• Published 5th Oct 2022
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Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood - milesprower06

A new student has come to Sunset Shimmer's fledgling magic school in Bridlewood, and she immediately begins to arouse the headmare's suspicions...

  • ...

Pep Talk

When Izzy saw Sunny and Headmare Sunset come out of her back office with somewhat serious faces, she had a feeling that smoothie time was about to be put on hold.

"Is everything alright, Headmare Sunset?" Onyx asked.

Sunny stood off to the side while Sunset stepped behind the center of the bar.

"No, everything is not alright. I have just received a threat against the school, and Bridlewood," she answered succinctly, casting a spell down at her book, which flipped open, and a hologram projected itself up above the bar area, showing the hostile message for the class to see.

Concerned murmurs began to spread throughout the class, and Sunset held her hoof up for silence.

"Now before I explain further, I think it's time that you all know a little bit about me. I feel it's the least you deserve if I'm going to ask you to stand with me in defense of your homes," Sunset continued.

"I know Izzy has told you that I come from a far away land. That's true in a sense, but it's not just about where I'm from... But when. I was born in the Celestial Era. More than that, I was the protege of Princess Celestia, and later a student of Princess Twilight Sparkle. How is this possible? Because when I was younger, more impatient, and dangerously ambitious, I left Celestia's tutelage through, shall we say, interdimensional means. She had a magic mirror that was a portal to an alternate dimension, and it was there that I spent nearly two years. Princess Twilight showed me the error of my power-hungry ways, and thus renewed my studies under her, while I remained in the mirror dimension and defended the school and its students from several magical threats. Of course, eventually, the time came to return home. I spent my final months making preparations, saying my goodbyes... And when I stepped back through the portal, I came out the other side here... Into the derelict ruins of Princess Twilight's castle, generations in the future."

Sunset paused for a moment, letting her class digest this information for a moment.

"For several days, I didn't know what to do with myself. My plans, my family, my friends... Dead and gone. Then as I began learning about this modern Equestria, and how pegasi hadn't flown and unicorns hadn't had magic in eons, I was initially worried that without a teacher, unicorns learning about magic, particularly the more dangerous spells, would be a recipe for disaster. I only kept the Class V spell tomes I had found because Sunny told me that one day we might need them when we faced down threats to Equestria... And it looks like we've got our first one."

Sunny took the opportunity to speak up.

"Learning about my own kind of magic has been amazing, wonderful, and a bit scary. This magical world we've just begun to inherit comes with a price; we have to be vigilant for those who would use it for their own ends, to subjugate everypony they view as beneath them, who want to take our magic to make themselves more powerful," Sunny told them.

"They'll come from all walks of life," Sunset continued. "Jealous rulers, reality-warping demigods, conquering warlords from far off lands... Even sometimes from our own ranks and friends. Sometimes they can be reasoned with, and be convinced to see the error of their ways..." Sunset said, walking back over to where her magical journal laid open on the bar top. "...And sometimes they can't."

"B-But, we've never even begun to try offensive combat spells," Jasper said, unable to hide the fear in his voice.

"I know. You are all still novices, still finding your steady ground. But together, we can do anything," Sunset paused, pointing over at Sunny. "Five fast friends did the impossible and reunited ponykind after untold centuries of being separated. Princess Twilight and her friends faced down many threats to Equestria, and I promise you that they didn't always believe they were up to the task, or think of themselves as world-renowned saviors of Equestria. I have a feeling that whoever this is," Sunset paused, holding up her open journal. "They don't think a bunch of first-year magic students are going to amount to much of anything. But this is your home, and this is your magic. Now who will stand with me and defend it?"

Immediately, three quarters of the seated students stood up. A few moments later, some of the more uneasy ones got to their hooves. A few moments after that, the entire room was standing.

Sunset nodded proudly.

"Don't worry, You have everything you need in here," she pointed at her head. "And in here," lowering her hoof down to her chest. "The first two spells I've taught you; shields and water projectiles. Working together, you will be able to project a shield around the entire forest. If any of this 'fire' gets through, that's when your water spell comes in handy. So, while I head to the edge of the forest and find out what we're dealing with, I want all of you to spread out. Get fillies and colts into their homes and keep them there, and wait for my signal to cast the shield. If it gets attacked, it will start to falter and crack, so you'll have to keep an eye on it, and mend any cracks with another cast of custodire. Now, don't overdo it. I've told you all about the magical exhaustion headaches. If that happens, you won't be of any use. Take it slow, cast in turns. Most importantly, be there for each other. Support each other. Whoever this is, I'm sure they're expecting a village full of first-years to panic and run at the first sign of adversity. But we can do anything together. Are you ready?"

Sunset got nods, some determined, some less so, from across the room.

"Sunset, what about me? I have, you know, the alicorn thing," Sunny offered.

"I know," Sunset replied, glancing over to her. "You're our ace in the hole, so let's not reveal it just yet."

"My what in the what?" Sunny mumbled to herself.

Sunset took the open journal, and grabbed the closest pen from the desk, positioning it just below the written threat.

Meet me at the south edge of the forest.

With that, she closed the book, and returned her attention to the class.

"Now, while I go find out more about what we're dealing with, a couple special assignments; Izzy, that new scooter of yours looks pretty fast, faster than any galloping gait I've seen. You're on mobile repair duty; keep your eyes on the shield once it goes up and patch up any weak spots."

The unicorn gave her a nod and a determined salute.

"Alphabittle," She said, turning to the towering stallion in the back. "You know the forest almost better than anypony. Same as Izzy, watch for any weak spots, but while you do that, look on the outskirts for any campsites or hiding places; I'm afraid our late arrival might have something to do with this. Find Misty Brightdawn. If you do, keep her secure until this is over."

Author's Note: