• Published 12th Oct 2022
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Kamen Rider Colors - Blaze-saber

They say when you close your eyes and let what you feel in your eyes when you draw something on a blank canvas, it shows what your heart sees. But be careful when you color in, because you might just end up making a blot.

  • ...

Chapter Five: Shocking Mystery/ The Man in the Black Armor

Brush, Flash, Flight, Shining, and the Rainbooms were in the Art Shop as they continued to glare at Prism who was busy restocking some shelves with small bottles of paint. "You know if you all are going to be here, you can at least help out." Prism told them casually.

"Don't play dumb." Brush responded with a tone before he tapped the crystal sitting on a table. "This crystal fragment was stolen from somewhere by the Revolution. Why do you have it?" He asked as he walked up to Prism. "You're a member of the Revolution, aren't you?"

"I'm… The Revolution…" Prism said when he laid eyes on the fragment before looking at Shine. "...he says." This caused the both of them to let out an amusing laugh.

"What's so funny?!" Flight asked angrily.

"Even I don't see the joke of this." Pinkie mentioned.

"Have you ever seen such a stylish bad guy before?" Prism asked them before letting out a chuckle.

"So you're saying you're not part of the Revolution?" Twilight questioned before looking at the fragment. "Then what about the crystal?"

"That's from when I was captured by the Revolution." Shine mentioned, which really got them all by surprise.

"You mean…" Twilight trailed off as she was shocked by this news.

"I was captured and experimented on by them a long time ago." Shine explained. "I really don't remember much about it though, but if it weren't for Prism I would probably be a Blot or worse."

"Yup, I was a spy and trying to figure out what they were planning over in Japan." Prism explained to them. "I wasn't able to get much information on what they were planning before I found that crystal shard and Shine. So I stole it from them and rescued her in the process of escaping. I also stole the Wisp that was with it as well. Probably a few months before the attack on the company and the death of… Well you know."

"So the reason you never go outdoors is because you're afraid of the Revolution coming after you again?" Fluttershy asked with a worried look.

"And they still are after me." Shine added.

"But they also said that there were other fragments as well." Twilight reminded them. "If we have one and so does the Revolution, that just leaves like three left. But where could they be?"

"That's a good question, Twily." Shining mentioned as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms before he looked at Prism. "Any chance you may have found where any other hideouts they have might be?"

"Unfortunately, no." Prism replied. "And if you're wondering why I didn't return that fragment to the government, it is because the Revolution could be anywhere. I also wanted Brush to become Colors." Brush then looked at Prism with a surprised look after hearing that last part. "I can't forgive the Revolution. Using people has nothing more than tools for their own personal gain. But me and Shine couldn't do a thing to stop them. But then I met you, Brush. I saw you have a creative mind and a heart of gold. That day I knew you were the perfect person to use the Color Driver and color our way to the future for all. I thought you could use the power of the Wisp for good and defeat the Revolution. Now you're not doing it alone, cuz your own cousin, Flash here, has taken up the mantle of Kamen Rider Nova and is now fighting alongside you."

"Something you never expected me to do, did you?" Flash asked as Prism went behind the counter.

"I'm sure it took us all by surprise. And the reason why I never told you this is because I thought you would never help. So I decided I wouldn't tell you about the crystal fragment until you discover it yourself."

"I guess it can't be helped." Brush said as he sat down in a chair before he looked at Prism. "If it was to stop the Revolution and save people, I forgive you."

"So now what do we do?" Rainbow questioned.

"Simple, I have a feeling the Revolution will be after the fragments and create more Blots with people and the Wisp." Brush said with a smile. "We get the fragments and finally to stop them, at the best we can do." Just then Sugarcoat came to the front door as Pinkie Pie quickly pulled flight behind a wall before she could see him.

"I knew you worked here!" Sugarcoat said as she pointed towards Brush. "Your friends and girlfriend are looking for you."


Soon both Brush and Twilight followed Sugarcoat to the park where the rest of the Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep are waiting. "So you're saying that I have friends and a girlfriend you girls met here?" Brush asked the Shadowbolts.

"Yeah, they were playing a song right here in this park." Sunny told him.

"Which by the way, really rocked." Lemon added.

