• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

  • ...

Chapter 2 Ep 7: Hoof Done It?

Chapter 2 Ep 7: Hoof Done it?

Outside the Crystal Brighthouse, at night, Misty sneaked out with Sunny's lantern on a bag that she managed to sneakily get.

Misty managed to reach the Community Garden, but as she tried to walk quietly, she tripped with a shovel, and the bag with the lantern fell with a loud thud.

Inside the Brighthouse's bedroom, Zipp woke up on her bed, and looked around. Every mare was on their respective beds, although Izzy was completely covered on her blankets, but aside from that, everything seemed normal. Zipp yawned, and then walked over to the window at her side. She opened it, and then saw something in the Community Garden.

"Huh?" Zipp exclaimed, as she was pretty sure she saw a figure ducking to hide from her. "Ugh, is somepony down there?" She asked, but since she didn't hear nor saw anything out of normal, she yawned and looked on tiredly. "I must be dreaming." she said to herself, closing the window.

The next day, Zipp woke up with a stretch of her front hooves and her wings, as she flew out of her bed and got over her desk.

"Morning, Investigation board. Morning, Rad-Visor." Zipp said to her detective spot, then she walked away. "Morning–– Lantern?!" She exclaimed with panic, noticing that the lantern was not in its place. "It's... It-It's gone!" She yelled with panic.

At the main floor, Sunny was making pancakes for breakfast with Sunset’s, when Zipp suddenly arrived and startled them.

"Hope is gone!" Zipp yelled, landing accidentally on the plate with pancakes and spreading them around.

"What?!" Sunny asked with panic as well.

“What did you just say, Zipp?!” Sunset called out in a panic as well.

"I mean the 'Hope Lantern'!" Zipp corrected herself with worry. "It's not in its case... And it's not here with you!" She said with panic. "Which means it's missing, which means I gotta find it! It could already be too late." She added, flying around in a panicked state. "Did you know that the first few hours after a crime are critical for clues?" She asked Sunny and Sunset, still flying around until Sunny stopped her.

"Zipp, wait!" Sunny said, as Zipp finally stopped in front of her. "I'm sure I just left the lantern somewhere in the Brighthouse." She assured her with a smile.

“Could be. Sunny usually leaves it somewhere out of place when she uses it and sometimes forgets where it is.” Sunset said, knowing how close Sunny is with her father’s lantern.

“Yeah.” Sunny answered, usually she does leave it somewhere.

"Oh. Cool, cool, cool" Zipp said, still not convinced about the lantern being around. "But just to be sure..." She added.

Zipp started to look all around the Brighthouse. She checked out the living room first, where she found Pipp’s fan, which earned a groan as she looked through the furniture, then Izzy's crafting spot, which she found a bobble head pony that she groans again, even the Critter Corner, but the lantern was not there.

Sunset checked through the Brighthouse’s closets to find the lantern, but no such luck when she didn’t see the lantern in any of them. “Dang. Nothing.” Sunset said as she closed the last closet.

Sunny, on the other hoof, was looking for the lantern around her side of the bedroom, but she didn't find it there either.

"You were right. It's nowhere! Oh..." Sunny said with sadness, and then she started to run around with panic as well. "How can my special lantern be nowhere? Oh, this is bad. This is really bad!" she exclaimed, suddenly stopping in front of Zipp and Sunset and grabbing Zipp’s cheeks. "Besides the Unity Crystals, that lantern is the most important thing in the Brighthouse! It contains magic Prisbeam power! What are we going to do?" She questioned with worry.

“Calm down, Sunny.” Sunset spoke as she placed a comforting hoof on Sunny’s back. “We’ll find the lantern. We just have to keep looking.” She said to Sunny, knowing how much she cared for the lantern since it was made by her father.

"And there’s only one thing to do." Zipp said with a smile. She then put on all of her detective gear, like a little drone on her bag and her Z-Goggles. "Detective Zipp on the case!" she stated, flying out of the bedroom while Sunny just looked on with a smile while Sunset shook her head in amusement.

“Sometimes I always find Zipp going into ‘detective’ mode can be pretty amusing sometimes whenever there is a mystery to solve.” Sunset said with a smile, finding it funny that Zipp goes into detective mode from time to time.

After Sunset said that, the necklace around her neck opened as Twilight appeared with a cheery smile. “Yeah. She kinda reminds me of Rarity when she goes detective things. Hehehe. But Rarity does this in a fashion way while Zipp really looks around. I think this is considered an upgrade compared to Rarity and from during the train car sweet incidents from Pinkie on the way to Canterlot.” Twilight said with a chuckle, having seen Rarity do detective work from time to time and from how Pinkie tried to pawn somepony at the treats during the train trip to Canterlot, but Twilight had to help her piece it together because, you know, it was Pinkie after all.

Sunny and Sunset then laughed a bit with Twilight after hearing that, having heard the tales of those before, still finding it funny.

Sunset stopped laughing as she gave a smile to Sunny. “Don’t worry, Sunny. Your lantern will be found. With Zipp, she finds it in no time. But I’ll go with her to help find it quickly, sometimes her detective side can be overboarding when she gets into it.” Sunset said, while also pointing out that Zipp can tend to do things overboard while looking for some answers and solving a mystery, remembering the time when she lost her sunglasses when they were on her bed the whole time.

Sunny chuckled, knowing that way too well. “Thanks, Sunset. I appreciated it.” She said with a smile.

“Anytime. I’ll catch you around when we find it.” Sunset said as she flew out the bedroom to catch up with Zipp to help find Sunny’s lantern.

Meanwhile, Zipp was looking around the Brighthouse for Sunny's lantern with her detective gear, Sunset caught up to her and told her that she will help find it, which she agrees all too well..

Zipp scanned some pillows and furniture, while her little drone scanned Cloudpuff, who barked at the weird machine.

Sunset looked around carefully as she searched through rooms to rooms to make sure she didn’t miss anything.

Zipp then opened the fridge and found a chomped green apple. "Oh yeah, there was definitely some kind of fiend in this house!" Zipp stated. "I mean, who does this?!" She asked herself, pointing at the chomped apple back in the fridge.

Zipp closed the fridge soon enough, but then Izzy came by and opened the fridge again to grab the fruit. "Oh! The rest of my apple!" She said cheerfully, grabbing it and chomping it again, while Zipp and Sunset behind looked at her with bored expressions as Izzy closed the fridge again. "So good!" She said cheerfully.

“Should’ve known that was Izzy’s apple. Matter of fact, it makes sense and not surprising that it was Izzy.” Sunset said, not surprised if Izzy did that.

“Yeah.” Zipp said in agreement, should’ve seen that coming as well.

Soon enough, Zipp and Sunset returned to the bedroom to see if they missed something.

Sunset checked the drawers, only to find nothing. “I got nothing. What about you Zipp?” She asked the Pegasus.

