• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 831 Views, 61 Comments

Escaping The Invasion - Starlight Fan

When Starlight Glimmer and Trixie decide to stay in the group with the Mane 6, they are able to escape the Storm King invasion and join the Mane 6 and Spike on their Journey Outside Equestria

  • ...

One Small… Wait, A Big Problem

Starlight was currently walking with Trixie and Spike up the mountain’s trail, it was a bit grueling but Starlight had to find her way through a changeling hive with only Thorax and Discord with her and Trixie so this wasn’t much of a hassle.

“We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain! That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorryyyyyyy!” Rarity dramatically cried out as she laid on the ground.

“Oh my Celestia…” Trixie grunted before screaming, “Would you stop your whining?! We can hear you from all the way up here!”

“Ow. Trixie.” Starlight rubbed her ears in pain from the screeching she witnessed.

“I’m only sorry that I hurt your ears but that’s it, she deserved that.” Trixie apologized, semi-remorseful.

“Meh. Good enough.” Starlight shrugged before walking ahead with Trixie by her side, catching up with Twilight and Spike.

“We’re almost there.” Rainbow Dash announced gaining Starlight’s attention.

“Will you stop saying that?!” Rarity asked incredulously.

“No really.” Rainbow Dash smiled before she flew ahead of Starlight causing her to see the entrance to the Hippogriff Kingdom, two Hippogriff statues facing each other, which had Starlight smiling.

“This is it.” Twilight gasped with a smile before she went inside with Starlight and the others following.

“Well I’ll be.” Applejack laughed goodnaturedly before saying, “Hippogriffs, here we come!”

Starlight was elated, they’d finally be free.

Twilight slowly formed a disturbed look as she looked around the town, it felt old and abandoned, especially so empty.

“Are we sure this is the right place?” Rarity asked in a hushed tone.

“Trixie is starting to think you’re not so good at map reading Twilight.” Trixie spoke condescendingly which caused Twilight to glare at the stage magician.

“Hello?! Is anypony home?!” Applejack yelled out.

Pinkie Pie soon bounced around the town searching for Hippogriffs before heading towards Twilight and sighing miserably, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t find any Hippogriffs.”

“But... Celestia... The map. They have to be here.” Twilight said desperately.

“Something bad happened here. Something that turned this whole place into a ghost town.” Spike sweated nervously.

“Did the Storm King already… win?” Starlight asked sadly which caused Fluttershy to pat the unicorn’s back, “I’m not sure.” She said softly yet honestly.

Suddenly Twilight heard distant humming and gasped as she saw a small tunnel entrance where the humming was coming from. “It’s coming from over there.”

Twilight soon lit up her horn so she could see and she went inside the tunnel, with her friends following and soon they found themselves in this wide cave. She also caught Starlight lighting up her horn and Trixie following her, Twilight could see why they were sticking together and soon they found themselves near a pond where the humming was now louder and a big flower was in the water and shining.

Soon Pinkie Pie ended up kicking a rock much to the singer’s shock.

“What was that?” A scared voice said before a yellow figure jumped in the water.

“Hey! Wait up!” Pinkie Pie smiled as she ran to the pond, “Cannonball!” She said happily before jumping in the water.

“Pinkie!” Twilight cried out fearfully before she and the others walked in the pond but soon Pinkie Pie spat out the water and shrugged at Twilight, “She’s gone.” She shrugged with a confused frown.

Suddenly a whirlpool formed and the follower went underwater, much to Twilight’s terror, as she and the others tried fruitlessly to swim to shore but were slowly sucked into the whirlpool and underwater.

Twilight opened her eyes to see her and her friends struggling to hold her breath but soon she felt her world go black.

She suddenly woke up and took a big breath and found herself in an air bubble as well as the rest of the group.

“Way to wait till the last minute Twilight… or did Starlight do this? She does tend to study some complex spells.” Pinkie Pie began blabbing before Twilight spoke up, “I didn’t make these bubbles?”

“Neither did I.” Starlight admitted bashfully.

Soon a shadowy figure sped by which caused everyone to huddle up to Twilight.

“Hello. We’re looking for the Hippogriffs.” Twilight said meekly.

“How do I know I can trust you?” A yellow orb formed as a voice spoke suspiciously.