"Then I noticed that the girl in the band had a picture of you and her guitar case." Indigo told him. "I told them that I saw you a couple of days ago drawing something and they wanted us to bring you here."

"They said that you just disappeared one day." Sour Sweet added innocently before glaring at Brush. "Why did you ditch them?!"

"Whoa wait, I don't even know who you're even talking about." Brush told them. "I don't even have a girlfriend."

"He's right, from all the time that my friends and I have known him, he never once mentioned other friends or a girlfriend." Twilight added before they heard two calling out.

"RIPPER!!!" They quickly turned to see a teen boy with crazy red hair and blue skin while the other teen boy was wearing glasses with orange and green hair with yellow skin. Both of them seem to be wearing black and blue baggy pants with red and blue t-shirts. Both of the teens quickly ran into the park and over to Brush as it looked like they were about to give him a hug, but Brush quickly grabbed hold of their hands and flipped them over his shoulder. They then both had painful looks on their faces while they laid on the ground.

"Gang dude, that was hard core." Sunny complimented.

"Thanks." Brush replied before he felt a tap to his shoulder. He turned around and was face to face with a teenage girl with light purple skin and dark purple hair with a white stripe. She was wearing a black coat with a long collar around her neck that had white stripes down the leaves and was wearing black and purple pants.

"Ripper, is it really you?" She asked in a dull tone. "And why did you flip Beat and Striker?"

The teenage girl introduced herself as Shard Note while she introduced the teenage boy with the glasses as Striker and the other teenage boy as Beat. Brush and the girls followed them to an apartment where they found a few musical instruments and a few of their band posters on the walls. "Wow, you guys really are a band." Twilight mentioned after seeing the posters.

"And judging by the writing on the posters, I say you guys are from Japan." Sugarcoat mentioned as she noticed the Japanese letters on the posters.

"We're on a World Tour starting with the USA." Note told them before she looked at Brush. "It was all thanks to you, Ripper."

"Eh, me?" Brush questioned.

"Yeah, you're the best!" Striker declared which startled the girls. "Before any gig you got us, you always do odd jobs back in Tokyo to pay for everything!"

"Once we made it here, you kept on doing odd jobs to pay for a tour." Beat added. "But then you just disappeared and we had a stop here in this town for a while."

"So you three are staying in town for someone who disappeared a long time ago?" Brush asked them.

"About a year ago." Note added before a wide smile appeared on Brush's face.

"AMAZING!!" Brush declared before he whipped out his artist notebook and coloring pencils. "Three band members waiting for one of their own to return it! It'll be a perfect masterpiece!!" Note tilted her head a bit while Stryker and Beat looked at him and confusion as Brush closed his eyes and started drawing. After a few minutes of him drawing, he opened his eyes and turned his notebook around to show off what he drew.

The ShadowBolts, Twilight and the band were amazed as the drawing was of the band with Note playing the keytar, Beat playing the drums, and Striker playing electric guitar. As the three played music, the musical notes formed a large shadowy figure with its back turned to them. "Wow! He's really good at that!" Sunny complimented.

"Sorry, but when I see something that triggers my artist instincts, I just have to do it!" Brush explained while Note just said exactly what he said at the same time. He looked at her with a confused look. "How did you know I was going to say that?" He asked her.

"Because you used to say that whenever you came up with a great song." Note explained.

"Okay, I think you really got me confused with someone else because I have never been in a--" Brush told them before he noticed a picture on the wall which really got him by surprise. "EEEEHHHHH?!?!?!" He picked up the picture and the guy in the photo looked exactly like him, except with wild hair, wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans, and holding a microphone.

"Wow, he looks exactly like you." Twilight mentioned while she was just as surprised as him.

"But my cousin, Flash Sentry, is the musician in the family and not me."

"You don't have any cousins." Beat told Brush. "Both your parents were only children." This only made Brush even more confused before they heard a loud commotion coming from outside. Both him and Twilight ran out the apartment building and down the street to find a few Pitch attacking some construction workers.

"Looks like the Revolution sent their flunkies out for more victims!" Twilight exclaimed as Brush pulled out his driver.

"Not if I can help it." He said with determination just before he was about to put on his driver. But then both Striker and Beat bumped into him, causing him to stumble forward.

