed.

Once they looked at what they crashed into, Izzy opened her eyes wide. "Whoa!" she exclaimed in awe: they apparently crashed into an old motor-scooter that had no wheels and was very rusty. "I mean, I mean, oh yes!" she corrected herself, making her horn glow.

Knuckles noticed that her Cutie Mark was shining again, which meant that her creativity was coming back, and he smiled at this. "Oh yeah! Your sparkle is shining again!" he told her with joy.

"And it seems like we found an actual roadblock!" Izzy said, looking at the scooter using her hooves as a way to focus. "I can work with that!" she said happily.

"Say, didn't you already had a scooter?" Knuckles asked confused.

"Yeah, but It got destroyed accidentally" Izzy said with a sheepish smile. "Don't ask me how" she begged him, while Knuckles just looked at her confused, but decided to obey and don't ask a thing.

Izzy then got closer to the scooter and tried to levitate it, but since it was too heavy, it made her grunt and let the scooter go.

"Let me help ya, Izz" Knuckles said happily, cracking his fists and easily lifting the scooter. "Okay, I got it. So, where do you want it?" he asked her with a smile.

Back in the Brighthouse, Sonic and Sunny helped Zipp to clean up all the mess Izzy made before, since it was a lot for only her and Knuckles, and when Knuckles left, Zipp just gave up, but now Sonic and Sunny decided to help her out. Tails was also there cleaning up, since he was still a bit concerned about Sonic's unlimited power.

"You really didn't have to help me clean up Izzy's stuff, guys" Zipp told Sunny, Tails and Sonic, while she and Sunny pushed some carts with Izzy's things.

"After I basically ran away? I had to" Sonic told Zipp, cleaning around some of the things and putting them on the carts, then he stopped in front of the mares. "I owe it to you, Zipp" he added with a sheepish smile.

"I just like to help!" Tails said with a smile.

"And I don't mind at all" Sunny told Zipp with a smile as well. "I got to spend time with you!" she added, but then she heard a plastic cup falling from one of the carts.

The cup landed in front of Sparky, who picked the cup up and putted over his head as hat. But then the cup fell, and Hitch approached Sparky to pick the cup up. "Where is Izzy? She really should be the one to pick up her stuff" he pointed out.

"Dunno, she left a note" Sunny replied, giving Hitch the note that Izzy left.

Hitch grabbed the note and read it. "'B.R.B.F.B.B.B.'? What?" he said with confusion.

"Let me see that..." Tails told Hitch, grabbing the note and trying to find some kind of logic on it. "Well, 'B.R.B.' it's the acronym for 'Be Right Back', but I can't decipher the rest" he said a little upset.

"Sometimes, Izzy's a total mystery" Zipp said with a smirk, and then she brought out her phone. "Note to self: Learn to speak Izzy code" she recorded, and then the whole group ended up laughing at the joke.

Suddenly, Sparky sneezed and let out a bit of his dragon breath, which turned Zipp's phone into a pizza. Sparky grabbed the slice and tried to bit it, but he sneezed again and the pizza turned back into Zipp's phone. Sparky let the device go and started to cry out loud. "I know, Sparky. You love Izzy, too!" Hitch told to his baby dragon, not knowing what happened recently.

"And where's Knuckles? I haven't heard of him either" Sonic pointed out with his arms crossed.

"I saw him left before with Izzy, so they must be together?" Tails told him.

"Yeah, he said something about checking she doesn't get in trouble" Sunny added. "Maybe we should check on them to see if they need any help?" she suggested.

"I'm on it!" Hitch said suddenly, calling to his animal crew. "Deputies, keep an eye out for Izzy and Knuckles!" he ordered them, while his animal crew saluted and left the Brighthouse, except for the turtle since, well, he's a turtle. "Uh... maybe you stay here and be our eyes in the ground, Curtle" he told the turtle.

"Really? 'Curtle'?" Sonic asked with a mocking tone. "It's his name Curtle Turtle or something like that?" he added, obviously joking.

"'Curtle', yes" Hitch replied with a smile. "But Turtle is his family name" he added.

"... I never though that being sarcastic would make the situation I was being sarcastic about actually a thing, but here we are..." Sonic said on disbelief.

"New mystery: Why did that actually make sense to me?" Zipp recorded on her phone.

