• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 840 Views, 17 Comments

Honorary Crusader - Aklinstar

An alternative take on Discord's redemption involving a certain trio of fillies during the season 2 premiere.

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Chapter 7: Heavy Burden

“Princess Celestia, we came as fast as we could!” a voice rang out, stopping Celestia from her nervous pacing. She turned her head towards the double doors. She watched as her pupil and her three friend—wait… She counted again: four. They were missing two. The Elements would not work with just four. She felt dread wash over her. Right as she was about to question what had happened to the others, another voice called out from beyond the doors.

“Come on Fluttershy! Seriously…? This is no time for a break! We’re right there for Pete’s sake! Oh, for the love of–” A blue blur sped in, dragging a yellow blur by the hooves. “Yeah, and we could have made it faster if somepony here decided to exercise her wings more than once a decade…” Rainbow Dash stated, rolling her eyes as Fluttershy panted while in a heap on the floor.

Celestia let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Her student and her friends had made it safely. Although she was greatly relieved to see that they were unscathed, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Did Discord not actually know they were the Element bearers? Was Ponyville being his first target just a coincidence?

No, she knew better… Discord had a plan, or more accurately: a play in mind… And she had a feeling she’d—they’d be learning of it very soon.

“Sorry…I didn—I mean to say that I…I wasn’t expecting to–” Something pink quickly knelt down and came face-to-face with her.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy! I mean it waaas a super-duper long trip! We probably should have gotten you some blueberry waffles with maple buttercream icing to eat before we left so you had more energy! I know that would have worked for me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing back up and tapping her chin. “Hmm, although actually now that I think of it strawberry chimichangas makes more sens—mmmf.” A cyan hoof blocked the offending orifice.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Thank you all for making it,” Celestia said, wishing they were meeting under better circumstances as she had greatly missed them and their antics. The Grand Galloping Gala came to the forefront of her mind for a moment. She shook her head.

“Princess Celestia, is this about the weather? And the animals’ weird behavior? What’s happening out there? Why isn’t my magic working? Is there–” Twilight’s questions died down when Princess Celestia raised a hoof.

“Follow me.”

“I’ve called you here for a matter of great importance. It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name… is Discord,” Celestia stated as she led them down the carpeted passageway of the Canterlot Tower.

Fluttershy gave out a startled cry and hid behind Pinkie Pie at hearing Discord’s name being said when she stared at the stained-glass depiction of a strange mismatched creature. Her friends all gave her questioning looks as they paused with Rainbow Dash’s being closer to a tired gaze that said really.

Celestia turned to face them. “Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone,” Celestia preached, her voice filled with fierce righteousness.

“Alright, Princess!” Rainbow Dash approved, hoof pumping the air.

Celestia turned from them, trotting with an increased sense of urgency. They quickly followed her.

“I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken,” Celestia solemnly said, her righteousness almost snuffing out as the weight of their current predicament came back to her in an instant.

“No longer connected?” Twilight asked, pausing mid-step to ponder that.

Celestia paused in front of an imposing ornate polished door—or more accurately: a chamber.

“This is Canterlot Tower, where the Elements are kept inside since all of you recovered them. I need you to wield the Elements of Harmony once again and stop Discord before he thrusts all of Equestria into eternal chaos,” Celestia proclaimed. She knew eternal was a bit of an exaggeration as Discord would in time grow bored and would most likely find new playthings in other worlds, dimensions, wherever he was capable of traversing; however, she didn’t wish the bane of Discord on anyone, which is why he needed to be stopped here and now.

Celestia noticed them giving her varying unsure looks before Twilight spoke up, “But why us? Why don’t you–”

“Hey, look! We’re famous!” Pinkie blurted as she rushed over to point out a depiction of them on one of the stained glasses.

Celestia leaned down to Twilight’s level. “You six showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe. Although Luna and I once wielded the Element, it is you who now control their power”—she stood straight and extended her wings out as she spoke with more determination—"and it is you who must defeat Discord!”

They looked at Celestia in shock; whether it was because they didn’t expect her to suddenly shout with such a vigorous proclamation or because they were just starting to understand how important their role was, was hard to say. They turned to Twilight, expecting her to be the voice of reason. Twilight looked at everyone and must have realized this. She didn’t need to ponder long as she said, “Princess Celestia, you can count on–”

Pinkie Pie rushed to Twilight’s side before raising a hoof and interjecting, “Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys. Chocolate rain!” The last part was emphasized by her poking Twilight’s side.

Twilight quickly rushed to the Princess’s side to wave off her friend, “Don’t listen to her, Princess. We’d be honored to use the Elements of Harmony again.”

With that, Celestia smiled and turned towards the chamber, before pausing as she knew there was one more matter to discuss, one that made her… uneasy. She opened her mouth to address them, before quickly shutting it as she had a sudden realization.

…If she told them about the incident at the train station, and her worst fears were confirmed, in that the fillies were in fact sisters with some of the Element bearers, how would they react? Would they be able to stay focused on their mission? What if it caused them to rush into things without a proper plan out of the fear for their sisters’ safety? Not only would they be fearful, but she’d imagine they’d also be irate, an unfortunate combination that tended to make ponies jump headlong into the fray.

Pinkie Pie was about to ask if they were playing the shh game that Fluttershy taught her whenever Pinkie did a surprise visit—which Pinkie never managed to win, strangely enough—but was struck by the odd and familiar sensation of her back legs wobbling and the back of her neck’s hairs standing on end. She blinked twice before turning around and scanning the room. She squinted while rubbing her chin before shrugging in resignation.

They noticed Princess Celestia’s delayed pause, turning to one another out of confusion and concern. Applejack was the first who spoke up as she shifted her Stetson, “Er, beggin’ yer pardon, Princess, but what’re we waitin’ fer?”