Zipp flew around the room, until she saw something. "Ha! Found something, Sunset!" She exclaimed, flying over Sunny's night stand at her bed's side, with Sunset heading next to her, and scanning the outline on it with her goggles. "Just as I suspected, this outline is the exact diameter of the lantern's base!" She said, landing on the ground and pulling her Z-Goggles aside.

“Good eye, Zipp.” Sunset said, really finding Zipp looking for clues was great.

"Thanks. And what's this?" Zipp questioned as she and Sunset are looking at the outline and Zipp grabbing a bit to lick it. "Dirt! Hmm. The same kind of dirt that's used in the Community Garden. Interesting..." She stated, then she realized something. "Did I just taste dirt?" She questioned, then coughed from disgust.

Sunset chuckled from that. “You could’ve just looked at it closely and seen the resemblance, because there are some things you don’t want to taste, Zipp.” She said with a chuckle.

“Thanks for the advice.” Zipp said in a bored tone, making a note of that part of being a detective. However, she realized there was a trail of dirt hoof prints on the floor. “Looks like our thief left a trail behind.” She said, pointing at the trail.

Sunset saw it and was confused. “How did we miss that?” She questioned, wondering how they miss that while looking for the lantern.

“Maybe we were distracted searching for the lantern, come on.” Zipp said as she and Sunset decided to follow the dirt trail.

Meanwhile, at the main floor, Pipp was dancing around as she sang to herself. "So put your hooves up high, 'Cause we're feeling alright. Everyday is awesome in the Mare––" She sang, but then before she could make another step, Zipp and Sunset arrived and Zipp stopped her.

“Wait! Don't take another step" Zipp instructed.

Pipp decided to fly instead, although she was confused. "What are you doing?" She asked Zipp.

"This is an active crime scene!" Zipp said, pointing at the floor.

“A crime of theft just happened, Pipp. And Zipp wants to solve the case. I’m just helping her out.” Sunset explained to Pipp to help her understand.

“And I can’t have you contaminating the evidence." Zipp added with a frown.

"A real-life mystery?!" Pipp asked her with a smile, and then gasped excitedly. "What's the crime?" She asked them again.

"Sunny's lantern has gone missing." Zipp explained with worry.

At this, Pipp just gasped dramatically. "I am shook! How can I help?" She asked with a little smile.

"No help needed! I've got this investigation under control, but you can help Sunset search around." Zipp assured with a confident smile. Then, she flew over to the open doors and took a closer look to them, also pulling out her phone. "No sign of forced entry." She registered on her phone.

Pipp and Sunset, however, just looked at her working, and then Pipp gasped excited. "Your Cutie Mark!" She said, since Zipp's Cutie Mark was shining bright because Zipp was doing what she does best. "Wow, I guess you really do have this under control!" She said with a smile and a little giggle. "Well, I should just leave you to it then, Detective!" She stated.

“You could help me check outside, Pipp. See if we can find anything suspicious.” Sunset suggested. “Besides, it will help us cover more grounds.” She said, seeing that splitting up to cover more grounds will be finding the lantern quickly.

“Sure thing Sunset.” Pipp said with a smile as she and Sunset flew close to the door as Zipp looked at her sister. "Have fun!" She sang, before leaving entirely the Brighthouse while Zipp kept with her research.

Outside the Brighthouse, Pipp hummed to herself and landed on the Community Garden with Sunset looking around to see if there was something strange to find Sunny’s lantern. Pipp took a selfie with one of the flowers, but just when she turned around, she tripped with a bag buried in the dirt.

"Ah! What in the hay?!" Pipp exclaimed both mad and confused.

“You okay, Pipp?” Sunset asked in concern.

“Yeah. I just trip on something.” Pipp answered as she and Sunset took a closer look at the bag and grabbed it, then she shook it until something fell with a thud on the ground: Sunny's lantern. "Lantern! What are you doing out here?!" She said, grabbing the lantern and blowing it to get some of the dust away.

“That’s strange. What’s a lantern be doing in the garden while in a bag in a whole to bury it?” Sunset asked as she looked at the whole that was dug recently. “That’s suspicious that it could be here, but at least Sunny’s lantern is found and safe.” She said with a small smile, going to have to think of who dug this hole to try to bury the lantern later, but for now, Sunny’s gonna be happy to know that her lantern is found.

"Aw, yay. Zipp will be so excited you aren't missing after all!" Pipp said with a smile, hugging the lantern and she and Sunset then started flying back to the Brighthouse.

“And Sunny will be happy as well.” Sunset with a smile.

However, once they arrived at the Brighthouse door, they looked at Zipp flying around, focused on finding the lantern, and also, her Cutie Mark was shining more than ever, so she felt bad for ruining the fun for her sister.

"Aww... But she already looks so happy!" Pipp said with a smile, then got out once again, and looked at the lantern a bit concerned. "If I give it to her, her fun will be over." she said, putting the lantern down.

“But Sunny is worried for the lantern, Pipp. You know how attached she is to it since it was made by her father.” Sunset pointed out, knowing that Sunny is still worried for the lantern since it was her father’s, one of the things left behind to remember him.

“I know, Sunset. But I can’t make Zipp lose her detective zone since she is happy while doing it. And I know I can’t make Sunny feel worried for the lantern either.” Pipp said, not wanting to make her sister and friend feel this way as she then got an idea. "I guess the lantern doesn't need to be found right now." She added with a smile, grabbing the lantern again and flying back to the place where she found the lantern initially.

Sunset followed Pipp, still not sure of this. “Pipp. You can’t just hide the lantern again just like that. Sunny is really worried that she might do something extreme just to find it. I’m sure Zipp will understand.” She tried to reason, not convinced to let Pipp hide the lantern like that just to keep Zipp happy while Sunny is still worried.

“I know, Sunset. But please, it will only be quick. Zipp will find out the lantern if she follows my tracks. I will make her think they are clues, she will find the lantern and she will grab it back and give it to Sunny once it is found, then both ponies will be happy. It’s a win-win.” Pipp explained her plan to make both Sunny and Zipp happy once this is over.

Sunset then thought of Pipp’s plan, while she wanted Sunny to be happy that the lantern was found, Pipp wanted her sister to be happy since doing detective stuff makes her happy. Seeing no way around this, Sunset sighs in relief. “Alright, fine. We’ll do it your way, Pipp. But once this is over, you are telling Zipp and Sunny everything.” Sunset said.

“Great! You just follow Zipp and make sure she follows the trail.” Pipp said cheerfully as Sunset nodded in agreement. Pipp then marked her hoof print on the dirt, and then pulled out a bottle with aquamarine glitter. "And for a little extra mystery, some of my all-new 'Pipp brand Wing Glitter'!" Pipp said, as she spread the glitter around the 'crime scene' with a smile. "There! The perfect clue to have Zipp on the lantern's trial to me in no time. So fun! I am really good at this! I should plan a mystery party!" She exclaimed excitedly, and then flew away with the lantern while Sunset flew back to the Brighthouse to tell Zipp that she ‘found’ a clue.