And then, the doors bursted open and Pipp entered with worry and panic. "I feel terrible!" she cried out loud. "I gave bad advice to Izzy!" she said with worry.

"What?" Sonic questioned. "About the 'copy herself' thing?" he asked again.

"About everything!" Pipp replied with frustration.

"Dammit!" Sonic said to himself. "I focused on my existential crisis and forgot about her!" he complained with a frown.

"Guys, you were only trying to help a friend" Sunny told to both Sonic and Pipp. "I'm sure she would come back soon" she assured with a smile.

"Oh no!" Pipp cried out with panic again. "She's not here? She's probably avoiding me..." she said with a down town and sadness.

"Okay, that is not true, Little Pipp" Sonic told her with a neutral expression, walking towards her and kneeling while putting a hand over her shoulder. "Although she does have her way of being imposing, she's not the type to feel remorse for someone" he assured her with a smile. Pipp smiled a little back, and she miraculously didn't blushed. Sonic stood up and looked at his wrist like if he had a clock. "She should be back... now!" he said, pointing at the door that opened and both Izzy and Knuckles came inside.

"So it turns out bird hats are not a thing, but guess what I made!" Izzy told the rest.

"Izzy!" all the others said with joy.

"H-How did you––?" Zipp tried to ask Sonic.

"Hedgehog Magic!" Sonic said with a smirk. "Nah, just kidding, I'm just good with timing" he said, conserving his smirk.

Curtle pointed at Izzy with a smile, and Sparky quickly came to her and hugged her leg.

Izzy chuckled a little before reply. "No, I didn't make Izzy, sillies! I am Izzy" she pointed to herself.

"They didn't mean it like that, Izz" Knuckles told her with a smile.

"Where have you been?" Sunny asked both Izzy and Knuckles.

"Didn't you read my note?" Izzy asked them.

Sunny took out the note and Pipp gasped before read it. "'B.R.B.F.B.B.B.'?" she questioned.

"You left a note?" Knuckles asked her, while Izzy just nodded. "I've never noticed, let me see" Knuckles called out, as he grabbed the note and putted on some reading glasses. "'Be Right Back From Bridlewood, Best Buddies'" Knuckles translated perfectly.

"Oh!" all the rest sins Izzy replied in surprise.

"Yeah, I was never gonna crack that one" Zipp confessed with a sheepish smile.

"Me neither, but I'm happy I decipher at least half the message" Tails said with a little smile.

"I don't know why you guys couldn't read it, it's pretty obvious!" Knuckles said, pulling off his glasses.

"Since when do you learn to read?" Sonic asked to Knuckles. The equidna smirked and took a book out of his quills that said 'The reading guide for dummies'. "Never mind, I didn't asked" Sonic said with a little smile.

"And I realize I had to be more creative about being creative!" Izzy said with a cheery smile, now carrying Sparky on his back. "And I needed more supplies" she added as well.

"So it wasn't something I said?" Pipp asked a bit confused.

"It was everything you said" Izzy replied, looking specifically at Sonic, Sunny and Pipp. "You three taught me that in order to feel all sparkly and creative, I just need to be Izzy!" she explained with a smile.

"We did?" Sunny, Pipp and Sonic said together, still confused.

Now Izzy looked at Hitch, Zipp and Knuckles, who stood at Hitch's other side. "And you three made me realize that I had outgrown that little closet" she said.

"We didn't mean to say you weren't welcome, Izzy" Zipp told her a little worried.

"Yeah, kid, sorry if that was the message you got" Knuckles apologized.

"We just didn't like all your junk everywhere!" Hitch said with a smile. At that, Zipp kicked him on the flank and Knuckles punched his neck 'softly'. "Oof!" Hitch complained with pain. "Sorry..." he said.

Tails leaned a little backwards and faced at you. "I didn't appeared that much on this episode, so I'm not offended that she didn't learned anything from me. Just so you knew" he whispered to you, the audience, and winked, then returned his gaze to Izzy.

"You guys were right" Izzy told the rest. "My style was cramped, and so it cramped yours too" she added, while Knuckles walked towards the exit to help Izzy with her surprise. "Sometimes a pony needs open spaces for maximum craftability!" she stated with a smile, while all the rest looked at each other with smiles. "Look!" Izzy told them, guiding the group to the outside of the Brighthouse. "Presenting: Izzy does it!" she exclaimed with joy.

"Does it, does it!" Knuckles whispered, imitating echo.