Princess Celestia didn’t seem to hear as she continued to weigh her options. She bit her lip. On one hoof it was greatly unfair to them to leave them in the dark when it came to the numerous dangers their loved ones could be in. On the other hoof she may risk not only them, but all of Equestria if she told them. She didn’t like her options, not one bit.

Twilight saddled up to her and looked up, taking notice of Celestia’s features. “Is… is there something bothering you, Princess Celestia?” she asked. She wasn’t sure what to make of her mentor, usually she was always prompt in her responses. Twilight couldn’t recall a time where she outright ignored a question she was asked. What she was thinking about, she could only guess, but she felt uneasy by this sudden change of behavior. She gently prodded the Princess on the shoulder. That got her attention.

Princess Celestia, who didn’t realize how long she had paused, suddenly stepped back in shock before speaking, “I… I am sorry, I just–” she closed her eyes and cleared her throat. Truly, I am sorry… Celestia thought, having made up her mind on what to do. She had to confirm her suspicions, but she would have to do so through different means. “The truth is, I am worried.”

“Worried? But, with the power of the Elements we should be able to–” a blue blur flew in front of Twilight, cutting her off.

“Don’t worry, Princess! We’ll kick this Discord guy’s butt so fast he won’t even realize what hit him! Just leave everything to us!” she exclaimed, pounding on her chest a couple times.

Celestia gave her a small smile, before turning to face a window. “Thank you, but there is another concern on my mind,” she stated, as she started walking to the nearest window. She peered out, looking at one of the rises of the castle.

“Ooh, oh! I know! It’s Luna’s birthday and you forgot to get her a present!” Pinkie gasped. “That’s it, isn’t it!? Quick! There’s no time! I need all your bakers, stat! ALL OF THEM!” Her eyes started darting between Celestia and her friends as she started to breathe faster. “Not only that, but we’ll need to get her presents! Oh my gosh, what if we–” Applejack forcefully closed Pinkie’s mouth.

“Woah there, Nelly. Ah know yer excited an’ all at the prospect of hosting a party fer Princess Luna an’ all that, but sugarcube? ‘tain’t the time to be frettin’ over that. An’ we don’t even know if it is her birthday… How ‘bout we just take a nice deep breath and let the Princess here tell us what’s on her mind first, ya hear?” Pinkie blinked several times before nodding vigorously, almost knocking Applejack off her hooves. She let her go. Pinkie took a deep breath and held it in, her face puffing out.

“You are not too far off; in that it involves my sister,” Celestia sighed, knowing there was no turning back now. “Discord reigned over Equestria for years, turning all those unfortunate enough to cross paths with him into mere playthings... As I have said, Luna and I saw how miserable they were, and for how long they suffered… Although it pained me greatly seeing what he was doing to them all, it hurt my sister far worse…” she said solemnly as she bowed her head.

They remained silent, unsure of how to respond to that. Before anyone could speak, she continued, “It was during that time that my sister had begun to develop her ability to enter the dreams of other ponies. It was her hope to comfort and guide those who lead uncertain lives, especially young foals.” She walked back to the Element’s chamber and faced them. “She… was excited the night she managed to enter the first dream: my own,” she choked back a laugh before clearing her throat. “At first, I was… a little upset I admit… I valued having the privacy of my mind. However, once I got over that initial reaction and realized what it meant, and what she intended to do with it I… I could not have been more proud,” she beamed, a small tear rolled down her cheek. She blinked. She…she hadn’t even felt it coming. Right as she was about to summon a kerchief, a blue aura wrapped around a tissue box appeared in front of her. With a small smile, she said her thanks as she took one.

Rarity, as well as the others, gave her an understanding smile. Applejack removed her Stetson and held it close to her chest. Rainbow Dash, who was no longer hovering and not expecting to feel things today, turned away to quickly wipe away a forming tear before anyone saw. A tissue box appeared in front of her, which earned Rarity a glare and a I’m good, thanks mouthed by Rainbow Dash as she shoved it away from her, to which Rarity just rolled her eyes, but still smiled nonetheless.

“Princess…” Twilight said under her breath, taken aback.

“It was… a joyous occasion, one that I am sad to say did not last… As we searched for the Elements and saw what had become of our future subjects during the day. My sister also saw what became of them during the night… One night, Luna was confident in her prowess of dream magic and wished to venture further and visit the dreams of other ponies. I did not wish her to, at least not yet. The first few attempts she had done on me had left her drained during the day, making the search for the Elements all the more difficult. I did not blame her in her pursuit of such a noble cause, but I also knew that we needed to stop Discord…”

They gave her a look of understanding, knowing it must have been a tough position to be in.

“When Princess Luna used her magic to visit the dreams of others, she wished to console them… However, every dream she visited she—” Celestia swallowed, her throat feeling dry.

“She what, Princess?” Twilight asked, as the group’s concern grew.

“—was faced with unspeakable terrors, not only from mares and stallions alike, but also the foals,” she shuddered. “Discord’s influence had spread far and wide and ponies had lived and dealt with him for years… Many appeared strong on the surface. They had to in order to deal with the seeds of disharmony Discord had sewn. But… the true horrors lied buried underneath, the ones most would not be able to see, most… except my sister… Every morning she would tell me what she had seen, and every morning I would tell her to stop, but she was stubborn. I saw how much it was affecting her. I knew she wanted to help, but she appeared powerless to do so... Every morning thereafter she would be the first to be ready to continue the search. I could tell that she was determined more than ever to put an end to Discord… But with each passing day, I could see she was getting less and less sleep. One morning, I awoke on my own…”


Celestia’s eyes blurrily opened. She removed her sleep mask and sighed as she saw a giant cheese wheel of what was supposed to be the moon. She knew it was morning, as she and her sister had the innate ability to tell when it was time to raise their respective celestial body. She hissed as the mockery of the moon quickly changed over to… an upside-down pear-shaped light, lovely. She muttered some expletives under her breath as she stretched and got up. Blinking her eyes slowly a couple times, she glanced over to her sist–

“Luna?” she asked, her morning malaise dispelling in an instant. She quickly scanned the mountain range with her eyes, before using magic: nothing. Okay, don’t panic Celestia… She’s probably just answering nature’s call… very far away… Oh dear… She panicked.