Soon enough, Misty arrived at the Garden in sneaky mode, but when she entered, she found the hole empty.

"What?!" Misty asked, looking with panic at the empty hole. "It was right here! I buried it right here!" she said with confusion, then she noticed Pipp's hoof print and frowned. "Ugh! Somepony found it." She said with frustration, and then groaned. "Oh, why did I think burying it was enough to keep it hidden? Oh, why do I always panic and do the wrong thing? Oh..." She said with worry. "Opaline's gonna be so angry when she finds out... But... not if I can find it again first!" She started with a grin as she stomped the dirt more, until Zipp and Sunset arrived suddenly from her back, Sunset having told Zipp that she found a ‘clue’.

"Misty?" Both Sunset and Zipp called out to her, while Misty gasped startled, as she looked at Zipp and Sunset with panic, mostly at Sunset since she is a Guardian of Harmony.

"What are you doing here?" Zipp asked, landing in front of her.

"Me? Oh, I was... Uh... I was just filling in this hole, left by uh, gophers!" Misty explained nervously. "Yep! Silly gophers, leaving holes everywhere!" She said, giggling nervously as well. "Wouldn't want somepony to trip." She added.

“Really? For gophers?” Sunset asked suspicious, finding it strange since she highly doubted Misty was here when Pipp made her plan.

Zipp then flew over and examined the hole. "Ah... This hole is too wide for a gopher, it is just wide enough to hide a lantern!" she pointed out with a smile, while Misty just looked at her a bit confused. "And I don't think any gopher would be leaving a hoofprint like that, do you?" she asked her with a smirk, but then Zipp noticed the aquamarine glitter on the dirt. "Glitter? Is it a magical remnant?" she questioned, grabbing some of the glitter from the ground with her hoof. Then she started to fly around, while Misty just dissimulated to know nothing by placing a hoof on her chin. "Maybe this hoofprint belongs to an earth pony who was trying to grow something here or maybe it belongs to... The lantern thief!" Zipp stated.

Misty gasped and then replied a bit nervously. "Lantern? What's that? I've never even seen one of those! Bye!" she said, quickly running away from Zipp and Sunset.

“Have you noticed Misty’s behavior, Zipp?” Sunset asked, finding Misty’s nervousness weird since she knew Misty wasn’t here before Pipp set up the clues, and she doubted she knew Pipp’s plan, so Sunset is wondering why Misty is so nervous about it and why she was a little more scared than usual.

"Well, she was acting totally weird. But that tracks." Zipp said to Sunset, then brought her phone to give an update on her current investigation. "Update: No solid leads yet." She recorded, then looked at the glitter on the dirt again. "But somepony out there in town must have some answers." She stated with confidence, as she called to her drone, who arrived with her and nodded in agreement.

“This is gonna be one of those days.” Sunset said while looking at the Brighthouse while having a worried feeling for Sunny. ‘I hope Sunny is doing okay with her lantern missing.’ Sunset thought, hoping Pipp didn’t leave a big trail to follow since she had to get that lantern back to Sunny.

Back at the bedroom, Cloudpuff was on Sunny's bed playing with a toy, while Sunny walked back and forth with worry over her lantern.

"I know Zipp and Sunset are on the case, oh..." Sunny said with worry, and then stomped frustrated on the floor. "But it's agony just sitting around here doing nothing!" She confessed. "There's gotta be something I can do without stepping on her investigation, right Cloudpuff?" She asked the dog on her bed.

But Cloudpuff was too busy playing with his toy, and Sunny sat on the floor with sadness and worry. Then, she saw the rainbow light coming from the elevator, and her smile quickly returned.

"Oh, that's it!" Sunny said with a smile, jumping towards the elevator while Cloudpuff decided to follow her. Sunny stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button, then the doors closed and the elevator moved up to the Crystal Room with the Unity Crystals. "The Crystals and the Prisbeam rely on the unity magic of ponykind to keep them powered!" She explained to the dog, pointing at the Unity Crystals floating. "If the little bit of Prisbeam in my lantern is anything like this one, we could power up the lantern no matter where it's hidden! Like a beacon leading us straight to it" She pointed out with a hoping smile.

Cloudpuff just stared at her and barked.

"All I need is enough ponies gathered and united together!" Sunny cheered, now with a plan on her mind. She grabbed Cloudpuff and squashed him with joy with a hug. "Thanks, Cloudpuff!" She told the dog with a smile, going back to the bottom of the Brighthouse.

Back at Maretime Bay, Zipp was analyzing everyone around town with both her drone and her Z-Goggles, marking all of them as suspects from stealing Sunny's lantern while Sunset looked around normal while making sure Zipp doesn’t overreact to this detective way..

"Hmm... So many potential witnesses, so little time" Zipp complained. "Where to start?" she questioned, until she made a zoom to the three usual fillies, with Seashell holding her phone camera while Peach Fizz and Glory were dancing. However, that wasn't what caught her attention: she saw that the three fillies had flowers on their ears. "Flowers from the garden? Gotcha!" she said with a confident smile, pulling off her Z-Goggles.

“Zipp! Wait!” Sunset called out as she groaned as she knew what might happen as she followed Zipp who was heading for the Pippsqueaks.

"Pipp's going to love our dance moves!" Seashell assured her friends with a smile.
Suddenly, Zipp stomped her hooves loudly, startling the fillies and Seashell accidentally threw her phone in the air. "Seashell! Glory! Peach Fizz" she said with a frown, catching Seashell's phone. "Where were you at approximately 4:22 a.m. last night?!" she questioned them.

"What? 4:22?" Seashell asked nervously, while the other two looked at Zipp with fear. "We were, uh... Definitely sleeping at home in our beds!" she said with a nervous tone.

"Yeah!" Peach Fizz added. "We definitely weren't up watching YouHoof videos!" she added, then immediately covered her mouth with panic.

"Hmm... That was very specific, too specific... And not very convincing!" Zipp said with a frown, not before feeling a smack from behind her head. “Ow!” Zipp called out and turned and saw Sunset giving her a look after she smacked her.

“Zipp, will you stop for one minute! You’re scaring the fillies!” Sunset scolded Zipp, who flinched at her outburst as Sunset turned to the Pippsqueaks with a calm look and smile. “Pardon Zipp here. She’s very into the detective thing today. Just tell us the truth so we can have some answers, because even I know that you girls were hesitant to speak about what you did last night. What did you do when you were up late?” She asked the Pippsqueaks in a calm and comfortable tone with a small smile.

Seashell was quiet for a bit, but then sighs as she can’t lie to Sunset. “Fine! I admit, okay?!” She called out.

“We were up late…” Peach Fizz called out next.

“Yes!” Zipp called out cheerfully, thinking they'd found the suspects.

