• Published 21st Oct 2022
  • 734 Views, 13 Comments

Rumour Has It - daOtterGuy

Rumour has it, there's a monster listening in on you

  • ...

Journal Entry 5

Dear, Mum

We’re trapped in the hospice now. Only place left in town that’s safe. Though, I guess I’m getting ahead of myself.

The morning had started horribly. I woke up to find Spit Take staring at the door, white as a sheet. He told me there had been scratching at the door all night. I told him it was probably his imagination since I hadn’t heard anything, but he asked me to check. A quick look proved how wrong I was. The entire back of the door and floor were covered in deep gouges and all the lights in the room had been smashed in with that weird oil splattered everywhere. It was clear the monster had granted us a visit.

I must have looked terrible when I rushed back into the room to check the lanterns as Spit assured me that he had been keeping the lights topped up through the night as soon as he had started hearing the noises. I thanked him and told him we needed to check in with the other town folks. Spit agreed.

On leaving the house, we were immediately confronted by Silver Shilling staring towards the entrance of town. I asked him what was wrong and he just pointed down the road with a shaky hoof. I didn’t want to look since I knew I wouldn’t like what I saw, but I still did.

There was a wall. It was solid black and cut the town in two. The entire front half was taken over by the blackness. The thing looked almost alive, subtly wriggling in place like a bunch of mealworms. I swore that I could almost see faces on the surface of the block, whirling around on the surface.

As Silver, Spit and I stared in horror, the rest of the townsfolk showed up. Jam, Henny, Clove, Hard Tacks, and the rest. It was eerily quiet as we stared at the shadowy mass unable to understand what we were looking at. Jam was the first to snap out of it and do a quick head count. We’d lost another twelve ponies since last night, all of which had been where the wall was now. Didn’t take a genius to figure out they were gone.

We mourned in silence until Henny broke it with her hysterics. Claimed she knew the monster would stop them somehow. That Char-Broil, rest her soul, had told her it would wall off the town to keep them from escaping. Should have run when we could yesterday.

Hard retorted that she was speaking nonsense again. Told her that the wall obviously wasn’t the shadow monster. To prove it, Hard said he would take a closer look. He made a big show of inspecting the block. Started off confident, but only lasted a few moments. Eventually, he turned around to face us all shaken up. Told us that the wall was moving. That it was coming further into town. Course the herd started up another round of panicked mutterings, which got cut short by Spit yelling at Hard to run for it.

Before Hard could so much as blink, the wall ate him. A massive beak of some kind stretched out of the surface of the block and snapped Hard up in seconds. Didn’t even get a chance to scream before he was fully swallowed. We were stunned for a moment, uncomprehending what had happened before fear took over. We galloped in the opposite direction, terrified. Henny screamed that it was coming for us. In response, the wall began to speed up, noticeably chasing after us. Still slow, but that did nothing to calm anyone down as it crept forward.

Spit Take had the sense to scream at everyone to grab what light sources they could on the way. Several ponies did as he asked as we all raced towards the hospice, the building furthest from the encroaching darkness.

We all holed up in the main atrium, placing lanterns and candles all around the room to brighten it up as much as possible. Took the time to also brighten up the adjoining rooms like the kitchen, study, and dining room. After we finished protecting ourselves, we waited, fearfully chattering to one another.

I confess that I wound up pressed up against Spit during this time. I just desperately needed to be near a friend and he didn’t seem to mind me burying myself in his fur. While I tried to keep calm, I heard the terrified conversations of the others.

Some claimed the monster was a bird. Others said it was a wolf since they had seen sharp teeth along the edges of its mouth. Another told a terrified Henny that the beast was some type of giant worm. Fear put words in our mouths as we claimed it to be nearly every possible monster known to ponykind. Even the ones that didn’t exist anymore.

Eventually, the darkness caught up to us. Shook the building to its foundation and covered all the windows with its shadows leaving nothing but the glow of the lights to see by.

I thought I couldn't have been more scared then at that moment, but then the red eyes appeared. Showed through every opening into the outside world. Beady things with slitted pupils that raked over all of us cowering inside. Then a whisper echoed through the room, this low muttering sound akin to a faint breeze. Couldn’t make out anything substantial personally, just bits and pieces, but ponies were more than happy to fill in the blanks later on. Just as suddenly as it started, it all stopped.

We were all alone. Or at least could trick ourselves into thinking we were.

Now, we’re just twiddling our hooves trying to figure something out. Everyone is on edge and pacing about the building trying to keep their wits about them. We all regularly check the lights to ensure we’re still secure, but no one can think of a next step.

Spit and I are holed up in Guiding’s study. I’d requested it since it was the only room with a desk and, well, I needed to get away from everyone else. Spit is the only one I feel comfortable around right now since he’s the only one keeping it together despite the circumstances. We’re also the two main ponies trying to find a way to escape from the monster. Been taking in other folks’ suggestions. Hopefully, we can find a clear path to Appleloosa, gallop the whole way there as fast as we’re able, distance be darned.

Right now though, I don’t know how we’ll get out of this, but I do know we’ll think of something. I’ll keep you up-to-date. Good night, mum.

Love, Cross