“Please. The Storm King invaded our land. And we need their help.” Twilight begged sincerely.

“The Storm King?” The orb seemed in shock before manifesting into a yellow seapony and smiled, “I'm so glad I saved you guys! I'm totally taking you to my mom!” The seapony grabbed Twilight’s hoof before leading them towards the distance.

“Does your mother know where they are?” Twilight gasped with a smile.

“She might have an idea!” The seapony singsonged much to Twilight’s shock and happiness.

“We’re almost there.” The seapony smiled before Twilight saw a bright light and saw a circular castle.

“Wow!” The group said in awe.

“This almost looks like Atlantis.” Starlight admitted starstruck much to everyone but Twilight’s confusion as she was aware of what Starlight was talking about. The seapony didn’t seem confused either so she might not have heard it.

“Sunset told me about ancient myths from her world.” Starlight briefly explained which satisfied the group

Soon the seapony led them to the entrance of the castle which was a hole in the ground and soon the seapony swam up to her mother who was likely the queen, “Mother, guess what I found?” She sang happily.

“Is it another shell?” The mother asked bored as the daughter shook her head, “Because I am telling you if it is another shell, I am…”

She then gasped once she noticed Twilight and her friends and spoke sternly to her daughter, “Princess Skystar, what have you done? You know surface dwellers are forbidden here! Guards!”

Soon four sea ponies in armor swam over and pointed their spears at the heroes, as the yellow seapony Skystar pleaded with her mother, “No no no! M-M-Mom, please! It is so not like that! The Storm King is trying to destroy their home, too!”

“We need to find the Hippogriffs. Do you know what happened to them?” Twilight asked pleadingly.

“Well of course I know. I'm the queen. I know everything.” The Queen spoke sternly.

“Oh, oh, it's such a good story!” Skystar said happily before the Queen spoke angrily, “Don’t you dare tell them.” She commanded.

“Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris.” Skystar revealed an image of the hippogriffs peacefully in Mount Aris.

“Did I not say don't tell them? But hey, I'm just the queen. Don't mind me.” The Queen muttered angrily.

Skystar soon sighed angrily, “Fine! I can't tell you.” before smiling and creating a projection of the Storm King, “But if I could tell you, I'd say that that horned beast did show up to steal their magic!”

Skystar then projected another image of the hippogriff queen and then the projection of the underwater kingdom, “But, to keep it out of his clutches, their brave and majestic leader, Queen Novo, hid them deep underwater where he could never go! We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! Ta-da!” Skystar smiled triumphantly before whispering, “But I totally did not tell you that.”

“Well, I guess the pearl is out the oyster now. I am Queen Novo.” The Queen, now known as Novo introduced herself.

“Hold on now. Lemme get this straight. When the Storm King came, you just abandoned your entire city and fled?” Applejack asked in confusion as she swam a little closer to Novo’s throne.

“We didn't flee! We swam! Y'know, in order to flee.” Skystar explained giddily.

“But how?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh! Can we show them? Huh? These are the first guests we've had in, like, foreveeerrr! Can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we?” Skystar asked enthusiastically.

Soon Novo shrugged before admitting, “Well I suppose I should make sure it still works.”

She soon swam near a jellyfish chandelier and a pearl came floating down and Novo gently grabbed it much to Skystar’s excitement.

Novo soon gently used her pearl to send a magical aura towards Twilight and her friends which had her cover her eyes before realizing her bubble popped and she now had a merpony tail and smiled happily before noticing her friends and Trixie also had a seapony tail and Spike was unfortunately a blowfish.

“Oh wow. I’m a seapony!” Trixie smiled towards Starlight, “Hey Starlight, I wonder if I have an angelic voice now.”

“That’s a siren Trixie.” Starlight corrected her friend with a good natured eye roll.

“This is amazing! With this, we could transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army!” Twilight smiled enthusiastically as she went up towards Queen Novo who held her pearl protectively, “Or it could end up in his greedy claws!”

“But…” Twilight said meekly before Novo interrupted stern but sympathetic, “Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my responsibility is to protect my subjects. The pearl,” she began as she put the pearl back inside the jellyfish chandelier, “is not going anywhere.”

“But we've come all this way. And you can't just hide down here! Trapped forever. There's so much you're missing.” Twilight argued with a begging look.