"Sorry Ripper!" They both said just when Note and the Shadowbolts caught up to them.

"Just… Just stay there!" He told them with annoyance in his tone before he put on his driver as the belt extended and wrapped around his waist. He then reached into his vest and pulled out the Burst Colormarker before pushing the top of it down.


"Henshin!" Brush shouted as he placed the marker into his driver and transformed into Kamen Rider Colors: Burst Shade form and charged right at the Pitch. Both Striker and Beat let out screams of shock while Note and the Shadowbolts looked surprised by his transformation.

"Ripper is a Kamen Rider?!" Both Striker and Beat exclaimed while Colors had his fist on fire as he punched a few Pitch, which sent them flying back into a wall before he roundhouse kicked three more. Colors then backflips to dodge an attack from one of them before he turns the dial on his driver to the image of some sort of flame.

Flaming Burst Explosion!

His body then got covered in flames before he turned into a ball of fire that unleashed multiple balls of fire which burst when they hit the Pitches. Each one then exploded before Colors transformed back and landed on the ground. "That was amazing, Ripper." Note complimented him.

"My name is Bru-GAH!" Colors grunted as he was blasted from someone out of nowhere. They all looked up and saw a figure with black and blood red armor with a blood red under suit. The armor itself looked like it had claw marks edged down the sides while the front had a mold of some creature's skull while this armored figure was wearing armored boots and gloves that looked like skeleton limbs, but they were colored blood red with sharp edges on the sides. He also wore a full head helmet that is pitch black while the visor was blood red and held a weapon that looked oddly similar to Nova's Eagle Striker, only the beak looked sharper while the handle was black with blood red lines. On his right wrist is the rectangular bracelet with a Coloreraser in it.

"What the… Who's that?!" Sour Sweet questioned after seeing the other Rider.

"Kamen Rider Eraser." The armored figure introduced himself with his voice sounding a bit disoriented. He then leaped off of the building and aimed right on Colors before starting to fire at him. Colors quickly rolled out of the way from a few shots just when Eraser landed on the ground and traded blows with each other with each punch, showing that he was stronger than Colors. After kicking colors back, he charged forward and ready to blast again if Colors had not grabbed his arm and changed the direction of his aim. Eraser only let out a huff before he changed his weapon into its blade mode and began slashing Colors a few times.

Sparks flew off of Colors when Eraser struck him once again and rolled on the ground. "He's very strong." Colors admitted before pulling out the Burst Colormarker from his driver and pulled out the Drill Colormarker. "Color Switch!" He switched to his Drill Shade form and clashed blades with Eraser. But Eraser seemed to be more skilled in swordsmanship as he was able to overpower Colors and knocked him to the ground.

"So you are a threat to the Revolution?" Eraser questioned before he knocked Colors back when he got up. "I'll be completely honest, I'm a little disappointed." He pulled out another Coloreraser that was dark purple and with some sort of monster's mouth on the top of it. He then inserted the Eraser into the peak of his weapon as the eyes lit up.

Frenzy, Erasing Slash!

Dark purple energy covered the blade as he raised it up high before flashing it down. The slash turned into a monstrous head with shark teeth heading straight towards Colors. The others were worried as he did not have time to get out of the way right before a red blur swooped in and saved Colors at last second when the slash destroyed a wall. They all looked up and saw both Colors and Nova on the roof. "Oh man, that was close…" Colors sighed before he looked at Nova. "Thanks for the save."

"No problem." Nova responded before he gestured to Eraser. "Who is that guy?"

"He calls himself Eraser and he's really tough." Colors told him before he readied his weapon. "But let's see how tough he is when he takes on two of us!" They were about to charge at Eraser while he prepared to strike back, before a blur suddenly ran across and struck them both down. The force of that attack was so strong that it caused them to transform out of their Rider forms. The group quickly ran over to see if they were all right before they looked and saw Ombre standing next to Eraser.

"Who's that?!" Sour Sweet questioned after seeing the other Rider next to Eraser.

"I told you before, I can handle the rider Ombre." Eraser told him.

"No!" Ombre told Eraser as he held up his arm in front of him. "We told you to fight Colors, not destroy him, not yet at least." He then took his Spray-Blastro and blasted the ground, which caused a smoke screen to cover the two. When it cleared up, both of them had disappeared.