Taking a deep breath, she used the Royal Canterlot voice, “LUNA, WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, SISTER!?” The nearby trees shook with great force, many of the habitants falling or flying from their nested homes. An angry blue jay flew to her and chirped, presumably cursing her. She gave a quick sheepish apology before flying high and scanning once more. To her great irritation, the light flickered in quick succession, as the sun—whatever it was… was burning out. She screamed, igniting her horn and concentrating all her magic into one single beam. It collided with the offending object and changed it back into her beloved sun. She knew it wouldn’t take long before Discord took notice and would make a further mockery of the celestial body, so she used what reserves she had left to scan in a wider range and locate her sister as quickly as possible. She felt the familiar tinge of her magic colliding with something large and moving, she was about to write it off as perhaps one of the larger wildlife, until it tugged back ever-so-slightly, enough to where she almost missed it.

Her eyes shot open. She kept channeling the spell as she flew in the direction she felt the tug. The beginnings of a headache washed over her, but she kept pushing forward. She grit her teeth. It seemed her initial spell had cost her more than she realized.

She flew over a sea of trees for a few minutes before finding a clearing, where she found her sister skipping stones across a pond.

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief as she touched down behind her sister. “Luna, you cannot just wander off on your own without telling me. You had me worried sick… I… thought for a moment that Discord had taken you in the middle of the night…”

Luna paused for a moment, raising her head slightly, before tossing another stone.

“Luna?” Celestia asked, saddling up beside her sister and looking down. Luna didn’t look up. “Did something happen last night? Did you enter the dream of another when I had told you not to, again?” Another stone skipped.

Celestia, patient as she was, was starting to feel her irritation creep up on her. Her own sister, ignoring her, not telling her what was on her mind. She couldn’t possibly imagine why, which greatly bothered her. As Luna prepared another stone, Celestia grabbed it with her own, causing it to wobble uncontrollably for a moment, before both she and Luna let go. Luna still didn’t look up and went for another one.

“LUNA, ENOUGH OF THIS. TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG,” Celestia yelled, using the Royal Canterlot voice once more.

Luna glanced at her for a moment before speaking, “…We had entered the dream of a child last night, sister...” Luna picked up another stone and rotated it in front of her. “We saw that she was under great distress… We saw the monsters she was faced with so We vanquished them, hoping to quell her fears…” She closed her eyes.

Celestia sat beside her, wrapping a wing around her. Regret visible on her face. Celestia rubbed her back slowly in comfort as she waited for her to continue.

“We– She told us it was no monsters she was facing, but that of her own family… Discord had corrupted the mind of her own, turning them against her. She is… all alone with no family to call to,” she continued, gritting her teeth.

Celestia pulled her close.

“By striking down what We thought were her fears, We instead instilled more fear in her. She… likened us to that of a monster, wanting to bring further harm to her loved ones, sister… That We art no better than that foul serpent…” Luna muttered bitterly. “…For every dream that We visit, We are no more than that of a ripple, a momentary disturbance and nothing more.” She tossed another stone.


As Celestia finished recalling that particularly unpleasant memory, she opened her eyes. She saw six pairs of wide eyes staring back at her in shock.

“Aww, poor Luna! Now I’m going to have to throw her a ‘sorry-Discord-is-a-big-ol’-meanie-head’ pity party after her ‘not-birthday party’ party!” Pinkie exclaimed, scratching her head as she worked out the details. Her friends gave her a deadpan look, except Fluttershy who mumbled something about the second party idea not being a bad idea with a few modifications to the name.

Celestia gave her small appreciative smile. “I am sure she would appreciate that…” She glanced back out a window. “But, please do not tell her I said anything.”

“Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie declared, giving out invitations to all her friends.

When did she have time to make this… her friends all wondered, as they stared at their navy-blue invitations to… ‘This-is-totally-not-a-party-for-something-that-happened-a-millenia-ago-that-your-totally-not-sister-didn’t-talk-about-that-involved-you party!’

Her friends facehooved.

Pinkie rummaged through her hair and gave Celestia her invitation. Celestia snorted when she read it, covering her mouth and making sure nopony else noticed she was grinning. She cleared her throat. “Yes, well… I am sure you are all wondering why I recounted that memory to begin with…” she sighed, setting her invitation aside.

They gave her expectant stares.

“...I am worried that if Discord is not dealt with before tonight, that my sister will relive the same horrors she faced a millennia ago but in greater quantity… She only dealt with a few troubled souls at a time back then, however now that she has mastered the ability to enter and control the Dream Realm, she will be faced with hundreds—thousands facing similar strife. I fear it would be too for her to bear and I fear she may do something reckless if she knows Discord is behind it..,” she said, a half-truth. She worried for her sister’s safety, but she knew it would be Discord who would find his way to her first, not the other way around. She trusted her sister to not do anything too hastily these days, at least not without running it by her first…

Celestia turned to face the Elements’ chamber once more. She sighed in resignation. It was time to confirm if her suspicions were correct… “…I lost my sister once and for the longest time I was uncertain if the stars aligning would aid in her escape… I cannot bear to lose her again, I am sure you understand,” she stated sadly. She felt completely ashamed of herself, attempting to elicit the responses she wanted without telling them that their sisters were in danger… Was there really no other way? She gave them a side glance, ears perked as she waited for their response.

Applejack shifted uneasily as she weighed the Princess’s words. “…Ah know what ya mean... That’s a burden nopony should have to bear… ‘specially somepony who’s already had to go through it once and fer so long… Ah know Ah’d be mighty upset if Ah lost Granny Smith, Big Mac or Apple Bloom—”

Celestia’s eyes tightened hearing the last name. That accounts for one, she thought bitterly.