“We are one hundred percent okay with that!” Queen Novo argued in annoyance before a small squid appeared and chittered. “Yes Jamal?” She asked before Jamal chittered again.

“Ooh! Time for my seaweed wrap.” Queen Novo told the squid before swimming to the exit.

“So that’s it? We left home for nothing.” Applejack asked incredulously.

“Well… we’re screwed.” Trixie rolled her eyes before Starlight nudged her at the sides but Twilight figured they were indeed screwed.

“Oh, my gosh! Best... idea! You can stay with us! Forever!” Skystar laughed before she began rambling, “There are so many things we can do! We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and picture frames outta shells and decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells, haha! Now I have someone new to share them with aside from my friends Shelly and Sheldon.”

Skystar soon showed her two clams made out of purple and red shells and googly eyes.

Rarity soon swam over to Skystar and laughed nervously, “That sounds lovely, darling, but you must realize, we can't stay.”

“We’ve gotta get back to our families.” Applejack explained sadly.

“Oh… no, of course. Of course you have your own friends back home. It's fine. It's fine.” Skystar chuckled nervously, “Shelly and Sheldon get jealous anyway.” She whispered before she sighed sadly, “It’s probably for the best. Yeah I’ll just… I'll get Mom to, uh, turn you back so you can go home.”

“I know we have to go, but you guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn’t we stay a little longer?” Pinkie Pie asked pleadingly to Twilight.

“Pinkie’s right. She clearly deserves to have friends and maybe we could help with that. Even if we’re gone.” Starlight smiled at Pinkie Pie who smiled back.

An idea formed in Twilight’s mind, it might not be the most noble but desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Girls, we don’t have time for…” Applejack began speaking before Twilight interrupted, “Oh no. Pinkie and Starlight are correct.”

“Say what now?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Well we still need to come up with a plan to get back. A few minutes won't make a huge difference.” Twilight admitted as she led Starlight and Pinkie towards Skystar’s direction, before smiling fondly at the two mares in front of her, “And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie. Plus if there’s anyone good at helping ponies through friendship issues through experience, it’s Starlight.” Both smiled at Twilight, hearing this.

“So go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!” Twilight said in determination.

“We won’t let you down Twilight.” Starlight said happily before Twilight led the rest of her friends towards Skystar’s direction as well.

Trixie raised an eyebrow before swimming in front of Twilight, “Aren’t you coming?”

“I think I’ll sit this one out. I might as well make a plan.” Twilight lied with a smile.

“Okay…” Trixie leered suspiciously before swimming off, “Just don’t do what I think you’re doing, I doubt it will end well.”

Starlight swam with Pinkie with a determined smile as they spotted a saddened Skystar and looked at Pinkie in worry but she gave Starlight a firm nod before heading to Skystar and taking her two shell friends. She hoped this would cheer Skystar up.

(Song Begins)

“Hey, now, don't be sad.

I know we cannot stay.” Pinkie Pie imitated Shelly and Sheldon much to Skystar’s shock.

“But we've got a couple minutes.

And a little time to play.” Pinkie Pie said happily as she gestured herself and her friends, Skystar looked happy at first before sighing.

“I know you have important things.

So it's okay, just go.” Skystar began swimming away forlorn

“But we can still pick one small, little thing, to do with you, you know.” Starlight added happily as she swam in front of Skystar before she and everyone else led Skystar outside the castle and led her to the open sea

“One small thing, doesn't seem like a lot.

One small thing, work with the time you've got.” Pinkie Pie sang as she showed Skystar a reflective shell.

“Soon, one small thing becomes two.

After two, perhaps another few.” Starlight sang as she levitates a shell necklace around Skystar’s neck.

“Then one small thing is not so small.

One small thing can be the biggest thing of all!” Pinkie and Starlight sang together before they, Skystar, and the rest began swimming and riding with large green fish.

“All right now, since you're here

Let's see what we can do

Swim with the flow until you go

Together, me and you.” Skystar sang which caught the other hippogriffs attention.

“I've got necklaces for every fish

So what else do ya got?” Pinkie Pie asked in song.

“Well we can play the bubblefish

You'll like this one a lot!” Skystar said as she grabbed a bubble fish while Pinkie Pie almost grabbed Spike before Starlight levitated another bubble fish towards her.