"Looks like things got more complicated." Flash mentioned before he looked at the band and the Shadowbolts. "Nice to see you girls again and who are those guys?"

The group went back to Future Colors and explained everything about Brush and Flash being Kamen Riders, including the Blots and the Revolution. "So now we need to figure out what the Revolution is up to and find similar crystal shards like the one we have." Brush finished explaining.

"You really been through a lot, Ripper." Beat mentioned as Brush let out an annoyed sigh.

"It's Brush and yeah, I have." He replied as he crossed his arms. "It's bad enough to have Kiba and Ombre around, but now we have to deal with this new rider."

"But what about that transformation device on his wrist?" Sugarcoat spoke up. "I mean, don't you have a file on it or something?"

"I tried looking for anything on it, but there's nothing." Twilight mentioned. "Nothing on that high tech bracelet he was wearing orange the strange high-tech erasers he had. When I asked the Wisp about one of them that chanted 'Frenzy', they got really scared."

"Why would they be scared of their own kind?" Flash asked before they heard soft rock being played. They looked over and saw Note with an iPod out as it was playing said music. "What are you doing?"

"When I have a lot on my mind, I listen to some music to clear things up." Note explained before she looks at Brush. "We used to listen to this kind of music all the time when we wrote music together." As Brush listened to the song, he couldn't help but feel like he heard the song before as tears started running down his cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"I… I'm fine…" He replied as he wiped the tears away. "Don't know where that came from…"

"Well I got something to make you feel better." Flash said as he pulled out a Colormarker from his pocket and tossed over to Brush. Brush smiled brightly as he saw that it was the Bomb Colormarker.

"Alright!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"And I was thinking that I could program two new forms in both of your drivers with that Colormarker and the Quake Colormarker." Twilight mentioned as held up both of their drivers. "I just need help with the design for both of them." They then heard the front door open up to see rarity, with a goofy smile on her face and bedroom eyes, walk in. "Oh good, I'm in your help with the designs for both Brush and Flash." Rarity didn't reply as she just sat down, still with a dreamy look on her face. "Rarity? Rarity!" Beat took one of the color pencils and threw it at Rarity's head, but didn't even flinch when it hit her.

"Not responding, a dreamy look on her face, all that means one thing: She's in love." Sunny told the others as Rarity let out a sigh.

"Do any of you believe in love at first sight?" Rarity questioned the others as she sounded so deep in love. "Because on my way from my Boutique, I met the most wonderful man I have ever seen in my life. I struggled to carry most of the fabric I had bought for a new clothing line, and I nearly tripped when he suddenly caught me and I looked into his blue eyes. His skin was so pure white as snow and his hair was so dark with the most wonderful ruby red streaks."

"Sounds like a keeper." Sour Sweet said sarcastically with an eye roll.

"He was wearing the most wonderful of clothes, a black leather jacket with purple stripes up his sleeve with a patch of blood red at the ends of them." Rarity continued. "And when I introduced myself, he spoke so moving: 'A rare gem that meets a looming figure. Even when that shadow is dark as night, this radiant gem still shines as bright as the sun or the stars in the sky.'"

"So he's a poet?" Flash asked her. "What's his name?"

"I forgot to ask." Rarity quickly replied as she finally snapped out of it. "Oh why didn't I ask?!"

"You can think about it all you want after you help us with the designs for both Colors and Nova's new forms." Twilight told her as she guided her to the lab.

"The rest of us will head out and keep an eye out just in case The Revolution strikes again." Sunny mentioned before she and the other Shadowbolts left the art store. Just as they left, Flight and Sunset came from around the corner as both Beat and Striker let out a frightful scream.

"It's the fugitive!!" They both shouted as Sunset quickly stood in front of Flight with her arms out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay!" She told them. "He's innocent, he was framed!"

"Remember what Ripper said about helping someone that the Revolution is after, this must be him." Note told them before she walked up to Sunset and offered a handshake. "I'm Shard Note, and this is both Beat and Striker."

"Nice to meet you." Sunset replied as she shook her hand. "I'm Sunset Shimmer and this is Flight Sword." She introduced just as Striker went up and glared at Flight.

