• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(Dedicated in loving memory of her majesty: Queen Elizabeth II. 1926-2022. Takes place within the same universe as "A Tale of Two Lovebirds", "The Griffon Who Came to Mount Aris" and "Don't Give Your Love Away". But familiarity with those works is not required. Featured from 9/09/2022 to 9/10/2022.)

Gallus and Silverstream have settled into newly wed life, and couldn't be happier living in Equestria together. That is, until they learn of some truly shocking news: Queen Novo has died!

With her cousin Skystar due to ascend to the throne, Silverstream immediately begins making plans to return to Mount Aris to be there for her grieving cousin. Not wanting to let his wife go alone, Gallus pleads with Princess Twilight to be allowed to accompany Silverstream back home.

When Princess Twilight gives her blessings, Gallus prepares to return to a place he has little familiarity with. But nothing will stop him from being there for his wife, as she and her extended family join all of Mount Aris and Seaquestria in mourning the passing of their queen.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 58 )

I knew someone was going to make a fanfic based Queen Elizabeth’s death. Although I was expecting it to be Queen Haven who died. Well whatever.

11357562 Queen Novo just seems more approrpiate considering Queen Haven's probably going to be appearing throughout G5.

Huh, I was thinking the exact same thing (Zipp is a bit better-looking than Charles, though).

Just wait. I’m sure that in the near time there will be a lot of it

And I was expecting it to be Lizzy showing up in Equestria, because that was what happened with the previous few big-name deaths.

Hoping beyond hope that it wasn't who he thought it was, Gallus carefully took the paper from his wife's paws and held it firmly in his own claws. But one look at the headline was all the confirmation he needed in order to know that it was the worst case scenario. In large letters was the unmistakable headline: "QUEEN NOVO DIES: PRINCESS SKYSTAR TO BE CROWNED QUEEN SKYSTAR I OF MOUNT ARIS"

That is so sad what happened yesterday

...You do realise her history (the true history that you won't get from your schools/media) paints her as a monster right? but you do you, worship the so called royals if that's what you choose.

Gallus bowed his head. "It's true. I'm officially Captain Gallus of Her Majesty's Royal Guard. But please, just call me Gallus. After all, I'm just here with Silverstream. I'm not actually on duty. The old captain's in charge of that."

Which that's pretty awesome of him that he went so far as to become the royal guard that's a big step proud of this guy

You do realize that real history (that is the actual history you get from an objective view of her life, not the one you get from a daily subscription to The Guardian) paints Elizabeth II as woman of immense integrity and dedication to her role as monarch and who, while flawed as everyone is, does not have nearly enough foibles to be labeled as even a "bad person", let alone a "monster", right?

That evening, Twilight Sparkle arrived at Mount Aris, accompanied by Tempest and the royal guards. Accompanying her was her royal advisor Spike, along with the members of her official friendship council: Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy. Headmare Starlight had come as well, albiet without Vice Headstallion Sunburst or Counselor Trixie.

I was hoping that gallus and Silverstream friends came and support those two in need

Being a princess is dangerous. Long Live The Queen!

i understood that refrence

But when Princess Skystar appeared to greet all those who come to attend the funeral to be held the next day, she couldn't resist pulling Tempest into a hug. "I'm so glad you of all ponies could come, Miss. Tempest," She said in a sincere and friendly tone of voice. "My mother wanted me to tell you that she forgave you for what you did on that night. And I too forgive you for what you did. In fact, my first royal order will be to make that forgiveness official."