“—to this Discord feller,” Applejack scowled. “He’s already caused a big ruckus back on the farm… turned all our hard work into carnival food of all things… If he so much as lays one hoof on any of my family, Ah’d… Ah’d… Ah’m not rightly sure what Ah’d do but Ah’d make sure he regretted ever messing with my family. That’s fer sure…”

“He ruined your crops; he ruined a dress I made for an important client, darling! Oh, I woke up early this morning after spending a majority of the previous night working on a lovely blue une robe du soir. It. Was. To. Die. For! When all I had left was to place the centerpiece amethyst I had saved, I left the room for only a moment to go get it, only to return and find to my absolute horror that the blues had been replaced by… PLAID!” she whined, before fainting on a couch that appeared from… somewhere. “The atrocity to fabulocity that had been committed… It. Can. Not. Be. Forgiven!” She peeked from behind a leg and noticed most of her friends giving her a pointed look. Rarity chuckled nervously, before clearing her throat. “…As much as I’m upset that I lost a wonderfully designed dress, I know I’d be even more terribly upset if I lost my dearest little Sweetie Belle…” she admitted.

Two, Celestia thought, eyes clutching tighter.

Pinkie Pie saddled up to Rainbow Dash and gave her an expectant grin.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “What’s up, Pinks?”

“Oh! Nothing—well, not nothing nothing exactly but—”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Pinkie Pie.”

“—since everypony else was bringing up their sisters and everything and since I know you don’t really have one,” she gasped. “Or do you!? Hmm, now that I think about it, I don’t think you’ve ever really talked about your family before, which is weird because–”

“PINKIE PIE!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Yeeeeeees~ Dashie?” Pinkie blinked in rapid succession completely oblivious.

“Ugh, just get to the point already, please?” Rainbow begged.

“Wasn’t that what I was doing?” Pinkie rubbed chin before shrugging. “Why don’t you bring up your sort-of-but-not-really-sister since everypony else brought up theirs?” she asked with a wide smile.

“Pinkie… I don’t have a sister or a… sort-of-whatever-you-said-sister,” she squinted as she tried to recall before shaking her head quickly, not wanting to give in to Pinkie’s madness. “And even if I did, just because everypony else seems to be bringing up theirs, doesn’t mean I would have to bring up mine,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh! But what about Scootaloo?” Pinkie asked.

And that makes three, Celestia thought sorrowfully, fully confirming her suspicions, but not feeling vindicated in her actions.

“What?” Rainbow Dash questioned, floored.

“You know! She’s about this tall.” Pinkie put a hoof to Rainbow Dash’s chest. “Purple hair, orange coat, likes to ride her scooter, goes on crusades with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a lot, started the Rainbow Dash fan club–” a cyan hoof found its way into her mouth.

“Pinkie! I know who she is. I just meant why did you bring her up?” Rainbow Dash asked, while wiping her hoof on the carpet, which earned her a horrified look from Rarity that she ignored.

“So, you can talk about how you don’t want to lose her and stuff, duh. Weren’t you paying attention, silly?” Pinkie Pie asked, as if the most obvious thing in the world as she bounced away from her.

“Wha—bu—eh—huh!?” Rainbow Dash sputtered, ruffling her own mane, wondering if she was in a coma or losing it. She sighed. No, just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, she thought. “Okay, fine. I mean, she’s not my sister, but…” she looked up to the ceiling for a moment. “…I’d feel pretty bad if something bad happened to the squirt, alright? Happy?” Rainbow Dash admitted, shrugging, hoping the conversation would steer somewhere else.

“Yeppers!” Pinkie chirped, still bouncing. Everypony else gave Rainbow Dash a sympathetic look, which she just looked away from, partially out of embarrassment and partially because she didn’t want them to see how much she really cared for the squirt.

And with that, Celestia trotted up to the chamber. She placed her horn in the key hole and channeled her magic. The chamber opened in a brilliant blue glow and revealed a decorated ornate blue box.

They stared at it in wonder.

“Ooh~” Rarity purred. “You can keep the Elements. I’ll take that case!”

Celestia gave a pained smile, “Have no fear, ponies. I have total confidence that you will be able to defeat Discord”—she moved in front of them—"with these!” She opened the box, revealing that it was… empty.

They gasped.

Celestia dropped the box in complete shock, her wings flaring. Her mind went blank, the ringing in her ears became very noticeable, especially as it intensified rapidly.

“Oh well,” Pinkie stated, as she started trotting away from them. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swizzle straw,” she finished, not really grasping the seriousness of the situation. They watched her go, with mouths still agape and unmoving.

“How… how can that be? That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn’t make any sense!” Celestia agonized, while starting another round of nervous pacing.

Loud rumbling echoed the tower, causing Fluttershy to duck beneath her hooves and causing pause for Celestia and general confusion for the others.

“What in tarnation was that?” Applejack asked, glancing between her friends before turning to the Princess.

“I… I am not sure–” The rumbling came back, this time however, there was a distinctive sound towards the end of it, that…


Sounded like…


Big snort.


Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Discord… Show yourself!” she exclaimed.

“Bwah, huh?” the disembodied voice echoed.

The silence turned to laughter… which immediately turned into a coughing fit.

“Um, is the voice going to be okay?” Fluttershy asked meekly, peeking from behind Applejack.

Before Celestia could say anything, Discord spoke up, “Just one—COUGH—moment. Goodness—COUGH—me, I must have gotten choked up more than I—COUGH—realized by listening to that boring spiel Sunbutt went on about—WHEEZE.”

“Discord, enough games! Show yourself at once!” Celestia commanded, stomping a hoof.