"You may say you're innocent, but that's what they all--" He tried to say before Flight head butted him in the face. Striker yelped in pain as he held his head while Flight walked over and leaned against a wall.

"I didn't kill anyone." He said firmly. "I know for a fact that it was the Revolution that did it, but we need proof of it that they did. Shining Armor said that he'll look into it but still need to clear my name now! Anyway, why are you weirdos here in the first place?"

"We're not weirdos!" Beat shouted before Fight head-butted him. This caused Beat to hold his head and pain as well. "He's really tough!"

"So you didn't kill any scientist?" Note asked Flight.

"I just saw his body and nothing else." Flight answered.

"From what we know so far is that he was asked to go to that apartment downtown for something and he was framed for the murder." Sunset mentioned before Striker had a shocked look on his face.

"An apartment downtown?" Striker asked nervously before he looked at Flight. "I-If you didn't kill him… I gotta go!!!" He quickly ran out the door as his two friends looked confused as to why he was so nervous in the first place.

"Hey!" Flight called out as he saw Striker run out the store. "Don't you dare tattle on me!"

Meanwhile at the police station, Shining Armor was trying to look up some files on Pin and trying to figure out why she's with the Revolution. So far all he could find was just nothing, as if she never existed in the first place. "How can someone make an appearance and not have any records on anything?" He thought to himself before the chief of police walked up to him. "Oh, hello Chief Sombra."

"Armor, why are you looking through records of some random girl?" Sombra questioned as Shining cleared his throat.

"Well sir, this girl is part of a cult that's transforming people into monsters, the ones that other people have reported." Shining informed Sombra. "I've been trying to find more information on this girl named Pin, but there's no record of her on anything. It's almost as if she never existed or the cult that she's working for made it so that she doesn't exist or something."

"Look Armor, your job is to protect the people, not to search for someone who doesn't exist." Sombra told him in a stern tone. "Now I want you to focus on finding the murderous fugitive, as well as keep an eye out for those Kamen Riders."

"But sir, the two Kamen Riders have been handling those monsters that are people." Shining pointed out. "Them seem to cure the victims of the monsters they call Blots and--"

"Armor, they're nothing but vigilantes." Sombra interrupted. "They work outside the law and I will not have that in my city. Now do your job and don't make me tell you again." As he walked away, Shining Armor wondered what's gotten under his skin.

At night, Striker walks alone as he looks upset about something. "It's all my fault!" He thought to himself. "It was my fault that Ripper…!" He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Pin and Kiba walking up behind him.

"You look upset about something." Pin spoke up, causing Striker to turn around and scream when he saw Kiba. "Helps to talk about what's on your mind."

"But we have an even better solution for your pain." Kiba mentioned with a sinister chuckle as they approached Striker. He tried to run away before Kiba quickly grabbed him by the throat. "And I think I know just the perfect Wisp for you." Soon Striker lost consciousness as Kiba let him go and fell to the ground.

In an unknown location, Striker had awoken and was beating on the glass tube he was in to get free. A few pitches were working on turning him into a Blot as one of them brought a canister with a Magenta Wisp inside it. "Struggle all you want, the result is just going to be the same no matter what you do!" Pin called out from the scaffolding above as she looked down with a mischievous grin.

"What do you need him for?" Ombre questioned Kiba.

"Even I don't see the purpose of him being a Blot." Neon mentioned as she leaned against the wall.

"Well, he's bait for starters." Kiba told them before the Pitches locked the cylinder in place and began the process. "But mostly I'm testing if they're the opponents."

The next day at the art shop, in the underground lab where Twilight seems to be working on a weapon that looked like it had TNT for a gun. Meanwhile, Rarity was typing something on a computer while the two Color Drivers were connected to said computer. The monitor showed Colors and Nova in different forms as she was using a color pad to design both of them. Colors' new form was black with a red visor and a cowboy hat on top of his helmet while the top half of his armor looked like a pattern of a poncho.