I mean for what it's worth at least the royal family forgave fizzle pop Barry twist so at least that's one weight off her back which I'm very glad they forgave her

Wow that was actually pretty sad story especially the event what happened yesterday so it looks like Gallus and silver stream living in Ponyville after they got married and things looks like they are really looking bright for these two but things got very sad when Gallus would turn home silverstream was crying and holding the newspaper reading the passing of Queen Novo and apparently she was sick for quite a while and now they had to prepare a funeral for her so Gallus wanting to ask Twilight to take the day off which she did gave him that and they had for Mt aris and they saw Silverstreams family and it looks like most of the ponies and creatures are paying respect to Queen Novo and not only that Twilight was there including her friends and starlight and even fizzle Pop berry twist and she wasn't really welcome here after what happened in the movie but it looks like skystar was very happy to see her and told her that Queen Novo forgave her and even welcoming her to their Homeland which fizzle pop was surprised and relief they forgave her so after that everybody gave their speech about Queen Novo and skystar giving an emotional speech so after that they finally put her to rest and Twilight told Gallus he can still take the day off just to be there for Silverstream it's going to be very hard for her to get through this but she won't do this alone she has the love of her life and even her friends back in her up this was a pretty good story and a very sad one too keep out the good work

This was a good story. There a few mistakes here and there, mainly with a Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. If you’d like, I can give you more details.

I was also expecting someone to write something based on the Queen. Honestly, I wanted to write about the death of Princess Celestia (who is a queen in everything but title).

You do realize that no one is “worshipping” her, right? She’s just an influential, important historical figure and people want to honor her.

Let people grieve. Attacking people in this fashion is wrong. Even if she did do these things. right now people don’t need to hear it. You want to talk about it’s fine but you never go after people mourning. One persons Enemy is another persons hero. She’s dead. The only thing left is the people who were effected by her. The good and the bad. But you don’t go after people. Give it a year.

Very little I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but excellent job on this one-shot. :-C _ _ _ _ _

Very definitely appreciated the emotional feels as well as the dialogue and characterizations.

No, I don't. because unlike you I actually do know something of their history and the history of their family, of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha bloodline.

History such as their connections to Nazi Germany, there is a reason why there is a leaked video from the royal archives of the then 7 year old Queen doing a Nazi Salute for example.


leaked video from the royal archives of the then 7 year old Queen doing a Nazi Salute for example.

7 years old? So that would have been in 1933. Hitler would have only just come to power in Germany and overall across Europe would have had a mixed to positive reputation since he wouldn’t have had time to gain much international notoriety aside from being a Mussolini copycat who has been legally appointed Chancellor and promised to reform the immensely unpopular Weimar government and keep Socialists/Communists out of power (seen as a good thing at the time). I imagine that without much effort you could find videos and pictures of a lot of English folk doing a Fascist salute in 1933 as a show of solidarity between Britain and Germany.

Oh and in addition to all that she was fucking seven years old you silly dolt. You can’t expect a seven-year-old to have a coherent grasp of anything, let alone prescient insight into a foreign leader who had yet to gain any degree of infamy. She probably just thought it looked cool. When I was her age back in 1994 I drew a Swasticka on some Kindergarten homework, not because I have Nazi sympathies, but because I’d seen Indiana Jones and that was my total knowledge of Nazism and I thought it looked cool at the time. Drawing it was no more “evil” to me then drawing the Decepticon insignia. Seven-year-olds are morons pretty much by definition due to lack of experience and maturity, that doesn’t change just because they’re royalty.

You’ve proved nothing other than the fact that you lack concept of historical context and don’t understand that children do stupid things because they’re kids.

of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha bloodline

Let’s pretend that you do know anything about a royal house name she never had (her cadet branch was renamed Windsor nine years before she was born). I’m personally not someone who believes in punishing or condemning a child for the sins of the father. You are, I take it?

Have some respect for the dead.
Because inevitably one day you will join them.

How about you actually look into their ties to Nazi germany before you spew your false outrage and pretend it was an innocent gesture from a child, children are taught. who taught her to do that? little tidbits that clearly don't fit your narrative.

I haven't even brought up their connections to Jimmy Saville and Epstein yet, I could go so much deeper but I'm trying to avoid some plantation overseer mod cracking the whip at me.


How about you actually look into their ties to Nazi germany

The "Nazi connections" amount to Edward VIII, her uncle, being friendly towards the Nazis during the 1930s, which would make him in-line with about half of Europe during the 1930s. You are looking at the Nazi regime with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge of the atrocities that they committed, not from the point of view of the 1930s where Hitler from the outside looking in appeared to lift Germany out of the Depression and was seen as a bulwark against the Commies and where in 1933 even Kristallnacht had yet to happen, let alone the Holocaust.