“Wait, Zipp! Let them finish!” Sunset called out as Zipp stayed quiet as she and Sunset let the Pippsqueaks continue.

“Watching Princess Pipp Glow-Up tutorials!” Seashell continued with a smile as the rest of her friends nodded in agreements. “She just released a new line of glitter!” She added with a smile.

“Please don’t tell on us!” Peach Fizz pleaded as she and the other Pippsqueaks ran out of sight.

“Wing glitter, huh?” Zipp asked in confusion as Seashell zoomed back and grabbed her phone before catching up to her friends.

“That’s something Pipp has been working on.” Sunset answered before giving Zipp a look. “And Zipp, yelling at the fillies like that? That’s low, even for you. Even though they are Pipp’s Pippsqueaks, they don’t even know Sunny’s lantern. They would have no interest in it. Even Pipp isn’t that excited to post Sunny’s lantern. You gotta stop jumping to conclusions. I thought you learned this from that Sunglasses thing you pulled on us.” She said, reminding Zipp to think before jumping to conclusion, a little something she learned already from the ‘missing sunglasses’ thing a while back.

Zipp looked at Sunset for a bit, remembering that mistake way too well as she sighs. “You’re right, Sunset. A good detective doesn’t just fly to conclusions!” She declared. “Gonna need to do a deeper drive.” She added, before she gasped as she noticed that Mayflower, who was passing by, was carrying a bag with some things that Izzy fixed for her. She also noticed that, in the bag, there was a lantern that looked exactly like Sunny's. Sunset saw this too as Zipp then flies towards her before Sunset can speak. “Mayflower!” She called out, which startled Mayflower as she dropped her bag while the lamp and some food fell off. “What is that?!” She questioned.

“It’s an old lamp that I just had fixed at ‘Izzy Does It’!” Mayflower irritatedly said to Zipp/

Sunset facehoof herself again as Zipp gives a sheepish look. “Oh, um, of course it is.” Zipp said with a nervous chuckle. “So sorry!” She apologized to Mayflower for her mistake, seeing that it is a lamp since Sunny's lantern shines a rainbow in it. “Let me help you with that!” She was about to pick it up but Mayflower raised her hoof.

“I’m good!” Mayflower called out as she picked up the lamp and food back into the bag as she walked off with a made look.

Zipp got back to the ground as she turned to Sunset, who was giving her a look again.

“Did your mother ever teach you to learn your manners? And did you forget that Sunny’s lantern gives a rainbow shine. That lantern didn’t glow one bit.” Sunset pointed out, seeing that Zipp didn’t learn her manners and forgot that Sunny’s lantern glows and has a rainbow shine in it.

Zipp sighs, seeing Sunset’s point. "Yeah... Maybe I need to try a different strategy." She pointed out.

“You think?” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow.

Zipp just sighed in defeat, and then she and Sunset heard a horn. "Zipp! Sunset!" Izzy greeted them, approaching the two ponies with her Unicycling Cart and waving one of her hooves. "Zipp, Sunset, Zipp, Sunset!" She said again, still singing the horn of the cart.

“Hi’ya, Izzy.” Sunset greeted their unicorn friend with a smile.

"Oh hey, Izz." Zipp greeted back with a smile as well. "How are the 'Izzy Does It' unicycling house calls going?" She asked with curiosity.

"Awesome!" Izzy replied cheerfully. "I can't even belizzle how much stuff ponies have just sitting around their houses begging to be beautified. Requesting to be repurposed! Clamoring for a crafting!" She said, making weird faces and moving around Zipp and Sunset, while said pegasus and alicorn just looked at her with smiles, knowing that’s just Izzy being Izzy. "I just fixed Mayflower's old lamp actually." She pointed out.

“So we heard..." Zipp said with a little sadness, since she framed Mayflower for something she didn’t do and broke the lamp.

“Yeah.” Sunset said, giving Zipp a look again for jumping to conclusions again.

You seem a little..." Izzy said, then made a weird face that clearly stated that Zipp wasn't feeling good at all. “And Sunset is giving you some…” She made weird faces again but a little mean that clearly stated Sunset is not happy right now. "What's up?" She asked them with a smile.

"Sunny's lantern is missing, we haven't been able to come up with a single real lead in the case... and Sunset is annoyed at me because I haven't been thinking before acting at all." Zipp explained with worry.

“Yeah. Because you just kept jumping to conclusions since you are going too quickly on the case. You really need to slow down with your cases, Zipp.” Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah I do.” Zipp said, even admitting herself that she’s being too quick on this. “So far, our only leads on this case are just dirt and glitter!" She added.

Izzy giggled a bit before replying. "Honestly, what isn't?" she said with a smile.

"But nopony's seen anything about the lantern!" Zipp said, still worried.

“I’m sure we’ll find it, Zipp.” Sunset said, as much as she wanted to tell Zipp the truth, she made a promise to Pipp to keep this a secret until Zipp finds it herself since her detective ways makes her happy, and Sunset never break promises but hate keep this to Zipp, especially to Sunny since she knows that pony is really worried for that lantern.

"Really? I saw the lantern last night" Izzy said casually.

That made Zipp gasp and quickly turn around at her. "We need to talk!" She stated, grabbing Izzy and dragging her away to a more private place.

Sunset sighed when she saw that. “Why do I get the feeling this won’t help?” She said to herself as she flew off to catch up to the two ponies.

At the station, Sparky was running around with Hitch's sheriff badge while Hitch tried to catch him.

"No Sparky! Once again, my badge is not a toy!" Hitch told the baby dragon, as he chased him around until he finally grabbed the baby dragon and put his badge back in place. "And stop putting random things in your mouth, okay? It's a choking hazard!" He pointed out.

Sparky then gave Hitch a cute look as he smiled cutely at him.

Hitch sighs as he can’t resist Sparky’s cuteness as he puts the baby dragon down. "Here, try this instead!" Hitch told the baby dragon, giving him a pacifier. Sparky grabbed it and started to use the pacifier. “Aw…” He said that, but then Sparky spilled the pacifier to Hitch's head.
"And cute moment over." Hitch said with a bored expression, then he grabbed the pacifier again and extended it to the baby dragon. "Let's give that another try, huh?' He told Sparky, but then the baby dragon spilled a small dragon fire that changed the pacifier for a badge, which is Hitch’s badge as Sparky grabbed it and ran around the room in giggles.

Then Sunny entered the station with a worried expression. "Hitch! My lantern is missing, but I think I have a way to track it down." She said, looking at Sparky running around.

"Ooh! Is it Detective Zipp? 'Cause she's great at solving mysteries." Hitch asked curiously.

"She's on it with Sunset helping her! But I also need just a little, teeny, tiny bit of help from everypony's favorite town sheriff!" Sunny said with a smile.

“What kind of help?” Hitch asked, after a failed attempt to get his badge back from Sparky.

"Oh, you know." Sunny said, placing a hoof on her chin. "Gather up every single pony we can find to amplify their Unity magic and blast it to the lantern. Call it a... town meeting!" She explained.