“Oh, if you insist…” Discord appeared in a flash on one of the stained glasses. “I mean really, Celestia…” He slid from one glass to another that was closer to the group. “Going on about Looney Tuney’s character arc like that…Ugh, give me a break!” he chuckled, before summoning a tiny version of both Celestia and Luna, which he moved around like puppets. He cleared his throat before speaking in a high pitched voice, “Oh, Celestia, dearest sister of mine! How dreadfully angsty and boring I am. Thank you for being the better and least forgettable of the two of us!”

“Hey! Nobody talks about the Princess like that!” Rainbow Dash rasped out, charging him.

Discord rolled his eyes and opened a portal that replaced the stained glass he was on. Rainbow Dash flew right into it. The portal disappeared.

Everypony gasped.

“Discord! Release her this instant!” Celestia demanded, gritting her teeth and charging a spell.

“Oh, she’s fine… probably,” he chuckled. He opened another portal and reached into it while sticking out his tongue. He pulled out a tire, a very confused, but quickly enraged Queen Chrysalis, which he just bopped on the head with a whack-a-changeling stick. He then pulled out a mare in a bathrobe, who shrieked. “Whoopsie, daisy~” Discord laughed, to which the mare shuddered questioning how he knew her name, before Discord just popped her right back in. Next, he pulled out a pack of circular rainbow-colored candy. He popped some in his mouth. “Want some?” he asked, his mouth full as he shook the bag. Pinkie leapt for it, but ended up smacking her body into the stained glass. She slid down slowly, feeling dejected. She looked up to see the bag of candy hanging onto a metal spring. It tilted forward before letting go and falling, hitting her on the head. She snatched it before hobbling back to her friends who stared at her as she poured all of it into her mouth at once.

“What? It’s good!” she defended, pieces flying out of her mouth.

“Ah, here we are, practically brand new and fresh out of the box!” Discord chortled, pulling out their friend, who was shaking uncontrollably. Discord took a good look at her by shrugging. “Well, close enough. Here.” He extended his arm, which went past the glass, and dropped her off near her friends.

“Rainbow Dash!” they cried, rushing to her side.

“N-n-never a-again…” she mumbled, shaking, eyes darting back and forth.

“I know what will cheer you up!” Pinkie pulled out the pack of candy, before realizing it was empty. “Uh, never mind…” she stated sheepishly, hiding the pack like it never existed.

“What did you do to her!?” Twilight screeched, her nostrils flaring as she started preparing a spell.

“Well, it depends on which of the infinite number of dimensions she visited, so I can’t really say for certain. However, judging by the look on her face, I’d say it was either the one infested by bipedal creatures obsessed with cartoon depictions of pastel colored talking horses, or”—he grinned—“the dimension run by sentient quesadillas. Either or,” he shrugged.

Twilight’s channeling stopped. Her eyes went wide and she began to sweat. “There… there’s a dimension filled with… with…”

Discord appeared before them in a flash. He appeared to be topping his lunch with salsa and sour cream. “Bingo! Oh, how rude of me. Here I am about to enjoy a wonderfully delectable, mouthwatering cheesy sensation and I hadn’t even packed enough for the whole class!” He smacked his face in mock shock. “It would be awful if I decided to eat this now. Here”—he shoved it in Twilight’s face—“want a bite?” he grinned.

She shrieked, before cowering behind her mentor. “G-get that cheesy monstrosity away from me!” she hissed.

Discord’s arm quickly retracted. He shrugged, before summoning a trash bin and dropping the whole thing in. A muffled scream could be heard before the bin disappeared in a flash.

Celestia couldn’t believe this was happening... If Discord had control of the Elements, how in Equestria would they get them back… She knew it was pointless to try to convince him of anything, but she would try anyway. “Discord… if you surrender now and return the Elements and relinquish control of Equestria, turning it back to normal… I will pardon you for all your past crimes and promise the Elements will not be used against you if you become a law-abiding citizen,” she bit her lip.

Discord blinked before cleaning out his ears. He snorted in disbelief. “Me? A harmony rejoicing…” A halo appeared above his head as he cupped his hands together. “Flower picking…” He sniffed some daisies, which screeched. “Grass eating…” He gagged. “Tax paying…” He sat at a desk with a pair of reading glasses, holding his head with his paw as a tower of papers crashed to the ground as he typed away at a printing calculator. “Law-abiding member of society?” He looked at Celestia, believing she was pulling his leg. He looked down. Nope, still there, he thought.

“…Yes?” she asked, minimally hopeful, trying her best to hide her nervousness.

Discord collapsed to the floor and laughed like he never laughed before. “Ha ha ha! That’s Hil-arious! You crack me up sometimes, you know that, Sunny?” He wiped a tear away, before quickly floating upwards.

Celestia frowned.

“You should consider doing stand up comedy sometime, Celly. In fact, I have a schedule for you to start later today, look!” He held out a clipboard in front of her. It only had her name written several times, each being… unique nicknames. “I’ll come by and pick you up later today, after I put the kids to bed, of course,” he said as he dismissively waved to the Element bearers, which earned him a harsh glare.

He started pacing again. “If you were really serious about the whole surrender thing”—He waved a white flag—“then you should have just had your sister show me her extensive moon rock collection.” He graded a rock using a loupe, before stamping it with a bold red D and disintegrating it. “Which I’m sure she’s had more than enough time to become acquainted with. The moment she would have brought it up, would have been the moment I handed the Elements back to you on a golden platter.” He revealed the Elements behind a golden dome, to which they all gasped at seeing. Celestia was the first to react, immediately attempting to grab hold of them with her magic. It disappeared in a flash. “Ohh, so close!” He breathed in through his teeth. “Maybe next time, little Tia…” he cooed as he pinched her cheek.

Celestia attempted to blast him in the face, which he dodged by splitting his head in two. He crossed his arms and blew a raspberry at her.