Nova's new form however looked completely different as it had boulder-like shoulder pads and large boulders on the gloves. The suit itself looked in the color of gray while the undersuit was black and the helmet looked like an isosphere with a green visor. Flash himself was sitting in a chair while he strummed on his guitar and the Crimson Wisp was moving its tendrils like it was playing guitar. Brush soon entered the room with his color notebook out as Note followed him in. "So this is your Secret Base?" She asked Brush when she got a good look around the place.

"Yeah, and it's also a safe haven for the Wisp as well." Brush mentioned before he saw the new weapon Twilight was making. "Whoa! Is that the new weapon for my new form?!"

"Yup. I call it Dirty Baku-Dan." Twilight told him before gesturing to Rarity. "We already thought it would be a good thing to go along with your new form."

"It just struck me as a cowboy themed form." Rarity explained just as Shine walked up to Note.

"So what's she doing here?" She asked.

"She came to me because one of her friends is missing." Brush explained as the others were shocked to hear this.

"What happened?!" Flash asked with concern.

"Striker is our friend, Ripper, and he didn't come home last night." Note told them. "We already lost one of us, we can't lose another." The lights then blurred red as Twilight rushed over to the computer and saw a report that came in.

"Someone just reported a Blot is attacking near the police station!" She notified both Brush and Flash. "The one where my brother works at!"

"But why would it attack there?" Shine questioned before Twilight realized something.

"About a month ago, there was a robbery at a museum and a Crystal Shard that looked just like the one we have was taken." Twilight told them as they were catching on what she was pointing out. "It's in the evidence lock up as we speak, it looks like the Revolution sent it there to pick it up."

"Looks like Prism had the right idea of keeping the one we have here." Flight mentioned as he overheard everything they said.

"How long till the new forms are done?!" Brush questioned as Rarity unplugged both drivers and handed them back to him and Flash.

"Just now, darling." Rarity said as the two boys took their drivers and ran off.

"Can't you let the police handle this?" Flight asked as he stood in front of the two. "You can't expect to transform and fight there anyway."

"We're just going there to look." Brush told him as the Crimson Wisp back into the Colormarker Flash as the two of them went out. Note followed behind them as Flight had something on his mind.

"Hey, what would happen if we didn't extract the corrupted Wisp after defeating a Blot?" He asked Shine.

"Well, if it were still alive, it'd probably return to the base where it was turned into a Blot in the first place." Note said with a shrug. "But we really don't know for sure."

"Back to the base, huh?" He whispered it to himself as he had an idea on his mind.

Meanwhile at the police station, a magenta colored Blot with musical notes all around its body that is mixed in with a bit of black. Its head was two musical notes fused together while larger musical notes were at the end of its arms. It marched right up to the police station as some of the police had their guns out and aimed right at the Note Blot. "Ready men, and don't let up!" Sombra commanded as they were ready to fire. "Fire!" All of the police started firing at the Note Blot as sparks flew off it when the bullets hit it. "Don't let that thing take one more step towards this station!"

The police continued to fire at it but it seemed to do little damage as it just kept on walking towards them. From a distance, both Brush and Flash watched as the police continued to fire at the Blot. "So the heroes can't do anything but watch?" They heard Kiba ask before they turn to see him and Eraser walk up to them.

"What are you both doing here?" Brush asked while him and Flash took defensive stances.

"Do you know who that Blot is?" Eraser asked as he pointed to said Blot.

"Here's a hit for ya." Kiba said before he started to act like someone. "Ripper!" It was then that they both realized who they were talking about and it fit together with a Note said about one of her friends.

"You took Striker and turned him into a Blot?!" Flash grunted as he clenched his fist in anger. Note was standing behind a pillar and overheard them as she and Brush looked at the Blot being attacked by the police.

"That's right!" Kiba responded. "But don't get the wrong idea. He volunteered for the experiment, to help relieve him of the pain he felt. What a brave boy he was. Still, he's just a helpless fool." He mocked as he leaned against a wall.

"Stop screwing with me…" Brush told him as he sounded angry as he brought out his driver. Eraser and Kiba watched as he quickly put on his driver and placed in his Laser Colormarker. "Henshin!" He shouted as he transformed into colors and charged right at the two. Flash was surprised by this before he brought out his driver and quickly transformed into Nova.