"Wait just a second." Hitch said, seeing the flaw in that. "Do you really think it's a good idea letting everypony know the lantern is missing?" He questioned her, thinking that it’s a bad idea for Sunny to tell everypony that her lantern is missing.

"Remember what Twilight Sparkle warned us about?" Sunny reminded Hitch with worry. "An evil pony who wanted to steal magic? What if that pony finds it?" She pointed out with worry.

"Well, I hardly think that's going to happen. Even with Twilight not remembering the name of who the evil pony is, I don’t think it will happen that quickly." Hitch said with honesty.

"It could!" Sunny said with panic.

“Sunny, let’s be rational--” Hitch tries to reason with Sunny, but then he turns and sees Sparky holding a puzzle box. “Oh! My puzzle!” He cried out as he chased after Sparky after he stopped at the side of the cage. “Sparky!” He cries out as he tries to reach the puzzle that Sparky is holding at the other side as Hitch tries to grab it while Sparky giggles. “No more dragonfire!” He called out, not wanting Sparky’s dragonfire on his puzzle as he tried to grab it while Sparky got into the cage and sat on the puzzle.

Sunny looked down again, still thinking that she had to tell the ponies about the missing lantern. Then she saw Hitch's megaphone on the desk and smiled. "That'll work" She said, grabbing the megaphone and walking out of the station too.

“That puzzle is a limited edition!” Hitch scolded Sparky, who is sticking his tongue out at Hitch playfully, distracted to notice Sunny got his megaphone and left the station.

At a dark place, Izzy was sitting on a chair, when suddenly a light turned on over her.

"Ah!" Izzy exclaimed, as her eyes tried to get used to the light. "Uh, where are we?" She questioned Zipp and Sunset, since it was still pretty dark, while Zipp walked slowly towards her with a frown while Sunset just gave a boring expression.

"Not important!" Zipp replied.

“Just go with it, Izzy. It’s one of Zipp’s detective phases.” Sunset said to Izzy, seeing how overboard Zipp is with this whole detective thing.

Zipp then placed a hoof over Izzy's shoulder. "You said you saw it last night, but what exactly did you see?" She asked her.

Izzy just giggled at her before replying. "What do you mean what did I see?" She asked innocently. "I saw the lantern! You're so silly!" She said with a cheery smile.

"'Cause what I saw was somepony in the garden sneaking around with it." Zipp pointed out.

"Well, of course! That was me!" Izzy said cheerfully.

"I-It was?" Zipp asked, confused.

“Seriously, Izz?” Sunset asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Izzy replied with a cheery smile. "I had insomnia last night, happens all the time really. So I thought I'd brew up some Unicorn Sleepy Time Oo-oo-long tea" She started to explain. "It is sure to lull even the most wide-eyed pony to the gentlest shores of the snoozy ocean." She added, mimicking the sleeping position with her hooves.

“Oookay.” Sunset said slowly. “At least we know what happens at night for you, Izzy.” She added, now knowing another part of Izzy of her life.

"And that has to do with the lantern how, exactly?" Zipp questioned her.

"Well, I had to go search the garden to look for the tea leaves, 'cause I just ran out." Izzy explained. "And what better to light the way than a bright lantern?" She pointed out with a smile.

"Your glowing horn?" Zipp pointed out with a little smile.

"Oh... Yeah, that would have worked, too." Izzy confessed with a smile.

“Izzy, sometimes you can be cheerful and forgetful sometimes.” Sunset said with an amusing smile.

“Yep!” Izzy cheered with a smile.

Zipp then analyzed her story, and found a flaw in it. "But wait–– You were in bed at the time! I saw you!" She pointed out.

“I didn’t know since I was asleep, so I’m out of this one.” Sunset called out, saying that she doesn’t know this since she was asleep at the time.

"Oh, that? You probably just saw one of my new Unicycling creations named Senor Butterscotch that I made sometime ago. I used to put him under the covers anytime I have to get out of bed in the middle of the night." Izzy confessed. "It is Jinxie to leave without saving your spot, you know!" She explained another of her many Jinxies.

“Izzy, you know the jinkies never exist, right? I thought you and the unicorns moved past this when magic returned?” Sunset questioned, wanting to know why Izzy and the other unicorns didn’t move on from the jinkies thing.

“We know magic isn’t one of the jinkies when it returns, Sunset. But the others, it’s still jinkies from other things like mayo. There are a lot of things that are jinkies, Sunset.” Izzy answered the other lesson about jinkies.

Sunset blinked a bit from that. “Okay, good point.” She said, finding that fair.

"So if it was you who took the lantern out last night, why didn't you put it back where you found it?" Zipp questioned her with more confusion than before.

"I did!" Izzy revealed. "Right back on Sunny's nightstand! She likes to sneak the lantern out of the case and sleep with it next to her because it reminds her of when she was a filly" She whispered to her. "Don't you just love that?" She asked with a smile.

“Well that is true, and also since it reminds her of her father. So that would explain the dirt spot on Sunny’s desk.” Sunset said, now seeing where that dirt trail on the floor and on Sunny’s spot came from.

"If you took the lantern and returned it, then where the hay is it now?!" Zipp questioned with panic, while Izzy just shrugged. Zipp and Sunset sighed in defeat as Zipp turned the lights on, revealing that they were in the washroom the whole time. "Izzy, you're free to go." Zipp told her with disappointment.

"Oh! Okay!" Izzy said, walking out of the washroom and humming to herself.

Zipp sat on the chair that was now near the bathtub, as she also lay in it and recorded something on her phone while Sunset watches. "Hmm, I feel like we’re getting closer. Like we’re on the edge of something..." She said, then she tripped into the bathtub, causing a shampoo bottle to fall on the tub and some water to fall on it as well, while Zipp stood on the tub with a bored and tired expression.

Sunset tries to stifle her laugh when she saw that, finding it pretty funny. “You were at the edge of something alright, Zipp. The edge of the tub taking a bath.” She said as she laughed at that.

Zipp still has the same expression. "Ugh, I fell right into that one." she told Sunset with tiredness.

“You sure have.” Sunset said.

The necklace opened up as Twilight appeared as she laughed a bit. “Ahaha. Oh Celestia, this reminds me during my Winter Wrap Up and trying to figure out Pinkie Pie. And I paid the price before. Hahaha. This brings back memories.” She said with a few chuckles.

Sunset chucked from that as she laughs with Twilight while Zipp looked at them with a playful smirk, finding it funny as well

Eventually, Zipp and Sunset returned to the Community Garden, where Zipp drone started to scan around again for any missing clue.

"Well? Anything?" Zipp asked her drone, who once again scanned the filled hole of dirt with aquamarine glitter. "Then I guess you're the only solid clue we've got so far." She said, once again analyzing the hole.