“Soooo, would you surrender if we got Luna to show you her extensive moon rock collection or not?” Pinkie scratched her head, “I mean if we got her right now then we could–” she gasped. “We could have a Discord-surrendered-hip-hip-hooray-everything-is-back-to-normal party, on top of Luna’s parties! This could be the most party-rific day ever!” Pinkie cheered, throwing her hooves in the air as confetti flew.

Discord gave a mock gasp at the idea. “A party, in my honor!? Well~ I’m certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.” He disappeared in a flash, reappearing as part of the stained glass that had the Element bearers on it. “Not to brag or anything, but at parties I’m known to be quite the sight on the dance floor~”

“A sight for sore eyes…” Rainbow Dash quipped, mumbling under her breath, causing Applejack to snort.

“Got the moves, got the mojo~” Discord sang, dancing on the stained-glass version of Twilight’s head, causing Pinkie to start giggling uncontrollably. Discord joined in.

“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed, feeling more and more exasperated by the situation by the minute.

Pinkie snorted, trying to contain her giggles. “He’s standing on your head!” She failed and the dam burst with her uncontrollable laughter.

Discord sighed mirthfully. “You know, Pinkie Pie… I’m going to be in need of a jester soon for when I take over Equestria… I’d be more than happy to cross Miss Sunshine over there off the list and replace her with you, if you so choose~” He reappeared and wrapped an arm around Pinkie’s neck. “Think about it!” He waved his claw in an arc. “You’d be the perfect fit. You do represent the Element of Laughter after all~ I’m even willing to sweeten the deal! I’ll give you a portion of my power to do as you please… You could have all the chocolate rain and cotton candy clouds you could ever want! And all you’ve got to do is… abandonyourfriendsforever” he coughed the last part, before giving her his best winning grin.

Pinkie Pie furrowed her brows, rubbing her mouth. “Hmm…” She looked over to her friends who were all rapidly shaking their heads. “I don’t know… Although, the chocolate rain does sound… appetizing? Appeasing? Oh! Appetizeasing!”

“So, do we have a deal?” Discord gave her a toothy grin, holding out his claw, which caught on fire. He blew on it before shaking it a couple times causing the fire to go out, before reaching out once more.

His grin grew as Pinkie seemed to be smiling more and more at the prospect.

Pinkie’s friends shouted, “Don’t do it, Pinkie!”

“He’s a snake!”

“A charlatan!”

“He’s just trying to trick you!”

“Um… don’t do it, please…”

“He’s a darned liar an’ ya know it!”

Pinkie looked at Discord and gave him a beaming smile. “That sounds super-duper-rific! But…” She looked to her friends who were clutching their teeth in anticipation. “It would be even more super-duper-looper-rific-tastic with my friends… Soooo… no deal,” she said as she bounced back to her friends.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

Discord’s grin deflated into a scowl, and his arm went limp. “Oh, fine. I didn’t really want you by my side anyway. I would have grown bored of you in an instant. The only one I need is myself,” he stated matter-of-factly. “You and”—he reappeared behind the main group and waved to them in a sweeping motion—"this bunch can all become piñatas for my next birthday bash. Element of Laughter? Ha! What a joke…” he said as if he were offended by her very existence. He crossed his arms.

Rainbow Dash flew up to his face. “Hey! Leave her alone and stay away from my friends!”

Discord scoffed. “Ooh, Element of Loyalty, funny that… Say… where’s that one feathered friend of yours, hmm?” He stroked his beard, appearing thoughtful, before giving her a side glance with a slowly increasing menacing grin as the wheels turned in Rainbow Dash’s head.

“Huh? Who are you…” Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Don’t.

“Don’t what?” he chuckled, floating lazily around her. “I was merely asking an innocuous question about the strange absence of a supposed friend, that’s all~”

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth, veins started to show on her head.

“Remind me, I’m woefully inept at keeping track of names, especially when it comes to ponies…” He tapped his chin. “But, it’s strange… I’m surprised I had forgotten her name, seeing as she’s not a pony…” He watched with sadistic glee as Rainbow Dash was reaching her boiling point. “What was her name? Bilgerat? Matilda? Grillduh…?”

“Gilda. Her. Name. Is. Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said through gritted teeth, about ready to knock his head clean off.

“Oh!” He snapped back, placing his paw on his chest. “Well, why didn’t you just say so?” he laughed. “So, where is she? Where’s your friend?” He scanned the room with a pair of binoculars and a safari outfit. He picked up Rarity to look where she stood.

“Wahhh! Unhand me you brute!” she shrieked as she banged her fetlocks on his arms.

Discord gasped, dropping Rarity unceremoniously. He grabbed a hold of Rainbow Dash’s shoulders. “Unless… you’re no longer friends!? Say it isn't so!” He shook her before letting go as she tried to hit him with a back hoof.

“How can that be? I thought you represented the Element of Loyalty! How could you just abandon her like that?”

Rainbow Dash wiped her head around to face him, her face completely red. “I DIDN’T ABANDON HER!” Before she could go on a tirade about how wrong he was and why, Discord simply continued unfazed by her reaction.

“Whatever floats your boat…” He shrugged, rowing a boat mid-air. It disappeared in a flash. “But, from what I understand, you choose to become loyal to your new friends, ditching your old one, becoming…”—he smirked—“disloyal to Gildielocks in the process. Imagine how she feels!” He fell back into a psychiatrist's couch, while another Discord in a collared shirt wrote notes, or more accurately, drew a poorly drawn Rainbow Dash kicking a highly detailed Gilda out of a home while laughing at her. “Poor dear, probably crying herself to sleep each night, feeling betrayed that the Element of Loyalty herself dumped her like yesterday’s trash! So sad…” He patted his dry eyes with a kerchief whilst his psychiatrist self nodded in agreement.

“Who’s to say you won’t have to make that choice again? Or…” He had a maniacal twinkle in his eyes. He slithered through the air, quickly getting close to Rainbow Dash. “Your friends abandon you first…” he whispered conspiratorially.