And also to reiterate: children are morons you dunce. Like I said, I drew a Swasticka on my homework. Why? Because I sympathized with the Nazis? Fuck no! It's because I was a seven-year-old idiot who'd seen Raiders of the Lost Ark and thought that the symbol looked cool. Nothing else. No one "taught" me to draw the Swasticka and it's not like Raiders portrays the Nazis sympathetically.

You're gonna have to do a lot better than "Elizabeth II's uncle once said some nice things about Hitler" to convince me or anyone with a functioning brain that Elizabeth herself was sympathetic to the Nazis. Climb out of that conspiracy-laden rabbit hole and actually demonstrate that Elizabeth herself was in any way the monster that you claimed. Either that or admit that you've got nothing more than hearsay and wishful, malignant thinking.


Let's not do this here.

I've got my own issues with the way every celebrity death immediately spawns 50 stories about it, but must everything immediately be flimsily compared to Nazis?

Flimsy?! only someone who has turned a blind eye to the likes Lord Mountbatten and Edward the 8th would make such a moronic claim

You deserve to watch your family burned alive in front of you, be tortured to death, and your legacy destroyed. I hope you have nothing but suffering for the rest of your life. Die, you filthy degenerate.

(Also, you realise Edward was forced to abdicate for being too chummy with the Germans, right? The government and his family kicked him out of the country. Also, the Nazi salute in 1933 was also the symbol of the Olympic movement, the American boy scouts, etc. It was a pretty standard gesture for the time)


Alright, that's not called for, either. Comments like that will get you banned from this site.

If you want to yell about Nazis, do it over PM, not in this story's comments.

I can believe that people are being disrespectful to her on this site. Heck, I raged at a Discord Mod for basically doing the same thing! (I thought the owner was too due to a misunderstanding).

this is what the face of royalist scum looks like... some pleb daring to call out your masters so you want their entire family to die, stockholme syndrome on this level is truly a disgusting thing to witness.

we have no hope for the future because of scum like this, appolgists for evil who will threaten and cajole in an attempt to silence criticism.

I'm honestly not surprised though, it's been known for years now that the MLP fandom has a bit of a problem when it comes to members being card carrying Nazis.


And I already warned him about it.

Seriously, discontinue this line of discussion. I am not asking.

A warning? for that level of violent extremism? what a joke.

Comment posted by Hillbe deleted Sep 10th, 2022


In case you're wondering how you get blocked by people, this kind of deplorable behaviour is it. There is a time and a place for such bile and this is not the place and certainly not the time.

I hope you have a great weekend and I'm glad I won't be seeing you around.

Comment posted by Hillbe deleted Sep 10th, 2022

Good gravy,

Cease your prattling, flat earther...

Flat earther? you people are utterly delusional, stupidity so vast it's formed a hive mind.

11358745 11358732 Can you both just stop it? Or at least move it to PMs so it doesn't clog up the comments section here? There's a time and place for such a debate, but not here.

Get over yourself, kid.

Comment posted by FireDasher24 deleted Sep 11th, 2022
Toon #44 · Sep 11th, 2022 · · 11 ·

Author um, I really don't mean to serve any disrespect. I know how much effort you must put into writing pieces because I know it can be a struggle. I'm not here to bash your work nor the inspiration but I'm not gonna read this due to the inspiration of said person. I hope I don't bring any disrespect to you or your work as I have nothing against either.

Anyone in this comment section smoke weed?

You know, besides Ol' Lizzie. Little too dead to do that anymore.

Comment posted by BiggiePeace deleted Sep 11th, 2022

Why leave an insulting message just to say you aren't going to read something?

Which part was insulting? I had no issue with the work nor the idea just merely the inspiration. I was saying that I respect the time and effort they put. In no way shape or form did I insult them or their work I even specifically stated I understand how much effort they put into this.

It's not my work, but your entire post was basically bashing. You came here purely to make a comment crying and whining about how you don't like the inspiration for the work.

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