“Yeah. It’s the only clue.” Sunset said, really getting tired of this act since this is taking a while and she knows that she has to get the lantern back to Sunny before that mare goes crazy.

However, Misty arrived there suddenly and tried to hide, but unfortunately for her, Zipp and Sunset noticed her strange attitude.

"Hmm? That's... suspicious." Zipp stated, approaching the place where Misty decided to hide.

“Misty?” Sunset asked in confusion, wondering why Misty is here again as she followed Zipp.

Misty immediately jumped the garden fence and ran away from Zipp, who followed her by flight.
Eventually, they reached the town, where Misty dodged some ponies while Zipp and Sunset followed her with Zipp wearing her Z-Goggles. Suddenly, Misty was about to crash with the via train, but then she jumped inside the train, then she quickly got down and entered Mane Melody.

Zipp and Sunset, on the other hand, almost crashed against the via train but they managed to brake before that happened. "Sorry!" Zipp apologized with the driver, then she took her Z-Goggles off as her and Sunset started to look around for Misty.

Sunset then caught sight of Misty. “Hey, Zipp!” Sunset called out as Zipp is now looking sideways to Mane Melody's door that recently closed as the two ponies flew to it, with Sunset having seconds thoughts that she knows Misty didn’t take the lantern, but had a strange feeling on why she was in the garden as Sunset was deep in thought

As they entered the place, Zipp frowned while Sunset was looking around calmly, while Zipp’s drone followed and they both looked around for Misty. They passed by her, but didn't notice since she was hiding on a chair while reading a magazine. At the end, Zipp decided to leave after looking around and not finding her while Sunset just shrugged as she followed Zipp. Misty felt relieved, and decided to leave as well, but Zipp and Sunset were still nearby, so they got back inside.

Misty tried to find another escape route inside the salon, but after opening a door that had Jazz at the other side and turning around she found Zipp looking at her with a frown.

"We know everything, Misty!" Zipp told her with anger. "And we know it was you who stole the lantern!" She said, while Misty didn't know what to say exactly, Sunset however felt like this is wrong since she knows Misty didn’t steal the lantern as she looked at Zipp getting closer to Misty, who is really starting to panic from Zipp. "Ever since the unicorn sleepover, we have had a weird feeling about you. Those probing questions about Sparky, not knowing anything about Bridlewood, and then finding you trying to activate the elevator up to the Crystal Room!" She pointed out, as she started to surround Misty on a corner, while the unicorn looked at her in fright. "But we ignored my instincts and gave you the benefit of the doubt, until now. All the galloping and shadiness today solidified it! Now, you better tell me where you've got Sunny's lantern hidden!" She warned her.

"Enough!/Stop!" Sunset and Pipp said, as they both got in front of Misty to stop Zipp from going any further.

"Guys! What are you doing?! And Sunset, why are you defending her?! We've got the lantern thief right here!" Zipp told them with a frown, pointing at Misty, who was still in fright.

"It's me! I'm the lantern thief!" Pipp confessed, once again stepping in front of Misty.

"What?!" Zipp said, confused.
Well, no, I mean, I'm not the lantern thief, but..." Pipp stated, then quickly flew at the backstage of the salon and got back with Sunny's lantern. "I've had it all day." She confessed with a guilty expression.

"Huh? No! But Misty is the lantern thief!" Zipp stated, still convinced that Misty stole the lantern in the first place.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake, Zipp! Pipp and I found the lantern earlier but Pipp didn’t want you to feel sad!” Sunset called out, which drove Zipp in a loop.

“What?” Zipp asked again as she looked at her sister.

Pipp sighs as she knows that she needs to tell her sister the truth. “The truth is… We and Sunset found the lantern outside the Brighthouse this morning. And we were going to show you right away, but your Cutie Mark was glowing and you were having so much fun investigating and I––" She explained.

“But the hoof print!” Zipp pointed out of the hoof print from earlier.

"I put it there, to keep you going." Pipp pointed out, grabbing the lantern and flying down from the stage. "And the wing glitter was a clue to lead you to me!" she said with a small smile, that faded away. "I had no idea it'd send you on a trial after Misty." She said, while the two sisters and Sunset looked at Misty, who was being painted on the back as Mistychuckled nervously at Zipp, and mostly at Sunset.

“Wait, Sunset, you know about this the whole time?” Zipp asked Sunset, seeing that Sunset knows about this as well.

“Hey, I wanted to tell you and give Sunny back her lantern from the beginning, Zipp.” Sunset explained. “But Pipp talked me out of this after seeing how happy you are doing detective work, and I made a promise to her to stay quiet until you figured out it was Pipp. But I didn’t realize this would come, so I told Pipp that it was a bad idea from the start.” She added while giving Pipp a look.

Pipp chuckled sheepishly as Sunset had a point. “Yeah. I pleaded with Sunset to stay quiet so you can have your case, Zipp.” She said to her sister.

"So my whole investigation was for nothing then?" Zipp questioned with sadness and guilt. "Just me looking like a fool and accusing Misty of a bunch of terrible stuff she didn't do?" She questioned, while Misty slowly and quietly walked away, while Sunset stood at Pipp's side with a bored expression.

“I told Pipp it was a bad idea, but she wouldn’t listen.” Sunset said with a bored tone.

“Yeah.” Pipp said. “That one is totally my bad and I definitely owe you a big apology, but I've never seen your Cutie Mark glow like that!" She said in to Zipp with a smile, pointing at her glowing Cutie Mark. "You finally got to be a true detective! Ah! That's worth something, right?" She questioned with optimism.

“She’s right, Zipp.” Sunset said with a smile. “Even the best detectives have flaws, whether it’s a real case or fake, at least it helped show you that you have the greatest talents to be a true detective. And it brought your skills to the next level.” She added.

Zipp sighed and looked at the lantern. "I guess you're both right. I did have fun." She confessed with a smile. "So... I guess I can forgive you Pipp for sending me on that wild goose chase all day." She said with a mocking smirk. "Even if I did miss a few obvious clues. And I could thank Sunset for being there for me, even though it was a fake one." She added, which causes Pipp to laugh and Sunset to roll her eyes with a smile. "How did I not connect the glitter thing?! It was aquamarine!" She pointed out, as she laughed alongside Pipp.

“It was pretty obvious for me if I didn’t know about this.” Sunset said with a chuckle.

“Like my sparkle!" Pipp said, as she threw some aquamarine glitter in the air. "And I can't believe you thought it was Misty! She's so sweet! She could never!" She added with a smile.

Sunset and Zipp then saw Misty walking to the door as the two ponies quickly flew to stop Misty before she got out of Mane Melody. "Misty..." Zipp called out, while said unicorn turned around in fright. "I am so sorry." She said with a guilty expression. "I never should have accused you of being a thief... or chased you around town, or cornered you in here." she pointed out with shame, while Misty just looked down, thinking if she should accept her apology or not. "I guess I need some more practice with this whole detective thing, huh?" She said, extending her hoof to help Misty stand up.