“YOU DON’T KNOW THEM!” Rainbow Dash screamed. The idea of turning him back into stone no longer appeasing her, rubble however… Before she could tackle him, she felt several hooves wrap around her. They struggled to hold her back. But then, a magenta glow wrapped around her as well, finally keeping her in place.

They all glared at Discord.

“Course he don’t know us! Jus’ cause he seems to know our past, doesn’ mean he really knows a darned thing ‘bout us! He’s jus’ tryin’ tah get to our heads, RD! Simmer down!” Applejack reasoned, attempting to diffuse the bomb that was about to rainboom.

Rainbow Dash’s nostrils flared. She knew her friend was right, but she didn’t care. When I find an opening, I’ll knock that smug look off his face… Rainbow Dash thought.

“Ahh, the Element of Honesty… Tell me…” Discord reappeared next to Rarity and snapped his claw. A pink dress with yellow stripes appeared on her.

Rarity shrieked for a moment at the sudden change until she came to the realization of what she was wearing. “My Grand Galloping Gala dress? What in Celestia’s name…” she mumbled, causing one particular individual to raise their eyebrows in surprise. Rarity looked down and around the dress. She brought her hoof up to her head and felt her crown there as well, before adjusting it. Oh, where’s a mirror when you need one… Rarity wondered, horrified at being caught unprepared without a makeup kit, a brush and… a few dozen bags of essentials to spruce up, of course.

“In your honest opinion. What do you think of your friend’s dress?” Discord held a microphone in front of Applejack, causing her to stumble back in startlement.

“Don’t be shy now! Honesty is the best policy after all~” he mockingly teased, cackling at her discomfort.

“Uh…” Applejack started to sweat. She removed her Stetson and started to fan herself. She looked in every direction except her friend.

Rarity stopped looking at the dress and noticed Applejack’s discomfort. “Applejack?” she asked, confused by the reaction.

“Heh… well Ah… It—Boy howdy, sure is hot in here, huh?” Applejack nervously gulped, still looking around the room.

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “You… you don’t like it, do you?” She gasped. “Did you even like the dress I made for you!?” she asked, completely startled at even the thought.

Applejack stomped her hoof. “Course Ah liked the dress ya made for me, Ah told ya Ah did before, didn’t Ah?” Her conviction made Rarity pause.

“Then why…”

Applejack sighed. “Look, the dress ye’re in… Ah think it looks nice an’ all, but…” she bit her lip.

“But what?” Rarity asked, giving Applejack a dangerous look that told her she was on thin ice.

“Ah just think it’s… a bit too… flashy is all. That’s all, honest,” Applejack tried to smile, but Rarity’s burning gaze bore holes into her, causing her to sweat more.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rarity looked away and turned her snout up. “Hmph, well… At least you liked the dress I made you. I suppose I can live with that…”

Applejack sighed in relief. “So, no hard feelins'?” she asked, hopeful.

Rarity’s expression softened. She trotted up to Applejack with her head ducked, before looking up and giving her a small smile. “Of course not, darling. I know you never intended to hurt my feelings. Your sometimes brutish honesty can sting, I must admit… but… I’ll never let that stand between us.” Rarity gave her a hug, which was received back. Their friends gave them a smile, with Pinkie bursting into tears.

The microphone cluttered to the ground, causing a loud feedback noise to come from… somewhere.

Discord dry heaved. “Gag! Bleh! Ugh… I think I’m going to be sick…” He dry heaved again.

“Discord, no matter what you try you can’t break our friendship! You’ve underestimated us… Just give it up now!” Twilight exclaimed in defiance standing between him and her friends.

“Yeah! You tell ‘em Twi!” Rainbow Dash backed, hoof pumping the air.

Discord mimicked Twilight with his claws, “Meh, meh, meh, friendship yay~” He shook his hands near his head to emphasize the last word. He gagged. He put his hands on his hips and peered down at her. “We’ll see about that, Lil’ Miss Element of Magic,” he cackled darkly. He reappeared away from the group. “When you all inevitably fail, I’ll be turning her”—he pointed to Rarity—“into my personal back scratcher, which I’m sure she’ll be all too obliged to become, just because she’s sooo~ wonderfully generous.” Rarity’s face turned green both at the thought, and seeing Discord scratching his back with a figure of her. “And”—he reappeared behind Fluttershy, causing her to shriek. Before she could run, he picked her up by the tail—“my front doormat has been in need of a replacement for a long time, you know… Won’t you ever as be so kind as to replace it, my dear. Hmm?” He gave her a devilish grin, which caused her to whimper.

Rainbow Dash tackled him, catching him unaware and causing him to let go of Fluttershy. A magenta aura wrapped around Fluttershy, catching her and bringing her close to her friends.

Discord teleported away and dusted himself off. He scowled. He prepared to snap his claw.

Celestia teleported between him and the group. “Discord, enough of this! Stop stalling! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” Celestia boomed, her temper finally reaching a breaking point. Her wings flared.

Discord rolled his eyes at the display. “Oh, because you asked so nicely…” he sarcastically remarked. “Tell you what, I’m feeling particularly generous today, perhaps rivaling the Element of Back Scratcher herself. I’m willing to give you a chance to retrieve your precious Elements, but only if we do things my way…” He disappeared in a flash, before becoming part of one of the stained glasses. He moved between each stained glass as he spoke, “Listen closely. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.” He gave one final laugh that echoed before disappearing.

“C-can we go home now?” Fluttershy, shaking on the floor, asked looking from behind her hooves to see if the coast was clear.

Applejack trotted up to Twilight, who was lost in thought. “What do ya reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin’ back where we started?”

Twilight furrowed her brows and walked to a nearby window. “Twists and turns… twists and turns!” she exclaimed, as she looked out the window. “That’s it! I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!”

Princess Celestia nodded. “Good luck, my little ponies.” She trotted up to Twilight and bowed twice, her horn going over each shoulder of Twilight. “The fate of Equestria is in your hooves.”