“One small thing, it's a good place to start.” Skystar, Pinkie, and Starlight sang as the group all blew their bubble fish.

(Just one small thing)

“One small thing, and we don't seem so far apart.” Pinkie and Skystar sang as they intertwined fins.

(Don't seem apart)

“Soon, one small thing leads to more

It's so much more than there was before

Just one small thing, and you will see

The start of something big for you and me.” Everyone sang as they gestured for the other hippogriffs to join in which gained the attention of Queen Novo.

“One small thing” Pinkie Pie sang as she held a small jellyfish.

(Just one small thing)

“Or a tall thing.” Skystar began dancing.

(Just one tall thing)

“Or a sing thing.” Fluttershy played pattycakes with a foal.

(Just one sing-y thing.)

“Or a bling thing.” Rarity fanned the air with some shells.

(Just one bling-y thing.)

“A conga thing.” Applejack sang as she led a conga line with the hippogriffs with Spike and Trixie towards Rarity.

(Yeah, a conga thing)

“Or a longah thing.” Rainbow Dash led another conga line.

(Just one longah thing)

“A blue thing, true thing, you thing.” Starlight sang as she swam in a circle with Skystar.

“A whee thing, sea thing, me thing.” Skystar sang as well.

“So many things and everything until our time is done

There's one small thing for each and everyone!” Pinkie, Starlight, and Skystar sang together.

“One small thing, so much we can create

You and me, we started something great

It's so amazing, look around

At all the happy sights and sounds

One small thing is big, it's true

You did this all for us

I just wish there was one small thing

An extra special kind of thing.” Skystar began singing happily as she looked at Novo who seemed proud.

“That we could do for you…” Skystar harmonized with the hippogriffs as Novo swam up to her.

“One small thing!” Everyone finished.

Novo sighed in satisfaction as she began laughing which allowed Starlight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash to laugh and embrace each other as well while Trixie looked in pride.

“Well I guess there is one small thing we can do.” Novo smiled fondly much to Starlight’s delight.

“Really?” She asked happily.

Soon an alarm began blaring and Starlight faintly heard someone say, “The pearl alarm! Oh, no, the pearl alarm!”

Soon Novo and Skystar swam towards the castle with Starlight and her friends following as Starlight silently looked on in shock and fear.

No. She didn’t.

Soon they made it to the throne room where Twilight was wrapped in stingers and she was reaching for the pearl.

Queen Novo looked enraged as she immediately swiped the pearl much to Twilight’s sadness, “No! Please!”

“All of this so you could sneak in and take the pearl?!” Novo asked furiously before grabbing her daughters’ fin and pulling her close, “This is why we don't bring strangers into our home!”

“Wait! Your highness! I swear me and my friends were not aware of Twilight’s true plan!” Starlight pleaded desperately with tears forming as she swam near Novo, “We genuinely wanted to help your daughter!”

“Oh sure you were! Like I’ll believe that for a second!” Novo hissed at Starlight much to her fear.

“You don’t deserve to be one of us.” Novo spoke ominously before the pearl began working it’s magic again.

Twilight gasped for air as she made it to the surface of the water, the rest of her friends and Trixie also gasped and coughed as they made it up as well.

Twilight soon made it to shore and began drying out her mane and felt everyone else’s presence behind her as soon she heard Applejack speak angrily, “What were you thinkin'? I mean, stealin' their pearl?”

“It was the only way to save Equestria.” Twilight said in her defense.

“Except it wasn't! The Queen was going to say yes! We did what you told us and that's what made her realize we were ponies worth saving!” Pinkie Pie said sadly as Twilight looked on in disappointment.

Soon Pinkie gasped in realization, “Unless... You didn't really want us to show her the best time ever! You just wanted us to distract her!”

Her friends gasped in shock before Trixie rolled her eyes and walked over next to Pinkie, “I thought she might try it. I did warn her not to though but noooooo, she decided to be an idiot.”

Twilight soon found herself getting angrier and soon began walking towards Trixie angrily, “I never would have done it, but this isn't Equestria! We can't just dance around with con artists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! It's not enough! We are not enough!”

“Oh. We aren’t, are we?” She heard a voice speak lowly and was shocked to find it was Starlight walking towards Twilight in silent fury.