“A little too much maybe.” Sunset commented with a smirk as Pipp giggled a bit from behind them. “But I’m also sorry for not telling Zipp about this kind of thing earlier, Misty. Pipp did want to make Zipp happy with her detective thing. Sometimes friends have to do something to make a pony happy, even if it was a little flaw on the road. Friends can sometimes be right or wrong about the things they do, but in the end, we forgive each other for the things we did just to be happy if friends want to understand one another.” She said with a comforting smile.

Misty looked at Sunset for a second, seeing how friendly the Guardian of Harmony is and how different she acted from what Opaline told her about Twilight and the rest of the Guardians of Friendship when they stopped her before as Misty then smiled a bit nervously in return. "It's okay." She told both Zipp and Sunset, accepting Zipp’s hoof and standing up. "I know how it is when you get really wrapped up in something and how friends can make promises to others that they shouldn’t break!" She added.

“I did just one last question though.” Zipp said to Misty.

“Yeah, same here as well.” Sunset said with a suspicious look.

“Why were you galloping away from me and Sunset?” Zipp asked curiously to Misty.

“And why were you at the Community Garden anyway? As well as hiding from us?” Sunset asked as well, wanting to know why Misty was there, why she was hiding from them and why she was running away from them.

Oh, well, I, uh... I have this thing where I just can't get the words out when I'm nervous sometimes and I, um..." Misty tried to come up with an excuse, but as she said it herself, feeling nervous wasn't helping at all. "Oh would you look at the time! I should really get going before my cake... goes... stale? Bye!" She said, running out of the salon as quickly as possible.

“Wonder what all that was about?" Zipp said a bit confused.

“Yeah, that was really strange.” Sunset added, feeling something strange about Misty lately, even though this whole case for Zipp wasn’t her fault, Sunset is still having some strange feelings about that unicorn.

"I bet she's still just shy about us." Pipp suggested. "Some ponies are, you know!" She pointed out.

"Yeah, we can't all be doing Clip Trot dances like you." Zipp said with a mocking tone, as she, Pipp and Sunset laughed a little.

"Ooh! I just remembered!" Pipp said suddenly, gaining Zipp's and Sunset's attention. "Zipp, your little caper today fully inspired me to write this jam!" She exclaimed excitedly, as she brought her phone out and showed both Zipp and Sunset a video.

(Where Did it Go? Song)

Oh, oh
Where'd it go?
Oh, oh
Where'd it go?

In the video, Pipp appeared with her magnifying glass as the lantern passed by here .
Here we go, here we go
We're not gonna stop 'til we find what we're missing

Pipp twirled her magnifying glass as she pretended that she was looking for something with a smile.

Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
A perfect case for a private eye
I'm searching far and wide

The Pippsqueaks appeared as they then looked for something before they spread out as the next scene shows Pipp leading the Pippsqueaks as the next scene then shows the Pippsqueaks and Pipp doing some silly photos and taking a group picture together.

So here we go, here we go
We're not gonna stop 'til we find what we're missing

The next scene shows Pipp coming in with a twirl in front of her Pippsqueaks as she did a pose as the Pippsqueaks appeared in front of her as the next one shows them in square scenes.

Oh, oh
Where'd it go?
Oh, oh
Where'd it go?

Once the musical video was over, the trio heard Sunny's voice from outside.

"Ponies! Please!" Sunny called out through the megaphone.

"Huh?" Zipp said in confusion.

“Oh Celestia. Sunny is so worried she’s doing something on her own.” Sunset said in worried as she and the two sisters ran out the salon.

The trio got out of Mane Melody, where Izzy stood confused as Sunny passed around with the megaphone.

"Come join us in the plaza for a very important cause!" Sunny called out.

"Sunny, please stop! This is not the way to solve this!" Hitch said, as he chased Sunny with Sparky in his back, biting on his sheriff badge, who dropped it as Hitch turned back and picked it up while giving Sparky a look. “And you! Stop squirming!” He told Sparky as he continued the chase.

"What is going on?!" Zipp asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Izzy replied with a cheery smile. "But it seems like we're about to play a really complicated game of 'tag'!" she added.

“Oh pony feathers, I knew it was only a matter of time.” Sunset said in worried as she knew why Sunny is doing this as she turned to Pipp. “Pipp, bring her lantern, Sunny's about to say things she shouldn't! And I told you Sunny would get worried if her lantern is gone for too long!" She told the young pegasus, before quickly flying off to follow Sunny as well.

"Everypony! We need your help to find my lantern!" Sunny announced with the megaphone.

“Sunny, wait!” Sunset called out.

“We found it, Sunny!" Zipp told her, and Sunny finally stopped running, which made Hitch trip over her.

“You did?" Sunny asked the sisters and Sunset with the megaphone, while the feedback made a loud noise, which made the two flying ponies cringe from the sound.

“Can you turn that off now!” Sunset called out through the noise.

Sunny turned off the megaphone with a sheepish smile. Hitch got up from the ground, with his head spinning since he was feeling a little dizzy. "You did?" she asked Sunset, Zipp and Pipp again.

“Yeah, it was all just a case of a little innocent sister meddling." Pipp explained sheepishly with a nervous laughter, while she brought out the lantern. "Probably should have let you in on my plan sooner, Sunny! So sorry about that!" She added with a sheepish smile.

“That would’ve saved us enough trouble.” Sunset groans from Pipp, while also feeling stupid on not thinking that was well since she was helping Zipp all day.

"Ah! What a relief!" Sunny said with a smile, throwing the megaphone backwards while Hitch tried to catch it, but then he fell into the ground. "Thank you for returning it." She said to Pipp with a smile.

"Oh! What happened to the game of tag?" Windy asked with disappointment, as she and the other ponies returned to their daily lives.

“These ponies really gotta know some things aren’t a game but at least the lantern is safe.” Sunset said, feeling relief that it’s now over.

"Yeah, it could have been a total disaster if the lantern had actually been taken by somepony dangerous..." Zipp pointed out with a smile.

"Like the mysterious evil pony Twilight warned us about?" Izzy asked rhetorically as she got between Zipp and Pipp as she spread her hooves around them. “Ooh, that would be your next mystery to uncover, Zipp!” She said to Zipp with wide eyes and a smile close to her before she backed up from her.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m working on it.” Zipp said with a smile as the Mane 6 then laughed it off.

“That’s a mystery even I’m still stumped about as well.” Sunset said with a smile.

"As long as we stick together, and tell each other about our plans, I know we'll be able to keep this lantern and pony magic safe." Sunny assured with a smile, holding the lantern. "This thing is powerful, we have to be more careful with it." She stated to the others.

“Yeah. These things are so powerful, they shouldn’t be used for childish things. They have to be protected at all costs.” Sunset added, knowing that they need to take care of powerful magical things more seriously and protect them.