Both of them then traded blows with the two evil Riders as Colors took on Kiba while Nova took on Eraser. Kiba dodged a couple of attacks from Colors before getting kicked in the guts and blasted to the ground. Eraser and Nova both clashed blades with each other as Colors' attacks seemed faster than before. Each strike at Kiba made him laugh each time he got struck.

Another punch not only pushed Kiba back, but also sent a shockwave that really caught the other two by surprise. Colors then braided his rider kick as he turned the dial towards it and leaped towards Kiba. Kiba just stood there as Colors extended his leg out just when Kiba put his arms up to block the attack. An explosion then pushed him to the ground as sparks flew off his arms and Colors landed on the ground. "Hyper Resistance level 4.7?" Kiba said as he looked at his own arms. "So, emotions increase the level… Just as I hoped."

"Ripper!" Note called out which got Colors' attention. "Hurry and save Striker!" She pointed towards the Note Blot, which fell to the ground from the intense fire being shot at. Colors noticed this before he turned back to Kiba, who just mysteriously vanished without a trace.

"Go Brush!" Nova called out as he was being pushed up against a wall by Eraser. "I will handle him!" Colors nodded in response before he used the laser speed to quickly run and pick up the Note Blot, without any of the police officers seeing him. They were all confused as to where the monster went as Colors brought it up on the roof. "Now it's just you and me!"

"Fine by me!" Eraser responded before striking Nova a few times with his blade.

Meanwhile on the roof, Colors brought the Blot there before setting it on the ground. "Striker, are you okay?" He asked before the Note Blot swung its arms and struck him a few times. "I'll take that as a yes." Color than a duck under an attack from it as the Blot swung its arms at him before kicking it back. "This might be harder than I thought."

Back on the ground, Nova was launched into the air by Eraser as the two of them clashed blades with each other. Eraser then spun and kicked him down to the ground before changing his weapon to blaster mode and started firing at Nova. Nova quickly rolled out of the way at the oncoming fire being shot at him just as Eraser landed on the ground. "Who are you and what exactly is the Revolution up to?!"

"I'm just someone who's on a mission." Eraser responded as he took out a Coloreraser with the word 'Void' on it. "And you're in the way." He loaded it into his weapon as it charged up.

Void, Erasing Blast.

Eraser then pulled the trigger which fired a black hole that seemed to suck up everything in its path, heading straight towards Nova. Nova was about to get hit before Flight drove in on a motorcycle and saved him by pulling him aside when he drove by. Eraser was surprised by this before Nova looked up and was surprised to see Flight here. "What are you doing here?!" He asked Flight.

"Saving you, apparently." Flight responded before he looked around. "Now where's Brush?"

"Up on the roof, fighting a Blot!" Nova responded before he noticed Note wasn't around. "Looks like she must have gone to see how it's going."

"I'll back him up, you take care of this guy." Flight told him before he revved up the bike and drove off.

"Got it." Nova stood up and faced Eraser just as he took out the Quake Colormarker before pressing the top.


He then placed it into his driver after taking out his Eagle one. Laser lights then came out of the front of the driver as it started to form a new armor.

Hyper Go-on! Ready?

"Color Switch!" Nova called out before he pushed the lever and transformed into his new form as his driver chanted.

The rock hard brawler!
Quake Shade! All right!

"I will be the wings of hope to protect everyone!" Nova declared before he charged forward and threw a punch at Eraser. Once Eraser put up his arms to block the attack, the impact sent him flying back when it landed. Nova then charged at him again and unleashed a fury of punches at Eraser, giving him little time to block the oncoming attacks.

Back on the roof, Colors was having a hard time dealing with the Note Blot before he decided it was time to unleash something new. "Striker…" He said before he pulled out the Bomb Colormarker. "I'll save you now!" He then pressed the top of the marker as it lit up and chanted.


Colors then traced the marker in the air and drew a bomb before placing it in his driver.

Hyper Go-on!

The driver then lit up a dark shade of red before laser lights shot out from the center. They started to form new armor before the driver started chanting again.


"Color Switch!" Colors declared before pushing the lever and transforming into his new form while his driver chanted.

The Black Lone Bomber!
Bomb Shade! All right!

"With this, your defeat will complete the masterpiece!" Colors declared as his new weapon formed in his hand.

Dirty Baku-Dan!