While the rest of the group looked on confused, Sparky immediately applauded to Izzy's new creation.

"Didn't her scooter got destroyed?" Tails whispered to Sonic. "What is it doing here?" he questioned.

"I was about to ask the same thing..." Sonic whispered back.

"I love it!" Pipp said with a nervous smile. "Ah! It's perfection, like wow!" she added with a little giggle. "Wait, what is it?" she whispered confused to Zipp at her side.

Izzy did heard her, but she smiled and sat on her scooter. "My Unicycling cart!" she said with enthusiasm, and use the honk of the scooter. Then, Knuckles opened the trailer that became taller and revealed various boxes and crafting tools, while Izzy came by to show the rest. "My trailer of treasures!" she showed. Then, with her magic, she pulled out a hidden table and opened it. "My wagon of whimsy!" she revealed. "My––" she tried to reveal something else, but...

"Carriage of creativity?" Sunny asked with a smile.

"Boom! Zing! You got it!" Izzy said with excitement.

The rest sins Knuckles laughed at her attitude. "Ooh" Pipp said suddenly, approaching to the cart. "What's this?" she asked, pointing to some kind of bag over the 'wagon of whimsy', and Izzy levitated the bag and putted on her.

"My Crafty-Sash!" Izzy replied with a cheery smile. "Glasses? Check" she said, pulling her glasses out and putting them on. "Tape? Check" she said, taking out a tape and then throwing it away. "Glitter? Whoo!" she cheered, trowing some Glitter in the air. "A-check" she finished with a smile. Then she levitated some other things to put them on her cart. "And a lot of other things I need on the go. Or even on the stay!" she said, putting down a portrait of Hitch and Sparky.

Sparky immediately ran towards the portrait and started to clap around excited. "So cool!" Pipp said, taking out her phone. "I need to post about this" she stated, ready to take a picture to Izzy's cart.

But then Izzy gasped and stopped her. "Pipp! You just inspired me" she told her with a smile, and then she took Pipp's phone away.

"You inspired her to steal?!" Hitch asked in panic.

"I'm just borrowing!" Izzy shouted.

"That's okay, then" Hitch said with relief.

"Yeah it is. Everything's okay" Sunny said with a smile, then she walked towards Pipp. "And Pipp, I almost forgot. Thank you for the mirror! I love the alicorn design" she thanked Pipp for the gift.

However, Pipp looked at Sunny confused. "Mirror?" she questioned.

"The one you left at my cart this morning!" Sunny said, pulling out the alicorn mirror of her bag.

Pipp stared at it confused, since she definitely not gave Sunny that. Sonic immediately noticed that Pipp didn't knew what to say, so he decided to make a quick move and help her out.

He moved at her side and putted his arm around her neck. "Yeah, Pipp was excited to give it to you, but probably the situation with Izzy and her creative block made her forgot, right Little Pipp?" Sonic asked her, giving her a look that made Pipp understand that she had to play along.

"Y-Yeah!" Pipp replied and chuckled nervously. "That mirror! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Uh, Happy Birthday, Sunny!" she told her nervously.

Once Sunny turned around, Pipp let out a sigh of relief and looked at Sonic with a smile. "Thank you" she whispered to him, while they winked at each other as a sign of complicity.

Zipp noticed this and looked at them suspiciously. "Note to self: Pipp forgot something she bought? And Sonic helped her cover it up? Suspicious" she recorded on her phone.

"Well, try it out, Sunny!" Pipp told her, as she opened the mirror.

"Looks great!" Sunny said, while she looked at it with the rest of the Mane 5 and Team Sonic around her and they all started to laugh.

Now that Sunny finally opened the mirror, Opaline could see the Mane 5 for herself, in better quality than Eggman's machines cameras.

"So these are the weak little ponies that brought back magic?" Opaline asked on disbelief. "And those three must be Sonic, Tails and Knuckles..." she added, noticing that Team Sonic was there as well.

"Almost like anypony could do it" Misty commented.

"Sure. If they have a Cutie Mark" Opaline replied, which made Misty look at her flank in disappointment, since she didn't had a Cutie Mark yet.

Eggman decided to interfere before she did something to Misty. "Don't let their aspects trick you, Opaline" the doctor told her. "If experience has taught me something is that no one near Sonic the Hedgehog can be considered weak. Not even the ones who seem like they couldn't kill a fly" he assured her with an annoying tone.