"No more midnight trots with it then, Izzy?" Zipp asked her with a smirk.

"Psht! Why would I need a lantern? I've got a glowing horn!" Izzy said with a smile.

Once again, the group started to laugh, but then Sunny's Cutie Mark glowed and the lantern started to glow as well, which surprised the group and caused Sunny to gasp.

"I knew it!" Sunny said with a bright smile.

“Amazing!” Sunset said with a smile, really admiring and surprised by how Sunny’s lantern reacted.

"So beautiful!" Pipp said with sparkling eyes at the sight of the lantern.

"So rainbow-y!" Izzy said.

"Wow, Sunny! You were right!" Hitch said with a smile as well.

"Note: Lantern's energy linked to proximity to unity magic." Zipp said, recording the glowing lantern with her horn, and Izzy's Cutie Mark that was glowing. "Or is it a separate power?" She questioned herself, putting her phone aside and approaching Sunny. "Hey, Sunny, do you think I could keep my hooves on the lantern a little bit longer? I want to do some more scientific analysis on it." She requested, now looking at the lantern.

"As long as you don't let it out of your sight, Detective." Sunny told her with a smile.

Zipp did a little loop in the air and snatched the lantern out of Sunny's hoof. "Don't worry, I won't!" She assured Sunny with a smirk.

Sunset chuckled. “As long as you don’t go overboard with it.” She said, but then something came into her mind. “But there is one question that’s been bugging me lately.” She pointed out.

“Really? Like what, Sunset?” Sunny asked.

“Me and Pipp found your lantern in the community garden in a bag while buried in a hole for some reason.” Sunset called out with a raised eyebrow. “And we know me, Zipp and Pipp didn’t do it, we obviously know Izzy didn’t do it after she put it back to your side of the bed, Sunny, and we also know Hitch didn’t do it since he knows how much it is important to you since it was made by your father.” She listed out.

“Yeah. I would never do that.” Hitch added, knowing he would never do that to make Sunny worried.

“So the question is, who put the lantern in the bag and in the hole in the Community Garden in the first place? It was like somepony was trying to hide it from us so that they can come back for it later once it was clear for them to take it.” Sunset stated, which made the rest of the Mane 6 wondering as well, trying to think who put the lantern in it in the first place before Sunset and Pipp found it.

Sometime later, Misty returned to Opaline's Castle, and poked her head from the door to the throne room. When she saw no one there, she tried to run towards her room, but then Opaline's voice spoke.

"So you're finally back." Opaline said, landing in front of Misty. “And where is my powerful lantern?” She asked.

"Well, you see, I was on my way to get it, but then I got to thinking, maybe it's not as powerful as we––" Misty tried to explain.

However, Opaline knew exactly what happened. "Another failure!" she shouted with anger, stomping her hooves on the floor, which startled Misty. "There seems to be a pattern emerging. It makes me wonder if it truly was a mistake... Or if you're just going soft on those ponies!" She said with a frown.

"No, Opaline! It was all a mistake!" Misty assured. "I want to do whatever I can to help your plans succeed!" She assured her again.

"Well, I hope you're telling the truth. It would be terrible for you to abandon your only friend." Opaline warned her, as she made a gesture with her wing to prove her point. "Without me, you'd have nothing. No family, no home, no Cutie Mark!" She reminded her, passing a hoof over the fake butterfly Cutie Mark. "You still want me to give you a Cutie Mark, don't you?" She questioned Misty.

"More than anything!" Misty replied. "At least I have learned from Sunset that she is a Guardian of Harmony!” She pointed out.

“At least that’s the only thing you bring me!” Opaline stated. “But now that we know that this Sunset Shimmer is a Guardian of Harmony, she could threaten our plans if she finds out if we’re not careful!” She added, knowing that a remainder of her ancient enemy that was formed by Twilight Sparkle is still out there, and could foil her plans if Sunset finds out about them.

“I promise I won't let another mistake like this happen again. I'll get the lantern! Hoof to––" Misty tried to assure Opaline again.

"No!" Opaline said coldly, as she walked towards her boiler. "We're wasting time with the pursuit of these silly enchanted relics!" She stated.

"B-B-But how else are we going to get the magic? Sunset is an Alicorn and she’s at her magic peak, she could be a challenge for you. How can you get the magic to match that up?" Misty question.

"With something that will instantly restore my ultimate power." Opaline replied with an evil grin, as she made an image appear on the boiler of Hitch and Sparky as he spilled dragon fire on Hitch's badge. "Dragon fire!" Opaline said, while Misty looked worried that Sparky is now the target for Opaline.

Later on, the Mane 6 were sitting in a little resting room they had behind the Brighthouse, helping Hitch with his puzzle.

"Of course!" Hitch complained. "It's always the last piece that goes missing!" He pointed at the puzzle with the missing piece with frustration, then he looked at his side with a bored expression, since Sparky was playing with the last piece. "Sparky... no. Put it down" He ordered, trying to take the piece back, but then Sparky sneezed and turned the piece into a butterfly, which ended up flying away, and Hitch sighed with frustration. "So much for mint condition." He complained again.

“Don't worry!" Izzy told him, as she brought a pair of scissors and a piece of cardboard, then she cut the cardboard to make a new piece for the puzzle and gave it to Sparky, who grabbed it while baby-talking in gibberish.

Sparky saw the new piece, then at Hitch who had a worried expression, and then jumped on the table and put the piece on the spot left of the puzzle.

That made Hitch emotional for some reason, tho. "Nothing prepares you for the moments like these!" He said in a proud and a little emotional tone.

The rest of the Mane 6 laughed from that while Sunset spoke. “Everypony, or creature for Sparky’s case, has to grow up sometimes, Hitch.” She said with a smile.

"Sparky's dragon fire transformations are amazing!" Zipp said, as the piece turned into a butterfly landed on her hoof. “And he’s just a baby!” She said while looking at Sparky as the piece turned butterfly flew away.

“Yeah, even Twilight is surprised by this.” Sunset said as her necklace opened as Twilight appeared.

Yeah. I'm even surprised at how amazing Sparky’s magic is.” Twilight said with a big smile while looking at Sparky. “Spike just sent letters and things through his dragon fire, but never transformed them like Sparky. It’s amazing. If his magic is this good as a baby, I wonder what could happen when he gets older.” She added, remembering her old dragon assistant she took care of when he first hatched and how powerful Sparky’s magic is and wondered what would happen when he gets older.

“It’s anypony guess, Twilight.” Sunset said.

Yeah, it’s anypony guess.” Twilight said in agreement.

"Seems like the sky's the limit for your powers. Right, little buddy?" Zipp told Sparky with a smile, while the whole group laughed when the baby dragon let out a small dragon fire as a response.

That made the Mane 6, and Twilight, laugh at Sparky’s cuteness as the piece turned butterfly flew off as the Brighthouse continues to shine as its rainbow still shoot out of it.

End of Chapter 2 Ep 7.