The Note Blot roared before charging at him with the means to attack him. Colors spun around his new weapon around his finger before aiming right at it and blasted the Blot from a distance. This caused really big damage before the Note Blot stood up and then unleashed glowing musical notes into the air before launching them towards Colors. Colors tuck and rolled under each of them before firing at each of them, showing precise aiming and showing that he can blast at a good distance in this form.

Back with the fight between Nova and Eraser, Eraser was being thrown through a wall as Nova charged at him and continued to show off the strength of his new form with each punch. Eraser did all that he could to dodge or counter-attack, only for Nova to block each attack and send him flying back. Sparks came off of his armor after Nova landed a few blows to the chest. "Had enough?" Nova asked as Eraser stood up.

"Why do good guys always ask that question?" Eraser questioned as he stood up and held his chest. "You may be getting stronger, but it won't be enough to stop the Revolution. No matter what you do, they'll always have backup plans whenever their first plan goes awry. If you want to stop them, look for the solution from the past."

"What, what does that even mean?" Nova questioned before Eraser used his weapon to blast the ground to cause the dust to kick up in the air. Nova was not going to let him escape as he charged forward through the dust and threw a punch at Eraser just when he was about to leap in the air. Eraser dropped something when he was hit and was being thrown through a wall. Nova was about to go after him before he noticed something Eraser dropped on the ground. It looked like a USB drive as he picked it up and looked at it. "What's this?"

He then heard an explosion coming from not too far and it was coming from the direction where Colors was fighting the Blot. He looked to where Eraser was sent flying before he decided to go help his friend as he raced off to do so.

Note and made it to the base of the building where Colors took the Note Blot before she saw both of them fall off the building. The Blot crashed onto the ground as Colors landed perfectly on it. "Ripper! Striker!" She called out with concern.

"It's okay, we got this!" Colors told her which confused her by the word 'we' before Nova showed up and delivered a punch to the face on the Blot.

"Ready to end this?" Nova asked Colors as he pulled the lever on his driver out as stand by music started to play.

"Let's color our way to the future." Colors replied as he took out the color marker from his driver and placed it into his weapon.

Bomb, Final Color Bang!

As his weapon charged up, Colors ended right at the enemy just as Nova pushed the lever in his driver for the finisher.

Quake, Nova Punch Strike!

The Note Blot charged right at Nova before being punched right in the face and up into the air. Colors then took aim at it before pulling the trigger and sending a large bomb shaped energy orb right at it. Once it made contact, it exploded before falling to the ground just as colors pulled out a blank Colormarker and began to absorb the essence into it. Once he got it all up, Striker returned back to normal just as the two Riders transformed out of their Rider forms.

"Will he be okay?" Note asked the two as she kneeled down to her unconscious friend.

"He's fine, but he might not remember what happened to him but other than th--" Brush told her before he got hit in the head by something and fell to the ground. Before Flash and Note could say anything else, they too were hit in the heads and lost consciousness by Flight. Flight then pulled the three behind some crates before he took the Colormarker with the corrupted Hyper Go-on energy inside.

"Sorry, but I need answers." He told the three unconscious teens before he walked up to Stryker. He then aimed the Colormarker right at him and released the energy inside of it. Striker grunted as he felt the energy cover him again before he transformed back into the Note Blot. Flight then quickly took cover behind a pillar as the Blot stood up and began to walk away. "That's it, lead me straight to your boss so I can get my answers and my innocence back." He whispered before he carefully followed the Blot to the enemy's base.

Author's Note:

Shard Note's personality and design is based off of Shikabane from Aggretsuko. Also the "Note" part of her name means like a musical note

Here's Colors' new form:

Kamen Rider Colors' gun-toting, black-and-red form granted by the Bomb Colomarker. In this form he wields the Dirty Baku-Dan, a revolver that fires explosives of various sizes. Inserting the Colomarker into the weapon allows him to create an enormous bomb capable of leveling anything within a 300 meter radius.

The cowboy theme is due to the western tune that plays in Sonic Lost Worlds when the Bomb Wisp is activated.

Also, here is a clement of what the Colormarker and Erasers looks like and work like:

And just out of curiosity, would any of you agree that this would be a good theme song for Kamen Rider Colors?

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