And then Sunny closed the mirror, which returned the image to and outside look of the Crystal Brighthouse. "What?! No!" Opaline shouted. "Why did it stop?!" she demanded for an answer.

"They went inside" Misty replied. "Maybe the Crystal Brighthouse won't let us watch?" she suggested.

"Did you just make that up?" Opaline asked her with anger.

Before Misty replied, Eggman talked first. "Actually, she's right" he said, which made both Opaline and Misty look at him: Opaline looked with disbelief and Misty with a thankful look. "The little lectures I managed to get from the Crystals says that there's some kind of magic shield blocking any kind of... let's call it 'negative energy' to enter the place" the doctor explained. "In other words: we can only see the inside when Sunny opens the mirror, but I'm telling you Opaline: Sunny isn't an alicorn like you, so don't expect her to look at the mirror very often" he warned her.

"If you're not going to help with your words, then don't talk, Ivo" Opaline glared at him.

"Fine, but don't complain when she doesn't look at herself" Eggman warned again, before stepping back and keep watching in silence.

"If the Brighthouse won't let me see the inside from here... then one of my allies must find a way in" Opaline stated with an evil grin.

"Me?" Misty asked with a little smile.

"Don't be presumptuous, Misty. It's unbecoming" Opaline warned her, walking away from the room.

Misty looked down with disappointment, and then stared at the image of the Brighthouse. Eggman decided to stand at her side.

"Let me advice you Misty: I believe you do earn you Cute Mark, or whatever is called" Eggman confessed with a neutral expression. "But Opaline needs you to prove that you deserved it, so prove yourself to her, and you'll get that Mark before you realize" he told her, still being really neutral, but also sounding as positive as possible.

Misty looked at Eggman on disbelief, but then she smiled and looked back at the Brighthouse, now with a determinate look. "I'll prove my worth to her!" she stated with confidence.

Eggman looked at her again, and that weird feeling of pride grew in him. No, Ivo he thought to himself. You're an evil genius, and no human feelings can change that...

On the Brighthouse dinner table, the group of friends sins Izzy were eating some cake and having a good time celebrating Sunny's birthday again.

Sunny herself squealed excited. "This has been the best birthday in moons!" she said with a joyful smile. "Thanks, everybody!" she thanked her friends. "And I'm so happy Izzy's back and inspired again!" she added.

"So am I!" Pipp said with an awkward smile that faded away as she sighed dramatically. "But there's still one problem..." she confessed.

"What's that?" Hitch asked.

"I haven't figured out my new hit song" Pipp explained with a down expression. "It just hasn't clicked" she added.

"So, you have a creative block as well..." Sonic pointed out. "And I'm gonna guess that following your own advice didn't worked..." he said with a worried expression.

"No..." Pipp confessed.

"Pipp!" Izzy called out, entering to the Brighthouse with a modern record player attached to her phone. "Try this out!" Izzy suggested with a smile.

"Huh?" Pipp said with a smile, flying over the record player. She pressed the play button on her phone, and the same song she sang earlier that day played on a remixed version. "Izzy–– It's my old song, but it's..." she tried to finish, but then faced Izzy with a smile.

"Oh yeah!" Izzy replied.

"Unicycled?" Pipp said with a smile. "Um, genius!" she stated.

"Sing it, Pipp!" Izzy told her with a smile.

Glowing hooves, all the earth po-onies
Unicorn lights beneath the trees

The rest decided to approach so they could dance around the living room, while Pipp sang the remixed version of her song. Even Sparky started to dance around on the dinner table.

We're not just one (not one, not one)
It's you and me (it's you and me)

While Pipp flew around as she kept singing, the others just danced around and had fun, with Sonic making some break dance moves as well.

(Ponies living large)
In unity-ty-ty-ty (Ohh oo-oh)
All you need is your beat

Tails still had lots of questions, specially about Sonic's new powers and the mystery attitude the Chaos Emeralds had before they got restored. He could not explain exactly what was going on with them, nor why only the four Emeralds they had were working, while the rest were still half dead.

"I don't know what happened to the Emeralds, nor where Sonic's powers came from, but I'm getting to the bottom of this, even if it's the last thing I'm gonna do!" Tails stated to himself. "And as long as Sonic doesn't gets too excited with his new powers, we should be fine" he added, before leaving the room and return to the party.