Starlight couldn’t believe this, Twilight seriously resorted to stealing from another royal, it was cruel, it was thoughtless, and… almost evil. This isn’t the Twilight she knew.

“Well I have news for you Twilight! WE stuck together, WE were gonna get the help we needed to save Equestria but YOU screwed it up, because for some reason, you decided to steal from another kingdom!” Starlight began yelling furiously.

“Well I’m doing the best I can!” Twilight yelled back, before adding, “Our home was being invaded and Novo did not seem like she was gonna give up the pearl, and you, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were already screwing things up and slowing us down!”

Twilight then sighed as she walked away from Starlight and said, “It's all on me. I'm the one Tempest wants. I'm the last Princess!”

That did little to calm down Starlight, Twilight was being overly selfish, she thought this was all about her.

“Oh it’s ALL about you isn’t it?!” Starlight rolled her eyes angrily, “It’s not my fault you’re not staying true to your Princess status can’t put any trust in your friends!”

Twilight soon turned back at Starlight furiously, “Well maybe I would have been better off without friends like YOU!” She yelled angrily before her horn briefly flared up, making Starlight back away in fear and trip, memories to her and Twilight’s time battle came back to her and soon the words Twilight just said sunk in.

Well maybe I would have been better off without friends like YOU!

Starlight’s lip quivered and tears silently fell from her eyes. It felt like her’s and Twilight’s rivalry all over again, only this time it stung much more.

“Starlight, are you…” Spike began walking up to her in concern before Starlight immediately scrambled to her hooves and began running off. She couldn’t let anyone see her like this.

“Starlight wait!” Twilight desperately begged, “I didn’t mean to…”

However Starlight didn’t want to hear what Twilight had to say, she had faith Twilight didn’t mean what she said, but could she trust that?

“Leave me alone!” Starlight commanded furiously much to everyone’s shock before looking tearfully at Twilight, “Nothing you can say will make what you just said to me any less hurtful. I need some time to myself to recollect.”

She soon ran off to another side of the shore, she couldn’t face Twilight right now.

Twilight looked on in shock as she saw Starlight run off and turned to the rest of her friends and Trixie giving her glares, Spike just looked in concern.

“Well done your majesty.” Trixie said angrily, “Now I need to go find her and get her back to normal. Though after what you just said, I think it’s gonna be a while.”

Trixie then trotted off after Starlight while Pinkie Pie sighed at Twilight before saying, “I think… you need some space.” She advised calmly before turning to the others, “Come on girls.”

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash glared at Twilight as they followed Pinkie while Fluttershy looked at Twilight in fear as she followed the group. Only Spike stayed by Twilight’s side but that did not matter, Twilight basically turned almost all her friends against her, she soon headed the opposite direction from her friends, they clearly couldn’t face her right now.

She soon stood on top of a tiny rock formation and kept her head down, she just barely saw Spike nearby, “Twilight? It's okay. You'll figure it out.” He spoke softly and reassuringly, “Starlight and the rest of our friends WILL forgive you. They just need time.”

“No.” Twilight began quietly weeping, “I can’t. There's no chance to save Equestria now and it’s all my fault.”

She was a bit surprised that Spike was being silent until she turned around and gasped, a Storm Guard had grabbed Spike and his mouth was muffled.

Twilight began flaring her horn to potentially blast the creature for it’s treatment against Spike but soon felt a cage being dropped on her which had blocked her magic and soon, the cage floor closed to trap her causing her to jump back a bit.

“No, no, no, no, no! Noooooo!” Twilight said fearfully as the cage began rising up to the airship.

“Spiiiiiiiike!” She tearfully cried out, soon she saw the Storm Guard’s arm catch on fire, likely due to Spike’s firebreath, “Twiliiiiight!”

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger. Mwahahahahahahahahaha!

You probably didn’t expect Starlight and Twilight to have that argument did you? Surprise.

I knew that if I were to keep the argument with Pinkie, it wouldn’t feel as investing and I knew Starlight would have likely stuck by Twilight like Spike did. So I came up with this idea to have THEM argue instead. I also made sure to have Starlight overstep her bounds a bit and insult Twilight’s princess status a little, leading to what Twilight said to Starlight.

Next chapter we will see how both Twilight and Starlight handle the situation they both found themselves in.