Twilight looked up. “Thanks, Princess. We won’t let you down.” Twilight gave her a determined look and immediately took off with her friends, minus one towards the exit.

When they got to the door, Rainbow Dash was the first who took notice of the missing canary colored companion. “Hey, hold up! Where’s Flutter–” she went silent when she turned around and saw her friend still shaking on the floor. Concerned, and somewhat miffed, she prepared to go back, but paused when Princess Celestia beat her to the punch.

Celestia paused when she reached Fluttershy’s side, before kneeling down beside her. When Fluttershy didn’t seem to notice, she wrapped a wing around her.

Fluttershy, who was lost in a cycle of perpetual fear, thinking over her encounter and subsequent bad scenarios that could follow, jerked in surprise at the touch, before calming when she realized who it was. She looked up.

“...I was like you once and in a way… I still am,” Celestia admitted, looking thoughtful.

Fluttershy, unable to wrap her mind around how somepony like Celestia could be like her, asked, “L-like me? I’m sorry… but… how?”

Celestia looked towards the group who were still waiting by the doors and took notice that they were patiently watching them in surprise. She closed her eyes.

“When I was young, I too found it difficult to face my fears. Back then, I would often assume the worst, leading me to not wanting to face them head on… My sister on the other hoof… Well, I am not quite certain she thought very hard about any of the challenges we were faced with, as she tended to tackle them as soon as she was made aware of them, sometimes quite literally,” she quietly laughed.

Fluttershy’s minimal shaking stopped as she listened intently.

“I was… admittedly frustrated by her rash decisions. Everytime I would question her and ask why she kept doing it and everytime I would receive the same answer. Can you guess what it was?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“‘What dost thou mean, sister? We do it to protect thou, would thou not do the same for us?’” Celestia quoted, trying her best to imitate her sister’s tone.

Fluttershy looked down to her hooves. “She sounds very brave, but… I don’t think I could ever be like that.”

“And you don’t need to be,” Celestia said, raising Fluttershy’s chin.

Fluttershy blinked in surprise.

“It is good to acknowledge when you are afraid, my little pony. There is nothing wrong with that. However, was it not you who found strength facing a dragon out of fear of what he would do to your friends? And was it not your friends who stuck by your side, choosing not to lose faith in you despite your fears that very day?”

“I…” Fluttershy started, but was unsure of what to say to that.

Celestia continued, “...When Luna was no longer by my side I had to learn to face my fears without a sister and without friends for the longest time… I still get scared, and I will always be fearful of what could happen… But, do you know what gives me the courage to face my fears now?”

Fluttershy shook her head once more.

Celestia leaned down. “You do,” she whispered, giving Fluttershy a bright smile.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock and jaw went slack.

Celestia stood up. “Trust in your friends and you will find the courage to face any obstacle.”

Fluttershy looked up to see her friends, all oblivious of what was spoken, waving at her to join them. Fluttershy turned to Celestia and gave her a timid smile, which was received back before she got up and flew to join her friends.

Celestia gave them a tired look as they left, finally letting the full weight of her deception from earlier bear down on her. She bowed her head in shame before appearing pensive. She wondered if it was too late to just tell them, just be honest with them. She kept telling herself that it was for the best, that if she did tell them then they’d find themselves tangled in Discord’s web, right where he wanted them… But not telling them was wrong. They had every right to know that their sisters were in danger, especially since…

She paused, a horrifying realization finally dawning on her.

…Especially since if they beat Discord, what if they never found where Discord hid them…

How did I not realize that sooner!? Celestia you absolute fool! Celestia seethed, letting out a frustrated grunt.

She paced, weighing her options once more. She should go tell them right now. All she would have to do is teleport to them and alert them… The safety of Equestria was important, yes. But, losing the trust of her beloved pupil and her friends was a terrible price to pay. She felt stuck, with no real options. Oh, what would her sister think of her…

She blinked… Her sister…

Hmm, she wondered. With Discord distracted, Luna could locate the sisters and they could safely retrieve them. It was a gamble though, especially if Discord caught wind of what they were doing... The girls would also need to be asleep, or well, at least one of them and it wasn’t by any means late yet… But, Luna could keep a close eye in the Dream World, waiting for the moment for one to fall asleep. Perhaps, they wouldn’t have to wait long, at least she hoped.

She walked towards a window. Once she reached it, she peered out towards one of the high rises of the castle. She narrowed her eyes, determined.

You’ll pay dearly for this, Discord. If so much as one hair is out of place on any of them, being a statue will be the least of your worries…

She teleported.

Author's Note:

This chapter was a bear for me to write, phew... I know it's a bit longer than my typical chapter, but I had too much fun with Discord and his first interaction with the Mane Six, so no apologizes.

I'm not too pleased with how I handled Celestia and her motivations... That was iffy from the start for me. I hope it didn't come out too poor or out of character for her.

As for how Discord knew about Rainbow Dash's past friend? Well, I imagine Celestia told him while in his statue form about that day's particular lesson, like with several other lessons, leading Discord to look back into the past temporarily to learn how to better mess with her head.

As for how he knew about Twilight's interesting phobia with quesadillas? Eh, that one is a bit more iffy and I can't rightly say, but it was fun to write, okay?

Discord knowing about Applejack's strong opinions about fashion and how she doesn't care for it unless its practical? Also, admittedly iffy, but certainly fun to write too.

Celestia knowing that her story would lead to them telling her about their sisters? It was more of a shot in the dark, really. If she didn't learn of it from them, she would have gone to Miss Cheerilee—who was taken to the Canterlot Resort if you remember—after the group left to confirm from her. However, I wouldn't have had fun going that route, so meh. Sorry.

Anyway! Hope that clears a few questions that you may have had while going through this chapter... Next one should be considerably shorter. I have some fun scenes planned for that one. Hope you enjoyed. See you next week!